path: root/docs
diff options
authorBen Hilburn <>2017-03-10 15:34:17 -0500
committerBen Hilburn <>2017-03-10 15:34:17 -0500
commitf993884dde6c09b12cc5ceb3d9df7b3896196e32 (patch)
tree9641259a35c7c18e83a95dd5411b2d0f03eab81b /docs
parent26475d40e123a139cd7029c5172612d6f59d9fd3 (diff)
Doxygen: Fixing license notice on Doxygen-generated `index.html`.
Also fixed old link to Tom's blog to point to new GNU Radio blog.
Diffstat (limited to 'docs')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/docs/doxygen/other/main_page.dox b/docs/doxygen/other/main_page.dox
index 67487ddfd6..8f28f23dc8 100644
--- a/docs/doxygen/other/main_page.dox
+++ b/docs/doxygen/other/main_page.dox
@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
\image html gnuradio-logo.svg
-Welcome to GNU Radio!
+<H1> Welcome to GNU Radio! </H1>
For details about GNU Radio and using it, please see the
<a href="" target="_blank"><b>main project page</b></a>.
Other information about the project and discussion about GNU Radio,
software radio, and communication theory in general can be found at
-the <a href="" target="_blank"><b>GNU Radio blog</b></a>.
+the <a href="" target="_blank"><b>GNU Radio blog</b></a>.
This manual is split into two parts: A usage manual and a reference. The usage manual
deals with concepts of GNU Radio, introductions, how to build GNU Radio etc.
@@ -22,4 +22,13 @@ A search function is also available at the top right.
\li \subpage page_usage "Part I - GNU Radio Usage"
\li \subpage page_components "Part II - Reference"
+<H3> Documentation License </H3>
+The Free Software Foundation gives permission to use and distribute
+the program source documentation strings, after processing them
+through Doxygen or some comparable program, under the GNU Free
+Documentation License, version 1.3 or later. However, we do not grant
+such permission for the program code in our release (aside from the
+documentation strings).