path: root/docs/sphinx/hieroglyph/
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authorMarc L <>2019-06-21 23:20:03 -0400
committerMartin Braun <>2020-01-02 15:41:05 -0800
commit2dd057b54d20298bfc7cacdf090fc026b462ea7e (patch)
treefaec4b66abc61c06e185027a76f780a2b8ec918f /docs/sphinx/hieroglyph/
parent63171edab5742e2ce48e6e30d060a3719f8c1a4b (diff)
docs: Remove the sphinx manual
Going forward, everything manual-related will be consolidated into the Doxygen manual, or the wiki.
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/sphinx/hieroglyph/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 406 deletions
diff --git a/docs/sphinx/hieroglyph/ b/docs/sphinx/hieroglyph/
deleted file mode 100644
index bb58a6e04b..0000000000
--- a/docs/sphinx/hieroglyph/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,406 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import print_function
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
-import re
-from .errors import HieroglyphError
-from .nodes import (Node, Raises, Except, Note, Warning, Returns, Arg,
- ensure_terminal_blank)
-__author__ = 'Robert Smallshire'
-def parse_hieroglyph_text(lines):
- '''Parse text in hieroglyph format and return a reStructuredText equivalent
- Args:
- lines: A sequence of strings representing the lines of a single
- docstring as read from the source by Sphinx. This string should be
- in a format that can be parsed by hieroglyph.
- Returns:
- A list of lines containing the transformed docstring as
- reStructuredText as produced by hieroglyph.
- Raises:
- RuntimeError: If the docstring cannot be parsed.
- '''
- indent_lines = unindent(lines)
- indent_lines = pad_blank_lines(indent_lines)
- indent_lines = first_paragraph_indent(indent_lines)
- indent_paragraphs = gather_lines(indent_lines)
- parse_tree = group_paragraphs(indent_paragraphs)
- syntax_tree = extract_structure(parse_tree)
- result = syntax_tree.render_rst()
- ensure_terminal_blank(result)
- return result
-def unindent(lines):
- '''Convert an iterable of indented lines into a sequence of tuples.
- The first element of each tuple is the indent in number of characters, and
- the second element is the unindented string.
- Args:
- lines: A sequence of strings representing the lines of text in a docstring.
- Returns:
- A list of tuples where each tuple corresponds to one line of the input
- list. Each tuple has two entries - the first is an integer giving the
- size of the indent in characters, the second is the unindented text.
- '''
- unindented_lines = []
- for line in lines:
- unindented_line = line.lstrip()
- indent = len(line) - len(unindented_line)
- unindented_lines.append((indent, unindented_line))
- return unindented_lines
-def pad_blank_lines(indent_texts):
- '''Give blank (empty) lines the same indent level as the preceding line.
- Args:
- indent_texts: An iterable of tuples each containing an integer in the
- first element and a string in the second element.
- Returns:
- A list of tuples each containing an integer in the first element and a
- string in the second element.
- '''
- current_indent = 0
- result = []
- for indent, text in indent_texts:
- if len(text) > 0:
- current_indent = indent
- result.append((current_indent, text))
- return result
-def extract_structure(parse_tree):
- '''Create an Abstract Syntax Tree representing the semantics of a parse tree.
- Args:
- parse_tree: TODO
- Returns:
- A Node with is the result of an Abstract Syntax Tree representing the
- docstring.
- Raises:
- HieroglyphError: In the event that the parse tree cannot be understood.
- '''
- return convert_node(parse_tree)
-def convert_node(node):
- if node.indent == 0 and len(node.lines) == 0:
- return convert_children(node)
- if node.lines[0].startswith('Args:'):
- return convert_args(node)
- if node.lines[0].startswith('Returns:'):
- return convert_returns(node)
- if node.lines[0].startswith('Raises:'):
- return convert_raises(node)
- if node.lines[0].startswith('Note:'):
- return convert_note(node)
- if node.lines[0].startswith('Warning:'):
- return convert_warning(node)
- result = convert_children(node)
- result.lines = node.lines
- result.indent = node.indent
- return result
-def convert_children(node):
- converted_children = [convert_node(child) for child in node.children]
- result = Node()
- result.children = converted_children
- return result
-ARG_REGEX = re.compile(r'(\*{0,2}\w+)(\s+\((\w+)\))?\s*:\s*(.*)')
-def append_child_to_args_group_node(child, group_node, indent):
- arg = None
- non_empty_lines = (line for line in child.lines if line)
- for line in non_empty_lines:
- m = ARG_REGEX.match(line)
- if m is None:
- raise HieroglyphError("Invalid hieroglyph argument syntax: {0}".format(line))
- param_name =
- param_type =
- param_text =
- arg = Arg(indent, child.indent, param_name)
- group_node.children.append(arg)
- arg.type = param_type
- if param_text is not None:
- arg.children.append(Node(indent, [param_text], arg))
- if arg is not None:
- last_child = arg.children[-1] if len(arg.children) != 0 else arg
- for grandchild in child.children:
- last_child.children.append(grandchild)
-def convert_args(node):
- assert node.lines[0].startswith('Args:')
- group_node = Node()
- for child in node.children:
- append_child_to_args_group_node(child, group_node, node.indent)
- return group_node
-def convert_returns(node):
- assert node.lines[0].startswith('Returns:')
- returns = Returns(node.indent)
- returns.line = node.lines[0][8:].strip()
- returns.children = node.children
- return returns
-def convert_note(node):
- assert node.lines[0].startswith('Note:')
- note = Note(node.indent)
- note.line = node.lines[0][5:].strip()
- note.children = node.children
- return note
-def convert_warning(node):
- assert node.lines[0].startswith('Warning:')
- warning = Warning(node.indent)
- warning.line = node.lines[0][8:].strip()
- warning.children = node.children
- return warning
-def convert_raises(node):
- assert node.lines[0].startswith('Raises:')
- group_node = Raises(node.indent)
- for child in node.children:
- append_child_to_raise_node(child, group_node)
- return group_node
-RAISE_REGEX = re.compile(r'(\w+)\s*:\s*(.*)')
-def extract_exception_type_and_text(line):
- m = RAISE_REGEX.match(line)
- if m is None:
- raise HieroglyphError("Invalid hieroglyph exception syntax: {0}".format(line))
- return (,
-def append_child_to_raise_node(child, group_node):
- exception = None
- non_empty_lines = (line for line in child.lines if line)
- for line in non_empty_lines:
- exception_text, exception_type = extract_exception_type_and_text(line)
- exception = Except(child.indent, exception_type)
- group_node.children.append(exception) # TODO: Could use parent here.
- if exception_text is not None:
- exception.children.append( Node(child.indent,
- [exception_text], exception))
- if exception is not None:
- last_child = exception.children[-1] if len(exception.children) != 0 else exception
- for grandchild in child.children:
- last_child.children.append(grandchild)
-def group_paragraphs(indent_paragraphs):
- '''
- Group paragraphs so that more indented paragraphs become children of less
- indented paragraphs.
- '''
- # The tree consists of tuples of the form (indent, [children]) where the
- # children may be strings or other tuples
- root = Node(0, [], None)
- current_node = root
- previous_indent = -1
- for indent, lines in indent_paragraphs:
- if indent > previous_indent:
- current_node = create_child_node(current_node, indent, lines)
- elif indent == previous_indent:
- current_node = create_sibling_node(current_node, indent, lines)
- elif indent < previous_indent:
- current_node = create_uncle_node(current_node, indent, lines)
- previous_indent = indent
- return root
-def create_sibling_node(current_node, indent, lines):
- sibling = Node(indent, lines, current_node.parent)
- current_node.parent.add_child(sibling)
- current_node = sibling
- return current_node
-def create_child_node(current_node, indent, lines):
- child = Node(indent, lines, current_node)
- current_node.add_child(child)
- current_node = child
- return current_node
-def create_uncle_node(current_node, indent, lines):
- ancestor = current_node
- while ancestor.indent >= indent:
- if ancestor.parent is None:
- break
- ancestor = ancestor.parent
- uncle = Node(indent, lines, ancestor)
- ancestor.add_child(uncle)
- current_node = uncle
- return current_node
-def gather_lines(indent_lines):
- '''Split the list of (int, str) tuples into a list of (int, [str]) tuples
- to group the lines into paragraphs of consistent indent.
- '''
- return remove_empty_paragraphs(split_separated_lines(gather_lines_by_indent(indent_lines)))
-def gather_lines_by_indent(indent_lines):
- result = []
- previous_indent = -1
- for indent, line in indent_lines:
- if indent != previous_indent:
- paragraph = (indent, [])
- result.append(paragraph)
- else:
- paragraph = result[-1]
- paragraph[1].append(line)
- previous_indent = indent
- return result
-def split_separated_lines(indent_paragraphs):
- result = []
- for indent, paragraph in indent_paragraphs:
- result.append((indent, []))
- if len(paragraph) > 0:
- result[-1][1].append(paragraph[0])
- if len(paragraph) > 2:
- for line in paragraph[1: -1]:
- result[-1][1].append(line)
- if len(line) == 0:
- result.append((indent, []))
- if len(paragraph) > 1:
- result[-1][1].append(paragraph[-1])
- return result
-def remove_empty_paragraphs(indent_paragraphs):
- return [(indent, paragraph) for indent, paragraph in indent_paragraphs if len(paragraph)]
-def first_paragraph_indent(indent_texts):
- '''Fix the indentation on the first paragraph.
- This occurs because the first line of a multi-line docstring following the
- opening quote usually has no indent.
- Args:
- indent_texts: The lines of the docstring as an iterable over 2-tuples
- each containing an integer indent level as the first element and
- the text as the second element.
- Return:
- A list of 2-tuples, each containing an integer indent level as the
- first element and the text as the second element.
- '''
- opening_indent = determine_opening_indent(indent_texts)
- result = []
- input = iter(indent_texts)
- for indent, text in input:
- if indent == 0:
- result.append((opening_indent, text))
- else:
- result.append((indent, text))
- break
- for indent, text in input:
- result.append((indent, text))
- return result
-def determine_opening_indent(indent_texts):
- '''Determine the opening indent level for a docstring.
- The opening indent level is the indent level is the first non-zero indent
- level of a non-empty line in the docstring.
- Args:
- indent_texts: The lines of the docstring as an iterable over 2-tuples
- each containing an integer indent level as the first element and
- the text as the second element.
- Returns:
- The opening indent level as an integer.
- '''
- num_lines = len(indent_texts)
- if num_lines < 1:
- return 0
- assert num_lines >= 1
- first_line_indent = indent_texts[0][0]
- if num_lines == 1:
- return first_line_indent
- assert num_lines >= 2
- second_line_indent = indent_texts[1][0]
- second_line_text = indent_texts[1][1]
- if len(second_line_text) == 0:
- return first_line_indent
- return second_line_indent
-def rewrite_autodoc(app, what, name, obj, options, lines):
- '''Convert lines from Hieroglyph to Sphinx format.
- The function to be called by the Sphinx autodoc extension when autodoc
- has read and processed a docstring. This function modified its
- ``lines`` argument *in place* replacing Hieroglyph syntax input into
- Sphinx reStructuredText output.
- Args:
- apps: The Sphinx application object.
- what: The type of object which the docstring belongs to. One of
- 'module', 'class', 'exception', 'function', 'method', 'attribute'
- name: The fully qualified name of the object.
- obj: The object itself.
- options: The options given to the directive. An object with attributes
- ``inherited_members``, ``undoc_members``, ``show_inheritance`` and
- ``noindex`` that are ``True`` if the flag option of the same name
- was given to the auto directive.
- lines: The lines of the docstring. Will be modified *in place*.
- '''
- lines[:] = parse_hieroglyph_text(lines)
-def setup(app):
- app.connect('autodoc-process-docstring', rewrite_autodoc)