path: root/docs/sphinx/source/blocks/
diff options
authorTom Rondeau <>2015-08-17 13:02:35 -0400
committerTom Rondeau <>2015-08-17 14:37:25 -0400
commitc0d72bb7eed0aafc82762db7cd9a498eadf8b2b9 (patch)
tree85828bd9415b6bb4334f34d0d51cc68a36064d2a /docs/sphinx/source/blocks/
parentdff90672879bf1ed9d3e083ba236fdd6ce29e168 (diff)
docs: Reviving Python manual.
I'd like to only produce a single manual, and the Sphinx docs take too much manual labor to keep up-to-date. Still, there is a lot of useful tools and classes only in Python that need to be exposed in a manual, so this is the quickest way to get there. This flattens the sphinx documentation structure so each component has a <component>_blocks.rst where the actual GNU Radio blocks are managed and a <component>.rst for any other non-block or Python-only code (hier_block2, functions, and classes). The new flattened file structure should make it easier to update, but the index.rst should have some work done to make structure information better.
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/sphinx/source/blocks/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 106 deletions
diff --git a/docs/sphinx/source/blocks/ b/docs/sphinx/source/blocks/
deleted file mode 100644
index 18c334c8c6..0000000000
--- a/docs/sphinx/source/blocks/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-This script regenerates the gnuradio.blocks sphinx source code.
-from gnuradio import blocks
-import sys
-import os
-doxyxml_location = os.path.abspath("../../../doxygen")
-xml_location = os.path.abspath("../../../../build/docs/doxygen/xml/")
-from doxyxml import DoxyIndex, DoxyClass, DoxyFriend, DoxyFunction, DoxyFile, DoxyGroup
-from doxyxml import DoxyOther, base
-class Block(object):
- """
- Checks if doxyxml produced objects correspond to a new style
- gnuradio block.
- """
- @classmethod
- def includes(cls, item):
- if not isinstance(item, DoxyClass):
- return False
- # Check for a parsing error.
- if item.error():
- return False
- is_a_block = item.has_member('make', DoxyFunction) and item.has_member('sptr', DoxyOther)
- return is_a_block
-class Group(object):
- """
- Checks if doxyxml produced objects correspond to a group.
- """
- @classmethod
- def includes(cls, item):
- if not isinstance(item, DoxyGroup):
- return False
- # Check for a parsing error.
- if item.error():
- return False
- return True
-def main():
- di = DoxyIndex(xml_location)
- blocks = di.in_category(Block)
- block_blocks = []
- for block in blocks:
- if"gr::blocks::"):
- block_blocks.append(block)
- all_grouped_blocks = []
- groups = di.in_category(Group)
- groupinfo = []
- for group in groups:
- contains_block_blocks = False
- block_list = []
- members = group.members()
- for member in members:
- if"gr::blocks"):
- all_grouped_blocks.append(member)
- if not contains_block_blocks:
- contains_block_blocks = True
- groupinfo.append((, group.title, block_list))
- block_list.append(member)
- for block in block_blocks:
- if block not in all_grouped_blocks:
- print("Didn't find block {0}".format(
- blockindex = ["""gnuradio.blocks
-.. automodule:: gnuradio.blocks"""]
- for groupname, grouptitle, blocks in groupinfo:
- blockindex.append("")
- blockindex.append(grouptitle)
- blockindex.append('-'*len(grouptitle))
- blockindex.append("""
-.. autosummary::
- :nosignatures:
- for block in blocks:
- blockindex.append(" gnuradio.blocks.{0}".format(
- grouppage = []
- title = "gnuradio.blocks: {0}".format(grouptitle)
- grouppage.append(title)
- grouppage.append('='*len(title))
- grouppage.append('')
- for block in blocks:
- shortname =[len("gr::blocks::"):]
- grouppage.append(".. autoblock:: gnuradio.blocks.{0}".format(shortname))
- text = '\n'.join(grouppage)
- f = open("{0}.rst".format(groupname), 'w')
- f.write(text)
- f.close()
- text = "\n".join(blockindex)
- f = open("index.rst", 'w')
- f.write(text)
- f.close()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()