path: root/dtools
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authorTom Rondeau <>2011-10-08 15:29:50 -0400
committerTom Rondeau <>2011-10-08 15:29:50 -0400
commitda19886cfec78db4a4db0f8e2a34afe796da9057 (patch)
tree4273554affe50896bae87962f0a43ecb36cfcfc1 /dtools
parent177b9cd631f25c69c6bbd1f6167402f13d708918 (diff)
gcell: removed gcell and gr-gcell
Diffstat (limited to 'dtools')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 143 deletions
diff --git a/dtools/bin/tweak-cell-for-cross-compiling b/dtools/bin/tweak-cell-for-cross-compiling
deleted file mode 100755
index e637004202..0000000000
--- a/dtools/bin/tweak-cell-for-cross-compiling
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-This should only be run on a native Cell machine. E.g., ps3, qs21, etc.
-It makes a few modifications to the file system and some pseudo shared libs
-so that cross compiling from a build machine over NFS works. The changes
-do not harm local compilation.
-We create a symlink from /mnt/cell-root that points to /
-This allows the local and build machine to access the root filesystem
-using a common name, /mnt/cell-root. This is required because
-configure hardcodes absolute paths into the generated Makefiles.
-There are some .so files that aren't really shared libraries, but rather are
-ascii linker scripts containing instructions to the linker. Most of them
-contain a GROUP directive that includes hard-coded paths relative to /.
-We modify those files such that the hard-coded paths are relative to /mnt/cell-root
-instead of /. This allows them to work locally and while cross compiling over NFS.
-E.g., /usr/lib/ originally contains:
- /* GNU ld script
- Use the shared library, but some functions are only in
- the static library, so try that secondarily. */
- OUTPUT_FORMAT(elf32-powerpc)
- GROUP ( /lib/ /usr/lib/libc_nonshared.a AS_NEEDED ( /lib/ ) )
-We modify it such that it reads:
- /* GNU ld script
- Use the shared library, but some functions are only in
- the static library, so try that secondarily. */
- OUTPUT_FORMAT(elf32-powerpc)
- GROUP ( /mnt/cell-root/lib/ /mnt/cell-root/usr/lib/libc_nonshared.a AS_NEEDED ( /mnt/cell-root/lib/ ) )
-We backup <foo>.so to <foo>.so.original
-import os
-import os.path
-import sys
-import shutil
-import re
-cell_root_path = '/mnt/cell-root'
-def ensure_cell():
- s = open('/proc/cpuinfo','r').read()
- if s.find('Cell Broadband Engine') == -1:
- sys.stderr.write('This program should only be run on Cell machines.\n')
- raise SystemExit, 1
-def make_symlinks():
- create_symlink_if_reqd(cell_root_path, "..")
- create_symlink_if_reqd("/opt/cell/toolchain", "../../usr")
- create_symlink_if_reqd("/opt/cell/sysroot", "../..")
-def symlink_exists_and_is_ok(path, contents):
- return (os.path.islink(path) and os.readlink(path) == contents)
-def create_symlink_if_reqd(path, contents):
- if symlink_exists_and_is_ok(path, contents):
- return
- if os.path.islink(path):
- # Is a symlink but points wrong place
- os.remove(path)
- os.symlink(contents, path)
- return
- if os.path.isdir(path):
- # if it's empty we'll remove it and create the link
- try:
- os.rmdir(path)
- except:
- # directory wasn't empty
- sys.stderr.write("There's already something at %s.\n" % (path,))
- sys.stderr.write("Please remove it or move it out of the way and try again.\n")
- raise SystemExit, 1
- os.symlink(contents, path)
- return
- if os.path.exists(path):
- # There's something here, return an error
- sys.stderr.write("There's already something at %s.\n" % (path,))
- sys.stderr.write("Please remove it or move it out of the way and try again.\n")
- raise SystemExit, 1
- # nothing there; go ahead and create the symlink
- os.symlink(contents, path)
-def find_ascii_shared_libs():
- cmd = "find /lib /lib64 /usr/lib /usr/lib64 -name '*.so' -type f -print 2>/dev/null | xargs file | grep -v ELF | cut -d: -f 1"
- pipe = os.popen(cmd, 'r')
- filenames =
- return filenames
-def make_backup_copy(src):
- dst = src + '.original'
- if not os.path.exists(dst):
- shutil.copy2(src, dst)
-def edit_file(name):
- def replace_group_body(mo):
- pat = ' /(?!' + cell_root_path[1:] + ')' # negative lookahead assertion
- new = re.sub(pat, ' ' + cell_root_path + '/',
- return + new +
- f = open(name,'r')
- s =
- f.close()
- pat = re.compile(r'^( *GROUP *\()(.*)(\) *)$', re.M)
- t = pat.sub(replace_group_body, s)
- f = open(name,'w')
- f.write(t)
- f.close()
-def edit_ascii_shared_libs():
- print "Please be patient, this takes awhile..."
- filenames = find_ascii_shared_libs()
- for f in filenames:
- make_backup_copy(f)
- edit_file(f)
-def main():
- ensure_cell()
- make_symlinks()
- edit_ascii_shared_libs()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()