diff options
authorJohnathan Corgan <>2010-05-11 18:00:19 -0700
committerJohnathan Corgan <>2010-05-11 18:00:19 -0700
commitc1c29651e8a13c090228723684d6f693a6ae8c34 (patch)
parentc76897abcbfe1c149bffd27fba0224d3ebc83503 (diff)
parent1fc7c57f778a9f05ded1d216247242ee13632d03 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into wip/burx_support
* master: (39 commits) Add gru.hexshort to deal with short hex constants Assign USB PID for Hans de Bok Add missing buffer allocator hint to Really fix the missing include for boost::bind gr-wxgui: Added additional color table entries Missed updates for omnithread/mblock removal Remove omnithreads library. Remove mblock library. We hardly knew 'ye. Convert gr-audio-portaudio to Boost via gruel Further updates for removing omnithreads Update build configuration for OSX omnithreads changeover Add missing include file for boost::bind Convert gcell to use boost::threads instead of omnithread. Fix sequence error indication after stopping then restarting streaming on USRP2. initial move from mld_threads to gruel:: namespace threads and such Initial changes to remove mld_thread and instead use gruel:: namespace classes Fixing doxygen warnings from arb_resampler. Also, removed set_taps from public Fixing doxygen warnings from channelizer block. Fixing documentation to get rid of doxygen warnings. Adding documentation for fff version of othe PFB clock sync algorithm. ...
-rw-r--r--docs/doxygen/other/omnithread.pdfbin44848 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--gruel/src/lib/ (renamed from mblock/src/lib/
243 files changed, 874 insertions, 29508 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile.common b/Makefile.common
index 64891345ba..aafe85fe79 100644
--- a/Makefile.common
+++ b/Makefile.common
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# -*- Makefile -*-
-# Copyright 2004,2006,2007,2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Copyright 2004,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GNU Radio
@@ -55,17 +55,13 @@ libspudir = $(libdir)spu
# This used to be set in but is now defined here for all
# Makefiles when this fragment is included.
# when including for compilation from pre-installed libraries and such,
# need to make sure those are put last on the compile command
-# How to link in the top-level omnithreads library from inside the tree
-OMNITHREAD_LA = @omnithread_LA@
# Where to find gnuradio include files in the current build tree
# top_srcdir for original stuff, top_builddir for generated files
@@ -81,10 +77,6 @@ GRUEL_LA = @gruel_LA@
USRP_LA = @usrp_LA@
-# How to link the mblock library from inside the tree
-MBLOCK_LA = @mblock_LA@
# How to link the gcell library from inside the tree (the PPU part)
GCELL_LA = @gcell_LA@
@@ -100,8 +92,7 @@ GCELL_EMBEDSPU_LIBTOOL = @abs_top_srcdir@/gcell/lib/runtime/gcell-embedspu-libto
# using AM_PATH_PROG, but now here have to add a -f to be like GNU make
RM=$(RM_PROG) -f
-RUN_GUILE = GUILE_LOAD_PATH="@abs_top_srcdir@/gruel/src/scheme:@abs_top_srcdir@/mblock/src/scheme" @GUILE@ -e main -s
-COMPILE_MBH = $(RUN_GUILE) $(top_srcdir)/mblock/src/scheme/gnuradio/compile-mbh.scm
+RUN_GUILE = GUILE_LOAD_PATH="@abs_top_srcdir@/gruel/src/scheme" @GUILE@ -e main -s
# Base directory for example applications
exampledir = $(datadir)/gnuradio/examples
diff --git a/README b/README
index 6eeb0fe8ae..4656af2c97 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
We use Smart Pointers, the thread library and a bunch of other boost stuff.
If your system doesn't have boost 1.35 or later, see README.building-boost
-for additional info.
+for additional info. (Note: Mac OSX systems require 1.37 or later.)
(7) cppunit 1.9.14 or later.
diff --git a/README.components b/README.components
deleted file mode 100755
index 996f2ee545..0000000000
--- a/README.components
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# Copyright 2008 Free Software Foundation.
-# Read the script thoroughly before running it; it will *remove*
-# /usr/local/gnuradio and repopulate it.
-# This script provides a way to build GNU Radio modules individually,
-# and both serves as an example of using the component build system
-# and provides a way to test the build system. When run, it will
-# build and install each GNU Radio module in turn, using the
-# just-installed modules as prerequisites. It places the output of
-# each build in a separate file BUILD.NNN.options, so that one can do
-# 'tail -f BUILD.*' to see which components were successfully built.
-# This script is intended to be broadly portable; be careful when
-# modifying not to cause problems on systems that place dependencies
-# in other than /usr
-# Besides GNU Radio dependencies, this program requires sudo, with a
-# timer long enough to build each module (or no password requirement).
-set -x
-# Do not use /opt, because many systems do not have /opt and that
-# risks running out of space in /. /usr/local/gnuradio is believed to
-# be reasonable on all of *BSD and GNU/Linux. Probably this needs
-# OS-specific overrides.
-sleep 10
-echo -n "README.components START "; date
-# This file provides an example of how to build GNU Radio under pkgsrc.
-# Avoid using rm -rf with $PREFIX, which could be /. Make a backup of
-# the old prefix.
-sudo rm -rf $PREFIX.old
-if [ -d $PREFIX ]; then
- sudo mv $PREFIX $PREFIX.old
-rm -rf BUILD.*
-# Bootstrap just once, rather than once per module.
-# Determine where prereqs come from.
-export LDFLAGS=
-export CPPFLAGS=
-if [ -d /usr/pkg ]; then
- # pkgsrc
- LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L/usr/pkg/lib -R/usr/pkg/lib"
- CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I/usr/pkg/include"
- # pkg-config is from pkgsrc, so already knows about /usr/pkg/lib/pkgconfig
-# Determine number of cpus and thus how many jobs to run.
-case x`uname` in
- xNetBSD)
- ncpus=`sysctl hw.ncpu|awk '{print $3}'`
- ;;
-jflag=-j`expr $ncpus \* 2`
-# These are currently ignored.
-# We use % instead of ' ' to be able to iterate with /bin/sh's for.
-# This variable should list all possible arguments, in tsorted order.
-for arg in $CONF_ENABLE_ARGS; do
- # Convert sequence numbers and arguments to usable values.
- seqprint=`printf "%03d" $seq`
- argspace=`echo $arg | sed -e 's/%/ /g'`
- echo "BUILDING WITH $argspace"
- (
- # configure with just one module
- ./configure --prefix=$PREFIX $CONF_DISABLE_ALL $argspace &&
- # remove all prior objects
- make clean &&
- # build
- make $jflag &&
- # install
- sudo make install &&
- echo "SUCCEEDED $argspace"
- ) > BUILD.$seqprint.$arg 2>&1
- seq=`expr $seq + 1`
-echo -n "README.components FINISH "; date
diff --git a/README.organization b/README.organization
deleted file mode 100644
index 138d90189a..0000000000
--- a/README.organization
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-[This file is currently not baked and does not claim to represent
-* Introduction
-This file describes the current organization of the GNU Radio source
-tree. It is intended to be both descriptive and normative.
-* Unresolved issues in organization
-The big issues are:
-1) Should we separate by "code needed to implement protocol/modulation
-foo", or related blocks. to (that are therefore not so likely to be
-used together).
-2) How do m-blocks impact organization? If m-blocks are in a separate
-module, which seems reasonable, then do we have most modules depend on
-m-blocks rather than just core, or do we have two versions of blocks -
-the classic continuous block and the m-block wrapped block? If
-m-blocks become the main path, what will be less awkward?
-3) Because some (ADROIT at BBN) have proposed to implement MACs in
-click instead of GNU Radio, should we have a clean separation of
-MAC/PHY within GNU Radio, to facilitate using MACs implemented in
-various places?
-4) Examples abound, and many are in gnuradio-examples. It might be
-better to put examples near the code they use, and to separate useful
-programs (like USRP benchmarks) from true examples. Examples should
-probably be installed in $prefix/share/examples/gnuradio.
-* Plan (normative) [[NOT BAKED!!! NO CONSENSUS!!!]]
-Create a new module gr-packet, to hold blocks generally relevant to
-sending blocks of data. Create subdirectories within gr-packet for
-specific protocols (e.g. 802.11, GNU Radio's GMSK "protocol").
-Convert to be OS-independent and a general source/sink
-block, decoupling modulation from OS plumbing.
-* Pointers to code to be integrated
-The immediate question is how to integrate the 802.11 implementation
-done by BBN (and assigned to FSF), available at:
-This contains blocks at various places in the stack, and gdt believs
-that putting them in an 802.11 module will lead to less reuse and less
-of a tendency to generalize.
-* Organization of the GNU Radio source tree (mostly descriptive)
-The GNU Radio source tree is rooted at the directory containing this
-file; see README for how to get it if you're using a release or
-Within this directory, there are a number of subdirectories, most of
-which can be enabled or disabled independently. See README for how to
-do that; this document is concerned with describing what each module
-does enough to help someone who is familiar enough with GNU Radio to
-write new code to choose where to put it. The list is not exhaustive.
-The description of some modules also lists things that don't belong,
-tagged with ?M.
-** gnuradio-core [foundational code for the rest of GNU Radio]
-(gen_interpolator_taps is not installed. Why? How is it used?)
-doc: glue to use with doxygen
-?M doc/other/tv-channel-frequencies: (TV specific)
-?M src/lib/g72x:
- G.711 family codec
- implementation and coefficient generation
- foundational blocks not specific to any technology:
- type conversion, {de,}vectorization, add, sub
- rms power, throttle, sources, sinks, squelch base class
- general blocks:
- agc, pll, sync, costas loop, power squelch, quadrature demod
- ?M framer/correlator
- ?M packet source/sink
- basic file io, message io
- oscope (trigger support)
- i2c bus
- ?M microtune eval board (like USRP; should probably have own module)
- ?M SDR1000
- portable threading library (for when POSIX isn't portable enough)
- reed-solomon implementation. Unclear how/whether it's wrapped into
- blocks.
- blocks (basic, hier) and associated buffering
- flowgraphs
- timers
- doubly-mapped circular buffers
- code to wrap the rest in python
- ?M atsc.i (cruft? moved?)
- build utilities
- ?M microtune control program (installed and EXTRA_DIST!)
- audio base class
- engineering notation support
- test harness support
- test code (not installed)
- basic block/flow_graph
- test code
- ?M (# in, but still present)
- octave and Scheme scripts (not installed)
-** usrp
-This contains code to deal with the USRP, but not GNU Radio support.
-?M fusb
- The "fusb" abstraction is arguably useful for all interface devices
- that use USB, not just the USRP.
-** gr-usrp
-Code to use the USRP with GNU Radio.
-?M Arguably the Gnu Radio/USRP benchmarks belong here, but are in -examples
-** gr-audio-alsa
-** gr-audio-jack
-** gr-audio-oss
-** gr-audio-osx
-** gr-audio-portaudio
-** gr-audio-windows
- [All of these support audio for some particular audio backend.
-** gr-atsc
- ATSC (HDTV) transmitter and receiver.
- All blocks seem to be specific to ATSC.
- ?M Perhaps some blocks should be abstracted out for reuse with other
- than ATSC parameters.
-** gr-comedi
- This module is missing a README that explains what it does.
-** gr-gsm-fr-vocoder
- GSM 06.10 full rate vocoder, and gsm library
- (Note that the presence of this argues for moving the G.711 code discussed above.)
-** gr-pager
- (gdt suspects there are blocks in here that could be generalized.)
-** gr-radio-astronomy
- seems to use only standard blocks from python
-** gr-trellis
- This module provides trellis code support, and appears generic.
-** gr-video-sdl
- This appears to be like the audio modules, but for video and
- specifically for SDL. Unlike audio which has a base class, there
- does not appear to be an abstract video class in gnuradio-core.
-** gr-wxgui
- Support for using wxwidgets from python.
- ?M (Linux-specific??) code to use the Griffin Powermate (and hook it to a GUI)
- glue to connect FFT and scope to gui
-** pmt
- polymorphic types (building block)
-** mblock
- Message block implementation.
- Note that mblock being a module means that signal processing blocks
- that are mblock-aware must depend on this module and thus probably
- cannot be in gnuradio-core. Thus, m-block wrappers for the blocks
- in gnuradio-core must be elsewhere and it is maybe a good idea to
- move them to someplace like gnuradio-common where the streaming and
- m-block versions can be together.
-** ezdop
- Code to deal with the ezdop direction-finding hardware.
-** gr-ezdop
- Glue code to use the ezdop from GNU Radio.
-** gr-rdf
- (Currently empty) code to perform direction finding.
-** gnuradio-examples
- It's arguable that all of these are misplaced, and that examples
- belong with the code that they use.
- Bona fide examples (code not intended to be useful except for reading):
- c++/dial_tone (how to do things only in C++)
- python/audio
- Test programs:
- python/channel-coding
- python/digital-voice
- python/multi-antenna (?)
- Programs in between test and useful:
- python/digital
- ?M glue to get packets to Linux, conflates modulation
- and packet handling
- python/multi_usrp
- python/networking/measurement_slave (goes with what?)
- ?M Programs intended to be useful
- python/apps/hf_{explorer,radio}
- ?M Kitchen sink:
- python/usrp
- benchmarks, test, basic fm/wfm/tv receivers, spectrum sensing,
- fft, oscope
diff --git a/config/ b/config/
index 527aefa7e4..959b8f014b 100644
--- a/config/
+++ b/config/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright 2001,2006,2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Copyright 2001,2006,2008,2009,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GNU Radio
@@ -69,7 +69,6 @@ m4macros = \
grc_gr_usrp.m4 \
grc_gr_video_sdl.m4 \
grc_gr_wxgui.m4 \
- grc_mblock.m4 \
grc_gruel.m4 \
grc_vrt.m4 \
gr_check_createfilemapping.m4 \
@@ -87,7 +86,6 @@ m4macros = \
gr_lib64.m4 \
gr_libgnuradio_core_extra_ldflags.m4 \
gr_no_undefined.m4 \
- gr_omnithread.m4 \
gr_pwin32.m4 \
gr_python.m4 \
gr_require_mc4020.m4 \
diff --git a/config/gr_omnithread.m4 b/config/gr_omnithread.m4
deleted file mode 100644
index 054f078247..0000000000
--- a/config/gr_omnithread.m4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-# Check for Omnithread (pthread/NT) thread support. -*- Autoconf -*-
-# Copyright 2003,2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Boston, MA
-# 02110-1301, USA.
- # Check first for POSIX
- [ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_PTHREAD,1,[Define if you have POSIX threads libraries and header files.])
- ot_posix="yes"
- ],[
- # If no POSIX support found, then check for NT threads
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([for NT threads])
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <winbase.h>
- int main() { InitializeCriticalSection(NULL); return 0; }
- ],
- [
- ot_nt="yes"
- ],
- [AC_MSG_FAILURE([GNU Radio requires POSIX threads. pthreads not found.])]
- )
- ])
- AM_CONDITIONAL(OMNITHREAD_POSIX, test "x$ot_posix" = xyes)
- AM_CONDITIONAL(OMNITHREAD_NT, test "x$ot_nt" = xyes)
- save_LIBS="$LIBS"
- AC_SEARCH_LIBS([clock_gettime], [rt], [PTHREAD_LIBS="$PTHREAD_LIBS $LIBS"])
- AC_CHECK_FUNCS([clock_gettime gettimeofday nanosleep])
- LIBS="$save_LIBS"
diff --git a/config/grc_gcell.m4 b/config/grc_gcell.m4
index ff289d1aec..b94deb4db4 100644
--- a/config/grc_gcell.m4
+++ b/config/grc_gcell.m4
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-dnl Copyright 2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+dnl Copyright 2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2008,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
dnl This file is part of GNU Radio
@@ -21,9 +21,6 @@ AC_DEFUN([GRC_GCELL],[
dnl GRC_WITH(gcell)
- dnl Don't do gcell if omnithread skipped
- GRC_CHECK_DEPENDENCY(gcell, omnithread)
dnl If execution gets to here, $passed will be:
dnl with : if the --with code didn't error out
dnl yes : if the --enable code passed muster and all dependencies are met
diff --git a/config/grc_gr_audio_osx.m4 b/config/grc_gr_audio_osx.m4
index 95fbc17d55..df8634ff6f 100644
--- a/config/grc_gr_audio_osx.m4
+++ b/config/grc_gr_audio_osx.m4
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-dnl Copyright 2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+dnl Copyright 2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2008,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
dnl This file is part of GNU Radio
@@ -20,8 +20,7 @@ dnl Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- dnl Don't do gr-audio-osx if omnithread or gnuradio-core skipped
- GRC_CHECK_DEPENDENCY(gr-audio-osx, omnithread)
+ dnl Don't do gr-audio-osx if gnuradio-core skipped
GRC_CHECK_DEPENDENCY(gr-audio-osx, gnuradio-core)
dnl If execution gets to here, $passed will be:
diff --git a/config/grc_gr_audio_portaudio.m4 b/config/grc_gr_audio_portaudio.m4
index 08d71f8fb2..ff551b38a7 100644
--- a/config/grc_gr_audio_portaudio.m4
+++ b/config/grc_gr_audio_portaudio.m4
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ AC_DEFUN([GRC_GR_AUDIO_PORTAUDIO],[
dnl Don't do gr-audio-portaudio if gnuradio-core skipped
GRC_CHECK_DEPENDENCY(gr-audio-portaudio, gnuradio-core)
- GRC_CHECK_DEPENDENCY(gr-audio-portaudio, omnithread)
dnl If execution gets to here, $passed will be:
dnl with : if the --with code didn't error out
diff --git a/config/grc_mblock.m4 b/config/grc_mblock.m4
deleted file mode 100644
index e3ae1817f1..0000000000
--- a/config/grc_mblock.m4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-dnl Copyright 2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-dnl This file is part of GNU Radio
-dnl GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-dnl it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-dnl the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-dnl any later version.
-dnl GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-dnl GNU General Public License for more details.
-dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-dnl along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-dnl the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
-dnl Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- GRC_ENABLE(mblock)
- GRC_WITH(mblock)
- dnl Don't do mblock if omnithread or pmt skipped
- GRC_CHECK_DEPENDENCY(mblock, omnithread)
- dnl If execution gets to here, $passed will be:
- dnl with : if the --with code didn't error out
- dnl yes : if the --enable code passed muster and all dependencies are met
- dnl no : otherwise
- if test $passed = yes; then
- dnl Don't do mblock if guile not available
- fi
- if test $passed != with; then
- dnl how and where to find INCLUDES and LA
- mblock_INCLUDES="-I\${abs_top_srcdir}/mblock/src/include"
- mblock_LA="\${abs_top_builddir}/mblock/src/lib/"
- fi
- mblock/Makefile \
- mblock/mblock.pc \
- mblock/doc/Makefile \
- mblock/src/Makefile \
- mblock/src/include/Makefile \
- mblock/src/include/mblock/Makefile \
- mblock/src/lib/Makefile \
- mblock/src/scheme/Makefile \
- mblock/src/scheme/gnuradio/Makefile \
- ])
- dnl run_tests is created from Make it executable.
- dnl AC_CONFIG_COMMANDS([run_tests_mblock], [chmod +x mblock/src/python/run_tests])
- ])
diff --git a/config/grc_omnithread.m4 b/config/grc_omnithread.m4
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bcedebe18..0000000000
--- a/config/grc_omnithread.m4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-dnl Copyright 2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-dnl This file is part of GNU Radio
-dnl GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-dnl it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-dnl the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-dnl any later version.
-dnl GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-dnl GNU General Public License for more details.
-dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-dnl along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-dnl the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
-dnl Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- GRC_ENABLE(omnithread)
- GRC_WITH(omnithread, [], gnuradio-omnithread)
- dnl If execution gets to here, $passed will be:
- dnl with : if the --with code didn't error out
- dnl yes : if the --enable code passed muster and all dependencies are met
- dnl no : otherwise
- if test $passed != with; then
- dnl how and where to find INCLUDES and LA and such
- omnithread_INCLUDES="-I\${abs_top_srcdir}/omnithread"
- omnithread_LA="\${abs_top_builddir}/omnithread/"
- omnithread_LIBDIRPATH="\${abs_top_builddir}/omnithread:\${abs_top_builddir}/omnithread/.libs"
- fi
- omnithread/Makefile \
- omnithread/gnuradio/Makefile \
- omnithread/gnuradio-omnithread.pc
- ])
- dnl run_tests is created from Make it executable.
- dnl AC_CONFIG_COMMANDS([run_tests_omnithread], [chmod +x omnithread/run_tests])
- ])
diff --git a/config/grc_usrp.m4 b/config/grc_usrp.m4
index 286641928b..999b9c5c33 100644
--- a/config/grc_usrp.m4
+++ b/config/grc_usrp.m4
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ AC_DEFUN([GRC_USRP],[
- dnl Don't do usrp if omnithread skipped
- GRC_CHECK_DEPENDENCY(usrp, omnithread)
+ dnl Don't do usrp if gruel is skipped
dnl Make sure the fast usb technique is set, OS dependent.
dnl This is always performed, since it puts out CLI flags.
@@ -59,18 +59,6 @@ AC_DEFUN([GRC_USRP],[
- dnl There pkg-config file for usrp requires omnithread for Darwin only. Create a variable
- dnl for just the case.
- case "$host_os" in
- darwin*)
- usrp_darwin_omnithread_pc_requires="gnuradio-omnithread"
- ;;
- *) dnl (blanks)
- usrp_darwin_omnithread_pc_requires=""
- ;;
- esac
- AC_SUBST(usrp_darwin_omnithread_pc_requires)
usrp/Makefile \
usrp/usrp.pc \
diff --git a/config/grc_usrp2.m4 b/config/grc_usrp2.m4
index f7064c9168..701b100ad9 100644
--- a/config/grc_usrp2.m4
+++ b/config/grc_usrp2.m4
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-dnl Copyright 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+dnl Copyright 2008,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
dnl This file is part of GNU Radio
@@ -23,9 +23,8 @@ AC_DEFUN([GRC_USRP2],[
dnl firmware uses a subsidiary
- dnl Don't do usrp if omnithread or gruel is skipped
+ dnl Don't do usrp if gruel is skipped
- GRC_CHECK_DEPENDENCY(usrp2, omnithread)
dnl USRP2 host code only works on Linux at the moment
AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether host_os is linux*])
diff --git a/ b/
index 3ba5bb387d..a170933858 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-dnl Copyright 2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+dnl Copyright 2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
dnl This file is part of GNU Radio
@@ -149,9 +149,6 @@ AM_CONDITIONAL([HAS_XMLTO], [test x$XMLTO = xyes])
dnl Checks for libraries.
-dnl check for omnithreads (will soon be removed)
dnl Set the c++ compiler that we use for the build system when cross compiling
if test x$CXX_FOR_BUILD = x
@@ -264,7 +261,17 @@ dnl We require the boost headers, thread lib and date_time lib.
dnl AX_BOOST_BASE finds the headers and the lib dir (-L<foo>)
+dnl Current Boost version requirement is >=1.35 for all platforms except Darwin,
+dnl which requires >=1.37 for code in usrp host library.
+case "$host_os" in
+ darwin*)
+ AX_BOOST_BASE([1.37])
+ ;;
+ *)
+ AX_BOOST_BASE([1.35])
+ ;;
@@ -329,16 +336,13 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE(
GRC_GRUEL dnl must come first
-GRC_OMNITHREAD dnl must come before gnuradio-core and mblock
-GRC_MBLOCK dnl this must come after GRC_GRUEL
GRC_GR_USRP dnl this must come after GRC_USRP
GRC_GR_GCELL dnl this must come after GRC_GCELL and GRC_GNURADIO_CORE
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- @abs_top_builddir@/omnithread/ \
@abs_top_builddir@/usrp/doc \
@abs_top_builddir@/usrp/firmware \
@abs_top_builddir@/usrp/fpga \
@@ -689,7 +687,6 @@ EXCLUDE_PATTERNS = */.deps/* \
*/ \
*/gr-atsc/src/lib/Gr* \
*/moc_*.cc \
- */omnithread/ot_* \
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-# Copyright 2001,2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Copyright 2001,2004,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GNU Radio
@@ -24,9 +24,6 @@ include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.common
group_defs.dox \
- omnithread.html \
- omnithread.pdf \
- \
shared_ptr_docstub.h \
tv-channel-frequencies \
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-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"
- "">
-<HEAD><TITLE>The OMNI Thread Abstraction</TITLE>
-<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
-<META name="GENERATOR" content="hevea 1.06">
-<BODY >
-<!--HEVEA command line is: /usr/local/bin/hevea omnithread -->
-<!--PREFIX <ARG ></ARG>-->
-<!--CUT DEF section 1 -->
-<H1 ALIGN=center>The OMNI Thread Abstraction</H1>
-<H3 ALIGN=center>Tristan Richardson<BR>
-AT&amp;T Laboratories Cambridge<BR>
-<H3 ALIGN=center><I>Revised</I> November 2001</H3>
-<!--TOC section Introduction-->
-<H2><A NAME="htoc1">1</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;Introduction</H2><!--SEC END -->
-The OMNI thread abstraction is designed to provide a common set of
-thread operations for use in programs written in C++. Programs
-written using the abstraction should be much easier to port between
-different architectures with different underlying threads primitives.<BR>
-The programming interface is designed to be similar to the C language
-interface to POSIX threads (IEEE draft standard 1003.1c --- previously
-1003.4a, often known as ``pthreads'' [<A HREF="#pthreads"><CITE>POSIX94</CITE></A>]).<BR>
-Much of the abstraction consists of simple C++ object wrappers around
-pthread calls. However for some features such as thread-specific
-data, a better interface can be offered because of the use of C++.<BR>
-Some of the more complex features of pthreads are not supported
-because of the difficulty of ensuring the same features can be offered
-on top of other thread systems. Such features include thread
-cancellation and complex scheduling control (though simple thread
-priorities are supported).<BR>
-The abstraction layer is currently implemented for the following
-architectures / thread systems:
-<UL><LI>Solaris 2.x using pthreads draft 10
-<LI>Solaris 2.x using solaris threads (but pthreads version is now standard)
-<LI>Alpha OSF1 using pthreads draft 4
-<LI>Windows NT using NT threads
-<LI>Linux 2.x using Linuxthread 0.5 (which is based on pthreads draft 10)
-<LI>Linux 2.x using MIT pthreads (which is based on draft 8)
-<LI>ATMos using pthreads draft 6 (but not Virata ATMos)</UL>
-See the <TT>omnithread.h</TT> header file for full details of the API.
-The descriptions below assume you have some previous knowledge of
-threads, mutexes, condition variables and semaphores. Also refer to
-other documentation ([<A HREF="#birrell"><CITE>Birrell89</CITE></A>], [<A HREF="#pthreads"><CITE>POSIX94</CITE></A>]) for further
-explanation of these ideas (particularly condition variables, the use
-of which may not be particularly intuitive when first encountered).<BR>
-<!--TOC section Synchronisation objects-->
-<H2><A NAME="htoc2">2</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;Synchronisation objects</H2><!--SEC END -->
-Synchronisation objects are used to synchronise threads within the
-same process. There is no inter-process synchronisation provided.
-The synchronisation objects provided are mutexes, condition variables
-and counting semaphores.<BR>
-<!--TOC subsection Mutex-->
-<H3><A NAME="htoc3">2.1</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;Mutex</H3><!--SEC END -->
-An object of type <TT>omni_mutex</TT> is used for mutual exclusion.
-It provides two operations, <TT>lock()</TT> and <TT>unlock()</TT>.
-The alternative names <TT>acquire()</TT> and <TT>release()</TT> can be
-used if preferred. Behaviour is undefined when a thread attempts to
-lock the same mutex again or when a mutex is locked by one thread and
-unlocked by a different thread.<BR>
-<!--TOC subsection Condition Variable-->
-<H3><A NAME="htoc4">2.2</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;Condition Variable</H3><!--SEC END -->
-A condition variable is represented by an <TT>omni_condition</TT> and
-is used for signalling between threads. A call to <TT>wait()</TT>
-causes a thread to wait on the condition variable. A call to
-<TT>signal()</TT> wakes up at least one thread if any are waiting. A
-call to <TT>broadcast()</TT> wakes up all threads waiting on the
-condition variable.<BR>
-When constructed, a pointer to an <TT>omni_mutex</TT> must be given.
-A condition variable <TT>wait()</TT> has an implicit mutex
-<TT>unlock()</TT> and <TT>lock()</TT> around it. The link between
-condition variable and mutex lasts for the lifetime of the condition
-variable (unlike pthreads where the link is only for the duration of
-the wait). The same mutex may be used with several condition
-A wait with a timeout can be achieved by calling
-<TT>timed_wait()</TT>. This is given an absolute time to wait until.
-The routine <TT>omni_thread::get_time()</TT> can be used to turn a
-relative time into an absolute time. <TT>timed_wait()</TT> returns
-<TT>true</TT> if the condition was signalled, <TT>false</TT> if the
-time expired before the condition variable was signalled.<BR>
-<!--TOC subsection Counting semaphores-->
-<H3><A NAME="htoc5">2.3</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;Counting semaphores</H3><!--SEC END -->
-An <TT>omni_semaphore</TT> is a counting semaphore. When created it
-is given an initial unsigned integer value. When <TT>wait()</TT> is
-called, the value is decremented if non-zero. If the value is zero
-then the thread blocks instead. When <TT>post()</TT> is called, if
-any threads are blocked in <TT>wait()</TT>, exactly one thread is
-woken. If no threads were blocked then the value of the semaphore is
-If a thread calls <TT>try_wait()</TT>, then the thread won't block if
-the semaphore's value is 0, returning <TT>false</TT> instead.<BR>
-There is no way of querying the value of the semaphore.<BR>
-<!--TOC section Thread object-->
-<H2><A NAME="htoc6">3</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;Thread object</H2><!--SEC END -->
-A thread is represented by an <TT>omni_thread</TT> object. There are
-broadly two different ways in which it can be used.<BR>
-The first way is simply to create an <TT>omni_thread</TT> object,
-giving a particular function which the thread should execute. This is
-like the POSIX (or any other) C language interface.<BR>
-The second method of use is to create a new class which inherits from
-<TT>omni_thread</TT>. In this case the thread will execute the
-<TT>run()</TT> member function of the new class. One advantage of
-this scheme is that thread-specific data can be implemented simply by
-having data members of the new class.<BR>
-When constructed a thread is in the "new" state and has not actually
-started. A call to <TT>start()</TT> causes the thread to begin
-executing. A static member function <TT>create()</TT> is provided to
-construct and start a thread in a single call. A thread exits by
-calling <TT>exit()</TT> or by returning from the thread function.<BR>
-Threads can be either detached or undetached. Detached threads are
-threads for which all state will be lost upon exit. Other threads
-cannot determine when a detached thread will disappear, and therefore
-should not attempt to access the thread object unless some explicit
-synchronisation with the detached thread guarantees that it still
-Undetached threads are threads for which storage is not reclaimed
-until another thread waits for its termination by calling
-<TT>join()</TT>. An exit value can be passed from an undetached
-thread to the thread which joins it.<BR>
-Detached / undetached threads are distinguished on creation by the
-type of function they execute. Undetached threads execute a function
-which has a <TT>void*</TT> return type, whereas detached threads
-execute a function which has a <TT>void</TT> return type.
-Unfortunately C++ member functions are not allowed to be distinguished
-simply by their return type. Thus in the case of a derived class of
-<TT>omni_thread</TT> which needs an undetached thread, the member
-function executed by the thread is called <TT>run_undetached()</TT>
-rather than <TT>run()</TT>, and it is started by calling
-<TT>start_undetached()</TT> instead of <TT>start()</TT>.<BR>
-The abstraction currently supports three priorities of thread, but no
-guarantee is made of how this will affect underlying thread
-scheduling. The three priorities are <TT>PRIORITY_LOW</TT>,
-threads run at <TT>PRIORITY_NORMAL</TT>. A different priority can be
-specified on thread creation, or while the thread is running using
-<TT>set_priority().</TT> A thread's current priority is returned by
-Other functions provided are <TT>self()</TT> which returns the calling
-thread's <TT>omni_thread</TT> object, <TT>yield()</TT> which
-requests that other threads be allowed to run, <TT>id()</TT> which
-returns an integer id for the thread for use in debugging,
-<TT>state()</TT>, <TT>sleep()</TT> and <TT>get_time()</TT>.<BR>
-<!--TOC section Per-thread data-->
-<H2><A NAME="htoc7">4</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;Per-thread data</H2><!--SEC END -->
-omnithread supports per-thread data, via member functions of the
-<TT>omni_thread</TT> object.<BR>
-First, you must allocate a key for with the
-<TT>omni_thread::allocate_key()</TT> function. Then, any object
-whose class is derived from <TT>omni_thread::value_t</TT> can be
-stored using the <TT>set_value()</TT> function. Values are retrieved
-or removed with <TT>get_value()</TT> and <TT>remove_value()</TT>
-When the thread exits, all per-thread data is deleted (hence the base
-class with virtual destructor).<BR>
-Note that the per-thread data functions are <B>not</B> thread safe,
-so although you can access one thread's storage from another thread,
-there is no concurrency control. Unless you really know what you are
-doing, it is best to only access per-thread data from the thread it is
-attached to.<BR>
-<!--TOC section Using OMNI threads in your program-->
-<H2><A NAME="htoc8">5</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;Using OMNI threads in your program</H2><!--SEC END -->
-Obviously you need to include the <TT>omnithread.h</TT> header file in
-your source code, and link in the omnithread library with your
-executable. Because there is a single <TT>omnithread.h</TT> for all
-platforms, certain preprocessor defines must be given as compiler
-options. The easiest way to do this is to study the makefiles given
-in the examples provided with this distribution. If you are to
-include OMNI threads in your own development environment, these are
-the necessary preprocessor defines:<BR>
-<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>Platform</TD>
-<TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>Preprocessor Defines</TD>
-<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>Sun Solaris 2.x</TD>
-<TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP><CODE>-D__sunos__ -D__sparc__ -D__OSVERSION__=5</CODE></TD>
-<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>&nbsp;</TD>
-<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>x86 Linux 2.0</TD>
-<TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP><CODE>-D__linux__ -D__i86__ -D__OSVERSION__=2</CODE></TD>
-<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>with linuxthreads 0.5</TD>
-<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>Digital Unix 3.2</TD>
-<TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP><CODE>-D__osf1__ -D__alpha__ -D__OSVERSION__=3</CODE></TD>
-<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>&nbsp;</TD>
-<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>Windows NT</TD>
-<!--TOC section Threaded I/O shutdown for Unix-->
-<H2><A NAME="htoc9">6</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;Threaded I/O shutdown for Unix</H2><!--SEC END -->
-or, how one thread should tell another thread to shut down when it
-might be doing a blocking call on a socket.<BR>
-<B>If you are using omniORB, you don't need to worry about all
-this, since omniORB does it for you.</B> This section is only relevant
-if you are using omnithread in your own socket-based programming. It
-is also seriously out of date.<BR>
-Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a standard way of doing this
-which works across all Unix systems. I have investigated the
-behaviour of Solaris 2.5 and Digital Unix 3.2. On Digital Unix
-everything is fine, as the obvious method using shutdown() seems to
-work OK. Unfortunately on Solaris shutdown can only be used on a
-connected socket, so we need devious means to get around this
-limitation. The details are summarised below:<BR>
-<!--TOC subsection read()-->
-<H3><A NAME="htoc10">6.1</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;read()</H3><!--SEC END -->
-Thread A is in a loop, doing <CODE>read(sock)</CODE>, processing the data,
-then going back into the read.<BR>
-Thread B comes along and wants to shut it down --- it can't cancel
-thread A since (i) working out how to clean up according to where A is
-in its loop is a nightmare, and (ii) this isn't available in
-omnithread anyway.<BR>
-On Solaris 2.5 and Digital Unix 3.2 the following strategy works:<BR>
-Thread B does <CODE>shutdown(sock,2)</CODE>.<BR>
-At this point thread A is either blocked inside <CODE>read(sock)</CODE>, or
-is elsewhere in the loop. If the former then read will return 0,
-indicating that the socket is closed. If the latter then eventually
-thread A will call <CODE>read(sock)</CODE> and then this will return 0.
-Thread A should <CODE>close(sock)</CODE>, do any other tidying up, and exit.<BR>
-If there is another point in the loop that thread A can block then
-obviously thread B needs to be aware of this and be able to wake it up
-in the appropriate way from that point.<BR>
-<!--TOC subsection accept()-->
-<H3><A NAME="htoc11">6.2</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;accept()</H3><!--SEC END -->
-Again thread A is in a loop, this time doing an accept on listenSock,
-dealing with a new connection and going back into accept. Thread B
-wants to cancel it.<BR>
-On Digital Unix 3.2 the strategy is identical to that for read:<BR>
-Thread B does <CODE>shutdown(listenSock,2)</CODE>. Wherever thread A is in
-the loop, eventually it will return <CODE>ECONNABORTED</CODE> from the
-accept call. It should <CODE>close(listenSock)</CODE>, tidy up as necessary
-and exit.<BR>
-On Solaris 2.5 thread B can't do <CODE>shutdown(listenSock,2)</CODE> ---
-this returns <CODE>ENOTCONN</CODE>. Instead the following strategy can be
-First thread B sets some sort of "shutdown flag" associated with
-listenSock. Then it does <CODE>getsockaddr(listenSock)</CODE> to find out
-which port listenSock is on (or knows already), sets up a socket
-dummySock, does <CODE>connect(dummySock,</CODE> <CODE>this host, port)</CODE> and
-finally does <CODE>close(dummySock)</CODE>.<BR>
-Wherever thread A is in the loop, eventually it will call
-<CODE>accept(listenSock)</CODE>. This will return successfully with a new
-socket, say connSock. Thread A then checks to see if the "shutdown
-flag" is set. If not, then it's a normal connection. If it is set,
-then thread A closes listenSock and connSock, tidies up and exits.<BR>
-<!--TOC subsection write()-->
-<H3><A NAME="htoc12">6.3</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;write()</H3><!--SEC END -->
-Thread A may be blocked in write, or about to go in to a
-potentially-blocking write. Thread B wants to shut it down.<BR>
-On Solaris 2.5:<BR>
-Thread B does <CODE>shutdown(sock,2)</CODE>.<BR>
-If thread A is already in <CODE>write(sock)</CODE> then it will return with
-<CODE>ENXIO</CODE>. If thread A calls write after thread B calls shutdown
-this will return <CODE>EIO</CODE>.<BR>
-On Digital Unix 3.2:<BR>
-Thread B does <CODE>shutdown(sock,2)</CODE>.<BR>
-If thread A is already in <CODE>write(sock)</CODE> then it will return the
-number of bytes written before it became blocked. A subsequent call
-to write will then generate <CODE>SIGPIPE</CODE> (or <CODE>EPIPE</CODE> will be
-returned if <CODE>SIGPIPE</CODE> is ignored by the thread).<BR>
-<!--TOC subsection connect()-->
-<H3><A NAME="htoc13">6.4</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;connect()</H3><!--SEC END -->
-Thread A may be blocked in connect, or about to go in to a
-potentially-blocking connect. Thread B wants to shut it down.<BR>
-On Digital Unix 3.2:<BR>
-Thread B does <CODE>shutdown(sock,2)</CODE>.<BR>
-If thread A is already in <CODE>connect(sock)</CODE> then it will return a
-successful connection. Subsequent reading or writing will show that
-the socket has been shut down (i.e. read returns 0, write generates
-<CODE>SIGPIPE</CODE> or returns <CODE>EPIPE</CODE>). If thread A calls connect
-after thread B calls shutdown this will return <CODE>EINVAL</CODE>.<BR>
-On Solaris 2.5:<BR>
-There is no way to wake up a thread which is blocked in connect.
-Instead Solaris forces us through a ridiculous procedure whichever way
-we try it. One way is this:<BR>
-First thread A creates a pipe in addition to the socket. Instead of
-shutting down the socket, thread B simply writes a byte to the pipe.<BR>
-Thread A meanwhile sets the socket to non-blocking mode using
-<CODE>fcntl(sock,</CODE> <CODE>F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK)</CODE>. Then it calls connect
-on the socket --- this will return <CODE>EINPROGRESS</CODE>. Then it must
-call <CODE>select()</CODE>, waiting for either sock to become writable or
-for the pipe to become readable. If select returns that just sock is
-writable then the connection has succeeded. It then needs to set the
-socket back to blocking mode using <CODE>fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, 0)</CODE>. If
-instead select returns that the pipe is readable, thread A closes the
-socket, tidies up and exits.<BR>
-An alternative method is similar but to use polling instead of the
-pipe. Thread B justs sets a flag and thread A calls select with a
-timeout, periodically waking up to see if the flag has been set.<BR>
-<!--TOC section References-->
-<H2>References</H2><!--SEC END -->
-<DL COMPACT=compact><DT><A NAME="pthreads"><FONT COLOR=purple>[POSIX94]</FONT></A><DD>
-<EM>Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) Threads Extension</EM>,
-P1003.1c Draft 10,
-September 1994.<BR>
-<DT><A NAME="birrell"><FONT COLOR=purple>[Birrell89]</FONT></A><DD>
-<EM>An Introduction to Programming with Threads</EM>,
-Research Report 35,
-DEC Systems Research Center,
-Palo Alto, CA,
-January 1989.</DL>
-<HR SIZE=2>
-<BLOCKQUOTE><EM>This document was translated from L<sup>A</sup>T<sub>E</sub>X by
-</EM><A HREF=""><EM>H<FONT SIZE=2><sup>E</sup></FONT>V<FONT SIZE=2><sup>E</sup></FONT>A</EM></A><EM>.
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-%%Creator: dvipsk 5.86 p1.5d Copyright 1996-2001 ASCII Corp.(
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-/dir 0 def/dyy{/dir 0 def}B/dyt{/dir 1 def}B/dty{/dir 2 def}B/dtt{/dir 3
-def}B/p{dir 2 eq{-90 rotate show 90 rotate}{dir 3 eq{-90 rotate show 90
-rotate}{show}ifelse}ifelse}N/RMat[1 0 0 -1 0 0]N/BDot 260 string N/Rx 0
-N/Ry 0 N/V{}B/RV/v{/Ry X/Rx X V}B statusdict begin/product where{pop
-false[(Display)(NeXT)(LaserWriter 16/600)]{A length product length le{A
-length product exch 0 exch getinterval eq{pop true exit}if}{pop}ifelse}
-forall}{false}ifelse end{{gsave TR -.1 .1 TR 1 1 scale Rx Ry false RMat{
-BDot}imagemask grestore}}{{gsave TR -.1 .1 TR Rx Ry scale 1 1 false RMat
-{BDot}imagemask grestore}}ifelse B/QV{gsave newpath transform round exch
-round exch itransform moveto Rx 0 rlineto 0 Ry neg rlineto Rx neg 0
-rlineto fill grestore}B/a{moveto}B/delta 0 N/tail{A/delta X 0 rmoveto}B
-/M{S p delta add tail}B/b{S p tail}B/c{-4 M}B/d{-3 M}B/e{-2 M}B/f{-1 M}
-B/g{0 M}B/h{1 M}B/i{2 M}B/j{3 M}B/k{4 M}B/w{0 rmoveto}B/l{p -4 w}B/m{p
--3 w}B/n{p -2 w}B/o{p -1 w}B/q{p 1 w}B/r{p 2 w}B/s{p 3 w}B/t{p 4 w}B/x{
-0 S rmoveto}B/y{3 2 roll p a}B/bos{/SS save N}B/eos{SS restore}B end
-%%BeginProcSet: 8r.enc
-% @@psencodingfile@{
-% author = "S. Rahtz, P. MacKay, Alan Jeffrey, B. Horn, K. Berry",
-% version = "0.6",
-% date = "1 July 1998",
-% filename = "8r.enc",
-% email = "",
-% docstring = "Encoding for TrueType or Type 1 fonts
-% to be used with TeX."
-% @}
-% Idea is to have all the characters normally included in Type 1 fonts
-% available for typesetting. This is effectively the characters in Adobe
-% Standard Encoding + ISO Latin 1 + extra characters from Lucida.
-% Character code assignments were made as follows:
-% (1) the Windows ANSI characters are almost all in their Windows ANSI
-% positions, because some Windows users cannot easily reencode the
-% fonts, and it makes no difference on other systems. The only Windows
-% ANSI characters not available are those that make no sense for
-% typesetting -- rubout (127 decimal), nobreakspace (160), softhyphen
-% (173). quotesingle and grave are moved just because it's such an
-% irritation not having them in TeX positions.
-% (2) Remaining characters are assigned arbitrarily to the lower part
-% of the range, avoiding 0, 10 and 13 in case we meet dumb software.
-% (3) Y&Y Lucida Bright includes some extra text characters; in the
-% hopes that other PostScript fonts, perhaps created for public
-% consumption, will include them, they are included starting at 0x12.
-% (4) Remaining positions left undefined are for use in (hopefully)
-% upward-compatible revisions, if someday more characters are generally
-% available.
-% (5) hyphen appears twice for compatibility with both
-% ASCII and Windows.
-/TeXBase1Encoding [
-% 0x00 (encoded characters from Adobe Standard not in Windows 3.1)
- /.notdef /dotaccent /fi /fl
- /fraction /hungarumlaut /Lslash /lslash
- /ogonek /ring /.notdef
- /breve /minus /.notdef
-% These are the only two remaining unencoded characters, so may as
-% well include them.
- /Zcaron /zcaron
-% 0x10
- /caron /dotlessi
-% (unusual TeX characters available in, e.g., Lucida Bright)
- /dotlessj /ff /ffi /ffl
- /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
- /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
- % very contentious; it's so painful not having quoteleft and quoteright
- % at 96 and 145 that we move the things normally found there to here.
- /grave /quotesingle
-% 0x20 (ASCII begins)
- /space /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign
- /dollar /percent /ampersand /quoteright
- /parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash
-% 0x30
- /zero /one /two /three /four /five /six /seven
- /eight /nine /colon /semicolon /less /equal /greater /question
-% 0x40
- /at /A /B /C /D /E /F /G /H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O
-% 0x50
- /P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W
- /X /Y /Z /bracketleft /backslash /bracketright /asciicircum /underscore
-% 0x60
- /quoteleft /a /b /c /d /e /f /g /h /i /j /k /l /m /n /o
-% 0x70
- /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w
- /x /y /z /braceleft /bar /braceright /asciitilde
- /.notdef % rubout; ASCII ends
-% 0x80
- /.notdef /.notdef /quotesinglbase /florin
- /quotedblbase /ellipsis /dagger /daggerdbl
- /circumflex /perthousand /Scaron /guilsinglleft
- /OE /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
-% 0x90
- /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /quotedblleft
- /quotedblright /bullet /endash /emdash
- /tilde /trademark /scaron /guilsinglright
- /oe /.notdef /.notdef /Ydieresis
-% 0xA0
- /.notdef % nobreakspace
- /exclamdown /cent /sterling
- /currency /yen /brokenbar /section
- /dieresis /copyright /ordfeminine /guillemotleft
- /logicalnot
- /hyphen % Y&Y (also at 45); Windows' softhyphen
- /registered
- /macron
-% 0xD0
- /degree /plusminus /twosuperior /threesuperior
- /acute /mu /paragraph /periodcentered
- /cedilla /onesuperior /ordmasculine /guillemotright
- /onequarter /onehalf /threequarters /questiondown
-% 0xC0
- /Agrave /Aacute /Acircumflex /Atilde /Adieresis /Aring /AE /Ccedilla
- /Egrave /Eacute /Ecircumflex /Edieresis
- /Igrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis
-% 0xD0
- /Eth /Ntilde /Ograve /Oacute
- /Ocircumflex /Otilde /Odieresis /multiply
- /Oslash /Ugrave /Uacute /Ucircumflex
- /Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /germandbls
-% 0xE0
- /agrave /aacute /acircumflex /atilde
- /adieresis /aring /ae /ccedilla
- /egrave /eacute /ecircumflex /edieresis
- /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis
-% 0xF0
- /eth /ntilde /ograve /oacute
- /ocircumflex /otilde /odieresis /divide
- /oslash /ugrave /uacute /ucircumflex
- /udieresis /yacute /thorn /ydieresis
-] def
-TeXDict begin/rf{findfont dup length 1 add dict begin{1 index/FID ne 2
-index/UniqueID ne and{def}{pop pop}ifelse}forall[1 index 0 6 -1 roll
-exec 0 exch 5 -1 roll VResolution Resolution div mul neg 0 0]/Metrics
-exch def dict begin 0 1 255{exch dup type/integertype ne{pop pop 1 sub
-dup 0 le{pop}{[}ifelse}{FontMatrix 0 get div Metrics 0 get div def}
-ifelse}for Metrics/Metrics currentdict end def[2 index currentdict end
-definefont 3 -1 roll makefont/setfont cvx]cvx def}def/ObliqueSlant{dup
-sin S cos div neg}B/SlantFont{4 index mul add}def/ExtendFont{3 -1 roll
-mul exch}def/ReEncodeFont{CharStrings rcheck{/Encoding false def dup[
-exch{dup CharStrings exch known not{pop/.notdef/Encoding true def}if}
-forall Encoding{]exch pop}{cleartomark}ifelse}if/Encoding exch def}def
-TeXDict begin 39158280 55380996 1000 600 600 (omnithread.dvi)
-@start /Fa 134[ 45 45 66 1[ 51 30 35 35 1[ 45 40 51 71
-25 2[ 25 45 45 25 35 45 37 42 40 8[ 66 3[ 56 51 2[ 56
-71 5[ 30 3[ 56 3[ 66 23[ 30 30 40[{ TeXBase1Encoding ReEncodeFont} 31
-90.9091 /Palatino-Italic rf /Fb 134[ 51 1[ 76 1[ 56 30
-40 35 2[ 51 56 81 30 2[ 30 56 51 35 45 56 40 56 45 14[ 66
-2[ 76 5[ 35 6[ 61 19[ 23 30 23 4[ 25 39[{ TeXBase1Encoding ReEncodeFont}
-27 90.9091 /Palatino-Bold rf /Fc 135[ 50 83 1[ 61 33
-44 39 1[ 61 55 61 89 33 2[ 33 61 55 1[ 50 61 44 61 50
-10[ 78 8[ 100 9[ 72 12[ 50 1[ 50 50 50 50 2[ 25 4[ 33
-33 40[{ TeXBase1Encoding ReEncodeFont} 30 99.6264 /Palatino-Bold
-rf /Fd 134[ 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55
-55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 1[ 55 5[ 55 55 55 55
-55 55 55 55 1[ 55 55 55 55 55 55 1[ 55 55 55 55 55 55
-55 55 55 3[ 55 2[ 55 1[ 55 1[ 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 1[ 55
-55 55 1[ 55 55 55 40[{ TeXBase1Encoding ReEncodeFont} 65
-90.9091 /Courier rf /Fe 141[ 36 12[ 44 56 2[ 45 7[ 61
-61 91 1[ 71 56 48 61 2[ 71 76 3[ 30 31 76 1[ 51 56 70
-64 56 71 10[ 45 3[ 45 45 1[ 55 23 4[ 30 30 40[{
-.167 SlantFont TeXBase1Encoding ReEncodeFont} 29 90.9091
-/Palatino-Roman rf
-%DVIPSBitmapFont: Ff cmsy10 10.95 1
-/Ff 1 16 df<EB0FFCEB3FFF90B512C0000314F04880488048804880A2481580A3B712C0
-AA6C1580A36C1500A26C5C6C5C6C5C6C5CC614C0013F90C7FCEB0FFC22227BA72D> 15
-D E
-/Fg 104[ 91 2[ 45 45 24[ 45 51 47 76 51 55 30 39 36 51
-55 50 53 80 26 51 21 26 53 51 30 44 56 40 50 45 3[ 30
-1[ 30 2[ 61 91 66 71 56 48 61 1[ 55 71 76 86 56 66 30
-31 76 1[ 51 56 70 64 56 71 6[ 23 45 45 45 45 45 45 45
-45 45 45 55 23 30 23 55 1[ 30 30 25 4[ 34 30[ 55 55 2[{
-TeXBase1Encoding ReEncodeFont} 75 90.9091 /Palatino-Roman
-rf /Fh 134[ 66 60 100 1[ 73 40 53 47 1[ 73 66 73 106
-2[ 40 40 73 66 47 60 73 53 73 60 11[ 93 80 73 86 1[ 73
-100 100 120 3[ 47 18[ 60 60 60 60 60 60 1[ 35 1[ 40 45[{
-TeXBase1Encoding ReEncodeFont} 38 119.552 /Palatino-Bold
-rf /Fi 137[ 50 2[ 39 9[ 28 3[ 39 50 17[ 66 82[{
-TeXBase1Encoding ReEncodeFont} 6 99.6264 /Palatino-Italic
-rf /Fj 137[ 56 1[ 32 42 39 2[ 54 58 88 3[ 29 58 55 1[ 48
-61 44 55 50 12[ 61 1[ 67 3[ 83 1[ 61 8[ 71 1[ 78 14[ 50
-50 50 9[ 78 38[{ TeXBase1Encoding ReEncodeFont} 25 99.6264
-/Palatino-Roman rf /Fk 139[ 47 61 57 2[ 78 83 4[ 42 83
-2[ 69 88 64 79 72 12[ 88 4[ 113 119 136 3[ 48 7[ 112
-65[{ TeXBase1Encoding ReEncodeFont} 18 143.462 /Palatino-Roman
-rf end
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-1293 y(A) -7 b(T&T) 24 b(Laboratories) i(Cambridge) p
-Fi 1192 1504 a(Revised) p Fj 24 w(November) f(2001) p
-Fh 63 1961 a(1) 119 b(Introduction) p Fg 63 2183 a(The) 20
-b(OMNI) h(thr) n(ead) g(abstraction) g(is) h(des) n(igned) f(to) f(pr) n
-(ovide) h(a) h(common) f(set) f(of) h(thr) n(ead) g(oper) n(-) 63
-2296 y(ations) h(for) g(use) g(in) h(pr) n(ograms) f(written) f(in) i
-(C++.) 29 b(Pr) n(ograms) 22 b(written) g(using) f(the) h(abstraction)
-63 2409 y(should) 30 b(be) g(much) i(easier) e(to) g(port) g(betwee) n
-(n) h(dif) n(fer) n(ent) g(ar) n(chi) r(tectur) l(es) g(with) g(dif) n
-(fer) n(ent) f(un-) 63 2522 y(derlying) 21 b(thr) n(eads) h
-(primitives.) 204 2640 y(The) 17 b(pr) n(ogramming) h(interface) g(is) f
-(designed) f(to) h(be) h(similar) h(to) e(the) g(C) i(language) e
-(interface) 63 2753 y(to) k(POSIX) h(thr) n(eads) f(\(IEEE) g(draft) h
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-g(often) g(known) 63 2866 y(as) g(\223pthr) n(eads\224) h([POSIX94]\).)
-204 2985 y(Much) 18 b(of) f(the) g(abstraction) i(consists) d(of) i
-(simple) g(C++) g(object) g(wrappers) e(ar) n(ound) h(pthr) n(ead) 63
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-(the) g(use) g(of) g(C++.) 204 3329 y(Some) 28 b(of) h(the) f(mor) n(e)
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-(suppo) n(rted) g(because) h(of) 63 3442 y(the) e(dif) n(\002culty) i
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-(fer) n(ed) g(on) g(top) g(of) g(other) f(thr) n(ead) 63
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-(ol) 63 3668 y(\(thoug) n(h) k(simple) g(thr) n(ead) f(priorities) g
-(ar) n(e) h(supp) n(orted\).) 204 3787 y(The) i(abstraction) h(layer) h
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-774 y(tion) f(varia) r(bles) g(and) g(semaphor) n(es) n(.) 75
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-(may) g(not) f(be) h(particularly) h(intuitive) f(when) f(\002rst) f
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-(e) g(used) e(to) h(synchr) n(onise) g(thr) n(eads) g(within) h(the) f
-(same) h(pr) n(ocess) n(.) 221 1623 y(Ther) n(e) j(is) i(no) f(inter) n
-(-pr) n(ocess) f(synchr) n(onisation) g(pr) n(ovided.) 53
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-(les) g(and) h(counting) f(semaphor) n(e) n(s.) p Fc
-221 1991 a(2.1) 99 b(Mutex) p Fg 221 2168 a(An) 26 b(object) g(of) h
-(typ) n(e) p Fd 26 w(omni) n(_mute) n(x) p Fg 26 w(is) g(use) n(d) f
-(for) h(mutual) f(exclusion.) 39 b(It) 26 b(pr) n(ovides) f(two) g(op-)
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-(attempt) n(s) 221 2506 y(to) 30 b(lock) h(the) e(same) i(mutex) f
-(again) h(or) f(when) g(a) h(mutex) f(is) h(locked) e(by) i(one) e(thr)
-n(ead) h(and) h(un-) 221 2619 y(locked) 22 b(by) h(a) g(dif) n(fer) n
-(ent) f(thr) n(ead.) p Fc 221 2874 a(2.2) 99 b(Condition) 26
-b(V) -11 b(ariable) p Fg 221 3051 a(A) 28 b(condition) f(varia) r(ble) h
-(is) g(r) n(epr) n(ese) n(nted) f(by) h(an) p Fd 28 w(omn) n(i_con) n
-(diti) n(on) p Fg 27 w(and) g(is) g(used) e(for) i(sig-) 221
-3164 y(nalli) r(ng) 20 b(betwee) n(n) g(thr) n(eads.) 26
-b(A) 21 b(call) h(to) p Fd 19 w(wait\() n(\)) p Fg 20
-w(causes) e(a) h(thr) n(ead) e(to) h(wait) h(on) f(the) f(condition) 221
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-(ead) h(if) h(any) f(ar) n(e) g(waiting.) 45 b(A) 221
-3390 y(call) 25 b(to) p Fd 22 w(bro) n(adca) n(st\(\)) p
-Fg 21 w(wakes) d(up) g(all) i(thr) n(eads) e(waiting) h(on) f(the) g
-(condition) g(varia) r(ble.) 362 3503 y(When) 30 b(constr) o(ucte) n
-(d,) i(a) e(pointer) f(to) h(an) p Fd 30 w(omni) n(_mute) n(x) p
-Fg 30 w(must) f(be) h(given.) 50 b(A) 30 b(condition) 221
-3616 y(varia) r(ble) p Fd 33 w(wait\() n(\)) p Fg 33
-w(has) j(an) h(implic) r(it) f(mutex) p Fd 33 w(unlo) n(ck\(\)) p
-Fg 32 w(and) p Fd 33 w(lock) n(\(\)) p Fg 33 w(ar) n(ound) g(it.) 60
-b(The) 221 3729 y(link) 30 b(between) f(condition) g(varia) r(ble) h
-(and) g(mutex) f(lasts) g(for) h(the) f(lifetime) i(of) e(the) g
-(condition) 221 3842 y(varia) r(ble) c(\(unlike) h(pthr) n(eads) e
-(wher) n(e) g(the) h(link) h(is) f(only) g(for) g(the) g(duration) f
-(of) i(the) e(wait\).) 37 b(The) 221 3955 y(same) 23
-b(mutex) f(may) h(be) f(used) f(with) i(several) f(condition) h(variab)
-r(les.) 362 4068 y(A) c(wait) g(with) g(a) g(timeout) f(can) i(be) e
-(achieved) h(by) g(call) r(ing) p Fd 19 w(tim) n(ed_w) n(ait\(\)) p
-Fg -2 w(.) 27 b(This) 18 b(is) h(given) 221 4181 y(an) 27
-b(absolute) e(time) h(to) f(wait) h(until.) 38 b(The) 26
-b(r) n(outine) p Fd 25 w(omn) n(i_thr) n(ead:) n(:get_) n(time) n(\(\))
-p Fg 25 w(can) h(be) 221 4293 y(used) 21 b(to) h(turn) g(a) h(r) n
-(elativ) r(e) f(time) g(into) h(an) g(absolute) f(time.) p
-Fd 28 w(tim) n(ed_wa) n(it\(\)) p Fg 21 w(r) n(eturns) p
-Fd 21 w(true) p Fg 21 w(if) 221 4406 y(the) 27 b(condition) h(was) g
-(signalled,) p Fd 29 w(false) p Fg 26 w(if) h(the) f(time) g(expir) n
-(ed) f(befor) n(e) g(the) h(condition) f(vari) r(-) 221
-4519 y(able) d(was) e(signalled.) p Fc 221 4774 a(2.3) 99
-b(Counting) 26 b(semaphores) p Fg 221 4951 a(An) p Fd
-21 w(omn) n(i_sem) n(apho) n(re) p Fg 20 w(is) 21 b(a) h(counting) e
-(semaphor) n(e) n(.) 28 b(When) 20 b(cr) n(eated) g(it) h(is) g(given) g
-(an) g(initial) 221 5064 y(unsigned) j(intege) n(r) i(value.) 36
-b(When) p Fd 25 w(wai) n(t\(\)) p Fg 24 w(is) 26 b(called,) g(the) f
-(value) h(is) f(decr) n(emente) n(d) g(if) h(non-) 221
-5177 y(zer) n(o.) 43 b(If) 27 b(the) g(value) h(is) f(zer) n(o) h(then)
-f(the) f(thr) n(ead) h(blocks) h(instead.) 41 b(When) p
-Fd 27 w(post) n(\(\)) p Fg 27 w(is) 27 b(cal) r(led,) 221
-5290 y(if) h(any) g(thr) n(eads) e(ar) n(e) i(blocked) f(in) p
-Fd 27 w(wait\() n(\)) p Fg(,) h(exactly) f(one) g(thr) n(ead) g(is) g
-(woken.) 41 b(If) 27 b(no) g(thr) n(eads) 221 5403 y(wer) n(e) 22
-b(blocked) g(then) g(the) g(value) h(of) g(the) e(semaphor) n(e) h(is) h
-(incr) n(emented.) p 90 rotate dyy eop
-%%Page: 3 3
-3 2 bop Fg 3306 249 a(3) 204 548 y(If) 27 b(a) h(thr) n(ead) e(cal) r
-(ls) p Fd 27 w(try) n(_wait) n(\(\)) p Fg(,) h(then) g(the) f(thr) n
-(ead) g(won't) h(block) h(if) f(the) g(semaphor) n(e's) 63
-661 y(value) c(is) g(0,) g(r) n(eturning) p Fd 21 w(false) p
-Fg 21 w(instead.) 204 777 y(Ther) n(e) f(is) g(no) h(way) f(of) h
-(query) n(ing) g(the) f(value) h(of) g(the) f(semaphor) n(e) n(.) p
-Fh 63 1095 a(3) 119 b(Thread) 29 b(object) p Fg 63 1313
-a(A) 23 b(thr) n(ead) g(is) h(r) n(epr) n(ese) n(nted) e(by) i(an) p
-Fd 24 w(omni) n(_thr) n(ead) p Fg 23 w(object.) 30 b(Ther) n(e) 23
-b(ar) n(e) h(br) n(oadly) g(two) e(dif) n(fer) n(-) 63
-1426 y(ent) f(ways) i(in) g(which) g(it) g(can) g(be) g(used) n(.) 204
-1542 y(The) 28 b(\002rst) g(way) h(is) h(simply) f(to) f(cr) n(eate) h
-(an) p Fd 30 w(omn) n(i_thr) n(ead) p Fg 28 w(object,) h(giving) g(a) f
-(particula) r(r) 63 1655 y(function) c(which) h(the) e(thr) n(ead) h
-(should) f(execute) n(.) 36 b(This) 25 b(is) g(like) g(the) g(POSIX) f
-(\(or) i(any) f(other) n(\)) h(C) 63 1768 y(language) c(interface.) 204
-1884 y(The) k(second) f(method) h(of) h(use) e(is) i(to) f(cr) n(eate) h
-(a) g(new) g(class) g(which) g(inherits) f(fr) n(om) p
-Fd 28 w(omn) n(i_) 63 1997 y(thr) n(ead) p Fg(.) 50 b(In) 31
-b(this) f(case) g(the) g(thr) n(ead) g(will) i(execute) d(the) p
-Fd 29 w(run\(\)) p Fg 29 w(member) h(function) h(of) f(the) 63
-2109 y(new) 22 b(class.) 29 b(One) 23 b(advantage) g(of) g(this) g
-(scheme) f(is) h(that) g(thr) n(ead-speci\002c) g(data) g(can) h(be) f
-(imple-) 63 2222 y(mented) e(simply) h(by) h(having) g(data) g(members)
-f(of) h(the) f(new) g(class.) 204 2339 y(When) f(constr) o(ucted) g(a) i
-(thr) n(ead) f(is) g(in) h(the) e("new") h(state) f(and) h(has) g(not) g
-(actuall) r(y) g(starte) n(d.) 28 b(A) 63 2451 y(call) j(to) p
-Fd 29 w(sta) n(rt\(\)) p Fg 28 w(causes) e(the) g(thr) n(ead) g(to) g
-(begin) g(executing.) 47 b(A) 29 b(static) h(member) f(function) p
-Fd 63 2564 a(cre) n(ate\() n(\)) p Fg 32 w(is) j(pr) n(ovided) f(to) g
-(constr) o(uct) g(and) g(start) g(a) i(thr) n(ead) e(in) h(a) g(single)
-g(call.) 57 b(A) 31 b(thr) n(ead) 63 2677 y(exits) 21
-b(by) i(call) r(ing) p Fd 22 w(exit\() n(\)) p Fg 22
-w(or) g(by) f(r) n(eturning) g(fr) n(om) h(the) f(thr) n(ead) g
-(function.) 204 2793 y(Thr) n(eads) 27 b(can) j(be) e(either) g
-(detached) f(or) h(undetached) n(.) 46 b(Detached) 28
-b(thr) n(eads) g(ar) n(e) h(thr) n(eads) 63 2906 y(for) h(which) i(all)
-g(state) e(will) i(be) f(lost) f(upon) g(exit.) 52 b(Other) 30
-b(thr) n(eads) g(cannot) h(dete) n(rmine) g(when) 63
-3019 y(a) e(detached) f(thr) n(ead) h(will) h(disappear) -7
-b(,) 31 b(and) e(ther) n(efor) n(e) f(should) g(not) h(attempt) f(to) g
-(access) h(the) 63 3132 y(thr) n(ead) 23 b(object) g(unless) f(some) h
-(explicit) h(synchr) n(onisation) f(with) g(the) g(detached) f(thr) n
-(ead) h(guar) n(-) 63 3245 y(antees) e(that) h(it) h(still) g(exists.)
-204 3361 y(Undet) n(ached) 33 b(thr) n(eads) f(ar) n(e) i(thr) n(eads) e
-(for) h(which) g(storage) f(is) h(not) f(r) n(eclai) r(med) g(until) i
-(an-) 63 3474 y(othe) n(r) g(thr) n(ead) g(waits) g(for) g(its) g
-(termination) g(by) g(call) r(ing) p Fd 34 w(joi) n(n\(\)) p
-Fg(.) 61 b(An) 34 b(exit) g(value) h(can) g(be) 63 3587
-y(passe) n(d) 23 b(fr) n(om) g(an) g(undet) n(ached) g(thr) n(ead) f
-(to) g(the) g(thr) n(ead) g(which) h(joins) g(it.) 204
-3703 y(Detached) 31 b(/) h(undetached) e(thr) n(eads) h(ar) n(e) i
-(distinguish) n(ed) f(on) f(cr) n(eation) h(by) g(the) f(type) g(of) 63
-3816 y(function) 24 b(they) e(execute.) 30 b(Undetached) 22
-b(thr) n(eads) h(execute) g(a) h(function) g(which) g(has) g(a) p
-Fd 25 w(voi) n(d*) p Fg 63 3929 a(r) n(eturn) c(typ) n(e,) h(wher) n
-(eas) f(detached) f(thr) n(eads) h(execute) f(a) j(function) f(which) g
-(has) g(a) p Fd 21 w(void) p Fg 19 w(r) n(eturn) 63 4042
-y(typ) n(e.) 52 b(Unfortunate) n(ly) 31 b(C++) g(member) g(functions) f
-(ar) n(e) h(not) f(allowed) g(to) g(be) h(distingu) n(ished) 63
-4155 y(simply) 26 b(by) h(their) f(r) n(eturn) g(type) n(.) 40
-b(Thus) 26 b(in) h(the) f(case) h(of) g(a) g(derived) f(class) h(of) p
-Fd 26 w(omni_) n(thre) n(ad) p Fg 63 4268 a(which) 20
-b(needs) e(an) j(undet) n(ached) f(thr) n(ead,) g(the) f(member) h
-(function) g(execute) n(d) g(by) g(the) f(thr) n(ead) g(is) 63
-4380 y(called) p Fd 19 w(run_u) n(ndet) n(ache) n(d\(\)) p
-Fg 18 w(rather) f(than) p Fd 19 w(run\() n(\)) p Fg(,) h(and) g(it) g
-(is) g(started) e(by) i(calli) r(ng) p Fd 18 w(star) n(t_) 63
-4493 y(und) n(etac) n(hed\(\)) p Fg 21 w(instead) j(of) p
-Fd 22 w(start) n(\(\)) p Fg(.) 204 4610 y(The) i(abstraction) i(curr) n
-(ently) e(suppo) n(rts) h(thr) n(ee) f(priorities) g(of) h(thr) n(ead,)
-g(but) g(no) g(guarantee) 63 4722 y(is) 33 b(made) g(of) h(how) f(this)
-g(will) h(af) n(f) r(ect) f(underlying) f(thr) n(ead) h(scheduling.) 59
-b(The) 33 b(thr) n(ee) f(priori-) 63 4835 y(ties) 18
-b(ar) n(e) p Fd 20 w(PRIO) n(RITY) n(_LOW) p Fg(,) p
-Fd 18 w(PRIO) n(RITY) n(_NOR) n(MAL) p Fg 19 w(and) p
-Fd 19 w(PRIO) n(RITY) n(_HIG) n(H) p Fg(.) h(By) g(default) g(all) 63
-4948 y(thr) n(eads) i(r) o(un) i(at) p Fd 23 w(PRIO) n(RITY) n(_NORM) n
-(AL) p Fg(.) f(A) g(dif) n(fer) n(ent) h(priority) f(can) i(be) e
-(speci\002ed) g(on) g(thr) n(ead) 63 5061 y(cr) n(eation,) h(or) f
-(while) h(the) f(thr) n(ead) g(is) h(r) o(unning) g(using) p
-Fd 22 w(set_) n(prio) n(rity\() n(\).) p Fg 28 w(A) g(thr) n(ead's) f
-(cur) n(-) 63 5174 y(r) n(ent) g(priority) g(is) g(r) n(eturned) f(by) p
-Fd 23 w(pri) n(ority) n(\(\)) p Fg(.) 204 5290 y(Other) d(functions) g
-(pr) n(ovided) g(ar) n(e) p Fd 19 w(sel) n(f\(\)) p Fg
-18 w(which) h(r) n(eturns) e(the) h(calli) r(ng) g(thr) n(ead's) p
-Fd 18 w(omn) n(i_) 63 5403 y(thr) n(ead) p Fg 36 w(object,) p
-Fd 40 w(yie) n(ld\(\)) p Fg 35 w(which) 38 b(r) n(eques) n(ts) e(that) h
-(other) e(thr) n(eads) h(be) h(allowed) g(to) f(r) o(un,) p
-90 rotate dyy eop
-%%Page: 4 4
-4 3 bop Fg 221 249 a(4) p Fe 1367 w(6) 91 b(THRE) n(ADED) 23
-b(I/O) g(SHUTDOWN) f(FOR) g(UNIX) p Fd 221 548 a(id\(\)) p
-Fg 27 w(which) 29 b(r) n(eturns) e(an) i(intege) n(r) g(id) f(for) h
-(the) e(thr) n(ead) h(for) g(use) g(in) h(debug) n(ging,) p
-Fd 29 w(state) n(\(\)) p Fg(,) p Fd 221 661 a(slee) n(p\(\)) p
-Fg 22 w(and) p Fd 22 w(get_t) n(ime\() n(\)) p Fg(.) p
-Fh 221 953 a(4) 119 b(Per) n(-threa) n(d) 30 b(data) p
-Fg 221 1164 a(omnithr) n(ead) 22 b(suppo) n(rts) g(per) n(-thr) n(ead) f
-(data,) h(via) i(member) e(functions) f(of) i(the) p
-Fd 21 w(omni) n(_thr) n(ead) p Fg 221 1277 a(object.) 362
-1390 y(First,) d(you) g(must) h(allocate) h(a) f(key) f(for) g(with) h
-(the) p Fd 20 w(omni) n(_thre) n(ad::) n(allo) n(cate_) n(key\() n(\)) p
-Fg 221 1502 a(function.) 28 b(Then,) 21 b(any) h(object) g(whose) f
-(class) h(is) g(derived) f(fr) n(om) p Fd 23 w(omni) n(_thr) n(ead::) n
-(valu) n(e_t) p Fg 221 1615 a(can) 27 b(be) f(stor) n(e) n(d) g(using) f
-(the) p Fd 26 w(set) n(_val) n(ue\(\)) p Fg 25 w(function.) 38
-b(V) -8 b(alues) 25 b(ar) n(e) h(r) n(etrieved) f(or) h(r) n(emoved) 221
-1728 y(with) p Fd 23 w(get) n(_valu) n(e\(\)) p Fg 21
-w(and) p Fd 23 w(remo) n(ve_v) n(alue\() n(\)) p Fg 22
-w(r) n(espectively) -10 b(.) 362 1841 y(When) 23 b(the) g(thr) n(ead) g
-(exits,) g(all) i(per) n(-thr) n(ead) e(data) h(is) g(delet) n(ed) f
-(\(hence) h(the) e(base) i(class) g(with) 221 1954 y(virtual) g(dest) n
-(r) o(uctor\).) 362 2067 y(Note) 17 b(that) i(the) f(per) n(-thr) n
-(ead) f(data) i(functions) f(ar) n(e) p Fb 19 w(not) p
-Fg 18 w(thr) n(ead) g(safe,) i(so) d(although) i(you) e(can) 221
-2180 y(access) 29 b(one) e(thr) n(ead's) h(storage) f(fr) n(om) i
-(another) f(thr) n(ead,) h(ther) n(e) e(is) i(no) f(concurr) n(ency) g
-(contr) n(ol.) 221 2293 y(Unless) j(you) g(r) n(eall) r(y) h(know) f
-(what) h(you) f(ar) n(e) i(doing,) g(it) g(is) f(best) f(to) h(only) g
-(access) g(per) n(-thr) n(ead) 221 2406 y(data) 23 b(fr) n(om) g(the) f
-(thr) n(ead) g(it) h(is) g(attached) f(to.) p Fh 221
-2698 a(5) 119 b(Using) 31 b(OMNI) d(threads) h(in) h(your) g(program) p
-Fg 221 2909 a(Obvi) r(ously) 16 b(you) h(need) g(to) g(include) h(the) p
-Fd 16 w(omnit) n(hrea) n(d.h) p Fg 17 w(header) e(\002le) i(in) g(your)
-f(sour) n(ce) g(code,) 221 3021 y(and) 25 b(link) g(in) h(the) e
-(omnithr) n(ead) g(libra) r(ry) g(with) h(your) f(execut) n(abl) r(e.)
-34 b(Because) 23 b(ther) n(e) h(is) h(a) g(single) p
-Fd 221 3134 a(omni) n(threa) n(d.h) p Fg 30 w(for) 32
-b(all) h(platforms,) h(certain) e(pr) n(epr) n(oces) n(sor) f
-(de\002nes) f(must) h(be) g(given) h(as) 221 3247 y(compiler) 25
-b(options) n(.) 33 b(The) 23 b(easiest) g(way) h(to) g(do) f(this) h
-(is) g(to) g(stud) n(y) g(the) g(make\002les) f(given) h(in) h(the) 221
-3360 y(examples) i(pr) n(ovided) g(with) g(this) g(distribution.) 42
-b(If) 27 b(you) g(ar) n(e) g(to) g(include) h(OMNI) f(thr) n(eads) g
-(in) 221 3473 y(your) 18 b(own) g(development) g(envir) n(onment,) h
-(thes) n(e) g(ar) n(e) g(the) f(necessary) g(pr) n(epr) n(oce) n(ssor) g
-(de\002nes) n(:) p 362 3567 3287 4 v 360 3680 4 113 v
-412 3646 a(Platform) p 1312 3680 V 599 w(Pr) n(epr) n(ocess) n(or) 23
-b(De\002nes) p 3648 3680 V 362 3683 3287 4 v 362 3700
-V 360 3813 4 113 v 412 3779 a(Sun) f(Solaris) h(2.x) p
-1312 3813 V Fd 365 w(-D__) n(suno) n(s__) 54 b(-D_) n(_spa) n(rc__) f
-(-D__) n(OSVER) n(SION) n(__=5) p 3648 3813 V 360 3926
-V 1312 3926 V 1363 3892 a(-DSV) n(R4) h(-DUs) n(ePth) n(read) f(-D_R) n
-(EENT) n(RANT) p 3648 3926 V 362 3929 3287 4 v 360 4042
-4 113 v Fg 412 4008 a(x86) 24 b(Linux) e(2.0) p 1312
-4042 V Fd 418 w(-D__) n(linu) n(x__) 54 b(-D_) n(_i86) n(__) g(-D__) n
-(OSVE) n(RSION) n(__=2) p 3648 4042 V 360 4155 V Fg 412
-4121 a(with) 23 b(linuxthr) n(eads) f(0.5) p 1312 4155
-V Fd 100 w(-D_R) n(EENT) n(RANT) p 3648 4155 V 362 4158
-3287 4 v 360 4271 4 113 v Fg 412 4237 a(Digital) i(Unix) f(3.2) p
-1312 4271 V Fd 320 w(-D__) n(osf1) n(__) 54 b(-D__) n(alph) n(a__) g
-(-D_) n(_OSV) n(ERSIO) n(N__=) n(3) p 3648 4271 V 360
-4384 V 1312 4384 V 1363 4350 a(-D_R) n(EENT) n(RANT) p
-3648 4384 V 362 4387 3287 4 v 360 4500 4 113 v Fg 412
-4466 a(W) -5 b(indows) 22 b(NT) p 1312 4500 V Fd 411
-w(-D__) n(NT__) 53 b(-MD) p 3648 4500 V 362 4503 3287
-4 v Fh 221 4740 a(6) 119 b(Threaded) 29 b(I/O) g(shutdown) h(for) g
-(Unix) p Fg 221 4951 a(or) -7 b(,) 20 b(how) e(one) g(thr) n(ead) h
-(shou) n(ld) h(tell) f(another) f(thr) n(ead) g(to) h(shut) f(down) g
-(when) g(it) h(might) g(be) g(doing) 221 5064 y(a) k(blocking) g(cal) r
-(l) g(on) f(a) h(socket) n(.) p Fb 362 5177 a(If) h(you) e(are) i
-(using) e(omniOR) n(B,) h(you) e(don') n(t) i(need) g(to) g(worry) f
-(about) g(all) i(this,) f(since) h(om-) 221 5290 y(niORB) i(does) h(it)
-h(for) f(you) n(.) p Fg 41 w(This) g(section) f(is) h(only) g(r) n
-(elevant) g(if) h(you) e(ar) n(e) h(using) f(omnithr) n(ead) 221
-5403 y(in) d(your) f(own) g(socket) n(-based) h(pr) n(ogramming.) k(It)
-22 b(is) h(also) g(serious) n(ly) g(out) f(of) h(date.) p
-90 rotate dyy eop
-%%Page: 5 5
-5 4 bop Fe 63 249 a(6.1) 91 b(r) n(ead\(\)) p Fg 2800
-w(5) 204 548 y(Unfortunate) n(ly) 35 b(ther) n(e) e(doe) n(sn't) h
-(seem) f(to) h(be) g(a) h(standar) n(d) e(way) i(of) f(doing) f(this) h
-(which) 63 661 y(works) 19 b(acr) n(oss) i(all) i(Unix) e(syst) n(ems.)
-27 b(I) 21 b(have) g(investigated) f(the) h(behaviour) g(of) g(Solaris)
-h(2.5) g(and) 63 774 y(Digital) k(Unix) g(3.2.) 36 b(On) 26
-b(Digital) h(Unix) e(everyth) n(ing) h(is) f(\002ne,) g(as) h(the) e
-(obvious) h(method) f(using) 63 887 y(shutd) n(own\(\)) 32
-b(seems) f(to) h(work) f(OK.) h(Unfortunately) f(on) h(Solaris) h(shut)
-n(down) f(can) h(only) f(be) 63 1000 y(used) 25 b(on) h(a) h(connected)
-e(socke) n(t,) i(so) f(we) g(need) f(devious) h(means) g(to) g(get) f
-(ar) n(ound) h(this) g(lim) r(ita-) 63 1112 y(tion.) h(The) 22
-b(details) g(ar) n(e) h(summarised) g(below:) p Fc 63
-1429 a(6.1) 99 b(read\(\)) p Fg 63 1627 a(Thr) n(ead) 28
-b(A) h(is) g(in) h(a) g(loop,) g(doing) p Fd 28 w(rea) n(d\(soc) n(k\))
-p Fg(,) g(pr) n(ocess) n(ing) f(the) g(data,) h(then) f(going) f(back)
-63 1739 y(into) 22 b(the) g(r) n(ead.) 204 1862 y(Thr) n(ead) 30
-b(B) h(comes) f(along) h(and) g(wants) f(to) g(shut) g(it) h(down) f
-(\227) h(it) g(can't) g(cancel) h(thr) n(ead) f(A) 63
-1975 y(since) 21 b(\(i\)) h(working) e(out) g(how) g(to) h(clean) h(up)
-e(accor) n(ding) i(to) e(wher) n(e) g(A) h(is) g(in) h(its) f(loop) f
-(is) h(a) h(night-) 63 2088 y(mar) n(e,) h(and) f(\(ii\)) i(this) f
-(isn't) f(ava) r(ilabl) r(e) g(in) h(omnithr) n(ead) f(anyway) -10
-b(.) 204 2211 y(On) 23 b(Solaris) g(2.5) g(and) g(Digital) h(Unix) f
-(3.2) g(the) f(following) h(strate) n(gy) f(works:) 204
-2334 y(Thr) n(ead) g(B) g(does) p Fd 21 w(shut) n(down\() n(sock) n
-(,2\)) p Fg(.) 204 2457 y(At) g(this) g(point) h(thr) n(ead) f(A) g(is)
-h(either) f(blocked) g(inside) p Fd 23 w(rea) n(d\(so) n(ck\)) p
-Fg(,) g(or) g(is) h(elsewhe) n(r) n(e) g(in) 63 2570
-y(the) 18 b(loop.) 26 b(If) 18 b(the) g(former) h(then) f(r) n(ead) h
-(will) h(r) n(eturn) e(0,) i(indicating) f(that) g(the) f(socke) n(t) h
-(is) g(closed.) 26 b(If) 63 2683 y(the) 21 b(latter) h(then) f
-(eventually) h(thr) n(ead) g(A) g(will) i(call) p Fd
-24 w(rea) n(d\(so) n(ck\)) p Fg 21 w(and) f(then) e(this) h(will) h(r) n
-(eturn) 63 2796 y(0.) 28 b(Thr) n(ead) 22 b(A) h(should) p
-Fd 21 w(clos) n(e\(soc) n(k\)) p Fg(,) f(do) g(any) g(other) g(tidying)
-f(up,) h(and) h(exit.) 204 2919 y(If) 34 b(ther) n(e) g(is) h(another) f
-(point) g(in) h(the) e(loop) i(that) f(thr) n(ead) g(A) h(can) g(block)
-g(then) f(obviously) 63 3032 y(thr) n(ead) 19 b(B) h(needs) f(to) h(be)
-g(awar) n(e) h(of) f(this) g(and) g(be) h(able) g(to) e(wake) h(it) h
-(up) f(in) g(the) g(appr) n(opriate) g(way) 63 3145 y(fr) n(om) j(that)
-f(point.) p Fc 63 3462 a(6.2) 99 b(accept\(\)) p Fg 63
-3659 a(Again) 25 b(thr) n(ead) g(A) h(is) f(in) h(a) g(loop,) g(this) f
-(time) h(doing) e(an) i(acc) r(ept) e(on) h(listenSock,) g(dealing) h
-(with) 63 3772 y(a) d(new) f(connection) g(and) h(going) e(back) j
-(into) e(accept.) 28 b(Thr) n(ead) 22 b(B) g(wants) h(to) f(cancel) h
-(it.) 204 3895 y(On) g(Digital) h(Unix) f(3.2) g(the) f(strateg) n(y) g
-(is) h(identical) h(to) e(that) g(for) h(r) n(ead:) 204
-4018 y(Thr) n(ead) 39 b(B) g(does) p Fd 38 w(shut) n(down) n(\(list) n
-(enSo) n(ck,2) n(\)) p Fg(.) 79 b(Wher) n(ever) 38 b(thr) n(ead) h(A) h
-(is) f(in) h(the) 63 4131 y(loop,) i(eventually) c(it) h(will) h(r) n
-(eturn) p Fd 38 w(ECONN) n(ABOR) n(TED) p Fg 38 w(fr) n(om) f(the) f
-(accept) h(call) r(.) 76 b(It) 39 b(shou) n(ld) p Fd
-63 4244 a(clo) n(se\(l) n(isten) n(Sock) n(\)) p Fg(,) 22
-b(tidy) g(up) g(as) h(necessary) e(and) i(exit.) 204
-4367 y(On) 30 b(Solaris) f(2.5) i(thr) n(ead) e(B) g(can't) h(do) p
-Fd 29 w(shu) n(tdow) n(n\(lis) n(tenS) n(ock,2) n(\)) p
-Fg 29 w(\227) g(this) f(r) n(eturns) p Fd 63 4480 a(ENO) n(TCON) n(N) p
-Fg(.) 22 b(Instead) f(the) h(following) h(strateg) n(y) g(can) g(be) g
-(used) n(:) 204 4603 y(First) 35 b(thr) n(ead) h(B) g(set) n(s) g(some)
-f(sort) g(of) h("shutdo) n(wn) g(\003ag") g(associated) g(with) g
-(listenSock.) 63 4716 y(Then) 31 b(it) h(does) p Fd 30
-w(gets) n(ocka) n(ddr\(l) n(iste) n(nSock) n(\)) p Fg
-32 w(to) f(\002nd) g(out) g(which) i(port) e(listenSock) f(is) 63
-4828 y(on) 18 b(\(or) h(knows) e(alr) n(eady\),) j(sets) d(up) h(a) h
-(socket) e(dummySock,) i(doe) n(s) p Fd 19 w(con) n(nect) n(\(dumm) n
-(ySoc) n(k,) 63 4941 y(thi) n(s) 54 b(host,) f(por) n(t\)) p
-Fg 22 w(and) 23 b(\002nally) g(does) p Fd 21 w(clos) n(e\(dum) n(mySo) n
-(ck\)) p Fg(.) 204 5064 y(Wher) n(ever) 16 b(thr) n(ead) h(A) g(is) g
-(in) h(the) e(loop,) h(eventually) g(it) h(will) g(call) p
-Fd 19 w(acce) n(pt\(li) n(sten) n(Sock) n(\)) p Fg(.) 63
-5177 y(This) 35 b(will) j(r) n(eturn) d(successfully) g(with) h(a) h
-(new) e(socket,) j(say) e(connSock.) 67 b(Thr) n(ead) 36
-b(A) f(then) 63 5290 y(checks) 20 b(to) h(see) f(if) i(the) f("shutd) n
-(own) g(\003ag") h(is) f(set.) 26 b(If) c(not,) e(then) h(it's) g(a) h
-(normal) g(connection.) 27 b(If) 21 b(it) 63 5403 y(is) h(set,) g(then)
-f(thr) n(ead) h(A) h(closes) f(listenSock) f(and) i(connSock,) e
-(tidies) h(up) g(and) h(exits.) p 90 rotate dyy eop
-%%Page: 6 6
-6 5 bop Fg 221 249 a(6) p Fe 1367 w(6) 91 b(THRE) n(ADED) 23
-b(I/O) g(SHUTDOWN) f(FOR) g(UNIX) p Fc 221 548 a(6.3) 99
-b(write\(\)) p Fg 221 768 a(Thr) n(ead) 19 b(A) f(may) h(be) g(blocked)
-f(in) i(write,) f(or) f(about) h(to) f(go) g(in) h(to) g(a) g(poten) n
-(tiall) r(y-blocking) g(write.) 221 881 y(Thr) n(ead) j(B) h(wants) f
-(to) g(shut) f(it) i(down.) 362 1016 y(On) g(Solaris) g(2.5:) 362
-1150 y(Thr) n(ead) f(B) h(doe) n(s) p Fd 23 w(shu) n(tdown) n(\(soc) n
-(k,2\)) p Fg -2 w(.) 362 1285 y(If) c(thr) n(ead) f(A) h(is) g(alr) n
-(eady) g(in) p Fd 20 w(wri) n(te\(s) n(ock\)) p Fg 17
-w(then) f(it) h(will) i(r) n(eturn) d(with) p Fd 18 w(ENXIO) p
-Fg -2 w(.) h(If) g(thr) n(ead) 221 1398 y(A) k(calls) h(write) e(after)
-g(thr) n(ead) g(B) h(calls) h(shut) n(down) e(this) g(will) i(r) n
-(eturn) p Fd 22 w(EIO) p Fg(.) 362 1532 y(On) f(Digital) h(Unix) f
-(3.2:) 362 1666 y(Thr) n(ead) f(B) h(doe) n(s) p Fd 23
-w(shu) n(tdown) n(\(soc) n(k,2\)) p Fg -2 w(.) 362 1801
-y(If) h(thr) n(ead) f(A) g(is) h(alr) n(eady) g(in) p
-Fd 24 w(writ) n(e\(so) n(ck\)) p Fg 23 w(then) e(it) i(will) h(r) n
-(eturn) e(the) f(number) i(of) f(bytes) 221 1914 y(written) 31
-b(befor) n(e) h(it) g(became) g(blocked.) 55 b(A) 32
-b(subseq) n(uent) f(cal) r(l) h(to) f(write) h(will) h(then) e(gene) n
-(rate) p Fd 221 2027 a(SIGP) n(IPE) p Fg 22 w(\(or) p
-Fd 22 w(EPIP) n(E) p Fg 23 w(will) 24 b(be) e(r) n(eturned) f(if) p
-Fd 24 w(SIG) n(PIPE) p Fg 21 w(is) i(ignor) n(ed) e(by) i(the) f(thr) n
-(ead\).) p Fc 221 2413 a(6.4) 99 b(connect\(\)) p Fg
-221 2634 a(Thr) n(ead) 30 b(A) f(may) h(be) g(blocked) f(in) i
-(connect,) g(or) e(about) h(to) f(go) g(in) i(to) e(a) h(poten) n
-(tiall) r(y-blocking) 221 2747 y(connect.) d(Thr) n(ead) c(B) f(wants) g
-(to) g(shut) g(it) g(down.) 362 2881 y(On) h(Digital) h(Unix) f(3.2:)
-362 3016 y(Thr) n(ead) f(B) h(doe) n(s) p Fd 23 w(shu) n(tdown) n
-(\(soc) n(k,2\)) p Fg -2 w(.) 362 3150 y(If) j(thr) n(ead) f(A) g(is) h
-(alr) n(eady) g(in) p Fd 26 w(conn) n(ect\() n(sock) n(\)) p
-Fg 26 w(then) e(it) i(will) h(r) n(eturn) e(a) h(successful) f(con-) 221
-3263 y(nection.) 54 b(Subsequ) n(ent) 31 b(r) n(eading) g(or) g
-(writing) g(will) i(show) d(that) i(the) e(socket) g(has) h(been) g
-(shut) 221 3376 y(down) 22 b(\(i.e.) 28 b(r) n(ead) 23
-b(r) n(eturns) e(0,) i(write) f(generate) n(s) p Fd 23
-w(SIG) n(PIPE) p Fg 21 w(or) g(r) n(eturns) p Fd 22 w(EPI) n(PE) p
-Fg(\).) g(If) h(thr) n(ead) f(A) 221 3489 y(call) r(s) g(connect) g
-(after) h(thr) n(ead) f(B) g(call) r(s) g(shutdo) n(wn) h(this) f(will)
-i(r) n(eturn) p Fd 22 w(EIN) n(VAL) p Fg(.) 362 3623
-y(On) f(Solaris) g(2.5:) 362 3758 y(Ther) n(e) 35 b(is) h(no) f(way) g
-(to) g(wake) g(up) g(a) h(thr) n(ead) f(which) h(is) g(blocked) f(in) h
-(connect.) 66 b(Inst) n(ead) 221 3871 y(Solaris) 33 b(for) n(ces) g(us)
-f(thr) n(ough) g(a) i(ridiculous) f(pr) n(oced) n(ur) n(e) g(whichever)
-g(way) g(we) f(try) g(it.) 59 b(One) 221 3984 y(way) 23
-b(is) f(this:) 362 4118 y(First) d(thr) n(ead) h(A) g(cr) n(eates) f(a)
-h(pipe) g(in) g(addition) g(to) f(the) g(socket) n(.) 27
-b(Instead) 19 b(of) h(shut) n(ting) g(down) 221 4231
-y(the) i(socket) n(,) h(thr) n(ead) f(B) g(simply) h(writes) e(a) i
-(byte) f(to) g(the) g(pipe.) 362 4365 y(Thr) n(ead) 17
-b(A) g(meanwhile) h(set) n(s) f(the) g(socke) n(t) g(to) g
-(non-blocking) g(mode) f(using) p Fd 17 w(fcn) n(tl\(s) n(ock,) 221
-4478 y(F_SE) n(TFL,) 53 b(O_NO) n(NBLO) n(CK\)) p Fg(.) 26
-b(Then) h(it) g(cal) r(ls) g(connect) g(on) g(the) f(socket) g(\227) h
-(this) g(will) i(r) n(eturn) p Fd 221 4591 a(EINP) n(ROGRE) n(SS) p
-Fg(.) k(Then) h(it) h(must) e(cal) r(l) p Fd 35 w(sel) n(ect\() n(\)) p
-Fg(,) k(waiting) e(for) f(either) g(sock) g(to) f(become) 221
-4704 y(writable) 39 b(or) f(for) h(the) e(pipe) h(to) g(become) g(r) n
-(eadable.) 75 b(If) 39 b(select) e(r) n(eturns) g(that) i(just) e(sock)
-h(is) 221 4817 y(writable) 30 b(then) f(the) g(connection) g(has) h
-(succeede) n(d.) 49 b(It) 29 b(then) g(need) n(s) h(to) f(set) f(the) h
-(socket) f(back) 221 4930 y(to) i(blocking) h(mode) f(using) p
-Fd 30 w(fcnt) n(l\(so) n(ck,) 54 b(F_S) n(ETFL) n(,) h(0\)) p
-Fg(.) c(If) 31 b(instead) e(select) h(r) n(eturns) 221
-5043 y(that) 23 b(the) e(pipe) h(is) h(r) n(eadable,) g(thr) n(ead) f
-(A) h(closes) e(the) h(socket) n(,) h(tidies) f(up) g(and) h(exits.) 362
-5177 y(An) g(alternative) h(method) e(is) i(similar) h(but) e(to) g
-(use) f(polling) i(instead) e(of) i(the) e(pipe.) 29
-b(Thr) n(ead) 221 5290 y(B) 24 b(justs) e(sets) g(a) j(\003ag) f(and) g
-(thr) n(ead) f(A) h(calls) h(select) e(with) g(a) i(timeout,) e(period)
-n(ica) r(lly) h(waking) f(up) 221 5403 y(to) f(see) g(if) h(the) f
-(\003ag) h(has) f(been) g(set.) p 90 rotate dyy eop
-%%Page: 7 7
-7 6 bop Fe 63 249 a(REF) n(ERENCES) p Fg 2660 w(7) p
-Fh 63 548 a(Refere) n(nces) p Fg 63 759 a([POSIX94]) p
-Fa 46 w(Portable) 29 b(Operat) r(ing) f(System) g(Interface) h
-(\(POSIX\)) e(Thr) n(ea) r(ds) h(Extension) p Fg(,) h(P1003) r(.1c) 245
-872 y(Draft) 23 b(10,) g(IEEE,) e(Septe) n(mber) i(1994) r(.) 63
-1059 y([Birr) n(ell89]) p Fa 47 w(An) 28 b(Intr) n(od) r(uction) g(to) h
-(Pr) n(ogr) r(amming) g(with) g(Thr) n(ead) r(s) p Fg(,) h(Rese) n(ar) n
-(ch) g(Repo) n(rt) e(35,) j(DEC) 245 1172 y(Syst) n(ems) 22
-b(Resear) n(ch) g(Center) -7 b(,) 22 b(Palo) h(Alto,) f(CA,) h(January)
-g(1989) r(.) p 90 rotate dyy eop
-userdict /end-hook known{end-hook}if
diff --git a/gcell/apps/ b/gcell/apps/
index 7cf9122a34..c3a2092a33 100644
--- a/gcell/apps/
+++ b/gcell/apps/
@@ -22,9 +22,7 @@ include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.common
SUBDIRS = spu .
GCELL_QA_LA = $(top_builddir)/gcell/lib/
diff --git a/gcell/apps/ b/gcell/apps/
index a84defe370..bc3b3f3289 100644
--- a/gcell/apps/
+++ b/gcell/apps/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2007,2008,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GNU Radio
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
#include <config.h>
#include <gcell/gc_job_manager.h>
-#include <gnuradio/omni_time.h>
+#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time_types.hpp>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
@@ -95,6 +95,8 @@ init_jd(gc_job_desc *jd, unsigned int usecs,
static void
run_test(unsigned int nspes, unsigned int usecs, unsigned int dma_size, int getput_mask)
+ using namespace boost::posix_time;
static const int64_t TOTAL_SIZE_DMA = 5LL << 30;
static const int NJDS = 64;
unsigned int njobs = (unsigned int)(TOTAL_SIZE_DMA / dma_size);
@@ -148,7 +150,7 @@ run_test(unsigned int nspes, unsigned int usecs, unsigned int dma_size, int getp
for (int iter = 0; iter < 1; iter++){
- omni_time t_start = omni_time::time();
+ ptime t_start(microsec_clock::universal_time());
nsubmitted = 0;
ncompleted = 0;
@@ -203,9 +205,9 @@ run_test(unsigned int nspes, unsigned int usecs, unsigned int dma_size, int getp
// stop timing
- omni_time t_stop = omni_time::time();
+ ptime t_stop(microsec_clock::universal_time());
- double delta = (t_stop - t_start).double_time();
+ double delta = (t_stop - t_start).total_microseconds() * 1e-6;
printf("nspes: %2d udelay: %4d elapsed_time: %7.3f dma_size: %5d dma_throughput: %7.3e\n",
mgr->nspes(), usecs, delta, dma_size,
(double) njobs * dma_size / delta * (getput_mask == BENCHMARK_GET_PUT ? 2.0 : 1.0));
diff --git a/gcell/apps/ b/gcell/apps/
index dee46c8420..a27373db40 100644
--- a/gcell/apps/
+++ b/gcell/apps/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2007,2008,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GNU Radio
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
#include <config.h>
#include <gcell/gc_job_manager.h>
-#include <gnuradio/omni_time.h>
+#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time_types.hpp>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ init_jd(gc_job_desc *jd, unsigned int usecs)
static void
run_test(unsigned int nspes, unsigned int usecs, int njobs)
+ using namespace boost::posix_time;
static const int NJDS = 64;
int nsubmitted = 0;
int ncompleted = 0;
@@ -73,7 +75,7 @@ run_test(unsigned int nspes, unsigned int usecs, int njobs)
init_jd(all_jds[i], usecs);
- omni_time t_start = omni_time::time();
+ ptime t_start(microsec_clock::universal_time());
ci = 0;
njds[0] = 0;
@@ -122,8 +124,8 @@ run_test(unsigned int nspes, unsigned int usecs, int njobs)
// stop timing
- omni_time t_stop = omni_time::time();
- double delta = (t_stop - t_start).double_time();
+ ptime t_stop(microsec_clock::universal_time());
+ double delta = (t_stop - t_start).total_microseconds() * 1e-6;
printf("nspes: %2d udelay: %4d elapsed_time: %7.3f njobs: %g speedup: %6.3f\n",
mgr->nspes(), usecs, delta, (double) njobs,
njobs * usecs * 1e-6 / delta);
diff --git a/gcell/apps/ b/gcell/apps/
index 8ba37c968e..b994182a88 100644
--- a/gcell/apps/
+++ b/gcell/apps/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2007,2008,2009,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GNU Radio
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
#include <config.h>
#include <gcell/gc_job_manager.h>
-#include <gnuradio/omni_time.h>
+#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time_types.hpp>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
@@ -96,6 +96,8 @@ static void
run_test(unsigned int nspes, unsigned int usecs, unsigned int dma_size,
int getput_mask, int njobs_at_once)
+ using namespace boost::posix_time;
int NJDS = njobs_at_once;
gc_job_desc *all_jds[NJDS];
bool done[NJDS];
@@ -140,7 +142,7 @@ run_test(unsigned int nspes, unsigned int usecs, unsigned int dma_size,
int niter = 100000;
- omni_time t_start = omni_time::time();
+ ptime t_start(microsec_clock::universal_time());
for (int iter = 0; iter < niter; iter++){
@@ -164,8 +166,8 @@ run_test(unsigned int nspes, unsigned int usecs, unsigned int dma_size,
// stop timing
- omni_time t_stop = omni_time::time();
- double delta = (t_stop - t_start).double_time();
+ ptime t_stop(microsec_clock::universal_time());
+ double delta = (t_stop - t_start).total_microseconds() * 1e-6;
printf("nspes: %2d udelay: %4d elapsed_time: %7.3f dma_size: %5d dma_throughput: %7.3e round_trip: %gus\n",
mgr->nspes(), usecs, delta, dma_size,
(double) NJDS * niter * dma_size / delta * (getput_mask == BENCHMARK_GET_PUT ? 2.0 : 1.0),
diff --git a/gcell/ b/gcell/
index d88d0fb674..e602ff7c39 100644
--- a/gcell/
+++ b/gcell/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ gcell_embedspu_libtool=@bindir@/gcell-embedspu-libtool
Name: gcell
Description: The GNU Radio SPE scheduler and RPC mechanism
-Requires: gnuradio-omnithread
Version: @VERSION@
Libs: -L${libdir} -lgcell
Cflags: -I${includedir} @DEFINES@
diff --git a/gcell/lib/ b/gcell/lib/
index e7b349331d..fa9c4a0031 100644
--- a/gcell/lib/
+++ b/gcell/lib/
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ libgcell_la_LIBADD = \
runtime/ \
wrapper/ \
-lspe2 \
libgcell_qa_la_LIBADD = \
runtime/ \
diff --git a/gcell/lib/runtime/ b/gcell/lib/runtime/
index 2c653918e6..4d13790cd2 100644
--- a/gcell/lib/runtime/
+++ b/gcell/lib/runtime/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright 2007,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Copyright 2007,2008,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GNU Radio
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.common
IBM_PPU_SYNC_INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/gcell/ibm/sync/ppu_source
diff --git a/gcell/lib/runtime/gc_client_thread_info.h b/gcell/lib/runtime/gc_client_thread_info.h
index 9f46ecca77..e49c070975 100644
--- a/gcell/lib/runtime/gc_client_thread_info.h
+++ b/gcell/lib/runtime/gc_client_thread_info.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2007,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GNU Radio
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
-#include <gnuradio/omnithread.h>
+#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/utility.hpp>
enum gc_ct_state {
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ enum gc_ct_state {
class gc_client_thread_info : boost::noncopyable {
gc_client_thread_info() :
- d_free(1), d_cond(&d_mutex), d_state(CT_NOT_WAITING),
+ d_free(1), d_cond(), d_state(CT_NOT_WAITING),
d_jobs_done(0), d_njobs_waiting_for(0),
d_jobs_waiting_for(0){ }
@@ -59,10 +59,10 @@ public:
uint16_t d_client_id;
//! hold this mutex to manipulate anything below here
- omni_mutex d_mutex;
+ boost::mutex d_mutex;
//! signaled by event handler to wake client thread up
- omni_condition d_cond;
+ boost::condition_variable d_cond;
//! Is this client waiting?
gc_ct_state d_state;
diff --git a/gcell/lib/runtime/ b/gcell/lib/runtime/
index cc49fd1f3a..58597cf276 100644
--- a/gcell/lib/runtime/
+++ b/gcell/lib/runtime/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2007,2008,2009,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GNU Radio
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
#include <string.h>
#include <sched.h>
+typedef boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> scoped_lock;
#define __nop() __asm__ volatile ("ori 0,0,0" : : : "memory")
#define __cctpl() __asm__ volatile ("or 1,1,1" : : : "memory")
@@ -116,9 +117,9 @@ is_power_of_2(uint32_t x)
gc_job_manager_impl::gc_job_manager_impl(const gc_jm_options *options)
: d_debug(0), d_spu_args(0),
- d_eh_cond(&d_eh_mutex), d_eh_thread(0), d_eh_state(EHS_INIT),
+ d_eh_cond(), d_eh_thread(0), d_eh_state(EHS_INIT),
- d_jc_cond(&d_jc_mutex), d_jc_thread(0), d_jc_state(JCS_INIT), d_jc_njobs_active(0),
+ d_jc_cond(), d_jc_thread(0), d_jc_state(JCS_INIT), d_jc_njobs_active(0),
d_ntell(0), d_tell_start(0),
d_client_thread(0), d_ea_args_maxsize(0),
d_proc_def(0), d_proc_def_ls_addr(0), d_nproc_defs(0)
@@ -368,12 +369,12 @@ gc_job_manager_impl::~gc_job_manager_impl()
- omni_mutex_lock l(d_eh_mutex);
+ scoped_lock l(d_eh_mutex);
- omni_mutex_lock l2(d_jc_mutex);
+ scoped_lock l2(d_jc_mutex);
d_shutdown_requested = true; // set flag for event handler thread
- d_jc_cond.signal(); // wake up job completer
+ d_jc_cond.notify_one(); // wake up job completer
// should only happens during early QA code
@@ -381,7 +382,7 @@ gc_job_manager_impl::shutdown()
return false;
while (d_eh_state != EHS_DEAD) // wait for it to finish
- d_eh_cond.wait();
+ d_eh_cond.wait(l);
return true;
@@ -459,13 +460,13 @@ gc_job_manager_impl::free_job_desc(gc_job_desc *jd)
inline bool
- omni_mutex_lock l(d_jc_mutex);
+ scoped_lock l(d_jc_mutex);
if (d_shutdown_requested)
return false;
if (d_jc_njobs_active++ == 0) // signal on 0 to 1 transition
- d_jc_cond.signal();
+ d_jc_cond.notify_one();
return true;
@@ -473,7 +474,7 @@ gc_job_manager_impl::incr_njobs_active()
inline void
gc_job_manager_impl::decr_njobs_active(int n)
- omni_mutex_lock l(d_jc_mutex);
+ scoped_lock l(d_jc_mutex);
d_jc_njobs_active -= n;
@@ -614,7 +615,7 @@ gc_job_manager_impl::wait_jobs(unsigned int njobs,
- omni_mutex_lock l(cti->d_mutex);
+ scoped_lock l(cti->d_mutex);
// setup info for event handler
cti->d_state = (mode == GC_WAIT_ANY) ? CT_WAIT_ANY : CT_WAIT_ALL;
@@ -646,7 +647,7 @@ gc_job_manager_impl::wait_jobs(unsigned int njobs,
// FIXME what happens when somebody calls shutdown?
- cti->d_cond.wait(); // wait for event handler to wake us up
+ cti->d_cond.wait(l); // wait for event handler to wake us up
cti->d_state = CT_NOT_WAITING;
@@ -835,17 +836,17 @@ gc_job_manager_impl::create_event_handler()
gc_job_manager_impl::set_eh_state(evt_handler_state s)
- omni_mutex_lock l(d_eh_mutex);
+ scoped_lock l(d_eh_mutex);
d_eh_state = s;
- d_eh_cond.broadcast();
+ d_eh_cond.notify_all();
gc_job_manager_impl::set_ea_args_maxsize(int maxsize)
- omni_mutex_lock l(d_eh_mutex);
+ scoped_lock l(d_eh_mutex);
d_ea_args_maxsize = maxsize;
- d_eh_cond.broadcast();
+ d_eh_cond.notify_all();
@@ -956,7 +957,7 @@ gc_job_manager_impl::notify_clients_jobs_are_done(unsigned int spe_num,
// FIXME we could distinguish between CT_WAIT_ALL & CT_WAIT_ANY
if (last_cti->d_state == CT_WAIT_ANY || last_cti->d_state == CT_WAIT_ALL)
- last_cti->d_cond.signal(); // wake client thread up
+ last_cti->d_cond.notify_one(); // wake client thread up
@@ -970,7 +971,7 @@ gc_job_manager_impl::notify_clients_jobs_are_done(unsigned int spe_num,
// "wind-out"
if (last_cti->d_state == CT_WAIT_ANY || last_cti->d_state == CT_WAIT_ALL)
- last_cti->d_cond.signal(); // wake client thread up
+ last_cti->d_cond.notify_one(); // wake client thread up
ci->in_use = 0; // clear flag so SPE knows we're done with it
@@ -1189,13 +1190,13 @@ gc_job_manager_impl::job_completer_loop()
while (1){
- omni_mutex_lock l(d_jc_mutex);
+ scoped_lock l(d_jc_mutex);
if (d_jc_njobs_active == 0){
if (d_shutdown_requested){
d_jc_state = JCS_DEAD;
- d_jc_cond.wait();
+ d_jc_cond.wait(l);
@@ -1280,10 +1281,10 @@ gc_job_manager_impl::free_cti(gc_client_thread_info *cti)
- omni_mutex_lock l(d_eh_mutex);
+ scoped_lock l(d_eh_mutex);
while (d_ea_args_maxsize == 0) // wait for it to be initialized
- d_eh_cond.wait();
+ d_eh_cond.wait(l);
return d_ea_args_maxsize;
diff --git a/gcell/lib/runtime/gc_job_manager_impl.h b/gcell/lib/runtime/gc_job_manager_impl.h
index a56117870b..640fdfe793 100644
--- a/gcell/lib/runtime/gc_job_manager_impl.h
+++ b/gcell/lib/runtime/gc_job_manager_impl.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2007,2008,2009,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GNU Radio
@@ -107,16 +107,16 @@ class gc_job_manager_impl : public gc_job_manager
boost::shared_ptr<void> _d_comp_info_boost; // hack for automatic storage mgmt
// used to coordinate communication w/ the event handling thread
- omni_mutex d_eh_mutex;
- omni_condition d_eh_cond;
+ boost::mutex d_eh_mutex;
+ boost::condition_variable d_eh_cond;
pthread_t d_eh_thread; // the event handler thread
volatile evt_handler_state d_eh_state;
volatile bool d_shutdown_requested;
spe_event_handler d_spe_event_handler;
// used to coordinate communication w/ the job completer thread
- omni_mutex d_jc_mutex;
- omni_condition d_jc_cond;
+ boost::mutex d_jc_mutex;
+ boost::condition_variable d_jc_cond;
pthread_t d_jc_thread; // the job completion thread
volatile job_completer_state d_jc_state;
int d_jc_njobs_active; // # of jobs submitted but not yet reaped
diff --git a/gnuradio-core/ b/gnuradio-core/
index dc06fcf89f..9ff8350411 100644
--- a/gnuradio-core/
+++ b/gnuradio-core/
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ includedir=@includedir@/gnuradio
Name: gnuradio-core
Description: GNU Software Radio toolkit
-Requires: gruel fftw3f gsl gnuradio-omnithread
+Requires: gruel fftw3f gsl
Version: @VERSION@
Libs: -L${libdir} -lgnuradio-core
diff --git a/gnuradio-core/src/lib/filter/ b/gnuradio-core/src/lib/filter/
index 48eb849ab1..5a6e753ab4 100644
--- a/gnuradio-core/src/lib/filter/
+++ b/gnuradio-core/src/lib/filter/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2009,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GNU Radio
@@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ gr_pfb_arb_resampler_ccf::gr_pfb_arb_resampler_ccf (float rate,
// Now, actually set the filters' taps
std::vector<float> dtaps;
create_diff_taps(taps, dtaps);
- set_taps(taps, d_taps, d_filters);
- set_taps(dtaps, d_dtaps, d_diff_filters);
+ create_taps(taps, d_taps, d_filters);
+ create_taps(dtaps, d_dtaps, d_diff_filters);
gr_pfb_arb_resampler_ccf::~gr_pfb_arb_resampler_ccf ()
@@ -91,9 +91,9 @@ gr_pfb_arb_resampler_ccf::~gr_pfb_arb_resampler_ccf ()
-gr_pfb_arb_resampler_ccf::set_taps (const std::vector<float> &newtaps,
- std::vector< std::vector<float> > &ourtaps,
- std::vector<gr_fir_ccf*> &ourfilter)
+gr_pfb_arb_resampler_ccf::create_taps (const std::vector<float> &newtaps,
+ std::vector< std::vector<float> > &ourtaps,
+ std::vector<gr_fir_ccf*> &ourfilter)
int i,j;
diff --git a/gnuradio-core/src/lib/filter/gr_pfb_arb_resampler_ccf.h b/gnuradio-core/src/lib/filter/gr_pfb_arb_resampler_ccf.h
index b99ad286b8..cf5a79d4ee 100644
--- a/gnuradio-core/src/lib/filter/gr_pfb_arb_resampler_ccf.h
+++ b/gnuradio-core/src/lib/filter/gr_pfb_arb_resampler_ccf.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2009,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GNU Radio
@@ -139,18 +139,23 @@ class gr_pfb_arb_resampler_ccf : public gr_block
void create_diff_taps(const std::vector<float> &newtaps,
std::vector<float> &difftaps);
- ~gr_pfb_arb_resampler_ccf ();
* Resets the filterbank's filter taps with the new prototype filter
- * \param taps (vector/list of floats) The prototype filter to populate the filterbank. The taps
- * should be generated at the interpolated sampling rate.
+ * \param newtaps (vector of floats) The prototype filter to populate the filterbank.
+ * The taps should be generated at the interpolated sampling rate.
+ * \param ourtaps (vector of floats) Reference to our internal member of holding the taps.
+ * \param ourfilter (vector of filters) Reference to our internal filter to set the taps for.
- void set_taps (const std::vector<float> &newtaps,
- std::vector< std::vector<float> > &ourtaps,
- std::vector<gr_fir_ccf*> &ourfilter);
+ void create_taps (const std::vector<float> &newtaps,
+ std::vector< std::vector<float> > &ourtaps,
+ std::vector<gr_fir_ccf*> &ourfilter);
+ ~gr_pfb_arb_resampler_ccf ();
+ // FIXME: See about a set_taps function during runtime.
* Print all of the filterbank taps to screen.
diff --git a/gnuradio-core/src/lib/filter/ b/gnuradio-core/src/lib/filter/
index 7e34551c8e..5fda47880f 100644
--- a/gnuradio-core/src/lib/filter/
+++ b/gnuradio-core/src/lib/filter/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2009,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GNU Radio
@@ -33,20 +33,33 @@
#include <cstring>
gr_pfb_channelizer_ccf_sptr gr_make_pfb_channelizer_ccf (unsigned int numchans,
- const std::vector<float> &taps)
+ const std::vector<float> &taps,
+ float oversample_rate)
- return gr_pfb_channelizer_ccf_sptr (new gr_pfb_channelizer_ccf (numchans, taps));
+ return gr_pfb_channelizer_ccf_sptr (new gr_pfb_channelizer_ccf (numchans, taps,
+ oversample_rate));
gr_pfb_channelizer_ccf::gr_pfb_channelizer_ccf (unsigned int numchans,
- const std::vector<float> &taps)
- : gr_sync_block ("pfb_channelizer_ccf",
- gr_make_io_signature (numchans, numchans, sizeof(gr_complex)),
- gr_make_io_signature (1, 1, numchans*sizeof(gr_complex))),
- d_updated (false)
+ const std::vector<float> &taps,
+ float oversample_rate)
+ : gr_block ("pfb_channelizer_ccf",
+ gr_make_io_signature (numchans, numchans, sizeof(gr_complex)),
+ gr_make_io_signature (1, 1, numchans*sizeof(gr_complex))),
+ d_updated (false), d_numchans(numchans), d_oversample_rate(oversample_rate)
- d_numchans = numchans;
+ // The over sampling rate must be rationally related to the number of channels
+ // in that it must be N/i for i in [1,N], which gives an outputsample rate
+ // of [fs/N, fs] where fs is the input sample rate.
+ // This tests the specified input sample rate to see if it conforms to this
+ // requirement within a few significant figures.
+ double intp = 0;
+ double x = (10000.0*rint(numchans / oversample_rate)) / 10000.0;
+ double fltp = modf(numchans / oversample_rate, &intp);
+ if(fltp != 0.0)
+ throw std::invalid_argument("gr_pfb_channelizer: oversample rate must be N/i for i in [1, N]");
d_filters = std::vector<gr_fir_ccf*>(d_numchans);
// Create an FIR filter for each channel and zero out the taps
@@ -60,10 +73,28 @@ gr_pfb_channelizer_ccf::gr_pfb_channelizer_ccf (unsigned int numchans,
// Create the FFT to handle the output de-spinning of the channels
d_fft = new gri_fft_complex (d_numchans, false);
+ // Although the filters change, we use this look up table
+ // to set the index of the FFT input buffer, which equivalently
+ // performs the FFT shift operation on every other turn.
+ d_rate_ratio = (int)rintf(d_numchans / d_oversample_rate);
+ d_idxlut = new int[d_numchans];
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < d_numchans; i++) {
+ d_idxlut[i] = d_numchans - ((i + d_rate_ratio) % d_numchans) - 1;
+ }
+ // Calculate the number of filtering rounds to do to evenly
+ // align the input vectors with the output channels
+ d_output_multiple = 1;
+ while((d_output_multiple * d_rate_ratio) % d_numchans != 0)
+ d_output_multiple++;
+ set_output_multiple(d_output_multiple);
gr_pfb_channelizer_ccf::~gr_pfb_channelizer_ccf ()
+ delete [] d_idxlut;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < d_numchans; i++) {
delete d_filters[i];
@@ -101,7 +132,7 @@ gr_pfb_channelizer_ccf::set_taps (const std::vector<float> &taps)
// Set the history to ensure enough input items for each filter
- set_history (d_taps_per_filter);
+ set_history (d_taps_per_filter+1);
d_updated = true;
@@ -121,9 +152,10 @@ gr_pfb_channelizer_ccf::print_taps()
-gr_pfb_channelizer_ccf::work (int noutput_items,
- gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items,
- gr_vector_void_star &output_items)
+gr_pfb_channelizer_ccf::general_work (int noutput_items,
+ gr_vector_int &ninput_items,
+ gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items,
+ gr_vector_void_star &output_items)
gr_complex *in = (gr_complex *) input_items[0];
gr_complex *out = (gr_complex *) output_items[0];
@@ -133,20 +165,35 @@ gr_pfb_channelizer_ccf::work (int noutput_items,
return 0; // history requirements may have changed.
- for(int i = 0; i < noutput_items; i++) {
- // Move through filters from bottom to top
- for(int j = d_numchans-1; j >= 0; j--) {
- // Take in the items from the first input stream to d_numchans
- in = (gr_complex*)input_items[d_numchans - 1 - j];
+ int n=1, i=-1, j=0, last;
+ int toconsume = (int)rintf(noutput_items/d_oversample_rate);
+ while(n <= toconsume) {
+ j = 0;
+ i = (i + d_rate_ratio) % d_numchans;
+ last = i;
+ while(i >= 0) {
+ in = (gr_complex*)input_items[j];
+ d_fft->get_inbuf()[d_idxlut[j]] = d_filters[i]->filter(&in[n]);
+ j++;
+ i--;
+ }
- // Filter current input stream from bottom filter to top
- d_fft->get_inbuf()[j] = d_filters[j]->filter(&in[i]);
+ i = d_numchans-1;
+ while(i > last) {
+ in = (gr_complex*)input_items[j];
+ d_fft->get_inbuf()[d_idxlut[j]] = d_filters[i]->filter(&in[n-1]);
+ j++;
+ i--;
+ n += (i+d_rate_ratio) >= (int)d_numchans;
// despin through FFT
- memcpy(&out[d_numchans*i], d_fft->get_outbuf(), d_numchans*sizeof(gr_complex));
+ memcpy(out, d_fft->get_outbuf(), d_numchans*sizeof(gr_complex));
+ out += d_numchans;
+ consume_each(toconsume);
return noutput_items;
diff --git a/gnuradio-core/src/lib/filter/gr_pfb_channelizer_ccf.h b/gnuradio-core/src/lib/filter/gr_pfb_channelizer_ccf.h
index b2e67e8173..751673bc7a 100644
--- a/gnuradio-core/src/lib/filter/gr_pfb_channelizer_ccf.h
+++ b/gnuradio-core/src/lib/filter/gr_pfb_channelizer_ccf.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2009,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GNU Radio
@@ -24,12 +24,13 @@
-#include <gr_sync_block.h>
+#include <gr_block.h>
class gr_pfb_channelizer_ccf;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<gr_pfb_channelizer_ccf> gr_pfb_channelizer_ccf_sptr;
gr_pfb_channelizer_ccf_sptr gr_make_pfb_channelizer_ccf (unsigned int numchans,
- const std::vector<float> &taps);
+ const std::vector<float> &taps,
+ float oversample_rate=1);
class gr_fir_ccf;
class gri_fft_complex;
@@ -88,6 +89,19 @@ class gri_fft_complex;
* <B><EM>self._taps = gr.firdes.low_pass_2(1, fs, BW, TB,
* attenuation_dB=ATT, window=gr.firdes.WIN_BLACKMAN_hARRIS)</EM></B>
+ * The filter output can also be overs ampled. The over sampling rate
+ * is the ratio of the the actual output sampling rate to the normal
+ * output sampling rate. It must be rationally related to the number
+ * of channels as N/i for i in [1,N], which gives an outputsample rate
+ * of [fs/N, fs] where fs is the input sample rate and N is the number
+ * of channels.
+ *
+ * For example, for 6 channels with fs = 6000 Hz, the normal rate is
+ * 6000/6 = 1000 Hz. Allowable oversampling rates are 6/6, 6/5, 6/4,
+ * 6/3, 6/2, and 6/1 where the output sample rate of a 6/1 oversample
+ * ratio is 6000 Hz, or 6 times the normal 1000 Hz. A rate of 6/5 = 1.2,
+ * so the output rate would be 1200 Hz.
+ *
* The theory behind this block can be found in Chapter 6 of
* the following book.
@@ -96,31 +110,50 @@ class gri_fft_complex;
-class gr_pfb_channelizer_ccf : public gr_sync_block
+class gr_pfb_channelizer_ccf : public gr_block
* Build the polyphase filterbank decimator.
* \param numchans (unsigned integer) Specifies the number of channels <EM>M</EM>
* \param taps (vector/list of floats) The prototype filter to populate the filterbank.
+ * \param oversample_rate (float) The over sampling rate is the ratio of the the actual
+ * output sampling rate to the normal output sampling rate.
+ * It must be rationally related to the number of channels
+ * as N/i for i in [1,N], which gives an outputsample rate
+ * of [fs/N, fs] where fs is the input sample rate and N is
+ * the number of channels.
+ *
+ * For example, for 6 channels with fs = 6000 Hz, the normal
+ * rate is 6000/6 = 1000 Hz. Allowable oversampling rates
+ * are 6/6, 6/5, 6/4, 6/3, 6/2, and 6/1 where the output
+ * sample rate of a 6/1 oversample ratio is 6000 Hz, or
+ * 6 times the normal 1000 Hz.
friend gr_pfb_channelizer_ccf_sptr gr_make_pfb_channelizer_ccf (unsigned int numchans,
- const std::vector<float> &taps);
+ const std::vector<float> &taps,
+ float oversample_rate);
+ bool d_updated;
+ unsigned int d_numchans;
+ float d_oversample_rate;
std::vector<gr_fir_ccf*> d_filters;
std::vector< std::vector<float> > d_taps;
- gri_fft_complex *d_fft;
- unsigned int d_numchans;
unsigned int d_taps_per_filter;
- bool d_updated;
+ gri_fft_complex *d_fft;
+ int *d_idxlut;
+ int d_rate_ratio;
+ int d_output_multiple;
* Build the polyphase filterbank decimator.
* \param numchans (unsigned integer) Specifies the number of channels <EM>M</EM>
* \param taps (vector/list of floats) The prototype filter to populate the filterbank.
+ * \param oversample_rate (float) The output over sampling rate.
gr_pfb_channelizer_ccf (unsigned int numchans,
- const std::vector<float> &taps);
+ const std::vector<float> &taps,
+ float oversample_rate);
~gr_pfb_channelizer_ccf ();
@@ -136,9 +169,10 @@ public:
void print_taps();
- int work (int noutput_items,
- gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items,
- gr_vector_void_star &output_items);
+ int general_work (int noutput_items,
+ gr_vector_int &ninput_items,
+ gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items,
+ gr_vector_void_star &output_items);
diff --git a/gnuradio-core/src/lib/filter/gr_pfb_channelizer_ccf.i b/gnuradio-core/src/lib/filter/gr_pfb_channelizer_ccf.i
index 4bef90e222..63e3e0fe6a 100644
--- a/gnuradio-core/src/lib/filter/gr_pfb_channelizer_ccf.i
+++ b/gnuradio-core/src/lib/filter/gr_pfb_channelizer_ccf.i
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2009,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GNU Radio
@@ -23,13 +23,15 @@
gr_pfb_channelizer_ccf_sptr gr_make_pfb_channelizer_ccf (unsigned int numchans,
- const std::vector<float> &taps);
+ const std::vector<float> &taps,
+ float oversample_rate=1);
-class gr_pfb_channelizer_ccf : public gr_sync_block
+class gr_pfb_channelizer_ccf : public gr_block
gr_pfb_channelizer_ccf (unsigned int numchans,
- const std::vector<float> &taps);
+ const std::vector<float> &taps,
+ float oversample_rate);
~gr_pfb_channelizer_ccf ();
diff --git a/gnuradio-core/src/lib/filter/gr_pfb_clock_sync_ccf.h b/gnuradio-core/src/lib/filter/gr_pfb_clock_sync_ccf.h
index 70857173bf..4e6ef5fc48 100644
--- a/gnuradio-core/src/lib/filter/gr_pfb_clock_sync_ccf.h
+++ b/gnuradio-core/src/lib/filter/gr_pfb_clock_sync_ccf.h
@@ -43,6 +43,71 @@ class gr_fir_ccf;
* \ingroup filter_blk
+ * This block performs timing synchronization for PAM signals by minimizing the
+ * derivative of the filtered signal, which in turn maximizes the SNR and
+ * minimizes ISI.
+ *
+ * This approach works by setting up two filterbanks; one filterbanke contains the
+ * signal's pulse shaping matched filter (such as a root raised cosine filter),
+ * where each branch of the filterbank contains a different phase of the filter.
+ * The second filterbank contains the derivatives of the filters in the first
+ * filterbank. Thinking of this in the time domain, the first filterbank contains
+ * filters that have a sinc shape to them. We want to align the output signal to
+ * be sampled at exactly the peak of the sinc shape. The derivative of the sinc
+ * contains a zero at the maximum point of the sinc (sinc(0) = 1, sinc(0)' = 0).
+ * Furthermore, the region around the zero point is relatively linear. We make
+ * use of this fact to generate the error signal.
+ *
+ * If the signal out of the derivative filters is d_i[n] for the ith filter, and
+ * the output of the matched filter is x_i[n], we calculate the error as:
+ * e[n] = (Re{x_i[n]} * Re{d_i[n]} + Im{x_i[n]} * Im{d_i[n]}) / 2.0
+ * This equation averages the error in the real and imaginary parts. There are two
+ * reasons we multiply by the signal itself. First, if the symbol could be positive
+ * or negative going, but we want the error term to always tell us to go in the
+ * same direction depending on which side of the zero point we are on. The sign of
+ * x_i[n] adjusts the error term to do this. Second, the magnitude of x_i[n] scales
+ * the error term depending on the symbol's amplitude, so larger signals give us
+ * a stronger error term because we have more confidence in that symbol's value.
+ * Using the magnitude of x_i[n] instead of just the sign is especially good for
+ * signals with low SNR.
+ *
+ * The error signal, e[n], gives us a value proportional to how far away from the zero
+ * point we are in the derivative signal. We want to drive this value to zero, so we
+ * set up a second order loop. We have two variables for this loop; d_k is the filter
+ * number in the filterbank we are on and d_rate is the rate which we travel through
+ * the filters in the steady state. That is, due to the natural clock differences between
+ * the transmitter and receiver, d_rate represents that difference and would traverse
+ * the filter phase paths to keep the receiver locked. Thinking of this as a second-order
+ * PLL, the d_rate is the frequency and d_k is the phase. So we update d_rate and d_k
+ * using the standard loop equations based on two error signals, d_alpha and d_beta.
+ * We have these two values set based on each other for a critically damped system, so in
+ * the block constructor, we just ask for "gain," which is d_alpha while d_beta is
+ * equal to (gain^2)/4.
+ *
+ * The clock sync block needs to know the number of samples per second (sps), because it
+ * only returns a single point representing the sample. The sps can be any positive real
+ * number and does not need to be an integer. The filter taps must also be specified. The
+ * taps are generated by first conceiving of the prototype filter that would be the signal's
+ * matched filter. Then interpolate this by the number of filters in the filterbank. These
+ * are then distributed among all of the filters. So if the prototype filter was to have
+ * 45 taps in it, then each path of the filterbank will also have 45 taps. This is easily
+ * done by building the filter with the sample rate multiplied by the number of filters
+ * to use.
+ *
+ * The number of filters can also be set and defaults to 32. With 32 filters, you get a
+ * good enough resolution in the phase to produce very small, almost unnoticeable, ISI.
+ * Going to 64 filters can reduce this more, but after that there is very little gained
+ * for the extra complexity.
+ *
+ * The initial phase is another settable parameter and refers to the filter path the
+ * algorithm initially looks at (i.e., d_k starts at init_phase). This value defaults
+ * to zero, but it might be useful to start at a different phase offset, such as the mid-
+ * point of the filters.
+ *
+ * The final parameter is the max_rate_devitation, which defaults to 1.5. This is how far
+ * we allow d_rate to swing, positive or negative, from 0. Constraining the rate can help
+ * keep the algorithm from walking too far away to lock during times when there is no signal.
+ *
class gr_pfb_clock_sync_ccf : public gr_block
@@ -50,6 +115,14 @@ class gr_pfb_clock_sync_ccf : public gr_block
* Build the polyphase filterbank timing synchronizer.
+ * \param sps (double) The number of samples per second in the incoming signal
+ * \param gain (float) The alpha gain of the control loop; beta = (gain^2)/4 by default.
+ * \param taps (vector<int>) The filter taps.
+ * \param filter_size (uint) The number of filters in the filterbank (default = 32).
+ * \param init_phase (float) The initial phase to look at, or which filter to start
+ * with (default = 0).
+ * \param max_rate_deviation (float) Distance from 0 d_rate can get (default = 1.5).
+ *
friend gr_pfb_clock_sync_ccf_sptr gr_make_pfb_clock_sync_ccf (double sps, float gain,
const std::vector<float> &taps,
@@ -96,24 +169,46 @@ public:
void set_taps (const std::vector<float> &taps,
std::vector< std::vector<float> > &ourtaps,
std::vector<gr_fir_ccf*> &ourfilter);
+ /*!
+ * Returns the taps of the matched filter
+ */
std::vector<float> channel_taps(int channel);
+ /*!
+ * Returns the taps in the derivative filter
+ */
std::vector<float> diff_channel_taps(int channel);
* Print all of the filterbank taps to screen.
void print_taps();
+ /*!
+ * Print all of the filterbank taps of the derivative filter to screen.
+ */
void print_diff_taps();
+ /*!
+ * Set the gain value alpha for the control loop
+ */
void set_alpha(float alpha)
d_alpha = alpha;
+ /*!
+ * Set the gain value beta for the control loop
+ */
void set_beta(float beta)
d_beta = beta;
+ /*!
+ * Set the maximum deviation from 0 d_rate can have
+ */
void set_max_rate_deviation(float m)
d_max_dev = m;
diff --git a/gnuradio-core/src/lib/filter/gr_pfb_clock_sync_fff.h b/gnuradio-core/src/lib/filter/gr_pfb_clock_sync_fff.h
index 10eec4f540..fa1279a7cb 100644
--- a/gnuradio-core/src/lib/filter/gr_pfb_clock_sync_fff.h
+++ b/gnuradio-core/src/lib/filter/gr_pfb_clock_sync_fff.h
@@ -43,6 +43,71 @@ class gr_fir_fff;
* \ingroup filter_blk
+ * This block performs timing synchronization for PAM signals by minimizing the
+ * derivative of the filtered signal, which in turn maximizes the SNR and
+ * minimizes ISI.
+ *
+ * This approach works by setting up two filterbanks; one filterbanke contains the
+ * signal's pulse shaping matched filter (such as a root raised cosine filter),
+ * where each branch of the filterbank contains a different phase of the filter.
+ * The second filterbank contains the derivatives of the filters in the first
+ * filterbank. Thinking of this in the time domain, the first filterbank contains
+ * filters that have a sinc shape to them. We want to align the output signal to
+ * be sampled at exactly the peak of the sinc shape. The derivative of the sinc
+ * contains a zero at the maximum point of the sinc (sinc(0) = 1, sinc(0)' = 0).
+ * Furthermore, the region around the zero point is relatively linear. We make
+ * use of this fact to generate the error signal.
+ *
+ * If the signal out of the derivative filters is d_i[n] for the ith filter, and
+ * the output of the matched filter is x_i[n], we calculate the error as:
+ * e[n] = (Re{x_i[n]} * Re{d_i[n]} + Im{x_i[n]} * Im{d_i[n]}) / 2.0
+ * This equation averages the error in the real and imaginary parts. There are two
+ * reasons we multiply by the signal itself. First, if the symbol could be positive
+ * or negative going, but we want the error term to always tell us to go in the
+ * same direction depending on which side of the zero point we are on. The sign of
+ * x_i[n] adjusts the error term to do this. Second, the magnitude of x_i[n] scales
+ * the error term depending on the symbol's amplitude, so larger signals give us
+ * a stronger error term because we have more confidence in that symbol's value.
+ * Using the magnitude of x_i[n] instead of just the sign is especially good for
+ * signals with low SNR.
+ *
+ * The error signal, e[n], gives us a value proportional to how far away from the zero
+ * point we are in the derivative signal. We want to drive this value to zero, so we
+ * set up a second order loop. We have two variables for this loop; d_k is the filter
+ * number in the filterbank we are on and d_rate is the rate which we travel through
+ * the filters in the steady state. That is, due to the natural clock differences between
+ * the transmitter and receiver, d_rate represents that difference and would traverse
+ * the filter phase paths to keep the receiver locked. Thinking of this as a second-order
+ * PLL, the d_rate is the frequency and d_k is the phase. So we update d_rate and d_k
+ * using the standard loop equations based on two error signals, d_alpha and d_beta.
+ * We have these two values set based on each other for a critically damped system, so in
+ * the block constructor, we just ask for "gain," which is d_alpha while d_beta is
+ * equal to (gain^2)/4.
+ *
+ * The clock sync block needs to know the number of samples per second (sps), because it
+ * only returns a single point representing the sample. The sps can be any positive real
+ * number and does not need to be an integer. The filter taps must also be specified. The
+ * taps are generated by first conceiving of the prototype filter that would be the signal's
+ * matched filter. Then interpolate this by the number of filters in the filterbank. These
+ * are then distributed among all of the filters. So if the prototype filter was to have
+ * 45 taps in it, then each path of the filterbank will also have 45 taps. This is easily
+ * done by building the filter with the sample rate multiplied by the number of filters
+ * to use.
+ *
+ * The number of filters can also be set and defaults to 32. With 32 filters, you get a
+ * good enough resolution in the phase to produce very small, almost unnoticeable, ISI.
+ * Going to 64 filters can reduce this more, but after that there is very little gained
+ * for the extra complexity.
+ *
+ * The initial phase is another settable parameter and refers to the filter path the
+ * algorithm initially looks at (i.e., d_k starts at init_phase). This value defaults
+ * to zero, but it might be useful to start at a different phase offset, such as the mid-
+ * point of the filters.
+ *
+ * The final parameter is the max_rate_devitation, which defaults to 1.5. This is how far
+ * we allow d_rate to swing, positive or negative, from 0. Constraining the rate can help
+ * keep the algorithm from walking too far away to lock during times when there is no signal.
+ *
class gr_pfb_clock_sync_fff : public gr_block
@@ -50,6 +115,14 @@ class gr_pfb_clock_sync_fff : public gr_block
* Build the polyphase filterbank timing synchronizer.
+ * \param sps (double) The number of samples per second in the incoming signal
+ * \param gain (float) The alpha gain of the control loop; beta = (gain^2)/4 by default.
+ * \param taps (vector<int>) The filter taps.
+ * \param filter_size (uint) The number of filters in the filterbank (default = 32).
+ * \param init_phase (float) The initial phase to look at, or which filter to start
+ * with (default = 0).
+ * \param max_rate_deviation (float) Distance from 0 d_rate can get (default = 1.5).
+ *
friend gr_pfb_clock_sync_fff_sptr gr_make_pfb_clock_sync_fff (double sps, float gain,
const std::vector<float> &taps,
@@ -96,24 +169,46 @@ public:
void set_taps (const std::vector<float> &taps,
std::vector< std::vector<float> > &ourtaps,
std::vector<gr_fir_fff*> &ourfilter);
+ /*!
+ * Returns the taps of the matched filter
+ */
std::vector<float> channel_taps(int channel);
+ /*!
+ * Returns the taps in the derivative filter
+ */
std::vector<float> diff_channel_taps(int channel);
* Print all of the filterbank taps to screen.
void print_taps();
+ /*!
+ * Print all of the filterbank taps of the derivative filter to screen.
+ */
void print_diff_taps();
+ /*!
+ * Set the gain value alpha for the control loop
+ */
void set_alpha(float alpha)
d_alpha = alpha;
+ /*!
+ * Set the gain value beta for the control loop
+ */
void set_beta(float beta)
d_beta = beta;
+ /*!
+ * Set the maximum deviation from 0 d_rate can have
+ */
void set_max_rate_deviation(float m)
d_max_dev = m;
diff --git a/gnuradio-core/src/lib/general/gr_fll_band_edge_cc.h b/gnuradio-core/src/lib/general/gr_fll_band_edge_cc.h
index 178e18f3e8..db060793e1 100644
--- a/gnuradio-core/src/lib/general/gr_fll_band_edge_cc.h
+++ b/gnuradio-core/src/lib/general/gr_fll_band_edge_cc.h
@@ -48,12 +48,12 @@ class gri_fft_complex;
* The FLL works by filtering the upper and lower band edges into x_u(t) and x_l(t), respectively.
* These are combined to form cc(t) = x_u(t) + x_l(t) and ss(t) = x_u(t) - x_l(t). Combining
- * these to form the signal e(t) = Re{cc(t) \times ss(t)^*} (where ^* is the complex conjugate)
+ * these to form the signal e(t) = Re{cc(t) \\times ss(t)^*} (where ^* is the complex conjugate)
* provides an error signal at the DC term that is directly proportional to the carrier frequency.
* We then make a second-order loop using the error signal that is the running average of e(t).
* In theory, the band-edge filter is the derivative of the matched filter in frequency,
- * (H_be(f) = \frac{H(f)}{df}. In practice, this comes down to a quarter sine wave at the point
+ * (H_be(f) = \\frac{H(f)}{df}. In practice, this comes down to a quarter sine wave at the point
* of the matched filter's rolloff (if it's a raised-cosine, the derivative of a cosine is a sine).
* Extend this sine by another quarter wave to make a half wave around the band-edges is equivalent
* in time to the sum of two sinc functions. The baseband filter fot the band edges is therefore
@@ -93,7 +93,11 @@ class gr_fll_band_edge_cc : public gr_sync_block
* Build the FLL
- * \param taps (vector/list of gr_complex) The taps of the band-edge filter
+ * \param samps_per_sym (float) number of samples per symbol
+ * \param rolloff (float) Rolloff (excess bandwidth) of signal filter
+ * \param filter_size (int) number of filter taps to generate
+ * \param alpha (float) Alpha gain in the control loop
+ * \param beta (float) Beta gain in the control loop
gr_fll_band_edge_cc(float samps_per_sym, float rolloff,
int filter_size, float alpha, float beta);
diff --git a/gnuradio-core/src/lib/general/ b/gnuradio-core/src/lib/general/
index 74bd65a50a..7f6b2b01c9 100644
--- a/gnuradio-core/src/lib/general/
+++ b/gnuradio-core/src/lib/general/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2007,2008,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GNU Radio
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ gr_ofdm_sampler::gr_ofdm_sampler (unsigned int fft_length,
gr_make_io_signature2 (2, 2, sizeof (gr_complex)*fft_length, sizeof(char)*fft_length)),
d_state(STATE_NO_SIG), d_timeout_max(timeout), d_fft_length(fft_length), d_symbol_length(symbol_length)
+ set_relative_rate(1.0/(double) fft_length); // buffer allocator hint
diff --git a/gnuradio-core/src/lib/io/ b/gnuradio-core/src/lib/io/
index 9eacd137d9..c525546457 100644
--- a/gnuradio-core/src/lib/io/
+++ b/gnuradio-core/src/lib/io/
@@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ libio_la_SOURCES = \ \ \ \
- \ \ \ \
@@ -72,7 +71,6 @@ grinclude_HEADERS = \
gr_oscope_sink_f.h \
gr_oscope_sink_x.h \
gr_trigger_mode.h \
- gri_logger.h \
i2c.h \
i2c_bitbang.h \
i2c_bbio.h \
diff --git a/gnuradio-core/src/lib/io/ b/gnuradio-core/src/lib/io/
deleted file mode 100644
index 473a7c5edc..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-core/src/lib/io/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
- * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#if 0 // This needs reimplementation with boost threads and synchronization
-#include <gri_logger.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include <boost/weak_ptr.hpp>
-#include <string.h>
- * This class creates the thread that reads from the ringbuffer and
- * and writes to the file. This is opaque to the user.
- */
-class gri_log_poster : public omni_thread
- FILE *d_fp;
- gr_buffer_sptr d_writer;
- gr_buffer_reader_sptr d_reader;
- omni_semaphore d_ringbuffer_ready;
- volatile bool d_time_to_die;
- volatile bool d_writer_overrun;
- virtual void* run_undetached(void * arg);
- gri_log_poster(const char *filename);
- ~gri_log_poster();
- void kill() { d_time_to_die = true; post(); }
- gr_buffer_sptr writer() const { return d_writer; }
- void post() {; }
- void note_writer_overrun() { d_writer_overrun = true; }
-gri_log_poster::gri_log_poster(const char *filename)
- : omni_thread(),
- d_ringbuffer_ready(1, 1), // binary semaphore
- d_time_to_die(false),
- d_writer_overrun(false)
- if ((d_fp = fopen(filename, "w")) == 0){
- perror (filename);
- throw std::runtime_error("can't open file");
- }
- // Create a 1MB buffer.
- d_writer = gr_make_buffer(1 * 1024 * 1024, sizeof(unsigned char));
- d_reader = gr_buffer_add_reader(d_writer, 0);
- start_undetached(); // start the thread
- if (d_fp != 0){
- fclose(d_fp);
- d_fp = 0;
- }
- * This is the body of the logging thread.
- */
-void *
-gri_log_poster::run_undetached(void *arg)
- int nbytes;
- //fprintf(stderr, "Enter: run_undetached!\n");
- while (!d_time_to_die){
- while ((nbytes = d_reader->items_available()) > 0){
- fwrite(d_reader->read_pointer(), 1, nbytes, d_fp);
- d_reader->update_read_pointer(nbytes);
- }
- fflush(d_fp);
- d_ringbuffer_ready.wait();
- if (d_writer_overrun){
- fputs(">>>>> gri_logger: writer overrun. Info lost <<<<<\n", d_fp);
- d_writer_overrun = false;
- }
- }
- // fprintf(stderr, "Exit: run_undetached!\n");
- return 0;
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-static boost::weak_ptr<gri_logger> s_singleton; // weak pointer IQ test ;-)
-static omni_mutex s_singleton_mutex;
- omni_mutex_lock l(s_singleton_mutex);
- gri_logger_sptr r;
- if (r = s_singleton.lock())
- return r;
- r = gri_logger_sptr(new gri_logger("gri_logger.log"));
- s_singleton = r;
- return r;
-gri_logger::gri_logger(const char *filename)
- d_poster = new gri_log_poster(filename);
- d_poster->kill();
- d_poster->join(NULL);
-gri_logger::write(const void *buf, size_t count)
- omni_mutex_lock l(d_write_mutex);
- gr_buffer_sptr writer = d_poster->writer();
- // either write it all, or drop it on the ground
- if (count <= (size_t) writer->space_available()){
- memcpy(writer->write_pointer(), buf, count);
- writer->update_write_pointer(count);
- d_poster->post();
- }
- else {
- d_poster->note_writer_overrun();
- }
-gri_logger::printf(const char *format, ...)
- va_list ap;
- char buf[4096];
- int n;
- va_start(ap, format);
- n = vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), format, ap);
- va_end(ap);
- if (n > -1 && n < (ssize_t) sizeof(buf))
- write(buf, n);
diff --git a/gnuradio-core/src/lib/io/gri_logger.h b/gnuradio-core/src/lib/io/gri_logger.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a1414540f..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-core/src/lib/io/gri_logger.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
- * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-#if 0 // This needs reimplementation with boost threads and synchronization
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <gnuradio/omnithread.h>
-#include <gr_buffer.h>
-class gri_log_poster;
-class gri_logger;
-typedef boost::shared_ptr<gri_logger> gri_logger_sptr;
- * \brief non-blocking logging to a file.
- *
- * In reality, this may block, but only for a bounded time.
- * Trust me, it's safe to use from portaudio and JACK callbacks.
- */
-class gri_logger
- gri_log_poster *d_poster;
- omni_mutex d_write_mutex;
- static gri_logger_sptr singleton();
- gri_logger(const char *filename);
- ~gri_logger();
- void write(const void *buf, size_t count);
- void printf(const char *format, ...);
diff --git a/gnuradio-core/src/python/gnuradio/blks2impl/ b/gnuradio-core/src/python/gnuradio/blks2impl/
index c45ae4d1a9..a479ed48ea 100644
--- a/gnuradio-core/src/python/gnuradio/blks2impl/
+++ b/gnuradio-core/src/python/gnuradio/blks2impl/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Copyright 2009,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GNU Radio
@@ -29,16 +29,18 @@ class pfb_channelizer_ccf(gr.hier_block2):
This simplifies the interface by allowing a single input stream to connect to this block.
It will then output a stream for each channel.
- def __init__(self, numchans, taps):
+ def __init__(self, numchans, taps, oversample_rate=1):
gr.hier_block2.__init__(self, "pfb_channelizer_ccf",
gr.io_signature(1, 1, gr.sizeof_gr_complex), # Input signature
gr.io_signature(numchans, numchans, gr.sizeof_gr_complex)) # Output signature
self._numchans = numchans
self._taps = taps
+ self._oversample_rate = oversample_rate
self.s2ss = gr.stream_to_streams(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, self._numchans)
- self.pfb = gr.pfb_channelizer_ccf(self._numchans, self._taps)
+ self.pfb = gr.pfb_channelizer_ccf(self._numchans, self._taps,
+ self._oversample_rate)
self.v2s = gr.vector_to_streams(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, self._numchans)
self.connect(self, self.s2ss)
diff --git a/gnuradio-core/src/python/gnuradio/gruimpl/ b/gnuradio-core/src/python/gnuradio/gruimpl/
index 8d46e8192f..f2808c4489 100644
--- a/gnuradio-core/src/python/gnuradio/gruimpl/
+++ b/gnuradio-core/src/python/gnuradio/gruimpl/
@@ -30,3 +30,15 @@ def hexint(mask):
if mask >= 2**31:
return int(mask-2**32)
return mask
+def hexshort(mask):
+ """
+ Convert unsigned masks into signed shorts.
+ This allows us to use hex constants like 0x8000 when talking to
+ our hardware and not get screwed by them getting treated as python
+ longs.
+ """
+ if mask >= 2**15:
+ return int(mask-2**16)
+ return mask
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/pfb/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/pfb/
index bc83fae273..27d87e558b 100755
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/pfb/
+++ b/gnuradio-examples/python/pfb/
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ def main():
X,freq = mlab.psd(d, NFFT=fftlen, noverlap=fftlen/4, Fs=fs,
window = lambda d: d*winfunc(fftlen),
- X_in = 10.0*scipy.log10(abs(fftpack.fftshift(X)))
+ X_in = 10.0*scipy.log10(abs(X))
f_in = scipy.arange(-fs/2.0, fs/2.0, fs/float(X_in.size))
pin_f = spin_f.plot(f_in, X_in, "b")
spin_f.set_xlim([min(f_in), max(f_in)+1])
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ def main():
X,freq = mlab.psd(d, NFFT=fftlen, noverlap=fftlen/4, Fs=fs_o,
window = lambda d: d*winfunc(fftlen),
- X_o = 10.0*scipy.log10(abs(fftpack.fftshift(X)))
+ X_o = 10.0*scipy.log10(abs(X))
f_o = scipy.arange(-fs_o/2.0, fs_o/2.0, fs_o/float(X_o.size))
p2_f = sp1_f.plot(f_o, X_o, "b")
sp1_f.set_xlim([min(f_o), max(f_o)+1])
diff --git a/gr-audio-osx/src/ b/gr-audio-osx/src/
index 6099dc20b6..5bf28b8e7e 100644
--- a/gr-audio-osx/src/
+++ b/gr-audio-osx/src/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright 2006,2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Copyright 2006,2008,2009,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GNU Radio.
@@ -32,8 +32,7 @@ grinclude_HEADERS = \
noinst_HEADERS = \
audio_osx.h \
- circular_buffer.h \
- mld_threads.h
+ circular_buffer.h
noinst_PYTHON = \ \
@@ -46,8 +45,7 @@ libgnuradio_audio_osx_la_SOURCES = \
libgnuradio_audio_osx_la_LIBADD = \
libgnuradio_audio_osx_la_LDFLAGS = \
-framework AudioUnit \
diff --git a/gr-audio-osx/src/ b/gr-audio-osx/src/
index e91716c0ac..20fd895b98 100644
--- a/gr-audio-osx/src/
+++ b/gr-audio-osx/src/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2006,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GNU Radio.
@@ -24,8 +24,6 @@
#include "config.h"
#include <audio_osx_sink.h>
#include <gr_io_signature.h>
#include <stdexcept>
@@ -172,11 +170,15 @@ audio_osx_sink::audio_osx_sink (int sample_rate,
// create the stuff to regulate I/O
- d_cond_data = new mld_condition ();
+ d_cond_data = new gruel::condition_variable ();
if (d_cond_data == NULL)
- CheckErrorAndThrow (errno, "new mld_condition (data)",
- "audio_osx_source::audio_osx_source");
- d_internal = d_cond_data->mutex ();
+ CheckErrorAndThrow (errno, "new condition (data)",
+ "audio_osx_sink::audio_osx_sink");
+ d_internal = new gruel::mutex ();
+ if (d_internal == NULL)
+ CheckErrorAndThrow (errno, "new mutex (internal)",
+ "audio_osx_sink::audio_osx_sink");
// initialize the AU for output
@@ -253,6 +255,9 @@ audio_osx_sink::~audio_osx_sink ()
// close and delete control stuff
delete d_cond_data;
+ d_cond_data = 0;
+ delete d_internal;
+ d_internal = 0;
@@ -274,7 +279,7 @@ audio_osx_sink::work (int noutput_items,
gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items,
gr_vector_void_star &output_items)
- d_internal->lock ();
+ gruel::scoped_lock l (*d_internal);
/* take the input data, copy it, and push it to the bottom of the queue
mono input are pushed onto queue[0];
@@ -307,8 +312,8 @@ audio_osx_sink::work (int noutput_items,
while (d_queueSampleCount > l_max_count) {
// release control so-as to allow data to be retrieved;
// block until there is data to return
- d_cond_data->wait ();
-// the condition's signal() was called; acquire control
+ d_cond_data->wait (l);
+// the condition's 'notify' was called; acquire control
// to keep thread safe
@@ -353,9 +358,6 @@ audio_osx_sink::work (int noutput_items,
<< d_queueSampleCount << ", mSC = " << d_max_sample_count << std::endl;
-// release control to allow for other processing parts to run
- d_internal->unlock ();
return (noutput_items);
@@ -370,7 +372,7 @@ OSStatus audio_osx_sink::AUOutputCallback
audio_osx_sink* This = (audio_osx_sink*) inRefCon;
OSStatus err = noErr;
- This->d_internal->lock ();
+ gruel::scoped_lock l (*This->d_internal);
std::cerr << "cb_in: SC = " << This->d_queueSampleCount
@@ -403,10 +405,7 @@ OSStatus audio_osx_sink::AUOutputCallback
// signal that data is available
- This->d_cond_data->signal ();
-// release control to allow for other processing parts to run
- This->d_internal->unlock ();
+ This->d_cond_data->notify_one ();
return (err);
diff --git a/gr-audio-osx/src/audio_osx_sink.h b/gr-audio-osx/src/audio_osx_sink.h
index ceb291d0fb..a1a56502cb 100644
--- a/gr-audio-osx/src/audio_osx_sink.h
+++ b/gr-audio-osx/src/audio_osx_sink.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2006,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GNU Radio.
@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ class audio_osx_sink : public gr_sync_block {
UInt32 d_n_channels;
UInt32 d_queueSampleCount, d_max_sample_count;
bool d_do_block;
- mld_mutex_ptr d_internal;
- mld_condition_ptr d_cond_data;
+ gruel::mutex* d_internal;
+ gruel::condition_variable* d_cond_data;
circular_buffer<float>** d_buffers;
// AudioUnits and Such
diff --git a/gr-audio-osx/src/ b/gr-audio-osx/src/
index 61838745b5..538cfd8f69 100644
--- a/gr-audio-osx/src/
+++ b/gr-audio-osx/src/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2006,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GNU Radio.
@@ -24,8 +24,6 @@
#include "config.h"
#include <audio_osx_source.h>
#include <gr_io_signature.h>
#include <stdexcept>
@@ -446,11 +444,15 @@ audio_osx_source::audio_osx_source (int sample_rate,
// create the stuff to regulate I/O
- d_cond_data = new mld_condition ();
+ d_cond_data = new gruel::condition_variable ();
if (d_cond_data == NULL)
- CheckErrorAndThrow (errno, "new mld_condition (data)",
+ CheckErrorAndThrow (errno, "new condition (data)",
+ "audio_osx_source::audio_osx_source");
+ d_internal = new gruel::mutex ();
+ if (d_internal == NULL)
+ CheckErrorAndThrow (errno, "new mutex (internal)",
- d_internal = d_cond_data->mutex ();
// initialize the AU for input
@@ -600,6 +602,9 @@ audio_osx_source::~audio_osx_source ()
// close and delete the control stuff
delete d_cond_data;
+ d_cond_data = 0;
+ delete d_internal;
+ d_internal = 0;
@@ -654,7 +659,7 @@ audio_osx_source::work
gr_vector_void_star &output_items)
// acquire control to do processing here only
- d_internal->lock ();
+ gruel::scoped_lock l (*d_internal);
std::cerr << "work1: SC = " << d_queueSampleCount
@@ -677,14 +682,12 @@ audio_osx_source::work
while (d_queueSampleCount == 0) {
// release control so-as to allow data to be retrieved;
// block until there is data to return
- d_cond_data->wait ();
- // the condition's signal() was called; acquire control to
+ d_cond_data->wait (l);
+ // the condition's 'notify' was called; acquire control to
// keep thread safe
} else {
// no data & not blocking; return nothing
- // release control so-as to allow data to be retrieved
- d_internal->unlock ();
return (0);
@@ -718,15 +721,8 @@ audio_osx_source::work
std::cerr << "work2: SC = " << d_queueSampleCount
- << ", act#OI = " << actual_noutput_items << std::endl;
- // release control to allow for other processing parts to run
- d_internal->unlock ();
- std::cerr << "work3: Returning." << std::endl;
+ << ", act#OI = " << actual_noutput_items << std::endl
+ << "Returning." << std::endl;
return (actual_noutput_items);
@@ -782,7 +778,7 @@ audio_osx_source::AUInputCallback (void* inRefCon,
OSStatus err = noErr;
audio_osx_source* This = static_cast<audio_osx_source*>(inRefCon);
- This->d_internal->lock ();
+ gruel::scoped_lock l (*This->d_internal);
std::cerr << "cb0: in#F = " << inNumberFrames
@@ -911,17 +907,10 @@ audio_osx_source::AUInputCallback (void* inRefCon,
// signal that data is available, if appropraite
- This->d_cond_data->signal ();
- std::cerr << "cb5: releasing internal mutex." << std::endl;
-// release control to allow for other processing parts to run
- This->d_internal->unlock ();
+ This->d_cond_data->notify_one ();
- std::cerr << "cb6: returning." << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << "cb5: returning." << std::endl;
return (err);
diff --git a/gr-audio-osx/src/audio_osx_source.h b/gr-audio-osx/src/audio_osx_source.h
index 780f7ec6b8..e8df47b16f 100644
--- a/gr-audio-osx/src/audio_osx_source.h
+++ b/gr-audio-osx/src/audio_osx_source.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2006,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GNU Radio.
@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ class audio_osx_source : public gr_sync_block {
UInt32 d_n_AvailableInputFrames, d_n_ActualInputFrames;
UInt32 d_n_user_channels, d_n_max_channels, d_n_deviceChannels;
bool d_do_block, d_passThrough, d_waiting_for_data;
- mld_mutex_ptr d_internal;
- mld_condition_ptr d_cond_data;
+ gruel::mutex* d_internal;
+ gruel::condition_variable* d_cond_data;
circular_buffer<float>** d_buffers;
// AudioUnits and Such
diff --git a/gr-audio-osx/src/circular_buffer.h b/gr-audio-osx/src/circular_buffer.h
index 6d491fb6f0..48758bf878 100644
--- a/gr-audio-osx/src/circular_buffer.h
+++ b/gr-audio-osx/src/circular_buffer.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2006,2009,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GNU Radio.
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
-#include "mld_threads.h"
+#include <gruel/thread.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
@@ -37,7 +37,8 @@
#define DEBUG(X) do{} while(0);
-template <class T> class circular_buffer
+template <class T>
+class circular_buffer
// the buffer to use
@@ -48,8 +49,9 @@ private:
size_t d_n_avail_write_I, d_n_avail_read_I;
// stuff to control access to class internals
- mld_mutex_ptr d_internal;
- mld_condition_ptr d_readBlock, d_writeBlock;
+ gruel::mutex* d_internal;
+ gruel::condition_variable* d_readBlock;
+ gruel::condition_variable* d_writeBlock;
// booleans to decide how to control reading, writing, and aborting
bool d_doWriteBlock, d_doFullRead, d_doAbort;
@@ -94,16 +96,14 @@ public:
inline size_t n_avail_write_items () {
- d_internal->lock ();
+ gruel::scoped_lock l (*d_internal);
size_t retVal = d_n_avail_write_I;
- d_internal->unlock ();
return (retVal);
inline size_t n_avail_read_items () {
- d_internal->lock ();
+ gruel::scoped_lock l (*d_internal);
size_t retVal = d_n_avail_read_I;
- d_internal->unlock ();
return (retVal);
@@ -120,13 +120,13 @@ public:
// create a mutex to handle contention of shared resources;
// any routine needed access to shared resources uses lock()
// before doing anything, then unlock() when finished.
- d_internal = new mld_mutex ();
+ d_internal = new gruel::mutex ();
// link the internal mutex to the read and write conditions;
// when wait() is called, the internal mutex will automatically
- // be unlock()'ed. Upon return (from a signal() to the condition),
+ // be unlock()'ed. Upon return (from a notify_one() to the condition),
// the internal mutex will be lock()'ed.
- d_readBlock = new mld_condition (d_internal);
- d_writeBlock = new mld_condition (d_internal);
+ d_readBlock = new gruel::condition_variable ();
+ d_writeBlock = new gruel::condition_variable ();
@@ -167,9 +167,8 @@ public:
if (!buf)
throw std::runtime_error ("circular_buffer::enqueue(): "
"input buffer is NULL.\n");
- d_internal->lock ();
+ gruel::scoped_lock l (*d_internal);
if (d_doAbort) {
- d_internal->unlock ();
return (2);
// set the return value to 1: success; change if needed
@@ -178,11 +177,11 @@ public:
if (d_doWriteBlock) {
while (bufLen_I > d_n_avail_write_I) {
DEBUG (std::cerr << "enqueue: #len > #a, waiting." << std::endl);
- // wait will automatically unlock() the internal mutex
- d_writeBlock->wait ();
- // and lock() it here.
+ // wait; will automatically unlock() the internal mutex via
+ // the scoped lock
+ d_writeBlock->wait (l);
+ // and auto re-lock() it here.
if (d_doAbort) {
- d_internal->unlock ();
DEBUG (std::cerr << "enqueue: #len > #a, aborting." << std::endl);
return (2);
@@ -208,8 +207,7 @@ public:
d_writeNdx_I += n_now_I;
d_n_avail_read_I += bufLen_I;
d_n_avail_write_I -= bufLen_I;
- d_readBlock->signal ();
- d_internal->unlock ();
+ d_readBlock->notify_one ();
return (retval);
@@ -255,19 +253,18 @@ public:
throw std::runtime_error ("circular_buffer::dequeue()");
- d_internal->lock ();
+ gruel::scoped_lock l (*d_internal);
if (d_doAbort) {
- d_internal->unlock ();
return (2);
if (d_doFullRead) {
while (d_n_avail_read_I < l_bufLen_I) {
DEBUG (std::cerr << "dequeue: #a < #len, waiting." << std::endl);
- // wait will automatically unlock() the internal mutex
- d_readBlock->wait ();
- // and lock() it here.
+ // wait; will automatically unlock() the internal mutex via
+ // the scoped lock
+ d_readBlock->wait (l);
+ // and re-lock() it here.
if (d_doAbort) {
- d_internal->unlock ();
DEBUG (std::cerr << "dequeue: #a < #len, aborting." << std::endl);
return (2);
@@ -276,11 +273,11 @@ public:
} else {
while (d_n_avail_read_I == 0) {
DEBUG (std::cerr << "dequeue: #a == 0, waiting." << std::endl);
- // wait will automatically unlock() the internal mutex
- d_readBlock->wait ();
- // and lock() it here.
+ // wait; will automatically unlock() the internal mutex via
+ // the scoped lock
+ d_readBlock->wait (l);
+ // and re-lock() it here.
if (d_doAbort) {
- d_internal->unlock ();
DEBUG (std::cerr << "dequeue: #a == 0, aborting." << std::endl);
return (2);
@@ -303,17 +300,15 @@ public:
*bufLen_I = l_bufLen_I;
d_n_avail_read_I -= l_bufLen_I;
d_n_avail_write_I += l_bufLen_I;
- d_writeBlock->signal ();
- d_internal->unlock ();
+ d_writeBlock->notify_one ();
return (1);
void abort () {
- d_internal->lock ();
+ gruel::scoped_lock l (*d_internal);
d_doAbort = true;
- d_writeBlock->signal ();
- d_readBlock->signal ();
- d_internal->unlock ();
+ d_writeBlock->notify_one ();
+ d_readBlock->notify_one ();
diff --git a/gr-audio-osx/src/mld_threads.h b/gr-audio-osx/src/mld_threads.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d2fb4ea7c0..0000000000
--- a/gr-audio-osx/src/mld_threads.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio.
- *
- * Primary Author: Michael Dickens, NCIP Lab, University of Notre Dame
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
- * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-/* classes which allow for either pthreads or omni_threads */
-#define __macos__
-#include <gnuradio/omnithread.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <stdexcept>
-#define __INLINE__ inline
-#define DO_DEBUG 0
-#define DEBUG(X) do{X} while(0);
-#define DEBUG(X) do{} while(0);
-class mld_condition_t;
-class mld_mutex_t {
- typedef omni_mutex l_mutex, *l_mutex_ptr;
- typedef pthread_mutex_t l_mutex, *l_mutex_ptr;
- friend class mld_condition_t;
- l_mutex_ptr d_mutex;
- inline l_mutex_ptr mutex () { return (d_mutex); };
- __INLINE__ mld_mutex_t () {
- d_mutex = new omni_mutex ();
- d_mutex = (l_mutex_ptr) new l_mutex;
- int l_ret = pthread_mutex_init (d_mutex, NULL);
- if (l_ret != 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error %d creating mutex.\n", l_ret);
- throw std::runtime_error ("mld_mutex_t::mld_mutex_t()\n");
- }
- };
- __INLINE__ ~mld_mutex_t () {
- unlock ();
- int l_ret = pthread_mutex_destroy (d_mutex);
- if (l_ret != 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "mld_mutex_t::~mld_mutex_t(): "
- "Error %d destroying mutex.\n", l_ret);
- }
- delete d_mutex;
- d_mutex = NULL;
- };
- __INLINE__ void lock () {
- d_mutex->lock ();
- int l_ret = pthread_mutex_lock (d_mutex);
- if (l_ret != 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "mld_mutex_t::lock(): "
- "Error %d locking mutex.\n", l_ret);
- }
- };
- __INLINE__ void unlock () {
- d_mutex->unlock ();
- int l_ret = pthread_mutex_unlock (d_mutex);
- if (l_ret != 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "mld_mutex_t::unlock(): "
- "Error %d locking mutex.\n", l_ret);
- }
- };
- __INLINE__ bool trylock () {
- int l_ret = d_mutex->trylock ();
- int l_ret = pthread_mutex_unlock (d_mutex);
- return (l_ret == 0 ? true : false);
- };
- inline void acquire () { lock(); };
- inline void release () { unlock(); };
- inline void wait () { lock(); };
- inline void post () { unlock(); };
-typedef mld_mutex_t mld_mutex, *mld_mutex_ptr;
-class mld_condition_t {
- typedef omni_condition l_condition, *l_condition_ptr;
- typedef pthread_cond_t l_condition, *l_condition_ptr;
- l_condition_ptr d_condition;
- mld_mutex_ptr d_mutex;
- bool d_i_own_mutex;
- __INLINE__ mld_condition_t (mld_mutex_ptr mutex = NULL) {
- if (mutex) {
- d_i_own_mutex = false;
- d_mutex = mutex;
- } else {
- d_i_own_mutex = true;
- d_mutex = new mld_mutex ();
- }
- d_condition = new omni_condition (d_mutex->mutex ());
- d_condition = (l_condition_ptr) new l_condition;
- int l_ret = pthread_cond_init (d_condition, NULL);
- if (l_ret != 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error %d creating condition.\n", l_ret);
- throw std::runtime_error ("mld_condition_t::mld_condition_t()\n");
- }
- };
- __INLINE__ ~mld_condition_t () {
- signal ();
- int l_ret = pthread_cond_destroy (d_condition);
- if (l_ret != 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "mld_condition_t::mld_condition_t(): "
- "Error %d destroying condition.\n", l_ret);
- }
- delete d_condition;
- d_condition = NULL;
- if (d_i_own_mutex)
- delete d_mutex;
- d_mutex = NULL;
- };
- __INLINE__ mld_mutex_ptr mutex () {return (d_mutex);};
- __INLINE__ void signal () {
- DEBUG (fprintf (stderr, "a "));
- d_condition->signal ();
- int l_ret = pthread_cond_signal (d_condition);
- if (l_ret != 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "mld_condition_t::signal(): "
- "Error %d.\n", l_ret);
- }
- DEBUG (fprintf (stderr, "b "));
- };
- __INLINE__ void wait () {
- DEBUG (fprintf (stderr, "c "));
- d_condition->wait ();
- int l_ret = pthread_cond_wait (d_condition, d_mutex->mutex ());
- if (l_ret != 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "mld_condition_t::wait(): "
- "Error %d.\n", l_ret);
- }
- DEBUG (printf (stderr, "d "));
- };
-typedef mld_condition_t mld_condition, *mld_condition_ptr;
-class mld_thread_t {
- typedef omni_thread l_thread, *l_thread_ptr;
- typedef pthread_t l_thread, *l_thread_ptr;
- l_thread d_thread;
- void (*d_start_routine)(void*);
- void *d_arg;
- l_thread_ptr d_thread;
- static void* local_start_routine (void *arg) {
- mld_thread_t* This = (mld_thread_t*) arg;
- (*(This->d_start_routine))(This->d_arg);
- return (NULL);
- };
- __INLINE__ mld_thread_t (void (*start_routine)(void *), void *arg) {
- d_thread = new omni_thread (start_routine, arg);
- d_thread->start ();
- d_start_routine = start_routine;
- d_arg = arg;
- int l_ret = pthread_create (&d_thread, NULL, local_start_routine, this);
- if (l_ret != 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error %d creating thread.\n", l_ret);
- throw std::runtime_error ("mld_thread_t::mld_thread_t()\n");
- }
- };
- __INLINE__ ~mld_thread_t () {
-// delete d_thread;
- d_thread = NULL;
- int l_ret = pthread_detach (d_thread);
- if (l_ret != 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error %d detaching thread.\n", l_ret);
- throw std::runtime_error ("mld_thread_t::~mld_thread_t()\n");
- }
- };
-typedef mld_thread_t mld_thread, *mld_thread_ptr;
-#endif /* _INCLUDED_MLD_THREADS_H_ */
diff --git a/gr-audio-portaudio/src/ b/gr-audio-portaudio/src/
index 20213d16b5..1df6bbceaf 100644
--- a/gr-audio-portaudio/src/
+++ b/gr-audio-portaudio/src/
@@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ libgnuradio_audio_portaudio_la_SOURCES = \
libgnuradio_audio_portaudio_la_LIBADD = \
libgnuradio_audio_portaudio_la_LDFLAGS = \
diff --git a/gr-audio-portaudio/src/ b/gr-audio-portaudio/src/
index 2e48feb4af..65a38f9119 100644
--- a/gr-audio-portaudio/src/
+++ b/gr-audio-portaudio/src/
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <gri_portaudio.h>
-#include <gnuradio/omnithread.h>
#include <string.h>
//#define LOGGING 0 // define to 0 or 1
@@ -84,31 +83,33 @@ portaudio_sink_callback (const void *inputBuffer,
int navail_samples = self->d_reader->items_available();
- if (nreqd_samples <= navail_samples){ // We've got enough data...
- //if (LOGGING)
- // self->d_log->printf("PAsink cb: f/b = %4ld\n", framesPerBuffer);
- // copy from ringbuffer into output buffer
- memcpy(outputBuffer,
- self->d_reader->read_pointer(),
- nreqd_samples * sizeof(sample_t));
- self->d_reader->update_read_pointer(nreqd_samples);
+ if (nreqd_samples <= navail_samples) { // We've got enough data...
+ {
+ gruel::scoped_lock guard(self->d_ringbuffer_mutex);
+ memcpy(outputBuffer,
+ self->d_reader->read_pointer(),
+ nreqd_samples * sizeof(sample_t));
+ self->d_reader->update_read_pointer(nreqd_samples);
+ self->d_ringbuffer_ready = true;
+ }
// Tell the sink thread there is new room in the ringbuffer.
- self->;
+ self->d_ringbuffer_cond.notify_one();
return paContinue;
else { // underrun
- //if (LOGGING)
- // self->d_log->printf("PAsink cb: f/b = %4ld UNDERRUN\n", framesPerBuffer);
::write(2, "aU", 2); // FIXME change to non-blocking call
// FIXME we should transfer what we've got and pad the rest
memset(outputBuffer, 0, nreqd_samples * sizeof(sample_t));
- self->; // Tell the sink to get going!
+ self->d_ringbuffer_ready = true;
+ self->d_ringbuffer_cond.notify_one(); // Tell the sink to get going!
return paContinue;
@@ -135,7 +136,9 @@ audio_portaudio_sink::audio_portaudio_sink(int sampling_rate,
d_verbose(gr_prefs::singleton()->get_bool("audio_portaudio", "verbose", false)),
- d_ringbuffer_ready(1, 1), // binary semaphore
+ d_ringbuffer_mutex(),
+ d_ringbuffer_cond(),
+ d_ringbuffer_ready(false),
memset(&d_output_parameters, 0, sizeof(d_output_parameters));
@@ -297,12 +300,17 @@ audio_portaudio_sink::work (int noutput_items,
const unsigned nchan = d_output_parameters.channelCount; // # of channels == samples/frame
int k;
- for (k = 0; k < noutput_items; ){
+ for (k = 0; k < noutput_items; ){
int nframes = d_writer->space_available() / nchan; // How much space in ringbuffer
if (nframes == 0){ // no room...
if (d_ok_to_block){
- d_ringbuffer_ready.wait(); // block here, then try again
+ {
+ gruel::scoped_lock guard(d_ringbuffer_mutex);
+ while (!d_ringbuffer_ready)
+ d_ringbuffer_cond.wait(guard);
+ }
else {
@@ -316,16 +324,21 @@ audio_portaudio_sink::work (int noutput_items,
// We can write the smaller of the request and the room we've got
- int nf = std::min(noutput_items - k, nframes);
- float *p = (float *) d_writer->write_pointer();
- for (int i = 0; i < nf; i++){
- for (unsigned int c = 0; c < nchan; c++){
- *p++ = in[c][k + i];
- }
+ {
+ gruel::scoped_lock guard(d_ringbuffer_mutex);
+ int nf = std::min(noutput_items - k, nframes);
+ float *p = (float *) d_writer->write_pointer();
+ for (int i = 0; i < nf; i++)
+ for (unsigned int c = 0; c < nchan; c++)
+ *p++ = in[c][k + i];
+ d_writer->update_write_pointer(nf * nchan);
+ k += nf;
+ d_ringbuffer_ready = false;
- d_writer->update_write_pointer(nf * nchan);
- k += nf;
return k; // tell how many we actually did
diff --git a/gr-audio-portaudio/src/audio_portaudio_sink.h b/gr-audio-portaudio/src/audio_portaudio_sink.h
index 1a0729799f..71cbfcf9f0 100644
--- a/gr-audio-portaudio/src/audio_portaudio_sink.h
+++ b/gr-audio-portaudio/src/audio_portaudio_sink.h
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
#include <gr_sync_block.h>
#include <gr_buffer.h>
-#include <gnuradio/omnithread.h>
+#include <gruel/thread.h>
#include <string>
#include <portaudio.h>
#include <stdexcept>
@@ -74,8 +74,10 @@ class audio_portaudio_sink : public gr_sync_block {
gr_buffer_sptr d_writer; // buffer used between work and callback
gr_buffer_reader_sptr d_reader;
- omni_semaphore d_ringbuffer_ready; // binary semaphore
+ gruel::mutex d_ringbuffer_mutex;
+ gruel::condition_variable d_ringbuffer_cond;
+ bool d_ringbuffer_ready;
// random stats
int d_nunderuns; // count of underruns
diff --git a/gr-audio-portaudio/src/ b/gr-audio-portaudio/src/
index 9e883ad8a3..484b7f1e54 100644
--- a/gr-audio-portaudio/src/
+++ b/gr-audio-portaudio/src/
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <gri_portaudio.h>
-#include <gnuradio/omnithread.h>
#include <string.h>
//#define LOGGING 0 // define to 0 or 1
@@ -88,32 +87,28 @@ portaudio_source_callback (const void *inputBuffer,
// self->d_log->printf("PAsrc cb: f/b = %4ld\n", framesPerBuffer);
// copy from input buffer to ringbuffer
- memcpy(self->d_writer->write_pointer(),
- inputBuffer,
- nframes_to_copy * nchan * sizeof(sample_t));
- self->d_writer->update_write_pointer(nframes_to_copy * nchan);
+ {
+ gruel::scoped_lock(d_ringbuffer_mutex);
+ memcpy(self->d_writer->write_pointer(),
+ inputBuffer,
+ nframes_to_copy * nchan * sizeof(sample_t));
+ self->d_writer->update_write_pointer(nframes_to_copy * nchan);
- // Tell the source thread there is new data in the ringbuffer.
- self->;
+ // Tell the source thread there is new data in the ringbuffer.
+ self->d_ringbuffer_ready = true;
+ }
+ self->d_ringbuffer_cond.notify_one();
return paContinue;
else { // overrun
- //if (LOGGING)
- // self->d_log->printf("PAsrc cb: f/b = %4ld OVERRUN\n", framesPerBuffer);
::write(2, "aO", 2); // FIXME change to non-blocking call
-#if 0
- // copy any frames that will fit
- memcpy(self->d_writer->write_pointer(),
- inputBuffer,
- nframes_room * nchan * sizeof(sample_t));
- self->d_writer->update_write_pointer(nframes_room * nchan);
- self->; // Tell the sink to get going!
+ self->d_ringbuffer_ready = false;
+ self->d_ringbuffer_cond.notify_one(); // Tell the sink to get going!
return paContinue;
@@ -140,7 +135,9 @@ audio_portaudio_source::audio_portaudio_source(int sampling_rate,
d_verbose(gr_prefs::singleton()->get_bool("audio_portaudio", "verbose", false)),
- d_ringbuffer_ready(1, 1), // binary semaphore
+ d_ringbuffer_mutex(),
+ d_ringbuffer_cond(),
+ d_ringbuffer_ready(false),
memset(&d_input_parameters, 0, sizeof(d_input_parameters));
@@ -303,11 +300,13 @@ audio_portaudio_source::work (int noutput_items,
if (k > 0) // If we've produced anything so far, return that
return k;
- if (d_ok_to_block){
- d_ringbuffer_ready.wait(); // block here, then try again
+ if (d_ok_to_block) {
+ gruel:: scoped_lock guard(d_ringbuffer_mutex);
+ while (d_ringbuffer_ready == false)
+ d_ringbuffer_cond.wait(guard); // block here, then try again
assert(k == 0);
// There's no data and we're not allowed to block.
@@ -320,27 +319,38 @@ audio_portaudio_source::work (int noutput_items,
// FIXME We'll fill with zeros for now. Yes, it will "click"...
// Fill with some frames of zeros
- int nf = std::min(noutput_items - k, (int) d_portaudio_buffer_size_frames);
- for (int i = 0; i < nf; i++){
- for (unsigned int c = 0; c < nchan; c++){
- out[c][k + i] = 0;
+ {
+ gruel::scoped_lock guard(d_ringbuffer_mutex);
+ int nf = std::min(noutput_items - k, (int) d_portaudio_buffer_size_frames);
+ for (int i = 0; i < nf; i++){
+ for (unsigned int c = 0; c < nchan; c++){
+ out[c][k + i] = 0;
+ }
+ k += nf;
+ d_ringbuffer_ready = false;
+ return k;
- k += nf;
- return k;
// We can read the smaller of the request and what's in the buffer.
- int nf = std::min(noutput_items - k, nframes);
+ {
+ gruel::scoped_lock guard(d_ringbuffer_mutex);
- const float *p = (const float *) d_reader->read_pointer();
- for (int i = 0; i < nf; i++){
- for (unsigned int c = 0; c < nchan; c++){
- out[c][k + i] = *p++;
+ int nf = std::min(noutput_items - k, nframes);
+ const float *p = (const float *) d_reader->read_pointer();
+ for (int i = 0; i < nf; i++){
+ for (unsigned int c = 0; c < nchan; c++){
+ out[c][k + i] = *p++;
+ }
+ d_reader->update_read_pointer(nf * nchan);
+ k += nf;
+ d_ringbuffer_ready = false;
- d_reader->update_read_pointer(nf * nchan);
- k += nf;
return k; // tell how many we actually did
diff --git a/gr-audio-portaudio/src/audio_portaudio_source.h b/gr-audio-portaudio/src/audio_portaudio_source.h
index 3102db739c..31e70a1277 100644
--- a/gr-audio-portaudio/src/audio_portaudio_source.h
+++ b/gr-audio-portaudio/src/audio_portaudio_source.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2006.2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GNU Radio
@@ -24,11 +24,10 @@
#include <gr_sync_block.h>
#include <gr_buffer.h>
-#include <gnuradio/omnithread.h>
+#include <gruel/thread.h>
#include <string>
#include <portaudio.h>
#include <stdexcept>
-//#include <gri_logger.h>
class audio_portaudio_source;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<audio_portaudio_source> audio_portaudio_source_sptr;
@@ -74,11 +73,13 @@ class audio_portaudio_source : public gr_sync_block {
gr_buffer_sptr d_writer; // buffer used between work and callback
gr_buffer_reader_sptr d_reader;
- omni_semaphore d_ringbuffer_ready; // binary semaphore
+ gruel::mutex d_ringbuffer_mutex;
+ gruel::condition_variable d_ringbuffer_cond;
+ bool d_ringbuffer_ready;
// random stats
int d_noverruns; // count of overruns
- //gri_logger_sptr d_log; // handle to non-blocking logging instance
void output_error_msg (const char *msg, int err);
void bail (const char *msg, int err) throw (std::runtime_error);
@@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ class audio_portaudio_source : public gr_sync_block {
audio_portaudio_source (int sampling_rate, const std::string device_name,
- bool ok_to_block);
+ bool ok_to_block);
~audio_portaudio_source ();
diff --git a/gr-wxgui/src/python/ b/gr-wxgui/src/python/
index 08a025e1ef..f7c0ffa82e 100644
--- a/gr-wxgui/src/python/
+++ b/gr-wxgui/src/python/
@@ -55,6 +55,9 @@ CHANNEL_COLOR_SPECS = (
(0.0, 0.8, 0.0),
(1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
(0.8, 0.0, 0.8),
+ (0.7, 0.7, 0.0),
+ (0.15, 0.90, 0.98),
TRIGGER_COLOR_SPEC = (1.0, 0.4, 0.0)
diff --git a/grc/gui/ b/grc/gui/
index b3018dab21..7c00c1b67f 100644
--- a/grc/gui/
+++ b/grc/gui/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-Copyright 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+Copyright 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of GNU Radio
GNU Radio Companion is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
@@ -135,10 +135,21 @@ PARAM_LABEL_MARKUP_TMPL="""\
<span underline="$underline" foreground="$foreground" font_desc="Sans 9">$encode($param.get_name())</span>"""
+#def truncate(string)
+ #set $max_len = 100
+ #set $string = str($string)
+ #if len($string) > $max_len
+$('%s...%s'%($string[:$max_len/2], $string[-$max_len/2:]))#slurp
+ #else
+ #end if
+#end def
Key: $param.get_key()
Type: $param.get_type()
#if $param.is_valid()
-Value: $param.get_evaluated()
+Value: $truncate($param.get_evaluated())
#elif len($param.get_error_messages()) == 1
Error: $(param.get_error_messages()[0])
diff --git a/grc/python/ b/grc/python/
index e04bc8fcb5..6dd008d1d0 100644
--- a/grc/python/
+++ b/grc/python/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-Copyright 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+Copyright 2008, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of GNU Radio
GNU Radio Companion is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
@@ -108,7 +108,23 @@ class Param(_Param, _GUIParam):
Get the repr (nice string format) for this param.
@return the string representation
- if not self.is_valid(): return self.get_value()
+ ##################################################
+ # truncate helper method
+ ##################################################
+ def _truncate(string, style=0):
+ max_len = max(27 - len(self.get_name()), 3)
+ if len(string) > max_len:
+ if style < 0: #front truncate
+ string = '...' + string[3-max_len:]
+ elif style == 0: #center truncate
+ string = string[:max_len/2 -3] + '...' + string[-max_len/2:]
+ elif style > 0: #rear truncate
+ string = string[:max_len-3] + '...'
+ return string
+ ##################################################
+ # simple conditions
+ ##################################################
+ if not self.is_valid(): return _truncate(self.get_value())
if self.get_value() in self.get_option_keys(): return self.get_option(self.get_value()).get_name()
# display logic for numbers
@@ -126,7 +142,6 @@ class Param(_Param, _GUIParam):
# split up formatting by type
truncate = 0 #default center truncate
- max_len = max(27 - len(self.get_name()), 3)
e = self.get_evaluated()
t = self.get_type()
if isinstance(e, bool): return str(e)
@@ -141,16 +156,9 @@ class Param(_Param, _GUIParam):
truncate = -1
else: dt_str = str(e) #other types
- # truncate
+ # done
- if len(dt_str) > max_len:
- if truncate < 0: #front truncate
- dt_str = '...' + dt_str[3-max_len:]
- elif truncate == 0: #center truncate
- dt_str = dt_str[:max_len/2 -3] + '...' + dt_str[-max_len/2:]
- elif truncate > 0: #rear truncate
- dt_str = dt_str[:max_len-3] + '...'
- return dt_str
+ return _truncate(dt_str, truncate)
def get_input(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.get_type() in ('file_open', 'file_save'): return FileParam(self, *args, **kwargs)
diff --git a/gruel/src/include/gruel/thread.h b/gruel/src/include/gruel/thread.h
index 0e7acaa856..d72e5520ce 100644
--- a/gruel/src/include/gruel/thread.h
+++ b/gruel/src/include/gruel/thread.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2009,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GNU Radio
@@ -22,12 +22,20 @@
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
+#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
namespace gruel {
+ typedef boost::thread thread;
typedef boost::mutex mutex;
typedef boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> scoped_lock;
typedef boost::condition_variable condition_variable;
+ typedef boost::posix_time::time_duration duration;
+ /*!
+ * Returns absolute time 'secs' into the future
+ */
+ boost::system_time get_new_timeout(double secs);
} /* namespace gruel */
diff --git a/gruel/src/lib/ b/gruel/src/lib/
index b21f8023c7..6bde9ee272 100644
--- a/gruel/src/lib/
+++ b/gruel/src/lib/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright 2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Copyright 2008,2009,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GNU Radio
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ MSG_LIB = msg/
libgruel_la_SOURCES = \ \ \
+ \ \
diff --git a/mblock/src/lib/ b/gruel/src/lib/
index 60a0e44fbf..d8f77b5067 100644
--- a/mblock/src/lib/
+++ b/gruel/src/lib/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GNU Radio
@@ -22,13 +22,14 @@
#include <config.h>
+#include <gruel/thread.h>
-#include <mb_util.h>
+namespace gruel {
+ boost::system_time
+ get_new_timeout(double secs)
+ {
+ return boost::get_system_time() + boost::posix_time::milliseconds(long(secs*1e3));
+ }
-mb_util::join_names(const std::string &comp_name,
- const std::string &port_name)
- return comp_name + ":" + port_name;
diff --git a/mblock/.gitignore b/mblock/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 36b77742f2..0000000000
--- a/mblock/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/mblock/ b/mblock/
deleted file mode 100644
index 69e2f22c06..0000000000
--- a/mblock/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is part of GNU Radio
-# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
-# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.common
-SUBDIRS = src
-DIST_SUBDIRS = src doc
-pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig
-pkgconfig_DATA = mblock.pc
diff --git a/mblock/README b/mblock/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f3ba697b4..0000000000
--- a/mblock/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2006,2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is part of GNU Radio
-# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
-# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-The "Message block" implementation, a work in progress...
diff --git a/mblock/doc/.gitignore b/mblock/doc/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index f65ab6cf72..0000000000
--- a/mblock/doc/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/mblock/doc/ b/mblock/doc/
deleted file mode 100644
index a806b25cf0..0000000000
--- a/mblock/doc/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2004,2005,2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is part of GNU Radio
-# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
-# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-# To avoid build problems for folks who don't have xmlto installed, we
-# don't build the docs by default.
-# html: $(TARGETS)
-all: $(TARGETS)
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------
-# This is non-portable pattern rule.
-#%.html : %.xml
-# xmlto html-nochunks $<
diff --git a/mblock/ b/mblock/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d849995b4..0000000000
--- a/mblock/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-Name: mblock
-Description: The GNU Radio message block library
-Requires: pmt gnuradio-omnithread
-Version: @VERSION@
-Libs: -L${libdir} -lmblock
-Cflags: -I${includedir} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mblock/src/.gitignore b/mblock/src/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index bb3f277779..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/mblock/src/ b/mblock/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 60995c9720..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2004,2006,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is part of GNU Radio
-# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
-# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-SUBDIRS = include lib scheme
diff --git a/mblock/src/include/.gitignore b/mblock/src/include/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index b336cc7cec..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/include/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/mblock/src/include/ b/mblock/src/include/
deleted file mode 100644
index d5672989c6..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/include/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is part of GNU Radio
-# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
-# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.common
-SUBDIRS = mblock
diff --git a/mblock/src/include/mblock/.gitignore b/mblock/src/include/mblock/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index b336cc7cec..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/include/mblock/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/mblock/src/include/mblock/ b/mblock/src/include/mblock/
deleted file mode 100644
index e36215aa40..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/include/mblock/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is part of GNU Radio
-# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
-# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.common
-mbincludedir = $(includedir)/mblock
-mbinclude_HEADERS = \
- common.h \
- class_registry.h \
- exception.h \
- mblock.h \
- message.h \
- msg_accepter.h \
- msg_queue.h \
- port.h \
- protocol_class.h \
- runtime.h \
- time.h
diff --git a/mblock/src/include/mblock/class_registry.h b/mblock/src/include/mblock/class_registry.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e4341f7d14..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/include/mblock/class_registry.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <mblock/common.h>
-//! conceptually, pointer to constructor
-typedef mb_mblock_sptr (*mb_mblock_maker_t)(mb_runtime *runtime,
- const std::string &instance_name,
- pmt::pmt_t user_arg);
- * \brief Maintain mapping between mblock class_name and factory (maker)
- */
-class mb_class_registry : public boost::noncopyable {
- static bool register_maker(const std::string &name, mb_mblock_maker_t maker);
- static bool lookup_maker(const std::string &name, mb_mblock_maker_t *maker);
-template<class mblock>
-mb_mblock_sptr mb_mblock_maker(mb_runtime *runtime,
- const std::string &instance_name,
- pmt::pmt_t user_arg)
- return mb_mblock_sptr(new mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg));
-#define REGISTER_MBLOCK_CLASS(name) \
- bool __RBC__ ## name = mb_class_registry::register_maker(#name, &mb_mblock_maker<name>)
diff --git a/mblock/src/include/mblock/common.h b/mblock/src/include/mblock/common.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 054b9987eb..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/include/mblock/common.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006,2007,2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <gruel/pmt.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include <boost/utility.hpp>
-#include <boost/enable_shared_from_this.hpp>
-#include <boost/weak_ptr.hpp>
- * The priority type and valid range
- */
-typedef unsigned int mb_pri_t;
-static const mb_pri_t MB_PRI_BEST = 0;
-static const mb_pri_t MB_PRI_DEFAULT = 4;
-static const mb_pri_t MB_PRI_WORST = 7;
-static const mb_pri_t MB_NPRI = MB_PRI_WORST + 1; // number of valid priorities
- * \brief return true iff priority a is better than priority b
- */
-inline static bool
-mb_pri_better(mb_pri_t a, mb_pri_t b)
- return a < b;
- * \brief return true iff priority a is worse than priority b
- */
-inline static bool
-mb_pri_worse(mb_pri_t a, mb_pri_t b)
- return a > b;
- * \brief ensure that pri is valid
- */
-inline static mb_pri_t
-mb_pri_clamp(mb_pri_t p)
- return p < MB_NPRI ? p : MB_NPRI - 1;
-class mb_runtime;
-typedef boost::shared_ptr<mb_runtime> mb_runtime_sptr;
-//class mb_runtime_impl;
-//typedef boost::shared_ptr<mb_runtime_impl> mb_runtime_impl_sptr;
-class mb_mblock;
-typedef boost::shared_ptr<mb_mblock> mb_mblock_sptr;
-class mb_mblock_impl;
-typedef boost::shared_ptr<mb_mblock_impl> mb_mblock_impl_sptr;
-class mb_port;
-typedef boost::shared_ptr<mb_port> mb_port_sptr;
-//class mb_port_detail;
-//typedef boost::shared_ptr<mb_port_detail> mb_port_detail_sptr;
-class mb_msg_accepter;
-typedef boost::shared_ptr<mb_msg_accepter> mb_msg_accepter_sptr;
-class mb_message;
-typedef boost::shared_ptr<mb_message> mb_message_sptr;
-class mb_msg_queue;
-typedef boost::shared_ptr<mb_msg_queue> mb_msg_queue_sptr;
-#endif /* INCLUDED_MB_COMMON_H */
diff --git a/mblock/src/include/mblock/exception.h b/mblock/src/include/mblock/exception.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6cc4566569..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/include/mblock/exception.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <stdexcept>
-class mb_mblock;
-class mbe_base : public std::logic_error
- mbe_base(mb_mblock *mb, const std::string &msg);
-class mbe_not_implemented : public mbe_base
- mbe_not_implemented(mb_mblock *mb, const std::string &msg);
-class mbe_no_such_class : public mbe_base
- mbe_no_such_class(mb_mblock *, const std::string &class_name);
-class mbe_no_such_component : public mbe_base
- mbe_no_such_component(mb_mblock *, const std::string &component_name);
-class mbe_duplicate_component : public mbe_base
- mbe_duplicate_component(mb_mblock *, const std::string &component_name);
-class mbe_no_such_port : public mbe_base
- mbe_no_such_port(mb_mblock *, const std::string &port_name);
-class mbe_duplicate_port : public mbe_base
- mbe_duplicate_port(mb_mblock *, const std::string &port_name);
-class mbe_already_connected : public mbe_base
- mbe_already_connected(mb_mblock *, const std::string &comp_name,
- const std::string &port_name);
-class mbe_incompatible_ports : public mbe_base
- mbe_incompatible_ports(mb_mblock *,
- const std::string &comp1_name,
- const std::string &port1_name,
- const std::string &comp2_name,
- const std::string &port2_name);
-class mbe_invalid_port_type : public mbe_base
- mbe_invalid_port_type(mb_mblock *, const std::string &comp_name,
- const std::string &port_name);
-class mbe_mblock_failed : public mbe_base
- mbe_mblock_failed(mb_mblock *, const std::string &msg);
-// not derived from mbe_base to simplify try/catch
-class mbe_terminate
- mbe_terminate();
-// not derived from mbe_base to simplify try/catch
-class mbe_exit
- mbe_exit();
diff --git a/mblock/src/include/mblock/mblock.h b/mblock/src/include/mblock/mblock.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f036e4145..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/include/mblock/mblock.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,318 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006,2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <mblock/common.h>
-#include <mblock/message.h>
-#include <mblock/port.h>
-#include <mblock/time.h>
- * Abstract class implementing visitor pattern
- * \ingroup internal
- */
-class mb_visitor
- virtual ~mb_visitor();
- virtual bool operator()(mb_mblock *mblock) = 0;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- * \brief Parent class for all message passing blocks
- *
- * Subclass this to define your mblocks.
- */
-class mb_mblock : boost::noncopyable,
- public boost::enable_shared_from_this<mb_mblock>
- mb_mblock_impl_sptr d_impl; // implementation details
- friend class mb_runtime;
- friend class mb_mblock_impl;
- friend class mb_worker;
- /*!
- * \brief mblock constructor.
- *
- * Initializing all mblocks in the system is a 3 step procedure.
- *
- * The top level mblock's constructor is run. That constructor
- * (a) registers all of its ports using define_port, (b) registers any
- * subcomponents it may have via the define_component method, and
- * then (c) issues connect calls to wire its subcomponents together.
- *
- * \param runtime the runtime associated with this mblock
- * \param instance_name specify the name of this instance
- * (for debugging, NUMA mapping, etc)
- * \param user_arg argument passed by user to constructor
- * (ignored by the mb_mblock base class)
- */
- mb_mblock(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt::pmt_t user_arg);
- /*!
- * \brief Called by the runtime system to execute the initial
- * transition of the finite state machine.
- *
- * This method is called by the runtime after all blocks are
- * constructed and before the first message is delivered. Override
- * this to initialize your finite state machine.
- */
- virtual void initial_transition();
- /*!
- * \brief Called by the runtime system when there's a message to handle.
- *
- * Override this to define your behavior.
- *
- * Do not issue any potentially blocking calls in this method. This
- * includes things such reads or writes on sockets, pipes or slow
- * i/o devices.
- */
- virtual void handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
- /*!
- * \brief Define a port.
- *
- * EXTERNAL and RELAY ports are part of our peer interface.
- * INTERNAL ports are used to talk to sub-components.
- *
- * \param port_name The name of the port (must be unique within this mblock).
- * \param protocol_class_name The name of the protocol class associated with
- * this port. It must already be defined.
- * \param conjugated Are the incoming and outgoing message sets swapped?
- * \param port_type INTERNAL, EXTERNAL or RELAY.
- */
- mb_port_sptr
- define_port(const std::string &port_name,
- const std::string &protocol_class_name,
- bool conjugated,
- mb_port::port_type_t port_type);
- /*!
- * \brief Define a subcomponent by name.
- *
- * Called within the constructor to tell the system the
- * names and identities of our sub-component mblocks.
- *
- * \param component_name The name of the sub-component (must be unique with this mblock).
- * \param class_name The class of the instance that is to be created.
- * \param user_arg The argument to pass to the constructor of the component.
- */
- void
- define_component(const std::string &component_name,
- const std::string &class_name,
- pmt::pmt_t user_arg = pmt::PMT_NIL);
- /*!
- * \brief connect endpoint_1 to endpoint_2
- *
- * \param comp_name1 component on one end of the connection
- * \param port_name1 the name of the port on comp1
- * \param comp_name2 component on the other end of the connection
- * \param port_name2 the name of the port on comp2
- *
- * An endpoint is specified by the component's local name (given as
- * component_name in the call to register_component) and the name of
- * the port on that component.
- *
- * To connect an internal or relay port, use "self" as the component name.
- */
- void
- connect(const std::string &comp_name1, const std::string &port_name1,
- const std::string &comp_name2, const std::string &port_name2);
- /*!
- * \brief disconnect endpoint_1 from endpoint_2
- *
- * \param comp_name1 component on one end of the connection
- * \param port_name1 the name of the port on comp1
- * \param comp_name2 component on the other end of the connection
- * \param port_name2 the name of the port on comp2
- *
- * An endpoint is specified by the component's local name (given as
- * component_name in the call to register_component) and the name of
- * the port on that component.
- *
- * To disconnect an internal or relay port, use "self" as the component name.
- */
- void
- disconnect(const std::string &comp_name1, const std::string &port_name1,
- const std::string &comp_name2, const std::string &port_name2);
- /*!
- * \brief disconnect all connections to specified component
- * \param component_name component to disconnect
- */
- void
- disconnect_component(const std::string &component_name);
- /*!
- * \brief disconnect all connections to all components
- */
- void
- disconnect_all();
- /*!
- * \brief Return number of connections (QA mostly)
- */
- int
- nconnections() const;
- //! Set the class name
- void set_class_name(const std::string &name);
- /*!
- * \brief Tell runtime that we are done.
- *
- * This method does not return.
- */
- void exit();
- /*!
- * \brief Ask runtime to execute the shutdown procedure for all blocks.
- *
- * \param result sets value of \p result output argument of runtime->run(...)
- *
- * The runtime first sends a maximum priority %shutdown message to
- * all blocks. All blocks should handle the %shutdown message,
- * perform whatever clean up is required, and call this->exit();
- *
- * After a period of time (~100ms), any blocks which haven't yet
- * called this->exit() are sent a maximum priority %halt message.
- * %halt is detected in main_loop, and this->exit() is called.
- *
- * After an additional period of time (~100ms), any blocks which
- * still haven't yet called this->exit() are sent a SIG<FOO> (TBD)
- * signal, which will blow them out of any blocking system calls and
- * raise an mbe_terminate exception. The default top-level
- * runtime-provided exception handler will call this->exit() to
- * finish the process.
- *
- * runtime->run(...) returns when all blocks have called exit.
- */
- void shutdown_all(pmt::pmt_t result);
- /*!
- * \brief main event dispatching loop
- *
- * Although it is possible to override this, the default implementation
- * should work for virtually all cases.
- */
- virtual void main_loop();
- virtual ~mb_mblock();
- //! Return instance name of this block
- std::string instance_name() const;
- //! Return the class name of this block
- std::string class_name() const;
- //! Set the instance name of this block.
- void set_instance_name(const std::string &name);
- //! Return the parent of this mblock, or 0 if we're the top-level block.
- mb_mblock *parent() const;
- /*!
- * \brief Schedule a "one shot" timeout.
- *
- * \param abs_time the absolute time at which the timeout should fire
- * \param user_data the data passed in the %timeout message.
- *
- * When the timeout fires, a message will be sent to the mblock.
- *
- * The message will have port_id = %sys-port, signal = %timeout,
- * data = user_data, metadata = the handle returned from
- * schedule_one_shot_timeout, pri = MB_PRI_BEST.
- *
- * \returns a handle that can be used in cancel_timeout, and is passed
- * as the metadata field of the generated %timeout message.
- *
- * To cancel a pending timeout, call cancel_timeout.
- */
- pmt::pmt_t
- schedule_one_shot_timeout(const mb_time &abs_time, pmt::pmt_t user_data);
- /*!
- * \brief Schedule a periodic timeout.
- *
- * \param first_abs_time The absolute time at which the first timeout should fire.
- * \param delta_time The relative delay between the first and successive timeouts.
- * \param user_data the data passed in the %timeout message.
- *
- * When the timeout fires, a message will be sent to the mblock, and a
- * new timeout will be scheduled for previous absolute time + delta_time.
- *
- * The message will have port_id = %sys-port, signal = %timeout,
- * data = user_data, metadata = the handle returned from
- * schedule_one_shot_timeout, pri = MB_PRI_BEST.
- *
- * \returns a handle that can be used in cancel_timeout, and is passed
- * as the metadata field of the generated %timeout message.
- *
- * To cancel a pending timeout, call cancel_timeout.
- */
- pmt::pmt_t
- schedule_periodic_timeout(const mb_time &first_abs_time,
- const mb_time &delta_time,
- pmt::pmt_t user_data);
- /*!
- * \brief Attempt to cancel a pending timeout.
- *
- * Note that this only stops a future timeout from firing. It is
- * possible that a timeout may have already fired and enqueued a
- * %timeout message, but that that message has not yet been seen by
- * handle_message.
- *
- * \param handle returned from schedule_one_shot_timeout or schedule_periodic_timeout.
- */
- void cancel_timeout(pmt::pmt_t handle);
- /*!
- * \brief Perform a pre-order depth-first traversal of the hierarchy.
- *
- * The traversal stops and returns false if any call to visitor returns false.
- */
- bool
- walk_tree(mb_visitor *visitor);
- //! \internal
- // internal use only
- mb_mblock_impl_sptr
- impl() const { return d_impl; }
-#endif /* INCLUDED_MB_MBLOCK_H */
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+++ /dev/null
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-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006,2007,2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <mblock/common.h>
-#include <iosfwd>
-#define MB_MESSAGE_LOCAL_ALLOCATOR 0 // define to 0 or 1
-class mb_message;
-typedef boost::shared_ptr<mb_message> mb_message_sptr;
- * \brief construct a message and return boost::shared_ptr
- *
- * \param signal identifier of the message
- * \param data the data to be operated on
- * \param metadata information about the data
- * \param priority urgency
- */
-mb_make_message(pmt::pmt_t signal,
- pmt::pmt_t data = pmt::PMT_NIL,
- pmt::pmt_t metadata = pmt::PMT_NIL,
- mb_pri_t priority = MB_PRI_DEFAULT);
-class mb_message {
- mb_message_sptr d_next; // link field for msg queue
- pmt::pmt_t d_signal;
- pmt::pmt_t d_data;
- pmt::pmt_t d_metadata;
- mb_pri_t d_priority;
- pmt::pmt_t d_port_id; // name of port msg was rcvd on (symbol)
- friend class mb_msg_queue;
- friend mb_message_sptr
- mb_make_message(pmt::pmt_t signal, pmt::pmt_t data, pmt::pmt_t metadata, mb_pri_t priority);
- // private constructor
- mb_message(pmt::pmt_t signal, pmt::pmt_t data, pmt::pmt_t metadata, mb_pri_t priority);
- ~mb_message();
- pmt::pmt_t signal() const { return d_signal; }
- pmt::pmt_t data() const { return d_data; }
- pmt::pmt_t metadata() const { return d_metadata; }
- mb_pri_t priority() const { return d_priority; }
- pmt::pmt_t port_id() const { return d_port_id; }
- void set_port_id(pmt::pmt_t port_id){ d_port_id = port_id; }
- void *operator new(size_t);
- void operator delete(void *, size_t);
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const mb_message &msg);
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const mb_message_sptr msg)
- os << *(msg.get());
- return os;
diff --git a/mblock/src/include/mblock/msg_accepter.h b/mblock/src/include/mblock/msg_accepter.h
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@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <mblock/common.h>
- * \brief Abstract class that accepts messages
- *
- * The mb_port::send method ultimately resolves the (local)
- * destination of a send to an object of this type. The resulting
- * object is called to deliver the message.
- *
- * Expect derived classes such as these:
- *
- * smp : target is visible in this address space
- * mpi : target is on the other end of an MPI link
- * ppe->spe : sending from Cell PPE to Cell SPE
- * spe->ppe : sending from Cell SPE to Cell PPE
- */
-class mb_msg_accepter {
- mb_msg_accepter(){};
- virtual ~mb_msg_accepter();
- virtual void operator()(pmt::pmt_t signal, pmt::pmt_t data, pmt::pmt_t metadata, mb_pri_t priority) = 0;
diff --git a/mblock/src/include/mblock/msg_queue.h b/mblock/src/include/mblock/msg_queue.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a23397081a..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/include/mblock/msg_queue.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <mblock/common.h>
-#include <gnuradio/omnithread.h>
-#include <mblock/time.h>
- * \brief priority queue for mblock messages
- */
-class mb_msg_queue : boost::noncopyable
- // When empty both head and tail are zero.
- struct subq {
- mb_message_sptr head;
- mb_message_sptr tail;
- bool empty_p() const { return head == 0; }
- };
- omni_mutex d_mutex;
- omni_condition d_not_empty; // reader waits on this
- // FIXME add bitmap to indicate which queues are non-empty.
- subq d_queue[MB_NPRI];
- mb_message_sptr get_highest_pri_msg_helper();
- mb_msg_queue();
- ~mb_msg_queue();
- //! Insert \p msg into priority queue.
- void insert(mb_message_sptr msg);
- /*
- * \brief Delete highest pri message from the queue and return it.
- * Returns equivalent of zero pointer if queue is empty.
- */
- mb_message_sptr get_highest_pri_msg_nowait();
- /*
- * \brief Delete highest pri message from the queue and return it.
- * If the queue is empty, this call blocks until it can return a message.
- */
- mb_message_sptr get_highest_pri_msg();
- /*
- * \brief Delete highest pri message from the queue and return it.
- * If the queue is empty, this call blocks until it can return a message
- * or real-time exceeds the absolute time, abs_time.
- *
- * \param abs_time specifies the latest absolute time to wait until.
- * \sa mb_time::time
- *
- * \returns a valid mb_message_sptr, or the equivalent of a zero pointer
- * if the call timed out while waiting.
- */
- mb_message_sptr get_highest_pri_msg_timedwait(const mb_time &abs_time);
diff --git a/mblock/src/include/mblock/port.h b/mblock/src/include/mblock/port.h
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@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006,2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <mblock/common.h>
- * \brief Abstract port characteristics
- */
-class mb_port : boost::noncopyable
- //! port classification
- enum port_type_t {
- EXTERNAL, //< Externally visible
- RELAY, //< Externally visible but really connected to a sub-component
- INTERNAL //< Visible to self only
- };
- std::string d_port_name;
- pmt::pmt_t d_port_symbol; // the port_name as a pmt::pmt symbol
- pmt::pmt_t d_protocol_class;
- bool d_conjugated;
- port_type_t d_port_type;
- mb_mblock *d_mblock; // mblock we're defined in
- // protected constructor
- mb_port(mb_mblock *mblock,
- const std::string &port_name,
- const std::string &protocol_class_name,
- bool conjugated,
- mb_port::port_type_t port_type);
- mb_mblock *mblock() const { return d_mblock; }
- std::string port_name() const { return d_port_name; }
- pmt::pmt_t port_symbol() const { return d_port_symbol; }
- pmt::pmt_t protocol_class() const { return d_protocol_class; }
- bool conjugated() const { return d_conjugated; }
- port_type_t port_type() const { return d_port_type; }
- pmt::pmt_t incoming_message_set() const;
- pmt::pmt_t outgoing_message_set() const;
- virtual ~mb_port();
- /*!
- * \brief send a message
- *
- * \param signal the event name
- * \param data optional data
- * \param metadata optional metadata
- * \param priority the urgency at which the message is sent
- */
- virtual void
- send(pmt::pmt_t signal,
- pmt::pmt_t data = pmt::PMT_F,
- pmt::pmt_t metadata = pmt::PMT_F,
- mb_pri_t priority = MB_PRI_DEFAULT) = 0;
- /*
- * \brief Invalidate any cached peer resolutions
- * \internal
- */
- virtual void invalidate_cache() = 0;
-#endif /* INCLUDED_MB_PORT_H */
diff --git a/mblock/src/include/mblock/protocol_class.h b/mblock/src/include/mblock/protocol_class.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a01e68d8f5..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/include/mblock/protocol_class.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006,2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <mblock/common.h>
- * \brief construct a protocol_class
- *
- * \param name the name of the class (symbol)
- * \param incoming incoming message set (list of symbols)
- * \param outgoing outgoing message set (list of symbols)
- */
-pmt::pmt_t mb_make_protocol_class(pmt::pmt_t name, pmt::pmt_t incoming, pmt::pmt_t outgoing);
-// Accessors
-pmt::pmt_t mb_protocol_class_name(pmt::pmt_t pc); //< return name of protocol class
-pmt::pmt_t mb_protocol_class_incoming(pmt::pmt_t pc); //< return incoming message set
-pmt::pmt_t mb_protocol_class_outgoing(pmt::pmt_t pc); //< return outgoing message set
-pmt::pmt_t mb_protocol_class_lookup(pmt::pmt_t name); //< lookup an existing protocol class by name
- * \brief Initialize one or more protocol class from a serialized description.
- * Used by machine generated code.
- */
-class mb_protocol_class_init {
- mb_protocol_class_init(const char *data, size_t len);
diff --git a/mblock/src/include/mblock/runtime.h b/mblock/src/include/mblock/runtime.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9afc38b767..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/include/mblock/runtime.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006,2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <mblock/common.h>
-#include <gnuradio/omnithread.h>
- * \brief Public constructor (factory) for mb_runtime objects.
- */
-mb_runtime_sptr mb_make_runtime();
- * \brief Abstract runtime support for m-blocks
- *
- * There should generally be only a single instance of this class.
- */
-class mb_runtime : boost::noncopyable,
- public boost::enable_shared_from_this<mb_runtime>
- mb_mblock_sptr d_top;
- mb_runtime(){}
- virtual ~mb_runtime();
- /*!
- * \brief Construct and run the specified mblock hierarchy.
- *
- * This routine turns into the m-block scheduler, and
- * blocks until the system is shutdown.
- *
- * \param instance_name name of the top-level mblock (conventionally "top")
- * \param class_name The class of the top-level mblock to create.
- * \param user_arg The argument to pass to the top-level mblock constructor
- * \param result The value passed to shutdown_all.
- *
- * \returns true if the system ran successfully.
- */
- virtual bool run(const std::string &instance_name,
- const std::string &class_name,
- pmt::pmt_t user_arg,
- pmt::pmt_t *result = 0) = 0;
- // QA only...
- mb_mblock_sptr top() { return d_top; }
diff --git a/mblock/src/include/mblock/time.h b/mblock/src/include/mblock/time.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 630fa845c1..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/include/mblock/time.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <gnuradio/omni_time.h>
-typedef omni_time mb_time;
-#endif /* INCLUDED_MB_TIME_H */
diff --git a/mblock/src/lib/.gitignore b/mblock/src/lib/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/mblock/src/lib/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
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deleted file mode 100644
index dbdfcdd9d5..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2006,2007,2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is part of GNU Radio
-# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
-# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.common
-# disable test until we fix ticket:180
-# TESTS = test_mblock
- README.locking \
- qa_bitset.mbh
- : qa_bitset.mbh
- $(COMPILE_MBH) $(srcdir)/qa_bitset.mbh
-# These are the source files that go into the mblock shared library
-libmblock_la_SOURCES = \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
-# magic flags
-libmblock_la_LDFLAGS = $(NO_UNDEFINED)
-# link the library against the c++ standard library
-libmblock_la_LIBADD = \
- $(GRUEL_LA) \
- -lstdc++
-noinst_HEADERS = \
- mb_gettid.h \
- mb_msg_accepter_msgq.h \
- mb_port_simple.h \
- mb_util.h \
- mb_connection.h \
- mb_endpoint.h \
- mb_mblock_impl.h \
- mb_msg_accepter_smp.h \
- mb_runtime_base.h \
- mb_runtime_nop.h \
- mb_runtime_thread_per_block.h \
- mb_timer_queue.h \
- mb_worker.h \
- mbi_runtime_lock.h \
- qa_mblock.h \
- qa_mblock_prims.h \
- qa_mblock_send.h \
- qa_mblock_sys.h \
- qa_timeouts.h
-# Build the qa code into its own library
-libmblock_qa_la_SOURCES = \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
-# magic flags
-libmblock_qa_la_LDFLAGS = $(NO_UNDEFINED) -avoid-version
-# link the library against the c++ standard library
-libmblock_qa_la_LIBADD = \
- \
- -lstdc++
-noinst_PROGRAMS = \
- test_mblock \
- benchmark_send
-test_mblock_SOURCES =
-test_mblock_LDADD =
-benchmark_send_SOURCES =
-benchmark_send_LDADD =
diff --git a/mblock/src/lib/README.locking b/mblock/src/lib/README.locking
deleted file mode 100644
index 12d4735e72..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/lib/README.locking
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-The Big Runtime Lock must be held when:
-Manipulating or traversing any mblock's d_port_map, d_comp_map or d_conn_table.
diff --git a/mblock/src/lib/ b/mblock/src/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index a02b37c0d5..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <mblock/runtime.h>
-#include <iostream>
-using namespace pmt;
-main(int argc, char **argv)
- mb_runtime_sptr rt = mb_make_runtime();
- pmt_t result = PMT_NIL;
- long nmsgs = 1000000;
- long batch_size = 100;
- pmt_t arg = pmt_list2(pmt_from_long(nmsgs), // # of messages to send through pipe
- pmt_from_long(batch_size));
- rt->run("top", "qa_bitset_top", arg, &result);
- if (!pmt_equal(PMT_T, result)){
- std::cerr << "benchmark_send: incorrect result";
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/mblock/src/lib/ b/mblock/src/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index c05ba792a5..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-#include <time.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-main(int argc, char **argv)
- bool ok = true;
- struct timespec ts;
- int r;
- r = clock_getres(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts);
- if (r != 0){
- perror("clock_getres(CLOCK_REALTIME, ...)");
- ok = false;
- }
- else
- printf("clock_getres(CLOCK_REALTIME, ...) => %11.9f\n",
- (double) ts.tv_sec + ts.tv_nsec * 1e-9);
- r = clock_getres(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts);
- if (r != 0){
- perror("clock_getres(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, ...");
- ok = false;
- }
- else
- printf("clock_getres(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, ...) => %11.9f\n",
- (double) ts.tv_sec + ts.tv_nsec * 1e-9);
- return ok == true ? 0 : 1;
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deleted file mode 100644
index 7ccee2969f..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <mblock/class_registry.h>
-#include <map>
-static std::map<std::string, mb_mblock_maker_t> s_registry;
-mb_class_registry::register_maker(const std::string &name, mb_mblock_maker_t maker)
- s_registry[name] = maker;
- return true;
-mb_class_registry::lookup_maker(const std::string &name, mb_mblock_maker_t *maker)
- if (s_registry.count(name) == 0){ // not registered
- *maker = (mb_mblock_maker_t) 0;
- return false;
- }
- *maker = s_registry[name];
- return true;
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deleted file mode 100644
index 7e3bb8977f..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <mb_connection.h>
-mb_conn_table::lookup_conn_by_name(const std::string &component_name,
- const std::string &port_name,
- mb_conn_iter *itp, int *which_ep)
- mb_conn_iter end = d_connections.end();
- for (mb_conn_iter it = d_connections.begin(); it != end; ++it){
- if (it->d_ep[0].component_name() == component_name
- && it->d_ep[0].port_name() == port_name){
- *itp = it;
- *which_ep = 0;
- return true;
- }
- if (it->d_ep[1].component_name() == component_name
- && it->d_ep[1].port_name() == port_name){
- *itp = it;
- *which_ep = 1;
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-mb_conn_table::lookup_conn_by_port(const mb_port *port,
- mb_conn_iter *itp, int *which_ep)
- mb_conn_iter end = d_connections.end();
- for (mb_conn_iter it = d_connections.begin(); it != end; ++it){
- if (it->d_ep[0].port().get() == port){
- *itp = it;
- *which_ep = 0;
- return true;
- }
- if (it->d_ep[1].port().get() == port){
- *itp = it;
- *which_ep = 1;
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-mb_conn_table::create_conn(const mb_endpoint &ep0, const mb_endpoint &ep1)
- d_connections.push_back(mb_connection(ep0, ep1));
-mb_conn_table::disconnect(const std::string &comp_name1, const std::string &port_name1,
- const std::string &comp_name2, const std::string &port_name2)
- mb_conn_iter it;
- int which_ep;
- // look for comp_name1/port_name1
- bool found = lookup_conn_by_name(comp_name1, port_name1, &it, &which_ep);
- if (!found) // no error if not found
- return;
- // FIXME if/when we do replicated ports, we may have one-to-many,
- // or many-to-many bindings. For now, be paranoid
- assert(it->d_ep[which_ep^1].component_name() == comp_name2);
- assert(it->d_ep[which_ep^1].port_name() == port_name2);
- d_connections.erase(it); // Poof!
-mb_conn_table::disconnect_component(const std::string component_name)
- mb_conn_iter next;
- mb_conn_iter end = d_connections.end();
- for (mb_conn_iter it = d_connections.begin(); it != end; it = next){
- if (it->d_ep[0].component_name() == component_name
- || it->d_ep[1].component_name() == component_name)
- next = d_connections.erase(it); // Poof!
- else
- next = ++it;
- }
- d_connections.clear(); // All gone!
-mb_conn_table::nconnections() const
- return d_connections.size();
diff --git a/mblock/src/lib/mb_connection.h b/mblock/src/lib/mb_connection.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2aa604054f..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/lib/mb_connection.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <mb_endpoint.h>
-#include <list>
- * \brief Representation of a connection
- */
-struct mb_connection {
- mb_endpoint d_ep[2];
- mb_connection(const mb_endpoint &ep0, const mb_endpoint &ep1){
- d_ep[0] = ep0;
- d_ep[1] = ep1;
- }
-typedef std::list<mb_connection>::iterator mb_conn_iter;
-typedef std::list<mb_connection>::const_iterator mb_conn_const_iter;
- * \brief data structure that keeps track of connections
- */
-class mb_conn_table {
- std::list<mb_connection> d_connections;
- bool
- lookup_conn_by_name(const std::string &component_name,
- const std::string &port_name,
- mb_conn_iter *it, int *which_ep);
- bool
- lookup_conn_by_port(const mb_port *port,
- mb_conn_iter *it, int *which_ep);
- void
- create_conn(const mb_endpoint &ep0, const mb_endpoint &ep1);
- void
- disconnect(const std::string &comp_name1, const std::string &port_name1,
- const std::string &comp_name2, const std::string &port_name2);
- void
- disconnect_component(const std::string component_name);
- void
- disconnect_all();
- int
- nconnections() const;
diff --git a/mblock/src/lib/ b/mblock/src/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 721c66b8c4..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <mb_endpoint.h>
-using namespace pmt;
-mb_endpoint::inside_of_relay_port_p() const
- return d_port->port_type() == mb_port::RELAY && d_component_name == "self";
-mb_endpoint::incoming_message_set() const
- if (inside_of_relay_port_p()) // swap incoming and outgoing
- return port()->outgoing_message_set();
- else
- return port()->incoming_message_set();
-mb_endpoint::outgoing_message_set() const
- if (inside_of_relay_port_p()) // swap incoming and outgoing
- return port()->incoming_message_set();
- else
- return port()->outgoing_message_set();
diff --git a/mblock/src/lib/mb_endpoint.h b/mblock/src/lib/mb_endpoint.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c4d8b6114f..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/lib/mb_endpoint.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006,2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <string>
-#include <mblock/port.h>
- * \brief Endpoint specification for connection
- */
-class mb_endpoint
- std::string d_component_name;
- std::string d_port_name;
- mb_port_sptr d_port; // the port object that this maps to
- mb_endpoint(){}
- mb_endpoint(const std::string &component_name,
- const std::string &port_name,
- mb_port_sptr port)
- : d_component_name(component_name),
- d_port_name(port_name),
- d_port(port) {}
- const std::string &component_name() const { return d_component_name; }
- const std::string &port_name() const { return d_port_name; }
- mb_port_sptr port() const { return d_port; }
- //! Does this endpoint represent the inside of a relay port
- bool inside_of_relay_port_p() const;
- pmt::pmt_t incoming_message_set() const;
- pmt::pmt_t outgoing_message_set() const;
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deleted file mode 100644
index 810131840d..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <mblock/exception.h>
-#include <mblock/mblock.h>
-#include <mb_util.h>
-mbe_base::mbe_base(mb_mblock *mb, const std::string &msg)
- : logic_error(msg) // FIXME extract block class name and id and add to msg
-mbe_not_implemented::mbe_not_implemented(mb_mblock *mb, const std::string &msg)
- : mbe_base(mb, "Not implemented: " + msg)
-mbe_no_such_class::mbe_no_such_class(mb_mblock *mb, const std::string &class_name)
- : mbe_base(mb, "No such class: " + class_name)
-mbe_no_such_component::mbe_no_such_component(mb_mblock *mb, const std::string &component_name)
- : mbe_base(mb, "No such component: " + component_name)
-mbe_duplicate_component::mbe_duplicate_component(mb_mblock *mb, const std::string &component_name)
- : mbe_base(mb, "Duplicate component: " + component_name)
-mbe_no_such_port::mbe_no_such_port(mb_mblock *mb, const std::string &port_name)
- : mbe_base(mb, "No such port: " + port_name)
-mbe_duplicate_port::mbe_duplicate_port(mb_mblock *mb, const std::string &port_name)
- : mbe_base(mb, "Duplicate port: " + port_name)
-mbe_already_connected::mbe_already_connected(mb_mblock *mb,
- const std::string &comp_name,
- const std::string &port_name)
- : mbe_base(mb, "Port already connected: " + mb_util::join_names(comp_name, port_name))
-mbe_incompatible_ports::mbe_incompatible_ports(mb_mblock *mb,
- const std::string &comp1_name,
- const std::string &port1_name,
- const std::string &comp2_name,
- const std::string &port2_name)
- : mbe_base(mb, "Incompatible ports: "
- + mb_util::join_names(comp1_name, port1_name) + " "
- + mb_util::join_names(comp2_name, port2_name))
-mbe_invalid_port_type::mbe_invalid_port_type(mb_mblock *mb,
- const std::string &comp_name,
- const std::string &port_name)
- : mbe_base(mb, "Invalid port type for connection: " + mb_util::join_names(comp_name, port_name))
-mbe_mblock_failed::mbe_mblock_failed(mb_mblock *mb,
- const std::string &msg)
- : mbe_base(mb, "Message block failed: " + msg)
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deleted file mode 100644
index 9383d35acd..0000000000
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-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <mb_gettid.h>
-#define NEED_STUB
-#if defined(HAVE_SYS_SYSCALL_H) && defined(HAVE_UNISTD_H)
-#include <sys/syscall.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#if defined(SYS_gettid)
-#undef NEED_STUB
-int mb_gettid()
- return syscall(SYS_gettid);
-#if defined(NEED_STUB)
- return 0;
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deleted file mode 100644
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
- * \brief Return Linux taskid, or 0 if not available
- */
-int mb_gettid();
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-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <mblock/mblock.h>
-#include <mb_mblock_impl.h>
-#include <mblock/runtime.h>
-#include <mblock/exception.h>
-#include <iostream>
-using namespace pmt;
-static pmt_t s_sys_port = pmt_intern("%sys-port");
-static pmt_t s_halt = pmt_intern("%halt");
- // nop base case for virtual destructor.
-mb_mblock::mb_mblock(mb_runtime *runtime,
- const std::string &instance_name,
- pmt_t user_arg)
- : d_impl(mb_mblock_impl_sptr(
- new mb_mblock_impl(dynamic_cast<mb_runtime_base*>(runtime),
- this, instance_name)))
- // default implementation does nothing
-mb_mblock::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
- // default implementation does nothing
- while (1){
- mb_message_sptr msg;
- try {
- while (1){
- msg = impl()->msgq().get_highest_pri_msg();
- // check for %halt from %sys-port
- if (pmt_eq(msg->port_id(), s_sys_port) && pmt_eq(msg->signal(), s_halt))
- exit();
- handle_message(msg);
- }
- }
- catch (pmt_exception e){
- std::cerr << "\nmb_mblock::main_loop: ignored pmt_exception: "
- << e.what()
- << "\nin mblock instance \"" << instance_name()
- << "\" while handling message:"
- << "\n port_id = " << msg->port_id()
- << "\n signal = " << msg->signal()
- << "\n data = " << msg->data()
- << "\n metatdata = " << msg->metadata() << std::endl;
- }
- }
-// Forward other methods to implementation class //
-mb_mblock::define_port(const std::string &port_name_string,
- const std::string &protocol_class_name,
- bool conjugated,
- mb_port::port_type_t port_type)
- return d_impl->define_port(port_name_string, protocol_class_name,
- conjugated, port_type);
-mb_mblock::define_component(const std::string &component_name,
- const std::string &class_name,
- pmt_t user_arg)
- d_impl->define_component(component_name, class_name, user_arg);
-mb_mblock::connect(const std::string &comp_name1, const std::string &port_name1,
- const std::string &comp_name2, const std::string &port_name2)
- d_impl->connect(comp_name1, port_name1,
- comp_name2, port_name2);
-mb_mblock::disconnect(const std::string &comp_name1, const std::string &port_name1,
- const std::string &comp_name2, const std::string &port_name2)
- d_impl->disconnect(comp_name1, port_name1,
- comp_name2, port_name2);
-mb_mblock::disconnect_component(const std::string &component_name)
- d_impl->disconnect_component(component_name);
- d_impl->disconnect_all();
-mb_mblock::nconnections() const
- return d_impl->nconnections();
-mb_mblock::walk_tree(mb_visitor *visitor)
- return d_impl->walk_tree(visitor);
-mb_mblock::instance_name() const
- return d_impl->instance_name();
-mb_mblock::set_instance_name(const std::string &name)
- d_impl->set_instance_name(name);
-mb_mblock::class_name() const
- return d_impl->class_name();
-mb_mblock::set_class_name(const std::string &name)
- d_impl->set_class_name(name);
-mb_mblock *
-mb_mblock::parent() const
- return d_impl->mblock_parent();
- throw mbe_exit(); // adios...
-mb_mblock::shutdown_all(pmt_t result)
- d_impl->runtime()->request_shutdown(result);
-mb_mblock::schedule_one_shot_timeout(const mb_time &abs_time, pmt_t user_data)
- mb_msg_accepter_sptr accepter = impl()->make_accepter(s_sys_port);
- return d_impl->runtime()->schedule_one_shot_timeout(abs_time, user_data,
- accepter);
-mb_mblock::schedule_periodic_timeout(const mb_time &first_abs_time,
- const mb_time &delta_time,
- pmt_t user_data)
- mb_msg_accepter_sptr accepter = impl()->make_accepter(s_sys_port);
- return d_impl->runtime()->schedule_periodic_timeout(first_abs_time,
- delta_time,
- user_data,
- accepter);
-mb_mblock::cancel_timeout(pmt_t handle)
- d_impl->runtime()->cancel_timeout(handle);
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deleted file mode 100644
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@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006,2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <mb_mblock_impl.h>
-#include <mblock/mblock.h>
-#include <mblock/protocol_class.h>
-#include <mblock/port.h>
-#include <mb_port_simple.h>
-#include <mblock/exception.h>
-#include <mb_util.h>
-#include <mb_msg_accepter_smp.h>
-#include <mbi_runtime_lock.h>
-#include <iostream>
-using namespace pmt;
-static pmt_t s_self = pmt_intern("self");
-mb_mblock_impl::port_is_defined(const std::string &name)
- return d_port_map.count(name) != 0;
-mb_mblock_impl::comp_is_defined(const std::string &name)
- return name == "self" || d_comp_map.count(name) != 0;
-mb_mblock_impl::mb_mblock_impl(mb_runtime_base *runtime, mb_mblock *mb,
- const std::string &instance_name)
- : d_runtime(runtime), d_mb(mb), d_mb_parent(0),
- d_instance_name(instance_name), d_class_name("mblock")
- d_mb = 0; // we don't own it
-mb_mblock_impl::define_port(const std::string &port_name,
- const std::string &protocol_class_name,
- bool conjugated,
- mb_port::port_type_t port_type)
- mbi_runtime_lock l(this);
- if (port_is_defined(port_name))
- throw mbe_duplicate_port(d_mb, port_name);
- mb_port_sptr p =
- mb_port_sptr(new mb_port_simple(d_mb,
- port_name, protocol_class_name,
- conjugated, port_type));
- d_port_map[port_name] = p;
- return p;
-mb_mblock_impl::define_component(const std::string &name,
- const std::string &class_name,
- pmt_t user_arg)
- {
- mbi_runtime_lock l(this);
- if (comp_is_defined(name)) // check for duplicate name
- throw mbe_duplicate_component(d_mb, name);
- }
- // We ask the runtime to create the component so that it can worry about
- // mblock placement on a NUMA machine or on a distributed multicomputer
- mb_mblock_sptr component =
- d_runtime->create_component(instance_name() + "/" + name,
- class_name, user_arg);
- {
- mbi_runtime_lock l(this);
- component->d_impl->d_mb_parent = d_mb; // set component's parent link
- d_comp_map[name] = component;
- }
-mb_mblock_impl::connect(const std::string &comp_name1,
- const std::string &port_name1,
- const std::string &comp_name2,
- const std::string &port_name2)
- mbi_runtime_lock l(this);
- mb_endpoint ep0 = check_and_resolve_endpoint(comp_name1, port_name1);
- mb_endpoint ep1 = check_and_resolve_endpoint(comp_name2, port_name2);
- if (!endpoints_are_compatible(ep0, ep1))
- throw mbe_incompatible_ports(d_mb,
- comp_name1, port_name1,
- comp_name2, port_name2);
- // FIXME more checks?
- d_conn_table.create_conn(ep0, ep1);
-mb_mblock_impl::disconnect(const std::string &comp_name1,
- const std::string &port_name1,
- const std::string &comp_name2,
- const std::string &port_name2)
- mbi_runtime_lock l(this);
- d_conn_table.disconnect(comp_name1, port_name1, comp_name2, port_name2);
- invalidate_all_port_caches();
-mb_mblock_impl::disconnect_component(const std::string component_name)
- mbi_runtime_lock l(this);
- d_conn_table.disconnect_component(component_name);
- invalidate_all_port_caches();
- mbi_runtime_lock l(this);
- d_conn_table.disconnect_all();
- invalidate_all_port_caches();
- mbi_runtime_lock l(this);
- return d_conn_table.nconnections();
-mb_mblock_impl::check_and_resolve_endpoint(const std::string &comp_name,
- const std::string &port_name)
- mb_conn_iter it;
- int which_ep;
- mb_port_sptr port = resolve_port(comp_name, port_name);
- // Confirm that we're not trying to connect to the inside of one of
- // our EXTERNAL ports. Connections that include "self" as the
- // component name must be either INTERNAL or RELAY.
- if (comp_name == "self" && port->port_type() == mb_port::EXTERNAL)
- throw mbe_invalid_port_type(d_mb, comp_name, port_name);
- // Is this endpoint already connected?
- if (d_conn_table.lookup_conn_by_name(comp_name, port_name, &it, &which_ep))
- throw mbe_already_connected(d_mb, comp_name, port_name);
- return mb_endpoint(comp_name, port_name, port);
-mb_mblock_impl::resolve_port(const std::string &comp_name,
- const std::string &port_name)
- if (comp_name == "self"){
- // Look through our ports.
- if (!port_is_defined(port_name))
- throw mbe_no_such_port(d_mb, mb_util::join_names("self", port_name));
- return d_port_map[port_name];
- }
- else {
- // Look through the specified child's ports.
- if (!comp_is_defined(comp_name))
- throw mbe_no_such_component(d_mb, comp_name);
- mb_mblock_impl_sptr c_impl = d_comp_map[comp_name]->d_impl; // childs impl pointer
- if (!c_impl->port_is_defined(port_name))
- throw mbe_no_such_port(d_mb, mb_util::join_names(comp_name, port_name));
- mb_port_sptr c_port = c_impl->d_port_map[port_name];
- if (c_port->port_type() == mb_port::INTERNAL) // can't "see" a child's internal ports
- throw mbe_no_such_port(d_mb, mb_util::join_names(comp_name, port_name));
- return c_port;
- }
-mb_mblock_impl::endpoints_are_compatible(const mb_endpoint &ep0,
- const mb_endpoint &ep1)
- pmt_t p0_outgoing = ep0.outgoing_message_set();
- pmt_t p0_incoming = ep0.incoming_message_set();
- pmt_t p1_outgoing = ep1.outgoing_message_set();
- pmt_t p1_incoming = ep1.incoming_message_set();
- return (pmt_subsetp(p0_outgoing, p1_incoming)
- && pmt_subsetp(p1_outgoing, p0_incoming));
-mb_mblock_impl::walk_tree(mb_visitor *visitor)
- if (!(*visitor)(d_mb))
- return false;
- mb_comp_map_t::iterator it;
- for (it = d_comp_map.begin(); it != d_comp_map.end(); ++it)
- if (!(it->second->walk_tree(visitor)))
- return false;
- return true;
-mb_mblock_impl::make_accepter(pmt_t port_name)
- // FIXME this should probably use some kind of configurable factory
- mb_msg_accepter *ma =
- new mb_msg_accepter_smp(d_mb->shared_from_this(), port_name);
- return mb_msg_accepter_sptr(ma);
-mb_mblock_impl::lookup_other_endpoint(const mb_port *port, mb_endpoint *ep)
- mb_conn_iter it;
- int which_ep = 0;
- if (!d_conn_table.lookup_conn_by_port(port, &it, &which_ep))
- return false;
- *ep = it->d_ep[which_ep^1];
- return true;
-mb_mblock_impl::component(const std::string &comp_name)
- if (comp_name == "self")
- return d_mb->shared_from_this();
- if (d_comp_map.count(comp_name) == 0)
- return mb_mblock_sptr(); // null pointer
- return d_comp_map[comp_name];
-mb_mblock_impl::set_instance_name(const std::string &name)
- d_instance_name = name;
-mb_mblock_impl::set_class_name(const std::string &name)
- d_class_name = name;
- * This is the "Big Hammer" port cache invalidator.
- * It invalidates _all_ of the port caches in the entire mblock tree.
- * It's overkill, but was simple to code.
- */
- class invalidator : public mb_visitor
- {
- public:
- bool operator()(mb_mblock *mblock)
- {
- mb_mblock_impl_sptr impl = mblock->impl();
- mb_port_map_t::iterator it = impl->d_port_map.begin();
- mb_port_map_t::iterator end = impl->d_port_map.end();
- for (; it != end; ++it)
- it->second->invalidate_cache();
- return true;
- }
- };
- invalidator visitor;
- // Always true, except in early QA code
- if (runtime()->top())
- runtime()->top()->walk_tree(&visitor);
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-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006,2007,2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <mblock/mblock.h>
-#include <mb_runtime_base.h>
-#include <mb_connection.h>
-#include <mblock/msg_queue.h>
-#include <list>
-#include <map>
-typedef std::map<std::string, mb_port_sptr> mb_port_map_t;
-typedef std::map<std::string, mb_mblock_sptr> mb_comp_map_t;
- * \brief The private implementation details of the mblock system.
- */
-class mb_mblock_impl : boost::noncopyable
- mb_runtime_base *d_runtime; // pointer to runtime
- mb_mblock *d_mb; // pointer to our associated mblock
- mb_mblock *d_mb_parent; // pointer to our parent
- std::string d_instance_name; // hierarchical name
- std::string d_class_name; // name of this (derived) class
- mb_port_map_t d_port_map; // our ports
- mb_comp_map_t d_comp_map; // our components
- mb_conn_table d_conn_table; // our connections
- mb_msg_queue d_msgq; // incoming messages for us
- mb_mblock_impl(mb_runtime_base *runtime, mb_mblock *mb,
- const std::string &instance_name);
- ~mb_mblock_impl();
- /*!
- * \brief Define a port.
- *
- * EXTERNAL and RELAY ports are part of our peer interface.
- * INTERNAL ports are used to talk to sub-components.
- *
- * \param port_name The name of the port (must be unique within this mblock).
- * \param protocol_class_name The name of the protocol class associated with
- * this port. It must already be defined.
- * \param conjugated Are the incoming and outgoing message sets swapped?
- * \param port_type INTERNAL, EXTERNAL or RELAY.
- */
- mb_port_sptr
- define_port(const std::string &port_name,
- const std::string &protocol_class_name,
- bool conjugated,
- mb_port::port_type_t port_type);
- /*!
- * \brief Define a subcomponent by name.
- *
- * Called within the constructor to tell the system the
- * names and identities of our sub-component mblocks.
- *
- * \param component_name The name of the sub-component (must be unique with this mblock).
- * \param class_name The class of the instance that is to be created.
- * \param user_arg The argument to pass to the constructor of the component.
- */
- void
- define_component(const std::string &component_name,
- const std::string &class_name,
- pmt::pmt_t user_arg);
- /*!
- * \brief connect endpoint_1 to endpoint_2
- *
- * \param comp_name1 component on one end of the connection
- * \param port_name1 the name of the port on comp1
- * \param comp_name2 component on the other end of the connection
- * \param port_name2 the name of the port on comp2
- *
- * An endpoint is specified by the component's local name (given as
- * component_name in the call to register_component) and the name of
- * the port on that component.
- *
- * To connect an internal or relay port, use "self" as the component name.
- */
- void
- connect(const std::string &comp_name1, const std::string &port_name1,
- const std::string &comp_name2, const std::string &port_name2);
- /*!
- * \brief disconnect endpoint_1 from endpoint_2
- *
- * \param comp_name1 component on one end of the connection
- * \param port_name1 the name of the port on comp1
- * \param comp_name2 component on the other end of the connection
- * \param port_name2 the name of the port on comp2
- *
- * An endpoint is specified by the component's local name (given as
- * component_name in the call to register_component) and the name of
- * the port on that component.
- *
- * To disconnect an internal or relay port, use "self" as the component name.
- */
- void
- disconnect(const std::string &comp_name1, const std::string &port_name1,
- const std::string &comp_name2, const std::string &port_name2);
- /*!
- * \brief disconnect all connections to specified component
- * \param component_name component to disconnect
- */
- void
- disconnect_component(const std::string component_name);
- /*!
- * \brief disconnect all connections to all components
- */
- void
- disconnect_all();
- /*!
- * \brief Return number of connections (QA mostly)
- */
- int
- nconnections();
- bool
- walk_tree(mb_visitor *visitor);
- mb_msg_accepter_sptr
- make_accepter(pmt::pmt_t port_name);
- mb_msg_queue &
- msgq() { return d_msgq; }
- //! Return instance name of this block
- std::string instance_name() const { return d_instance_name; }
- //! Set the instance name of this block
- void set_instance_name(const std::string &name);
- //! Return the class name of this block
- std::string class_name() const { return d_class_name; }
- //! Set the class name
- void set_class_name(const std::string &name);
- /*!
- * \brief If bound, store endpoint from the other end of the connection.
- *
- * \param port [in] port the port that we're searching for.
- * \param ep [out] the other end point from the matching connection.
- *
- * \returns true iff there's a matching connection.
- */
- bool
- lookup_other_endpoint(const mb_port *port, mb_endpoint *ep);
- //! Return point to associated mblock
- mb_mblock *mblock() const { return d_mb; }
- //! Return pointer to the parent of our mblock
- mb_mblock *mblock_parent() const { return d_mb_parent; }
- //! Lookup a component by name
- mb_mblock_sptr component(const std::string &comp_name);
- //! Return the runtime instance
- mb_runtime_base *runtime() { return d_runtime; }
- //! Set the runtime instance
- void set_runtime(mb_runtime_base *runtime) { d_runtime = runtime; }
- /*
- * Our implementation methods
- */
- //bool port_is_defined(pmt::pmt_t name);
- bool port_is_defined(const std::string &name);
- //bool comp_is_defined(pmt::pmt_t name);
- bool comp_is_defined(const std::string &name);
- mb_endpoint
- check_and_resolve_endpoint(const std::string &comp_name,
- const std::string &port_name);
- mb_port_sptr
- resolve_port(const std::string &comp_name,
- const std::string &port_name);
- static bool
- endpoints_are_compatible(const mb_endpoint &ep0,
- const mb_endpoint &ep1);
- /*!
- * \brief walk mblock tree and invalidate all port resolution caches.
- * \internal
- */
- void
- invalidate_all_port_caches();
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-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006,2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <mblock/message.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <gruel/pmt_pool.h>
-using namespace pmt;
-static const int CACHE_LINE_SIZE = 64; // good guess
-static const int MAX_MESSAGES = 1024; // KLUDGE max number of messages in sys
- // 0 -> no limit
-static pmt_pool
-global_msg_pool(sizeof(mb_message), CACHE_LINE_SIZE, 16*1024, MAX_MESSAGES);
-void *
-mb_message::operator new(size_t size)
- void *p = global_msg_pool.malloc();
- // fprintf(stderr, "mb_message::new p = %p\n", p);
- assert((reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(p) & (CACHE_LINE_SIZE - 1)) == 0);
- return p;
-mb_message::operator delete(void *p, size_t size)
-mb_make_message(pmt_t signal, pmt_t data, pmt_t metadata, mb_pri_t priority)
- return mb_message_sptr(new mb_message(signal, data, metadata, priority));
-mb_message::mb_message(pmt_t signal, pmt_t data, pmt_t metadata, mb_pri_t priority)
- : d_signal(signal), d_data(data), d_metadata(metadata), d_priority(priority),
- d_port_id(PMT_NIL)
- // NOP
-operator<<(std::ostream& os, const mb_message &msg)
- os << "<msg: signal=" << msg.signal()
- << " port_id=" << msg.port_id()
- << " data=" <<
- << " metadata=" << msg.metadata()
- << " pri=" << msg.priority()
- << ">";
- return os;
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-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <mblock/msg_accepter.h>
- // nop
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deleted file mode 100644
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-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <mb_msg_accepter_msgq.h>
-#include <mblock/message.h>
-using namespace pmt;
-pmt_t s_sys_port = pmt_intern("%sys-port");
-mb_msg_accepter_msgq::mb_msg_accepter_msgq(mb_msg_queue *msgq)
- : d_msgq(msgq)
-mb_msg_accepter_msgq::operator()(pmt_t signal, pmt_t data,
- pmt_t metadata, mb_pri_t priority)
- mb_message_sptr msg = mb_make_message(signal, data, metadata, priority);
- msg->set_port_id(s_sys_port);
- d_msgq->insert(msg);
diff --git a/mblock/src/lib/mb_msg_accepter_msgq.h b/mblock/src/lib/mb_msg_accepter_msgq.h
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--- a/mblock/src/lib/mb_msg_accepter_msgq.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <mblock/msg_accepter.h>
-#include <mblock/msg_queue.h>
- * \brief Concrete class that accepts messages and inserts them into a message queue.
- */
-class mb_msg_accepter_msgq : public mb_msg_accepter {
- mb_msg_queue *d_msgq;
- mb_msg_accepter_msgq(mb_msg_queue *msgq);
- ~mb_msg_accepter_msgq();
- void operator()(pmt::pmt_t signal, pmt::pmt_t data, pmt::pmt_t metadata, mb_pri_t priority);
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-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <mb_msg_accepter_smp.h>
-#include <mblock/common.h>
-#include <mblock/mblock.h>
-#include <mb_mblock_impl.h>
-#include <mblock/message.h>
-using namespace pmt;
-mb_msg_accepter_smp::mb_msg_accepter_smp(mb_mblock_sptr mblock, pmt_t port_name)
- : d_mb(mblock), d_port_name(port_name)
- // nop
-mb_msg_accepter_smp::operator()(pmt_t signal, pmt_t data,
- pmt_t metadata, mb_pri_t priority)
- mb_message_sptr msg = mb_make_message(signal, data, metadata, priority);
- msg->set_port_id(d_port_name);
- d_mb->impl()->msgq().insert(msg);
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--- a/mblock/src/lib/mb_msg_accepter_smp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <mblock/msg_accepter.h>
- * \brief Concrete message acceptor that does an mb_msg_queue insertion
- */
-class mb_msg_accepter_smp : public mb_msg_accepter
- mb_mblock_sptr d_mb;
- pmt::pmt_t d_port_name;
- mb_msg_accepter_smp(mb_mblock_sptr mblock, pmt::pmt_t port_name);
- ~mb_msg_accepter_smp();
- void operator()(pmt::pmt_t signal, pmt::pmt_t data, pmt::pmt_t metadata, mb_pri_t priority);
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-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <mblock/msg_queue.h>
-#include <mblock/message.h>
- : d_not_empty(&d_mutex)
-mb_msg_queue::insert(mb_message_sptr msg)
- omni_mutex_lock l(d_mutex);
- mb_pri_t q = mb_pri_clamp(msg->priority());
- if (d_queue[q].empty_p()){
- d_queue[q].tail = d_queue[q].head = msg;
- msg->d_next.reset(); //msg->d_next = 0;
- }
- else {
- d_queue[q].tail->d_next = msg;
- d_queue[q].tail = msg;
- msg->d_next.reset(); // msg->d_next = 0;
- }
- // FIXME set bit in bitmap
- d_not_empty.signal();
- * Delete highest pri message from the queue and return it.
- * Returns equivalent of zero pointer if queue is empty.
- *
- * Caller must be holding d_mutex
- */
- // FIXME use bitmap and ffz to find best queue in O(1)
- for (mb_pri_t q = 0; q <= MB_PRI_WORST; q++){
- if (!d_queue[q].empty_p()){
- mb_message_sptr msg = d_queue[q].head;
- d_queue[q].head = msg->d_next;
- if (d_queue[q].head == 0){
- d_queue[q].tail.reset(); // d_queue[q].tail = 0;
- // FIXME clear bit in bitmap
- }
- msg->d_next.reset(); // msg->d_next = 0;
- return msg;
- }
- }
- return mb_message_sptr(); // eqv to a zero pointer
- omni_mutex_lock l(d_mutex);
- return get_highest_pri_msg_helper();
- omni_mutex_lock l(d_mutex);
- while (1){
- mb_message_sptr msg = get_highest_pri_msg_helper();
- if (msg) // Got one; return it
- return msg;
- d_not_empty.wait(); // Wait for something
- }
-mb_msg_queue::get_highest_pri_msg_timedwait(const mb_time &abs_time)
- unsigned long secs = abs_time.d_secs;
- unsigned long nsecs = abs_time.d_nsecs;
- omni_mutex_lock l(d_mutex);
- while (1){
- mb_message_sptr msg = get_highest_pri_msg_helper();
- if (msg) // Got one; return it
- return msg;
- if (!d_not_empty.timedwait(secs, nsecs)) // timed out
- return mb_message_sptr(); // eqv to zero pointer
- }
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-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006,2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <mblock/port.h>
-#include <mblock/protocol_class.h>
-using namespace pmt;
-mb_port::mb_port(mb_mblock *mblock,
- const std::string &port_name,
- const std::string &protocol_class_name,
- bool conjugated,
- mb_port::port_type_t port_type)
- : d_port_name(port_name), d_port_symbol(pmt_intern(port_name)),
- d_conjugated(conjugated), d_port_type(port_type),
- d_mblock(mblock)
- pmt_t pc = mb_protocol_class_lookup(pmt_intern(protocol_class_name));
- if (pmt_is_null(pc)){
- throw std::runtime_error("mb_port: unknown protocol class '"
- + protocol_class_name + "'");
- }
- d_protocol_class = pc;
- // nop
-mb_port::incoming_message_set() const
- if (!conjugated())
- return mb_protocol_class_incoming(protocol_class());
- else // swap the sets
- return mb_protocol_class_outgoing(protocol_class());
-mb_port::outgoing_message_set() const
- if (!conjugated())
- return mb_protocol_class_outgoing(protocol_class());
- else // swap the sets
- return mb_protocol_class_incoming(protocol_class());
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-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <mb_port_simple.h>
-#include <mblock/msg_accepter.h>
-#include <mblock/exception.h>
-#include <mblock/mblock.h>
-#include <mb_mblock_impl.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <mbi_runtime_lock.h>
-using namespace pmt;
-mb_port_simple::mb_port_simple(mb_mblock *mblock,
- const std::string &port_name,
- const std::string &protocol_class_name,
- bool conjugated,
- mb_port::port_type_t port_type)
- : mb_port(mblock, port_name, protocol_class_name, conjugated, port_type),
- d_cache_valid(false)
- // nop
-mb_port_simple::send(pmt_t signal, pmt_t data, pmt_t metadata, mb_pri_t priority)
- if (port_type() == mb_port::RELAY) // Can't send directly to a RELAY port
- throw mbe_invalid_port_type(mblock(), mblock()->instance_name(), port_name());
- mb_msg_accepter_sptr accepter = find_accepter(this);
- if (accepter)
- (*accepter)(signal, data, metadata, priority);
-mb_port_simple::find_accepter(mb_port_simple *start)
- mb_port_simple *p = start;
- mb_port_simple *pp = 0;
- mb_mblock *context = 0;
- mb_endpoint peer_ep;
- mb_msg_accepter_sptr r;
- if (start->d_cache_valid)
- return start->d_cached_accepter;
- mbi_runtime_lock l(p->mblock());
- // Set up initial context.
- switch(p->port_type()){
- case mb_port::INTERNAL: // binding is in our name space
- context = p->mblock();
- break;
- case mb_port::EXTERNAL: // binding is in parent's name space
- context = p->mblock()->parent();
- if (!context) // can't be bound if there's no parent
- return mb_msg_accepter_sptr(); // not bound
- break;
- default:
- throw std::logic_error("Can't happen: mb_port_simple::find_accepter [1]");
- }
- traverse:
- if (!context->impl()->lookup_other_endpoint(p, &peer_ep))
- return mb_msg_accepter_sptr(); // not bound
- pp = dynamic_cast<mb_port_simple *>(peer_ep.port().get()); // peer port
- assert(pp);
- switch (pp->port_type()){
- case mb_port::INTERNAL: // Terminate here.
- case mb_port::EXTERNAL:
- r = pp->make_accepter();
- // cache the result
- start->d_cached_accepter = r;
- start->d_cache_valid = true;
- return r;
- case mb_port::RELAY: // Traverse to other side of relay port.
- if (peer_ep.inside_of_relay_port_p()){
- // We're on inside of relay port, headed out.
- p = pp;
- context = p->mblock()->parent();
- // Corner case: we're attempting to traverse a relay port on the border
- // of the top block...
- if (!context)
- return mb_msg_accepter_sptr(); // not bound
- goto traverse;
- }
- else {
- // We're on the outside of relay port, headed in.
- p = pp;
- context = p->mblock();
- goto traverse;
- }
- break;
- default:
- throw std::logic_error("Can't happen: mb_port_simple::find_accepter [2]");
- }
- return d_mblock->impl()->make_accepter(port_symbol());
- d_cache_valid = false;
- d_cached_accepter.reset();
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index 485c809fe6..0000000000
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-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <mblock/port.h>
- * \brief Concrete port realization
- */
-class mb_port_simple : public mb_port
- bool d_cache_valid;
- mb_msg_accepter_sptr d_cached_accepter;
- static mb_msg_accepter_sptr
- find_accepter(mb_port_simple *start);
- mb_msg_accepter_sptr
- make_accepter();
- mb_port_simple(mb_mblock *mblock,
- const std::string &port_name,
- const std::string &protocol_class_name,
- bool conjugated,
- mb_port::port_type_t port_type);
- ~mb_port_simple();
- /*!
- * \brief send a message
- *
- * \param signal the event name
- * \param data optional data
- * \param metadata optional metadata
- * \param priority the urgency at which the message is sent
- */
- void
- send(pmt::pmt_t signal,
- pmt::pmt_t data = pmt::PMT_NIL,
- pmt::pmt_t metadata = pmt::PMT_NIL,
- mb_pri_t priority = MB_PRI_DEFAULT);
- /*
- * \brief Invalidate any cached peer resolutions
- * \internal
- */
- void invalidate_cache();
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-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006,2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <mblock/protocol_class.h>
-#include <iostream>
-using namespace pmt;
-mb_make_protocol_class(pmt_t name, pmt_t incoming, pmt_t outgoing)
- // (protocol-class <name> <incoming> <outgoing>)
- if (!pmt_is_symbol(name))
- throw pmt_wrong_type("mb_make_protocol_class: NAME must be symbol", name);
- if (!(pmt_is_pair(incoming) || pmt_is_null(incoming)))
- throw pmt_wrong_type("mb_make_protocol_class: INCOMING must be a list", name);
- if (!(pmt_is_pair(outgoing) || pmt_is_null(outgoing)))
- throw pmt_wrong_type("mb_make_protocol_class: OUTGOING must be a list", name);
- pmt_t t = pmt_cons(pmt_intern("protocol-class"),
- pmt_cons(name,
- pmt_cons(incoming,
- pmt_cons(outgoing, PMT_NIL))));
- // Remember this protocol class.
- return t;
-mb_protocol_class_name(pmt_t pc)
- return pmt_nth(1, pc);
-mb_protocol_class_incoming(pmt_t pc)
- return pmt_nth(2, pc);
-mb_protocol_class_outgoing(pmt_t pc)
- return pmt_nth(3, pc);
-mb_protocol_class_lookup(pmt_t name)
- pmt_t lst = s_ALL_PROTOCOL_CLASSES;
- while (pmt_is_pair(lst)){
- if (pmt_eq(name, mb_protocol_class_name(pmt_car(lst))))
- return pmt_car(lst);
- lst = pmt_cdr(lst);
- }
- return PMT_NIL;
-mb_protocol_class_init::mb_protocol_class_init(const char *data, size_t len)
- std::stringbuf sb;
- sb.str(std::string(data, len));
- while (1){
- pmt_t obj = pmt_deserialize(sb);
- if (0){
- pmt_write(obj, std::cout);
- std::cout << std::endl;
- }
- if (pmt_is_eof_object(obj))
- return;
- mb_make_protocol_class(pmt_nth(0, obj), // protocol-class name
- pmt_nth(1, obj), // list of incoming msg names
- pmt_nth(2, obj)); // list of outgoing msg names
- }
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-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <mblock/runtime.h>
-#include <mb_runtime_thread_per_block.h>
- return mb_runtime_sptr(new mb_runtime_thread_per_block());
- // nop
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-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <mb_runtime_base.h>
-using namespace pmt;
- * Default nop implementations...
- */
-mb_runtime_base::request_shutdown(pmt_t result)
-mb_runtime_base::schedule_one_shot_timeout(const mb_time &abs_time,
- pmt_t user_data,
- mb_msg_accepter_sptr accepter)
- return PMT_F;
-mb_runtime_base::schedule_periodic_timeout(const mb_time &first_abs_time,
- const mb_time &delta_time,
- pmt_t user_data,
- mb_msg_accepter_sptr accepter)
- return PMT_F;
-mb_runtime_base::cancel_timeout(pmt_t handle)
diff --git a/mblock/src/lib/mb_runtime_base.h b/mblock/src/lib/mb_runtime_base.h
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index 78be2922da..0000000000
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@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <mblock/runtime.h>
-#include <gnuradio/omnithread.h>
-#include <mblock/time.h>
- * \brief This is the runtime class used by the implementation.
- */
-class mb_runtime_base : public mb_runtime
- omni_mutex d_brl; // big runtime lock (avoid using this if possible...)
- mb_msg_accepter_sptr d_accepter;
- /*!
- * \brief lock the big runtime lock
- * \internal
- */
- inline void lock() { d_brl.lock(); }
- /*!
- * \brief unlock the big runtime lock
- * \internal
- */
- inline void unlock() { d_brl.unlock(); }
- virtual void request_shutdown(pmt::pmt_t result);
- virtual mb_mblock_sptr
- create_component(const std::string &instance_name,
- const std::string &class_name,
- pmt::pmt_t user_arg) = 0;
- virtual pmt::pmt_t
- schedule_one_shot_timeout(const mb_time &abs_time, pmt::pmt_t user_data,
- mb_msg_accepter_sptr accepter);
- virtual pmt::pmt_t
- schedule_periodic_timeout(const mb_time &first_abs_time,
- const mb_time &delta_time,
- pmt::pmt_t user_data,
- mb_msg_accepter_sptr accepter);
- virtual void
- cancel_timeout(pmt::pmt_t handle);
- mb_msg_accepter_sptr
- accepter() { return d_accepter; }
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deleted file mode 100644
index 8293e0c241..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/lib/
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@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <mb_runtime_nop.h>
-#include <mblock/mblock.h>
-#include <mblock/class_registry.h>
-#include <mblock/exception.h>
-using namespace pmt;
- return mb_runtime_sptr(new mb_runtime_nop());
- // nop for now
- // nop for now
-mb_runtime_nop::run(const std::string &instance_name,
- const std::string &class_name,
- pmt_t user_arg, pmt_t *result)
- class initial_visitor : public mb_visitor
- {
- public:
- bool operator()(mb_mblock *mblock)
- {
- mblock->initial_transition();
- return true;
- }
- };
- initial_visitor visitor;
- if (result)
- *result = PMT_T;
- d_top = create_component(instance_name, class_name, user_arg);
- d_top->walk_tree(&visitor);
- return true;
-mb_runtime_nop::create_component(const std::string &instance_name,
- const std::string &class_name,
- pmt_t user_arg)
- mb_mblock_maker_t maker;
- if (!mb_class_registry::lookup_maker(class_name, &maker))
- throw mbe_no_such_class(0, class_name + " (in " + instance_name + ")");
- return maker(this, instance_name, user_arg);
diff --git a/mblock/src/lib/mb_runtime_nop.h b/mblock/src/lib/mb_runtime_nop.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 735c0405e0..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/lib/mb_runtime_nop.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <mb_runtime_base.h>
- * \brief Public constructor (factory) for mb_runtime_nop objects.
- */
-mb_runtime_sptr mb_make_runtime_nop();
- * \brief Concrete runtime that does nothing. Used only during early QA tests.
- */
-class mb_runtime_nop : public mb_runtime_base
- mb_runtime_nop();
- ~mb_runtime_nop();
- bool run(const std::string &instance_name,
- const std::string &class_name,
- pmt::pmt_t user_arg,
- pmt::pmt_t *result);
- mb_mblock_sptr
- create_component(const std::string &instance_name,
- const std::string &class_name,
- pmt::pmt_t user_arg);
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deleted file mode 100644
index b160094363..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/lib/
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-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <mb_runtime_thread_per_block.h>
-#include <mblock/mblock.h>
-#include <mb_mblock_impl.h>
-#include <mblock/class_registry.h>
-#include <mblock/exception.h>
-#include <mb_worker.h>
-#include <gnuradio/omnithread.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <mb_msg_accepter_msgq.h>
-using namespace pmt;
-static pmt_t s_halt = pmt_intern("%halt");
-static pmt_t s_sys_port = pmt_intern("%sys-port");
-static pmt_t s_shutdown = pmt_intern("%shutdown");
-static pmt_t s_request_shutdown = pmt_intern("%request-shutdown");
-static pmt_t s_worker_state_changed = pmt_intern("%worker-state-changed");
-static pmt_t s_timeout = pmt_intern("%timeout");
-static pmt_t s_request_timeout = pmt_intern("%request-timeout");
-static pmt_t s_cancel_timeout = pmt_intern("%cancel-timeout");
-static pmt_t s_send_halt = pmt_intern("send-halt");
-static pmt_t s_exit_now = pmt_intern("exit-now");
-static void
-send_sys_msg(mb_msg_queue &msgq, pmt_t signal,
- pmt_t data = PMT_F, pmt_t metadata = PMT_F,
- mb_pri_t priority = MB_PRI_BEST)
- mb_message_sptr msg = mb_make_message(signal, data, metadata, priority);
- msg->set_port_id(s_sys_port);
- msgq.insert(msg);
- : d_shutdown_in_progress(false),
- d_shutdown_result(PMT_T)
- d_accepter = mb_msg_accepter_sptr(new mb_msg_accepter_msgq(&d_msgq));
- // FIXME iterate over workers and ensure that they are dead.
- if (!d_workers.empty())
- std::cerr << "\nmb_runtime_thread_per_block: dtor (# workers = "
- << d_workers.size() << ")\n";
-mb_runtime_thread_per_block::request_shutdown(pmt_t result)
- (*accepter())(s_request_shutdown, result, PMT_F, MB_PRI_BEST);
-mb_runtime_thread_per_block::run(const std::string &instance_name,
- const std::string &class_name,
- pmt_t user_arg, pmt_t *result)
- if (result) // set it to something now, in case we throw
- *result = PMT_F;
- // reset the shutdown state
- d_shutdown_in_progress = false;
- d_shutdown_result = PMT_T;
- assert(d_workers.empty());
- while (!d_timer_queue.empty()) // ensure timer queue is empty
- d_timer_queue.pop();
- /*
- * Create the top-level component, and recursively all of its
- * subcomponents.
- */
- d_top = create_component(instance_name, class_name, user_arg);
- try {
- run_loop();
- }
- catch (...){
- d_top.reset();
- throw;
- }
- if (result)
- *result = d_shutdown_result;
- d_top.reset();
- return true;
- while (1){
- mb_message_sptr msg;
- if (d_timer_queue.empty()) // Any timeouts pending?
- msg = d_msgq.get_highest_pri_msg(); // Nope. Block forever.
- else {
- mb_timeout_sptr to =; // Yep. Get earliest timeout.
- // wait for a msg or the timeout...
- msg = d_msgq.get_highest_pri_msg_timedwait(to->d_when);
- if (!msg){ // We timed out.
- d_timer_queue.pop(); // Remove timeout from timer queue.
- // send the %timeout msg
- (*to->d_accepter)(s_timeout, to->d_user_data, to->handle(), MB_PRI_BEST);
- if (to->d_is_periodic){
- to->d_when = to->d_when + to->d_delta; // update time of next firing
- d_timer_queue.push(to); // push it back into the queue
- }
- continue;
- }
- }
- pmt_t signal = msg->signal();
- if (pmt_eq(signal, s_worker_state_changed)){ // %worker-state-changed
- omni_mutex_lock l1(d_workers_mutex);
- reap_dead_workers();
- if (d_workers.empty()) // no work left to do...
- return;
- }
- else if (pmt_eq(signal, s_request_shutdown)){ // %request-shutdown
- if (!d_shutdown_in_progress){
- d_shutdown_in_progress = true;
- d_shutdown_result = msg->data();
- // schedule a timeout for ourselves...
- schedule_one_shot_timeout(mb_time::time(0.100), s_send_halt, d_accepter);
- send_all_sys_msg(s_shutdown);
- }
- }
- else if (pmt_eq(signal, s_request_timeout)){ // %request-timeout
- mb_timeout_sptr to =
- boost::any_cast<mb_timeout_sptr>(pmt_any_ref(msg->data()));
- d_timer_queue.push(to);
- }
- else if (pmt_eq(signal, s_cancel_timeout)){ // %cancel-timeout
- d_timer_queue.cancel(msg->data());
- }
- else if (pmt_eq(signal, s_timeout)
- && pmt_eq(msg->data(), s_send_halt)){ // %timeout, send-halt
- // schedule another timeout for ourselves...
- schedule_one_shot_timeout(mb_time::time(0.100), s_exit_now, d_accepter);
- send_all_sys_msg(s_halt);
- }
- else if (pmt_eq(signal, s_timeout)
- && pmt_eq(msg->data(), s_exit_now)){ // %timeout, exit-now
- // We only get here if we've sent all workers %shutdown followed
- // by %halt, and one or more of them is still alive. They must
- // be blocked in the kernel. FIXME We could add one more step:
- // pthread_kill(...) but for now, we'll just ignore them...
- return;
- }
- else {
- std::cerr << "mb_runtime_thread_per_block: unhandled msg: " << msg << std::endl;
- }
- }
- // Already holding mutex
- // omni_mutex_lock l1(d_workers_mutex);
- for (worker_iter_t wi = d_workers.begin(); wi != d_workers.end(); ){
- bool is_dead;
- // We can't join while holding the worker mutex, since that would
- // attempt to destroy the mutex we're holding (omnithread's join
- // deletes the omni_thread object after the pthread_join
- // completes) Instead, we lock just long enough to figure out if
- // the worker is dead.
- {
- omni_mutex_lock l2((*wi)->d_mutex);
- is_dead = (*wi)->d_state == mb_worker::TS_DEAD;
- }
- if (is_dead){
- if (0)
- std::cerr << "\nruntime: "
- << "(" << (*wi)->id() << ") "
- << (*wi)->d_mblock->instance_name() << " is TS_DEAD\n";
- void *ignore;
- (*wi)->join(&ignore);
- wi = d_workers.erase(wi);
- continue;
- }
- ++wi;
- }
-// Create the thread, then create the component in the thread.
-// Return a pointer to the created mblock.
-// Can be invoked from any thread
-mb_runtime_thread_per_block::create_component(const std::string &instance_name,
- const std::string &class_name,
- pmt_t user_arg)
- mb_mblock_maker_t maker;
- if (!mb_class_registry::lookup_maker(class_name, &maker))
- throw mbe_no_such_class(0, class_name + " (in " + instance_name + ")");
- // FIXME here's where we'd lookup NUMA placement requests & mblock
- // priorities and communicate them to the worker we're creating...
- // Create the worker thread
- mb_worker *w =
- new mb_worker(this, maker, instance_name, user_arg);
- w->start_undetached(); // start it
- // Wait for it to reach TS_RUNNING or TS_DEAD
- bool is_dead;
- mb_worker::cause_of_death_t why_dead;
- {
- omni_mutex_lock l(w->d_mutex);
- while (!(w->d_state == mb_worker::TS_RUNNING
- || w->d_state == mb_worker::TS_DEAD))
- w->d_state_cond.wait();
- is_dead = w->d_state == mb_worker::TS_DEAD;
- why_dead = w->d_why_dead;
- }
- // If the worker failed to init (constructor or initial_transition
- // raised an exception), reap the worker now and raise an exception.
- if (is_dead && why_dead != mb_worker::RIP_EXIT){
- void *ignore;
- w->join(&ignore);
- // FIXME with some work we ought to be able to propagate the
- // exception from the worker.
- throw mbe_mblock_failed(0, instance_name);
- }
- assert(w->d_mblock);
- // Add w to the vector of workers, and return the mblock.
- {
- omni_mutex_lock l(d_workers_mutex);
- d_workers.push_back(w);
- }
- if (0)
- std::cerr << "\nruntime: created "
- << "(" << w->id() << ") "
- << w->d_mblock->instance_name() << "\n";
- return w->d_mblock;
-mb_runtime_thread_per_block::send_all_sys_msg(pmt_t signal,
- pmt_t data,
- pmt_t metadata,
- mb_pri_t priority)
- omni_mutex_lock l1(d_workers_mutex);
- for (worker_iter_t wi = d_workers.begin(); wi != d_workers.end(); ++wi){
- send_sys_msg((*wi)->d_mblock->impl()->msgq(),
- signal, data, metadata, priority);
- }
-// Can be invoked from any thread.
-// Sends a message to the runtime.
- (const mb_time &abs_time,
- pmt_t user_data,
- mb_msg_accepter_sptr accepter)
- mb_timeout_sptr to(new mb_timeout(abs_time, user_data, accepter));
- (*d_accepter)(s_request_timeout, pmt_make_any(to), PMT_F, MB_PRI_BEST);
- return to->handle();
-// Can be invoked from any thread.
-// Sends a message to the runtime.
- (const mb_time &first_abs_time,
- const mb_time &delta_time,
- pmt_t user_data,
- mb_msg_accepter_sptr accepter)
- mb_timeout_sptr to(new mb_timeout(first_abs_time, delta_time,
- user_data, accepter));
- (*d_accepter)(s_request_timeout, pmt_make_any(to), PMT_F, MB_PRI_BEST);
- return to->handle();
-// Can be invoked from any thread.
-// Sends a message to the runtime.
-mb_runtime_thread_per_block::cancel_timeout(pmt_t handle)
- (*d_accepter)(s_cancel_timeout, handle, PMT_F, MB_PRI_BEST);
diff --git a/mblock/src/lib/mb_runtime_thread_per_block.h b/mblock/src/lib/mb_runtime_thread_per_block.h
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <mb_runtime_base.h>
-#include <mb_worker.h>
-#include <mblock/msg_queue.h>
-#include <mb_timer_queue.h>
- * \brief Concrete runtime that uses a thread per mblock
- * \internal
- *
- * These are all implementation details.
- */
-class mb_runtime_thread_per_block : public mb_runtime_base
- omni_mutex d_workers_mutex; // hold while manipulating d_workers
- std::vector<mb_worker*> d_workers;
- bool d_shutdown_in_progress;
- pmt::pmt_t d_shutdown_result;
- mb_msg_queue d_msgq;
- mb_timer_queue d_timer_queue;
- typedef std::vector<mb_worker*>::iterator worker_iter_t;
- mb_runtime_thread_per_block();
- ~mb_runtime_thread_per_block();
- bool run(const std::string &instance_name,
- const std::string &class_name,
- pmt::pmt_t user_arg,
- pmt::pmt_t *result);
- void request_shutdown(pmt::pmt_t result);
- mb_mblock_sptr
- create_component(const std::string &instance_name,
- const std::string &class_name,
- pmt::pmt_t user_arg);
- pmt::pmt_t
- schedule_one_shot_timeout(const mb_time &abs_time, pmt::pmt_t user_data,
- mb_msg_accepter_sptr accepter);
- pmt::pmt_t
- schedule_periodic_timeout(const mb_time &first_abs_time,
- const mb_time &delta_time,
- pmt::pmt_t user_data,
- mb_msg_accepter_sptr accepter);
- void
- cancel_timeout(pmt::pmt_t handle);
- void reap_dead_workers();
- void run_loop();
- void send_all_sys_msg(pmt::pmt_t signal, pmt::pmt_t data = pmt::PMT_F,
- pmt::pmt_t metadata = pmt::PMT_F,
- mb_pri_t priority = MB_PRI_BEST);
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index 411900c59e..0000000000
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-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <mb_timer_queue.h>
-using namespace pmt;
-static pmt_t
- static long counter = 0;
- pmt_t n = pmt_from_long(counter++);
- return pmt_list1(n); // guaranteed to be a unique object
-// one-shot constructor
-mb_timeout::mb_timeout(const mb_time &abs_time,
- pmt_t user_data, mb_msg_accepter_sptr accepter)
- : d_when(abs_time), d_is_periodic(false),
- d_user_data(user_data), d_handle(make_handle()), d_accepter(accepter)
-// periodic constructor
-mb_timeout::mb_timeout(const mb_time &first_abs_time, const mb_time &delta_time,
- pmt_t user_data, mb_msg_accepter_sptr accepter)
- : d_when(first_abs_time), d_delta(delta_time), d_is_periodic(true),
- d_user_data(user_data), d_handle(make_handle()), d_accepter(accepter)
-mb_timer_queue::cancel(pmt_t handle)
- container_type::iterator it;
- for (it = c.begin(); it != c.end();){
- if (pmt_equal((*it)->handle(), handle))
- it = c.erase(it);
- else
- ++it;
- }
- std::make_heap(c.begin(), c.end(), comp);
diff --git a/mblock/src/lib/mb_timer_queue.h b/mblock/src/lib/mb_timer_queue.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a1ad6fa30..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/lib/mb_timer_queue.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <mblock/time.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <queue>
-#include <gruel/pmt.h>
-#include <mblock/msg_accepter.h>
-class mb_timeout {
- mb_time d_when; // absolute time to fire timeout
- mb_time d_delta; // if periodic, delta_t to next timeout
- bool d_is_periodic; // true iff this is a periodic timeout
- pmt::pmt_t d_user_data; // data from %timeout msg
- pmt::pmt_t d_handle; // handle for cancellation
- mb_msg_accepter_sptr d_accepter; // where to send the message
- // one-shot constructor
- mb_timeout(const mb_time &abs_time,
- pmt::pmt_t user_data, mb_msg_accepter_sptr accepter);
- // periodic constructor
- mb_timeout(const mb_time &first_abs_time, const mb_time &delta_time,
- pmt::pmt_t user_data, mb_msg_accepter_sptr accepter);
- pmt::pmt_t handle() const { return d_handle; }
-typedef boost::shared_ptr<mb_timeout> mb_timeout_sptr;
-//! Sort criterion for priority_queue
-class timeout_later
- bool operator() (const mb_timeout_sptr t1, const mb_timeout_sptr t2)
- {
- return t1->d_when > t2->d_when;
- }
-class mb_timer_queue : public std::priority_queue<mb_timeout_sptr,
- std::vector<mb_timeout_sptr>,
- timeout_later>
- void cancel(pmt::pmt_t handle);
diff --git a/mblock/src/lib/mb_util.h b/mblock/src/lib/mb_util.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fe420d6ede..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/lib/mb_util.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <string>
-class mb_util
- static std::string
- join_names(const std::string &comp_name,
- const std::string &port_name);
-#endif /* INCLUDED_MB_UTIL_H */
diff --git a/mblock/src/lib/ b/mblock/src/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d2896a114..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <mb_worker.h>
-#include <mb_runtime_thread_per_block.h>
-#include <mblock/exception.h>
-#include <mblock/mblock.h>
-#include <mb_gettid.h>
-#include <mblock/msg_accepter.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <cstdio>
-#ifdef HAVE_SCHED_H
-#include <sched.h>
-#define VERBOSE 0 // define to 0 or 1
-using namespace pmt;
-static pmt_t s_worker_state_changed = pmt_intern("%worker-state-changed");
-mb_worker::mb_worker(mb_runtime_thread_per_block *runtime,
- mb_mblock_maker_t maker,
- const std::string &instance_name,
- pmt_t user_arg)
- : omni_thread((void *) 0, PRIORITY_NORMAL),
- d_runtime(runtime), d_maker(maker),
- d_instance_name(instance_name), d_user_arg(user_arg),
- d_state_cond(&d_mutex), d_state(TS_UNINITIALIZED),
- d_why_dead(RIP_NOT_DEAD_YET)
-#if 0
-static void
-set_affinity(const std::string &instance_name, const std::string &class_name)
- //static int counter = 0;
- cpu_set_t mask;
- CPU_ZERO(&mask);
- if (0){
- //CPU_SET(counter & 0x1, &mask);
- //counter++;
- CPU_SET(0, &mask);
- int r = sched_setaffinity(mb_gettid(), sizeof(mask), &mask);
- if (r == -1)
- perror("sched_setaffinity");
- }
-static void
-set_affinity(const std::string &instance_name, const std::string &class_name)
-mb_worker::set_state(worker_state_t state)
- {
- omni_mutex_lock l2(d_mutex);
- d_state = state; // update our state
- d_state_cond.broadcast(); // Notify everybody who cares...
- }
- // send msg to runtime, telling it something changed.
- (*d_runtime->accepter())(s_worker_state_changed, PMT_F, PMT_F, MB_PRI_BEST);
-void *
-mb_worker::run_undetached(void *ignored)
- // FIXME add pthread_sigmask stuff
- //set_affinity(d_instance_name, d_class_name);
- set_affinity(d_instance_name, "");
- try {
- worker_thread_top_level();
- d_why_dead = RIP_EXIT;
- }
- catch (mbe_terminate){
- d_why_dead = RIP_TERMINATE;
- }
- catch (mbe_exit){
- d_why_dead = RIP_EXIT;
- }
- catch (std::logic_error e){
- if (d_why_dead == RIP_NOT_DEAD_YET)
- std::cerr << "\nmb_worker::run_undetached: unhandled exception:\n";
- std::cerr << " " << e.what() << std::endl;
- }
- catch (...){
- if (d_why_dead == RIP_NOT_DEAD_YET)
- }
- if (VERBOSE)
- std::cerr << "\nrun_undetached: about to return, d_why_dead = "
- << d_why_dead << std::endl;
- set_state(TS_DEAD);
- return 0;
- if (VERBOSE)
- std::cerr << "worker_thread_top_level (enter):" << std::endl
- << " instance_name: " << d_instance_name << std::endl
- << " omnithread id: " << id() << std::endl
- << " gettid: " << mb_gettid() << std::endl
- << " getpid: " << getpid() << std::endl;
- cause_of_death_t pending_cause_of_death = RIP_NOT_DEAD_YET;
- try {
- pending_cause_of_death = RIP_CTOR_EXCEPTION;
- d_mblock = d_maker(d_runtime, d_instance_name, d_user_arg);
- if (VERBOSE)
- std::cerr << "worker_thread_top_level (post-construction):" << std::endl
- << " instance_name: " << d_instance_name << std::endl;
- pending_cause_of_death = RIP_INIT_EXCEPTION;
- d_mblock->initial_transition();
- if (VERBOSE)
- std::cerr << "worker_thread_top_level (post-initial-transition):" << std::endl
- << " instance_name: " << d_instance_name << std::endl;
- set_state(TS_RUNNING);
- pending_cause_of_death = RIP_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION;
- d_mblock->main_loop();
- }
- catch (...){
- d_why_dead = pending_cause_of_death;
- throw;
- }
- if (VERBOSE)
- std::cerr << "worker_thread_top_level (exit):" << std::endl
- << " instance_name: " << d_instance_name << std::endl;
diff --git a/mblock/src/lib/mb_worker.h b/mblock/src/lib/mb_worker.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0037d131fd..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/lib/mb_worker.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <gnuradio/omnithread.h>
-#include <mblock/common.h>
-#include <mblock/class_registry.h>
-class mb_worker;
-//typedef boost::shared_ptr<mb_worker> mb_worker_sptr;
-class mb_runtime_thread_per_block;
- * \brief Worker thread for thread_per_block runtime
- * \internal
- */
-class mb_worker : public omni_thread
- //! worker thread states
- enum worker_state_t {
- TS_UNINITIALIZED, // new, uninitialized
- TS_RUNNING, // normal steady-state condition.
- TS_DEAD // thread is dead
- };
- //! why we're dead
- enum cause_of_death_t {
- RIP_NOT_DEAD_YET, // not dead
- RIP_EXIT, // normal exit
- RIP_TERMINATE, // caught terminate exception
- RIP_CTOR_EXCEPTION, // constructor raised an exception
- RIP_INIT_EXCEPTION, // initial_transition rasised an exception
- RIP_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION // somebody (most likely handle_message) raised an exception
- };
- /*
- * Args used by new thread to create mb_mblock
- */
- mb_runtime_thread_per_block *d_runtime;
- mb_mblock_maker_t d_maker;
- std::string d_instance_name;
- pmt::pmt_t d_user_arg;
- mb_mblock_sptr d_mblock; //< holds pointer to created mblock
- /*!
- * \brief General mutex for all these fields.
- *
- * They are accessed by both the main runtime thread and the newly
- * created thread that runs the mblock's main loop.
- */
- omni_mutex d_mutex;
- omni_condition d_state_cond; //< state change notifications
- worker_state_t d_state;
- cause_of_death_t d_why_dead;
- mb_worker(mb_runtime_thread_per_block *runtime,
- mb_mblock_maker_t maker,
- const std::string &instance_name,
- pmt::pmt_t user_arg);
- // ~mb_worker();
- /*!
- * \brief This code runs as the top-level of the new thread
- */
- void worker_thread_top_level();
- /*!
- * \brief Invokes the top-level of the new thread (name kind of sucks)
- */
- void *run_undetached(void *arg);
- // Neither d_mutex nor runtime->d_mutex may be held while calling this.
- // It locks and unlocks them itself.
- void set_state(worker_state_t state);
-#endif /* INCLUDED_MB_WORKER_H */
diff --git a/mblock/src/lib/mbi_runtime_lock.h b/mblock/src/lib/mbi_runtime_lock.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 020cd733ce..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/lib/mbi_runtime_lock.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <mblock/runtime.h>
-#include <mb_mblock_impl.h>
-#include <boost/utility.hpp>
- * \brief acquire and release big runtime lock
- *
- * As an alternative to:
- * {
- * rt->lock();
- * .....
- * rt->unlock();
- * }
- *
- * you can use a single instance of the mbi_runtime_lock class:
- *
- * {
- * mbi_runtime_lock l(rt);
- * ....
- * }
- *
- * This has the advantage that rt->unlock() will be called automatically
- * when an exception is thrown.
- */
-class mbi_runtime_lock : boost::noncopyable {
- mb_runtime_base *d_rt;
- mbi_runtime_lock(mb_runtime_base *rt) : d_rt(rt) { d_rt->lock(); }
- mbi_runtime_lock(mb_mblock_impl *mi) : d_rt(mi->runtime()) { d_rt->lock(); }
- mbi_runtime_lock(mb_mblock *mb) : d_rt(mb->impl()->runtime()) { d_rt->lock(); }
- ~mbi_runtime_lock(void) { d_rt->unlock(); }
diff --git a/mblock/src/lib/ b/mblock/src/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cfd83856e..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,496 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <mblock/mblock.h>
-#include <mblock/protocol_class.h>
-#include <mblock/message.h>
-#include <mblock/class_registry.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <bitset>
-using namespace pmt;
-static pmt_t s_in = pmt_intern("in");
-static pmt_t s_out = pmt_intern("out");
-static pmt_t s_data = pmt_intern("data");
-static pmt_t s_start = pmt_intern("start");
-static pmt_t s_send_batch = pmt_intern("send-batch");
-static pmt_t s_long0 = pmt_from_long(0);
-static std::string
-str(long x)
- std::ostringstream s;
- s << x;
- return s.str();
- * \brief mblock used for QA.
- *
- * Messages arriving on "in" consist of a pair containing a (long)
- * message number in the car, and a (long) bitmap in the cdr. For
- * each message received on "in", a new message is sent on "out". The
- * new message is the same format as the input, but the bitmap in
- * the cdr has a "1" or'd into it that corresponds to the bit number
- * specified in the constructor.
- *
- * The bitmap can be used by the ultimate receiver to confirm
- * traversal of a set of blocks, if the blocks are assigned unique bit
- * numbers.
- */
-class qa_bitset : public mb_mblock
- mb_port_sptr d_in;
- mb_port_sptr d_out;
- int d_bitno;
- qa_bitset(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- void handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
-qa_bitset::qa_bitset(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg)
- d_bitno = pmt_to_long(user_arg); // The bit we are to set
- d_in = define_port("in", "qa-bitset", false, mb_port::EXTERNAL);
- d_out = define_port("out", "qa-bitset", true, mb_port::EXTERNAL);
-qa_bitset::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
- if (pmt_eq(msg->port_id(), s_in) && pmt_eq(msg->signal(), s_data)){
- d_out->send(s_data,
- pmt_cons(pmt_car(msg->data()),
- pmt_from_long((1L << d_bitno) | pmt_to_long(pmt_cdr(msg->data())))));
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * \brief mblock used for QA. Compose two qa_bitset mblocks.
- */
-class qa_bitset2 : public mb_mblock
- mb_port_sptr d_in;
- mb_port_sptr d_out;
- qa_bitset2(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
-qa_bitset2::qa_bitset2(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg)
- long bitno = pmt_to_long(user_arg); // The bit we are to set
- d_in = define_port("in", "qa-bitset", false, mb_port::RELAY);
- d_out = define_port("out", "qa-bitset", true, mb_port::RELAY);
- define_component("bs0", "qa_bitset", pmt_from_long(bitno));
- define_component("bs1", "qa_bitset", pmt_from_long(bitno + 1));
- connect("self", "in", "bs0", "in");
- connect("bs0", "out", "bs1", "in");
- connect("bs1", "out", "self", "out");
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * \brief mblock used for QA. Compose two qa_bitset2 mblocks.
- */
-class qa_bitset4 : public mb_mblock
- mb_port_sptr d_in;
- mb_port_sptr d_out;
- qa_bitset4(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
-qa_bitset4::qa_bitset4(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg)
- long bitno = pmt_to_long(user_arg); // The bit we are to set
- d_in = define_port("in", "qa-bitset", false, mb_port::RELAY);
- d_out = define_port("out", "qa-bitset", true, mb_port::RELAY);
- define_component("bs0", "qa_bitset2", pmt_from_long(bitno));
- define_component("bs1", "qa_bitset2", pmt_from_long(bitno + 2));
- connect("self", "in", "bs0", "in");
- connect("bs0", "out", "bs1", "in");
- connect("bs1", "out", "self", "out");
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * \brief mblock used for QA. Compose two qa_bitset4 mblocks.
- */
-class qa_bitset8 : public mb_mblock
- mb_port_sptr d_in;
- mb_port_sptr d_out;
- qa_bitset8(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
-qa_bitset8::qa_bitset8(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg)
- long bitno = pmt_to_long(user_arg); // The bit we are to set
- d_in = define_port("in", "qa-bitset", false, mb_port::RELAY);
- d_out = define_port("out", "qa-bitset", true, mb_port::RELAY);
- define_component("bs0", "qa_bitset4", pmt_from_long(bitno));
- define_component("bs1", "qa_bitset4", pmt_from_long(bitno + 4));
- connect("self", "in", "bs0", "in");
- connect("bs0", "out", "bs1", "in");
- connect("bs1", "out", "self", "out");
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * \brief mblock used for QA. Compose two qa_bitset8 mblocks.
- */
-class qa_bitset16 : public mb_mblock
- mb_port_sptr d_in;
- mb_port_sptr d_out;
- qa_bitset16(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
-qa_bitset16::qa_bitset16(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg)
- long bitno = pmt_to_long(user_arg); // The bit we are to set
- d_in = define_port("in", "qa-bitset", false, mb_port::RELAY);
- d_out = define_port("out", "qa-bitset", true, mb_port::RELAY);
- define_component("bs0", "qa_bitset8", pmt_from_long(bitno));
- define_component("bs1", "qa_bitset8", pmt_from_long(bitno + 8));
- connect("self", "in", "bs0", "in");
- connect("bs0", "out", "bs1", "in");
- connect("bs1", "out", "self", "out");
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * \brief mblock used for QA. Compose two qa_bitset16 mblocks.
- */
-class qa_bitset32 : public mb_mblock
- mb_port_sptr d_in;
- mb_port_sptr d_out;
- qa_bitset32(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
-qa_bitset32::qa_bitset32(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg)
- long bitno = pmt_to_long(user_arg); // The bit we are to set
- d_in = define_port("in", "qa-bitset", false, mb_port::RELAY);
- d_out = define_port("out", "qa-bitset", true, mb_port::RELAY);
- define_component("bs0", "qa_bitset16", pmt_from_long(bitno));
- define_component("bs1", "qa_bitset16", pmt_from_long(bitno + 16));
- connect("self", "in", "bs0", "in");
- connect("bs0", "out", "bs1", "in");
- connect("bs1", "out", "self", "out");
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class qa_bitset_src : public mb_mblock
- mb_port_sptr d_cs_top;
- mb_port_sptr d_cs;
- mb_port_sptr d_out;
- long d_msg_number; // starting message number
- long d_nmsgs_to_send; // # of messages to send
- long d_batch_size; // # of messages to send per batch
- qa_bitset_src(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- void handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
- void send_one();
- void send_batch();
-qa_bitset_src::qa_bitset_src(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg)
- d_msg_number = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(0, user_arg));
- d_nmsgs_to_send = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(1, user_arg));
- d_batch_size = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(2, user_arg));
- d_cs_top = define_port("cs_top", "qa-bitset-cs", true, mb_port::EXTERNAL);
- d_cs = define_port("cs", "qa-bitset-cs", true, mb_port::EXTERNAL);
- d_out = define_port("out", "qa-bitset", true, mb_port::EXTERNAL);
-qa_bitset_src::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
- if ((pmt_eq(msg->port_id(), d_cs_top->port_symbol())
- || pmt_eq(msg->port_id(), d_cs->port_symbol()))
- && pmt_eq(msg->signal(), s_send_batch)){
- send_batch();
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < d_batch_size; i++)
- send_one();
- if (d_nmsgs_to_send > 0){
- pmt_t msg_number = pmt_from_long(d_msg_number++);
- d_out->send(s_data, pmt_cons(msg_number, s_long0));
- }
- if (--d_nmsgs_to_send <= 0)
- exit();
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class qa_bitset_sink : public mb_mblock
- // Maximum number of messages we can track
- static const size_t MAX_MSGS = 1 * 1024 * 1024;
- mb_port_sptr d_cs0;
- mb_port_sptr d_cs1;
- mb_port_sptr d_cs2;
- mb_port_sptr d_cs3;
- mb_port_sptr d_in0;
- mb_port_sptr d_in1;
- mb_port_sptr d_in2;
- mb_port_sptr d_in3;
- long d_nmsgs_to_recv; // # of messages to receive
- long d_batch_size; // # of messages to receive per batch
- uint32_t d_expected_mask;
- std::bitset<MAX_MSGS> d_bitset;
- long d_nrecvd;
- qa_bitset_sink(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- void handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
- void receive_one(mb_message_sptr msg);
-qa_bitset_sink::qa_bitset_sink(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg),
- d_nrecvd(0)
- d_nmsgs_to_recv = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(0, user_arg));
- d_batch_size = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(1, user_arg));
- d_expected_mask = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(2, user_arg));
- if (d_nmsgs_to_recv > (long) MAX_MSGS)
- throw std::out_of_range("qa_bitset_sink: nmsgs_to_recv is too big");
- if (d_batch_size < 1)
- throw std::out_of_range("qa_bitset_sink: batch_size must be >= 1");
- d_cs0 = define_port("cs0", "qa-bitset-cs", true, mb_port::EXTERNAL);
- d_cs1 = define_port("cs1", "qa-bitset-cs", true, mb_port::EXTERNAL);
- d_cs2 = define_port("cs2", "qa-bitset-cs", true, mb_port::EXTERNAL);
- d_cs3 = define_port("cs3", "qa-bitset-cs", true, mb_port::EXTERNAL);
- d_in0 = define_port("in0", "qa-bitset", false, mb_port::EXTERNAL);
- d_in1 = define_port("in1", "qa-bitset", false, mb_port::EXTERNAL);
- d_in2 = define_port("in2", "qa-bitset", false, mb_port::EXTERNAL);
- d_in3 = define_port("in3", "qa-bitset", false, mb_port::EXTERNAL);
-qa_bitset_sink::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
- if ((pmt_eq(msg->port_id(), d_in0->port_symbol())
- || pmt_eq(msg->port_id(), d_in1->port_symbol())
- || pmt_eq(msg->port_id(), d_in2->port_symbol())
- || pmt_eq(msg->port_id(), d_in3->port_symbol()))
- && pmt_eq(msg->signal(), s_data)){
- receive_one(msg);
- }
-qa_bitset_sink::receive_one(mb_message_sptr msg)
- long msg_number = pmt_to_long(pmt_car(msg->data()));
- uint32_t mask = pmt_to_long(pmt_cdr(msg->data()));
- // std::cout << msg->data() << std::endl;
- d_nrecvd++;
- if (d_nrecvd % d_batch_size == d_batch_size - 1){
- d_cs0->send(s_send_batch);
- d_cs1->send(s_send_batch);
- d_cs2->send(s_send_batch);
- d_cs3->send(s_send_batch);
- }
- if (msg_number >= d_nmsgs_to_recv){
- std::cerr << "qa_bitset_sink::receive_one: msg_number too big ("
- << msg_number << ")\n";
- shutdown_all(PMT_F);
- return;
- }
- if (mask != d_expected_mask){
- fprintf(stderr,
- "qa_bitset_sink::receive_one: Wrong mask. Expected 0x%08x, got 0x%08x\n",
- d_expected_mask, mask);
- shutdown_all(PMT_F);
- return;
- }
- if (d_bitset.test((size_t) msg_number)){
- std::cerr << "qa_bitset_sink::receive_one: duplicate msg_number ("
- << msg_number << ")\n";
- shutdown_all(PMT_F);
- return;
- }
- d_bitset.set((size_t) msg_number);
- if (d_nrecvd == d_nmsgs_to_recv)
- shutdown_all(PMT_T); // we're done!
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class qa_bitset_top : public mb_mblock
- static const int NPIPES = 4;
- std::vector<mb_port_sptr> d_cs;
- long d_nmsgs; // # of messages to send
- long d_batch_size; // # of messages to receive per batch
- qa_bitset_top(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- void initial_transition();
-qa_bitset_top::qa_bitset_top(mb_runtime *runtime,
- const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg)
- d_nmsgs = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(0, user_arg));
- d_nmsgs = (d_nmsgs / NPIPES) * NPIPES;
- d_batch_size = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(1, user_arg));
- /*
- * We build NPIPES sources which feed NPIPES pipelines, each of which
- * consists of 8-mblocks. All pipelines feed into a single sink
- * which keeps track the results.
- */
- for (int i = 0; i < NPIPES; i++){
- d_cs.push_back(define_port("cs"+str(i), "qa-bitset-cs", false, mb_port::INTERNAL));
- // sources of test messages
- define_component("src"+str(i), "qa_bitset_src",
- pmt_list3(pmt_from_long(i * d_nmsgs/NPIPES),
- pmt_from_long(d_nmsgs/NPIPES),
- pmt_from_long(d_batch_size)));
- // 8-mblock processing pipelines
- define_component("pipeline"+str(i), "qa_bitset8", pmt_from_long(0));
- }
- // sink for output of pipelines
- define_component("sink", "qa_bitset_sink",
- pmt_list3(pmt_from_long(d_nmsgs),
- pmt_from_long(d_batch_size * NPIPES),
- pmt_from_long(0x000000ff)));
- for (int i = 0; i < NPIPES; i++){
- connect("self", "cs"+str(i), "src"+str(i), "cs_top");
- connect("src"+str(i), "out", "pipeline"+str(i), "in");
- connect("src"+str(i), "cs", "sink", "cs"+str(i));
- connect("pipeline"+str(i), "out", "sink", "in"+str(i));
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < NPIPES; i++){
- d_cs[i]->send(s_send_batch); // prime the pump
- d_cs[i]->send(s_send_batch);
- }
diff --git a/mblock/src/lib/qa_bitset.mbh b/mblock/src/lib/qa_bitset.mbh
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fbcb80db3..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/lib/qa_bitset.mbh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-;; -*- scheme -*- ; not really, but tells emacs how to format this
-;; Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; This file is part of GNU Radio
-;; GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-;; any later version.
-;; GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-;; with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
-;; qa-bitset -- interface to mblock QA code
-(define-protocol-class qa-bitset
- (:incoming
- (data n bitmask)
- )
- )
-(define-protocol-class qa-bitset-cs
- (:outgoing
- (send-batch)
- )
- )
-;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
-;; qa-disconnect -- interface to mblock QA code
-(define-protocol-class qa-disconnect-cs
- (:outgoing
- (select-pipe n)
- )
- (:incoming
- (ack n)
- )
- )
diff --git a/mblock/src/lib/ b/mblock/src/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index c7619bfc36..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <mblock/mblock.h>
-#include <mblock/protocol_class.h>
-#include <mblock/message.h>
-#include <mblock/class_registry.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <bitset>
-using namespace pmt;
-static pmt_t s_in = pmt_intern("in");
-static pmt_t s_out = pmt_intern("out");
-static pmt_t s_data = pmt_intern("data");
-static pmt_t s_ack = pmt_intern("ack");
-static pmt_t s_select_pipe = pmt_intern("select-pipe");
-static pmt_t s_long0 = pmt_from_long(0);
-static pmt_t s_sys_port = pmt_intern("%sys-port");
-static pmt_t s_shutdown = pmt_intern("%shutdown");
-class qa_disconnect_mux : public mb_mblock
- mb_port_sptr d_in;
- mb_port_sptr d_out;
- mb_port_sptr d_cs;
- qa_disconnect_mux(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- void initial_transition();
- void handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
-qa_disconnect_mux::qa_disconnect_mux(mb_runtime *runtime,
- const std::string &instance_name,
- pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg)
- d_in = define_port("in", "qa-bitset", false, mb_port::RELAY);
- d_out = define_port("out", "qa-bitset", true, mb_port::RELAY);
- d_cs = define_port("cs", "qa-disconnect-cs", true, mb_port::EXTERNAL);
- define_component("pipeline0", "qa_bitset8", pmt_from_long(0));
- define_component("pipeline1", "qa_bitset8", pmt_from_long(8));
-qa_disconnect_mux::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
- if (pmt_eq(msg->port_id(), d_cs->port_symbol()) // select-pipe on cs
- && pmt_eq(msg->signal(), s_select_pipe)){
- long which_pipe = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(0, msg->data()));
- disconnect_component("pipeline0");
- disconnect_component("pipeline1");
- switch(which_pipe){
- case 0:
- connect("self", "in", "pipeline0", "in");
- connect("self", "out", "pipeline0", "out");
- break;
- case 1:
- connect("self", "in", "pipeline1", "in");
- connect("self", "out", "pipeline1", "out");
- break;
- }
- d_cs->send(s_ack, msg->data());
- return;
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class qa_disconnect_top : public mb_mblock
- enum state_t {
- };
- state_t d_state;
- int d_msg_number;
- int d_nmsgs_to_send;
- mb_port_sptr d_in;
- mb_port_sptr d_out;
- mb_port_sptr d_cs;
- void check_pipe_send_next_msg();
- void send_next_msg();
- void select_pipe(int n);
- // alternate pipes every 128 messages
- static int which_pipe(int msg_number) { return (msg_number >> 7) & 0x1; }
- bool time_to_switch() { return (d_msg_number & 0x7f) == 0; }
- qa_disconnect_top(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- void initial_transition();
- void handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
-qa_disconnect_top::qa_disconnect_top(mb_runtime *runtime,
- const std::string &instance_name,
- pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg),
- d_state(UNINITIALIZED), d_msg_number(0)
- d_nmsgs_to_send = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(0, user_arg));
- d_in = define_port("in", "qa-bitset", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- d_out = define_port("out", "qa-bitset", true, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- d_cs = define_port("cs", "qa-disconnect-cs", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- define_component("mux", "qa_disconnect_mux", PMT_F);
- connect("self", "cs", "mux", "cs");
- connect("self", "out", "mux", "in");
- connect("self", "in", "mux", "out");
- check_pipe_send_next_msg();
-qa_disconnect_top::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
- if (0)
- std::cerr << "qa_disconnect_top::handle_msg state = "
- << d_state << "\n msg = " << msg << std::endl;
- if (pmt_eq(msg->port_id(), d_cs->port_symbol()) // ack on cs
- && pmt_eq(msg->signal(), s_ack)
- && d_state == WAIT_FOR_ACK){
- send_next_msg();
- return;
- }
- if (pmt_eq(msg->port_id(), d_in->port_symbol()) // data on in
- && pmt_eq(msg->signal(), s_data)
- && d_state == WAIT_FOR_DATA){
- /*
- * Confirm that msg passed through the pipe that we expect...
- */
- static const long expected_mask[2] = { 0x000000ff, 0x0000ff00 };
- long msg_number = pmt_to_long(pmt_car(msg->data()));
- long mask = pmt_to_long(pmt_cdr(msg->data()));
- if (mask != expected_mask[which_pipe(msg_number)]){
- fprintf(stderr, "\nqa_disconnect_top: wrong mask in msg_number = 0x%08lx\n",
- msg_number);
- fprintf(stderr, " expected = 0x%08lx, actual = 0x%08lx\n",
- expected_mask[which_pipe(msg_number)], mask);
- shutdown_all(PMT_F);
- return;
- }
- if (msg_number == d_nmsgs_to_send - 1){ // we're done (and were successful)
- shutdown_all(PMT_T);
- return;
- }
- check_pipe_send_next_msg();
- return;
- }
- if (pmt_eq(msg->port_id(), s_sys_port) // ignore %shutdown on %sys-port
- && pmt_eq(msg->signal(), s_shutdown))
- return;
- std::cerr << "qa_disconnect_top: unhandled msg: state = "
- << d_state << "\n msg = " << msg << std::endl;
-qa_disconnect_top::select_pipe(int n)
- d_cs->send(s_select_pipe, pmt_list1(pmt_from_long(n)));
- d_state = WAIT_FOR_ACK;
- d_state = WAIT_FOR_DATA;
- if (d_msg_number == d_nmsgs_to_send) // we've sent all we're supposed to
- return;
- d_out->send(s_data, pmt_cons(pmt_from_long(d_msg_number), s_long0));
- d_msg_number++;
- if (time_to_switch())
- select_pipe(which_pipe(d_msg_number));
- else
- send_next_msg();
diff --git a/mblock/src/lib/ b/mblock/src/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index c0629790d3..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
- * This class gathers together all the test cases for mblock into
- * a single test suite. As you create new test cases, add them here.
- */
-#include <qa_mblock.h>
-#include <qa_mblock_prims.h>
-#include <qa_mblock_send.h>
-#include <qa_mblock_sys.h>
-#include <qa_timeouts.h>
-CppUnit::TestSuite *
- CppUnit::TestSuite *s = new CppUnit::TestSuite("mblock");
- s->addTest (qa_mblock_prims::suite());
- s->addTest (qa_mblock_send::suite());
- s->addTest (qa_mblock_sys::suite());
- s->addTest (qa_timeouts::suite());
- return s;
diff --git a/mblock/src/lib/qa_mblock.h b/mblock/src/lib/qa_mblock.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 056c422377..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/lib/qa_mblock.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-#include <cppunit/TestSuite.h>
-//! collect all the tests for mblock
-class qa_mblock {
- public:
- //! return suite of tests for all of mblock
- static CppUnit::TestSuite *suite();
-#endif /* INCLUDED_QA_MBLOCK_H */
diff --git a/mblock/src/lib/ b/mblock/src/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index e49bd60d4d..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,448 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006,2007,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <qa_mblock_prims.h>
-#include <cppunit/TestAssert.h>
-#include <mblock/mblock.h>
-#include <mblock/runtime.h>
-#include <mblock/protocol_class.h>
-#include <mblock/exception.h>
-#include <mblock/msg_queue.h>
-#include <mblock/message.h>
-#include <mb_mblock_impl.h>
-#include <mblock/msg_accepter.h>
-#include <mblock/class_registry.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-using namespace pmt;
-static pmt_t s_cs = pmt_intern("cs");
-static pmt_t s_debug = pmt_intern("debug");
-static pmt_t s_in = pmt_intern("in");
-static pmt_t s_out = pmt_intern("out");
-// ================================================================
-class dp_1 : public mb_mblock
- dp_1(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- ~dp_1();
-dp_1::dp_1(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg)
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------
-class dp_2 : public mb_mblock
- dp_2(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- ~dp_2();
-dp_2::dp_2(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg)
- define_port("cs", "cs-protocol", false, mb_port::EXTERNAL);
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------
-class dp_3 : public mb_mblock
- dp_3(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- ~dp_3();
-dp_3::dp_3(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg)
- define_port("cs", "cs-protocol", false, mb_port::EXTERNAL);
- define_port("cs", "cs-protocol", false, mb_port::EXTERNAL); // duplicate def
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------
- mb_runtime_sptr rts = mb_make_runtime();
- mb_runtime *rt = rts.get();
- // Should work
- mb_mblock_sptr mb1 = mb_mblock_sptr(new dp_1(rt, "top", PMT_F));
- // raises runtime_error because of unknown protocol "cs-protocol"
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(mb_mblock_sptr(new dp_2(rt, "top", PMT_F)),
- std::runtime_error);
- // define the protocol class
- pmt_t pc = mb_make_protocol_class(pmt_intern("cs-protocol"),
- pmt_list2(pmt_intern("start"),
- pmt_intern("stop")),
- // std::cout << "pc = " << pc << '\n';
- mb_mblock_sptr mb2 = mb_mblock_sptr(new dp_2(rt, "top", PMT_F));
- // raises pmt_exception because of duplicate port definition of "cs"
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(mb_mblock_sptr(new dp_3(rt, "top", PMT_F)),
- mbe_duplicate_port);
-// ================================================================
-class dc_0 : public mb_mblock
- dc_0(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- ~dc_0();
-dc_0::dc_0(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg)
-dc_0::~dc_0() {}
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------
-class dc_ok : public mb_mblock
- dc_ok(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- ~dc_ok();
-dc_ok::dc_ok(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg)
- define_component("c0", "dc_0");
- define_component("c1", "dc_0");
- define_component("c2", "dc_0");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------
-class dc_not_ok : public mb_mblock
- dc_not_ok(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- ~dc_not_ok();
-dc_not_ok::dc_not_ok(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg)
- define_component("c0", "dc_0");
- define_component("c0", "dc_0"); // duplicate name
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------
- mb_runtime_sptr rts = mb_make_runtime();
- mb_runtime *rt = rts.get();
- // Should work
- mb_mblock_sptr mb1 = mb_mblock_sptr(new dc_ok(rt, "top", PMT_F));
- // raises pmt_exception because of duplicate component definition of "c0"
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(mb_mblock_sptr(new dc_not_ok(rt, "top", PMT_F)),
- mbe_duplicate_component);
-// ================================================================
-class tc_norm : public mb_mblock
- tc_norm(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg)
- {
- define_port("data", "i/o", false, mb_port::EXTERNAL);
- define_port("norm", "i/o", false, mb_port::EXTERNAL);
- define_port("conj", "i/o", true, mb_port::EXTERNAL);
- define_port("int", "i/o", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- }
- ~tc_norm();
-class tc_0 : public mb_mblock
- tc_0(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg)
- {
- define_port("norm", "i/o", false, mb_port::EXTERNAL);
- define_port("conj", "i/o", true, mb_port::EXTERNAL);
- define_port("int", "i/o", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- define_component("c0", "tc_norm");
- define_component("c1", "tc_norm");
- define_component("c2", "tc_norm");
- define_component("c3", "tc_norm");
- define_component("c4", "tc_norm");
- define_component("c5", "tc_norm");
- // OK
- connect("c0", "norm", "c1", "conj");
- // No: No such component name
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(connect("foo", "data", "c1", "norm"), mbe_no_such_component);
- // No: No such port name
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(connect("c0", "data", "c1", "foo"), mbe_no_such_port);
- // No: already connected
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(connect("c0", "norm", "c2", "data"), mbe_already_connected);
- // No: already connected
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(connect("c2", "data", "c0", "norm"), mbe_already_connected);
- // No: incompatible ports
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(connect("c1", "norm", "c2", "norm"), mbe_incompatible_ports);
- // OK
- connect("c1", "norm", "c2", "conj");
- // No: No such port name
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(connect("c2", "norm", "self", "foo"), mbe_no_such_port);
- // No: can't connect to child's internal port
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(connect("c0", "conj", "c2", "int"), mbe_no_such_port);
- // No: can't connect to our own external port
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(connect("self", "norm", "c0", "conj"), mbe_invalid_port_type);
- // OK: connecting to one of our internal ports
- connect("self", "int", "c3", "conj");
- // ===== Now test disconnecting some stuff =====
- // Confirm we're already connected
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(connect("self", "int", "c3", "conj"), mbe_already_connected);
- int nc = nconnections();
- disconnect("self", "int", "c3", "conj"); // disconnect
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(nc-1, nconnections());
- connect("self", "int", "c3", "conj"); // reconnect
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(nc, nconnections());
- // confirm we're already connected
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(connect("self", "int", "c3", "conj"), mbe_already_connected);
- connect("c0", "conj", "c5", "data");
- connect("c4", "norm", "c5", "conj");
- connect("c4", "conj", "c5", "norm");
- nc = nconnections();
- disconnect_component("c4");
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(nc-2, nconnections());
- disconnect_component("c5");
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(nc-3, nconnections());
- disconnect_all();
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, nconnections());
- }
- ~tc_0();
-class tc_1 : public mb_mblock
- tc_1(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg)
- {
- define_component("c0", "tc_norm");
- define_component("c1", "tc_norm");
- connect("c0", "norm", "c1", "conj");
- }
- ~tc_1();
- // define the protocol class
- mb_make_protocol_class(pmt_intern("data"), // name of class
- pmt_list1(pmt_intern("data")), // in
- PMT_NIL); // out
- mb_make_protocol_class(pmt_intern("i/o"), // name of class
- pmt_list1(pmt_intern("in")), // in
- pmt_list1(pmt_intern("out"))); // out
- mb_runtime_sptr rts = mb_make_runtime();
- mb_runtime *rt = rts.get();
- mb_mblock_sptr mb0 = mb_mblock_sptr(new tc_0(rt, "top", PMT_F));
- mb_msg_queue q;
- // check initial state
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT(q.get_highest_pri_msg_nowait() == 0);
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT(MB_NPRI >= 5); // sanity check for this test
- // insert three messages at the same pri and ensure that they come out in order
- // signal data metadata pri
- q.insert(mb_make_message(PMT_NIL, pmt_from_long(0), PMT_NIL, MB_PRI_BEST + 2));
- q.insert(mb_make_message(PMT_NIL, pmt_from_long(1), PMT_NIL, MB_PRI_BEST + 2));
- q.insert(mb_make_message(PMT_NIL, pmt_from_long(2), PMT_NIL, MB_PRI_BEST + 2));
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0L, pmt_to_long(q.get_highest_pri_msg_nowait()->data()));
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1L, pmt_to_long(q.get_highest_pri_msg_nowait()->data()));
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(2L, pmt_to_long(q.get_highest_pri_msg_nowait()->data()));
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT(q.get_highest_pri_msg_nowait() == 0);
- // insert messages of different priorities in pseudo-random order
- // signal data metadata pri
- q.insert(mb_make_message(PMT_NIL, PMT_NIL, PMT_NIL, MB_PRI_BEST + 3));
- q.insert(mb_make_message(PMT_NIL, PMT_NIL, PMT_NIL, MB_PRI_BEST + 2));
- q.insert(mb_make_message(PMT_NIL, PMT_NIL, PMT_NIL, MB_PRI_BEST + 4));
- q.insert(mb_make_message(PMT_NIL, PMT_NIL, PMT_NIL, MB_PRI_BEST + 0));
- q.insert(mb_make_message(PMT_NIL, PMT_NIL, PMT_NIL, MB_PRI_BEST + 1));
- q.insert(mb_make_message(PMT_NIL, PMT_NIL, PMT_NIL, MB_PRI_BEST + 3));
- q.insert(mb_make_message(PMT_NIL, PMT_NIL, PMT_NIL, MB_PRI_BEST + 2));
- q.insert(mb_make_message(PMT_NIL, PMT_NIL, PMT_NIL, MB_PRI_BEST + 4));
- q.insert(mb_make_message(PMT_NIL, PMT_NIL, PMT_NIL, MB_PRI_BEST + 0));
- q.insert(mb_make_message(PMT_NIL, PMT_NIL, PMT_NIL, MB_PRI_BEST + 1));
- // confirm that they come out in order
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(MB_PRI_BEST + 0, q.get_highest_pri_msg_nowait()->priority());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(MB_PRI_BEST + 0, q.get_highest_pri_msg_nowait()->priority());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(MB_PRI_BEST + 1, q.get_highest_pri_msg_nowait()->priority());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(MB_PRI_BEST + 1, q.get_highest_pri_msg_nowait()->priority());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(MB_PRI_BEST + 2, q.get_highest_pri_msg_nowait()->priority());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(MB_PRI_BEST + 2, q.get_highest_pri_msg_nowait()->priority());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(MB_PRI_BEST + 3, q.get_highest_pri_msg_nowait()->priority());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(MB_PRI_BEST + 3, q.get_highest_pri_msg_nowait()->priority());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(MB_PRI_BEST + 4, q.get_highest_pri_msg_nowait()->priority());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(MB_PRI_BEST + 4, q.get_highest_pri_msg_nowait()->priority());
- // check final state
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT(q.get_highest_pri_msg_nowait() == 0);
- mb_runtime_sptr rts = mb_make_runtime();
- mb_runtime *rt = rts.get();
- // create a block
- mb_mblock_sptr mb = mb_mblock_sptr(new dp_2(rt, "top", PMT_F));
- // use "internal use only" method...
- mb_msg_accepter_sptr accepter = mb->impl()->make_accepter(pmt_intern("cs"));
- // Now push a few messages into it...
- // signal data metadata pri
- (*accepter)(PMT_NIL, pmt_from_long(0), PMT_NIL, MB_PRI_BEST + 2);
- (*accepter)(PMT_NIL, pmt_from_long(1), PMT_NIL, MB_PRI_BEST + 2);
- (*accepter)(PMT_NIL, pmt_from_long(2), PMT_NIL, MB_PRI_BEST + 2);
- // try to pull them out
- pmt_t cs = pmt_intern("cs");
- mb_message_sptr msg = mb->impl()->msgq().get_highest_pri_msg_nowait();
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pmt_eq(cs, msg->port_id())); // confirm that port_id is set
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0L, pmt_to_long(msg->data())); // and that data is correct
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1L, pmt_to_long(mb->impl()->msgq().get_highest_pri_msg_nowait()->data()));
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(2L, pmt_to_long(mb->impl()->msgq().get_highest_pri_msg_nowait()->data()));
diff --git a/mblock/src/lib/qa_mblock_prims.h b/mblock/src/lib/qa_mblock_prims.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cf928ee4f8..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/lib/qa_mblock_prims.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006,2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-#include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h>
-#include <cppunit/TestCase.h>
-class qa_mblock_prims : public CppUnit::TestCase {
- CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE(qa_mblock_prims);
- CPPUNIT_TEST(test_define_ports);
- CPPUNIT_TEST(test_define_components);
- CPPUNIT_TEST(test_connect);
- CPPUNIT_TEST(test_msg_queue);
- CPPUNIT_TEST(test_make_accepter);
- private:
- void test_define_ports();
- void test_define_components();
- void test_connect();
- void test_msg_queue();
- void test_make_accepter();
diff --git a/mblock/src/lib/ b/mblock/src/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 53f93927b5..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,477 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006,2007,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <qa_mblock_send.h>
-#include <cppunit/TestAssert.h>
-#include <mblock/mblock.h>
-#include <mblock/runtime.h>
-#include <mb_runtime_nop.h> // QA only
-#include <mblock/protocol_class.h>
-#include <mblock/exception.h>
-#include <mblock/msg_queue.h>
-#include <mblock/message.h>
-#include <mb_mblock_impl.h>
-#include <mblock/msg_accepter.h>
-#include <mblock/class_registry.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-using namespace pmt;
-static pmt_t s_data = pmt_intern("data");
-static pmt_t s_status = pmt_intern("status");
-static pmt_t s_control = pmt_intern("control");
-static pmt_t s_p0 = pmt_intern("p0");
-static pmt_t s_p1 = pmt_intern("p1");
-static pmt_t s_p2 = pmt_intern("p2");
-static pmt_t s_p3 = pmt_intern("p3");
-static pmt_t s_e1 = pmt_intern("e1");
-static pmt_t s_r1 = pmt_intern("r1");
-static void
- // Defined from client point-of-view.
- mb_make_protocol_class(pmt_intern("qa-send-cs"), // name
- pmt_list1(s_status), // incoming
- pmt_list1(s_control)); // outgoing
-get_top(mb_runtime_sptr rts)
- return dynamic_cast<mb_runtime_nop *>(rts.get())->top();
-// ================================================================
-// test_simple_routing
-// ================================================================
-// sub-block for test_simple_routing
-class sr1 : public mb_mblock
- mb_port_sptr d_p1;
- mb_port_sptr d_p2;
- mb_port_sptr d_p3;
- sr1(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- ~sr1();
- void initial_transition();
-sr1::sr1(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg)
- d_p1 = define_port("p1", "qa-send-cs", true, mb_port::EXTERNAL);
- d_p2 = define_port("p2", "qa-send-cs", true, mb_port::EXTERNAL);
- d_p3 = define_port("p3", "qa-send-cs", false, mb_port::EXTERNAL);
- // std::cout << instance_name() << "[sr1]: initial_transition\n";
- // send two messages to each port
- pmt_t our_name = pmt_intern(instance_name());
- d_p1->send(s_status, pmt_list3(our_name, s_p1, pmt_from_long(0)));
- d_p1->send(s_status, pmt_list3(our_name, s_p1, pmt_from_long(1)));
- d_p2->send(s_status, pmt_list3(our_name, s_p2, pmt_from_long(0)));
- d_p2->send(s_status, pmt_list3(our_name, s_p2, pmt_from_long(1)));
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------
-// top-level container block for test_simple_routing
-class sr0 : public mb_mblock
- mb_port_sptr d_p0;
- sr0(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- ~sr0();
- void initial_transition();
-sr0::sr0(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg)
- d_p0 = define_port("p0", "qa-send-cs", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- define_component("mb1", "sr1");
- define_component("mb2", "sr1");
- connect("self", "p0", "mb1", "p1");
- connect("mb1", "p2", "mb2", "p3");
- connect("mb1", "p3", "mb2", "p2");
- // std::cout << instance_name() << "[sr0]: initial_transition\n";
- // send two messages to p0
- pmt_t our_name = pmt_intern(instance_name());
- d_p0->send(s_control, pmt_list3(our_name, s_p0, pmt_from_long(0)));
- d_p0->send(s_control, pmt_list3(our_name, s_p0, pmt_from_long(1)));
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------
- * This tests basic message routing using INTERNAL and EXTERNAL ports.
- * It does not rely on the guts of the runtime being complete,
- * which is good, because at the time this is being written, it isn't.
- */
- define_protocol_classes();
- mb_message_sptr msg;
- mb_runtime_sptr rt = mb_make_runtime_nop();
- rt->run("top", "sr0", PMT_F);
- mb_mblock_sptr mb0 = get_top(rt);
- // Reach into the guts and see if the messages ended up where they should have
- // mb0 should have received two messages sent from mb1 via its p1
- msg = mb0->impl()->msgq().get_highest_pri_msg_nowait();
- // std::cerr << msg->data() << std::endl;
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(s_p0, msg->port_id());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pmt_equal(pmt_list3(pmt_intern("top/mb1"), s_p1, pmt_from_long(0)),
- msg->data()));
- msg = mb0->impl()->msgq().get_highest_pri_msg_nowait();
- // std::cerr << msg->data() << std::endl;
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(s_p0, msg->port_id());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pmt_equal(pmt_list3(pmt_intern("top/mb1"), s_p1, pmt_from_long(1)),
- msg->data()));
- // mb1 should have received
- // two messages from mb0 via its p0 and
- // two messages from mb2 via its p3
- mb_mblock_sptr mb1 = mb0->impl()->component("mb1");
- msg = mb1->impl()->msgq().get_highest_pri_msg_nowait();
- // std::cerr << msg->data() << std::endl;
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(s_p1, msg->port_id());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pmt_equal(pmt_list3(pmt_intern("top"), s_p0, pmt_from_long(0)),
- msg->data()));
- msg = mb1->impl()->msgq().get_highest_pri_msg_nowait();
- // std::cerr << msg->data() << std::endl;
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(s_p1, msg->port_id());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pmt_equal(pmt_list3(pmt_intern("top"), s_p0, pmt_from_long(1)),
- msg->data()));
- msg = mb1->impl()->msgq().get_highest_pri_msg_nowait();
- // std::cerr << msg->data() << std::endl;
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(s_p3, msg->port_id());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pmt_equal(pmt_list3(pmt_intern("top/mb2"), s_p2, pmt_from_long(0)),
- msg->data()));
- msg = mb1->impl()->msgq().get_highest_pri_msg_nowait();
- // std::cerr << msg->data() << std::endl;
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(s_p3, msg->port_id());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pmt_equal(pmt_list3(pmt_intern("top/mb2"), s_p2, pmt_from_long(1)),
- msg->data()));
- // mb2 should have received
- // two messages from mb2 via its p2
- mb_mblock_sptr mb2 = mb0->impl()->component("mb2");
- msg = mb2->impl()->msgq().get_highest_pri_msg_nowait();
- // std::cerr << msg->data() << std::endl;
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(s_p3, msg->port_id());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pmt_equal(pmt_list3(pmt_intern("top/mb1"), s_p2, pmt_from_long(0)),
- msg->data()));
- msg = mb2->impl()->msgq().get_highest_pri_msg_nowait();
- // std::cerr << msg->data() << std::endl;
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(s_p3, msg->port_id());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pmt_equal(pmt_list3(pmt_intern("top/mb1"), s_p2, pmt_from_long(1)),
- msg->data()));
-// ================================================================
-// test_relay_routing_1
-// ================================================================
-// internal block for test_relay_routing
-class rr2 : public mb_mblock
- mb_port_sptr d_p1;
- mb_port_sptr d_p2;
- rr2(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- ~rr2();
- void initial_transition();
-rr2::rr2(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg)
- d_p1 = define_port("p1", "qa-send-cs", true, mb_port::EXTERNAL);
- d_p2 = define_port("p2", "qa-send-cs", false, mb_port::EXTERNAL);
- // std::cout << instance_name() << "[rr2]: initial_transition\n";
- // send two messages via p1
- pmt_t our_name = pmt_intern(instance_name());
- d_p1->send(s_status, pmt_list3(our_name, s_p1, pmt_from_long(0)));
- d_p1->send(s_status, pmt_list3(our_name, s_p1, pmt_from_long(1)));
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------
-// intermediate block for test_relay_routing
-class rr1 : public mb_mblock
- mb_port_sptr d_p1;
- mb_port_sptr d_p2;
- rr1(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- ~rr1();
-rr1::rr1(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg)
- d_p1 = define_port("p1", "qa-send-cs", true, mb_port::RELAY);
- d_p2 = define_port("p2", "qa-send-cs", false, mb_port::RELAY);
- define_component("c0", "rr2");
- connect("self", "p1", "c0", "p1");
- connect("self", "p2", "c0", "p2");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------
-// top-level container for test_relay_routing
-class rr0_a : public mb_mblock
- rr0_a(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- ~rr0_a();
-rr0_a::rr0_a(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg)
- define_component("c0", "rr1");
- define_component("c1", "rr2");
- connect("c0", "p1", "c1", "p2");
- connect("c0", "p2", "c1", "p1");
- * This tests basic message routing using RELAY and EXTERNAL ports.
- * It does not rely on the guts of the runtime being complete,
- * which is good, because at the time this is being written, it isn't.
- */
- mb_message_sptr msg;
- mb_runtime_sptr rt = mb_make_runtime_nop();
- rt->run("top", "rr0_a", PMT_F);
- mb_mblock_sptr top = get_top(rt);
- // Reach into the guts and see if the messages ended up where they should have
- mb_mblock_sptr c0 = top->impl()->component("c0");
- mb_mblock_sptr c0c0 = c0->impl()->component("c0");
- mb_mblock_sptr c1 = top->impl()->component("c1");
- // c0c0 should have received
- // two message from c1 via its p2
- msg = c0c0->impl()->msgq().get_highest_pri_msg_nowait();
- //std::cerr << msg->data() << std::endl;
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(s_p2, msg->port_id());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pmt_equal(pmt_list3(pmt_intern("top/c1"), s_p1, pmt_from_long(0)),
- msg->data()));
- msg = c0c0->impl()->msgq().get_highest_pri_msg_nowait();
- //std::cerr << msg->data() << std::endl;
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(s_p2, msg->port_id());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pmt_equal(pmt_list3(pmt_intern("top/c1"), s_p1, pmt_from_long(1)),
- msg->data()));
- // c1 should have received
- // two message from c0c0 via its p2
- msg = c1->impl()->msgq().get_highest_pri_msg_nowait();
- //std::cerr << msg->data() << std::endl;
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(s_p2, msg->port_id());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pmt_equal(pmt_list3(pmt_intern("top/c0/c0"), s_p1, pmt_from_long(0)),
- msg->data()));
- msg = c1->impl()->msgq().get_highest_pri_msg_nowait();
- //std::cerr << msg->data() << std::endl;
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(s_p2, msg->port_id());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pmt_equal(pmt_list3(pmt_intern("top/c0/c0"), s_p1, pmt_from_long(1)),
- msg->data()));
-// ================================================================
-// test_relay_routing_2
-// ================================================================
-// top-level container for test_relay_routing_2
-class rr0_b : public mb_mblock
- rr0_b(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- ~rr0_b();
-rr0_b::rr0_b(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg)
- define_component("c0", "rr1");
- define_component("c1", "rr1");
- connect("c0", "p1", "c1", "p2");
- connect("c0", "p2", "c1", "p1");
- * This tests basic message routing using RELAY and EXTERNAL ports.
- * It does not rely on the guts of the runtime being complete,
- * which is good, because at the time this is being written, it isn't.
- */
- mb_message_sptr msg;
- mb_runtime_sptr rt = mb_make_runtime_nop();
- rt->run("top", "rr0_b", PMT_F);
- mb_mblock_sptr top = get_top(rt);
- // Reach into the guts and see if the messages ended up where they should have
- mb_mblock_sptr c0 = top->impl()->component("c0");
- mb_mblock_sptr c0c0 = c0->impl()->component("c0");
- mb_mblock_sptr c1 = top->impl()->component("c1");
- mb_mblock_sptr c1c0 = c1->impl()->component("c0");
- // c0c0 should have received
- // two message from c1c0 via its p2
- msg = c0c0->impl()->msgq().get_highest_pri_msg_nowait();
- // std::cerr << msg->data() << std::endl;
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(s_p2, msg->port_id());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pmt_equal(pmt_list3(pmt_intern("top/c1/c0"), s_p1, pmt_from_long(0)),
- msg->data()));
- msg = c0c0->impl()->msgq().get_highest_pri_msg_nowait();
- // std::cerr << msg->data() << std::endl;
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(s_p2, msg->port_id());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pmt_equal(pmt_list3(pmt_intern("top/c1/c0"), s_p1, pmt_from_long(1)),
- msg->data()));
- // c1c0 should have received
- // two message from c0c0 via its p2
- msg = c1c0->impl()->msgq().get_highest_pri_msg_nowait();
- // std::cerr << msg->data() << std::endl;
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(s_p2, msg->port_id());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pmt_equal(pmt_list3(pmt_intern("top/c0/c0"), s_p1, pmt_from_long(0)),
- msg->data()));
- msg = c1c0->impl()->msgq().get_highest_pri_msg_nowait();
- // std::cerr << msg->data() << std::endl;
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(s_p2, msg->port_id());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pmt_equal(pmt_list3(pmt_intern("top/c0/c0"), s_p1, pmt_from_long(1)),
- msg->data()));
diff --git a/mblock/src/lib/qa_mblock_send.h b/mblock/src/lib/qa_mblock_send.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b1a6832ce1..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/lib/qa_mblock_send.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006,2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-#include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h>
-#include <cppunit/TestCase.h>
-class qa_mblock_send : public CppUnit::TestCase {
- CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE(qa_mblock_send);
- CPPUNIT_TEST(test_simple_routing);
- CPPUNIT_TEST(test_relay_routing_1);
- CPPUNIT_TEST(test_relay_routing_2);
- private:
- void test_simple_routing();
- void test_relay_routing_1();
- void test_relay_routing_2();
diff --git a/mblock/src/lib/ b/mblock/src/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c8dbbf0ab..0000000000
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-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006,2007,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <qa_mblock_sys.h>
-#include <cppunit/TestAssert.h>
-#include <mblock/mblock.h>
-#include <mblock/runtime.h>
-#include <mb_runtime_nop.h> // QA only
-#include <mblock/protocol_class.h>
-#include <mblock/exception.h>
-#include <mblock/msg_queue.h>
-#include <mblock/message.h>
-#include <mb_mblock_impl.h>
-#include <mblock/msg_accepter.h>
-#include <mblock/class_registry.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <iostream>
-using namespace pmt;
-static pmt_t s_data = pmt_intern("data");
-static pmt_t s_status = pmt_intern("status");
-static pmt_t s_control = pmt_intern("control");
-static pmt_t s_p0 = pmt_intern("p0");
-static pmt_t s_p1 = pmt_intern("p1");
-static pmt_t s_p2 = pmt_intern("p2");
-static pmt_t s_p3 = pmt_intern("p3");
-static pmt_t s_e1 = pmt_intern("e1");
-static pmt_t s_r1 = pmt_intern("r1");
-static void
- mb_make_protocol_class(s_data, // name
- pmt_list1(s_data), // incoming
- pmt_list1(s_data)); // outgoing
-// ================================================================
-// test_sys_1
-// ================================================================
-class sys_1 : public mb_mblock
- pmt_t d_user_arg;
- mb_port_sptr d_data;
- sys_1(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- ~sys_1();
- void initial_transition();
-sys_1::sys_1(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg),
- d_user_arg(user_arg)
- d_data = define_port("data", "data", true, mb_port::EXTERNAL);
- shutdown_all(d_user_arg);
- define_protocol_classes();
- pmt_t result;
- pmt_t n1 = pmt_from_long(1);
- pmt_t n2 = pmt_from_long(2);
- mb_runtime_sptr rt1 = mb_make_runtime();
-#if 0
- try {
- rt1->run("top-1", "sys_1", n1, &result);
- }
- catch (omni_thread_fatal e){
- std::cerr << "caught omni_thread_fatal: error = " << e.error
- << ": " << strerror(e.error) << std::endl;
- }
- catch (omni_thread_invalid){
- std::cerr << "caught omni_thread_invalid\n";
- }
- rt1->run("top-1", "sys_1", n1, &result);
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pmt_equal(n1, result));
- // Execute run a second time, with the same rt, to ensure sanity.
- rt1->run("top-2", "sys_1", n2, &result);
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pmt_equal(n2, result));
-// ================================================================
-// test_sys_2
-// ================================================================
-class squarer : public mb_mblock
- mb_port_sptr d_data;
- squarer(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- void handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
-squarer::squarer(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg)
- d_data = define_port("data", "data", true, mb_port::EXTERNAL);
-squarer::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
- if (!pmt_eq(msg->signal(), s_data)) // we only handle the "data" message
- return;
- // long x -> (long x . long (x * x))
- pmt_t x_pmt = msg->data();
- long x = pmt_to_long(x_pmt);
- d_data->send(s_data, pmt_cons(x_pmt, pmt_from_long(x * x)));
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------
-class sys_2 : public mb_mblock
- mb_port_sptr d_data;
- sys_2(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- void initial_transition();
- void handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
-sys_2::sys_2(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg)
- d_data = define_port("data", "data", true, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- define_component("squarer", "squarer");
- connect("self", "data", "squarer", "data");
- // FIXME start timer to detect general failure
- d_data->send(s_data, pmt_from_long(0)); // send initial message
-sys_2::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
- if (!pmt_eq(msg->signal(), s_data)) // we only handle the "data" message
- return;
- // first check correctness of message
- long x = pmt_to_long(pmt_car(msg->data()));
- long y = pmt_to_long(pmt_cdr(msg->data()));
- // std::cout << msg->data() << std::endl;
- if (y != x * x){
- std::cerr << "sys_2::handle_message: Expected y == x * x. Got y = "
- << y << " for x = " << x << std::endl;
- shutdown_all(PMT_F); // failed
- }
- if (x == 100)
- shutdown_all(PMT_T); // done, OK
- else
- d_data->send(s_data, pmt_from_long(x + 1)); // send next request
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------
- mb_runtime_sptr rt = mb_make_runtime();
- pmt_t result = PMT_NIL;
- // std::cerr << "qa_mblock_sys::test_sys_2 (enter)\n";
- rt->run("top-sys-2", "sys_2", PMT_F, &result);
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pmt_equal(PMT_T, result));
-// ================================================================
-// test_bitset_1
-// ================================================================
- mb_runtime_sptr rt = mb_make_runtime();
- pmt_t result = PMT_NIL;
- long nmsgs = 1000;
- long batch_size = 8;
- pmt_t arg = pmt_list2(pmt_from_long(nmsgs), // # of messages to send through pipe
- pmt_from_long(batch_size));
- rt->run("top", "qa_bitset_top", arg, &result);
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pmt_equal(PMT_T, result));
-// ================================================================
-// test_disconnect
-// ================================================================
- mb_runtime_sptr rt = mb_make_runtime();
- pmt_t result = PMT_NIL;
- long nmsgs = 10240;
- pmt_t arg = pmt_list1(pmt_from_long(nmsgs)); // # of messages to send through pipe
- rt->run("top", "qa_disconnect_top", arg, &result);
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pmt_equal(PMT_T, result));
diff --git a/mblock/src/lib/qa_mblock_sys.h b/mblock/src/lib/qa_mblock_sys.h
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--- a/mblock/src/lib/qa_mblock_sys.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006,2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-#include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h>
-#include <cppunit/TestCase.h>
-class qa_mblock_sys : public CppUnit::TestCase {
- CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE(qa_mblock_sys);
- CPPUNIT_TEST(test_sys_1);
- CPPUNIT_TEST(test_sys_2);
- CPPUNIT_TEST(test_bitset_1);
- CPPUNIT_TEST(test_disconnect);
- private:
- void test_sys_1();
- void test_sys_2();
- void test_bitset_1();
- void test_disconnect();
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@@ -1,291 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <qa_timeouts.h>
-#include <cppunit/TestAssert.h>
-#include <mblock/mblock.h>
-#include <mblock/runtime.h>
-#include <mblock/protocol_class.h>
-#include <mblock/message.h>
-#include <mblock/msg_accepter.h>
-#include <mblock/class_registry.h>
-#include <mb_timer_queue.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <iostream>
-using namespace pmt;
-static pmt_t s_timeout = pmt_intern("%timeout");
-static pmt_t s_done = pmt_intern("done");
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Exercise the priority queue used to implement timeouts.
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- mb_timer_queue tq;
- mb_msg_accepter_sptr accepter;
- mb_timeout_sptr t1000_000 =
- mb_timeout_sptr(new mb_timeout(mb_time(1000,0), PMT_F, accepter));
- mb_timeout_sptr t2000_000 =
- mb_timeout_sptr(new mb_timeout(mb_time(2000,0), PMT_F, accepter));
- mb_timeout_sptr t3000_000 =
- mb_timeout_sptr(new mb_timeout(mb_time(3000,0), PMT_F, accepter));
- mb_timeout_sptr t3000_125 =
- mb_timeout_sptr(new mb_timeout(mb_time(3000,125), PMT_F, accepter));
- mb_timeout_sptr t3000_250 =
- mb_timeout_sptr(new mb_timeout(mb_time(3000,250), PMT_F, accepter));
- mb_timeout_sptr t4000_000 =
- mb_timeout_sptr(new mb_timeout(mb_time(4000,0), PMT_F, accepter));
- // insert in pseudo-random order
- tq.push(t3000_125);
- tq.push(t1000_000);
- tq.push(t4000_000);
- tq.push(t3000_250);
- tq.push(t2000_000);
- tq.push(t3000_000);
- tq.pop();
- tq.pop();
- tq.pop();
- tq.pop();
- tq.pop();
- tq.pop();
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tq.empty());
- // insert in pseudo-random order
- tq.push(t3000_000);
- tq.push(t4000_000);
- tq.push(t3000_125);
- tq.push(t1000_000);
- tq.push(t2000_000);
- tq.push(t3000_250);
- tq.cancel(t1000_000->handle());
- tq.pop();
- tq.pop();
- tq.cancel(t3000_250->handle());
- tq.pop();
- tq.pop();
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT(tq.empty());
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Test one-shot timeouts
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// FWIW, on SuSE 10.1 for x86-64, clock_getres returns 0.004 seconds.
-// #define TIMING_MARGIN 0.010 // seconds // was failing on some systems
-#define TIMING_MARGIN 0.025 // seconds (really sloppy; consider enabling RT scheduler)
-class qa_timeouts_1_top : public mb_mblock
- int d_nleft;
- int d_nerrors;
- mb_time d_t0;
- qa_timeouts_1_top(mb_runtime *runtime,
- const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- void initial_transition();
- void handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
-qa_timeouts_1_top::qa_timeouts_1_top(mb_runtime *runtime,
- const std::string &instance_name,
- pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg),
- d_nleft(0), d_nerrors(0)
- d_t0 = mb_time::time(); // now
- schedule_one_shot_timeout(d_t0 + 0.200, pmt_from_double(0.200));
- schedule_one_shot_timeout(d_t0 + 0.125, pmt_from_double(0.125));
- schedule_one_shot_timeout(d_t0 + 0.075, pmt_from_double(0.075));
- schedule_one_shot_timeout(d_t0 + 0.175, pmt_from_double(0.175));
- d_nleft = 4;
-qa_timeouts_1_top::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
- if (pmt_eq(msg->signal(), s_timeout)){
- mb_time t_now = mb_time::time();
- double expected_delta_t = pmt_to_double(msg->data());
- double actual_delta_t = (t_now - d_t0).double_time();
- double delta = expected_delta_t - actual_delta_t;
- if (fabs(delta) > TIMING_MARGIN){
- std::cerr << "qa_timeouts_1_top: expected_delta_t = " << expected_delta_t
- << " actual_delta_t = " << actual_delta_t << std::endl;
- d_nerrors++;
- }
- if (--d_nleft <= 0)
- shutdown_all(d_nerrors == 0 ? PMT_T : PMT_F);
- }
- mb_runtime_sptr rt = mb_make_runtime();
- pmt_t result = PMT_NIL;
- rt->run("top", "qa_timeouts_1_top", PMT_F, &result);
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pmt_equal(PMT_T, result));
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Test periodic timeouts
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class qa_timeouts_2_top : public mb_mblock
- int d_nhandled;
- int d_nerrors;
- double d_delta_t;
- mb_time d_t0;
- qa_timeouts_2_top(mb_runtime *runtime,
- const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- void initial_transition();
- void handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
-qa_timeouts_2_top::qa_timeouts_2_top(mb_runtime *runtime,
- const std::string &instance_name,
- pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg),
- d_nhandled(0), d_nerrors(0), d_delta_t(0.075)
- d_t0 = mb_time::time(); // now
- schedule_periodic_timeout(d_t0 + d_delta_t, mb_time(d_delta_t), PMT_T);
-qa_timeouts_2_top::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
- static const int NMSGS_TO_HANDLE = 5;
- if (pmt_eq(msg->signal(), s_timeout)
- && !pmt_eq(msg->data(), s_done)){
- mb_time t_now = mb_time::time();
- d_nhandled++;
- double expected_delta_t = d_delta_t * d_nhandled;
- double actual_delta_t = (t_now - d_t0).double_time();
- double delta = expected_delta_t - actual_delta_t;
- if (fabs(delta) > TIMING_MARGIN){
- std::cerr << "qa_timeouts_2_top: expected_delta_t = " << expected_delta_t
- << " actual_delta_t = " << actual_delta_t << std::endl;
- d_nerrors++;
- }
- if (d_nhandled == NMSGS_TO_HANDLE){
- cancel_timeout(msg->metadata()); // test cancel_timeout...
- schedule_one_shot_timeout(d_t0 + (d_delta_t * (d_nhandled + 2)), s_done);
- }
- }
- if (pmt_eq(msg->signal(), s_timeout)
- && pmt_eq(msg->data(), s_done)){
- if (d_nhandled != NMSGS_TO_HANDLE){
- std::cerr << "qa_timeouts_2_top: d_nhandled = " << d_nhandled
- << " expected d_nhandled = " << NMSGS_TO_HANDLE
- << " (cancel_timeout didn't work)\n";
- d_nerrors++;
- }
- shutdown_all(d_nerrors == 0 ? PMT_T : PMT_F);
- }
- mb_runtime_sptr rt = mb_make_runtime();
- pmt_t result = PMT_NIL;
- rt->run("top", "qa_timeouts_2_top", PMT_F, &result);
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pmt_equal(PMT_T, result));
diff --git a/mblock/src/lib/qa_timeouts.h b/mblock/src/lib/qa_timeouts.h
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@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006,2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-#include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h>
-#include <cppunit/TestCase.h>
-class qa_timeouts : public CppUnit::TestCase {
- CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE(qa_timeouts);
- CPPUNIT_TEST(test_timer_queue);
- CPPUNIT_TEST(test_timeouts_1);
- CPPUNIT_TEST(test_timeouts_2);
- private:
- void test_timer_queue();
- void test_timeouts_1();
- void test_timeouts_2();
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-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-#include <cppunit/TextTestRunner.h>
-#include <qa_mblock.h>
-main(int argc, char **argv)
- CppUnit::TextTestRunner runner;
- runner.addTest(qa_mblock::suite ());
- bool was_successful ="", false);
- return was_successful ? 0 : 1;
diff --git a/mblock/src/scheme/.gitignore b/mblock/src/scheme/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index a02b6ff73c..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/scheme/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/mblock/src/scheme/ b/mblock/src/scheme/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4980063d70..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/scheme/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is part of GNU Radio
-# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-SUBDIRS = gnuradio
diff --git a/mblock/src/scheme/gnuradio/.gitignore b/mblock/src/scheme/gnuradio/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index a02b6ff73c..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/scheme/gnuradio/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
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deleted file mode 100644
index e9bfc88e94..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/scheme/gnuradio/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is part of GNU Radio
-# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- compile-mbh.scm
diff --git a/mblock/src/scheme/gnuradio/compile-mbh.scm b/mblock/src/scheme/gnuradio/compile-mbh.scm
deleted file mode 100755
index 30085340f9..0000000000
--- a/mblock/src/scheme/gnuradio/compile-mbh.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/guile \
--e main -s
-;; -*-scheme-*-
-;; Copyright 2007,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; This file is part of GNU Radio
-;; GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-;; any later version.
-;; GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-;; with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-;; usage: compile-mbh <input-file> <output-file>
-(use-modules (ice-9 getopt-long))
-(use-modules (ice-9 format))
-(use-modules (ice-9 pretty-print))
-;(use-modules (ice-9 slib))
-(use-modules (gnuradio pmt-serialize))
-(use-modules (gnuradio macros-etc))
-(debug-enable 'backtrace)
-;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
-(define (main args)
- (define (usage)
- (format 0 "usage: ~a input-file output-file~%" (car args)))
- (when (not (= (length args) 3))
- (usage)
- (exit 1))
- (let ((input-filename (cadr args))
- (output-filename (caddr args)))
- (if (compile-mbh-file input-filename output-filename)
- (exit 0)
- (exit 1))))
-;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
-;; constructor and accessors for protocol-class
-(define %protocol-class-tag (string->symbol "[PROTOCOL-CLASS-TAG]"))
-(define (make-protocol-class name incoming outgoing)
- (vector %protocol-class-tag name incoming outgoing))
-(define (protocol-class? obj)
- (and (vector? obj) (eq? %protocol-class-tag (vector-ref obj 0))))
-(define (protocol-class-name pc)
- (vector-ref pc 1))
-(define (protocol-class-incoming pc)
- (vector-ref pc 2))
-(define (protocol-class-outgoing pc)
- (vector-ref pc 3))
-;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
-(define (syntax-error msg e)
- (throw 'syntax-error msg e))
-(define (unrecognized-form form)
- (syntax-error "Unrecognized form" form))
-(define (mbh-chk-length= e y n)
- (cond ((and (null? y)(zero? n))
- #f)
- ((null? y)
- (syntax-error "Expression has too few subexpressions" e))
- ((atom? y)
- (syntax-error (if (atom? e)
- "List expected"
- "Expression ends with `dotted' atom")
- e))
- ((zero? n)
- (syntax-error "Expression has too many subexpressions" e))
- (else
- (mbh-chk-length= e (cdr y) (- n 1)))))
-(define (mbh-chk-length>= e y n)
- (cond ((and (null? y)(< n 1))
- #f)
- ((atom? y)
- (mbh-chk-length= e y -1))
- (else
- (mbh-chk-length>= e (cdr y) (- n 1)))))
-(define (compile-mbh-file input-filename output-filename)
- (let ((i-port (open-input-file input-filename))
- (o-port (open-output-file output-filename)))
- (letrec
- ((protocol-classes '()) ; alist
- (lookup-protocol-class ; returns protocol-class or #f
- (lambda (name)
- (cond ((assq name protocol-classes) => cdr)
- (else #f))))
- (register-protocol-class
- (lambda (pc)
- (set! protocol-classes (acons (protocol-class-name pc)
- pc protocol-classes))
- pc))
- (parse-top-level-form
- (lambda (form)
- (mbh-chk-length>= form form 1)
- (case (car form)
- ((define-protocol-class) (parse-define-protocol-class form))
- (else (syntax-error form)))))
- (parse-define-protocol-class
- (lambda (form)
- (mbh-chk-length>= form form 2)
- ;; form => (define-protocol-class name
- ;; (:include protocol-class-name)
- ;; (:incoming list-of-msgs)
- ;; (:outgoing list-of-msgs))
- (let ((name (cadr form))
- (incoming '())
- (outgoing '()))
- (if (lookup-protocol-class name)
- (syntax-error "Duplicate protocol-class name" name))
- (for-each
- (lambda (sub-form)
- (mbh-chk-length>= sub-form sub-form 1)
- (case (car sub-form)
- ((:include)
- (mbh-chk-length>= sub-form sub-form 2)
- (cond ((lookup-protocol-class (cadr sub-form)) =>
- (lambda (pc)
- (set! incoming (append incoming (protocol-class-incoming pc)))
- (set! outgoing (append outgoing (protocol-class-outgoing pc)))))
- (else
- (syntax-error "Unknown protocol-class-name" (cadr sub-form)))))
- ((:incoming)
- (set! incoming (append incoming (cdr sub-form))))
- ((:outgoing)
- (set! outgoing (append outgoing (cdr sub-form))))
- (else
- (unrecognized-form (car sub-form)))))
- (cddr form))
- (register-protocol-class (make-protocol-class name incoming outgoing)))))
- ) ; end of bindings
- (for-each-in-file i-port parse-top-level-form)
- ;; generate the output here...
- (letrec ((classes (map cdr protocol-classes))
- (so-stream (make-serial-output-stream))
- (format-output-for-c++
- (lambda (output)
- (format o-port "//~%")
- (format o-port "// Machine generated by compile-mbh from ~a~%" input-filename)
- (format o-port "//~%")
- (format o-port "// protocol-classes: ~{~a ~}~%" (map car protocol-classes))
- (format o-port "//~%")
- (format o-port "#include <mblock/protocol_class.h>~%")
- (format o-port "#include <unistd.h>~%")
- (format o-port
- "static const char~%protocol_class_init_data[~d] = {~% "
- (length output))
- (do ((lst output (cdr lst))
- (i 0 (+ i 1)))
- ((null? lst) #t)
- (format o-port "~a, " (car lst))
- (when (= 15 (modulo i 16))
- (format o-port "~% ")))
- (format o-port "~&};~%")
- (format o-port "static mb_protocol_class_init _init_(protocol_class_init_data, sizeof(protocol_class_init_data));~%")
- )))
- (map (lambda (pc)
- (let ((obj-to-dump
- (list (protocol-class-name pc) ; class name
- (map car (protocol-class-incoming pc)) ; incoming msg names
- (map car (protocol-class-outgoing pc)) ; outgoing msg names
- ;;(protocol-class-incoming pc) ; full incoming msg descriptions
- ;;(protocol-class-outgoing pc) ; full outgoing msg descriptions
- )))
- ;;(pretty-print obj-to-dump)
- (pmt-serialize obj-to-dump (so-stream 'put-byte))))
- classes)
- (format-output-for-c++ ((so-stream 'get-output)))
- #t))))
-(define (make-serial-output-stream)
- (letrec ((output '())
- (put-byte
- (lambda (byte)
- (set! output (cons byte output))))
- (get-output
- (lambda ()
- (reverse output))))
- (lambda (key)
- (case key
- ((put-byte) put-byte)
- ((get-output) get-output)
- (else (error "Unknown key" key))))))
diff --git a/omnithread/.gitignore b/omnithread/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a51e3bc3c..0000000000
--- a/omnithread/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/omnithread/ b/omnithread/
deleted file mode 100644
index 291cc8beb0..0000000000
--- a/omnithread/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2003,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is part of GNU Radio
-# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
-# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.common
-SUBDIRS = gnuradio
-# This is the omnithread package,
-# extracted from the omniORB-4.0.1 distribution
-# we should do some configure hacking to determine these on the fly
-OMNITHREAD_DEFINES = -DPthreadDraftVersion=10
-# we call it libgromnithread to avoid a collision with libomnithread on Debian
-# At this point we only support the posix and nt pthreads i/f...
-libgromnithread_la_SOURCES = \
- \
-libgromnithread_la_SOURCES = \
- \
-libgromnithread_la_LDFLAGS = $(NO_UNDEFINED)
-libgromnithread_la_LIBADD = \
-pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig
-pkgconfig_DATA = gnuradio-omnithread.pc
-# ... but this code also came with the package
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
diff --git a/omnithread/README b/omnithread/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 1943d0ed56..0000000000
--- a/omnithread/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-The code in this directory is deprecated, please use the Boost thread
-library for new code.
diff --git a/omnithread/ b/omnithread/
deleted file mode 100644
index d53803417c..0000000000
--- a/omnithread/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-ifeq ($(ThreadSystem),Solaris)
-ifeq ($(ThreadSystem),Posix)
-ifeq ($(ThreadSystem),NT)
-ifeq ($(ThreadSystem),NTPosix)
-ifeq ($(ThreadSystem),Mach)
-ifeq ($(ThreadSystem),vxWorks)
-OBJS = vxWorks.o
-LIB_NAME := omnithread
-LIB_OBJS := $(
-all:: mkstatic mkshared
-export:: mkstatic mkshared
-install:: mkstatic mkshared
-vers := $(subst ., ,$(LIB_VERSION))
-ifeq ($(words $(vers)), 2)
- vers := _ $(vers)
- major := ""
- major := $(word 1, $(vers))
-namespec := $(LIB_NAME) $(vers)
-# Build Static library
-ifndef NoStaticLibrary
-staticlib := static/$(patsubst %,$(LibNoDebugPattern),$(LIB_NAME)$(major))
- @(dir=static; $(CreateDir))
-mkstatic:: $(staticlib)
-$(staticlib): $(patsubst %, static/%, $(LIB_OBJS))
- @$(StaticLinkLibrary)
-export:: $(staticlib)
- @$(ExportLibrary)
-install:: $(staticlib)
- @$(InstallLibrary)
- $(RM) static/*.o
- $(RM) $(staticlib)
- $(RM) static/*.o
- $(RM) $(staticlib)
-# Build Shared library
-ifdef BuildSharedLibrary
-shlib := shared/$(shell $(SharedLibraryFullName) $(namespec))
-ifdef Win32Platform
-# in case of Win32 lossage:
- imps := $(patsubst $(DLLDebugSearchPattern),$(DLLNoDebugSearchPattern), \
- imps := $(LIB_IMPORTS)
- @(dir=shared; $(CreateDir))
-mkshared:: $(shlib)
-$(shlib): $(patsubst %, shared/%, $(LIB_OBJS))
- @(namespec="$(namespec)" extralibs="$(imps)" nodeffile=1; \
- $(MakeCXXSharedLibrary))
-export:: $(shlib)
- @(namespec="$(namespec)"; \
- $(ExportSharedLibrary))
-install:: $(shlib)
- @(namespec="$(namespec)"; \
- $(InstallSharedLibrary))
- $(RM) shared/*.o
- (dir=shared; $(CleanSharedLibrary))
- $(RM) shared/*.o
- @(dir=shared; $(CleanSharedLibrary))
-# Build debug libraries for Win32
-ifdef Win32Platform
-ifdef BuildSharedLibrary
-all:: mkstaticdbug mkshareddbug
-export:: mkstaticdbug mkshareddbug
-all:: mkstaticdbug
-export:: mkstaticdbug
-# Static debug libraries
-dbuglib := debug/$(patsubst %,$(LibDebugPattern),$(LIB_NAME)$(major))
- @(dir=debug; $(CreateDir))
-mkstaticdbug:: $(dbuglib)
-$(dbuglib): $(patsubst %, debug/%, $(LIB_OBJS))
- @$(StaticLinkLibrary)
-export:: $(dbuglib)
- @$(ExportLibrary)
- $(RM) debug/*.o
- $(RM) $(dbuglib)
- $(RM) debug/*.o
- $(RM) $(dbuglib)
-# DLL debug libraries
-ifdef BuildSharedLibrary
-dbugshlib := shareddebug/$(shell $(SharedLibraryDebugFullName) $(namespec))
-dbugimps := $(patsubst $(DLLNoDebugSearchPattern),$(DLLDebugSearchPattern), \
- @(dir=shareddebug; $(CreateDir))
-mkshareddbug:: $(dbugshlib)
-$(dbugshlib): $(patsubst %, shareddebug/%, $(LIB_OBJS))
- (namespec="$(namespec)" debug=1 extralibs="$(dbugimps)" nodeffile=1; \
- $(MakeCXXSharedLibrary))
-export:: $(dbugshlib)
- @(namespec="$(namespec)" debug=1; \
- $(ExportSharedLibrary))
- $(RM) shareddebug/*.o
- @(dir=shareddebug; $(CleanSharedLibrary))
- $(RM) shareddebug/*.o
- @(dir=shareddebug; $(CleanSharedLibrary))
diff --git a/omnithread/ b/omnithread/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a94562e9e..0000000000
--- a/omnithread/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-Name: gnuradio-omnithread
-Description: The GNU Radio omniORB threading library
-Version: @VERSION@
-Libs: -L${libdir} -lgromnithread
-Cflags: -I${includedir} @DEFINES@ @PTHREAD_CFLAGS@
diff --git a/omnithread/gnuradio/.gitignore b/omnithread/gnuradio/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index b336cc7cec..0000000000
--- a/omnithread/gnuradio/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/omnithread/gnuradio/ b/omnithread/gnuradio/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ec5612999..0000000000
--- a/omnithread/gnuradio/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is part of GNU Radio
-# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
-# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.common
-grinclude_HEADERS = \
- omnithread.h \
- omni_time.h \
- ot_mach.h \
- ot_nt.h \
- ot_posix.h \
- ot_pthread_nt.h \
- ot_solaris.h \
- ot_VxThread.h
diff --git a/omnithread/gnuradio/omni_time.h b/omnithread/gnuradio/omni_time.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bfb1516104..0000000000
--- a/omnithread/gnuradio/omni_time.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-struct omni_time {
- long int d_secs; // seconds.
- long int d_nsecs; // nanoseconds. Always in [0, 1e9-1]
- omni_time() : d_secs(0), d_nsecs(0) {}
- omni_time(long secs, long nanosecs=0) : d_secs(secs), d_nsecs(nanosecs) {}
- // N.B., this only makes sense for differences between times.
- // Double doesn't have enough bits to precisely represent an absolute time.
- omni_time(double secs);
- // N.B. This only makes sense for differences between times.
- // Double doesn't have enough bits to precisely represent an absolute time.
- double double_time() const { return (double)d_secs + d_nsecs * 1e-9; }
- /*!
- * \brief Return an absolute time suitable for use with
- * schedule_one_shot_timeout & schedule_periodic_timeout
- *
- * The return value is the current time plus the given relative offset.
- */
- static omni_time time(const omni_time &relative_offset = omni_time());
-inline static bool
-operator<(const omni_time &x, const omni_time &y)
- return ((x.d_secs < y.d_secs)
- || (x.d_secs == y.d_secs && x.d_nsecs < y.d_nsecs));
-inline static bool
-operator>(const omni_time &x, const omni_time &y)
- return ((x.d_secs > y.d_secs)
- || (x.d_secs == y.d_secs && x.d_nsecs > y.d_nsecs));
-inline static bool
-operator>=(const omni_time &x, const omni_time &y)
- return ((x.d_secs > y.d_secs)
- || (x.d_secs == y.d_secs && x.d_nsecs >= y.d_nsecs));
-inline static bool
-operator<=(const omni_time &x, const omni_time &y)
- return ((x.d_secs < y.d_secs)
- || (x.d_secs == y.d_secs && x.d_nsecs <= y.d_nsecs));
-inline static bool
-operator==(const omni_time &x, const omni_time &y)
- return (x.d_secs == y.d_secs && x.d_nsecs == y.d_nsecs);
-omni_time operator+(const omni_time &x, const omni_time &y);
-omni_time operator+(const omni_time &x, double y);
-omni_time operator-(const omni_time &x, const omni_time &y);
-omni_time operator-(const omni_time &x, double y);
-#endif /* INCLUDED_OMNI_TIME_H */
diff --git a/omnithread/gnuradio/omnithread.h b/omnithread/gnuradio/omnithread.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e8162b102..0000000000
--- a/omnithread/gnuradio/omnithread.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,626 +0,0 @@
-// -*- Mode: C++; -*-
-// Package : omnithread
-// omnithread.h Created : 7/94 tjr
-// Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-// Copyright (C) 1994,1995,1996, 1997 Olivetti & Oracle Research Laboratory
-// This file is part of the omnithread library
-// The omnithread library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Library General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
-// Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Boston, MA
-// 02110-1301, USA
-// Interface to OMNI thread abstraction.
-// This file declares classes for threads and synchronisation objects
-// (mutexes, condition variables and counting semaphores).
-// Wherever a seemingly arbitrary choice has had to be made as to the interface
-// provided, the intention here has been to be as POSIX-like as possible. This
-// is why there is no semaphore timed wait, for example.
-#ifndef __omnithread_h_
-#define __omnithread_h_
-#ifndef NULL
-#define NULL 0
-class omni_mutex;
-class omni_condition;
-class omni_semaphore;
-class omni_thread;
-// OMNI_THREAD_EXPOSE can be defined as public or protected to expose the
-// implementation class - this may be useful for debugging. Hopefully this
-// won't change the underlying structure which the compiler generates so that
-// this can work without recompiling the library.
-#define OMNI_THREAD_EXPOSE private
-// Include implementation-specific header file.
-// This must define 4 CPP macros of the form OMNI_x_IMPLEMENTATION for mutex,
-// condition variable, semaphore and thread. Each should define any
-// implementation-specific members of the corresponding classes.
-// For now, we assume they've always got a Posix Threads implementation.
-// If not, it'll take some configure hacking to sort it out, along with
-// the relevant libraries to link with, etc.
-#if !defined(OMNITHREAD_POSIX) && !defined(OMNITHREAD_NT) && defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
-// #include <config.h> // No, No, No! Never include <config.h> from a header
-#if defined(OMNITHREAD_POSIX)
-#include <gnuradio/ot_posix.h>
-#elif defined(OMNITHREAD_NT)
-#include <gnuradio/ot_nt.h>
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-// Using MSVC++ to compile. If compiling library as a DLL,
-// define _OMNITHREAD_DLL. If compiling as a statuc library, define
-// If compiling an application that is to be statically linked to omnithread,
-// define _WINSTATIC (if the application is to be dynamically linked,
-// there is no need to define any of these macros).
-#if defined (_OMNITHREAD_DLL) && defined(_WINSTATIC)
-#error "Both _OMNITHREAD_DLL and _WINSTATIC are defined."
-#elif defined(_OMNITHREAD_DLL)
-#define _OMNITHREAD_NTDLL_ __declspec(dllexport)
-#elif !defined(_WINSTATIC)
-#define _OMNITHREAD_NTDLL_ __declspec(dllimport)
-#elif defined(_WINSTATIC)
-// Not using MSVC++ to compile
- // _MSC_VER
-#elif defined(__vxWorks__)
-#include <gnuradio/ot_VxThread.h>
-#elif defined(__sunos__)
-#if __OSVERSION__ != 5
-// XXX Workaround for SUN C++ compiler (seen on 4.2) Template.DB code
-// regeneration bug. See omniORB2/CORBA_sysdep.h for details.
-#if !defined(__SUNPRO_CC) || __OSVERSION__ != '5'
-#error "Only SunOS 5.x or later is supported."
-#ifdef UseSolarisThreads
-#include <gnuradio/ot_solaris.h>
-#include <gnuradio/ot_posix.h>
-#elif defined(__rtems__)
-#include <gnuradio/ot_posix.h>
-#include <sched.h>
-#elif defined(__macos__)
-#include <gnuradio/ot_posix.h>
-#include <sched.h>
-#error "No implementation header file"
-#if !defined(__WIN32__)
-#if (!defined(OMNI_MUTEX_IMPLEMENTATION) || \
-#error "Implementation header file incomplete"
-// This exception is thrown in the event of a fatal error.
-class _OMNITHREAD_NTDLL_ omni_thread_fatal {
- int error;
- omni_thread_fatal(int e = 0) : error(e) {}
-// This exception is thrown when an operation is invoked with invalid
-// arguments.
-class _OMNITHREAD_NTDLL_ omni_thread_invalid {};
-// Mutex
-class _OMNITHREAD_NTDLL_ omni_mutex {
- omni_mutex(void);
- ~omni_mutex(void);
- inline void lock(void) { OMNI_MUTEX_LOCK_IMPLEMENTATION }
- inline void unlock(void) { OMNI_MUTEX_UNLOCK_IMPLEMENTATION }
- inline int trylock(void) { return OMNI_MUTEX_TRYLOCK_IMPLEMENTATION }
- // if mutex is unlocked, lock it and return 1 (true).
- // If it's already locked then return 0 (false).
- inline void acquire(void) { lock(); }
- inline void release(void) { unlock(); }
- // the names lock and unlock are preferred over acquire and release
- // since we are attempting to be as POSIX-like as possible.
- friend class omni_condition;
- // dummy copy constructor and operator= to prevent copying
- omni_mutex(const omni_mutex&);
- omni_mutex& operator=(const omni_mutex&);
-// As an alternative to:
-// {
-// mutex.lock();
-// .....
-// mutex.unlock();
-// }
-// you can use a single instance of the omni_mutex_lock class:
-// {
-// omni_mutex_lock l(mutex);
-// ....
-// }
-// This has the advantage that mutex.unlock() will be called automatically
-// when an exception is thrown.
-class _OMNITHREAD_NTDLL_ omni_mutex_lock {
- omni_mutex& mutex;
- omni_mutex_lock(omni_mutex& m) : mutex(m) { mutex.lock(); }
- ~omni_mutex_lock(void) { mutex.unlock(); }
- // dummy copy constructor and operator= to prevent copying
- omni_mutex_lock(const omni_mutex_lock&);
- omni_mutex_lock& operator=(const omni_mutex_lock&);
-// Condition variable
-class _OMNITHREAD_NTDLL_ omni_condition {
- omni_mutex* mutex;
- omni_condition(omni_mutex* m);
- // constructor must be given a pointer to an existing mutex. The
- // condition variable is then linked to the mutex, so that there is an
- // implicit unlock and lock around wait() and timed_wait().
- ~omni_condition(void);
- void wait(void);
- // wait for the condition variable to be signalled. The mutex is
- // implicitly released before waiting and locked again after waking up.
- // If wait() is called by multiple threads, a signal may wake up more
- // than one thread. See POSIX threads documentation for details.
- int timedwait(unsigned long secs, unsigned long nanosecs = 0);
- // timedwait() is given an absolute time to wait until. To wait for a
- // relative time from now, use omni_thread::get_time. See POSIX threads
- // documentation for why absolute times are better than relative.
- // Returns 1 (true) if successfully signalled, 0 (false) if time
- // expired.
- void signal(void);
- // if one or more threads have called wait(), signal wakes up at least
- // one of them, possibly more. See POSIX threads documentation for
- // details.
- void broadcast(void);
- // broadcast is like signal but wakes all threads which have called
- // wait().
- // dummy copy constructor and operator= to prevent copying
- omni_condition(const omni_condition&);
- omni_condition& operator=(const omni_condition&);
-// Counting (or binary) semaphore
-class _OMNITHREAD_NTDLL_ omni_semaphore {
- // if max_count == 1, you've got a binary semaphore.
- omni_semaphore(unsigned int initial = 1, unsigned int max_count = 0x7fffffff);
- ~omni_semaphore(void);
- void wait(void);
- // if semaphore value is > 0 then decrement it and carry on. If it's
- // already 0 then block.
- int trywait(void);
- // if semaphore value is > 0 then decrement it and return 1 (true).
- // If it's already 0 then return 0 (false).
- void post(void);
- // if any threads are blocked in wait(), wake one of them up. Otherwise
- // increment the value of the semaphore.
- // dummy copy constructor and operator= to prevent copying
- omni_semaphore(const omni_semaphore&);
- omni_semaphore& operator=(const omni_semaphore&);
-// A helper class for semaphores, similar to omni_mutex_lock above.
-class _OMNITHREAD_NTDLL_ omni_semaphore_lock {
- omni_semaphore& sem;
- omni_semaphore_lock(omni_semaphore& s) : sem(s) { sem.wait(); }
- ~omni_semaphore_lock(void) {; }
- // dummy copy constructor and operator= to prevent copying
- omni_semaphore_lock(const omni_semaphore_lock&);
- omni_semaphore_lock& operator=(const omni_semaphore_lock&);
-// Thread
-class _OMNITHREAD_NTDLL_ omni_thread {
- enum priority_t {
- };
- enum state_t {
- STATE_NEW, // thread object exists but thread hasn't
- // started yet.
- STATE_RUNNING, // thread is running.
- STATE_TERMINATED // thread has terminated but storage has not
- // been reclaimed (i.e. waiting to be joined).
- };
- //
- // Constructors set up the thread object but the thread won't start until
- // start() is called. The create method can be used to construct and start
- // a thread in a single call.
- //
- omni_thread(void (*fn)(void*), void* arg = NULL,
- priority_t pri = PRIORITY_NORMAL);
- omni_thread(void* (*fn)(void*), void* arg = NULL,
- priority_t pri = PRIORITY_NORMAL);
- // these constructors create a thread which will run the given function
- // when start() is called. The thread will be detached if given a
- // function with void return type, undetached if given a function
- // returning void*. If a thread is detached, storage for the thread is
- // reclaimed automatically on termination. Only an undetached thread
- // can be joined.
- void start(void);
- // start() causes a thread created with one of the constructors to
- // start executing the appropriate function.
- omni_thread(void* arg = NULL, priority_t pri = PRIORITY_NORMAL);
- // this constructor is used in a derived class. The thread will
- // execute the run() or run_undetached() member functions depending on
- // whether start() or start_undetached() is called respectively.
- void start_undetached(void);
- // can be used with the above constructor in a derived class to cause
- // the thread to be undetached. In this case the thread executes the
- // run_undetached member function.
- virtual ~omni_thread(void);
- // destructor cannot be called by user (except via a derived class).
- // Use exit() or cancel() instead. This also means a thread object must
- // be allocated with new - it cannot be statically or automatically
- // allocated. The destructor of a class that inherits from omni_thread
- // shouldn't be public either (otherwise the thread object can be
- // destroyed while the underlying thread is still running).
- void join(void**);
- // join causes the calling thread to wait for another's completion,
- // putting the return value in the variable of type void* whose address
- // is given (unless passed a null pointer). Only undetached threads
- // may be joined. Storage for the thread will be reclaimed.
- void set_priority(priority_t);
- // set the priority of the thread.
- static omni_thread* create(void (*fn)(void*), void* arg = NULL,
- priority_t pri = PRIORITY_NORMAL);
- static omni_thread* create(void* (*fn)(void*), void* arg = NULL,
- priority_t pri = PRIORITY_NORMAL);
- // create spawns a new thread executing the given function with the
- // given argument at the given priority. Returns a pointer to the
- // thread object. It simply constructs a new thread object then calls
- // start.
- static void exit(void* return_value = NULL);
- // causes the calling thread to terminate.
- static omni_thread* self(void);
- // returns the calling thread's omni_thread object. If the
- // calling thread is not the main thread and is not created
- // using this library, returns 0. (But see create_dummy()
- // below.)
- static void yield(void);
- // allows another thread to run.
- static void sleep(unsigned long secs, unsigned long nanosecs = 0);
- // sleeps for the given time.
- static void get_time(unsigned long* abs_sec, unsigned long* abs_nsec,
- unsigned long rel_sec = 0, unsigned long rel_nsec=0);
- // calculates an absolute time in seconds and nanoseconds, suitable for
- // use in timed_waits on condition variables, which is the current time
- // plus the given relative offset.
- static void stacksize(unsigned long sz);
- static unsigned long stacksize();
- // Use this value as the stack size when spawning a new thread.
- // The default value (0) means that the thread library default is
- // to be used.
- // Per-thread data
- //
- // These functions allow you to attach additional data to an
- // omni_thread. First allocate a key for yourself with
- // allocate_key(). Then you can store any object whose class is
- // derived from value_t. Any values still stored in the
- // omni_thread when the thread exits are deleted.
- //
- // These functions are NOT thread safe, so you should be very
- // careful about setting/getting data in a different thread to the
- // current thread.
- typedef unsigned int key_t;
- static key_t allocate_key();
- class value_t {
- public:
- virtual ~value_t() {}
- };
- value_t* set_value(key_t k, value_t* v);
- // Sets a value associated with the given key. The key must
- // have been allocated with allocate_key(). If a value has
- // already been set with the specified key, the old value_t
- // object is deleted and replaced. Returns the value which was
- // set, or zero if the key is invalid.
- value_t* get_value(key_t k);
- // Returns the value associated with the key. If the key is
- // invalid, or there is no value for the key, returns zero.
- value_t* remove_value(key_t k);
- // Removes the value associated with the key and returns it.
- // If the key is invalid, or there is no value for the key,
- // returns zero.
- // Dummy omni_thread
- //
- // Sometimes, an application finds itself with threads created
- // outside of omnithread which must interact with omnithread
- // features such as the per-thread data. In this situation,
- // omni_thread::self() would normally return 0. These functions
- // allow the application to create a suitable dummy omni_thread
- // object.
- static omni_thread* create_dummy(void);
- // creates a dummy omni_thread for the calling thread. Future
- // calls to self() will return the dummy omni_thread. Throws
- // omni_thread_invalid if this thread already has an
- // associated omni_thread (real or dummy).
- static void release_dummy();
- // release the dummy omni_thread for this thread. This
- // function MUST be called before the thread exits. Throws
- // omni_thread_invalid if the calling thread does not have a
- // dummy omni_thread.
- // class ensure_self should be created on the stack. If created in
- // a thread without an associated omni_thread, it creates a dummy
- // thread which is released when the ensure_self object is deleted.
- class ensure_self {
- public:
- inline ensure_self() : _dummy(0)
- {
- _self = omni_thread::self();
- if (!_self) {
- _dummy = 1;
- _self = omni_thread::create_dummy();
- }
- }
- inline ~ensure_self()
- {
- if (_dummy)
- omni_thread::release_dummy();
- }
- inline omni_thread* self() { return _self; }
- private:
- omni_thread* _self;
- int _dummy;
- };
- virtual void run(void* /*arg*/) {}
- virtual void* run_undetached(void* /*arg*/) { return NULL; }
- // can be overridden in a derived class. When constructed using the
- // the constructor omni_thread(void*, priority_t), these functions are
- // called by start() and start_undetached() respectively.
- void common_constructor(void* arg, priority_t pri, int det);
- // implements the common parts of the constructors.
- omni_mutex mutex;
- // used to protect any members which can change after construction,
- // i.e. the following 2 members.
- state_t _state;
- priority_t _priority;
- static omni_mutex* next_id_mutex;
- static int next_id;
- int _id;
- void (*fn_void)(void*);
- void* (*fn_ret)(void*);
- void* thread_arg;
- int detached;
- int _dummy;
- value_t** _values;
- unsigned long _value_alloc;
- omni_thread(const omni_thread&);
- omni_thread& operator=(const omni_thread&);
- // Not implemented
- priority_t priority(void) {
- // return this thread's priority.
- omni_mutex_lock l(mutex);
- return _priority;
- }
- state_t state(void) {
- // return thread state (invalid, new, running or terminated).
- omni_mutex_lock l(mutex);
- return _state;
- }
- int id(void) { return _id; }
- // return unique thread id within the current process.
- // This class plus the instance of it declared below allows us to execute
- // some initialisation code before main() is called.
- class _OMNITHREAD_NTDLL_ init_t {
- public:
- init_t(void);
- ~init_t(void);
- };
- friend class init_t;
- friend class omni_thread_dummy;
-#ifndef __rtems__
-static omni_thread::init_t omni_thread_init;
-// RTEMS calls global Ctor/Dtor in a context that is not
-// a posix thread. Calls to functions to pthread_self() in
-// that context returns NULL.
-// So, for RTEMS we will make the thread initialization at the
-// beginning of the Init task that has a posix context.
diff --git a/omnithread/gnuradio/ot_VxThread.h b/omnithread/gnuradio/ot_VxThread.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e96c036cce..0000000000
--- a/omnithread/gnuradio/ot_VxThread.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __VXTHREAD_H__
-#define __VXTHREAD_H__
-%% Project: omniORB
-%% Filename: $Filename$
-%% Author: Guillaume/Bill ARRECKX
-%% Copyright Wavetek Wandel & Goltermann, Plymouth.
-%% Description: OMNI thread implementation classes for VxWorks threads
-%% Notes:
-%% $Log$
-%% Revision 1.1 2004/04/10 18:00:52 eb
-%% Initial revision
-%% Revision 2004/03/01 00:20:27 eb
-%% initial checkin
-%% Revision 1.1 2003/05/25 05:29:04 eb
-%% see ChangeLog
-%% Revision 2003/02/17 02:03:07 dgrisby
-%% vxWorks port. (Thanks Michael Sturm / Acterna Eningen GmbH).
-%% Revision 2002/11/19 14:55:21 sokcevti
-%% OmniOrb4.0.0 VxWorks port
-%% Revision 1.2 2002/06/14 12:45:50 engeln
-%% unnecessary members in condition removed.
-%% ---
-%% Revision 2002/04/02 10:08:49 sokcevti
-%% omniORB4 initial realease
-%% Revision 1.1 2001/03/23 16:50:23 hartmut
-%% Initial Version 2.8
-// Includes
-#include <vxWorks.h>
-#include <semLib.h>
-#include <taskLib.h>
-// Externs prototypes
-extern "C" void omni_thread_wrapper(void* ptr);
-// Exported macros
-// Note: These are added as private members in each class implementation.
- SEM_ID mutexID; \
- bool m_bConstructed;
- long waiters_; \
- SEM_ID waiters_lock_; \
- SEM_ID sema_;
- SEM_ID semID;
- if(semTake(mutexID, WAIT_FOREVER) != OK) \
- { \
- throw omni_thread_fatal(errno); \
- }
- if(semGive(mutexID) != OK) \
- { \
- throw omni_thread_fatal(errno); \
- }
- friend void omni_thread_wrapper(void* ptr); \
- static int vxworks_priority(priority_t); \
- omni_condition *running_cond; \
- void* return_val; \
- int tid; \
- public: \
- static void attach(void); \
- static void detach(void); \
- static void show(void);
-// Porting macros
-// This is a wrapper function for the 'main' function which does not exists
-// as such in VxWorks. The wrapper creates a launch function instead,
-// which spawns the application wrapped in a omni_thread.
-// Argc will always be null.
-#define main( discarded_argc, discarded_argv ) \
- omni_discard_retval() \
- { \
- throw; \
- } \
- int omni_main( int argc, char **argv ); \
- void launch( ) \
- { \
- omni_thread* th = new omni_thread( (void(*)(void*))omni_main );\
- th->start();\
- }\
- int omni_main( int argc, char **argv )
-#endif // ndef __VXTHREAD_H__
diff --git a/omnithread/gnuradio/ot_mach.h b/omnithread/gnuradio/ot_mach.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 76361926ca..0000000000
--- a/omnithread/gnuradio/ot_mach.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-// Package : omnithread
-// omnithread/posix.h Created : 7/97 lars immisch
-// Copyright (C) 1994,1995,1996, 1997 Immisch, becker & Partner
-// This file is part of the omnithread library
-// The omnithread library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Library General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
-// Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Boston, MA
-// 02110-1301, USA
-// OMNI thread implementation classes for posix threads
-#ifndef __omnithread_mach_h_
-#define __omnithread_mach_h_
-#include <mach/cthreads.h>
-extern "C" void* omni_thread_wrapper(void* ptr);
- struct mutex mach_mutex;
- struct condition mach_cond;
- omni_mutex m; \
- omni_condition c; \
- int value;
- cthread_t mach_thread; \
- static int mach_priority(priority_t); \
- friend void* omni_thread_wrapper(void* ptr);
diff --git a/omnithread/gnuradio/ot_nt.h b/omnithread/gnuradio/ot_nt.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 551ccf2f14..0000000000
--- a/omnithread/gnuradio/ot_nt.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-// Package : omnithread
-// omnithread/nt.h Created : 6/95 tjr
-// Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1997 Olivetti & Oracle Research Laboratory
-// This file is part of the omnithread library
-// The omnithread library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Library General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
-// Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Boston, MA
-// 02110-1301, USA
-// OMNI thread implementation classes for NT threads.
-#ifndef __omnithread_nt_h_
-#define __omnithread_nt_h_
-#ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
-# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
-#include <windows.h>
-# undef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
-#ifndef __BCPLUSPLUS__
- unsigned __stdcall omni_thread_wrapper(LPVOID ptr);
- void _USERENTRY omni_thread_wrapper(void *ptr);
- EnterCriticalSection(&crit);
- TryEnterCriticalSection(&crit);
- LeaveCriticalSection(&crit);
- omni_thread* waiting_head; \
- omni_thread* waiting_tail;
- HANDLE nt_sem;
- HANDLE handle; \
- DWORD nt_id; \
- void* return_val; \
- HANDLE cond_semaphore; \
- omni_thread* cond_next; \
- omni_thread* cond_prev; \
- BOOL cond_waiting; \
- static int nt_priority(priority_t); \
- friend class omni_condition; \
diff --git a/omnithread/gnuradio/ot_posix.h b/omnithread/gnuradio/ot_posix.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 666ccc0890..0000000000
--- a/omnithread/gnuradio/ot_posix.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-// Package : omnithread
-// omnithread/posix.h Created : 7/94 tjr
-// Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-// Copyright (C) 1994,1995,1996, 1997 Olivetti & Oracle Research Laboratory
-// This file is part of the omnithread library
-// The omnithread library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Library General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
-// Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Boston, MA
-// 02110-1301, USA
-// OMNI thread implementation classes for posix threads
-#ifndef __omnithread_posix_h_
-#define __omnithread_posix_h_
-#if defined(__alpha__) && defined(__osf1__) || defined(__hpux__)
-// stop unnecessary definitions of TRY, etc on OSF
-#ifndef __POSIX_NT__
-# include <pthread.h>
-# ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
-# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
-# endif
-# include <windows.h>
-# include "pthread_nt.h"
-# undef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
-# endif
-extern "C" void* omni_thread_wrapper(void* ptr);
- pthread_mutex_t posix_mutex;
- pthread_mutex_lock(&posix_mutex);
- (pthread_mutex_trylock(&posix_mutex)==0);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&posix_mutex);
- pthread_cond_t posix_cond;
- omni_mutex m; \
- omni_condition c; \
- int value; \
- int max_count;
- pthread_t posix_thread; \
- static int posix_priority(priority_t); \
- friend void* omni_thread_wrapper(void* ptr);
diff --git a/omnithread/gnuradio/ot_pthread_nt.h b/omnithread/gnuradio/ot_pthread_nt.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 324b5257f6..0000000000
--- a/omnithread/gnuradio/ot_pthread_nt.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-/* Package : omnithread
- omnithread/pthread_nt.h Created : Steven Brenneis <>
- Copyright (C) 1998 Steven Brennes
- This file is part of the omnithread library
- The omnithread library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Library General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
- Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Boston, MA
- 02110-1301, USA
- Posix Threads implementation for Windows NT, version 4.0
-#include <errno.h>
-#ifndef ETIMEDOUT
-// May have to be changed if NT starts supporting more errno values
-#define ETIMEDOUT 60
-#undef PthreadDraftVersion
-#define PthreadDraftVersion 10
-#define NoNanoSleep
-#define PthreadSupportThreadPriority
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#ifndef _TIMERS_T_
-#define _TIMERS_T_
- typedef struct timespec {
- unsigned long tv_sec;
- long tv_nsec;
- } timespec_t;
-typedef char* __pthreadLongString_t;
-typedef void* __pthreadLongAddr_t;
-typedef __pthreadLongAddr_t* __pthreadLongAddr_p;
-typedef long __pthreadLongInt_t;
-typedef unsigned long __pthreadLongUint_t;
-typedef __pthreadLongAddr_p __pthreadTsd_t;
-typedef struct __pthread_mutex_t {
- unsigned int lock; /* LOCK, SLOW, TYPE, RECURSIVE */
- unsigned int valid; /* Validation info */
- __pthreadLongString_t name; /* Name of mutex */
- unsigned int arg; /* printf argument for name */
- unsigned int depth; /* Recursive lock depth */
- unsigned long sequence; /* Mutex sequence number */
- unsigned long owner; /* Current owner (if known */
- __pthreadLongAddr_t block; /* Pointer to blocking struct */
-} pthread_mutex_t;
-typedef struct __pthread_mutexattr_t {
- long valid;
- __pthreadLongUint_t reserved[15];
-} pthread_mutexattr_t;
-typedef struct __pthread_cond_t {
- unsigned int state; /* EVENT, SLOW, REFCNT */
- unsigned int valid; /* Validation info */
- __pthreadLongString_t name; /* Name of condition variable */
- unsigned int arg; /* printf argument for name */
- unsigned long sequence; /* Condition variable seq # */
- __pthreadLongAddr_t block; /* Pointer to blocking struct */
-} pthread_cond_t ;
-typedef struct __pthread_condattr_t {
- long valid;
- __pthreadLongUint_t reserved[13];
-} pthread_condattr_t ;
-typedef struct __pthread_transp_t {
- __pthreadLongAddr_t reserved1; /* Reserved to posix_nt */
- __pthreadLongAddr_t reserved2; /* Reserved to posix_nt */
- unsigned short size; /* Size of data structure */
- unsigned char reserved3[2]; /* Reserved to posix_nt */
- __pthreadLongAddr_t reserved4; /* Reserved to posix_nt */
- __pthreadLongUint_t sequence; /* Thread sequence number */
- __pthreadLongUint_t reserved5[2]; /* Reserved to posix_nt */
- __pthreadLongAddr_t per_kt_area; /* Pointer to kernel context */
- __pthreadLongAddr_t stack_base; /* Current stack base */
- __pthreadLongAddr_t stack_reserve; /* Current stack reserve zone */
- __pthreadLongAddr_t stack_yellow; /* Current stack yellow zone */
- __pthreadLongAddr_t stack_guard; /* Current stack guard zone */
- __pthreadLongUint_t stack_size; /* Size of stack */
- __pthreadTsd_t tsd_values; /* TSD array (indexed by key) */
- unsigned long tsd_count; /* Number of TSD cells */
- __pthreadLongAddr_t reserved6; /* Reserved to posix_nt */
- __pthreadLongAddr_t reserved7; /* Reserved to posix_nt */
- unsigned int thread_flags; /* Dynamic external state */
-} pthread_transp_t, *pthread_transp_p;
-typedef pthread_transp_p pthread_t;
-typedef struct __pthread_attr_t {
- long valid;
- __pthreadLongString_t name;
- __pthreadLongUint_t arg;
- __pthreadLongUint_t reserved[19];
-} pthread_attr_t ;
-typedef unsigned int pthread_key_t;
-typedef struct sched_param {
- int sched_priority;
-} sched_param_t;
-/* Function Prototypes */
-int pthread_create(pthread_t *thread, const pthread_attr_t *attr,
- void *(*start_routine)(void*), void *arg);
-int pthread_detach(pthread_t thread);
-int pthread_join(pthread_t thread, void **value_ptr);
-void pthread_exit(void *value_ptr);
-int pthread_attr_init(pthread_attr_t *attr);
-int pthread_attr_destroy(pthread_attr_t *attr);
-int pthread_attr_setstacksize(pthread_attr_t *attr, size_t stacksize);
-int pthread_attr_getstacksize(const pthread_attr_t *attr,
- size_t *stacksize);
-int pthread_cond_init(pthread_cond_t *cond,
- const pthread_condattr_t *attr);
-int pthread_cond_destroy(pthread_cond_t *cond);
-int pthread_cond_wait(pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex);
-int pthread_cond_timedwait(pthread_cond_t *cond,
- pthread_mutex_t *mutex,
- const struct timespec *abstime);
-int pthread_cond_signal(pthread_cond_t *cond);
-int pthread_cond_broadcast(pthread_cond_t *cond);
-int pthread_key_create(pthread_key_t *key, void (*destructor)(void*));
-int pthread_key_delete(pthread_key_t key);
-int pthread_mutex_destroy(pthread_mutex_t *mutex);
-int pthread_mutex_init(pthread_mutex_t *mutex,
- const pthread_mutexattr_t *attr);
-int pthread_mutex_lock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex);
-int pthread_mutex_trylock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex);
-int pthread_mutex_unlock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex);
-pthread_t pthread_self();
-int pthread_setspecific(pthread_key_t key, const void *value);
-void *pthread_getspecific(pthread_key_t key);
-int pthread_getschedparam(pthread_t thread, int *policy,
- struct sched_param *param);
-int pthread_setschedparam(pthread_t thread, int policy,
- const struct sched_param *param);
-int pthread_attr_setschedparam(pthread_attr_t *attr,
- const struct sched_param *param);
-int pthread_attr_getschedparam(const pthread_attr_t *attr,
- struct sched_param *param);
-int pthread_delay_np(const struct timespec *interval);
-int pthread_get_expiration_np(const struct timespec *delta,
- struct timespec *abstime);
-# define SCHED_FIFO 1
-# define SCHED_RR 2
-# define SCHED_OTHER 3
-int sched_yield();
-int sched_get_priority_max(int policy);
-int sched_get_priority_min(int policy);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
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deleted file mode 100644
index f4fea0b112..0000000000
--- a/omnithread/gnuradio/ot_solaris.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-// Package : omnithread
-// omnithread/solaris.h Created : 7/94 tjr
-// Copyright (C) 1994,1995,1996, 1997 Olivetti & Oracle Research Laboratory
-// This file is part of the omnithread library
-// The omnithread library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Library General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
-// Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Boston, MA
-// 02110-1301, USA
-// OMNI thread implementation classes for solaris threads.
-#ifndef __omnithread_solaris_h_
-#define __omnithread_solaris_h_
-#include <thread.h>
-extern "C" void* omni_thread_wrapper(void* ptr);
- mutex_t sol_mutex;
- cond_t sol_cond;
- sema_t sol_sem;
- thread_t sol_thread; \
- static int sol_priority(priority_t); \
- friend void* omni_thread_wrapper(void* ptr);
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deleted file mode 100644
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-// Package : omnithread
-// omnithread/ Created : 7/97 lars immisch
-// Copyright (C) 1997 Immisch, Becker & Partner
-// This file is part of the omnithread library
-// The omnithread library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Library General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
-// Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Boston, MA
-// 02110-1301, USA
-// Implementation of OMNI thread abstraction for mach threads
-// to the author's pleasure, mach cthreads are very similar to posix threads
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <mach/cthreads.h>
-#include "gnuradio/omnithread.h"
-#define DB(x) // x
-// #include <iostream> or #include <iostream.h> if DB is on.
-#define ERRNO(x) (x)
-// static variables
-int omni_thread::init_t::count = 0;
-omni_mutex* omni_thread::next_id_mutex;
-int omni_thread::next_id = 0;
-static int normal_priority;
-static int highest_priority;
-static size_t stack_size = 0;
-// Mutex
- mutex_init(&mach_mutex);
- mutex_clear(&mach_mutex);
-void omni_mutex::lock(void)
- mutex_lock(&mach_mutex);
-void omni_mutex::unlock(void)
- mutex_unlock(&mach_mutex);
-// Condition variable
-omni_condition::omni_condition(omni_mutex* m) : mutex(m)
- condition_init(&mach_cond);
- condition_clear(&mach_cond);
- condition_wait(&mach_cond, &mutex->mach_mutex);
-typedef struct alarmclock_args {
- unsigned long secs;
- unsigned long nsecs;
- bool wakeup;
- condition_t condition;
- mutex_t mutex;
-any_t alarmclock(any_t arg)
- alarmclock_args* alarm = (alarmclock_args*)arg;
- omni_thread::sleep(alarm->secs, alarm->nsecs);
- mutex_lock(alarm->mutex);
- alarm->wakeup = TRUE;
- condition_signal(alarm->condition);
- mutex_unlock(alarm->mutex);
- return (any_t)TRUE;
-int omni_condition::timedwait(unsigned long abs_secs, unsigned long abs_nsecs)
- alarmclock_args alarm;
- omni_thread::get_time(&alarm.secs, &alarm.nsecs, 0, 0);
- if (abs_secs < alarm.secs || (abs_secs == alarm.secs && abs_nsecs <= alarm.nsecs))
- return ETIMEDOUT;
- alarm.secs = abs_secs - alarm.secs;
- if (abs_nsecs <= alarm.nsecs) {
- alarm.nsecs = 1000000 - alarm.nsecs + abs_nsecs;
- alarm.secs--;
- }
- else {
- alarm.nsecs = abs_nsecs - alarm.nsecs;
- }
- alarm.mutex = &mutex->mach_mutex;
- alarm.condition = &mach_cond;
- alarm.wakeup = FALSE;
- cthread_t ct = cthread_fork((cthread_fn_t)alarmclock, (any_t)&alarm);
- cthread_detach(ct);
- condition_wait(&mach_cond, &mutex->mach_mutex);
- if (alarm.wakeup) {
- return 0;
- }
- // interrupt the alarmclock thread sleep
- cthread_abort(ct);
- // wait until it has signalled the condition
- condition_wait(&mach_cond, &mutex->mach_mutex);
- return 1;
-void omni_condition::signal(void)
- condition_signal(&mach_cond);
-void omni_condition::broadcast(void)
- condition_signal(&mach_cond);
-// Counting semaphore
-omni_semaphore::omni_semaphore(unsigned int initial) : c(&m)
- value = initial;
- omni_mutex_lock l(m);
- while (value == 0)
- c.wait();
- value--;
- omni_mutex_lock l(m);
- if (value == 0)
- return 0;
- value--;
- return 1;
- omni_mutex_lock l(m);
- if (value == 0)
- c.signal();
- value++;
-// Thread
-// Initialisation function (gets called before any user code).
- if (count++ != 0) // only do it once however many objects get created.
- return;
- //
- // find base and max priority.
- // This is the initial thread, so the max priority of this
- // thread also applies to any newly created thread.
- //
- kern_return_t error;
- struct thread_sched_info info;
- unsigned int info_count = THREAD_SCHED_INFO_COUNT;
- error = thread_info(thread_self(), THREAD_SCHED_INFO, (thread_info_t)&info, &info_count);
- if (error != KERN_SUCCESS) {
- DB(cerr << "omni_thread::init: error determining thread_info" << endl);
- ::exit(1);
- }
- else {
- normal_priority = info.base_priority;
- highest_priority = info.max_priority;
- }
- next_id_mutex = new omni_mutex;
- //
- // Create object for this (i.e. initial) thread.
- //
- omni_thread* t = new omni_thread;
- if (t->_state != STATE_NEW) {
- DB(cerr << "omni_thread::init: problem creating initial thread object\n");
- ::exit(1);
- }
- t->_state = STATE_RUNNING;
- t->mach_thread = cthread_self();
- DB(cerr << "initial thread " << t->id() << endl);
- cthread_set_data(t->mach_thread, (any_t)t);
-// Wrapper for thread creation.
-extern "C" void*
-omni_thread_wrapper(void* ptr)
- omni_thread* me = (omni_thread*)ptr;
- DB(cerr << "omni_thread::wrapper: thread " << me->id()
- << " started\n");
- cthread_set_data(cthread_self(), (any_t)me);
- //
- // Now invoke the thread function with the given argument.
- //
- if (me->fn_void != NULL) {
- (*me->fn_void)(me->thread_arg);
- omni_thread::exit();
- }
- if (me->fn_ret != NULL) {
- void* return_value = (*me->fn_ret)(me->thread_arg);
- omni_thread::exit(return_value);
- }
- if (me->detached) {
- me->run(me->thread_arg);
- omni_thread::exit();
- } else {
- void* return_value = me->run_undetached(me->thread_arg);
- omni_thread::exit(return_value);
- }
- // should never get here.
- return NULL;
-// Constructors for omni_thread - set up the thread object but don't
-// start it running.
-// construct a detached thread running a given function.
-omni_thread::omni_thread(void (*fn)(void*), void* arg, priority_t pri)
- common_constructor(arg, pri, 1);
- fn_void = fn;
- fn_ret = NULL;
-// construct an undetached thread running a given function.
-omni_thread::omni_thread(void* (*fn)(void*), void* arg, priority_t pri)
- common_constructor(arg, pri, 0);
- fn_void = NULL;
- fn_ret = fn;
-// construct a thread which will run either run() or run_undetached().
-omni_thread::omni_thread(void* arg, priority_t pri)
- common_constructor(arg, pri, 1);
- fn_void = NULL;
- fn_ret = NULL;
-// common part of all constructors.
-void omni_thread::common_constructor(void* arg, priority_t pri, int det)
- _state = STATE_NEW;
- _priority = pri;
- next_id_mutex->lock();
- _id = next_id++;
- next_id_mutex->unlock();
- thread_arg = arg;
- detached = det; // may be altered in start_undetached()
- _dummy = 0;
- _values = 0;
- _value_alloc = 0;
- // posix_thread is set up in initialisation routine or start().
-// Destructor for omni_thread.
- DB(cerr << "destructor called for thread " << id() << endl);
- if (_values) {
- for (key_t i=0; i < _value_alloc; i++) {
- if (_values[i]) {
- delete _values[i];
- }
- }
- delete [] _values;
- }
-// Start the thread
- omni_mutex_lock l(mutex);
- int rc;
- if (_state != STATE_NEW)
- throw omni_thread_invalid();
- mach_thread = cthread_fork(omni_thread_wrapper, (any_t)this);
- _state = STATE_RUNNING;
- if (detached) {
- cthread_detach(mach_thread);
- }
-// Start a thread which will run the member function run_undetached().
- if ((fn_void != NULL) || (fn_ret != NULL))
- throw omni_thread_invalid();
- detached = 0;
- start();
-// join - simply check error conditions & call cthread_join.
-omni_thread::join(void** status)
- mutex.lock();
- if ((_state != STATE_RUNNING) && (_state != STATE_TERMINATED)) {
- mutex.unlock();
- throw omni_thread_invalid();
- }
- mutex.unlock();
- if (this == self())
- throw omni_thread_invalid();
- if (detached)
- throw omni_thread_invalid();
- DB(cerr << "omni_thread::join: doing cthread_join\n");
- *status = cthread_join(mach_thread);
- delete this;
-// Change this thread's priority.
-omni_thread::set_priority(priority_t pri)
- omni_mutex_lock l(mutex);
- if (_state != STATE_RUNNING)
- throw omni_thread_invalid();
- _priority = pri;
- kern_return_t rc = cthread_priority(mach_thread, mach_priority(pri), FALSE);
- if (rc != KERN_SUCCESS)
- throw omni_thread_fatal(errno);
-// create - construct a new thread object and start it running. Returns thread
-// object if successful, null pointer if not.
-// detached version
-omni_thread::create(void (*fn)(void*), void* arg, priority_t pri)
- omni_thread* t = new omni_thread(fn, arg, pri);
- t->start();
- return t;
-// undetached version
-omni_thread::create(void* (*fn)(void*), void* arg, priority_t pri)
- omni_thread* t = new omni_thread(fn, arg, pri);
- t->start();
- return t;
-// exit() _must_ lock the mutex even in the case of a detached thread. This is
-// because a thread may run to completion before the thread that created it has
-// had a chance to get out of start(). By locking the mutex we ensure that the
-// creating thread must have reached the end of start() before we delete the
-// thread object. Of course, once the call to start() returns, the user can
-// still incorrectly refer to the thread object, but that's their problem.
-void omni_thread::exit(void* return_value)
- omni_thread* me = self();
- if (me)
- {
- me->mutex.lock();
- if (me->_state != STATE_RUNNING)
- DB(cerr << "omni_thread::exit: thread not in \"running\" state\n");
- me->_state = STATE_TERMINATED;
- me->mutex.unlock();
- DB(cerr << "omni_thread::exit: thread " << me->id() << " detached "
- << me->detached << " return value " << return_value << endl);
- if (me->detached)
- delete me;
- }
- else
- {
- DB(cerr << "omni_thread::exit: called with a non-omnithread. Exit quietly." << endl);
- }
- cthread_exit(return_value);
-omni_thread* omni_thread::self(void)
- omni_thread* me;
- me = (omni_thread*)cthread_data(cthread_self());
- if (!me) {
- // This thread is not created by omni_thread::start because it
- // doesn't has a class omni_thread instance attached to its key.
- DB(cerr << "omni_thread::self: called with a non-ominthread. NULL is returned." << endl);
- }
- return me;
-void omni_thread::yield(void)
- cthread_yield();
-#define MAX_SLEEP_SECONDS (unsigned)4294966 // (2**32-2)/1000
-omni_thread::sleep(unsigned long secs, unsigned long nanosecs)
- if (secs <= MAX_SLEEP_SECONDS) {
- thread_switch(THREAD_NULL, SWITCH_OPTION_WAIT, secs * 1000 + nanosecs / 1000000);
- return;
- }
- unsigned no_of_max_sleeps = secs / MAX_SLEEP_SECONDS;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < no_of_max_sleeps; i++)
- (secs % MAX_SLEEP_SECONDS) * 1000 + nanosecs / 1000000);
- return;
-omni_thread::get_time(unsigned long* abs_sec, unsigned long* abs_nsec,
- unsigned long rel_sec, unsigned long rel_nsec)
- int rc;
- unsigned long tv_sec;
- unsigned long tv_nsec;
- struct timeval tv;
- rc = gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
- if (rc) throw omni_thread_fatal(rc);
- tv_sec = tv.tv_sec;
- tv_nsec = tv.tv_usec * 1000;
- tv_nsec += rel_nsec;
- tv_sec += rel_sec + tv_nsec / 1000000000;
- tv_nsec = tv_nsec % 1000000000;
- *abs_sec = tv_sec;
- *abs_nsec = tv_nsec;
-omni_thread::mach_priority(priority_t pri)
- switch (pri) {
- return 0;
- return normal_priority;
- return highest_priority;
- default:
- return -1;
- }
-omni_thread::stacksize(unsigned long sz)
- stack_size = sz;
-unsigned long
- return stack_size;
-// Dummy thread
-#error This dummy thread code is not tested. It might work if you're lucky.
-class omni_thread_dummy : public omni_thread {
- inline omni_thread_dummy() : omni_thread()
- {
- _dummy = 1;
- _state = STATE_RUNNING;
- mach_thread = cthread_self();
- cthread_set_data(mach_thread, (any_t)this));
- }
- inline ~omni_thread_dummy()
- {
- cthread_set_data(mach_thread, (any_t)0));
- }
- if (omni_thread::self())
- throw omni_thread_invalid();
- return new omni_thread_dummy;
- omni_thread* self = omni_thread::self();
- if (!self || !self->_dummy)
- throw omni_thread_invalid();
- omni_thread_dummy* dummy = (omni_thread_dummy*)self;
- delete dummy;
-#include ""
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/omnithread/
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-// Package : omnithread
-// omnithread/ Created : 6/95 tjr
-// Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-// Copyright (C) 1995-1999 AT&T Laboratories Cambridge
-// This file is part of the omnithread library
-// The omnithread library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Library General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
-// Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Boston, MA
-// 02110-1301, USA
-// Implementation of OMNI thread abstraction for NT threads
-#include <config.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <WinError.h>
-#include <gnuradio/omnithread.h>
-#include <process.h>
-#define DB(x) // x
-//#include <iostream.h> or #include <iostream> if DB is on.
-static void get_time_now(unsigned long* abs_sec, unsigned long* abs_nsec);
-// Mutex
- InitializeCriticalSection(&crit);
- DeleteCriticalSection(&crit);
-// Condition variable
-// Condition variables are tricky to implement using NT synchronisation
-// primitives, since none of them have the atomic "release mutex and wait to be
-// signalled" which is central to the idea of a condition variable. To get
-// around this the solution is to record which threads are waiting and
-// explicitly wake up those threads.
-// Here we implement a condition variable using a list of waiting threads
-// (protected by a critical section), and a per-thread semaphore (which
-// actually only needs to be a binary semaphore).
-// To wait on the cv, a thread puts itself on the list of waiting threads for
-// that cv, then releases the mutex and waits on its own personal semaphore. A
-// signalling thread simply takes a thread from the head of the list and kicks
-// that thread's semaphore. Broadcast is simply implemented by kicking the
-// semaphore of each waiting thread.
-// The only other tricky part comes when a thread gets a timeout from a timed
-// wait on its semaphore. Between returning with a timeout from the wait and
-// entering the critical section, a signalling thread could get in, kick the
-// waiting thread's semaphore and remove it from the list. If this happens,
-// the waiting thread's semaphore is now out of step so it needs resetting, and
-// the thread should indicate that it was signalled rather than that it timed
-// out.
-// It is possible that the thread calling wait or timedwait is not a
-// omni_thread. In this case we have to provide a temporary data structure,
-// i.e. for the duration of the call, for the thread to link itself on the
-// list of waiting threads. _internal_omni_thread_dummy provides such
-// a data structure and _internal_omni_thread_helper is a helper class to
-// deal with this special case for wait() and timedwait(). Once created,
-// the _internal_omni_thread_dummy is cached for use by the next wait() or
-// timedwait() call from a non-omni_thread. This is probably worth doing
-// because creating a Semaphore is quite heavy weight.
-class _internal_omni_thread_helper;
-class _internal_omni_thread_dummy : public omni_thread {
- inline _internal_omni_thread_dummy() : next(0) { }
- inline ~_internal_omni_thread_dummy() { }
- friend class _internal_omni_thread_helper;
- _internal_omni_thread_dummy* next;
-class _internal_omni_thread_helper {
- inline _internal_omni_thread_helper() {
- d = 0;
- t = omni_thread::self();
- if (!t) {
- omni_mutex_lock sync(cachelock);
- if (cache) {
- d = cache;
- cache = cache->next;
- }
- else {
- d = new _internal_omni_thread_dummy;
- }
- t = d;
- }
- }
- inline ~_internal_omni_thread_helper() {
- if (d) {
- omni_mutex_lock sync(cachelock);
- d->next = cache;
- cache = d;
- }
- }
- inline operator omni_thread* () { return t; }
- inline omni_thread* operator->() { return t; }
- static _internal_omni_thread_dummy* cache;
- static omni_mutex cachelock;
- _internal_omni_thread_dummy* d;
- omni_thread* t;
-_internal_omni_thread_dummy* _internal_omni_thread_helper::cache = 0;
-omni_mutex _internal_omni_thread_helper::cachelock;
-omni_condition::omni_condition(omni_mutex* m) : mutex(m)
- InitializeCriticalSection(&crit);
- waiting_head = waiting_tail = NULL;
- DeleteCriticalSection(&crit);
- DB( if (waiting_head != NULL) {
- cerr << "omni_condition::~omni_condition: list of waiting threads "
- << "is not empty\n";
- } )
- _internal_omni_thread_helper me;
- EnterCriticalSection(&crit);
- me->cond_next = NULL;
- me->cond_prev = waiting_tail;
- if (waiting_head == NULL)
- waiting_head = me;
- else
- waiting_tail->cond_next = me;
- waiting_tail = me;
- me->cond_waiting = TRUE;
- LeaveCriticalSection(&crit);
- mutex->unlock();
- DWORD result = WaitForSingleObject(me->cond_semaphore, INFINITE);
- mutex->lock();
- if (result != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
- throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
-omni_condition::timedwait(unsigned long abs_sec, unsigned long abs_nsec)
- _internal_omni_thread_helper me;
- EnterCriticalSection(&crit);
- me->cond_next = NULL;
- me->cond_prev = waiting_tail;
- if (waiting_head == NULL)
- waiting_head = me;
- else
- waiting_tail->cond_next = me;
- waiting_tail = me;
- me->cond_waiting = TRUE;
- LeaveCriticalSection(&crit);
- mutex->unlock();
- unsigned long now_sec, now_nsec;
- get_time_now(&now_sec, &now_nsec);
- DWORD timeout;
- if ((abs_sec <= now_sec) && ((abs_sec < now_sec) || (abs_nsec < now_nsec)))
- timeout = 0;
- else {
- timeout = (abs_sec-now_sec) * 1000;
- if( abs_nsec < now_nsec ) timeout -= (now_nsec-abs_nsec) / 1000000;
- else timeout += (abs_nsec-now_nsec) / 1000000;
- }
- DWORD result = WaitForSingleObject(me->cond_semaphore, timeout);
- if (result == WAIT_TIMEOUT) {
- EnterCriticalSection(&crit);
- if (me->cond_waiting) {
- if (me->cond_prev != NULL)
- me->cond_prev->cond_next = me->cond_next;
- else
- waiting_head = me->cond_next;
- if (me->cond_next != NULL)
- me->cond_next->cond_prev = me->cond_prev;
- else
- waiting_tail = me->cond_prev;
- me->cond_waiting = FALSE;
- LeaveCriticalSection(&crit);
- mutex->lock();
- return 0;
- }
- //
- // We timed out but another thread still signalled us. Wait for
- // the semaphore (it _must_ have been signalled) to decrement it
- // again. Return that we were signalled, not that we timed out.
- //
- LeaveCriticalSection(&crit);
- result = WaitForSingleObject(me->cond_semaphore, INFINITE);
- }
- if (result != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
- throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
- mutex->lock();
- return 1;
- EnterCriticalSection(&crit);
- if (waiting_head != NULL) {
- omni_thread* t = waiting_head;
- waiting_head = t->cond_next;
- if (waiting_head == NULL)
- waiting_tail = NULL;
- else
- waiting_head->cond_prev = NULL;
- t->cond_waiting = FALSE;
- if (!ReleaseSemaphore(t->cond_semaphore, 1, NULL)) {
- int rc = GetLastError();
- LeaveCriticalSection(&crit);
- throw omni_thread_fatal(rc);
- }
- }
- LeaveCriticalSection(&crit);
- EnterCriticalSection(&crit);
- while (waiting_head != NULL) {
- omni_thread* t = waiting_head;
- waiting_head = t->cond_next;
- if (waiting_head == NULL)
- waiting_tail = NULL;
- else
- waiting_head->cond_prev = NULL;
- t->cond_waiting = FALSE;
- if (!ReleaseSemaphore(t->cond_semaphore, 1, NULL)) {
- int rc = GetLastError();
- LeaveCriticalSection(&crit);
- throw omni_thread_fatal(rc);
- }
- }
- LeaveCriticalSection(&crit);
-// Counting semaphore
-#define SEMAPHORE_MAX 0x7fffffff
-omni_semaphore::omni_semaphore(unsigned int initial, unsigned int max_count)
- if (max_count > SEMAPHORE_MAX)
- max_count= SEMAPHORE_MAX;
- nt_sem = CreateSemaphore(NULL, initial, max_count, NULL);
- if (nt_sem == NULL) {
- DB( cerr << "omni_semaphore::omni_semaphore: CreateSemaphore error "
- << GetLastError() << endl );
- throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
- }
- if (!CloseHandle(nt_sem)) {
- DB( cerr << "omni_semaphore::~omni_semaphore: CloseHandle error "
- << GetLastError() << endl );
- throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
- }
- if (WaitForSingleObject(nt_sem, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
- throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
- switch (WaitForSingleObject(nt_sem, 0)) {
- case WAIT_OBJECT_0:
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
- return 0; /* keep msvc++ happy */
- if (!ReleaseSemaphore(nt_sem, 1, NULL)
- && GetLastError() != ERROR_TOO_MANY_POSTS ) // MinGW fix--see ticket:95 in trac
- throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
-// Thread
-// Static variables
-omni_mutex* omni_thread::next_id_mutex;
-int omni_thread::next_id = 0;
-static DWORD self_tls_index;
-static unsigned int stack_size = 0;
-// Initialisation function (gets called before any user code).
-static int& count() {
- static int the_count = 0;
- return the_count;
- if (count()++ != 0) // only do it once however many objects get created.
- return;
- DB(cerr << "omni_thread::init: NT implementation initialising\n");
- self_tls_index = TlsAlloc();
- if (self_tls_index == 0xffffffff)
- throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
- next_id_mutex = new omni_mutex;
- //
- // Create object for this (i.e. initial) thread.
- //
- omni_thread* t = new omni_thread;
- t->_state = STATE_RUNNING;
- if (!DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentThread(),
- GetCurrentProcess(), &t->handle,
- throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
- t->nt_id = GetCurrentThreadId();
- DB(cerr << "initial thread " << t->id() << " NT thread id " << t->nt_id
- << endl);
- if (!TlsSetValue(self_tls_index, (LPVOID)t))
- throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
- if (!SetThreadPriority(t->handle, nt_priority(PRIORITY_NORMAL)))
- throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
- if (--count() != 0) return;
- omni_thread* self = omni_thread::self();
- if (!self) return;
- TlsSetValue(self_tls_index, (LPVOID)0);
- delete self;
- delete next_id_mutex;
- TlsFree(self_tls_index);
-// Wrapper for thread creation.
-extern "C"
-#ifndef __BCPLUSPLUS__
-unsigned __stdcall
-omni_thread_wrapper(void* ptr)
- omni_thread* me = (omni_thread*)ptr;
- DB(cerr << "omni_thread_wrapper: thread " << me->id()
- << " started\n");
- if (!TlsSetValue(self_tls_index, (LPVOID)me))
- throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
- //
- // Now invoke the thread function with the given argument.
- //
- if (me->fn_void != NULL) {
- (*me->fn_void)(me->thread_arg);
- omni_thread::exit();
- }
- if (me->fn_ret != NULL) {
- void* return_value = (*me->fn_ret)(me->thread_arg);
- omni_thread::exit(return_value);
- }
- if (me->detached) {
- me->run(me->thread_arg);
- omni_thread::exit();
- } else {
- void* return_value = me->run_undetached(me->thread_arg);
- omni_thread::exit(return_value);
- }
- // should never get here.
-#ifndef __BCPLUSPLUS__
- return 0;
-// Constructors for omni_thread - set up the thread object but don't
-// start it running.
-// construct a detached thread running a given function.
-omni_thread::omni_thread(void (*fn)(void*), void* arg, priority_t pri)
- common_constructor(arg, pri, 1);
- fn_void = fn;
- fn_ret = NULL;
-// construct an undetached thread running a given function.
-omni_thread::omni_thread(void* (*fn)(void*), void* arg, priority_t pri)
- common_constructor(arg, pri, 0);
- fn_void = NULL;
- fn_ret = fn;
-// construct a thread which will run either run() or run_undetached().
-omni_thread::omni_thread(void* arg, priority_t pri)
- common_constructor(arg, pri, 1);
- fn_void = NULL;
- fn_ret = NULL;
-// common part of all constructors.
-omni_thread::common_constructor(void* arg, priority_t pri, int det)
- _state = STATE_NEW;
- _priority = pri;
- next_id_mutex->lock();
- _id = next_id++;
- next_id_mutex->unlock();
- thread_arg = arg;
- detached = det; // may be altered in start_undetached()
- cond_semaphore = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 0, SEMAPHORE_MAX, NULL);
- if (cond_semaphore == NULL)
- throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
- cond_next = cond_prev = NULL;
- cond_waiting = FALSE;
- handle = NULL;
- _dummy = 0;
- _values = 0;
- _value_alloc = 0;
-// Destructor for omni_thread.
- DB(cerr << "destructor called for thread " << id() << endl);
- if (_values) {
- for (key_t i=0; i < _value_alloc; i++) {
- if (_values[i]) {
- delete _values[i];
- }
- }
- delete [] _values;
- }
- if (handle && !CloseHandle(handle))
- throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
- if (cond_semaphore && !CloseHandle(cond_semaphore))
- throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
-// Start the thread
- omni_mutex_lock l(mutex);
- if (_state != STATE_NEW)
- throw omni_thread_invalid();
-#ifndef __BCPLUSPLUS__
- // MSVC++ or compatiable
- unsigned int t;
- handle = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex(
- stack_size,
- omni_thread_wrapper,
- (LPVOID)this,
- &t);
- nt_id = t;
- if (handle == NULL)
- throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
- // Borland C++
- handle = (HANDLE)_beginthreadNT(omni_thread_wrapper,
- stack_size,
- (void*)this,
- &nt_id);
- if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
- throw omni_thread_fatal(errno);
- if (!SetThreadPriority(handle, nt_priority(_priority)))
- throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
- if (ResumeThread(handle) == 0xffffffff)
- throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
- _state = STATE_RUNNING;
-// Start a thread which will run the member function run_undetached().
- if ((fn_void != NULL) || (fn_ret != NULL))
- throw omni_thread_invalid();
- detached = 0;
- start();
-// join - simply check error conditions & call WaitForSingleObject.
-omni_thread::join(void** status)
- mutex.lock();
- if ((_state != STATE_RUNNING) && (_state != STATE_TERMINATED)) {
- mutex.unlock();
- throw omni_thread_invalid();
- }
- mutex.unlock();
- if (this == self())
- throw omni_thread_invalid();
- if (detached)
- throw omni_thread_invalid();
- DB(cerr << "omni_thread::join: doing WaitForSingleObject\n");
- if (WaitForSingleObject(handle, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
- throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
- DB(cerr << "omni_thread::join: WaitForSingleObject succeeded\n");
- if (status)
- *status = return_val;
- delete this;
-// Change this thread's priority.
-omni_thread::set_priority(priority_t pri)
- omni_mutex_lock l(mutex);
- if (_state != STATE_RUNNING)
- throw omni_thread_invalid();
- _priority = pri;
- if (!SetThreadPriority(handle, nt_priority(pri)))
- throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
-// create - construct a new thread object and start it running. Returns thread
-// object if successful, null pointer if not.
-// detached version
-omni_thread::create(void (*fn)(void*), void* arg, priority_t pri)
- omni_thread* t = new omni_thread(fn, arg, pri);
- t->start();
- return t;
-// undetached version
-omni_thread::create(void* (*fn)(void*), void* arg, priority_t pri)
- omni_thread* t = new omni_thread(fn, arg, pri);
- t->start();
- return t;
-// exit() _must_ lock the mutex even in the case of a detached thread. This is
-// because a thread may run to completion before the thread that created it has
-// had a chance to get out of start(). By locking the mutex we ensure that the
-// creating thread must have reached the end of start() before we delete the
-// thread object. Of course, once the call to start() returns, the user can
-// still incorrectly refer to the thread object, but that's their problem.
-omni_thread::exit(void* return_value)
- omni_thread* me = self();
- if (me)
- {
- me->mutex.lock();
- me->_state = STATE_TERMINATED;
- me->mutex.unlock();
- DB(cerr << "omni_thread::exit: thread " << me->id() << " detached "
- << me->detached << " return value " << return_value << endl);
- if (me->detached) {
- delete me;
- } else {
- me->return_val = return_value;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- DB(cerr << "omni_thread::exit: called with a non-omnithread. Exit quietly." << endl);
- }
-#ifndef __BCPLUSPLUS__
- // MSVC++ or compatiable
- // _endthreadex() does not automatically closes the thread handle.
- // The omni_thread dtor closes the thread handle.
- _endthreadex(0);
- // Borland C++
- // _endthread() does not automatically closes the thread handle.
- // _endthreadex() is only available if __MFC_COMPAT__ is defined and
- // all it does is to call _endthread().
- _endthread();
- LPVOID me;
- me = TlsGetValue(self_tls_index);
- if (me == NULL) {
- DB(cerr << "omni_thread::self: called with a non-ominthread. NULL is returned." << endl);
- }
- return (omni_thread*)me;
- Sleep(0);
-#define MAX_SLEEP_SECONDS (DWORD)4294966 // (2**32-2)/1000
-omni_thread::sleep(unsigned long secs, unsigned long nanosecs)
- if (secs <= MAX_SLEEP_SECONDS) {
- Sleep(secs * 1000 + nanosecs / 1000000);
- return;
- }
- DWORD no_of_max_sleeps = secs / MAX_SLEEP_SECONDS;
- for (DWORD i = 0; i < no_of_max_sleeps; i++)
- Sleep(MAX_SLEEP_SECONDS * 1000);
- Sleep((secs % MAX_SLEEP_SECONDS) * 1000 + nanosecs / 1000000);
-omni_thread::get_time(unsigned long* abs_sec, unsigned long* abs_nsec,
- unsigned long rel_sec, unsigned long rel_nsec)
- get_time_now(abs_sec, abs_nsec);
- *abs_nsec += rel_nsec;
- *abs_sec += rel_sec + *abs_nsec / 1000000000;
- *abs_nsec = *abs_nsec % 1000000000;
-omni_thread::nt_priority(priority_t pri)
- switch (pri) {
- }
- throw omni_thread_invalid();
- return 0; /* keep msvc++ happy */
-static void
-get_time_now(unsigned long* abs_sec, unsigned long* abs_nsec)
- static int days_in_preceding_months[12]
- = { 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334 };
- static int days_in_preceding_months_leap[12]
- = { 0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335 };
- GetSystemTime(&st);
- *abs_nsec = st.wMilliseconds * 1000000;
- // this formula should work until 1st March 2100
- DWORD days = ((st.wYear - 1970) * 365 + (st.wYear - 1969) / 4
- + ((st.wYear % 4)
- ? days_in_preceding_months[st.wMonth - 1]
- : days_in_preceding_months_leap[st.wMonth - 1])
- + st.wDay - 1);
- *abs_sec = st.wSecond + 60 * (st.wMinute + 60 * (st.wHour + 24 * days));
-omni_thread::stacksize(unsigned long sz)
- stack_size = sz;
-unsigned long
- return stack_size;
-// Dummy thread
-class omni_thread_dummy : public omni_thread {
- inline omni_thread_dummy() : omni_thread()
- {
- _dummy = 1;
- _state = STATE_RUNNING;
- if (!DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentThread(),
- GetCurrentProcess(), &handle,
- throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
- nt_id = GetCurrentThreadId();
- if (!TlsSetValue(self_tls_index, (LPVOID)this))
- throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
- }
- inline ~omni_thread_dummy()
- {
- if (!TlsSetValue(self_tls_index, (LPVOID)0))
- throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
- }
- if (omni_thread::self())
- throw omni_thread_invalid();
- return new omni_thread_dummy;
- omni_thread* self = omni_thread::self();
- if (!self || !self->_dummy)
- throw omni_thread_invalid();
- omni_thread_dummy* dummy = (omni_thread_dummy*)self;
- delete dummy;
-#if defined(__DMC__) && defined(_WINDLL)
-BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved)
- return TRUE;
-#include ""
diff --git a/omnithread/ b/omnithread/
deleted file mode 100644
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-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <gnuradio/omni_time.h>
-#include <gnuradio/omnithread.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-omni_time::omni_time(double real_secs)
- double floor_secs = floor(real_secs);
- d_secs = (long) floor_secs;
- d_nsecs = (long) ((real_secs - floor_secs) * 1e9); // always positive
-omni_time::time(const omni_time &delta_t)
- unsigned long abs_sec, abs_nsec;
- unsigned long rel_sec = delta_t.d_secs;
- unsigned long rel_nsec = delta_t.d_nsecs;
- omni_thread::get_time(&abs_sec, &abs_nsec, rel_sec, rel_nsec);
- return omni_time(abs_sec, abs_nsec);
-operator+(const omni_time &x, const omni_time &y)
- omni_time r(x.d_secs + y.d_secs, x.d_nsecs + y.d_nsecs);
- while (r.d_nsecs >= 1000000000){
- r.d_nsecs -= 1000000000;
- r.d_secs++;
- }
- return r;
-operator-(const omni_time &x, const omni_time &y)
- // assert(!(x < y));
- omni_time r(x.d_secs - y.d_secs, x.d_nsecs - y.d_nsecs);
- while (r.d_nsecs < 0){
- r.d_nsecs += 1000000000;
- r.d_secs--;
- }
- return r;
-operator+(const omni_time &x, double y)
- return x + omni_time(y);
-operator-(const omni_time &x, double y)
- return x - omni_time(y);
diff --git a/omnithread/ b/omnithread/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5574a8a0dd..0000000000
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-// Package : omnithread
-// omnithread/ Created : 7/94 tjr
-// Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-// Copyright (C) 1994-1999 AT&T Laboratories Cambridge
-// This file is part of the omnithread library
-// The omnithread library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Library General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
-// Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Boston, MA
-// 02110-1301, USA
-// Implementation of OMNI thread abstraction for posix threads
-// The source below tests for the definition of the macros:
-// PthreadDraftVersion
-// PthreadSupportThreadPriority
-// NoNanoSleep
-// NeedPthreadInit
-// As different draft versions of the pthread standard P1003.4a/P1003.1c
-// define slightly different APIs, the macro 'PthreadDraftVersion'
-// identifies the draft version supported by this particular platform.
-// Some unix variants do not support thread priority unless a real-time
-// kernel option is installed. The macro 'PthreadSupportThreadPriority',
-// if defined, enables the use of thread priority. If it is not defined,
-// setting or changing thread priority will be silently ignored.
-// nanosleep() is defined in Posix P1003.4 since Draft 9 (?).
-// Not all platforms support this standard. The macro 'NoNanoSleep'
-// identifies platform that don't.
-#include <config.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <gnuradio/omnithread.h>
-#if (PthreadDraftVersion == 0)
-#error "PthreadDraftVersion not defined. If not sure, define it to 10"
-#undef NoNanoSleep
-#define NoNanoSleep
-// typedef of struct timeval and gettimeofday();
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#if defined(__linux__) && defined(_MIT_POSIX_THREADS)
-#include <pthread/mit/sys/timers.h>
-#if defined(__irix__) && defined(PthreadSupportThreadPriority)
-#include <sched.h>
-#if 1
-#define DB(x) // x
-#define DB(x) x
-#include <iostream>
-using std::cerr;
-using std::endl;
-#if (PthreadDraftVersion <= 6)
-#define ERRNO(x) (((x) != 0) ? (errno) : 0)
-#ifdef __VMS
-// pthread_setprio returns old priority on success (draft version 4:
-// OpenVms version < 7)
-#define THROW_ERRORS(x) { if ((x) == -1) throw omni_thread_fatal(errno); }
-#define THROW_ERRORS(x) { if ((x) != 0) throw omni_thread_fatal(errno); }
-#define ERRNO(x) (x)
-#define THROW_ERRORS(x) { int rc = (x); \
- if (rc != 0) throw omni_thread_fatal(rc); }
-// Mutex
-#if (PthreadDraftVersion == 4)
- THROW_ERRORS(pthread_mutex_init(&posix_mutex, pthread_mutexattr_default));
- THROW_ERRORS(pthread_mutex_init(&posix_mutex, 0));
- THROW_ERRORS(pthread_mutex_destroy(&posix_mutex));
-// Condition variable
-omni_condition::omni_condition(omni_mutex* m) : mutex(m)
-#if (PthreadDraftVersion == 4)
- THROW_ERRORS(pthread_cond_init(&posix_cond, pthread_condattr_default));
- THROW_ERRORS(pthread_cond_init(&posix_cond, 0));
- THROW_ERRORS(pthread_cond_destroy(&posix_cond));
- THROW_ERRORS(pthread_cond_wait(&posix_cond, &mutex->posix_mutex));
-omni_condition::timedwait(unsigned long secs, unsigned long nanosecs)
- timespec rqts = { secs, nanosecs };
- int rc = ERRNO(pthread_cond_timedwait(&posix_cond,
- &mutex->posix_mutex, &rqts));
- if (rc == 0)
- return 1;
-#if (PthreadDraftVersion <= 6)
- if (rc == EAGAIN)
- return 0;
- // Some versions of unix produces this errno when the wait was
- // interrupted by a unix signal or fork.
- // Some versions of the glibc 2.0.x produces this errno when the
- // program is debugged under gdb. Straightly speaking this is non-posix
- // compliant. We catch this here to make debugging possible.
- if (rc == EINTR)
- goto again;
- if (rc == ETIMEDOUT)
- return 0;
- throw omni_thread_fatal(rc);
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
- return 0;
- THROW_ERRORS(pthread_cond_signal(&posix_cond));
- THROW_ERRORS(pthread_cond_broadcast(&posix_cond));
-// Counting (or binary) semaphore
-omni_semaphore::omni_semaphore(unsigned int initial, unsigned int _max_count) : c(&m)
- value = initial;
- max_count = _max_count;
- if (value < 0 || max_count < 1)
- throw omni_thread_fatal(0);
- omni_mutex_lock l(m);
- while (value == 0)
- c.wait();
- value--;
- omni_mutex_lock l(m);
- if (value == 0)
- return 0;
- value--;
- return 1;
- {
- omni_mutex_lock l(m);
- if (value < max_count)
- value++;
- }
- c.signal();
-// Thread
-// static variables
-omni_mutex* omni_thread::next_id_mutex;
-int omni_thread::next_id = 0;
-static pthread_key_t self_key;
-#ifdef PthreadSupportThreadPriority
-static int lowest_priority;
-static int normal_priority;
-static int highest_priority;
-#if defined(__osf1__) && defined(__alpha__) || defined(__VMS)
-// omniORB requires a larger stack size than the default (21120) on OSF/1
-static size_t stack_size = 32768;
-#elif defined(__rtems__)
-static size_t stack_size = ThreadStackSize;
-#elif defined(__aix__)
-static size_t stack_size = 262144;
-static size_t stack_size = 0;
-// Initialisation function (gets called before any user code).
-static int& count() {
- static int the_count = 0;
- return the_count;
- if (count()++ != 0) // only do it once however many objects get created.
- return;
- DB(cerr << "omni_thread::init: posix 1003.4a/1003.1c (draft "
- << PthreadDraftVersion << ") implementation initialising\n");
-#ifdef NeedPthreadInit
- pthread_init();
-#if (PthreadDraftVersion == 4)
- THROW_ERRORS(pthread_keycreate(&self_key, NULL));
- THROW_ERRORS(pthread_key_create(&self_key, NULL));
-#ifdef PthreadSupportThreadPriority
-#if defined(__osf1__) && defined(__alpha__) || defined(__VMS)
- lowest_priority = PRI_OTHER_MIN;
- highest_priority = PRI_OTHER_MAX;
-#elif defined(__hpux__)
- lowest_priority = PRI_OTHER_MIN;
- highest_priority = PRI_OTHER_MAX;
-#elif defined(__sunos__) && (__OSVERSION__ == 5)
- // a bug in pthread_attr_setschedparam means lowest priority is 1 not 0
- lowest_priority = 1;
- highest_priority = 3;
- lowest_priority = sched_get_priority_min(SCHED_FIFO);
- highest_priority = sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_FIFO);
- switch (highest_priority - lowest_priority) {
- case 0:
- case 1:
- normal_priority = lowest_priority;
- break;
- default:
- normal_priority = lowest_priority + 1;
- break;
- }
-#endif /* PthreadSupportThreadPriority */
- next_id_mutex = new omni_mutex;
- //
- // Create object for this (i.e. initial) thread.
- //
- omni_thread* t = new omni_thread;
- t->_state = STATE_RUNNING;
- t->posix_thread = pthread_self ();
- DB(cerr << "initial thread " << t->id() << endl);
- THROW_ERRORS(pthread_setspecific(self_key, (void*)t));
-#ifdef PthreadSupportThreadPriority
-#if (PthreadDraftVersion == 4)
- THROW_ERRORS(pthread_setprio(t->posix_thread,
- posix_priority(PRIORITY_NORMAL)));
-#elif (PthreadDraftVersion == 6)
- pthread_attr_t attr;
- pthread_attr_init(&attr);
- THROW_ERRORS(pthread_attr_setprio(&attr, posix_priority(PRIORITY_NORMAL)));
- THROW_ERRORS(pthread_setschedattr(t->posix_thread, attr));
- struct sched_param sparam;
- sparam.sched_priority = posix_priority(PRIORITY_NORMAL);
- THROW_ERRORS(pthread_setschedparam(t->posix_thread, SCHED_OTHER, &sparam));
-#endif /* PthreadDraftVersion */
-#endif /* PthreadSupportThreadPriority */
- if (--count() != 0) return;
- omni_thread* self = omni_thread::self();
- if (!self) return;
- pthread_setspecific(self_key, 0);
- delete self;
- delete next_id_mutex;
-// Wrapper for thread creation.
-extern "C" void*
-omni_thread_wrapper(void* ptr)
- omni_thread* me = (omni_thread*)ptr;
- DB(cerr << "omni_thread_wrapper: thread " << me->id()
- << " started\n");
- THROW_ERRORS(pthread_setspecific(self_key, me));
- //
- // Now invoke the thread function with the given argument.
- //
- if (me->fn_void != NULL) {
- (*me->fn_void)(me->thread_arg);
- omni_thread::exit();
- }
- if (me->fn_ret != NULL) {
- void* return_value = (*me->fn_ret)(me->thread_arg);
- omni_thread::exit(return_value);
- }
- if (me->detached) {
- me->run(me->thread_arg);
- omni_thread::exit();
- } else {
- void* return_value = me->run_undetached(me->thread_arg);
- omni_thread::exit(return_value);
- }
- // should never get here.
- return NULL;
-// Constructors for omni_thread - set up the thread object but don't
-// start it running.
-// construct a detached thread running a given function.
-omni_thread::omni_thread(void (*fn)(void*), void* arg, priority_t pri)
- common_constructor(arg, pri, 1);
- fn_void = fn;
- fn_ret = NULL;
-// construct an undetached thread running a given function.
-omni_thread::omni_thread(void* (*fn)(void*), void* arg, priority_t pri)
- common_constructor(arg, pri, 0);
- fn_void = NULL;
- fn_ret = fn;
-// construct a thread which will run either run() or run_undetached().
-omni_thread::omni_thread(void* arg, priority_t pri)
- common_constructor(arg, pri, 1);
- fn_void = NULL;
- fn_ret = NULL;
-// common part of all constructors.
-omni_thread::common_constructor(void* arg, priority_t pri, int det)
- _state = STATE_NEW;
- _priority = pri;
- next_id_mutex->lock();
- _id = next_id++;
- next_id_mutex->unlock();
- thread_arg = arg;
- detached = det; // may be altered in start_undetached()
- _dummy = 0;
- _values = 0;
- _value_alloc = 0;
- // posix_thread is set up in initialisation routine or start().
-// Destructor for omni_thread.
- DB(cerr << "destructor called for thread " << id() << endl);
- if (_values) {
- for (key_t i=0; i < _value_alloc; i++) {
- if (_values[i]) {
- delete _values[i];
- }
- }
- delete [] _values;
- }
-// Start the thread
- omni_mutex_lock l(mutex);
- if (_state != STATE_NEW)
- throw omni_thread_invalid();
- pthread_attr_t attr;
-#if (PthreadDraftVersion == 4)
- pthread_attr_create(&attr);
- pthread_attr_init(&attr);
-#if (PthreadDraftVersion == 8)
- pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr,PTHREAD_CREATE_UNDETACHED);
-#ifdef PthreadSupportThreadPriority
-#if (PthreadDraftVersion <= 6)
- THROW_ERRORS(pthread_attr_setprio(&attr, posix_priority(_priority)));
- struct sched_param sparam;
- sparam.sched_priority = posix_priority(_priority);
- THROW_ERRORS(pthread_attr_setschedparam(&attr, &sparam));
-#endif /* PthreadDraftVersion */
-#endif /* PthreadSupportThreadPriority */
-#if !defined(__linux__)
- if (stack_size) {
- THROW_ERRORS(pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr, stack_size));
- }
-#if (PthreadDraftVersion == 4)
- THROW_ERRORS(pthread_create(&posix_thread, attr, omni_thread_wrapper,
- (void*)this));
- pthread_attr_delete(&attr);
- THROW_ERRORS(pthread_create(&posix_thread, &attr, omni_thread_wrapper,
- (void*)this));
- pthread_attr_destroy(&attr);
- _state = STATE_RUNNING;
- if (detached) {
-#if (PthreadDraftVersion <= 6)
- THROW_ERRORS(pthread_detach(&posix_thread));
- THROW_ERRORS(pthread_detach(posix_thread));
- }
-// Start a thread which will run the member function run_undetached().
- if ((fn_void != NULL) || (fn_ret != NULL))
- throw omni_thread_invalid();
- detached = 0;
- start();
-// join - simply check error conditions & call pthread_join.
-omni_thread::join(void** status)
- mutex.lock();
- if ((_state != STATE_RUNNING) && (_state != STATE_TERMINATED)) {
- mutex.unlock();
- throw omni_thread_invalid();
- }
- mutex.unlock();
- if (this == self())
- throw omni_thread_invalid();
- if (detached)
- throw omni_thread_invalid();
- DB(cerr << "omni_thread::join: doing pthread_join\n");
- THROW_ERRORS(pthread_join(posix_thread, status));
- DB(cerr << "omni_thread::join: pthread_join succeeded\n");
-#if (PthreadDraftVersion == 4)
- // With draft 4 pthreads implementations (HPUX 10.x and
- // Digital Unix 3.2), have to detach the thread after
- // join. If not, the storage for the thread will not be
- // be reclaimed.
- THROW_ERRORS(pthread_detach(&posix_thread));
- delete this;
-// Change this thread's priority.
-omni_thread::set_priority(priority_t pri)
- omni_mutex_lock l(mutex);
- if (_state != STATE_RUNNING)
- throw omni_thread_invalid();
- _priority = pri;
-#ifdef PthreadSupportThreadPriority
-#if (PthreadDraftVersion == 4)
- THROW_ERRORS(pthread_setprio(posix_thread, posix_priority(pri)));
-#elif (PthreadDraftVersion == 6)
- pthread_attr_t attr;
- pthread_attr_init(&attr);
- THROW_ERRORS(pthread_attr_setprio(&attr, posix_priority(pri)));
- THROW_ERRORS(pthread_setschedattr(posix_thread, attr));
- struct sched_param sparam;
- sparam.sched_priority = posix_priority(pri);
- THROW_ERRORS(pthread_setschedparam(posix_thread, SCHED_OTHER, &sparam));
-#endif /* PthreadDraftVersion */
-#endif /* PthreadSupportThreadPriority */
-// create - construct a new thread object and start it running. Returns thread
-// object if successful, null pointer if not.
-// detached version
-omni_thread::create(void (*fn)(void*), void* arg, priority_t pri)
- omni_thread* t = new omni_thread(fn, arg, pri);
- t->start();
- return t;
-// undetached version
-omni_thread::create(void* (*fn)(void*), void* arg, priority_t pri)
- omni_thread* t = new omni_thread(fn, arg, pri);
- t->start();
- return t;
-// exit() _must_ lock the mutex even in the case of a detached thread. This is
-// because a thread may run to completion before the thread that created it has
-// had a chance to get out of start(). By locking the mutex we ensure that the
-// creating thread must have reached the end of start() before we delete the
-// thread object. Of course, once the call to start() returns, the user can
-// still incorrectly refer to the thread object, but that's their problem.
-omni_thread::exit(void* return_value)
- omni_thread* me = self();
- if (me)
- {
- me->mutex.lock();
- me->_state = STATE_TERMINATED;
- me->mutex.unlock();
- DB(cerr << "omni_thread::exit: thread " << me->id() << " detached "
- << me->detached << " return value " << return_value << endl);
- if (me->detached)
- delete me;
- }
- else
- {
- DB(cerr << "omni_thread::exit: called with a non-omnithread. Exit quietly." << endl);
- }
- pthread_exit(return_value);
- omni_thread* me;
-#if (PthreadDraftVersion <= 6)
- THROW_ERRORS(pthread_getspecific(self_key, (void**)&me));
- me = (omni_thread *)pthread_getspecific(self_key);
- if (!me) {
- // This thread is not created by omni_thread::start because it
- // doesn't has a class omni_thread instance attached to its key.
- DB(cerr << "omni_thread::self: called with a non-omnithread. NULL is returned." << endl);
- }
- return me;
-#if (PthreadDraftVersion == 6)
- pthread_yield(NULL);
-#elif (PthreadDraftVersion < 9)
- pthread_yield();
- THROW_ERRORS(sched_yield());
-omni_thread::sleep(unsigned long secs, unsigned long nanosecs)
- timespec rqts = { secs, nanosecs };
-#ifndef NoNanoSleep
- timespec remain;
- while (nanosleep(&rqts, &remain)) {
- if (errno == EINTR) {
- rqts.tv_sec = remain.tv_sec;
- rqts.tv_nsec = remain.tv_nsec;
- continue;
- }
- else
- throw omni_thread_fatal(errno);
- }
-#if defined(__osf1__) && defined(__alpha__) || defined(__hpux__) && (__OSVERSION__ == 10) || defined(__VMS) || defined(__SINIX__) || defined (__POSIX_NT__)
- if (pthread_delay_np(&rqts) != 0)
- throw omni_thread_fatal(errno);
-#elif defined(__linux__) || defined(__aix__)
- if (secs > 2000) {
- while ((secs = ::sleep(secs))) ;
- } else {
- usleep(secs * 1000000 + (nanosecs / 1000));
- }
-#elif defined(__darwin__) || defined(__macos__)
- // Single UNIX Specification says argument of usleep() must be
- // less than 1,000,000.
- secs += nanosecs / 1000000000;
- nanosecs %= 1000000000;
- while ((secs = ::sleep(secs))) ;
- usleep(nanosecs / 1000);
- throw omni_thread_invalid();
-#endif /* NoNanoSleep */
-omni_thread::get_time(unsigned long* abs_sec, unsigned long* abs_nsec,
- unsigned long rel_sec, unsigned long rel_nsec)
- timespec abs;
-#if defined(__osf1__) && defined(__alpha__) || defined(__hpux__) && (__OSVERSION__ == 10) || defined(__VMS) || defined(__SINIX__) || defined(__POSIX_NT__)
- timespec rel;
- rel.tv_sec = rel_sec;
- rel.tv_nsec = rel_nsec;
- THROW_ERRORS(pthread_get_expiration_np(&rel, &abs));
-#ifdef HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME /* __linux__ || __aix__ */
- clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &abs);
-#elif defined(HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY) /* defined(__linux__) || defined(__aix__) || defined(__SCO_VERSION__) || defined(__darwin__) || defined(__macos__) */
- struct timeval tv;
- gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
- abs.tv_sec = tv.tv_sec;
- abs.tv_nsec = tv.tv_usec * 1000;
-#error no get time support
-#endif /* __linux__ || __aix__ */
- abs.tv_nsec += rel_nsec;
- abs.tv_sec += rel_sec + abs.tv_nsec / 1000000000;
- abs.tv_nsec = abs.tv_nsec % 1000000000;
-#endif /* __osf1__ && __alpha__ */
- *abs_sec = abs.tv_sec;
- *abs_nsec = abs.tv_nsec;
-omni_thread::posix_priority(priority_t pri)
-#ifdef PthreadSupportThreadPriority
- switch (pri) {
- return lowest_priority;
- return normal_priority;
- return highest_priority;
- }
- throw omni_thread_invalid();
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
- return 0;
-omni_thread::stacksize(unsigned long sz)
- stack_size = sz;
-unsigned long
- return stack_size;
-// Dummy thread
-class omni_thread_dummy : public omni_thread {
- inline omni_thread_dummy() : omni_thread()
- {
- _dummy = 1;
- _state = STATE_RUNNING;
- posix_thread = pthread_self();
- THROW_ERRORS(pthread_setspecific(self_key, (void*)this));
- }
- inline ~omni_thread_dummy()
- {
- THROW_ERRORS(pthread_setspecific(self_key, 0));
- }
- if (omni_thread::self())
- throw omni_thread_invalid();
- return new omni_thread_dummy;
- omni_thread* self = omni_thread::self();
- if (!self || !self->_dummy)
- throw omni_thread_invalid();
- omni_thread_dummy* dummy = (omni_thread_dummy*)self;
- delete dummy;
-#include ""
diff --git a/omnithread/ b/omnithread/
deleted file mode 100644
index eedaaa99f6..0000000000
--- a/omnithread/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,615 +0,0 @@
-// Package : omnithread
-// omnithread/ Created : 7/94 tjr
-// Copyright (C) 1994-1999 AT&T Laboratories Cambridge
-// This file is part of the omnithread library
-// The omnithread library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Library General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
-// Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Boston, MA
-// 02110-1301, USA
-// Implementation of OMNI thread abstraction for solaris threads.
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <gnuradio/omnithread.h>
-#define DB(x) // x
-// #include <iostream> or #include <iostream.h> if DB is on.
-#define THROW_ERRORS(x) { int rc = (x); \
- if (rc != 0) throw omni_thread_fatal(rc); }
-// Mutex
- THROW_ERRORS(mutex_init(&sol_mutex, USYNC_THREAD, 0));
- THROW_ERRORS(mutex_destroy(&sol_mutex));
- THROW_ERRORS(mutex_lock(&sol_mutex));
- THROW_ERRORS(mutex_unlock(&sol_mutex));
-// Condition variable
-omni_condition::omni_condition(omni_mutex* m) : mutex(m)
- THROW_ERRORS(cond_init(&sol_cond, USYNC_THREAD, 0));
- THROW_ERRORS(cond_destroy(&sol_cond));
- THROW_ERRORS(cond_wait(&sol_cond, &mutex->sol_mutex));
-omni_condition::timedwait(unsigned long secs, unsigned long nanosecs)
- timespec rqts = { secs, nanosecs };
- again:
- int rc = cond_timedwait(&sol_cond, &mutex->sol_mutex, &rqts);
- if (rc == 0)
- return 1;
- if (rc == EINTR)
- goto again;
- if (rc == ETIME)
- return 0;
- throw omni_thread_fatal(rc);
- THROW_ERRORS(cond_signal(&sol_cond));
- THROW_ERRORS(cond_broadcast(&sol_cond));
-// Counting semaphore
-omni_semaphore::omni_semaphore(unsigned int initial)
- THROW_ERRORS(sema_init(&sol_sem, initial, USYNC_THREAD, NULL));
- THROW_ERRORS(sema_destroy(&sol_sem));
- THROW_ERRORS(sema_wait(&sol_sem));
- THROW_ERRORS(sema_post(&sol_sem));
-// Thread
-// Static variables
-int omni_thread::init_t::count = 0;
-omni_mutex* omni_thread::next_id_mutex;
-int omni_thread::next_id = 0;
-static thread_key_t self_key;
-static size_t stack_size = 0;
-// Initialisation function (gets called before any user code).
- if (count++ != 0) // only do it once however many objects get created.
- return;
- DB(cerr << "omni_thread::init: solaris implementation initialising\n");
- THROW_ERRORS(thr_keycreate(&self_key, NULL));
- next_id_mutex = new omni_mutex;
- //
- // Create object for this (i.e. initial) thread.
- //
- omni_thread* t = new omni_thread;
- t->_state = STATE_RUNNING;
- t->sol_thread = thr_self();
- DB(cerr << "initial thread " << t->id() << " sol_thread " << t->sol_thread
- << endl);
- THROW_ERRORS(thr_setspecific(self_key, (void*)t));
- THROW_ERRORS(thr_setprio(t->sol_thread, sol_priority(PRIORITY_NORMAL)));
-// Wrapper for thread creation.
-extern "C" void*
-omni_thread_wrapper(void* ptr)
- omni_thread* me = (omni_thread*)ptr;
- DB(cerr << "omni_thread::wrapper: thread " << me->id()
- << " started\n");
- THROW_ERRORS(thr_setspecific(self_key, me));
- //
- // Now invoke the thread function with the given argument.
- //
- if (me->fn_void != NULL) {
- (*me->fn_void)(me->thread_arg);
- omni_thread::exit();
- }
- if (me->fn_ret != NULL) {
- void* return_value = (*me->fn_ret)(me->thread_arg);
- omni_thread::exit(return_value);
- }
- if (me->detached) {
- me->run(me->thread_arg);
- omni_thread::exit();
- } else {
- void* return_value = me->run_undetached(me->thread_arg);
- omni_thread::exit(return_value);
- }
- // should never get here.
- return NULL;
-// Constructors for omni_thread - set up the thread object but don't
-// start it running.
-// construct a detached thread running a given function.
-omni_thread::omni_thread(void (*fn)(void*), void* arg, priority_t pri)
- common_constructor(arg, pri, 1);
- fn_void = fn;
- fn_ret = NULL;
-// construct an undetached thread running a given function.
-omni_thread::omni_thread(void* (*fn)(void*), void* arg, priority_t pri)
- common_constructor(arg, pri, 0);
- fn_void = NULL;
- fn_ret = fn;
-// construct a thread which will run either run() or run_undetached().
-omni_thread::omni_thread(void* arg, priority_t pri)
- common_constructor(arg, pri, 1);
- fn_void = NULL;
- fn_ret = NULL;
-// common part of all constructors.
-omni_thread::common_constructor(void* arg, priority_t pri, int det)
- _state = STATE_NEW;
- _priority = pri;
- next_id_mutex->lock();
- _id = next_id++;
- next_id_mutex->unlock();
- thread_arg = arg;
- detached = det; // may be altered in start_undetached()
- _dummy = 0;
- _values = 0;
- _value_alloc = 0;
- // sol_thread is set up in initialisation routine or start().
-// Destructor for omni_thread.
- DB(cerr << "destructor called for thread " << id() << endl);
- if (_values) {
- for (key_t i=0; i < _value_alloc; i++) {
- if (_values[i]) {
- delete _values[i];
- }
- }
- delete [] _values;
- }
-// Start the thread
- long flags = 0;
- if (detached)
- flags |= THR_DETACHED;
- omni_mutex_lock l(mutex);
- if (_state != STATE_NEW)
- throw omni_thread_invalid();
- THROW_ERRORS(thr_create(0, stack_size, omni_thread_wrapper, (void*)this, flags,
- &sol_thread));
- _state = STATE_RUNNING;
- THROW_ERRORS(thr_setprio(sol_thread, sol_priority(_priority)));
-// Start a thread which will run the member function run_undetached().
- if ((fn_void != NULL) || (fn_ret != NULL))
- throw omni_thread_invalid();
- detached = 0;
- start();
-// join - simply check error conditions & call thr_join.
-omni_thread::join(void** status)
- mutex.lock();
- if ((_state != STATE_RUNNING) && (_state != STATE_TERMINATED)) {
- mutex.unlock();
- throw omni_thread_invalid();
- }
- mutex.unlock();
- if (this == self())
- throw omni_thread_invalid();
- if (detached)
- throw omni_thread_invalid();
- DB(cerr << "omni_thread::join: doing thr_join\n");
- THROW_ERRORS(thr_join(sol_thread, (thread_t *)NULL, status));
- DB(cerr << "omni_thread::join: thr_join succeeded\n");
- delete this;
-// Change this thread's priority.
-omni_thread::set_priority(priority_t pri)
- omni_mutex_lock l(mutex);
- if (_state != STATE_RUNNING)
- throw omni_thread_invalid();
- _priority = pri;
- THROW_ERRORS(thr_setprio(sol_thread, sol_priority(pri)));
-// create - construct a new thread object and start it running. Returns thread
-// object if successful, null pointer if not.
-// detached version
-omni_thread::create(void (*fn)(void*), void* arg, priority_t pri)
- omni_thread* t = new omni_thread(fn, arg, pri);
- t->start();
- return t;
-// undetached version
-omni_thread::create(void* (*fn)(void*), void* arg, priority_t pri)
- omni_thread* t = new omni_thread(fn, arg, pri);
- t->start();
- return t;
-// exit() _must_ lock the mutex even in the case of a detached thread. This is
-// because a thread may run to completion before the thread that created it has
-// had a chance to get out of start(). By locking the mutex we ensure that the
-// creating thread must have reached the end of start() before we delete the
-// thread object. Of course, once the call to start() returns, the user can
-// still incorrectly refer to the thread object, but that's their problem.
-omni_thread::exit(void* return_value)
- omni_thread* me = self();
- if (me)
- {
- me->mutex.lock();
- me->_state = STATE_TERMINATED;
- me->mutex.unlock();
- DB(cerr << "omni_thread::exit: thread " << me->id() << " detached "
- << me->detached << " return value " << return_value << endl);
- if (me->detached)
- delete me;
- }
- else
- {
- DB(cerr << "omni_thread::exit: called with a non-omnithread. Exit quietly." << endl);
- }
- thr_exit(return_value);
- omni_thread* me;
- THROW_ERRORS(thr_getspecific(self_key, (void**)&me));
- if (!me) {
- // This thread is not created by omni_thread::start because it
- // doesn't has a class omni_thread instance attached to its key.
- DB(cerr << "omni_thread::self: called with a non-ominthread. NULL is returned." << endl);
- }
- return me;
- thr_yield();
-omni_thread::sleep(unsigned long secs, unsigned long nanosecs)
- timespec rqts = { secs, nanosecs };
- timespec remain;
- while (nanosleep(&rqts, &remain)) {
- if (errno == EINTR) {
- rqts.tv_sec = remain.tv_sec;
- rqts.tv_nsec = remain.tv_nsec;
- continue;
- }
- else
- throw omni_thread_fatal(errno);
- }
-omni_thread::get_time(unsigned long* abs_sec, unsigned long* abs_nsec,
- unsigned long rel_sec, unsigned long rel_nsec)
- timespec abs;
- clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &abs);
- abs.tv_nsec += rel_nsec;
- abs.tv_sec += rel_sec + abs.tv_nsec / 1000000000;
- abs.tv_nsec = abs.tv_nsec % 1000000000;
- *abs_sec = abs.tv_sec;
- *abs_nsec = abs.tv_nsec;
-omni_thread::sol_priority(priority_t pri)
- switch (pri) {
- return 0;
- return 1;
- return 2;
- }
- throw omni_thread_invalid();
-omni_thread::stacksize(unsigned long sz)
- stack_size = sz;
-unsigned long
- return stack_size;
-// Dummy thread
-#error This dummy thread code is not tested. It might work if you're lucky.
-class omni_thread_dummy : public omni_thread {
- inline omni_thread_dummy() : omni_thread()
- {
- _dummy = 1;
- _state = STATE_RUNNING;
- sol_thread = thr_self();
- THROW_ERRORS(thr_setspecific(self_key, (void*)this));
- }
- inline ~omni_thread_dummy()
- {
- THROW_ERRORS(thr_setspecific(self_key, 0));
- }
- if (omni_thread::self())
- throw omni_thread_invalid();
- return new omni_thread_dummy;
- omni_thread* self = omni_thread::self();
- if (!self || !self->_dummy)
- throw omni_thread_invalid();
- omni_thread_dummy* dummy = (omni_thread_dummy*)self;
- delete dummy;
-#include ""
diff --git a/omnithread/ b/omnithread/
deleted file mode 100644
index d54c439144..0000000000
--- a/omnithread/
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@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-// Package : omnithread
-// omnithread/ Created : 10/2000 dpg1
-// Copyright (C) 2000 AT&T Laboratories Cambridge
-// This file is part of the omnithread library
-// The omnithread library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
-// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Library General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
-// Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Boston, MA
-// 02110-1301, USA
-// Implementation of per-thread data
-#error " must be #included by a thread implementation."
-static omni_thread::key_t allocated_keys = 0;
- omni_mutex_lock l(*next_id_mutex);
- return ++allocated_keys;
-omni_thread::set_value(key_t k, value_t* v)
- if (k == 0) return 0;
- if (k > _value_alloc) {
- next_id_mutex->lock();
- key_t alloc = allocated_keys;
- next_id_mutex->unlock();
- if (k > alloc) return 0;
- value_t** nv = new value_t*[alloc];
- key_t i = 0;
- if (_values) {
- for (; i < _value_alloc; i++)
- nv[i] = _values[i];
- delete [] _values;
- }
- for (; i < alloc; i++)
- nv[i] = 0;
- _values = nv;
- _value_alloc = alloc;
- }
- if (_values[k-1]) delete _values[k-1];
- _values[k-1] = v;
- return v;
-omni_thread::get_value(key_t k)
- if (k > _value_alloc) return 0;
- return _values[k-1];
-omni_thread::remove_value(key_t k)
- if (k > _value_alloc) return 0;
- value_t* v = _values[k-1];
- _values[k-1] = 0;
- return v;
diff --git a/omnithread/ b/omnithread/
deleted file mode 100644
index aaff6cdb20..0000000000
--- a/omnithread/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1160 +0,0 @@
-// Filename:
-// Author: Tihomir Sokcevic
-// Acterna, Eningen.
-// Description: vxWorks adaptation of the omnithread wrapper classes
-// Notes: Munching strategy is imperative
-// $Log$
-// Revision 1.1 2004/04/10 18:00:52 eb
-// Initial revision
-// Revision 2004/03/01 00:20:27 eb
-// initial checkin
-// Revision 1.1 2003/05/25 05:29:04 eb
-// see ChangeLog
-// Revision 2003/02/17 02:03:11 dgrisby
-// vxWorks port. (Thanks Michael Sturm / Acterna Eningen GmbH).
-// Revision 2002/11/19 14:58:04 sokcevti
-// OmniOrb4.0.0 VxWorks port
-// Revision 1.4 2002/10/15 07:54:09 kuttlest
-// change semaphore from SEM_FIFO to SEM_PRIO
-// ---
-// Revision 1.3 2002/07/05 07:38:52 engeln
-// made priority redefinable on load time by defining int variables
-// omni_thread_prio_low = 220;
-// omni_thread_prio_normal = 110;
-// omni_thread_prio_high = 55;
-// the default priority is prio_normal.
-// The normal priority default has been increased from 200 to 110 and the
-// high priority from 100 to 55.
-// ---
-// Revision 1.2 2002/06/14 12:44:57 engeln
-// replaced possibly unsafe wakeup procedure in broadcast.
-// ---
-// Revision 2002/04/02 10:09:34 sokcevti
-// omniORB4 initial realease
-// Revision 1.0 2001/10/23 14:22:45 sokcevti
-// Initial Version 4.00
-// ---
-// Include files
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <gnuradio/omnithread.h>
-#include <sysLib.h>
-#include <assert.h> // assert
-#include <intLib.h> // intContext
-// Local defines
-#define ERRNO(x) (((x) != 0) ? (errno) : 0)
-#define THROW_ERRORS(x) { if((x) != OK) throw omni_thread_fatal(errno); }
-#define OMNI_THREAD_ID 0x7F7155AAl
-#define OMNI_STACK_SIZE 32768l
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- #include <fstream>
- #define DBG_TRACE(X) X
-#else // _DEBUG
- #define DBG_TRACE(X)
-#endif // _DEBUG
-#define DBG_ASSERT(X)
-#define DBG_THROW(X) X
-int omni_thread_prio_low = 220;
-int omni_thread_prio_normal = 110;
-int omni_thread_prio_high = 55;
-// Mutex
- DBG_ASSERT(assert(mutexID != NULL));
- if(mutexID==NULL)
- {
- DBG_TRACE(cout<<"Exception: omni_mutex::omni_mutex() tid: "<<(int)taskIdSelf()<<endl);
- DBG_THROW(throw omni_thread_fatal(-1));
- }
- m_bConstructed = true;
- m_bConstructed = false;
- STATUS status = semDelete(mutexID);
- DBG_ASSERT(assert(status == OK));
- if(status != OK)
- {
- DBG_TRACE(cout<<"Exception: omni_mutex::~omni_mutex() mutexID: "<<(int)mutexID<<" tid: "<<(int)taskIdSelf()<<endl);
- DBG_THROW(throw omni_thread_fatal(errno));
- }
-void omni_mutex::lock(void)
- DBG_ASSERT(assert(!intContext())); // not in ISR context
- DBG_ASSERT(assert(m_bConstructed));
- STATUS status = semTake(mutexID, WAIT_FOREVER);
- DBG_ASSERT(assert(status == OK));
- if(status != OK)
- {
- DBG_TRACE(cout<<"Exception: omni_mutex::lock() mutexID: "<<(int)mutexID<<" tid: "<<(int)taskIdSelf()<<endl);
- DBG_THROW(throw omni_thread_fatal(errno));
- }
-void omni_mutex::unlock(void)
- DBG_ASSERT(assert(m_bConstructed));
- STATUS status = semGive(mutexID);
- DBG_ASSERT(assert(status == OK));
- if(status != OK)
- {
- DBG_TRACE(cout<<"Exception: omni_mutex::unlock() mutexID: "<<(int)mutexID<<" tid: "<<(int)taskIdSelf()<<endl);
- DBG_THROW(throw omni_thread_fatal(errno));
- }
-// Condition variable
-omni_condition::omni_condition(omni_mutex* m) : mutex(m)
- DBG_TRACE(cout<<"omni_condition::omni_condition mutexID: "<<(int)mutex->mutexID<<" tid:"<<(int)taskIdSelf()<<endl);
- waiters_ = 0;
- sema_ = semCCreate(SEM_Q_PRIORITY, 0);
- if(sema_ == NULL)
- {
- DBG_TRACE(cout<<"Exception: omni_condition::omni_condition() tid: "<<(int)taskIdSelf()<<endl);
- DBG_THROW(throw omni_thread_fatal(errno));
- }
- waiters_lock_ = semMCreate(SEM_Q_PRIORITY | SEM_INVERSION_SAFE);
- if(waiters_lock_ == NULL)
- {
- DBG_TRACE(cout<<"Exception: omni_condition::omni_condition() tid: "<<(int)taskIdSelf()<<endl);
- DBG_THROW(throw omni_thread_fatal(errno));
- }
- STATUS status = semDelete(waiters_lock_);
- DBG_ASSERT(assert(status == OK));
- if(status != OK)
- {
- DBG_TRACE(cout<<"Exception: omni_condition::~omni_condition"<<endl);
- DBG_THROW(throw omni_thread_fatal(errno));
- }
- status = semDelete(sema_);
- DBG_ASSERT(assert(status == OK));
- if(status != OK)
- {
- DBG_TRACE(cout<<"Exception: omni_condition::~omni_condition"<<endl);
- DBG_THROW(throw omni_thread_fatal(errno));
- }
-void omni_condition::wait(void)
- DBG_TRACE(cout<<"omni_condition::wait mutexID: "<<(int)mutex->mutexID<<" tid:"<<(int)taskIdSelf()<<endl);
- // Prevent race conditions on the <waiters_> count.
- STATUS status = semTake(waiters_lock_,WAIT_FOREVER);
- DBG_ASSERT(assert(status == OK));
- if(status != OK)
- {
- DBG_TRACE(cout<<"Exception: omni_condition::wait"<<endl);
- DBG_THROW(throw omni_thread_fatal(errno));
- }
- ++waiters_;
- status = semGive(waiters_lock_);
- DBG_ASSERT(assert(status == OK));
- if(status != OK)
- {
- DBG_TRACE(cout<<"Exception: omni_condition::wait"<<endl);
- DBG_THROW(throw omni_thread_fatal(errno));
- }
- // disable task lock to have an atomic unlock+semTake
- taskLock();
- // We keep the lock held just long enough to increment the count of
- // waiters by one. Note that we can't keep it held across the call
- // to wait() since that will deadlock other calls to signal().
- mutex->unlock();
- // Wait to be awakened by a cond_signal() or cond_broadcast().
- status = semTake(sema_,WAIT_FOREVER);
- // reenable task rescheduling
- taskUnlock();
- DBG_ASSERT(assert(status == OK));
- if(status != OK)
- {
- DBG_TRACE(cout<<"Exception: omni_condition::wait"<<endl);
- DBG_THROW(throw omni_thread_fatal(errno));
- }
- // Reacquire lock to avoid race conditions on the <waiters_> count.
- status = semTake(waiters_lock_,WAIT_FOREVER);
- DBG_ASSERT(assert(status == OK));
- if(status != OK)
- {
- DBG_TRACE(cout<<"Exception: omni_condition::wait"<<endl);
- DBG_THROW(throw omni_thread_fatal(errno));
- }
- // We're ready to return, so there's one less waiter.
- --waiters_;
- // Release the lock so that other collaborating threads can make
- // progress.
- status = semGive(waiters_lock_);
- DBG_ASSERT(assert(status == OK));
- if(status != OK)
- {
- DBG_TRACE(cout<<"Exception: omni_condition::wait"<<endl);
- DBG_THROW(throw omni_thread_fatal(errno));
- }
- // Bad things happened, so let's just return below.
- // We must always regain the <external_mutex>, even when errors
- // occur because that's the guarantee that we give to our callers.
- mutex->lock();
-// The time given is absolute. Return 0 is timeout
-int omni_condition::timedwait(unsigned long secs, unsigned long nanosecs)
- STATUS result = OK;
- timespec now;
- unsigned long timeout;
- int ticks;
- // Prevent race conditions on the <waiters_> count.
- STATUS status = semTake(waiters_lock_, WAIT_FOREVER);
- DBG_ASSERT(assert(status == OK));
- if(status != OK)
- {
- DBG_TRACE(cout<<"Exception: omni_condition::timedwait"<<endl);
- DBG_THROW(throw omni_thread_fatal(errno));
- }
- ++waiters_;
- status = semGive(waiters_lock_);
- DBG_ASSERT(assert(status == OK));
- if(status != OK)
- {
- DBG_TRACE(cout<<"Exception: omni_condition::timedwait"<<endl);
- DBG_THROW(throw omni_thread_fatal(errno));
- }
- clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now);
- if(((unsigned long)secs <= (unsigned long)now.tv_sec) &&
- (((unsigned long)secs < (unsigned long)now.tv_sec) ||
- (nanosecs < (unsigned long)now.tv_nsec)))
- timeout = 0;
- else
- timeout = (secs-now.tv_sec) * 1000 + (nanosecs-now.tv_nsec) / 1000000l;
- // disable task lock to have an atomic unlock+semTake
- taskLock();
- // We keep the lock held just long enough to increment the count
- // of waiters by one.
- mutex->unlock();
- // Wait to be awakened by a signal() or broadcast().
- ticks = (timeout * sysClkRateGet()) / 1000L;
- result = semTake(sema_, ticks);
- // reenable task rescheduling
- taskUnlock();
- // Reacquire lock to avoid race conditions.
- status = semTake(waiters_lock_, WAIT_FOREVER);
- DBG_ASSERT(assert(status == OK));
- if(status != OK)
- {
- DBG_TRACE(cout<<"Exception: omni_condition::timedwait"<<endl);
- DBG_THROW(throw omni_thread_fatal(errno));
- }
- --waiters_;
- status = semGive(waiters_lock_);
- DBG_ASSERT(assert(status == OK));
- if(status != OK)
- {
- DBG_TRACE(cout<<"Exception: omni_condition::timedwait"<<endl);
- DBG_THROW(throw omni_thread_fatal(errno));
- }
- // A timeout has occured - fires exception if the origin is other than timeout
- if(result!=OK && !(errno == S_objLib_OBJ_TIMEOUT || errno == S_objLib_OBJ_UNAVAILABLE))
- {
- DBG_TRACE(cout<<"omni_condition::timedwait! - thread:"<<omni_thread::self()->id()<<" SemID:"<<(int)sema_<<" errno:"<<errno<<endl);
- DBG_THROW(throw omni_thread_fatal(errno));
- }
- // We must always regain the <external_mutex>, even when errors
- // occur because that's the guarantee that we give to our callers.
- mutex->lock();
- if(result!=OK) // timeout
- return 0;
- return 1;
-void omni_condition::signal(void)
- DBG_TRACE(cout<<"omni_condition::signal mutexID: "<<(int)mutex->mutexID<<" tid:"<<(int)taskIdSelf()<<endl);
- STATUS status = semTake(waiters_lock_, WAIT_FOREVER);
- DBG_ASSERT(assert(status == OK));
- if(status != OK)
- {
- DBG_TRACE(cout<<"Exception: omni_condition::signal"<<endl);
- DBG_THROW(throw omni_thread_fatal(errno));
- }
- int have_waiters = waiters_ > 0;
- status = semGive(waiters_lock_);
- DBG_ASSERT(assert(status == OK));
- if(status != OK)
- {
- DBG_TRACE(cout<<"Exception: omni_condition::signal"<<endl);
- DBG_THROW(throw omni_thread_fatal(errno));
- }
- if(have_waiters != 0)
- {
- status = semGive(sema_);
- DBG_ASSERT(assert(status == OK));
- if(status != OK)
- {
- DBG_TRACE(cout<<"Exception: omni_condition::signal"<<endl);
- DBG_THROW(throw omni_thread_fatal(errno));
- }
- }
-void omni_condition::broadcast(void)
- DBG_TRACE(cout<<"omni_condition::broadcast mutexID: "<<(int)mutex->mutexID<<" tid:"<<(int)taskIdSelf()<<endl);
- int have_waiters = 0;
- // The <external_mutex> must be locked before this call is made.
- // This is needed to ensure that <waiters_> and <was_broadcast_> are
- // consistent relative to each other.
- STATUS status = semTake(waiters_lock_, WAIT_FOREVER);
- DBG_ASSERT(assert(status == OK));
- if(status != OK)
- {
- DBG_TRACE(cout<<"Exception: omni_condition::signal"<<endl);
- DBG_THROW(throw omni_thread_fatal(errno));
- }
- if(waiters_ > 0)
- {
- // We are broadcasting, even if there is just one waiter...
- // Record the fact that we are broadcasting. This helps the
- // cond_wait() method know how to optimize itself. Be sure to
- // set this with the <waiters_lock_> held.
- have_waiters = 1;
- }
- status = semGive(waiters_lock_);
- DBG_ASSERT(assert(status == OK));
- if(status != OK)
- {
- DBG_TRACE(cout<<"Exception: omni_condition::signal"<<endl);
- DBG_THROW(throw omni_thread_fatal(errno));
- }
- if(have_waiters)
- {
- // Wake up all the waiters.
- status = semFlush(sema_);
- DBG_ASSERT(assert(status == OK));
- if(status != OK)
- {
- DBG_TRACE(cout<<"omni_condition::broadcast1! - thread:"<<omni_thread::self()->id()<<" SemID:"<<(int)sema_<<" errno:"<<errno<<endl);
- DBG_THROW(throw omni_thread_fatal(errno));
- }
- }
-// Counting semaphore
-omni_semaphore::omni_semaphore(unsigned int initial)
- DBG_ASSERT(assert(0 <= (int)initial)); // POSIX expects only unsigned init values
- semID = semCCreate(SEM_Q_PRIORITY, (int)initial);
- DBG_ASSERT(assert(semID!=NULL));
- if(semID==NULL)
- {
- DBG_TRACE(cout<<"Exception: omni_semaphore::omni_semaphore"<<endl);
- DBG_THROW(throw omni_thread_fatal(-1));
- }
- STATUS status = semDelete(semID);
- DBG_ASSERT(assert(status == OK));
- if(status != OK)
- {
- DBG_TRACE(cout<<"Exception: omni_semaphore::~omni_semaphore"<<endl);
- DBG_THROW(throw omni_thread_fatal(errno));
- }
-void omni_semaphore::wait(void)
- DBG_ASSERT(assert(!intContext())); // no wait in ISR
- STATUS status = semTake(semID, WAIT_FOREVER);
- DBG_ASSERT(assert(status == OK));
- if(status != OK)
- {
- DBG_TRACE(cout<<"Exception: omni_semaphore::wait"<<endl);
- DBG_THROW(throw omni_thread_fatal(errno));
- }
-int omni_semaphore::trywait(void)
- STATUS status = semTake(semID, NO_WAIT);
- DBG_ASSERT(assert(status == OK));
- if(status != OK)
- {
- if(errno == S_objLib_OBJ_UNAVAILABLE)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- else
- {
- DBG_ASSERT(assert(false));
- DBG_TRACE(cout<<"Exception: omni_semaphore::trywait"<<endl);
- DBG_THROW(throw omni_thread_fatal(errno));
- }
- }
- return 1;
-void omni_semaphore::post(void)
- STATUS status = semGive(semID);
- DBG_ASSERT(assert(status == OK));
- if(status != OK)
- {
- DBG_TRACE(cout<<"Exception: omni_semaphore::post"<<endl);
- DBG_THROW(throw omni_thread_fatal(errno));
- }
-// Thread
-// static variables
-omni_mutex* omni_thread::next_id_mutex = 0;
-int omni_thread::next_id = 0;
-// omniORB requires a larger stack size than the default (21120) on OSF/1
-static size_t stack_size = OMNI_STACK_SIZE;
-// Initialisation function (gets called before any user code).
-static int& count() {
- static int the_count = 0;
- return the_count;
- // Only do it once however many objects get created.
- if(count()++ != 0)
- return;
- attach();
- if (--count() != 0) return;
- omni_thread* self = omni_thread::self();
- if (!self) return;
- taskTcb(taskIdSelf())->spare1 = 0;
- delete self;
- delete next_id_mutex;
-// Wrapper for thread creation.
-extern "C" void omni_thread_wrapper(void* ptr)
- omni_thread* me = (omni_thread*)ptr;
- DBG_TRACE(cout<<"omni_thread_wrapper: thread "<<me->id()<<" started\n");
- //
- // We can now tweaked the task info since the tcb exist now
- //
- me->mutex.lock(); // To ensure that start has had time to finish
- taskTcb(me->tid)->spare1 = OMNI_THREAD_ID;
- taskTcb(me->tid)->spare2 = (int)ptr;
- me->mutex.unlock();
- //
- // Now invoke the thread function with the given argument.
- //
- if(me->fn_void != NULL)
- {
- (*me->fn_void)(me->thread_arg);
- omni_thread::exit();
- }
- if(me->fn_ret != NULL)
- {
- void* return_value = (*me->fn_ret)(me->thread_arg);
- omni_thread::exit(return_value);
- }
- if(me->detached)
- {
- me->run(me->thread_arg);
- omni_thread::exit();
- }
- else
- {
- void* return_value = me->run_undetached(me->thread_arg);
- omni_thread::exit(return_value);
- }
-// Special functions for VxWorks only
-void omni_thread::attach(void)
- DBG_TRACE(cout<<"omni_thread_attach: VxWorks mapping thread initialising\n");
- int _tid = taskIdSelf();
- // Check the task is not already attached
- if(taskTcb(_tid)->spare1 == OMNI_THREAD_ID)
- return;
- // Create the mutex required to lock the threads debugging id (create before the thread!!!)
- if(next_id_mutex == 0)
- next_id_mutex = new omni_mutex;
- // Create a thread object for THIS running process
- omni_thread* t = new omni_thread;
- // Lock its mutex straigh away!
- omni_mutex_lock l(t->mutex);
- // Adjust data members of this instance
- t->_state = STATE_RUNNING;
- t->tid = taskIdSelf();
- // Set the thread values so it can be recongnised as a omni_thread
- // Set the id last can possibly prevent race condition
- taskTcb(t->tid)->spare2 = (int)t;
- taskTcb(t->tid)->spare1 = OMNI_THREAD_ID;
- // Create the running_mutex at this stage, but leave it empty. We are not running
- // in the task context HERE, so taking it would be disastrous.
- t->running_cond = new omni_condition(&t->mutex);
-void omni_thread::detach(void)
- DBG_TRACE(cout<<"omni_thread_detach: VxWorks detaching thread mapping\n");
- int _tid = taskIdSelf();
- // Check the task has a OMNI_THREAD attached
- if(taskTcb(_tid)->spare1 != OMNI_THREAD_ID)
- return;
- // Invalidate the id NOW !
- taskTcb(_tid)->spare1 = 0;
- // Even if NULL, it is safe to delete the thread
- omni_thread* t = (omni_thread*)taskTcb(_tid)->spare2;
- // Fininsh cleaning the tcb structure
- taskTcb(_tid)->spare2 = 0;
- delete t;
-// Constructors for omni_thread - set up the thread object but don't
-// start it running.
-// construct a detached thread running a given function.
-omni_thread::omni_thread(void (*fn)(void*), void* arg, priority_t pri)
- common_constructor(arg, pri, 1);
- fn_void = fn;
- fn_ret = NULL;
-// construct an undetached thread running a given function.
-omni_thread::omni_thread(void* (*fn)(void*), void* arg, priority_t pri)
- common_constructor(arg, pri, 0);
- fn_void = NULL;
- fn_ret = fn;
-// construct a thread which will run either run() or run_undetached().
-omni_thread::omni_thread(void* arg, priority_t pri)
- common_constructor(arg, pri, 1);
- fn_void = NULL;
- fn_ret = NULL;
-// common part of all constructors.
-void omni_thread::common_constructor(void* arg, priority_t pri, int det)
- _state = STATE_NEW;
- _priority = pri;
- // Set the debugging id
- next_id_mutex->lock();
- _id = next_id++;
- next_id_mutex->unlock();
- // Note : tid can only be setup when the task is up and running
- tid = 0;
- thread_arg = arg;
- detached = det; // may be altered in start_undetached()
- _dummy = 0;
- _values = 0;
- _value_alloc = 0;
-// Destructor for omni_thread.
- DBG_TRACE(cout<<"omni_thread::~omni_thread for thread "<<id()<<endl);
- if (_values) {
- for (key_t i=0; i < _value_alloc; i++) {
- if (_values[i]) {
- delete _values[i];
- }
- }
- delete [] _values;
- }
- delete running_cond;
-// Start the thread
-void omni_thread::start(void)
- omni_mutex_lock l(mutex);
- DBG_ASSERT(assert(_state == STATE_NEW));
- if(_state != STATE_NEW)
- DBG_THROW(throw omni_thread_invalid());
- // Allocate memory for the task. (The returned id cannot be trusted by the task)
- tid = taskSpawn(
- NULL, // Task name
- vxworks_priority(_priority), // Priority
- 0, // Option
- stack_size, // Stack size
- (FUNCPTR)omni_thread_wrapper, // Priority
- (int)this, // First argument is this
- 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 // Remaining unused args
- );
- DBG_ASSERT(assert(tid!=ERROR));
- if(tid==ERROR)
- DBG_THROW(throw omni_thread_invalid());
- _state = STATE_RUNNING;
- // Create the running_mutex at this stage, but leave it empty. We are not running
- // in the task context HERE, so taking it would be disastrous.
- running_cond = new omni_condition(&mutex);
-// Start a thread which will run the member function run_undetached().
-void omni_thread::start_undetached(void)
- DBG_ASSERT(assert(!((fn_void != NULL) || (fn_ret != NULL))));
- if((fn_void != NULL) || (fn_ret != NULL))
- DBG_THROW(throw omni_thread_invalid());
- detached = 0;
- start();
-// join - Wait for the task to complete before returning to the calling process
-void omni_thread::join(void** status)
- mutex.lock();
- if((_state != STATE_RUNNING) && (_state != STATE_TERMINATED))
- {
- mutex.unlock();
- DBG_ASSERT(assert(false));
- DBG_THROW(throw omni_thread_invalid());
- }
- mutex.unlock();
- DBG_ASSERT(assert(this != self()));
- if(this == self())
- DBG_THROW(throw omni_thread_invalid());
- DBG_ASSERT(assert(!detached));
- if(detached)
- DBG_THROW(throw omni_thread_invalid());
- mutex.lock();
- running_cond->wait();
- mutex.unlock();
- if(status)
- *status = return_val;
- delete this;
-// Change this thread's priority.
-void omni_thread::set_priority(priority_t pri)
- omni_mutex_lock l(mutex);
- DBG_ASSERT(assert(_state == STATE_RUNNING));
- if(_state != STATE_RUNNING)
- {
- DBG_THROW(throw omni_thread_invalid());
- }
- _priority = pri;
- if(taskPrioritySet(tid, vxworks_priority(pri))==ERROR)
- {
- DBG_ASSERT(assert(false));
- DBG_THROW(throw omni_thread_fatal(errno));
- }
-// create - construct a new thread object and start it running. Returns thread
-// object if successful, null pointer if not.
-// detached version (the entry point is a void)
-omni_thread* omni_thread::create(void (*fn)(void*), void* arg, priority_t pri)
- omni_thread* t = new omni_thread(fn, arg, pri);
- t->start();
- return t;
-// undetached version (the entry point is a void*)
-omni_thread* omni_thread::create(void* (*fn)(void*), void* arg, priority_t pri)
- omni_thread* t = new omni_thread(fn, arg, pri);
- t->start();
- return t;
-// exit() _must_ lock the mutex even in the case of a detached thread. This is
-// because a thread may run to completion before the thread that created it has
-// had a chance to get out of start(). By locking the mutex we ensure that the
-// creating thread must have reached the end of start() before we delete the
-// thread object. Of course, once the call to start() returns, the user can
-// still incorrectly refer to the thread object, but that's their problem.
-void omni_thread::exit(void* return_value)
- omni_thread* me = self();
- if(me)
- {
- me->mutex.lock();
- me->return_val = return_value;
- me->_state = STATE_TERMINATED;
- me->running_cond->signal();
- me->mutex.unlock();
- DBG_TRACE(cout<<"omni_thread::exit: thread "<<me->id()<<" detached "<<me->detached<<" return value "<<(int)return_value<<endl);
- if(me->detached)
- delete me;
- }
- else
- DBG_TRACE(cout<<"omni_thread::exit: called with a non-omnithread. Exit quietly."<<endl);
- taskDelete(taskIdSelf());
-omni_thread* omni_thread::self(void)
- if(taskTcb(taskIdSelf())->spare1 != OMNI_THREAD_ID)
- return NULL;
- return (omni_thread*)taskTcb(taskIdSelf())->spare2;
-void omni_thread::yield(void)
- taskDelay(NO_WAIT);
-void omni_thread::sleep(unsigned long secs, unsigned long nanosecs)
- int tps = sysClkRateGet();
- // Convert to us to avoid overflow in the multiplication
- // tps should always be less than 1000 !
- nanosecs /= 1000;
- taskDelay(secs*tps + (nanosecs*tps)/1000000l);
-void omni_thread::get_time( unsigned long* abs_sec,
- unsigned long* abs_nsec,
- unsigned long rel_sec,
- unsigned long rel_nsec)
- timespec abs;
- clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &abs);
- abs.tv_nsec += rel_nsec;
- abs.tv_sec += rel_sec + abs.tv_nsec / 1000000000;
- abs.tv_nsec = abs.tv_nsec % 1000000000;
- *abs_sec = abs.tv_sec;
- *abs_nsec = abs.tv_nsec;
-int omni_thread::vxworks_priority(priority_t pri)
- switch (pri)
- {
- return omni_thread_prio_low;
- return omni_thread_prio_normal;
- return omni_thread_prio_high;
- }
- DBG_ASSERT(assert(false));
- DBG_THROW(throw omni_thread_invalid());
-void omni_thread::stacksize(unsigned long sz)
- stack_size = sz;
-unsigned long omni_thread::stacksize()
- return stack_size;
-void omni_thread::show(void)
- omni_thread *pThread;
- int s1, s2;
- int tid = taskIdSelf();
- printf("TaskId is %.8x\n", tid);
- s1 = taskTcb(tid)->spare1;
- if(s1 != OMNI_THREAD_ID)
- {
- printf("Spare 1 is %.8x, and not recongnized\n", s1);
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- printf("Spare 1 indicate an omni_thread.\n");
- }
- s2 = taskTcb(tid)->spare2;
- if(s2 == 0)
- {
- printf("Spare 2 is NULL! - No thread object attached !!\n");
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- printf("Thread object at %.8x\n", s2);
- }
- pThread = (omni_thread *)s2;
- state_t status = pThread->_state;
- printf(" | Thread status is ");
- switch (status)
- {
- case STATE_NEW:
- printf("NEW\n"); break;
- printf("STATE_RUNNING\n"); break;
- printf("TERMINATED\n"); break;
- default:
- printf("Illegal (=%.8x)\n", (unsigned int)status);
- return;
- }
- if(pThread->tid != tid)
- {
- printf(" | Task ID in thread object is different!! (=%.8x)\n", pThread->tid);
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- printf(" | Task ID in thread consistent\n");
- }
- printf("\n");
-// Dummy thread
-class omni_thread_dummy : public omni_thread {
- inline omni_thread_dummy() : omni_thread()
- {
- _dummy = 1;
- _state = STATE_RUNNING;
- // Adjust data members of this instance
- tid = taskIdSelf();
- // Set the thread values so it can be recongnised as a omni_thread
- // Set the id last can possibly prevent race condition
- taskTcb(tid)->spare2 = (int)this;
- taskTcb(tid)->spare1 = OMNI_THREAD_ID;
- }
- inline ~omni_thread_dummy()
- {
- taskTcb(taskIdSelf())->spare1 = 0;
- }
- if (omni_thread::self())
- throw omni_thread_invalid();
- return new omni_thread_dummy;
- omni_thread* self = omni_thread::self();
- if (!self || !self->_dummy)
- throw omni_thread_invalid();
- omni_thread_dummy* dummy = (omni_thread_dummy*)self;
- delete dummy;
-#include ""
diff --git a/ b/
index ce0d909788..1cb8e170ad 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -56,9 +56,6 @@ fi
-# Where to find omnithread library files
# Where to find gruel library files
@@ -68,7 +65,7 @@ grcoredir=@gnuradio_core_LIBDIRPATH@
# Construct search path for python modules
# Check each one to make sure it's not "" before adding
-for dir in $gromnidir $grcoredir $grueldir
+for dir in $grcoredir $grueldir
if [ "$dir" != "" ]
diff --git a/usrp/firmware/include/usrp_ids.h b/usrp/firmware/include/usrp_ids.h
index dd5daed012..46a0694349 100644
--- a/usrp/firmware/include/usrp_ids.h
+++ b/usrp/firmware/include/usrp_ids.h
@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@
#define USB_PID_FSF_BDALE_8 0x0012 // Bdale Garbee <>
#define USB_PID_FSF_BDALE_9 0x0013 // Bdale Garbee <>
#define USB_PID_FSF_HPSDR_HERMES 0x0014 // HPSDR Hermes
+#define USB_PID_FSF_THINKRF 0x0015 // Catalin Patulea <>
+#define USB_PID_FSF_MSA 0x0016 // Hans de Bok <> Scotty's Modular Spectrum Analyzer
#define USB_PID_FSF_LBNL_UXO 0x0018 //
diff --git a/usrp/firmware/src/common/ b/usrp/firmware/src/common/
index ed9bb56a48..d73cbbc4f7 100755
--- a/usrp/firmware/src/common/
+++ b/usrp/firmware/src/common/
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ def build_shell_script (out, ihx_filename, rev, prefix):
out.write ('#!/bin/sh\n')
out.write ('usrper -x load_firmware ' + prefix + '/share/usrp/rev%d/std.ihx\n' % rev)
- out.write ('sleep 1\n')
+ out.write ('sleep 2\n')
# print "len(image) =", len(image)
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ def build_shell_script (out, ihx_filename, rev, prefix):
(i2c_addr, rom_addr, ''.join (hex_image[0:l])))
hex_image = hex_image[l:]
rom_addr = rom_addr + l
- out.write ('sleep 1\n')
+ out.write ('sleep 2\n')
if __name__ == '__main__':
usage = "usage: %prog -p PREFIX -r REV [options] bootfile.ihx"
diff --git a/usrp/host/lib/ b/usrp/host/lib/
index 1fff1548bf..f01ff8a0ad 100644
--- a/usrp/host/lib/
+++ b/usrp/host/lib/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# USRP - Universal Software Radio Peripheral
-# Copyright (C) 2003,2004,2006,2007,2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Copyright (C) 2003,2004,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ libusrp_la_common_LIBADD = \
-# darwin fusb requires omnithreads
+# darwin fusb requires gruel (for threading)
if FUSB_TECH_darwin
-libusrp_la_LIBADD = $(libusrp_la_common_LIBADD) $(OMNITHREAD_LA)
+libusrp_la_LIBADD = $(libusrp_la_common_LIBADD) $(GRUEL_LA)
libusrp_la_LDFLAGS = $(libusrp_la_common_LDFLAGS) -framework CoreFoundation
@@ -70,7 +70,6 @@ darwin_CODE = \
circular_buffer.h \
circular_linked_list.h \
darwin_libusb.h \
- mld_threads.h \
diff --git a/usrp/host/lib/circular_buffer.h b/usrp/host/lib/circular_buffer.h
index 6d491fb6f0..48758bf878 100644
--- a/usrp/host/lib/circular_buffer.h
+++ b/usrp/host/lib/circular_buffer.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2006,2009,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GNU Radio.
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
-#include "mld_threads.h"
+#include <gruel/thread.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
@@ -37,7 +37,8 @@
#define DEBUG(X) do{} while(0);
-template <class T> class circular_buffer
+template <class T>
+class circular_buffer
// the buffer to use
@@ -48,8 +49,9 @@ private:
size_t d_n_avail_write_I, d_n_avail_read_I;
// stuff to control access to class internals
- mld_mutex_ptr d_internal;
- mld_condition_ptr d_readBlock, d_writeBlock;
+ gruel::mutex* d_internal;
+ gruel::condition_variable* d_readBlock;
+ gruel::condition_variable* d_writeBlock;
// booleans to decide how to control reading, writing, and aborting
bool d_doWriteBlock, d_doFullRead, d_doAbort;
@@ -94,16 +96,14 @@ public:
inline size_t n_avail_write_items () {
- d_internal->lock ();
+ gruel::scoped_lock l (*d_internal);
size_t retVal = d_n_avail_write_I;
- d_internal->unlock ();
return (retVal);
inline size_t n_avail_read_items () {
- d_internal->lock ();
+ gruel::scoped_lock l (*d_internal);
size_t retVal = d_n_avail_read_I;
- d_internal->unlock ();
return (retVal);
@@ -120,13 +120,13 @@ public:
// create a mutex to handle contention of shared resources;
// any routine needed access to shared resources uses lock()
// before doing anything, then unlock() when finished.
- d_internal = new mld_mutex ();
+ d_internal = new gruel::mutex ();
// link the internal mutex to the read and write conditions;
// when wait() is called, the internal mutex will automatically
- // be unlock()'ed. Upon return (from a signal() to the condition),
+ // be unlock()'ed. Upon return (from a notify_one() to the condition),
// the internal mutex will be lock()'ed.
- d_readBlock = new mld_condition (d_internal);
- d_writeBlock = new mld_condition (d_internal);
+ d_readBlock = new gruel::condition_variable ();
+ d_writeBlock = new gruel::condition_variable ();
@@ -167,9 +167,8 @@ public:
if (!buf)
throw std::runtime_error ("circular_buffer::enqueue(): "
"input buffer is NULL.\n");
- d_internal->lock ();
+ gruel::scoped_lock l (*d_internal);
if (d_doAbort) {
- d_internal->unlock ();
return (2);
// set the return value to 1: success; change if needed
@@ -178,11 +177,11 @@ public:
if (d_doWriteBlock) {
while (bufLen_I > d_n_avail_write_I) {
DEBUG (std::cerr << "enqueue: #len > #a, waiting." << std::endl);
- // wait will automatically unlock() the internal mutex
- d_writeBlock->wait ();
- // and lock() it here.
+ // wait; will automatically unlock() the internal mutex via
+ // the scoped lock
+ d_writeBlock->wait (l);
+ // and auto re-lock() it here.
if (d_doAbort) {
- d_internal->unlock ();
DEBUG (std::cerr << "enqueue: #len > #a, aborting." << std::endl);
return (2);
@@ -208,8 +207,7 @@ public:
d_writeNdx_I += n_now_I;
d_n_avail_read_I += bufLen_I;
d_n_avail_write_I -= bufLen_I;
- d_readBlock->signal ();
- d_internal->unlock ();
+ d_readBlock->notify_one ();
return (retval);
@@ -255,19 +253,18 @@ public:
throw std::runtime_error ("circular_buffer::dequeue()");
- d_internal->lock ();
+ gruel::scoped_lock l (*d_internal);
if (d_doAbort) {
- d_internal->unlock ();
return (2);
if (d_doFullRead) {
while (d_n_avail_read_I < l_bufLen_I) {
DEBUG (std::cerr << "dequeue: #a < #len, waiting." << std::endl);
- // wait will automatically unlock() the internal mutex
- d_readBlock->wait ();
- // and lock() it here.
+ // wait; will automatically unlock() the internal mutex via
+ // the scoped lock
+ d_readBlock->wait (l);
+ // and re-lock() it here.
if (d_doAbort) {
- d_internal->unlock ();
DEBUG (std::cerr << "dequeue: #a < #len, aborting." << std::endl);
return (2);
@@ -276,11 +273,11 @@ public:
} else {
while (d_n_avail_read_I == 0) {
DEBUG (std::cerr << "dequeue: #a == 0, waiting." << std::endl);
- // wait will automatically unlock() the internal mutex
- d_readBlock->wait ();
- // and lock() it here.
+ // wait; will automatically unlock() the internal mutex via
+ // the scoped lock
+ d_readBlock->wait (l);
+ // and re-lock() it here.
if (d_doAbort) {
- d_internal->unlock ();
DEBUG (std::cerr << "dequeue: #a == 0, aborting." << std::endl);
return (2);
@@ -303,17 +300,15 @@ public:
*bufLen_I = l_bufLen_I;
d_n_avail_read_I -= l_bufLen_I;
d_n_avail_write_I += l_bufLen_I;
- d_writeBlock->signal ();
- d_internal->unlock ();
+ d_writeBlock->notify_one ();
return (1);
void abort () {
- d_internal->lock ();
+ gruel::scoped_lock l (*d_internal);
d_doAbort = true;
- d_writeBlock->signal ();
- d_readBlock->signal ();
- d_internal->unlock ();
+ d_writeBlock->notify_one ();
+ d_readBlock->notify_one ();
diff --git a/usrp/host/lib/circular_linked_list.h b/usrp/host/lib/circular_linked_list.h
index 97fe2c1a89..bbed5e49bc 100644
--- a/usrp/host/lib/circular_linked_list.h
+++ b/usrp/host/lib/circular_linked_list.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2006,2009,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GNU Radio.
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
-#include <mld_threads.h>
+#include <gruel/thread.h>
#include <stdexcept>
#define __INLINE__ inline
@@ -110,8 +110,8 @@ template <class T> class circular_linked_list {
s_node_ptr d_current, d_iterate, d_available, d_inUse;
size_t d_n_nodes, d_n_used;
- mld_mutex_ptr d_internal;
- mld_condition_ptr d_ioBlock;
+ gruel::mutex* d_internal;
+ gruel::condition_variable* d_ioBlock;
circular_linked_list (size_t n_nodes) {
@@ -150,8 +150,8 @@ public:
d_available = d_current = l_prev;
- d_ioBlock = new mld_condition ();
- d_internal = d_ioBlock->mutex ();
+ d_ioBlock = new gruel::condition_variable ();
+ d_internal = new gruel::mutex ();
~circular_linked_list () {
@@ -163,19 +163,21 @@ public:
delete d_ioBlock;
d_ioBlock = NULL;
+ delete d_internal;
+ d_internal = NULL;
d_available = d_inUse = d_iterate = d_current = NULL;
d_n_used = d_n_nodes = 0;
s_node_ptr find_next_available_node () {
- d_internal->lock ();
+ gruel::scoped_lock l (*d_internal);
// find an available node
s_node_ptr l_node = d_available;
DEBUG (std::cerr << "w ");
while (! l_node) {
DEBUG (std::cerr << "x" << std::endl);
// the ioBlock condition will automatically unlock() d_internal
- d_ioBlock->wait ();
+ d_ioBlock->wait (l);
// and lock() is here
DEBUG (std::cerr << "y" << std::endl);
l_node = d_available;
@@ -196,13 +198,12 @@ public:
l_node->insert_before (d_inUse);
l_node->set_not_available ();
- d_internal->unlock ();
return (l_node);
void make_node_available (s_node_ptr l_node) {
if (!l_node) return;
- d_internal->lock ();
+ gruel::scoped_lock l (*d_internal);
DEBUG (std::cerr << "::m_n_a: #u = " << num_used()
<< ", node = " << l_node << std::endl);
// remove this node from the inUse list
@@ -221,11 +222,8 @@ public:
DEBUG (std::cerr << "s" << d_n_used);
// signal the condition when new data arrives
- d_ioBlock->signal ();
+ d_ioBlock->notify_one ();
DEBUG (std::cerr << "t ");
-// unlock the mutex for thread safety
- d_internal->unlock ();
__INLINE__ void iterate_start () { d_iterate = d_current; };
@@ -233,7 +231,7 @@ public:
s_node_ptr iterate_next () {
#if 0
// lock the mutex for thread safety
- d_internal->lock ();
+ gruel::scoped_lock l (*d_internal);
s_node_ptr l_this = NULL;
if (d_iterate) {
@@ -242,10 +240,6 @@ public:
if (d_iterate == d_current)
d_iterate = NULL;
-#if 0
-// unlock the mutex for thread safety
- d_internal->unlock ();
return (l_this);
@@ -261,7 +255,7 @@ public:
__INLINE__ void num_used_dec (void) {
if (d_n_used != 0) --d_n_used;
// signal the condition that new data has arrived
- d_ioBlock->signal ();
+ d_ioBlock->notify_one ();
__INLINE__ bool in_use () { return (d_n_used != 0); };
diff --git a/usrp/host/lib/ b/usrp/host/lib/
index b35a9cb35d..bd836dfe33 100644
--- a/usrp/host/lib/
+++ b/usrp/host/lib/
@@ -80,7 +80,9 @@ wbxng_base::set_freq(double freq)
actual_baseband_freq is the RF frequency that corresponds to DC in the IF.
- freq_t int_freq = freq_t(freq);
+ // clamp freq
+ freq_t int_freq = freq_t(std::max(freq_min(), std::min(freq, freq_max())));
bool ok = d_common->_set_freq(int_freq*2);
double freq_result = (double) d_common->_get_freq()/2.0;
struct freq_result_t args = {ok, freq_result};
diff --git a/usrp/host/lib/ b/usrp/host/lib/
index 95c4878aa6..d2966c1151 100644
--- a/usrp/host/lib/
+++ b/usrp/host/lib/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2006,2009,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GNU Radio.
@@ -24,9 +24,6 @@
#include "config.h"
-// tell mld_threads to NOT use omni_threads,
-// but rather Darwin's pthreads
#define DO_DEBUG 0
#include <usb.h>
@@ -85,10 +82,12 @@ fusb_ephandle_darwin::fusb_ephandle_darwin (fusb_devhandle_darwin* dh,
l_buf = NULL;
- d_readRunning = new mld_mutex ();
- d_runThreadRunning = new mld_mutex ();
- d_runBlock = new mld_condition ();
- d_readBlock = new mld_condition ();
+ d_readRunning = new gruel::mutex ();
+ d_runThreadRunning = new gruel::mutex ();
+ d_runBlock = new gruel::condition_variable ();
+ d_readBlock = new gruel::condition_variable ();
+ d_runBlock_mutex = new gruel::mutex ();
+ d_readBlock_mutex = new gruel::mutex ();
fusb_ephandle_darwin::~fusb_ephandle_darwin ()
@@ -116,6 +115,10 @@ fusb_ephandle_darwin::~fusb_ephandle_darwin ()
d_readRunning = NULL;
delete d_runThreadRunning;
d_runThreadRunning = NULL;
+ delete d_runBlock_mutex;
+ d_runBlock_mutex = NULL;
+ delete d_readBlock_mutex;
+ d_readBlock_mutex = NULL;
delete d_runBlock;
d_runBlock = NULL;
delete d_readBlock;
@@ -200,14 +203,14 @@ fusb_ephandle_darwin::start ()
// lock the runBlock mutex, before creating the run thread.
// this guarantees that we can control execution between these 2 threads
- d_runBlock->mutex ()->lock ();
+ gruel::scoped_lock l (*d_runBlock_mutex);
// create the run thread, which allows OSX to process I/O separately
- d_runThread = new mld_thread (run_thread, this);
+ d_runThread = new gruel::thread (run_thread, this);
// wait until the run thread (and possibky read thread) are -really-
// going; this will unlock the mutex before waiting for a signal ()
- d_runBlock->wait ();
+ d_runBlock->wait (l);
if (usb_debug) {
std::cerr << "fusb_ephandle_darwin::start: " << (d_input_p ? "read" : "write")
@@ -225,12 +228,12 @@ fusb_ephandle_darwin::run_thread (void* arg)
// lock the run thread running mutex; if ::stop() is called, it will
// first abort() the pipe then wait for the run thread to finish,
// via a lock() on this mutex
- mld_mutex_ptr l_runThreadRunning = This->d_runThreadRunning;
- l_runThreadRunning->lock ();
+ gruel::mutex* l_runThreadRunning = This->d_runThreadRunning;
+ gruel::scoped_lock l0 (*l_runThreadRunning);
- mld_mutex_ptr l_readRunning = This->d_readRunning;
- mld_condition_ptr l_readBlock = This->d_readBlock;
- mld_mutex_ptr l_readBlock_mutex = l_readBlock->mutex ();
+ gruel::mutex* l_readRunning = This->d_readRunning;
+ gruel::condition_variable* l_readBlock = This->d_readBlock;
+ gruel::mutex* l_readBlock_mutex = This->d_readBlock_mutex;
bool l_input_p = This->d_input_p;
@@ -250,41 +253,39 @@ fusb_ephandle_darwin::run_thread (void* arg)
// get run loop reference, to allow other threads to stop
This->d_CFRunLoopRef = CFRunLoopGetCurrent ();
- mld_thread_ptr l_rwThread = NULL;
+ gruel::thread* l_rwThread = NULL;
if (l_input_p) {
// lock the readBlock mutex, before creating the read thread.
// this guarantees that we can control execution between these 2 threads
- l_readBlock_mutex->lock ();
+ gruel::scoped_lock l1 (*l_readBlock_mutex);
// create the read thread, which just issues all of the starting
// async read commands, then returns
- l_rwThread = new mld_thread (read_thread, arg);
+ l_rwThread = new gruel::thread (read_thread, arg);
// wait until the the read thread is -really- going; this will
// unlock the read block mutex before waiting for a signal ()
- l_readBlock->wait ();
+ l_readBlock->wait (l1);
- // now signal the run condition to release and finish ::start().
+ {
+ // now signal the run condition to release and finish ::start().
- // lock the runBlock mutex first; this will force waiting until the
- // ->wait() command is issued in ::start()
- mld_mutex_ptr l_run_block_mutex = This->d_runBlock->mutex ();
- l_run_block_mutex->lock ();
+ // lock the runBlock mutex first; this will force waiting until the
+ // ->wait() command is issued in ::start()
+ gruel::mutex* l_run_block_mutex = This->d_runBlock_mutex;
+ gruel::scoped_lock l2 (*l_run_block_mutex);
- // now that the lock is in place, signal the parent thread that
- // things are running
- This->d_runBlock->signal ();
- // release the run_block mutex, just in case
- l_run_block_mutex->unlock ();
+ // now that the lock is in place, signal the parent thread that
+ // things are running
+ This->d_runBlock->notify_one ();
+ }
// run the loop
CFRunLoopRun ();
if (l_input_p) {
// wait for read_thread () to finish, if needed
- l_readRunning->lock ();
- l_readRunning->unlock ();
+ gruel::scoped_lock l3 (*l_readRunning);
// remove run loop stuff
@@ -295,9 +296,6 @@ fusb_ephandle_darwin::run_thread (void* arg)
std::cerr << "fusb_ephandle_darwin::run_thread: finished for "
<< (l_input_p ? "read" : "write") << "." << std::endl;
- // release the run thread running mutex
- l_runThreadRunning->unlock ();
@@ -311,23 +309,23 @@ fusb_ephandle_darwin::read_thread (void* arg)
// before doing anything else, lock the read running mutex. this
// mutex does flow control between this thread and the run_thread
- mld_mutex_ptr l_readRunning = This->d_readRunning;
- l_readRunning->lock ();
+ gruel::mutex* l_readRunning = This->d_readRunning;
+ gruel::scoped_lock l0 (*l_readRunning);
// signal the read condition from run_thread() to continue
// lock the readBlock mutex first; this will force waiting until the
// ->wait() command is issued in ::run_thread()
- mld_condition_ptr l_readBlock = This->d_readBlock;
- mld_mutex_ptr l_read_block_mutex = l_readBlock->mutex ();
- l_read_block_mutex->lock ();
+ gruel::condition_variable* l_readBlock = This->d_readBlock;
+ gruel::mutex* l_read_block_mutex = This->d_readBlock_mutex;
- // now that the lock is in place, signal the parent thread that
- // things are running here
- l_readBlock->signal ();
+ {
+ gruel::scoped_lock l1 (*l_read_block_mutex);
- // release the run_block mutex, just in case
- l_read_block_mutex->unlock ();
+ // now that the lock is in place, signal the parent thread that
+ // things are running here
+ l_readBlock->notify_one ();
+ }
// queue up all of the available read requests
s_queue_ptr l_queue = This->d_queue;
@@ -341,10 +339,6 @@ fusb_ephandle_darwin::read_thread (void* arg)
if (usb_debug) {
std::cerr << "fusb_ephandle_darwin::read_thread: finished." << std::endl;
- // release the read running mutex, to let the parent thread knows
- // that this thread is finished
- l_readRunning->unlock ();
@@ -569,8 +563,7 @@ fusb_ephandle_darwin::stop ()
CFRunLoopStop (d_CFRunLoopRef);
// wait for the runThread to stop
- d_runThreadRunning->lock ();
- d_runThreadRunning->unlock ();
+ gruel::scoped_lock l (*d_runThreadRunning);
if (usb_debug) {
std::cerr << "fusb_ephandle_darwin::stop: " << (d_input_p ? "read" : "write")
diff --git a/usrp/host/lib/fusb_darwin.h b/usrp/host/lib/fusb_darwin.h
index 735e5f16d0..4d18177bee 100644
--- a/usrp/host/lib/fusb_darwin.h
+++ b/usrp/host/lib/fusb_darwin.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2006,2009,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GNU Radio.
@@ -150,8 +150,8 @@ class fusb_ephandle_darwin : public fusb_ephandle
fusb_devhandle_darwin* d_devhandle;
- mld_thread_ptr d_runThread;
- mld_mutex_ptr d_runThreadRunning;
+ gruel::thread* d_runThread;
+ gruel::mutex* d_runThreadRunning;
CFRunLoopRef d_CFRunLoopRef;
@@ -174,8 +174,11 @@ public:
s_queue_ptr d_queue;
circular_buffer<char>* d_buffer;
size_t d_bufLenBytes;
- mld_mutex_ptr d_readRunning;
- mld_condition_ptr d_runBlock, d_readBlock;
+ gruel::mutex* d_readRunning;
+ gruel::mutex* d_runBlock_mutex;
+ gruel::mutex* d_readBlock_mutex;
+ gruel::condition_variable* d_runBlock;
+ gruel::condition_variable* d_readBlock;
diff --git a/usrp/host/lib/mld_threads.h b/usrp/host/lib/mld_threads.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 322f557b60..0000000000
--- a/usrp/host/lib/mld_threads.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio.
- *
- * Primary Author: Michael Dickens, NCIP Lab, University of Notre Dame
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
- * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-/* classes which allow for either pthreads or omni_threads */
-#define __macos__
-#include <gnuradio/omnithread.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <stdexcept>
-#define __INLINE__ inline
-#ifndef DO_DEBUG
-#define DO_DEBUG 0
-#define DEBUG(X) do{X} while(0);
-#define DEBUG(X) do{} while(0);
-class mld_condition_t;
-class mld_mutex_t {
- typedef omni_mutex l_mutex, *l_mutex_ptr;
- typedef pthread_mutex_t l_mutex, *l_mutex_ptr;
- friend class mld_condition_t;
- l_mutex_ptr d_mutex;
- inline l_mutex_ptr mutex () { return (d_mutex); };
- __INLINE__ mld_mutex_t () {
- d_mutex = new omni_mutex ();
- d_mutex = (l_mutex_ptr) new l_mutex;
- int l_ret = pthread_mutex_init (d_mutex, NULL);
- if (l_ret != 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error %d creating mutex.\n", l_ret);
- throw std::runtime_error ("mld_mutex_t::mld_mutex_t()\n");
- }
- };
- __INLINE__ ~mld_mutex_t () {
- unlock ();
- int l_ret = pthread_mutex_destroy (d_mutex);
- if (l_ret != 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "mld_mutex_t::~mld_mutex_t(): "
- "Error %d destroying mutex.\n", l_ret);
- }
- delete d_mutex;
- d_mutex = NULL;
- };
- __INLINE__ void lock () {
- d_mutex->lock ();
- int l_ret = pthread_mutex_lock (d_mutex);
- if (l_ret != 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "mld_mutex_t::lock(): "
- "Error %d locking mutex.\n", l_ret);
- }
- };
- __INLINE__ void unlock () {
- d_mutex->unlock ();
- int l_ret = pthread_mutex_unlock (d_mutex);
- if (l_ret != 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "mld_mutex_t::unlock(): "
- "Error %d locking mutex.\n", l_ret);
- }
- };
- __INLINE__ bool trylock () {
- int l_ret = d_mutex->trylock ();
- int l_ret = pthread_mutex_unlock (d_mutex);
- return (l_ret == 0 ? true : false);
- };
- inline void acquire () { lock(); };
- inline void release () { unlock(); };
- inline void wait () { lock(); };
- inline void post () { unlock(); };
-typedef mld_mutex_t mld_mutex, *mld_mutex_ptr;
-class mld_condition_t {
- typedef omni_condition l_condition, *l_condition_ptr;
- typedef pthread_cond_t l_condition, *l_condition_ptr;
- l_condition_ptr d_condition;
- mld_mutex_ptr d_mutex;
- bool d_i_own_mutex;
- __INLINE__ mld_condition_t (mld_mutex_ptr mutex = NULL) {
- if (mutex) {
- d_i_own_mutex = false;
- d_mutex = mutex;
- } else {
- d_i_own_mutex = true;
- d_mutex = new mld_mutex ();
- }
- d_condition = new omni_condition (d_mutex->mutex ());
- d_condition = (l_condition_ptr) new l_condition;
- int l_ret = pthread_cond_init (d_condition, NULL);
- if (l_ret != 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error %d creating condition.\n", l_ret);
- throw std::runtime_error ("mld_condition_t::mld_condition_t()\n");
- }
- };
- __INLINE__ ~mld_condition_t () {
- signal ();
- int l_ret = pthread_cond_destroy (d_condition);
- if (l_ret != 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "mld_condition_t::mld_condition_t(): "
- "Error %d destroying condition.\n", l_ret);
- }
- delete d_condition;
- d_condition = NULL;
- if (d_i_own_mutex)
- delete d_mutex;
- d_mutex = NULL;
- };
- __INLINE__ mld_mutex_ptr mutex () {return (d_mutex);};
- __INLINE__ void signal () {
- DEBUG (fprintf (stderr, "a "););
- d_condition->signal ();
- int l_ret = pthread_cond_signal (d_condition);
- if (l_ret != 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "mld_condition_t::signal(): "
- "Error %d.\n", l_ret);
- }
- DEBUG (fprintf (stderr, "b "););
- };
- __INLINE__ void wait () {
- DEBUG (fprintf (stderr, "c "););
- d_condition->wait ();
- int l_ret = pthread_cond_wait (d_condition, d_mutex->mutex ());
- if (l_ret != 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "mld_condition_t::wait(): "
- "Error %d.\n", l_ret);
- }
- DEBUG (fprintf (stderr, "d "););
- };
-typedef mld_condition_t mld_condition, *mld_condition_ptr;
-class mld_thread_t {
- typedef omni_thread l_thread, *l_thread_ptr;
- typedef pthread_t l_thread, *l_thread_ptr;
- l_thread d_thread;
- void (*d_start_routine)(void*);
- void *d_arg;
- l_thread_ptr d_thread;
- static void* local_start_routine (void *arg) {
- mld_thread_t* This = (mld_thread_t*) arg;
- (*(This->d_start_routine))(This->d_arg);
- return (NULL);
- };
- __INLINE__ mld_thread_t (void (*start_routine)(void *), void *arg) {
- d_thread = new omni_thread (start_routine, arg);
- d_thread->start ();
- d_start_routine = start_routine;
- d_arg = arg;
- int l_ret = pthread_create (&d_thread, NULL, local_start_routine, this);
- if (l_ret != 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error %d creating thread.\n", l_ret);
- throw std::runtime_error ("mld_thread_t::mld_thread_t()\n");
- }
- };
- __INLINE__ ~mld_thread_t () {
-// delete d_thread;
- d_thread = NULL;
- int l_ret = pthread_detach (d_thread);
- if (l_ret != 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error %d detaching thread.\n", l_ret);
- throw std::runtime_error ("mld_thread_t::~mld_thread_t()\n");
- }
- };
-typedef mld_thread_t mld_thread, *mld_thread_ptr;
-#endif /* _INCLUDED_MLD_THREADS_H_ */
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/.gitignore b/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index f62d9e1de2..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/ b/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a44d81124..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2003,2006,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is part of GNU Radio
-# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
-# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.common
- $(CPPUNIT_INCLUDES) $(WITH_INCLUDES) -I$(top_srcdir)/mblock/src/lib
-noinst_PROGRAMS = \
- test_usrp_inband_ping \
- test_usrp_inband_registers \
- test_usrp_inband_rx \
- test_usrp_inband_2rx \
- test_usrp_inband_tx \
- test_usrp_inband_2tx \
- test_usrp_inband_timestamps \
- test_usrp_inband_overrun \
- test_usrp_inband_underrun \
- read_packets
-noinst_HEADERS = \
- ui_nco.h \
- ui_sincos.h
-test_usrp_inband_ping_SOURCES =
-test_usrp_inband_ping_LDADD = $(USRP_LA) $(USRP_INBAND_LA)
-test_usrp_inband_tx_SOURCES = ui_sincos.c
-test_usrp_inband_tx_LDADD = $(USRP_LA) $(USRP_INBAND_LA)
-test_usrp_inband_2tx_SOURCES = ui_sincos.c
-test_usrp_inband_2tx_LDADD = $(USRP_LA) $(USRP_INBAND_LA)
-test_usrp_inband_timestamps_SOURCES = ui_sincos.c
-test_usrp_inband_timestamps_LDADD = $(USRP_LA) $(USRP_INBAND_LA)
-test_usrp_inband_registers_SOURCES = ui_sincos.c
-test_usrp_inband_registers_LDADD = $(USRP_LA) $(USRP_INBAND_LA)
-test_usrp_inband_overrun_SOURCES =
-test_usrp_inband_overrun_LDADD = $(USRP_LA) $(USRP_INBAND_LA)
-test_usrp_inband_underrun_SOURCES =
-test_usrp_inband_underrun_LDADD = $(USRP_LA) $(USRP_INBAND_LA)
-test_usrp_inband_rx_SOURCES = ui_sincos.c
-test_usrp_inband_rx_LDADD = $(USRP_LA) $(USRP_INBAND_LA)
-test_usrp_inband_2rx_SOURCES = ui_sincos.c
-test_usrp_inband_2rx_LDADD = $(USRP_LA) $(USRP_INBAND_LA)
-read_packets_SOURCES =
-read_packets_LDADD = $(USRP_LA) $(USRP_INBAND_LA)
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/ b/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/
deleted file mode 100644
index 24a1e88b5c..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <usrp_inband_usb_packet.h>
-#include <mblock/class_registry.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <usrp_usb_interface.h>
-#include <fstream>
-typedef usrp_inband_usb_packet transport_pkt; // makes conversion to gigabit easy
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- if(argc !=2) {
- std::cout << "Usage: ./read_packets <data_file>\n";
- return -1;
- }
- std::ifstream infile;
- std::ofstream outfile;
- unsigned int pkt_size = transport_pkt::max_pkt_size();
- unsigned int pkt_num=0;
- transport_pkt *pkt;
- char pkt_data[pkt_size]; // allocate the number of bytes for a single packet
- pkt = (transport_pkt *)pkt_data; // makes operations cleaner to read
- // Open the file and read the packets, dumping information
-[1], std::ios::binary|std::ios::in);
- if(!infile.is_open())
- exit(-1);
- //"dump.dat",std::ios::out|std::ios::binary);
- // read 1 packet in to the memory
-, pkt_size);
- while(!infile.eof()) {
- printf("Packet %u\n", pkt_num);
- if(pkt->start_of_burst())
- printf("\tstart of burst\n");
- if(pkt->end_of_burst())
- printf("\tend of burst\n");
-// if(pkt->carrier_sense())
-// printf("\tcarrier sense\n");
- if(pkt->underrun())
- printf("\tunderrun\n");
- if(pkt->overrun())
- printf("\toverrun\n");
- printf("\tchannel: \t0x%x\n", pkt->chan());
- printf("\ttimestamp: \t0x%x\n", pkt->timestamp());
- //printf("\ttimestamp: \t%u\n", pkt->timestamp());
- printf("\tlength: \t%u\n", pkt->payload_len());
- printf("\trssi: \t%u\n", pkt->rssi());
- printf("\tpayload: \n");
- for(int i=0; i < pkt->payload_len(); i++)
- //for(int i=0; i < pkt->max_payload(); i++)
- {
- printf("\t%d\t0x%x\n", i, *(pkt->payload()+i));
- //outfile.write((const char*)(pkt->payload()+i),1);
- //printf("\t\t0x%x\n", pkt->payload()+i);
- }
- printf("\n\n");
- pkt_num++;
- // read 1 packet in to the memory
-, pkt_size);
- }
- infile.close();
- //outfile.close();
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/ b/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/
deleted file mode 100644
index c210f196a9..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,371 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <mblock/mblock.h>
-#include <mblock/runtime.h>
-#include <mb_runtime_nop.h> // QA only
-#include <mblock/protocol_class.h>
-#include <mblock/exception.h>
-#include <mblock/msg_queue.h>
-#include <mblock/message.h>
-#include <mb_mblock_impl.h>
-#include <mblock/msg_accepter.h>
-#include <mblock/class_registry.h>
-#include <pmt.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <fstream>
-// Include the symbols needed for communication with USRP server
-#include <symbols_usrp_server_cs.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_channel.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_low_level_cs.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_rx.h>
-static bool verbose = true;
-class test_usrp_rx : public mb_mblock
- mb_port_sptr d_rx;
- mb_port_sptr d_cs;
- pmt_t d_rx_chan0, d_rx_chan1;
- enum state_t {
- };
- state_t d_state;
- std::ofstream d_ofile;
- long d_samples_recvd;
- long d_samples_to_recv;
- public:
- test_usrp_rx(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- ~test_usrp_rx();
- void initial_transition();
- void handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
- protected:
- void open_usrp();
- void close_usrp();
- void allocate_channel();
- void send_packets();
- void enter_receiving();
- void build_and_send_next_frame();
- void handle_response_recv_raw_samples(pmt_t invocation_handle);
- void enter_closing_channel();
-test_usrp_rx::test_usrp_rx(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg),
- d_rx_chan0(PMT_NIL), d_rx_chan1(PMT_NIL),
- d_samples_recvd(0),
- d_samples_to_recv(20e6)
- d_rx = define_port("rx0", "usrp-rx", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- d_cs = define_port("cs", "usrp-server-cs", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- // Pass a dictionary to usrp_server which specifies which interface to use, the stub or USRP
- pmt_t usrp_dict = pmt_make_dict();
- // To test the application without a USRP
- bool fake_usrp_p = false;
- if(fake_usrp_p) {
- pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
- pmt_intern("fake-usrp"),
- PMT_T);
- }
- // Specify the RBF to use
- pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
- pmt_intern("rbf"),
- pmt_intern("inband_2rxhb_2tx.rbf"));
- pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
- pmt_intern("decim-rx"),
- pmt_from_long(64));
- define_component("server", "usrp_server", usrp_dict);
- connect("self", "rx0", "server", "rx0");
- connect("self", "cs", "server", "cs");
- open_usrp();
-test_usrp_rx::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
- pmt_t event = msg->signal();
- pmt_t data = msg->data();
- pmt_t handle = PMT_F;
- pmt_t status = PMT_F;
- std::string error_msg;
- switch(d_state){
- //----------------------------- OPENING_USRP ----------------------------//
- // We only expect a response from opening the USRP which should be succesful
- // or failed.
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_open)){
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
- allocate_channel();
- return;
- }
- else {
- error_msg = "failed to open usrp:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- goto unhandled;
- //----------------------- ALLOCATING CHANNELS --------------------//
- // Allocate an RX channel to perform the overrun test.
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_allocate_channel)){
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- if(pmt_eqv(d_rx_chan0, PMT_NIL))
- d_rx_chan0 = pmt_nth(2, data);
- else
- d_rx_chan1 = pmt_nth(2, data);
- if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T) && !pmt_eqv(d_rx_chan1, PMT_NIL)){
- enter_receiving();
- return;
- }
- else if(pmt_eq(status, PMT_F)){
- error_msg = "failed to allocate channel:";
- goto bail;
- }
- return;
- }
- goto unhandled;
- //--------------------------- RECEIVING ------------------------------//
- // In the receiving state, we receive samples until the specified amount
- // while counting the number of overruns.
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_recv_raw_samples)){
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
- handle_response_recv_raw_samples(data);
- return;
- }
- else {
- error_msg = "bad response-xmit-raw-frame:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- goto unhandled;
- //------------------------- CLOSING CHANNEL ----------------------------//
- // Check deallocation response for the RX channel
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_deallocate_channel)){
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
- close_usrp();
- return;
- }
- else {
- error_msg = "failed to deallocate channel:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- // Alternately, we ignore all response recv samples while waiting for the
- // channel to actually close
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_recv_raw_samples))
- return;
- goto unhandled;
- //--------------------------- CLOSING USRP ------------------------------//
- // Once we have received a successful USRP close response, we shutdown all
- // mblocks and exit.
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_close)){
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
- fflush(stdout);
- shutdown_all(PMT_T);
- return;
- }
- else {
- error_msg = "failed to close USRP:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- goto unhandled;
- default:
- goto unhandled;
- }
- return;
- // An error occured, print it, and shutdown all m-blocks
- bail:
- std::cerr << error_msg << data
- << "status = " << status << std::endl;
- shutdown_all(PMT_F);
- return;
- // Received an unhandled message for a specific state
- unhandled:
- if(verbose && !pmt_eq(event, pmt_intern("%shutdown")))
- std::cout << "test_usrp_inband_tx: unhandled msg: " << msg
- << "in state "<< d_state << std::endl;
- pmt_t which_usrp = pmt_from_long(0);
- d_cs->send(s_cmd_open, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, which_usrp));
- d_state = OPENING_USRP;
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_RX] Opening the USRP\n";
- d_cs->send(s_cmd_close, pmt_list1(PMT_NIL));
- d_state = CLOSING_USRP;
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_RX] Closing the USRP\n";
- long capacity = (long) 16e6;
- d_rx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_T, pmt_from_long(capacity)));
- d_rx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_T, pmt_from_long(capacity)));
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_RX] Requesting RX channel allocation\n";
- d_state = RECEIVING;
- d_rx->send(s_cmd_start_recv_raw_samples,
- pmt_list2(PMT_F,
- d_rx_chan0));
- d_rx->send(s_cmd_start_recv_raw_samples,
- pmt_list2(PMT_F,
- d_rx_chan1));
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_RX] Receiving...\n";
-test_usrp_rx::handle_response_recv_raw_samples(pmt_t data)
- pmt_t invocation_handle = pmt_nth(0, data);
- pmt_t status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- pmt_t v_samples = pmt_nth(2, data);
- pmt_t timestamp = pmt_nth(3, data);
- pmt_t channel = pmt_nth(4, data);
- pmt_t properties = pmt_nth(5, data);
- d_samples_recvd += pmt_length(v_samples) / 4;
- // Check for overrun
- if(!pmt_is_dict(properties)) {
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_RX] Recv samples dictionary is improper\n";
- return;
- }
- // Check if the number samples we have received meets the test
- if(d_samples_recvd >= d_samples_to_recv) {
- d_rx->send(s_cmd_stop_recv_raw_samples, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, d_rx_chan0));
- d_rx->send(s_cmd_stop_recv_raw_samples, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, d_rx_chan1));
- enter_closing_channel();
- return;
- }
- d_state = CLOSING_CHANNEL;
- d_rx->send(s_cmd_deallocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, d_rx_chan0));
- d_rx->send(s_cmd_deallocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, d_rx_chan1));
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_RX] Deallocating RX channel\n";
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------
-main (int argc, char **argv)
- mb_runtime_sptr rt = mb_make_runtime();
- pmt_t result = PMT_NIL;
- rt->run("top", "test_usrp_rx", PMT_F, &result);
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/ b/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/
deleted file mode 100644
index 11a1a491c8..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,430 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <mblock/mblock.h>
-#include <mblock/runtime.h>
-#include <mb_runtime_nop.h> // QA only
-#include <mblock/protocol_class.h>
-#include <mblock/exception.h>
-#include <mblock/msg_queue.h>
-#include <mblock/message.h>
-#include <mb_mblock_impl.h>
-#include <mblock/msg_accepter.h>
-#include <mblock/class_registry.h>
-#include <pmt.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <ui_nco.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_server_cs.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_channel.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_low_level_cs.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_tx.h>
-static bool verbose = true;
-class test_usrp_tx : public mb_mblock
- mb_port_sptr d_tx;
- mb_port_sptr d_cs;
- pmt_t d_tx_chan0, d_tx_chan1;
- enum state_t {
- };
- state_t d_state;
- long d_nsamples_to_send;
- long d_nsamples_xmitted;
- long d_nframes_xmitted;
- long d_samples_per_frame;
- bool d_done_sending;
- // for generating sine wave output
- ui_nco<float,float> d_nco;
- double d_amplitude;
- public:
- test_usrp_tx(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- ~test_usrp_tx();
- void initial_transition();
- void handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
- protected:
- void open_usrp();
- void close_usrp();
- void allocate_channel();
- void send_packets();
- void enter_transmitting();
- void build_and_send_next_frame();
- void handle_xmit_response(pmt_t invocation_handle);
- void enter_closing_channel();
-test_usrp_tx::test_usrp_tx(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg),
- d_tx_chan0(PMT_NIL), d_tx_chan1(PMT_NIL),
- d_state(INIT), d_nsamples_to_send((long) 80e6),
- d_nsamples_xmitted(0),
- d_nframes_xmitted(0),
- d_samples_per_frame((long)(126 * 4)), // full packet
- d_done_sending(false),
- d_amplitude(16384)
- // std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_TX] Initializing...\n";
- d_tx = define_port("tx0", "usrp-tx", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- d_cs = define_port("cs", "usrp-server-cs", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- //bool fake_usrp_p = true;
- bool fake_usrp_p = false;
- // Test the TX side
- pmt_t usrp_dict = pmt_make_dict();
- if(fake_usrp_p) {
- pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
- pmt_intern("fake-usrp"),
- PMT_T);
- }
- // Specify the RBF to use
- pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
- pmt_intern("rbf"),
- pmt_intern("inband_2rxhb_2tx.rbf"));
- // Set TX and RX interpolations
- pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
- pmt_intern("interp-tx"),
- pmt_from_long(128));
-// pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
-// pmt_intern("rf-freq"),
-// pmt_from_long(10e6));
- define_component("server", "usrp_server", usrp_dict);
- connect("self", "tx0", "server", "tx0");
- connect("self", "cs", "server", "cs");
- // initialize NCO
- double freq = 100e3;
- int interp = 32; // 32 -> 4MS/s
- double sample_rate = 128e6 / interp;
- d_nco.set_freq(2*M_PI * freq/sample_rate);
- // FIXME need to somehow set the interp rate in the USRP.
- // for now, we'll have the low-level code hardwire it.
- open_usrp();
-test_usrp_tx::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
- pmt_t event = msg->signal();
- pmt_t data = msg->data();
- pmt_t handle = PMT_F;
- pmt_t status = PMT_F;
- std::string error_msg;
- //std::cout << msg << std::endl;
- switch(d_state){
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_open)){
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
- allocate_channel();
- return;
- }
- else {
- error_msg = "failed to open usrp:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- goto unhandled;
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_allocate_channel)){
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- if(pmt_eqv(d_tx_chan0, PMT_NIL))
- d_tx_chan0 = pmt_nth(2, data);
- else
- d_tx_chan1 = pmt_nth(2, data);
- if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T) && !pmt_eqv(d_tx_chan1, PMT_NIL)){
- enter_transmitting();
- return;
- }
- else if(pmt_eq(status, PMT_F)){
- error_msg = "failed to allocate channel:";
- goto bail;
- }
- return;
- }
- goto unhandled;
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_xmit_raw_frame)){
- handle = pmt_nth(0, data);
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
- handle_xmit_response(handle);
- return;
- }
- else {
- error_msg = "bad response-xmit-raw-frame:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- goto unhandled;
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_deallocate_channel)){
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
- close_usrp();
- return;
- }
- else {
- error_msg = "failed to deallocate channel:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- goto unhandled;
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_close)){
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
- shutdown_all(PMT_T);
- return;
- }
- else {
- error_msg = "failed to close USRP:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- goto unhandled;
- default:
- goto unhandled;
- }
- return;
- bail:
- std::cerr << error_msg << data
- << "status = " << status << std::endl;
- shutdown_all(PMT_F);
- return;
- unhandled:
- std::cout << "test_usrp_inband_tx: unhandled msg: " << msg
- << "in state "<< d_state << std::endl;
- pmt_t which_usrp = pmt_from_long(0);
- d_cs->send(s_cmd_open, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, which_usrp));
- d_state = OPENING_USRP;
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_TX] Opening the USRP\n";
- d_cs->send(s_cmd_close, pmt_list1(PMT_NIL));
- d_state = CLOSING_USRP;
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_TX] Closing the USRP\n";
- long capacity = (long) 16e6;
- // Send two capacity requests, which will allocate us two channels
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_T, pmt_from_long(capacity)));
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_T, pmt_from_long(capacity)));
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_TX] Requesting TX channel allocation\n";
- d_state = TRANSMITTING;
- d_nsamples_xmitted = 0;
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_TX] Transmitting...\n";
- build_and_send_next_frame(); // fire off 4 to start pipeline
- build_and_send_next_frame();
- build_and_send_next_frame();
- build_and_send_next_frame();
- // allocate the uniform vector for the samples
- // FIXME perhaps hold on to this between calls
-#if 1
- long nsamples_this_frame =
- std::min(d_nsamples_to_send - d_nsamples_xmitted,
- d_samples_per_frame);
- long nsamples_this_frame = d_samples_per_frame;
- if (nsamples_this_frame == 0){
- d_done_sending = true;
- return;
- }
- size_t nshorts = 2 * nsamples_this_frame; // 16-bit I & Q
- pmt_t uvec = pmt_make_s16vector(nshorts, 0);
- size_t ignore;
- int16_t *samples = pmt_s16vector_writable_elements(uvec, ignore);
- // fill in the complex sinusoid
- for (int i = 0; i < nsamples_this_frame; i++){
- if (1){
- gr_complex s;
- d_nco.sincos(&s, 1, d_amplitude);
- // write 16-bit i & q
- samples[2*i] = (int16_t) s.real();
- samples[2*i+1] = (int16_t) s.imag();
- }
- else {
- gr_complex s(d_amplitude, d_amplitude);
- // write 16-bit i & q
- samples[2*i] = (int16_t) s.real();
- samples[2*i+1] = (int16_t) s.imag();
- }
- }
- pmt_t tx_properties = pmt_make_dict();
- pmt_t timestamp = pmt_from_long(0xffffffff); // NOW
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_xmit_raw_frame,
- pmt_list5(pmt_from_long(d_nframes_xmitted), // invocation-handle
- d_tx_chan0, // channel
- uvec, // the samples
- timestamp,
- tx_properties));
- // Resend on channel 1
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_xmit_raw_frame,
- pmt_list5(pmt_from_long(d_nframes_xmitted), // invocation-handle
- d_tx_chan1, // channel
- uvec, // the samples
- timestamp,
- tx_properties));
- d_nsamples_xmitted += nsamples_this_frame;
- d_nframes_xmitted++;
- if(verbose && 0)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_TX] Transmitted frame\n";
-test_usrp_tx::handle_xmit_response(pmt_t handle)
- if (d_done_sending &&
- pmt_to_long(handle) == (d_nframes_xmitted - 1)){
- // We're done sending and have received all responses
- enter_closing_channel();
- }
- build_and_send_next_frame();
- d_state = CLOSING_CHANNEL;
- // Deallocate both channels
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_deallocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, d_tx_chan0));
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_deallocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, d_tx_chan1));
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_tX] Deallocating TX channel\n";
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------
-main (int argc, char **argv)
- // handle any command line args here
- mb_runtime_sptr rt = mb_make_runtime();
- pmt_t result = PMT_NIL;
- rt->run("top", "test_usrp_tx", PMT_F, &result);
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/ b/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/
deleted file mode 100644
index cd0fa525a3..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,375 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <mblock/mblock.h>
-#include <mblock/runtime.h>
-#include <mblock/protocol_class.h>
-#include <mblock/exception.h>
-#include <mblock/msg_queue.h>
-#include <mblock/message.h>
-#include <mblock/msg_accepter.h>
-#include <mblock/class_registry.h>
-#include <pmt.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <fstream>
-// Include the symbols needed for communication with USRP server
-#include <symbols_usrp_server_cs.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_channel.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_low_level_cs.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_rx.h>
-static bool verbose = true;
-class test_usrp_rx : public mb_mblock
- mb_port_sptr d_rx;
- mb_port_sptr d_cs;
- pmt_t d_rx_chan; // returned tx channel handle
- enum state_t {
- };
- state_t d_state;
- std::ofstream d_ofile;
- long d_n_overruns;
- long d_samples_recvd;
- long d_samples_to_recv;
- public:
- test_usrp_rx(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- ~test_usrp_rx();
- void initial_transition();
- void handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
- protected:
- void open_usrp();
- void close_usrp();
- void allocate_channel();
- void send_packets();
- void enter_receiving();
- void build_and_send_next_frame();
- void handle_response_recv_raw_samples(pmt_t invocation_handle);
- void enter_closing_channel();
-test_usrp_rx::test_usrp_rx(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg),
- d_n_overruns(0),
- d_samples_recvd(0),
- d_samples_to_recv(10e6)
- d_rx = define_port("rx0", "usrp-rx", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- d_cs = define_port("cs", "usrp-server-cs", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- // Pass a dictionary to usrp_server which specifies which interface to use, the stub or USRP
- pmt_t usrp_dict = pmt_make_dict();
- // Specify the RBF to use
- pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
- pmt_intern("rbf"),
- pmt_intern("inband_1rxhb_1tx.rbf"));
- pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
- pmt_intern("decim-rx"),
- pmt_from_long(128));
- define_component("server", "usrp_server", usrp_dict);
- connect("self", "rx0", "server", "rx0");
- connect("self", "cs", "server", "cs");
- open_usrp();
-test_usrp_rx::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
- pmt_t event = msg->signal();
- pmt_t data = msg->data();
- pmt_t handle = PMT_F;
- pmt_t status = PMT_F;
- std::string error_msg;
- switch(d_state){
- //----------------------------- OPENING_USRP ----------------------------//
- // We only expect a response from opening the USRP which should be succesful
- // or failed.
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_open)){
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
- allocate_channel();
- return;
- }
- else {
- error_msg = "failed to open usrp:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- goto unhandled;
- //----------------------- ALLOCATING CHANNELS --------------------//
- // Allocate an RX channel to perform the overrun test.
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_allocate_channel)){
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- d_rx_chan = pmt_nth(2, data);
- if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
- enter_receiving();
- return;
- }
- else {
- error_msg = "failed to allocate channel:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- goto unhandled;
- //--------------------------- RECEIVING ------------------------------//
- // In the receiving state, we receive samples until the specified amount
- // while counting the number of overruns.
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_recv_raw_samples)){
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
- handle_response_recv_raw_samples(data);
- return;
- }
- else {
- error_msg = "bad response-xmit-raw-frame:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- goto unhandled;
- //------------------------- CLOSING CHANNEL ----------------------------//
- // Check deallocation response for the RX channel
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_deallocate_channel)){
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
- close_usrp();
- return;
- }
- else {
- error_msg = "failed to deallocate channel:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- // Alternately, we ignore all response recv samples while waiting for the
- // channel to actually close
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_recv_raw_samples))
- return;
- goto unhandled;
- //--------------------------- CLOSING USRP ------------------------------//
- // Once we have received a successful USRP close response, we shutdown all
- // mblocks and exit.
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_close)){
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
- std::cout << "\nOverruns: " << d_n_overruns << std::endl;
- fflush(stdout);
- shutdown_all(PMT_T);
- return;
- }
- else {
- error_msg = "failed to close USRP:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- goto unhandled;
- default:
- goto unhandled;
- }
- return;
- // An error occured, print it, and shutdown all m-blocks
- bail:
- std::cerr << error_msg << data
- << "status = " << status << std::endl;
- shutdown_all(PMT_F);
- return;
- // Received an unhandled message for a specific state
- unhandled:
- if(verbose && !pmt_eq(event, pmt_intern("%shutdown")))
- std::cout << "test_usrp_inband_tx: unhandled msg: " << msg
- << "in state "<< d_state << std::endl;
- pmt_t which_usrp = pmt_from_long(0);
- d_cs->send(s_cmd_open, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, which_usrp));
- d_state = OPENING_USRP;
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_OVERRUN] Opening the USRP\n";
- d_cs->send(s_cmd_close, pmt_list1(PMT_NIL));
- d_state = CLOSING_USRP;
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_OVERRUN] Closing the USRP\n";
- long capacity = (long) 16e6;
- d_rx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_T, pmt_from_long(capacity)));
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_OVERRUN] Requesting RX channel allocation\n";
- d_state = RECEIVING;
- d_rx->send(s_cmd_start_recv_raw_samples,
- pmt_list2(PMT_F,
- d_rx_chan));
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_OVERRUN] Receiving...\n";
-test_usrp_rx::handle_response_recv_raw_samples(pmt_t data)
- pmt_t invocation_handle = pmt_nth(0, data);
- pmt_t status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- pmt_t v_samples = pmt_nth(2, data);
- pmt_t timestamp = pmt_nth(3, data);
- pmt_t channel = pmt_nth(4, data);
- pmt_t properties = pmt_nth(5, data);
- d_samples_recvd += pmt_length(v_samples) / 4;
- // Check for overrun
- if(!pmt_is_dict(properties)) {
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_OVERRUN] Recv samples dictionary is improper\n";
- return;
- }
- if(pmt_t overrun = pmt_dict_ref(properties,
- pmt_intern("overrun"),
- PMT_NIL)) {
- if(pmt_eqv(overrun, PMT_T)) {
- d_n_overruns++;
- if(verbose && 0)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_OVERRUN] Underrun\n";
- }
- else {
- if(verbose && 0)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_OVERRUN] No overrun\n" << overrun <<std::endl;
- }
- } else {
- if(verbose && 0)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_OVERRUN] No overrun\n";
- }
- // Check if the number samples we have received meets the test
- if(d_samples_recvd >= d_samples_to_recv) {
- d_rx->send(s_cmd_stop_recv_raw_samples, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, d_rx_chan));
- enter_closing_channel();
- return;
- }
- d_state = CLOSING_CHANNEL;
- sleep(2);
- d_rx->send(s_cmd_deallocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, d_rx_chan));
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_OVERRUN] Deallocating RX channel\n";
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------
-main (int argc, char **argv)
- // handle any command line args here
- mb_runtime_sptr rt = mb_make_runtime();
- pmt_t result = PMT_NIL;
- rt->run("top", "test_usrp_rx", PMT_F, &result);
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/ b/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/
deleted file mode 100644
index d779c9a644..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,374 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <mblock/mblock.h>
-#include <mblock/runtime.h>
-#include <mblock/protocol_class.h>
-#include <mblock/exception.h>
-#include <mblock/msg_queue.h>
-#include <mblock/message.h>
-#include <mblock/msg_accepter.h>
-#include <mblock/class_registry.h>
-#include <pmt.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <iostream>
-// Include the symbols needed for communication with USRP server
-#include <symbols_usrp_server_cs.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_channel.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_low_level_cs.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_tx.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_rx.h>
-static bool verbose = false;
-class test_usrp_inband_ping : public mb_mblock
- mb_port_sptr d_tx; // Ports connected to the USRP server
- mb_port_sptr d_rx;
- mb_port_sptr d_cs;
- pmt_t d_tx_chan; // Returned channel from TX allocation
- pmt_t d_rx_chan; // Returned channel from RX allocation
- pmt_t d_which_usrp; // The USRP to use for the test
- long d_warm_msgs; // The number of messages to 'warm' the USRP
- long d_warm_recvd; // The number of msgs received in the 'warm' state
- // Keep track of current state
- enum state_t {
- };
- state_t d_state;
- public:
- test_usrp_inband_ping(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- ~test_usrp_inband_ping();
- void initial_transition();
- void handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
- protected:
- void opening_usrp();
- void allocating_channels();
- void enter_warming_usrp();
- void enter_pinging();
- void build_and_send_ping();
- void closing_channels();
- void closing_usrp();
-main (int argc, char **argv)
- // handle any command line args here
- mb_runtime_sptr rt = mb_make_runtime();
- pmt_t result = PMT_NIL;
- rt->run("top", "test_usrp_inband_ping", PMT_F, &result);
-test_usrp_inband_ping::test_usrp_inband_ping(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg),
- d_tx_chan(PMT_NIL),
- d_rx_chan(PMT_NIL),
- d_which_usrp(pmt_from_long(0)),
- d_state(INIT)
- // A dictionary is used to pass parameters to the USRP
- pmt_t usrp_dict = pmt_make_dict();
- // Specify the RBF to use
- pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
- pmt_intern("rbf"),
- pmt_intern("fixed1.rbf"));
- // Set TX and RX interpolations
- pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
- pmt_intern("interp-tx"),
- pmt_from_long(128));
- pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
- pmt_intern("decim-rx"),
- pmt_from_long(16));
- d_tx = define_port("tx0", "usrp-tx", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- d_rx = define_port("rx0", "usrp-rx", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- d_cs = define_port("cs", "usrp-server-cs", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- // Create an instance of USRP server and connect ports
- define_component("server", "usrp_server", usrp_dict);
- connect("self", "tx0", "server", "tx0");
- connect("self", "rx0", "server", "rx0");
- connect("self", "cs", "server", "cs");
- opening_usrp();
-// Handle message reads all incoming messages from USRP server which will be
-// initialization and ping responses. We perform actions based on the current
-// state and the event (ie, ping response)
-test_usrp_inband_ping::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
- pmt_t event = msg->signal();
- pmt_t data = msg->data();
- pmt_t port_id = msg->port_id();
- pmt_t handle = PMT_F;
- pmt_t status = PMT_F;
- std::string error_msg;
- // Dispatch based on state
- switch(d_state) {
- //----------------------------- OPENING_USRP ----------------------------//
- // We only expect a response from opening the USRP which should be succesful
- // or failed.
- if(pmt_eq(event, s_response_open)) {
- status = pmt_nth(1, data); // failed/succes
- if(pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)) {
- allocating_channels();
- return;
- }
- else {
- error_msg = "failed to open usrp:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- goto unhandled; // all other messages not handled in this state
- //----------------------- ALLOCATING CHANNELS --------------------//
- // When allocating channels, we need to wait for 2 responses from
- // USRP server: one for TX and one for RX. Both are initialized to
- // NIL so we know to continue to the next state once both are set.
- // A TX allocation response
- if(pmt_eq(event, s_response_allocate_channel)
- && pmt_eq(d_tx->port_symbol(), port_id))
- {
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- // If successful response, extract the channel
- if(pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)) {
- d_tx_chan = pmt_nth(2, data);
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_PING] Received TX allocation"
- << " on channel " << d_tx_chan << std::endl;
- // If the RX has also been allocated already, we can continue
- if(!pmt_eqv(d_rx_chan, PMT_NIL))
- enter_warming_usrp();
- return;
- }
- else { // TX allocation failed
- error_msg = "failed to allocate TX channel:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- // A RX allocation response
- if(pmt_eq(event, s_response_allocate_channel)
- && pmt_eq(d_rx->port_symbol(), port_id))
- {
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- // If successful response, extract the channel
- if(pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)) {
- d_rx_chan = pmt_nth(2, data);
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_PING] Received RX allocation"
- << " on channel " << d_rx_chan << std::endl;
- // If the TX has also been allocated already, we can continue
- if(!pmt_eqv(d_tx_chan, PMT_NIL))
- enter_warming_usrp();
- return;
- }
- else { // RX allocation failed
- error_msg = "failed to allocate RX channel:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- goto unhandled;
- //----------------------- WARMING USRP --------------------//
- // The FX2 seems to need some amount of data to be buffered
- // before it begins reading. We use this state to simply
- // warm up the USRP before benchmarking pings.
- // We really don't care about the responses from the
- // control channel in the warming stage, but once we receive
- // the proper number of responses we switch states.
- if(pmt_eq(event, s_response_from_control_channel)
- && pmt_eq(d_rx->port_symbol(), port_id))
- {
- d_warm_recvd++;
- if(d_warm_recvd > d_warm_msgs)
- enter_pinging();
- return;
- }
- goto unhandled;
- case PINGING:
- goto unhandled;
- goto unhandled;
- goto unhandled;
- case INIT:
- goto unhandled;
- }
- // An error occured, print it, and shutdown all m-blocks
- bail:
- std::cerr << error_msg << data
- << "status = " << status << std::endl;
- shutdown_all(PMT_F);
- return;
- // Received an unhandled message for a specific state
- unhandled:
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "test_usrp_inband_tx: unhandled msg: " << msg
- << "in state "<< d_state << std::endl;
-// Sends a command to USRP server to open up a connection to the
-// specified USRP, which is defaulted to USRP 0 on the system
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_PING] Opening USRP "
- << d_which_usrp << std::endl;
- d_cs->send(s_cmd_open, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, d_which_usrp));
- d_state = OPENING_USRP;
-// RX and TX channels must be allocated so that the USRP server can
-// properly share bandwidth across multiple USRPs. No commands will be
-// successful to the USRP through the USRP server on the TX or RX channels until
-// a bandwidth allocation has been received.
- long capacity = (long) 16e6;
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_T, pmt_from_long(capacity)));
- d_rx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_T, pmt_from_long(capacity)));
-// The USRP needs some amount of initial data to pass a buffering point such
-// that it begins to pull and read data from the FX2. We send an arbitrary
-// amount of data to start the pipeline, which are just pings.
- d_state = WARMING_USRP;
- for(int i=0; i < d_warm_msgs; i++)
- build_and_send_ping();
- d_state = PINGING;
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_PING] Running ping tests\n";
-// Pings are sent over the TX channel using the signal 'cmd-to-control-channel'
-// to the USRP server. Within this message there can be infinite subpackets
-// stored as a list (the second parameter) and sent. The only subpacket we send
-// is a ping, interpreted by the 'op-ping-fixed' signal.
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_to_control_channel, // USRP server signal
- pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, // invocation handle
- pmt_list1(pmt_list3(s_op_ping_fixed,
- pmt_from_long(0),
- pmt_from_long(0)))));
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_PING] Ping!!" << std::endl;
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/ b/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/
deleted file mode 100644
index d9bd2db171..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,435 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <mblock/mblock.h>
-#include <mblock/runtime.h>
-#include <mblock/protocol_class.h>
-#include <mblock/exception.h>
-#include <mblock/msg_queue.h>
-#include <mblock/message.h>
-//#include <mb_mblock_impl.h>
-#include <mblock/msg_accepter.h>
-#include <mblock/class_registry.h>
-#include <pmt.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <iostream>
-// Include the symbols needed for communication with USRP server
-#include <symbols_usrp_server_cs.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_channel.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_low_level_cs.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_tx.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_rx.h>
-static bool verbose = true;
-class test_usrp_inband_registers : public mb_mblock
- mb_port_sptr d_tx; // Ports connected to the USRP server
- mb_port_sptr d_rx;
- mb_port_sptr d_cs;
- pmt_t d_tx_chan; // Returned channel from TX allocation
- pmt_t d_rx_chan; // Returned channel from RX allocation
- pmt_t d_which_usrp; // The USRP to use for the test
- long d_warm_msgs; // The number of messages to 'warm' the USRP
- long d_warm_recvd; // The number of msgs received in the 'warm' state
- // Keep track of current state
- enum state_t {
- };
- state_t d_state;
- public:
- test_usrp_inband_registers(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- ~test_usrp_inband_registers();
- void initial_transition();
- void handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
- protected:
- void opening_usrp();
- void allocating_channels();
- void write_register();
- void read_register();
- void closing_channels();
- void closing_usrp();
- void enter_receiving();
- void build_and_send_ping();
-main (int argc, char **argv)
- // handle any command line args here
- mb_runtime_sptr rt = mb_make_runtime();
- pmt_t result = PMT_NIL;
- rt->run("top", "test_usrp_inband_registers", PMT_F, &result);
-test_usrp_inband_registers::test_usrp_inband_registers(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg),
- d_tx_chan(PMT_NIL),
- d_rx_chan(PMT_NIL),
- d_which_usrp(pmt_from_long(0)),
- d_state(INIT)
- // A dictionary is used to pass parameters to the USRP
- pmt_t usrp_dict = pmt_make_dict();
- // Specify the RBF to use
- pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
- pmt_intern("rbf"),
- pmt_intern("inband_1rxhb_1tx.rbf"));
- // Set TX and RX interpolations
- pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
- pmt_intern("interp-tx"),
- pmt_from_long(128));
- pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
- pmt_intern("decim-rx"),
- pmt_from_long(16));
- d_tx = define_port("tx0", "usrp-tx", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- d_rx = define_port("rx0", "usrp-rx", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- d_cs = define_port("cs", "usrp-server-cs", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- // Create an instance of USRP server and connect ports
- define_component("server", "usrp_server", usrp_dict);
- connect("self", "tx0", "server", "tx0");
- connect("self", "rx0", "server", "rx0");
- connect("self", "cs", "server", "cs");
- opening_usrp();
-// Handle message reads all incoming messages from USRP server which will be
-// initialization and ping responses. We perform actions based on the current
-// state and the event (ie, ping response)
-test_usrp_inband_registers::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
- pmt_t event = msg->signal();
- pmt_t data = msg->data();
- pmt_t port_id = msg->port_id();
- pmt_t handle = PMT_F;
- pmt_t status = PMT_F;
- std::string error_msg;
- // Dispatch based on state
- switch(d_state) {
- //----------------------------- OPENING_USRP ----------------------------//
- // We only expect a response from opening the USRP which should be succesful
- // or failed.
- if(pmt_eq(event, s_response_open)) {
- status = pmt_nth(1, data); // failed/succes
- if(pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)) {
- allocating_channels();
- return;
- }
- else {
- error_msg = "failed to open usrp:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- goto unhandled; // all other messages not handled in this state
- //----------------------- ALLOCATING CHANNELS --------------------//
- // When allocating channels, we need to wait for 2 responses from
- // USRP server: one for TX and one for RX. Both are initialized to
- // NIL so we know to continue to the next state once both are set.
- // A TX allocation response
- if(pmt_eq(event, s_response_allocate_channel)
- && pmt_eq(d_tx->port_symbol(), port_id))
- {
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- // If successful response, extract the channel
- if(pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)) {
- d_tx_chan = pmt_nth(2, data);
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_PING] Received TX allocation"
- << " on channel " << d_tx_chan << std::endl;
- // If the RX has also been allocated already, we can continue
- if(!pmt_eqv(d_rx_chan, PMT_NIL)) {
- enter_receiving();
- write_register();
- }
- return;
- }
- else { // TX allocation failed
- error_msg = "failed to allocate TX channel:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- // A RX allocation response
- if(pmt_eq(event, s_response_allocate_channel)
- && pmt_eq(d_rx->port_symbol(), port_id))
- {
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- // If successful response, extract the channel
- if(pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)) {
- d_rx_chan = pmt_nth(2, data);
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_PING] Received RX allocation"
- << " on channel " << d_rx_chan << std::endl;
- // If the TX has also been allocated already, we can continue
- if(!pmt_eqv(d_tx_chan, PMT_NIL)) {
- enter_receiving();
- write_register();
- }
- return;
- }
- else { // RX allocation failed
- error_msg = "failed to allocate RX channel:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- goto unhandled;
- //-------------------------- WRITE REGISTER ----------------------------//
- // In the write register state, we do not expect to receive any messages
- // since the write does not directly generate a response until the USRP
- // responds.
- goto unhandled;
- //-------------------------- READ REGISTER ----------------------------//
- // In the read register state, we only expect a read register response back
- // that has the value we expect to have in it. We read the response, ensure
- // that the read was successful and display the register value.
- if(pmt_eq(event, s_response_from_control_channel)
- && pmt_eq(d_tx->port_symbol(), port_id))
- {
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- // If the read was successful, we extract the subpacket information
- if(pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)) {
- pmt_t subp = pmt_nth(2, data); // subpacket should be the read reg reply
- pmt_t subp_sig = pmt_nth(0, subp);
- pmt_t subp_data = pmt_nth(1, subp);
- if(!pmt_eqv(subp_sig, s_op_read_reg_reply)) {
- error_msg = "received improper subpacket when expecting reg reply.";
- goto bail;
- }
- pmt_t rid = pmt_nth(0, subp_data);
- pmt_t reg_num = pmt_nth(1, subp_data);
- pmt_t reg_val = pmt_nth(2, subp_data);
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_REGISTERS] Received read reg reply "
- << "("
- << "RID: " << rid << ", "
- << "Reg: " << reg_num << ", "
- << "Val: " << reg_val
- << ")\n";
- // read_register(); FIX ME STATE TRANSITION
- return;
- } else { // bail on unsuccessful write
- error_msg = "failed to write to register.";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- goto unhandled;
- goto unhandled;
- goto unhandled;
- case INIT:
- goto unhandled;
- }
- // An error occured, print it, and shutdown all m-blocks
- bail:
- std::cerr << error_msg << data
- << "status = " << status << std::endl;
- shutdown_all(PMT_F);
- return;
- // Received an unhandled message for a specific state
- unhandled:
- if(verbose && !pmt_eq(event, s_response_recv_raw_samples))
- std::cout << "test_usrp_inband_tx: unhandled msg: " << msg
- << "in state "<< d_state << std::endl;
-// Sends a command to USRP server to open up a connection to the
-// specified USRP, which is defaulted to USRP 0 on the system
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_PING] Opening USRP "
- << d_which_usrp << std::endl;
- d_cs->send(s_cmd_open, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, d_which_usrp));
- d_state = OPENING_USRP;
-// RX and TX channels must be allocated so that the USRP server can
-// properly share bandwidth across multiple USRPs. No commands will be
-// successful to the USRP through the USRP server on the TX or RX channels until
-// a bandwidth allocation has been received.
- long capacity = (long) 16e6;
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_T, pmt_from_long(capacity)));
- d_rx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_T, pmt_from_long(capacity)));
-// After allocating the channels, a write register command will be sent to the
-// USRP.
- d_state = WRITE_REGISTER;
- long reg = 0;
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_to_control_channel, // C/S packet
- pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, // invoc handle
- pmt_list1(
- pmt_list2(s_op_write_reg,
- pmt_list2(
- pmt_from_long(reg),
- pmt_from_long(0xbeef))))));
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_REGISTERS] Writing 0xbeef to "
- << reg << std::endl;
- read_register(); // immediately transition to read the register
-// Temporary: for testing pings
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_to_control_channel,
- pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, pmt_list1(pmt_list2(s_op_ping_fixed,
- pmt_list2(pmt_from_long(0),
- pmt_from_long(0))))));
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_CS] Ping sent" << std::endl;
-// After writing to the register, we want to read the value back and ensure that
-// it is the same value that we wrote.
- d_state = READ_REGISTER;
- long reg = 9;
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_to_control_channel, // C/S packet
- pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, // invoc handle
- pmt_list1(
- pmt_list2(s_op_read_reg,
- pmt_list2(
- pmt_from_long(0), // rid
- pmt_from_long(reg))))));
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_REGISTERS] Reading from register "
- << reg << std::endl;
-// Used to enter the receiving state
- d_rx->send(s_cmd_start_recv_raw_samples,
- pmt_list2(PMT_F,
- d_rx_chan));
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/ b/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f21e4afc7..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,362 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <mblock/mblock.h>
-#include <mblock/runtime.h>
-#include <mblock/protocol_class.h>
-#include <mblock/exception.h>
-#include <mblock/msg_queue.h>
-#include <mblock/message.h>
-#include <mblock/msg_accepter.h>
-#include <mblock/class_registry.h>
-#include <pmt.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <fstream>
-// Include the symbols needed for communication with USRP server
-#include <symbols_usrp_server_cs.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_channel.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_low_level_cs.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_rx.h>
-static bool verbose = true;
-class test_usrp_rx : public mb_mblock
- mb_port_sptr d_rx;
- mb_port_sptr d_cs;
- pmt_t d_rx_chan; // returned tx channel handle
- enum state_t {
- };
- state_t d_state;
- std::ofstream d_ofile;
- long d_samples_recvd;
- long d_samples_to_recv;
- public:
- test_usrp_rx(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- ~test_usrp_rx();
- void initial_transition();
- void handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
- protected:
- void open_usrp();
- void close_usrp();
- void allocate_channel();
- void send_packets();
- void enter_receiving();
- void build_and_send_next_frame();
- void handle_response_recv_raw_samples(pmt_t invocation_handle);
- void enter_closing_channel();
-test_usrp_rx::test_usrp_rx(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg),
- d_samples_recvd(0),
- d_samples_to_recv(20e6)
- d_rx = define_port("rx0", "usrp-rx", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- d_cs = define_port("cs", "usrp-server-cs", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- // Pass a dictionary to usrp_server which specifies which interface to use, the stub or USRP
- pmt_t usrp_dict = pmt_make_dict();
- // To test the application without a USRP
- bool fake_usrp_p = false;
- if(fake_usrp_p) {
- pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
- pmt_intern("fake-usrp"),
- PMT_T);
- }
- // Specify the RBF to use
- pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
- pmt_intern("rbf"),
- pmt_intern("inband_1rxhb_1tx.rbf"));
- pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
- pmt_intern("decim-rx"),
- pmt_from_long(64));
-// If unspecified, chooses center frequency from range
-// pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
-// pmt_intern("rf-freq"),
-// pmt_from_long(10e6));
- define_component("server", "usrp_server", usrp_dict);
- connect("self", "rx0", "server", "rx0");
- connect("self", "cs", "server", "cs");
- open_usrp();
-test_usrp_rx::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
- pmt_t event = msg->signal();
- pmt_t data = msg->data();
- pmt_t handle = PMT_F;
- pmt_t status = PMT_F;
- std::string error_msg;
- switch(d_state){
- //----------------------------- OPENING_USRP ----------------------------//
- // We only expect a response from opening the USRP which should be succesful
- // or failed.
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_open)){
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
- allocate_channel();
- return;
- }
- else {
- error_msg = "failed to open usrp:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- goto unhandled;
- //----------------------- ALLOCATING CHANNELS --------------------//
- // Allocate an RX channel to perform the overrun test.
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_allocate_channel)){
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- d_rx_chan = pmt_nth(2, data);
- if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
- enter_receiving();
- return;
- }
- else {
- error_msg = "failed to allocate channel:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- goto unhandled;
- //--------------------------- RECEIVING ------------------------------//
- // In the receiving state, we receive samples until the specified amount
- // while counting the number of overruns.
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_recv_raw_samples)){
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
- handle_response_recv_raw_samples(data);
- return;
- }
- else {
- error_msg = "bad response-xmit-raw-frame:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- goto unhandled;
- //------------------------- CLOSING CHANNEL ----------------------------//
- // Check deallocation response for the RX channel
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_deallocate_channel)){
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
- close_usrp();
- return;
- }
- else {
- error_msg = "failed to deallocate channel:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- // Alternately, we ignore all response recv samples while waiting for the
- // channel to actually close
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_recv_raw_samples))
- return;
- goto unhandled;
- //--------------------------- CLOSING USRP ------------------------------//
- // Once we have received a successful USRP close response, we shutdown all
- // mblocks and exit.
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_close)){
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
- fflush(stdout);
- shutdown_all(PMT_T);
- return;
- }
- else {
- error_msg = "failed to close USRP:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- goto unhandled;
- default:
- goto unhandled;
- }
- return;
- // An error occured, print it, and shutdown all m-blocks
- bail:
- std::cerr << error_msg << data
- << "status = " << status << std::endl;
- shutdown_all(PMT_F);
- return;
- // Received an unhandled message for a specific state
- unhandled:
- if(verbose && !pmt_eq(event, pmt_intern("%shutdown")))
- std::cout << "test_usrp_inband_tx: unhandled msg: " << msg
- << "in state "<< d_state << std::endl;
- pmt_t which_usrp = pmt_from_long(0);
- d_cs->send(s_cmd_open, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, which_usrp));
- d_state = OPENING_USRP;
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_RX] Opening the USRP\n";
- d_cs->send(s_cmd_close, pmt_list1(PMT_NIL));
- d_state = CLOSING_USRP;
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_RX] Closing the USRP\n";
- long capacity = (long) 16e6;
- d_rx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_T, pmt_from_long(capacity)));
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_RX] Requesting RX channel allocation\n";
- d_state = RECEIVING;
- d_rx->send(s_cmd_start_recv_raw_samples,
- pmt_list2(PMT_F,
- d_rx_chan));
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_RX] Receiving...\n";
-test_usrp_rx::handle_response_recv_raw_samples(pmt_t data)
- pmt_t invocation_handle = pmt_nth(0, data);
- pmt_t status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- pmt_t v_samples = pmt_nth(2, data);
- pmt_t timestamp = pmt_nth(3, data);
- pmt_t channel = pmt_nth(4, data);
- pmt_t properties = pmt_nth(5, data);
- d_samples_recvd += pmt_length(v_samples) / 4;
- // Check for overrun
- if(!pmt_is_dict(properties)) {
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_RX] Recv samples dictionary is improper\n";
- return;
- }
- // Check if the number samples we have received meets the test
- if(d_samples_recvd >= d_samples_to_recv) {
- d_rx->send(s_cmd_stop_recv_raw_samples, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, d_rx_chan));
- enter_closing_channel();
- return;
- }
- d_state = CLOSING_CHANNEL;
- d_rx->send(s_cmd_deallocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, d_rx_chan));
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_RX] Deallocating RX channel\n";
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------
-main (int argc, char **argv)
- mb_runtime_sptr rt = mb_make_runtime();
- pmt_t result = PMT_NIL;
- rt->run("top", "test_usrp_rx", PMT_F, &result);
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/ b/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b874d1a5b..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,506 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <mblock/mblock.h>
-#include <mblock/runtime.h>
-#include <mblock/protocol_class.h>
-#include <mblock/exception.h>
-#include <mblock/msg_queue.h>
-#include <mblock/message.h>
-#include <mblock/msg_accepter.h>
-#include <mblock/class_registry.h>
-#include <pmt.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <ui_nco.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_server_cs.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_channel.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_low_level_cs.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_tx.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_rx.h>
-#define NBPING 10
-static bool verbose = true;
-bool bskip = false;
-long bstep = 10000;
-long bcurr = 0;
-long incr = 0x500;
-long ptime = 0x000;
-class test_usrp_inband_timestamps : public mb_mblock
- mb_port_sptr d_tx;
- mb_port_sptr d_rx;
- mb_port_sptr d_cs;
- pmt_t d_tx_chan; // returned tx channel handle
- pmt_t d_rx_chan; // returned tx channel handle
- struct timeval times[NBPING];
- enum state_t {
- };
- state_t d_state;
- long d_nsamples_to_send;
- long d_nsamples_xmitted;
- long d_nframes_xmitted;
- long d_samples_per_frame;
- bool d_done_sending;
- // for generating sine wave output
- ui_nco<float,float> d_nco;
- double d_amplitude;
- public:
- test_usrp_inband_timestamps(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- ~test_usrp_inband_timestamps();
- void initial_transition();
- void handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
- protected:
- void open_usrp();
- void close_usrp();
- void allocate_channel();
- void send_packets();
- void enter_receiving();
- void enter_transmitting();
- void build_and_send_ping();
- void build_and_send_next_frame();
- void handle_xmit_response(pmt_t invocation_handle);
- void enter_closing_channel();
-test_usrp_inband_timestamps::test_usrp_inband_timestamps(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg),
- d_tx_chan(PMT_NIL),
- d_rx_chan(PMT_NIL),
- d_state(INIT), d_nsamples_to_send((long) 40e6),
- d_nsamples_xmitted(0),
- d_nframes_xmitted(0),
- //d_samples_per_frame((long)(126)),
- d_samples_per_frame((long)(126 * 2)), // non-full packet
- //d_samples_per_frame((long)(126 * 3.5)), // non-full packet
- //d_samples_per_frame((long)(126 * 4)), // full packet
- d_done_sending(false),
- d_amplitude(16384)
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_TIMESTAMPS] Initializing...\n";
- d_tx = define_port("tx0", "usrp-tx", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- d_rx = define_port("rx0", "usrp-rx", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- d_cs = define_port("cs", "usrp-server-cs", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- bool fake_usrp_p = false;
- // Test the TX side
- pmt_t usrp_dict = pmt_make_dict();
- if(fake_usrp_p) {
- pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
- pmt_intern("fake-usrp"),
- PMT_T);
- }
- // Set TX and RX interpolations
- pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
- pmt_intern("interp-tx"),
- pmt_from_long(128));
- pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
- pmt_intern("decim-rx"),
- pmt_from_long(16));
- // Specify the RBF to use
- pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
- pmt_intern("rbf"),
- pmt_intern("inband_1rxhb_1tx.rbf"));
- define_component("server", "usrp_server", usrp_dict);
- connect("self", "tx0", "server", "tx0");
- connect("self", "rx0", "server", "rx0");
- connect("self", "cs", "server", "cs");
- // initialize NCO
- double freq = 100e3;
- int interp = 32; // 32 -> 4MS/s
- double sample_rate = 128e6 / interp;
- d_nco.set_freq(2*M_PI * freq/sample_rate);
- open_usrp();
-test_usrp_inband_timestamps::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
- pmt_t event = msg->signal();
- pmt_t data = msg->data();
- pmt_t port_id = msg->port_id();
- pmt_t handle = PMT_F;
- pmt_t status = PMT_F;
- std::string error_msg;
- //std::cout << msg << std::endl;
- switch(d_state){
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_open)){
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
- allocate_channel();
- return;
- }
- else {
- error_msg = "failed to open usrp:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- goto unhandled;
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_allocate_channel)){
- if(pmt_eq(d_tx->port_symbol(), port_id)) {
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- d_tx_chan = pmt_nth(2, data);
- if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_TIMESTAMPS] Received allocation for TX\n";
- if(!pmt_eqv(d_rx_chan, PMT_NIL)) {
- enter_receiving();
- enter_transmitting();
- }
- return;
- }
- else {
- error_msg = "failed to allocate channel:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- if(pmt_eq(d_rx->port_symbol(), port_id)) {
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- d_rx_chan = pmt_nth(2, data);
- if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_TIMESTAMPS] Received allocation for TX\n";
- if(!pmt_eqv(d_tx_chan, PMT_NIL)) {
- enter_receiving();
- enter_transmitting();
- }
- return;
- }
- else {
- error_msg = "failed to allocate channel:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- }
- goto unhandled;
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_xmit_raw_frame)){
- handle = pmt_nth(0, data);
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
- handle_xmit_response(handle);
- return;
- }
- else {
- error_msg = "bad response-xmit-raw-frame:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_from_control_channel)) {
- std::cout << "ping response!\n";
- }
- goto unhandled;
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_deallocate_channel)){
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
- close_usrp();
- return;
- }
- else {
- error_msg = "failed to deallocate channel:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- goto unhandled;
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_close)){
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
- shutdown_all(PMT_T);
- return;
- }
- else {
- error_msg = "failed to close USRP:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- goto unhandled;
- default:
- goto unhandled;
- }
- return;
- bail:
- std::cerr << error_msg << data
- << "status = " << status << std::endl;
- shutdown_all(PMT_F);
- return;
- unhandled:
- if(verbose && 0)
- std::cout << "test_usrp_inband_tx: unhandled msg: " << msg
- << "in state "<< d_state << std::endl;
- pmt_t which_usrp = pmt_from_long(0);
- d_cs->send(s_cmd_open, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, which_usrp));
- d_state = OPENING_USRP;
- d_cs->send(s_cmd_close, pmt_list1(PMT_NIL));
- d_state = CLOSING_USRP;
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_TIMESTAMPS] Closing USRP\n";
- long capacity = (long) 16e6;
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_T, pmt_from_long(capacity)));
- d_rx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_T, pmt_from_long(capacity)));
- d_rx->send(s_cmd_start_recv_raw_samples,
- pmt_list2(PMT_F,
- d_rx_chan));
- d_state = TRANSMITTING;
- d_nsamples_xmitted = 0;
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_TIMESTAMPS] Beginning transmission\n";
- sleep(1);
- build_and_send_next_frame();
- build_and_send_next_frame();
- build_and_send_next_frame();
- build_and_send_next_frame();
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_to_control_channel,
- pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, pmt_list1(pmt_list2(s_op_ping_fixed,
- pmt_list2(pmt_from_long(0),
- pmt_from_long(0))))));
- if(verbose && 0)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_TIMESTAMPS] Ping sent" << std::endl;
- // allocate the uniform vector for the samples
- // FIXME perhaps hold on to this between calls
-#if 0
- long nsamples_this_frame =
- std::min(d_nsamples_to_send - d_nsamples_xmitted,
- d_samples_per_frame);
- long nsamples_this_frame = d_samples_per_frame;
- if (nsamples_this_frame == 0){
- d_done_sending = true;
- return;
- }
- size_t nshorts = 2 * nsamples_this_frame; // 16-bit I & Q
- pmt_t uvec = pmt_make_s16vector(nshorts, 0);
- size_t ignore;
- int16_t *samples = pmt_s16vector_writable_elements(uvec, ignore);
- // fill in the complex sinusoid
- for (int i = 0; i < nsamples_this_frame; i++){
- if (1){
- gr_complex s;
- d_nco.sincos(&s, 1, d_amplitude);
- // write 16-bit i & q
- samples[2*i] = (int16_t) s.real();
- samples[2*i+1] = (int16_t) s.imag();
- }
- else {
- gr_complex s(d_amplitude, d_amplitude);
- // write 16-bit i & q
- samples[2*i] = (int16_t) s.real();
- samples[2*i+1] = (int16_t) s.imag();
- }
- }
- pmt_t timestamp;
- if(bskip) {
- timestamp = pmt_from_long(0x0); // throw away
- bcurr++;
- if(bcurr == bstep) {
- bskip = false;
- bcurr = 0;
- }
- } else {
- timestamp = pmt_from_long(0xffffffff); // NOW
- timestamp = pmt_from_long(ptime);
- ptime += incr;
- bcurr++;
- if(bcurr == bstep) {
- //bskip = true;
- bcurr = 0;
- }
- }
- std::cout << bskip << " -- " << bcurr << std::endl;
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_xmit_raw_frame,
- pmt_list4(pmt_from_long(d_nframes_xmitted), // invocation-handle
- d_tx_chan, // channel
- uvec, // the samples
- timestamp));
- d_nsamples_xmitted += nsamples_this_frame;
- d_nframes_xmitted++;
- if(verbose && 0)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_TIMESTAMPS] Transmitted frame\n";
- //build_and_send_next_frame();
-test_usrp_inband_timestamps::handle_xmit_response(pmt_t handle)
- if (d_done_sending &&
- pmt_to_long(handle) == (d_nframes_xmitted - 1)){
- // We're done sending and have received all responses
- enter_closing_channel();
- }
- build_and_send_next_frame();
- //build_and_send_ping();
- d_state = CLOSING_CHANNEL;
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_deallocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, d_tx_chan));
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_TIMESTAMPS] Closing channel\n";
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------
-main (int argc, char **argv)
- // handle any command line args here
- mb_runtime_sptr rt = mb_make_runtime();
- pmt_t result = PMT_NIL;
- rt->run("top", "test_usrp_inband_timestamps", PMT_F, &result);
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/ b/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f294e770f..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,411 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <mblock/mblock.h>
-#include <mblock/runtime.h>
-#include <mblock/protocol_class.h>
-#include <mblock/exception.h>
-#include <mblock/msg_queue.h>
-#include <mblock/message.h>
-#include <mblock/msg_accepter.h>
-#include <mblock/class_registry.h>
-#include <pmt.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <ui_nco.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_server_cs.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_channel.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_low_level_cs.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_tx.h>
-static bool verbose = true;
-class test_usrp_tx : public mb_mblock
- mb_port_sptr d_tx;
- mb_port_sptr d_cs;
- pmt_t d_tx_chan; // returned tx channel handle
- enum state_t {
- };
- state_t d_state;
- long d_nsamples_to_send;
- long d_nsamples_xmitted;
- long d_nframes_xmitted;
- long d_samples_per_frame;
- bool d_done_sending;
- // for generating sine wave output
- ui_nco<float,float> d_nco;
- double d_amplitude;
- public:
- test_usrp_tx(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- ~test_usrp_tx();
- void initial_transition();
- void handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
- protected:
- void open_usrp();
- void close_usrp();
- void allocate_channel();
- void send_packets();
- void enter_transmitting();
- void build_and_send_next_frame();
- void handle_xmit_response(pmt_t invocation_handle);
- void enter_closing_channel();
-test_usrp_tx::test_usrp_tx(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg),
- d_state(INIT), d_nsamples_to_send((long) 80e6),
- d_nsamples_xmitted(0),
- d_nframes_xmitted(0),
- d_samples_per_frame((long)(126 * 4)), // full packet
- d_done_sending(false),
- d_amplitude(16384)
- // std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_TX] Initializing...\n";
- d_tx = define_port("tx0", "usrp-tx", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- d_cs = define_port("cs", "usrp-server-cs", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- //bool fake_usrp_p = true;
- bool fake_usrp_p = false;
- // Test the TX side
- pmt_t usrp_dict = pmt_make_dict();
- if(fake_usrp_p) {
- pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
- pmt_intern("fake-usrp"),
- PMT_T);
- }
- // Specify the RBF to use
- pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
- pmt_intern("rbf"),
- pmt_intern("inband_1rxhb_1tx.rbf"));
- // Set TX and RX interpolations
- pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
- pmt_intern("interp-tx"),
- pmt_from_long(64));
-// If unspecified, chooses center frequency from range
-// pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
-// pmt_intern("rf-freq"),
-// pmt_from_long(10e6));
- define_component("server", "usrp_server", usrp_dict);
- connect("self", "tx0", "server", "tx0");
- connect("self", "cs", "server", "cs");
- // initialize NCO
- double freq = 100e3;
- int interp = 32; // 32 -> 4MS/s
- double sample_rate = 128e6 / interp;
- d_nco.set_freq(2*M_PI * freq/sample_rate);
- // FIXME need to somehow set the interp rate in the USRP.
- // for now, we'll have the low-level code hardwire it.
- open_usrp();
-test_usrp_tx::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
- pmt_t event = msg->signal();
- pmt_t data = msg->data();
- pmt_t handle = PMT_F;
- pmt_t status = PMT_F;
- std::string error_msg;
- //std::cout << msg << std::endl;
- switch(d_state){
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_open)){
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
- allocate_channel();
- return;
- }
- else {
- error_msg = "failed to open usrp:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- goto unhandled;
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_allocate_channel)){
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- d_tx_chan = pmt_nth(2, data);
- if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
- enter_transmitting();
- return;
- }
- else {
- error_msg = "failed to allocate channel:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- goto unhandled;
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_xmit_raw_frame)){
- handle = pmt_nth(0, data);
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
- handle_xmit_response(handle);
- return;
- }
- else {
- error_msg = "bad response-xmit-raw-frame:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- goto unhandled;
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_deallocate_channel)){
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
- close_usrp();
- return;
- }
- else {
- error_msg = "failed to deallocate channel:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- goto unhandled;
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_close)){
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
- shutdown_all(PMT_T);
- return;
- }
- else {
- error_msg = "failed to close USRP:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- goto unhandled;
- default:
- goto unhandled;
- }
- return;
- bail:
- std::cerr << error_msg << data
- << "status = " << status << std::endl;
- shutdown_all(PMT_F);
- return;
- unhandled:
- std::cout << "test_usrp_inband_tx: unhandled msg: " << msg
- << "in state "<< d_state << std::endl;
- pmt_t which_usrp = pmt_from_long(0);
- d_cs->send(s_cmd_open, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, which_usrp));
- d_state = OPENING_USRP;
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_TX] Opening the USRP\n";
- d_cs->send(s_cmd_close, pmt_list1(PMT_NIL));
- d_state = CLOSING_USRP;
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_TX] Closing the USRP\n";
- long capacity = (long) 16e6;
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_T, pmt_from_long(capacity)));
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_TX] Requesting TX channel allocation\n";
- d_state = TRANSMITTING;
- d_nsamples_xmitted = 0;
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_TX] Transmitting...\n";
- build_and_send_next_frame(); // fire off 4 to start pipeline
- build_and_send_next_frame();
- build_and_send_next_frame();
- build_and_send_next_frame();
- // allocate the uniform vector for the samples
- // FIXME perhaps hold on to this between calls
-#if 1
- long nsamples_this_frame =
- std::min(d_nsamples_to_send - d_nsamples_xmitted,
- d_samples_per_frame);
- long nsamples_this_frame = d_samples_per_frame;
- if (nsamples_this_frame == 0){
- d_done_sending = true;
- return;
- }
- size_t nshorts = 2 * nsamples_this_frame; // 16-bit I & Q
- pmt_t uvec = pmt_make_s16vector(nshorts, 0);
- size_t ignore;
- int16_t *samples = pmt_s16vector_writable_elements(uvec, ignore);
- // fill in the complex sinusoid
- for (int i = 0; i < nsamples_this_frame; i++){
- if (1){
- gr_complex s;
- d_nco.sincos(&s, 1, d_amplitude);
- // write 16-bit i & q
- samples[2*i] = (int16_t) s.real();
- samples[2*i+1] = (int16_t) s.imag();
- }
- else {
- gr_complex s(d_amplitude, d_amplitude);
- // write 16-bit i & q
- samples[2*i] = (int16_t) s.real();
- samples[2*i+1] = (int16_t) s.imag();
- }
- }
- pmt_t tx_properties = pmt_make_dict();
- pmt_t timestamp = pmt_from_long(0xffffffff); // NOW
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_xmit_raw_frame,
- pmt_list5(pmt_from_long(d_nframes_xmitted), // invocation-handle
- d_tx_chan, // channel
- uvec, // the samples
- timestamp,
- tx_properties));
- d_nsamples_xmitted += nsamples_this_frame;
- d_nframes_xmitted++;
- if(verbose && 0)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_TX] Transmitted frame\n";
-test_usrp_tx::handle_xmit_response(pmt_t handle)
- if (d_done_sending &&
- pmt_to_long(handle) == (d_nframes_xmitted - 1)){
- // We're done sending and have received all responses
- enter_closing_channel();
- }
- build_and_send_next_frame();
- d_state = CLOSING_CHANNEL;
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_deallocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, d_tx_chan));
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_tX] Deallocating TX channel\n";
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------
-main (int argc, char **argv)
- // handle any command line args here
- mb_runtime_sptr rt = mb_make_runtime();
- pmt_t result = PMT_NIL;
- rt->run("top", "test_usrp_tx", PMT_F, &result);
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/ b/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/
deleted file mode 100644
index 11babb0481..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,674 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <mblock/mblock.h>
-#include <mblock/runtime.h>
-#include <mblock/protocol_class.h>
-#include <mblock/exception.h>
-#include <mblock/msg_queue.h>
-#include <mblock/message.h>
-#include <mblock/msg_accepter.h>
-#include <mblock/class_registry.h>
-#include <pmt.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <ui_nco.h>
-// Include the symbols needed for communication with USRP server
-#include <symbols_usrp_server_cs.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_channel.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_low_level_cs.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_tx.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_rx.h>
-static bool verbose = true;
-class test_usrp_inband_underrun : public mb_mblock
- mb_port_sptr d_tx; // Ports connected to the USRP server
- mb_port_sptr d_rx;
- mb_port_sptr d_cs;
- pmt_t d_tx_chan; // Returned channel from TX allocation
- pmt_t d_rx_chan; // Returned channel from RX allocation
- pmt_t d_which_usrp; // The USRP to use for the test
- long d_warm_msgs; // The number of messages to 'warm' the USRP
- long d_warm_recvd; // The number of msgs received in the 'warm' state
- // Keep track of current state
- enum state_t {
- };
- state_t d_state;
- long d_nsamples_to_send;
- long d_nsamples_xmitted;
- long d_nframes_xmitted;
- long d_samples_per_frame;
- bool d_done_sending;
- // for generating sine wave output
- ui_nco<float,float> d_nco;
- double d_amplitude;
- long d_n_underruns;
- public:
- test_usrp_inband_underrun(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- ~test_usrp_inband_underrun();
- void initial_transition();
- void handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
- protected:
- void opening_usrp();
- void allocating_channels();
- void write_register();
- void read_register();
- void closing_channels();
- void closing_usrp();
- void enter_receiving();
- void enter_transmitting();
- void build_and_send_ping();
- void build_and_send_next_frame();
- void handle_xmit_response(pmt_t handle);
- void handle_recv_response(pmt_t dict);
-main (int argc, char **argv)
- // handle any command line args here
- mb_runtime_sptr rt = mb_make_runtime();
- pmt_t result = PMT_NIL;
- rt->run("top", "test_usrp_inband_underrun", PMT_F, &result);
-test_usrp_inband_underrun::test_usrp_inband_underrun(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg),
- d_tx_chan(PMT_NIL),
- d_rx_chan(PMT_NIL),
- d_which_usrp(pmt_from_long(0)),
- d_state(INIT),
- d_nsamples_to_send((long) 27e6),
- d_nsamples_xmitted(0),
- d_nframes_xmitted(0),
- d_samples_per_frame(d_nsamples_to_send), // full packet
- d_done_sending(false),
- d_amplitude(16384),
- d_n_underruns(0)
- // A dictionary is used to pass parameters to the USRP
- pmt_t usrp_dict = pmt_make_dict();
- // Specify the RBF to use
- pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
- pmt_intern("rbf"),
- pmt_intern("inband_1rxhb_1tx.rbf"));
- // Set TX and RX interpolations
- pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
- pmt_intern("interp-tx"),
- pmt_from_long(64));
- pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
- pmt_intern("decim-rx"),
- pmt_from_long(128));
- d_tx = define_port("tx0", "usrp-tx", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- d_rx = define_port("rx0", "usrp-rx", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- d_cs = define_port("cs", "usrp-server-cs", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- // Create an instance of USRP server and connect ports
- define_component("server", "usrp_server", usrp_dict);
- connect("self", "tx0", "server", "tx0");
- connect("self", "rx0", "server", "rx0");
- connect("self", "cs", "server", "cs");
- // initialize NCO
- double freq = 100e3;
- int interp = 32; // 32 -> 4MS/s
- double sample_rate = 128e6 / interp;
- d_nco.set_freq(2*M_PI * freq/sample_rate);
- opening_usrp();
-// Handle message reads all incoming messages from USRP server which will be
-// initialization and ping responses. We perform actions based on the current
-// state and the event (ie, ping response)
-test_usrp_inband_underrun::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
- pmt_t event = msg->signal();
- pmt_t data = msg->data();
- pmt_t port_id = msg->port_id();
- pmt_t handle = PMT_F;
- pmt_t status = PMT_F;
- pmt_t dict = PMT_NIL;
- std::string error_msg;
- // Check the recv sample responses for underruns and count
- if(pmt_eq(event, s_response_recv_raw_samples)) {
- handle = pmt_nth(0, data);
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- dict = pmt_nth(4, data);
- if(pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)) {
- handle_recv_response(dict);
- return;
- }
- else {
- error_msg = "error while receiving samples:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- // Dispatch based on state
- switch(d_state) {
- //----------------------------- OPENING_USRP ----------------------------//
- // We only expect a response from opening the USRP which should be succesful
- // or failed.
- if(pmt_eq(event, s_response_open)) {
- status = pmt_nth(1, data); // failed/succes
- if(pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)) {
- allocating_channels();
- return;
- }
- else {
- error_msg = "failed to open usrp:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- goto unhandled; // all other messages not handled in this state
- //----------------------- ALLOCATING CHANNELS --------------------//
- // When allocating channels, we need to wait for 2 responses from
- // USRP server: one for TX and one for RX. Both are initialized to
- // NIL so we know to continue to the next state once both are set.
- // A TX allocation response
- if(pmt_eq(event, s_response_allocate_channel)
- && pmt_eq(d_tx->port_symbol(), port_id))
- {
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- // If successful response, extract the channel
- if(pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)) {
- d_tx_chan = pmt_nth(2, data);
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_UNDERRUN] Received TX allocation"
- << " on channel " << d_tx_chan << std::endl;
- // If the RX has also been allocated already, we can continue
- if(!pmt_eqv(d_rx_chan, PMT_NIL)) {
- enter_receiving();
- enter_transmitting();
- }
- return;
- }
- else { // TX allocation failed
- error_msg = "failed to allocate TX channel:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- // A RX allocation response
- if(pmt_eq(event, s_response_allocate_channel)
- && pmt_eq(d_rx->port_symbol(), port_id))
- {
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- // If successful response, extract the channel
- if(pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)) {
- d_rx_chan = pmt_nth(2, data);
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_UNDERRUN] Received RX allocation"
- << " on channel " << d_rx_chan << std::endl;
- // If the TX has also been allocated already, we can continue
- if(!pmt_eqv(d_tx_chan, PMT_NIL)) {
- enter_receiving();
- enter_transmitting();
- }
- return;
- }
- else { // RX allocation failed
- error_msg = "failed to allocate RX channel:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- goto unhandled;
- goto unhandled;
- goto unhandled;
- //-------------------------- TRANSMITTING ----------------------------//
- // In the transmit state we count the number of underruns received and
- // ballpark the number with an expected count (something >1 for starters)
- // Check that the transmits are OK
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_xmit_raw_frame)){
- handle = pmt_nth(0, data);
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
- handle_xmit_response(handle);
- return;
- }
- else {
- error_msg = "bad response-xmit-raw-frame:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- goto unhandled;
- //------------------------- CLOSING CHANNELS ----------------------------//
- // Check deallocation responses, once the TX and RX channels are both
- // deallocated then we close the USRP.
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_deallocate_channel)
- && pmt_eq(d_tx->port_symbol(), port_id))
- {
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- // If successful, set the port to NIL
- if(pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)) {
- d_tx_chan = PMT_NIL;
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_UNDERRUN] Received TX deallocation\n";
- // If the RX is also deallocated, we can close the USRP
- if(pmt_eq(d_rx_chan, PMT_NIL))
- closing_usrp();
- return;
- } else {
- error_msg = "failed to deallocate TX channel:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_deallocate_channel)
- && pmt_eq(d_rx->port_symbol(), port_id))
- {
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- // If successful, set the port to NIL
- if(pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)) {
- d_rx_chan = PMT_NIL;
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_UNDERRUN] Received RX deallocation\n";
- // If the TX is also deallocated, we can close the USRP
- if(pmt_eq(d_tx_chan, PMT_NIL))
- closing_usrp();
- return;
- } else {
- error_msg = "failed to deallocate RX channel:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- goto unhandled;
- //--------------------------- CLOSING USRP ------------------------------//
- // Once we have received a successful USRP close response, we shutdown all
- // mblocks and exit.
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_close)) {
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- if(pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)) {
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_UNDERRUN] Successfully closed USRP\n";
- std::cout << "\nUnderruns: " << d_n_underruns << std::endl;
- fflush(stdout);
- shutdown_all(PMT_T);
- return;
- } else {
- error_msg = "failed to close USRP:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- goto unhandled;
- case INIT:
- goto unhandled;
- }
- // An error occured, print it, and shutdown all m-blocks
- bail:
- std::cerr << error_msg << data
- << "status = " << status << std::endl;
- shutdown_all(PMT_F);
- return;
- // Received an unhandled message for a specific state
- unhandled:
- if(verbose && !pmt_eq(event, pmt_intern("%shutdown")))
- std::cout << "test_usrp_inband_tx: unhandled msg: " << msg
- << "in state "<< d_state << std::endl;
-// Sends a command to USRP server to open up a connection to the
-// specified USRP, which is defaulted to USRP 0 on the system
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_UNDERRUN] Opening USRP "
- << d_which_usrp << std::endl;
- d_cs->send(s_cmd_open, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, d_which_usrp));
- d_state = OPENING_USRP;
-// RX and TX channels must be allocated so that the USRP server can
-// properly share bandwidth across multiple USRPs. No commands will be
-// successful to the USRP through the USRP server on the TX or RX channels until
-// a bandwidth allocation has been received.
- long capacity = (long) 16e6;
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_T, pmt_from_long(capacity)));
- d_rx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_T, pmt_from_long(capacity)));
-// After allocating the channels, a write register command will be sent to the
-// USRP.
- d_state = WRITE_REGISTER;
- long reg = 0;
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_to_control_channel, // C/S packet
- pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, // invoc handle
- pmt_list1(
- pmt_list2(s_op_write_reg,
- pmt_list2(
- pmt_from_long(reg),
- pmt_from_long(0xbeef))))));
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_REGISTERS] Writing 0xbeef to "
- << reg << std::endl;
- read_register(); // immediately transition to read the register
-// Temporary: for testing pings
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_to_control_channel,
- pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, pmt_list1(pmt_list2(s_op_ping_fixed,
- pmt_list2(pmt_from_long(0),
- pmt_from_long(0))))));
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_UNDERRUN] Ping sent" << std::endl;
-// After writing to the register, we want to read the value back and ensure that
-// it is the same value that we wrote.
- d_state = READ_REGISTER;
- long reg = 9;
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_to_control_channel, // C/S packet
- pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, // invoc handle
- pmt_list1(
- pmt_list2(s_op_read_reg,
- pmt_list2(
- pmt_from_long(0), // rid
- pmt_from_long(reg))))));
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_UNDERRUN] Reading from register "
- << reg << std::endl;
-// Used to enter the receiving state
- d_rx->send(s_cmd_start_recv_raw_samples,
- pmt_list2(PMT_F,
- d_rx_chan));
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_UNDERRUN] Started RX sample stream\n";
- d_state = TRANSMITTING;
- d_nsamples_xmitted = 0;
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_UNDERRUN] Entering transmit state...\n";
- build_and_send_next_frame(); // fire off 4 to start pipeline
- build_and_send_next_frame();
- build_and_send_next_frame();
- build_and_send_next_frame();
- long nsamples_this_frame =
- std::min(d_nsamples_to_send - d_nsamples_xmitted,
- d_samples_per_frame);
- if (nsamples_this_frame == 0){
- d_done_sending = true;
- return;
- }
- size_t nshorts = 2 * nsamples_this_frame; // 16-bit I & Q
- pmt_t uvec = pmt_make_s16vector(nshorts, 0);
- size_t ignore;
- int16_t *samples = pmt_s16vector_writable_elements(uvec, ignore);
- // fill in the complex sinusoid
- for (int i = 0; i < nsamples_this_frame; i++){
- if (1){
- gr_complex s;
- d_nco.sincos(&s, 1, d_amplitude);
- // write 16-bit i & q
- samples[2*i] = (int16_t) s.real();
- samples[2*i+1] = (int16_t) s.imag();
- }
- else {
- gr_complex s(d_amplitude, d_amplitude);
- // write 16-bit i & q
- samples[2*i] = (int16_t) s.real();
- samples[2*i+1] = (int16_t) s.imag();
- }
- }
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_TX] Transmitting frame...\n";
- pmt_t timestamp = pmt_from_long(0xffffffff); // NOW
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_xmit_raw_frame,
- pmt_list4(pmt_from_long(d_nframes_xmitted), // invocation-handle
- d_tx_chan, // channel
- uvec, // the samples
- timestamp));
- d_nsamples_xmitted += nsamples_this_frame;
- d_nframes_xmitted++;
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_TX] Transmitted frame\n";
-test_usrp_inband_underrun::handle_xmit_response(pmt_t handle)
- if (d_done_sending &&
- pmt_to_long(handle) == (d_nframes_xmitted - 1)){
- // We're done sending and have received all responses
- closing_channels();
- return;
- }
- build_and_send_next_frame();
-test_usrp_inband_underrun::handle_recv_response(pmt_t dict)
- if(!pmt_is_dict(dict)) {
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_UNDERRUN] Recv samples dictionary is improper\n";
- return;
- }
- // Read the TX interpolations
- if(pmt_t underrun = pmt_dict_ref(dict,
- pmt_intern("underrun"),
- PMT_NIL)) {
- if(pmt_eqv(underrun, PMT_T)) {
- d_n_underruns++;
- if(verbose && 0)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_UNDERRUN] Underrun\n";
- }
- else {
- if(verbose && 0)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_UNDERRUN] No underrun\n" << underrun <<std::endl;
- }
- } else {
- if(verbose && 0)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_UNDERRUN] No underrun\n";
- }
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_deallocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, d_tx_chan));
- d_rx->send(s_cmd_deallocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, d_rx_chan));
- d_state = CLOSING_USRP;
- d_cs->send(s_cmd_close, pmt_list1(PMT_NIL));
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/ui_nco.h b/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/ui_nco.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e6d7814ab9..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/ui_nco.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
- * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-#include <vector>
-#include <ui_sincos.h>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <complex>
-typedef std::complex<float> gr_complex;
- * \brief base class template for Numerically Controlled Oscillator (NCO)
- */
-//FIXME Eventually generalize this to fixed point
-template<class o_type, class i_type>
-class ui_nco {
- ui_nco () : phase (0), phase_inc(0) {}
- virtual ~ui_nco () {}
- // radians
- void set_phase (double angle) {
- phase = angle;
- }
- void adjust_phase (double delta_phase) {
- phase += delta_phase;
- }
- // angle_rate is in radians / step
- void set_freq (double angle_rate){
- phase_inc = angle_rate;
- }
- // angle_rate is a delta in radians / step
- void adjust_freq (double delta_angle_rate)
- {
- phase_inc += delta_angle_rate;
- }
- // increment current phase angle
- void step ()
- {
- phase += phase_inc;
- if (fabs (phase) > M_PI){
- while (phase > M_PI)
- phase -= 2*M_PI;
- while (phase < -M_PI)
- phase += 2*M_PI;
- }
- }
- void step (int n)
- {
- phase += phase_inc * n;
- if (fabs (phase) > M_PI){
- while (phase > M_PI)
- phase -= 2*M_PI;
- while (phase < -M_PI)
- phase += 2*M_PI;
- }
- }
- // units are radians / step
- double get_phase () const { return phase; }
- double get_freq () const { return phase_inc; }
- // compute sin and cos for current phase angle
- void sincos (float *sinx, float *cosx) const;
- // compute cos or sin for current phase angle
- float cos () const { return std::cos (phase); }
- float sin () const { return std::sin (phase); }
- // compute a block at a time
- void sin (float *output, int noutput_items, double ampl = 1.0);
- void cos (float *output, int noutput_items, double ampl = 1.0);
- void sincos (gr_complex *output, int noutput_items, double ampl = 1.0);
- void sin (short *output, int noutput_items, double ampl = 1.0);
- void cos (short *output, int noutput_items, double ampl = 1.0);
- void sin (int *output, int noutput_items, double ampl = 1.0);
- void cos (int *output, int noutput_items, double ampl = 1.0);
- double phase;
- double phase_inc;
-template<class o_type, class i_type>
-ui_nco<o_type,i_type>::sincos (float *sinx, float *cosx) const
- ui_sincosf (phase, sinx, cosx);
-template<class o_type, class i_type>
-ui_nco<o_type,i_type>::sin (float *output, int noutput_items, double ampl)
- for (int i = 0; i < noutput_items; i++){
- output[i] = (float)(sin () * ampl);
- step ();
- }
-template<class o_type, class i_type>
-ui_nco<o_type,i_type>::cos (float *output, int noutput_items, double ampl)
- for (int i = 0; i < noutput_items; i++){
- output[i] = (float)(cos () * ampl);
- step ();
- }
-template<class o_type, class i_type>
-ui_nco<o_type,i_type>::sin (short *output, int noutput_items, double ampl)
- for (int i = 0; i < noutput_items; i++){
- output[i] = (short)(sin() * ampl);
- step ();
- }
-template<class o_type, class i_type>
-ui_nco<o_type,i_type>::cos (short *output, int noutput_items, double ampl)
- for (int i = 0; i < noutput_items; i++){
- output[i] = (short)(cos () * ampl);
- step ();
- }
-template<class o_type, class i_type>
-ui_nco<o_type,i_type>::sin (int *output, int noutput_items, double ampl)
- for (int i = 0; i < noutput_items; i++){
- output[i] = (int)(sin () * ampl);
- step ();
- }
-template<class o_type, class i_type>
-ui_nco<o_type,i_type>::cos (int *output, int noutput_items, double ampl)
- for (int i = 0; i < noutput_items; i++){
- output[i] = (int)(cos () * ampl);
- step ();
- }
-template<class o_type, class i_type>
-ui_nco<o_type,i_type>::sincos (gr_complex *output, int noutput_items, double ampl)
- for (int i = 0; i < noutput_items; i++){
- float cosx, sinx;
- sincos (&sinx, &cosx);
- output[i] = gr_complex(cosx * ampl, sinx * ampl);
- step ();
- }
-#endif /* INCLUDED_UI_NCO_H */
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/ui_sincos.c b/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/ui_sincos.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 27841f0100..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/ui_sincos.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
- * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-#include "config.h"
-#define _GNU_SOURCE // ask for GNU extensions if available
-#include "ui_sincos.h"
-#include <math.h>
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------
-#if defined (HAVE_SINCOS)
-ui_sincos (double x, double *sinx, double *cosx)
- sincos (x, sinx, cosx);
-ui_sincos (double x, double *sinx, double *cosx)
- *sinx = sin (x);
- *cosx = cos (x);
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------
-#if defined (HAVE_SINCOSF)
-ui_sincosf (float x, float *sinx, float *cosx)
- sincosf (x, sinx, cosx);
-#elif defined (HAVE_SINF) && defined (HAVE_COSF)
-ui_sincosf (float x, float *sinx, float *cosx)
- *sinx = sinf (x);
- *cosx = cosf (x);
-ui_sincosf (float x, float *sinx, float *cosx)
- *sinx = sin (x);
- *cosx = cos (x);
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/ui_sincos.h b/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/ui_sincos.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d2d6e4b766..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/ui_sincos.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2002,2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
- * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-// compute sine and cosine at the same time
-void ui_sincos (double x, double *sin, double *cos);
-void ui_sincosf (float x, float *sin, float *cos);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* INCLUDED_UI_SINCOS_H */
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/inband/.gitignore b/usrp/limbo/inband/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index a228dcdc10..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/inband/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
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deleted file mode 100644
index 650a25ff95..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/inband/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2007,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is part of GNU Radio
-# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.common
- -I$(srcdir)/../../apps-inband $(WITH_INCLUDES)
-TESTS = test_inband
- usrp_server.mbh \
- usrp_interface.mbh
- \
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Build the inband library
- \
- : usrp_server.mbh
- $(COMPILE_MBH) $(srcdir)/usrp_server.mbh
- : usrp_interface.mbh
- $(COMPILE_MBH) $(srcdir)/usrp_interface.mbh
-libusrp_inband_la_SOURCES = \
- $(srcdir)/../../apps-inband/ui_sincos.c \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
-libusrp_inband_la_LDFLAGS = $(NO_UNDEFINED) -version-info 0:0:0
-libusrp_inband_la_LIBADD = \
- $(MBLOCK_LA) \
- $(USRP_LA) \
- -lstdc++
-include_HEADERS = \
- usrp_inband_usb_packet.h \
- usrp_rx.h \
- usrp_rx_stub.h \
- usrp_server.h \
- usrp_tx.h \
- usrp_tx_stub.h \
- usrp_usb_interface.h
-noinst_HEADERS = \
- qa_inband.h \
- qa_inband_packet_prims.h \
- qa_inband_usrp_server.h \
- symbols_usrp_channel.h \
- symbols_usrp_interface_cs.h \
- symbols_usrp_low_level_cs.h \
- symbols_usrp_rx.h \
- symbols_usrp_rx_cs.h \
- symbols_usrp_server_cs.h \
- symbols_usrp_tx.h \
- symbols_usrp_tx_cs.h
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Build the qa code in its own library
-libusrp_inband_qa_la_SOURCES = \
- \
- \
-# magic flags
-libusrp_inband_qa_la_LDFLAGS = $(NO_UNDEFINED) -avoid-version
-libusrp_inband_qa_la_LIBADD = \
- \
- $(PMT_LA) \
- -lstdc++
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-noinst_PROGRAMS = \
- test_inband
-test_inband_SOURCES =
-test_inband_LDADD =
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/inband/ b/usrp/limbo/inband/
deleted file mode 100755
index 2373624060..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/inband/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is part of GNU Radio
-# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-import sys
-import struct
-from optparse import OptionParser
-from usb_packet import *
-def dump_packet(raw_pkt, outfile, dump_payload):
- pkt = usb_packet(raw_pkt)
- outfile.write(pkt.decoded_flags())
- outfile.write(' chan= %2d len= %3d timestamp= 0x%08x rssi= % 2d tag= %2d\n' % (
- pkt.chan(), pkt.payload_len(), pkt.timestamp(), pkt.rssi(), pkt.tag()))
- if dump_payload:
- assert pkt.payload_len() % 4 == 0
- shorts = struct.unpack('<%dh' % (pkt.payload_len() // 2), pkt.payload())
- for i in range(0, len(shorts), 2):
- outfile.write(' %6d, %6d\n' % (shorts[i], shorts[i+1]))
-def dump_packets(infile, outfile, dump_payload):
- raw_pkt =
- while raw_pkt:
- if len(raw_pkt) != 512:
- sys.stderr.write("File length is not a multiple of 512 bytes")
- raise SystemExit, 1
- dump_packet(raw_pkt, outfile, dump_payload)
- raw_pkt =
-def main():
- parser = OptionParser()
- parser.add_option('-p', '--dump-payload', action='store_true', default=False,
- help='dump payload in decimal and hex')
- (options, files) = parser.parse_args()
- if len(files) == 0:
- dump_packets(sys.stdin, sys.stdout, options.dump_payload)
- else:
- for f in files:
- dump_packets(open(f, "r"), sys.stdout, options.dump_payload)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/inband/ b/usrp/limbo/inband/
deleted file mode 100755
index 2ee6463847..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/inband/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import random
-import struct
-from pprint import pprint
-from usb_packet import *
-TIME_NOW = 0xffffffff
-class sequence_generator(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.i = 0
- def __call__(self):
- t = self.i
- self.i += 1
- return t
-def gen_shuffled_lengths():
- valid_lengths = range(0, MAX_PAYLOAD+1, 4) # [0, 4, 8, ... 504]
- random.shuffle(valid_lengths)
- return valid_lengths
-class packet_sequence_generator(object):
- def __init__(self, channel, lengths):
- = sequence_generator()
- = channel
- self.lengths = lengths
- def __call__(self, output_file):
- gen_packet(output_file,,, self.lengths[0])
- del self.lengths[0]
-def gen_packet(output_file, channel, content_generator, payload_len):
- assert (payload_len % 4) == 0
- payload = []
- n_iq = payload_len // 4
- for n in range(n_iq):
- payload.append(content_generator()) # I
- payload.append(content_generator()) # Q
- for n in range(MAX_PAYLOAD // 4 - n_iq):
- payload.append(0x0000)
- payload.append(0xffff)
- assert (len(payload) == MAX_PAYLOAD // 2)
- #print "\npayload_len =", payload_len
- #pprint(payload)
- output_file.write(make_header(FL_START_OF_BURST|FL_END_OF_BURST,
- channel, payload_len, TIME_NOW))
- output_file.write(struct.pack('<252h', *payload))
-def gen_all_valid_packet_lengths_1_channel(output_file):
- lengths = gen_shuffled_lengths()
- npkts = len(lengths) # number of packets we'll generator on each stream
- pkt_gen_0 = packet_sequence_generator(0, lengths)
- for i in range(npkts):
- pkt_gen_0(output_file)
- assert == 16002 # 2*sum(1, 2, ..., 126) == 126 * 127
-def gen_all_valid_packet_lengths_2_channels(output_file):
- lengths = gen_shuffled_lengths()
- npkts = len(lengths) # number of packets we'll generator on each stream
- pkt_gen_0 = packet_sequence_generator(0, lengths)
- pkt_gen_1 = packet_sequence_generator(0x1f, gen_shuffled_lengths())
- pkt_gen = (pkt_gen_0, pkt_gen_1)
- which_gen = (npkts * [0]) + (npkts * [1])
- random.shuffle(which_gen)
- for i in which_gen:
- pkt_gen[i](output_file)
- assert == 16002 # 2*sum(1, 2, ..., 126) == 126 * 127
- assert == 16002 # 2*sum(1, 2, ..., 126) == 126 * 127
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- random.seed(0)
- gen_all_valid_packet_lengths_1_channel(open("all_valid_packet_lengths_1_channel.dat", "w"))
- gen_all_valid_packet_lengths_2_channels(open("all_valid_packet_lengths_2_channels.dat", "w"))
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/inband/ b/usrp/limbo/inband/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f33a6eadb..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/inband/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <qa_inband.h>
-#include <qa_inband_packet_prims.h>
-#include <qa_inband_usrp_server.h>
-CppUnit::TestSuite *
- CppUnit::TestSuite *s = new CppUnit::TestSuite("inband");
- s->addTest (qa_inband_packet_prims::suite());
- s->addTest (qa_inband_usrp_server::suite());
- return s;
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/inband/qa_inband.h b/usrp/limbo/inband/qa_inband.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ab8f7f2502..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/inband/qa_inband.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <cppunit/TestSuite.h>
-//! collect all the tests for the user server
-class qa_inband {
- public:
- //! return suite of tests for all of usrp server
- static CppUnit::TestSuite *suite();
-#endif /* INCLUDED_QA_INBAND_H */
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/inband/ b/usrp/limbo/inband/
deleted file mode 100644
index d9bbbec22d..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/inband/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <qa_inband_packet_prims.h>
-#include <cppunit/TestAssert.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <usrp_inband_usb_packet.h> // will change on gigabit crossover
-typedef usrp_inband_usb_packet transport_pkt;
- transport_pkt pkt;
- // Test each one of the flags while ensuring no other fields become set in the process
- pkt.set_header(pkt.FL_START_OF_BURST,0,0,0);
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, pkt.start_of_burst());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.end_of_burst());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.overrun());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.underrun());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.dropped());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.chan());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.tag());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.payload_len());
- pkt.set_header(pkt.FL_END_OF_BURST,0,0,0);
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.start_of_burst());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, pkt.end_of_burst());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.overrun());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.underrun());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.dropped());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.chan());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.tag());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.payload_len());
- pkt.set_header(pkt.FL_OVERRUN,0,0,0);
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.start_of_burst());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.end_of_burst());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, pkt.overrun());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.underrun());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.dropped());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.chan());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.tag());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.payload_len());
- pkt.set_header(pkt.FL_UNDERRUN,0,0,0);
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.start_of_burst());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.end_of_burst());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.overrun());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, pkt.underrun());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.dropped());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.chan());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.tag());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.payload_len());
- pkt.set_header(pkt.FL_DROPPED,0,0,0);
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.start_of_burst());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.end_of_burst());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.overrun());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.underrun());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, pkt.dropped());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.chan());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.tag());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.payload_len());
- // test of all fields set
- pkt.set_header(
- pkt.FL_OVERRUN |
- ,0,0,0);
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, pkt.start_of_burst());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, pkt.end_of_burst());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, pkt.overrun());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, pkt.underrun());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, pkt.dropped());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.chan());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.tag());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.payload_len());
- transport_pkt pkt;
- void * payload;
- // test word0 field exclusiveness
- //
- // I want to test max values of each field to ensure field boundaries
- // but these max values could change based on technology? The
- // max payload is returned by a private method so the code is not
- // technology dependent
- pkt.set_header(0,16,0,0);
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(16, pkt.chan());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.tag());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.payload_len());
- pkt.set_header(0,0,8,0);
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.chan());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(8, pkt.tag());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0,pkt.payload_len());
- pkt.set_header(0,0,0,pkt.max_payload());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.chan());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.tag());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(pkt.max_payload(), pkt.payload_len());
- // test timestamp, shouldn't have to test other fields since
- // setting the timestamp only has the ability to affect one word
- pkt.set_timestamp(54);
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(uint32_t(54), pkt.timestamp());
- // test the payload, ensure no other fields overwritten
- //
- // is there a better test for this?
- pkt.set_header(0,0,0,0);
- payload = malloc(pkt.payload_len());
- memset(payload, 'f', pkt.payload_len());
- memcpy(pkt.payload(), payload, pkt.payload_len());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, memcmp(pkt.payload(), payload, pkt.payload_len()));
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.start_of_burst());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.end_of_burst());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.overrun());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.underrun());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.dropped());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.chan());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.tag());
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, pkt.payload_len());
- free(payload);
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/inband/qa_inband_packet_prims.h b/usrp/limbo/inband/qa_inband_packet_prims.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 71c0d737db..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/inband/qa_inband_packet_prims.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h>
-#include <cppunit/TestCase.h>
-class qa_inband_packet_prims : public CppUnit::TestCase {
- CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE(qa_inband_packet_prims);
- CPPUNIT_TEST(test_flags);
- CPPUNIT_TEST(test_fields);
- private:
- void test_flags();
- void test_fields();
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/inband/ b/usrp/limbo/inband/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6049a8a874..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/inband/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1575 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <usrp_inband_usb_packet.h>
-#include <qa_inband_usrp_server.h>
-#include <cppunit/TestAssert.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <usrp_server.h>
-#include <mblock/mblock.h>
-#include <mblock/runtime.h>
-#include <mblock/protocol_class.h>
-#include <mblock/class_registry.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <pmt.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_server_cs.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_tx.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_rx.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_channel.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_low_level_cs.h>
-typedef usrp_inband_usb_packet transport_pkt; // makes conversion to gigabit easy
-static bool verbose = false;
-static pmt_t s_timeout = pmt_intern("%timeout");
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class qa_alloc_top : public mb_mblock
- mb_port_sptr d_tx;
- mb_port_sptr d_rx;
- mb_port_sptr d_cs;
- long d_nmsgs_to_recv;
- long d_nrecvd;
- long d_max_capacity;
- long d_ntx_chan, d_nrx_chan;
- long d_nstatus;
- long d_nstatus_to_recv;
- public:
- qa_alloc_top(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- ~qa_alloc_top();
- void initial_transition();
- void handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
- protected:
- void check_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
- void run_tests();
-qa_alloc_top::qa_alloc_top(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg)
- d_nrecvd=0;
- d_nmsgs_to_recv = 6;
- d_nstatus=0;
- d_nstatus_to_recv = 50;
- d_rx = define_port("rx0", "usrp-rx", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- d_tx = define_port("tx0", "usrp-tx", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- d_cs = define_port("cs", "usrp-server-cs", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- // Use the stub with the usrp_server
- pmt_t usrp_server_dict = pmt_make_dict();
- pmt_dict_set(usrp_server_dict, pmt_intern("fake-usrp"),PMT_T);
- // Test the TX side
- define_component("server", "usrp_server", usrp_server_dict);
- connect("self", "tx0", "server", "tx0");
- connect("self", "rx0", "server", "rx0");
- connect("self", "cs", "server", "cs");
- // Allocations should fail before open
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel,
- pmt_list2(pmt_list2(s_response_allocate_channel,
- s_err_usrp_not_opened),
- pmt_from_long(1)));
- d_rx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel,
- pmt_list2(pmt_list2(s_response_allocate_channel,
- s_err_usrp_not_opened),
- pmt_from_long(1)));
- // Retrieve information about the USRP, then run tests
- d_cs->send(s_cmd_open,
- pmt_list2(pmt_list2(s_response_open, PMT_T),
- pmt_from_long(0)));
- d_cs->send(s_cmd_max_capacity,
- pmt_list1(pmt_list2(s_response_max_capacity, PMT_T)));
- d_cs->send(s_cmd_ntx_chan,
- pmt_list1(pmt_list2(s_response_ntx_chan, PMT_T)));
- d_cs->send(s_cmd_nrx_chan,
- pmt_list1(pmt_list2(s_response_nrx_chan,PMT_T)));
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[qa_alloc_top] Starting tests...\n";
- // should be able to allocate 1 byte
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel,
- pmt_list2(PMT_T, pmt_from_long(1)));
- // should not be able to allocate max capacity after 100 bytes were allocated
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel,
- pmt_list2(s_err_requested_capacity_unavailable,
- pmt_from_long(d_max_capacity)));
- // keep allocating a little more until all of the channels are used and test
- // the error response we start at 1 since we've already allocated 1 channel
- for(int i=1; i < d_ntx_chan; i++) {
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[qa_alloc_top] Sent allocation request...\n";
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_T, pmt_from_long(1)));
- d_nmsgs_to_recv++;
- }
- // No more channels after allocating all of them is expected
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel,
- pmt_list2(s_err_channel_unavailable,
- pmt_from_long(1)));
- // test out the same on the RX side
- d_rx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_T, pmt_from_long(1)));
- d_rx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel,
- pmt_list2(s_err_requested_capacity_unavailable,
- pmt_from_long(d_max_capacity)));
- for(int i=1; i < d_nrx_chan; i++) {
- d_rx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_T, pmt_from_long(1)));
- d_nmsgs_to_recv++;
- }
- d_rx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel,
- pmt_list2(s_err_channel_unavailable,
- pmt_from_long(1)));
- // when all is said and done, there should be d_ntx_chan+d_ntx_chan bytes
- // allocated
- d_cs->send(s_cmd_current_capacity_allocation,
- pmt_list1(pmt_from_long(d_ntx_chan+d_nrx_chan)));
-qa_alloc_top::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
- pmt_t data = msg->data();
- if ((pmt_eq(msg->port_id(), d_tx->port_symbol())
- || pmt_eq(msg->port_id(), d_rx->port_symbol()))
- && pmt_eq(msg->signal(), s_response_allocate_channel))
- check_message(msg);
- if (pmt_eq(msg->port_id(), d_cs->port_symbol())) {
- if(pmt_eq(msg->signal(), s_response_max_capacity)) {
- d_max_capacity = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(2, data));
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[qa_alloc_top] USRP has max capacity of "
- << d_max_capacity << "\n";
- }
- else if(pmt_eq(msg->signal(), s_response_ntx_chan)) {
- d_ntx_chan = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(2, data));
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[qa_alloc_top] USRP tx channels: "
- << d_ntx_chan << "\n";
- }
- else if(pmt_eq(msg->signal(), s_response_nrx_chan)) {
- d_nrx_chan = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(2, data));
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[qa_alloc_top] USRP rx channels: "
- << d_nrx_chan << "\n";
- }
- else if(pmt_eq(msg->signal(), s_response_current_capacity_allocation)) {
- check_message(msg);
- }
- d_nstatus++;
- check_message(msg);
- if(d_nstatus==d_nstatus_to_recv)
- run_tests();
- }
-qa_alloc_top::check_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
- pmt_t data = msg->data();
- pmt_t event = msg->signal();
- pmt_t expected = pmt_nth(0, data);
- pmt_t status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- pmt_t e_event = pmt_nth(0, expected);
- pmt_t e_status = pmt_nth(1, expected);
- d_nrecvd++;
- if(!pmt_eqv(e_status, status) || !pmt_eqv(e_event, event)) {
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "Got: " << status << " Expected: " << e_status << "\n";
- shutdown_all(PMT_F);
- return;
- } else {
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[qa_alloc_top] Received expected response for message "
- << d_nrecvd << " (" << event << ")\n";
- }
- if(d_nrecvd == d_nmsgs_to_recv)
- shutdown_all(PMT_T);
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class qa_dealloc_top : public mb_mblock
- mb_port_sptr d_tx;
- mb_port_sptr d_rx;
- mb_port_sptr d_cs;
- long d_max_capacity;
- long d_ntx_chan, d_nrx_chan;
- long d_nstatus;
- long d_nstatus_to_recv;
- long d_nalloc_to_recv;
- long d_nalloc_recvd;
- long d_ndealloc_to_recv;
- long d_ndealloc_recvd;
- std::vector<long> d_tx_chans;
- std::vector<long> d_rx_chans;
- public:
- qa_dealloc_top(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- ~qa_dealloc_top();
- void initial_transition();
- void handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
- protected:
- void check_allocation(mb_message_sptr msg);
- void check_deallocation(mb_message_sptr msg);
- void allocate_max();
- void deallocate_all();
-qa_dealloc_top::qa_dealloc_top(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg)
- d_ndealloc_recvd=0;
- d_ndealloc_to_recv = 0;
- d_nalloc_recvd=0;
- d_nalloc_to_recv = 0; // auto-set
- d_nstatus=0;
- d_nstatus_to_recv = 4;
- d_rx = define_port("rx0", "usrp-rx", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- d_tx = define_port("tx0", "usrp-tx", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- d_cs = define_port("cs", "usrp-server-cs", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- // Use the stub with the usrp_server
- pmt_t usrp_server_dict = pmt_make_dict();
- pmt_dict_set(usrp_server_dict, pmt_intern("fake-usrp"),PMT_T);
- // Test the TX side
- define_component("server", "usrp_server", usrp_server_dict);
- connect("self", "tx0", "server", "tx0");
- connect("self", "rx0", "server", "rx0");
- connect("self", "cs", "server", "cs");
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[qa_dealloc_top] Initializing...\n";
- // Retrieve information about the USRP, then run tests
- d_cs->send(s_cmd_open,
- pmt_list2(pmt_list2(s_response_open,PMT_T),
- pmt_from_long(0)));
- d_cs->send(s_cmd_max_capacity,
- pmt_list1(pmt_list2(s_response_max_capacity,PMT_T)));
- d_cs->send(s_cmd_ntx_chan,
- pmt_list1(pmt_list2(s_response_ntx_chan,PMT_T)));
- d_cs->send(s_cmd_nrx_chan,
- pmt_list1(pmt_list2(s_response_nrx_chan,PMT_T)));
- // Keep allocating until we hit the maximum number of channels
- for(int i=0; i < d_ntx_chan; i++) {
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel,
- pmt_list2(pmt_list2(s_response_allocate_channel,PMT_T),
- pmt_from_long(1))); // 1 byte is good enough
- d_nalloc_to_recv++;
- }
- for(int i=0; i < d_nrx_chan; i++) {
- d_rx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel,
- pmt_list2(pmt_list2(s_response_allocate_channel,PMT_T),
- pmt_from_long(1)));
- d_nalloc_to_recv++;
- }
-qa_dealloc_top::deallocate_all() {
- // Deallocate all of the channels that were allocated from allocate_max()
- for(int i=0; i < (int)d_tx_chans.size(); i++) {
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[qa_dealloc_top] Trying to dealloc TX "
- << d_tx_chans[i] << std::endl;
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_deallocate_channel,
- pmt_list2(pmt_list2(s_response_deallocate_channel,PMT_T),
- pmt_from_long(d_tx_chans[i])));
- d_ndealloc_to_recv++;
- }
- // Deallocate the RX side now
- for(int i=0; i < (int)d_rx_chans.size(); i++) {
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[qa_dealloc_top] Trying to dealloc RX "
- << d_tx_chans[i] << std::endl;
- d_rx->send(s_cmd_deallocate_channel,
- pmt_list2(pmt_list2(s_response_deallocate_channel,PMT_T),
- pmt_from_long(d_rx_chans[i])));
- d_ndealloc_to_recv++;
- }
- // Should get permission denied errors trying to re-dealloc the channels, as
- // we no longer have permission to them after deallocating
- for(int i=0; i < (int)d_tx_chans.size(); i++) {
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_deallocate_channel,
- pmt_list2(pmt_list2(s_response_deallocate_channel,
- s_err_channel_permission_denied),
- pmt_from_long(d_tx_chans[i])));
- d_ndealloc_to_recv++;
- }
- // Same for RX
- for(int i=0; i < (int)d_rx_chans.size(); i++) {
- d_rx->send(s_cmd_deallocate_channel,
- pmt_list2(pmt_list2(s_response_deallocate_channel,
- s_err_channel_permission_denied),
- pmt_from_long(d_rx_chans[i])));
- d_ndealloc_to_recv++;
- }
- // Try to deallocate a channel that doesn't exist on both sides, the last
- // element in the vectors is the highest channel number, so we take that plus
- // 1
- d_ndealloc_to_recv+=2;
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_deallocate_channel,
- pmt_list2(pmt_list2(s_response_deallocate_channel,
- s_err_channel_invalid),
- pmt_from_long(d_rx_chans.back()+1)));
- d_rx->send(s_cmd_deallocate_channel,
- pmt_list2(pmt_list2(s_response_deallocate_channel,
- s_err_channel_invalid),
- pmt_from_long(d_rx_chans.back()+1)));
- // The used capacity should be back to 0 now that we've deallocated everything
- d_cs->send(s_cmd_current_capacity_allocation,
- pmt_list1(pmt_list2(s_response_current_capacity_allocation,
- PMT_T)));
-qa_dealloc_top::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
- pmt_t data = msg->data();
- pmt_t event = msg->signal();
- if(pmt_eq(event, pmt_intern("%shutdown")))
- return;
- pmt_t expected = pmt_nth(0, data);
- pmt_t status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- pmt_t e_event = pmt_nth(0, expected);
- pmt_t e_status = pmt_nth(1, expected);
- if(!pmt_eqv(e_status, status) || !pmt_eqv(e_event, event)) {
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "Got: " << status << " Expected: " << e_status << "\n";
- shutdown_all(PMT_F);
- return;
- } else {
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[qa_alloc_top] Received expected response for message "
- << d_ndealloc_recvd
- << " (" << event << ")\n";
- }
- if (pmt_eq(msg->port_id(), d_tx->port_symbol())
- || pmt_eq(msg->port_id(), d_rx->port_symbol())) {
- if(pmt_eq(msg->signal(), s_response_allocate_channel)) {
- check_allocation(msg);
- }
- }
- if (pmt_eq(msg->port_id(), d_cs->port_symbol())) {
- if(pmt_eq(msg->signal(), s_response_max_capacity)) {
- d_max_capacity = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(2, data));
- }
- else if(pmt_eq(msg->signal(), s_response_ntx_chan)) {
- d_ntx_chan = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(2, data));
- }
- else if(pmt_eq(msg->signal(), s_response_nrx_chan)) {
- d_nrx_chan = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(2, data));
- }
- else if(pmt_eq(msg->signal(), s_response_current_capacity_allocation)) {
- // the final command is a capacity check which should be 0, then we
- // shutdown
- pmt_t expected_result = pmt_from_long(0);
- pmt_t result = pmt_nth(2, data);
- if(pmt_eqv(expected_result, result)) {
- shutdown_all(PMT_T);
- return;
- } else {
- shutdown_all(PMT_F);
- return;
- }
- }
- d_nstatus++;
- if(d_nstatus==d_nstatus_to_recv)
- allocate_max();
- }
-qa_dealloc_top::check_allocation(mb_message_sptr msg)
- pmt_t data = msg->data();
- pmt_t event = msg->signal();
- pmt_t expected = pmt_nth(0, data);
- pmt_t status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- pmt_t channel = pmt_nth(2, data);
- d_nalloc_recvd++;
- if(!pmt_eqv(status, PMT_T)) {
- shutdown_all(PMT_F);
- return;
- } else {
- // store all of the allocate channel numbers
- if(pmt_eq(msg->port_id(), d_tx->port_symbol()))
- d_tx_chans.push_back(pmt_to_long(channel));
- if(pmt_eq(msg->port_id(), d_rx->port_symbol()))
- d_rx_chans.push_back(pmt_to_long(channel));
- }
- if(d_nalloc_recvd == d_nalloc_to_recv) {
- if(verbose) {
- std::cout << "[qa_dealloc_top] Allocated TX channels: ";
- for(int i=0; i < (int)d_tx_chans.size(); i++)
- std::cout << d_tx_chans[i] << " ";
- std::cout << "\n[qa_dealloc_top] Allocated RX channels: ";
- for(int i=0; i < (int)d_rx_chans.size(); i++)
- std::cout << d_rx_chans[i] << " ";
- std::cout << "\n";
- }
- deallocate_all(); // once we've allocated all of our channels, try to
- // dealloc them
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class qa_open_close_top : public mb_mblock
- mb_port_sptr d_cs;
- long d_max_capacity;
- long d_nmsg_to_recv;
- long d_nmsg_recvd;
- public:
- qa_open_close_top(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- ~qa_open_close_top();
- void initial_transition();
- void handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
- protected:
- void check_cs(mb_message_sptr msg);
- void run_tests();
-qa_open_close_top::qa_open_close_top(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg)
- d_nmsg_to_recv=7;
- d_nmsg_recvd=0;
- d_cs = define_port("cs", "usrp-server-cs", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- // Use the stub with the usrp_server
- pmt_t usrp_server_dict = pmt_make_dict();
- pmt_dict_set(usrp_server_dict, pmt_intern("fake-usrp"),PMT_T);
- // Test the TX side
- define_component("server", "usrp_server", usrp_server_dict);
- connect("self", "cs", "server", "cs");
- run_tests();
- // std::cout << "[qa_open_close_top] Starting tests\n";
- // A close before an open should fail
- d_cs->send(s_cmd_close, pmt_list1(pmt_list2(s_response_close,
- s_err_usrp_already_closed)));
- // Perform an open, and a second open which should fail
- d_cs->send(s_cmd_open,
- pmt_list2(pmt_list2(s_response_open,PMT_T),
- pmt_from_long(0)));
- d_cs->send(s_cmd_open,
- pmt_list2(pmt_list2(s_response_open,
- s_err_usrp_already_opened),
- pmt_from_long(0)));
- // A close should now be successful since the interface is open
- d_cs->send(s_cmd_close, pmt_list1(pmt_list2(s_response_close,PMT_T)));
- // But, a second close should fail
- d_cs->send(s_cmd_close, pmt_list1(pmt_list2(s_response_close,
- s_err_usrp_already_closed)));
- // Just to be thorough, try an open and close again
- d_cs->send(s_cmd_open,
- pmt_list2(pmt_list2(s_response_open,PMT_T),
- pmt_from_long(0)));
- d_cs->send(s_cmd_close, pmt_list1(pmt_list2(s_response_close,PMT_T)));
-qa_open_close_top::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
- pmt_t data = msg->data();
- if (pmt_eq(msg->port_id(), d_cs->port_symbol())) {
- check_cs(msg);
- }
- d_nmsg_recvd++;
- if(d_nmsg_to_recv == d_nmsg_recvd)
- shutdown_all(PMT_T);
-qa_open_close_top::check_cs(mb_message_sptr msg)
- pmt_t data = msg->data();
- pmt_t event = msg->signal();
- pmt_t expected = pmt_nth(0, data);
- pmt_t status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- pmt_t e_event = pmt_nth(0, expected);
- pmt_t e_status = pmt_nth(1, expected);
- if(!pmt_eqv(e_status, status) || !pmt_eqv(e_event, event)) {
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[qa_open_close_top] FAILED check_cs... Got: " << status
- << " Expected: " << e_status
- << " for event " << event << "\n";
- shutdown_all(PMT_F);
- } else {
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[qa_open_close_top] Received expected CS response ("
- << event << ")\n";
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class qa_tx_top : public mb_mblock
- mb_port_sptr d_tx;
- mb_port_sptr d_rx;
- mb_port_sptr d_cs;
- long d_max_capacity;
- long d_ntx_chan, d_nrx_chan;
- long d_tx_chan;
- long d_rx_chan;
- long d_nmsg_to_recv;
- long d_nmsg_recvd;
- public:
- qa_tx_top(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- ~qa_tx_top();
- void initial_transition();
- void handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
- protected:
- void check_allocation(mb_message_sptr msg);
- void check_deallocation(mb_message_sptr msg);
- void check_xmit(mb_message_sptr msg);
- void check_cs(mb_message_sptr msg);
- void run_tests();
-qa_tx_top::qa_tx_top(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg)
- d_nmsg_to_recv=10;
- d_nmsg_recvd=0;
- d_rx = define_port("rx0", "usrp-rx", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- d_tx = define_port("tx0", "usrp-tx", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- d_cs = define_port("cs", "usrp-server-cs", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- // Use the stub with the usrp_server
- pmt_t usrp_server_dict = pmt_make_dict();
- pmt_dict_set(usrp_server_dict, pmt_intern("fake-usrp"),PMT_T);
- // Test the TX side
- define_component("server", "usrp_server", usrp_server_dict);
- connect("self", "tx0", "server", "tx0");
- connect("self", "rx0", "server", "rx0");
- connect("self", "cs", "server", "cs");
- run_tests();
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[qa_tx_top] Starting tests\n";
- // A transmit before an open should fail
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_xmit_raw_frame,
- pmt_list4(pmt_list2(s_response_xmit_raw_frame,
- s_err_usrp_not_opened),
- pmt_from_long(0),
- pmt_make_u32vector(transport_pkt::max_payload()/4, 0),
- pmt_from_long(0)));
- // Now open
- d_cs->send(s_cmd_open,
- pmt_list2(pmt_list2(s_response_open,PMT_T),
- pmt_from_long(0)));
- // Try to transmit on a channel that we have no allocation for
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_xmit_raw_frame,
- pmt_list4(pmt_list2(s_response_xmit_raw_frame,
- s_err_channel_permission_denied),
- pmt_from_long(0),
- pmt_make_u32vector(transport_pkt::max_payload()/4, 0),
- pmt_from_long(0)));
- // Get a channel allocation and send on it, we assume 0 (FIXME) until 'defer'
- // is implemented for simplicity
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel,
- pmt_list2(pmt_list2(s_response_allocate_channel, PMT_T),
- pmt_from_long(1)));
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_xmit_raw_frame,
- pmt_list4(pmt_list2(s_response_xmit_raw_frame, PMT_T),
- pmt_from_long(0),
- pmt_make_u32vector(transport_pkt::max_payload()/4, 0),
- pmt_from_long(0)));
- // Close should be successful
- d_cs->send(s_cmd_close, pmt_list1(pmt_list2(s_response_close,PMT_T)));
- // After closing, a new transmit raw frame should fail again
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_xmit_raw_frame,
- pmt_list4(pmt_list2(s_response_xmit_raw_frame,
- s_err_usrp_not_opened),
- pmt_from_long(0),
- pmt_make_u32vector(transport_pkt::max_payload()/4, 0),
- pmt_from_long(0)));
- // Reopen and retry before getting an allocation, the first xmit should fail,
- // after we allocate it should work again
- d_cs->send(s_cmd_open,
- pmt_list2(pmt_list2(s_response_open, PMT_T),
- pmt_from_long(0)));
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_xmit_raw_frame,
- pmt_list4(pmt_list2(s_response_xmit_raw_frame,
- s_err_channel_permission_denied),
- pmt_from_long(0),
- pmt_make_u32vector(transport_pkt::max_payload()/4, 0),
- pmt_from_long(0)));
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel,
- pmt_list2(pmt_list2(s_response_allocate_channel, PMT_T),
- pmt_from_long(1)));
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_xmit_raw_frame,
- pmt_list4(pmt_list2(s_response_xmit_raw_frame,PMT_T),
- pmt_from_long(0),
- pmt_make_u32vector(transport_pkt::max_payload()/4, 0),
- pmt_from_long(0)));
- // A final close which should be successful
- d_cs->send(s_cmd_close, pmt_list1(pmt_list2(s_response_close,PMT_T)));
-qa_tx_top::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
- pmt_t data = msg->data();
- pmt_t event = msg->signal();
- if(pmt_eq(event, pmt_intern("%shutdown")))
- return;
- pmt_t expected = pmt_nth(0, data);
- pmt_t status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- pmt_t e_event = pmt_nth(0, expected);
- pmt_t e_status = pmt_nth(1, expected);
- if(!pmt_eqv(e_status, status) || !pmt_eqv(e_event, event)) {
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[qa_xmit_top] Got: " << status
- << " Expected: " << e_status
- << "For signal: " << event << "\n";
- shutdown_all(PMT_F);
- return;
- } else {
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[qa_xmit_top] Received expected response for message "
- << d_nmsg_recvd
- << " (" << event << ")\n";
- }
- if (pmt_eq(msg->port_id(), d_tx->port_symbol())
- || pmt_eq(msg->port_id(), d_rx->port_symbol())) {
- if(pmt_eq(msg->signal(), s_response_allocate_channel))
- check_allocation(msg);
- }
- d_nmsg_recvd++;
- if(d_nmsg_to_recv == d_nmsg_recvd){
- shutdown_all(PMT_T);
- return;
- }
-qa_tx_top::check_allocation(mb_message_sptr msg)
- pmt_t data = msg->data();
- pmt_t event = msg->signal();
- pmt_t expected = pmt_nth(0, data);
- pmt_t status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- pmt_t channel = pmt_nth(2, data);
- if(pmt_eqv(status, PMT_T)) {
- // store all of the allocate channel numbers
- if(pmt_eq(msg->port_id(), d_tx->port_symbol()))
- d_tx_chan = pmt_to_long(channel);
- if(pmt_eq(msg->port_id(), d_rx->port_symbol()))
- d_rx_chan = pmt_to_long(channel);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class qa_rx_top : public mb_mblock
- mb_port_sptr d_rx;
- mb_port_sptr d_cs;
- long d_max_capacity;
- long d_ntx_chan, d_nrx_chan;
- long d_rx_chan;
- bool d_got_response_recv;
- mb_time d_t0;
- double d_delta_t;
- public:
- qa_rx_top(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- ~qa_rx_top();
- void initial_transition();
- void handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
- protected:
- void check_allocation(mb_message_sptr msg);
- void check_deallocation(mb_message_sptr msg);
- void check_xmit(mb_message_sptr msg);
- void check_cs(mb_message_sptr msg);
- void run_tests();
-qa_rx_top::qa_rx_top(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg),
- d_got_response_recv(false)
- d_rx = define_port("rx0", "usrp-rx", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- d_cs = define_port("cs", "usrp-server-cs", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- // Use the stub with the usrp_server
- pmt_t usrp_dict = pmt_make_dict();
- // Set TX and RX interpolations
- pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
- pmt_intern("decim-rx"),
- pmt_from_long(128));
- pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict, pmt_intern("fake-usrp"), PMT_T);
- // Test the TX side
- define_component("server", "usrp_server", usrp_dict);
- connect("self", "rx0", "server", "rx0");
- connect("self", "cs", "server", "cs");
- run_tests();
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[qa_rx_top] Starting tests\n";
- d_cs->send(s_cmd_open, pmt_list2(pmt_list2(s_response_open,PMT_T), pmt_from_long(0)));
- d_rx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel,
- pmt_list2(pmt_list2(s_response_allocate_channel,PMT_T),
- pmt_from_long(1)));
- d_rx->send(s_cmd_start_recv_raw_samples,
- pmt_list2(PMT_NIL,
- pmt_from_long(0)));
- // Schedule a small timeout in which we expect to have received at least one
- // packet worth of samples from the stub
- d_t0 = mb_time::time();
- schedule_one_shot_timeout(d_t0 + 0.01, PMT_NIL);
-qa_rx_top::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
- pmt_t data = msg->data();
- pmt_t event = msg->signal();
- if(pmt_eq(event, pmt_intern("%shutdown")))
- return;
- pmt_t expected = pmt_nth(0, data);
- pmt_t status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- // If we get a timeout we shutdown
- if(pmt_eq(event, s_timeout)) {
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[qa_rx_top] Got timeout\n";
- d_rx->send(s_cmd_stop_recv_raw_samples,
- pmt_list2(PMT_NIL,
- pmt_from_long(0)));
- d_cs->send(s_cmd_close, pmt_list1(pmt_list2(s_response_close,PMT_T)));
- return;
- }
- // For testing RX, an invocation handle is not generated by the stub,
- // therefore the same approach for testing is not used. We simply
- // expect all responses to be true.
- if(pmt_eq(event, s_response_recv_raw_samples)) {
- if(pmt_eqv(status, PMT_T)) {
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[qa_rx_top] Received expected response for message "
- << " (" << event << ")\n";
- // All we want is 1 response receive! Can't guarantee exact numbers
- d_got_response_recv = true;
- }
- else {
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "Got: " << status << " Expected: " << PMT_T << "\n";
- shutdown_all(PMT_F);
- }
- return;
- }
- pmt_t e_event = pmt_nth(0, expected);
- pmt_t e_status = pmt_nth(1, expected);
- if(!pmt_eqv(e_status, status) || !pmt_eqv(e_event, event)) {
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "Got: " << status << " Expected: " << e_status << "\n";
- shutdown_all(PMT_F);
- return;
- } else {
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[qa_rx_top] Received expected response for message "
- << " (" << event << ")\n";
- }
- if (pmt_eq(msg->port_id(), d_rx->port_symbol())) {
- if(pmt_eq(msg->signal(), s_response_allocate_channel))
- check_allocation(msg);
- }
- // We stop when we get a close, we are successful if we
- // got a response from recv, fail if we never got a recv response
- if(pmt_eq(msg->signal(), s_response_close)) {
- if(d_got_response_recv) {
- shutdown_all(PMT_T);
- return;
- }
- else {
- shutdown_all(PMT_F);
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[qa_rx_top] No response message before close\n";
- return;
- }
- }
-qa_rx_top::check_allocation(mb_message_sptr msg)
- pmt_t data = msg->data();
- pmt_t event = msg->signal();
- pmt_t expected = pmt_nth(0, data);
- pmt_t status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- pmt_t channel = pmt_nth(2, data);
- if(pmt_eqv(status, PMT_T)) {
- // store all of the allocate channel numbers
- if(pmt_eq(msg->port_id(), d_rx->port_symbol()))
- d_rx_chan = pmt_to_long(channel);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class qa_rid_top : public mb_mblock
- mb_port_sptr d_tx;
- mb_port_sptr d_rx;
- mb_port_sptr d_cs;
- long d_npongs;
- long d_tcycles;
- long d_cycles;
- long d_max_rid;
- mb_time d_t0;
- double d_delta_t;
- public:
- qa_rid_top(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- ~qa_rid_top();
- void initial_transition();
- void handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
- protected:
- void run_tests();
- void send_max_pings();
-qa_rid_top::qa_rid_top(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg)
- d_npongs = 0;
- d_tcycles = 3;
- d_cycles = d_tcycles;
- d_max_rid = usrp_server::D_MAX_RID;
- d_delta_t = 0.1;
- d_rx = define_port("rx0", "usrp-rx", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- d_tx = define_port("tx0", "usrp-tx", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- d_cs = define_port("cs", "usrp-server-cs", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- // Use the stub with the usrp_server
- pmt_t usrp_server_dict = pmt_make_dict();
- pmt_dict_set(usrp_server_dict, pmt_intern("fake-usrp"),PMT_T);
- // Test the TX side
- define_component("server", "usrp_server", usrp_server_dict);
- connect("self", "tx0", "server", "tx0");
- connect("self", "rx0", "server", "rx0");
- connect("self", "cs", "server", "cs");
- run_tests();
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[qa_rid_top] Starting tests...\n";
- // Retrieve information about the USRP, then run tests
- d_cs->send(s_cmd_open,
- pmt_list2(pmt_list2(s_response_open, PMT_T),
- pmt_from_long(0)));
- // should be able to allocate 1 byte
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel,
- pmt_list2(pmt_list2(s_response_allocate_channel, PMT_T),
- pmt_from_long(1)));
- d_rx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel,
- pmt_list2(pmt_list2(s_response_allocate_channel, PMT_T),
- pmt_from_long(1)));
- // Need to start receiving to read from the USRP to get C/S responses
- d_rx->send(s_cmd_start_recv_raw_samples,
- pmt_list2(PMT_NIL,
- pmt_from_long(0)));
- // Build a subpacket of MAX_RID pings and wait a small amount for all of the
- // responses and fire off another MAX_RID. If MAX_RID*2 responses are
- // received, the RID recycling is working correctly.
- // Schedule a timer in which we expect to have received all of the responses,
- // which will send off another MAX_RID worth.
- send_max_pings();
- d_t0 = mb_time::time();
- schedule_one_shot_timeout(d_t0 + d_delta_t, PMT_NIL);
- pmt_t ping = pmt_list2(s_op_ping_fixed,
- pmt_list2(pmt_from_long(0),
- pmt_from_long(0)));
- pmt_t sub_packets = PMT_NIL;
- for(int i=0; i<d_max_rid; i++)
- sub_packets = pmt_list_add(sub_packets, ping);
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_to_control_channel,
- pmt_list2(pmt_list2(s_response_from_control_channel, PMT_T),
- sub_packets));
-qa_rid_top::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
- pmt_t data = msg->data();
- pmt_t event = msg->signal();
- // If we get a timeout we ensure we got a maximum RID number of responses.
- if(pmt_eq(event, s_timeout)) {
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[qa_rid_top] Got timeout, received so far: "
- << d_npongs << "\n";
- d_cycles--;
- if(d_cycles==0 && d_npongs == d_max_rid*d_tcycles) {
- shutdown_all(PMT_T);
- }
- else if(d_cycles==0) {
- std::cout << "[qa_rid_top] d_npongs: " << d_npongs
- << " expected: " << d_max_rid*d_tcycles
- << std::endl;
- shutdown_all(PMT_F);
- }
- else {
- send_max_pings();
- d_t0 = mb_time::time();
- schedule_one_shot_timeout(d_t0 + d_delta_t, PMT_NIL);
- }
- }
- else if(pmt_eq(event, s_response_from_control_channel))
- {
- d_npongs++;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class qa_cs_top : public mb_mblock
- mb_port_sptr d_tx;
- mb_port_sptr d_rx;
- mb_port_sptr d_cs;
- long d_nmsgs_to_recv;
- long d_nrecvd;
- long d_max_capacity;
- long d_ntx_chan, d_nrx_chan;
- long d_nstatus;
- long d_nstatus_to_recv;
- public:
- qa_cs_top(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- ~qa_cs_top();
- void initial_transition();
- void handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
- protected:
- void check_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
- void run_tests();
-qa_cs_top::qa_cs_top(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg)
- d_nrecvd=0;
- d_nmsgs_to_recv = 8;
- d_nstatus=0;
- d_nstatus_to_recv = 50;
- d_rx = define_port("rx0", "usrp-rx", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- d_tx = define_port("tx0", "usrp-tx", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- d_cs = define_port("cs", "usrp-server-cs", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- // Use the stub with the usrp_server
- pmt_t usrp_server_dict = pmt_make_dict();
- pmt_dict_set(usrp_server_dict, pmt_intern("fake-usrp"),PMT_T);
- // Test the TX side
- define_component("server", "usrp_server", usrp_server_dict);
- connect("self", "tx0", "server", "tx0");
- connect("self", "rx0", "server", "rx0");
- connect("self", "cs", "server", "cs");
- run_tests();
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[qa_cs_top] Starting tests...\n";
- // Retrieve information about the USRP, then run tests
- d_cs->send(s_cmd_open,
- pmt_list2(pmt_list2(s_response_open, PMT_T),
- pmt_from_long(0)));
- // should be able to allocate 1 byte
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel,
- pmt_list2(pmt_list2(s_response_allocate_channel, PMT_T),
- pmt_from_long(1)));
- d_rx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel,
- pmt_list2(pmt_list2(s_response_allocate_channel, PMT_T),
- pmt_from_long(1)));
- // Need to start receiving to read from the USRP to get C/S responses
- d_rx->send(s_cmd_start_recv_raw_samples,
- pmt_list2(PMT_NIL,
- pmt_from_long(0)));
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_to_control_channel,
- pmt_list2(pmt_list2(s_response_from_control_channel, PMT_T),
- pmt_list1(
- pmt_list2(s_op_ping_fixed,
- pmt_list2(pmt_from_long(3),
- pmt_from_long(0))))));
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_to_control_channel,
- pmt_list2(pmt_list2(s_response_from_control_channel, PMT_T),
- pmt_list1(
- pmt_list2(s_op_write_reg,
- pmt_list2(
- pmt_from_long(0x3),
- pmt_from_long(0x4))))));
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_to_control_channel,
- pmt_list2(pmt_list2(s_response_from_control_channel, PMT_T),
- pmt_list1(
- pmt_list2(s_op_write_reg_masked,
- pmt_list3(
- pmt_from_long(0x3),
- pmt_from_long(0x4),
- pmt_from_long(0x5))))));
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_to_control_channel,
- pmt_list2(pmt_list2(s_response_from_control_channel, PMT_T),
- pmt_list1(
- pmt_list2(s_op_read_reg,
- pmt_list2(pmt_from_long(0),
- pmt_from_long(0x6))))));
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_to_control_channel,
- pmt_list2(pmt_list2(s_response_from_control_channel, PMT_T),
- pmt_list1(
- pmt_list2(s_op_delay,
- pmt_list1(pmt_from_long(0x7))))));
- pmt_t subpackets = pmt_list5(
- pmt_list2(s_op_ping_fixed, pmt_list2(pmt_from_long(0), pmt_from_long(0))),
- pmt_list2(s_op_delay, pmt_list1(pmt_from_long(0x7))),
- pmt_list2(s_op_write_reg_masked, pmt_list3(pmt_from_long(3),
- pmt_from_long(4),
- pmt_from_long(5))),
- pmt_list2(s_op_write_reg, pmt_list2(pmt_from_long(3),
- pmt_from_long(4))),
- pmt_list2(s_op_read_reg, pmt_list2(pmt_from_long(0),
- pmt_from_long(6)))
- );
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_to_control_channel,
- pmt_list2(pmt_list2(s_response_from_control_channel, PMT_T),
- subpackets));
- pmt_t i2c_data = pmt_make_u8vector(8, 0xff);
- subpackets = pmt_list2(
- pmt_list2(s_op_i2c_write,
- pmt_list2(pmt_from_long(8), i2c_data)),
- pmt_list2(s_op_i2c_read,
- pmt_list3(pmt_from_long(0), pmt_from_long(9), pmt_from_long(1)))
- );
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_to_control_channel,
- pmt_list2(pmt_list2(s_response_from_control_channel, PMT_T),
- subpackets));
-qa_cs_top::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
- pmt_t data = msg->data();
- if ((pmt_eq(msg->port_id(), d_tx->port_symbol())
- || pmt_eq(msg->port_id(), d_rx->port_symbol()))
- && pmt_eq(msg->signal(), s_response_allocate_channel))
- check_message(msg);
- if (pmt_eq(msg->port_id(), d_tx->port_symbol())
- && pmt_eq(msg->signal(), s_response_from_control_channel))
- check_message(msg);
- if (pmt_eq(msg->port_id(), d_cs->port_symbol())) {
- if(pmt_eq(msg->signal(), s_response_max_capacity)) {
- d_max_capacity = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(2, data));
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[qa_cs_top] USRP has max capacity of "
- << d_max_capacity << "\n";
- }
- else if(pmt_eq(msg->signal(), s_response_ntx_chan)) {
- d_ntx_chan = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(2, data));
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[qa_cs_top] USRP tx channels: "
- << d_ntx_chan << "\n";
- }
- else if(pmt_eq(msg->signal(), s_response_nrx_chan)) {
- d_nrx_chan = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(2, data));
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[qa_cs_top] USRP rx channels: "
- << d_nrx_chan << "\n";
- }
- else if(pmt_eq(msg->signal(), s_response_current_capacity_allocation)) {
- check_message(msg);
- }
- d_nstatus++;
- check_message(msg);
- if(d_nstatus==d_nstatus_to_recv)
- run_tests();
- }
-qa_cs_top::check_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
- pmt_t data = msg->data();
- pmt_t event = msg->signal();
- pmt_t expected = pmt_nth(0, data);
- pmt_t status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- pmt_t e_event = pmt_nth(0, expected);
- pmt_t e_status = pmt_nth(1, expected);
- d_nrecvd++;
- if(!pmt_eqv(e_status, status) || !pmt_eqv(e_event, event)) {
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[qa_cs_top] Got: " << status << " Expected: " << e_status << "\n";
- shutdown_all(PMT_F);
- return;
- } else {
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[qa_cs_top] Received expected response for message "
- << d_nrecvd << " (" << event << ")\n";
- }
- if(d_nrecvd == d_nmsgs_to_recv)
- shutdown_all(PMT_T);
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- mb_runtime_sptr rt = mb_make_runtime();
- pmt_t result = PMT_T;
- // std::cout << "\n\n----------------------------\n";
- // std::cout << " RUNNING OPEN/CLOSE TESTS \n";
- rt->run("top", "qa_open_close_top", PMT_F, &result);
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pmt_equal(PMT_T, result));
- mb_runtime_sptr rt = mb_make_runtime();
- pmt_t result = PMT_T;
- // std::cout << "\n\n----------------------------\n";
- // std::cout << " RUNNING ALLOCATION TESTS \n";
- rt->run("qa_alloc_top", "qa_alloc_top", PMT_F, &result);
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pmt_equal(PMT_T, result));
- mb_runtime_sptr rt = mb_make_runtime();
- pmt_t result = PMT_T;
- // std::cout << "\n\n----------------------------\n";
- // std::cout << " RUNNING DEALLOCATION TESTS \n";
- rt->run("qa_dealloc_top", "qa_dealloc_top", PMT_F, &result);
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pmt_equal(PMT_T, result));
- mb_runtime_sptr rt = mb_make_runtime();
- pmt_t result = PMT_T;
- // std::cout << "\n\n-----------------\n";
- // std::cout << " RUNNING TX TESTS \n";
- rt->run("top", "qa_tx_top", PMT_F, &result);
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pmt_equal(PMT_T, result));
- mb_runtime_sptr rt = mb_make_runtime();
- pmt_t result = PMT_T;
- // std::cout << "\n\n-----------------\n";
- // std::cout << " RUNNING RX TESTS \n";
- rt->run("top", "qa_rx_top", PMT_F, &result);
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pmt_equal(PMT_T, result));
- // FIXME This test is disabled because it hangs with the change to use usrp_standard_*_sptr's
- return;
- mb_runtime_sptr rt = mb_make_runtime();
- pmt_t result = PMT_T;
- // std::cout << "\n\n-----------------\n";
- // std::cout << " RUNNING CS TESTS \n";
- rt->run("top", "qa_cs_top", PMT_F, &result);
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pmt_equal(PMT_T, result));
- // FIXME This test is disabled because it hangs with the change to use usrp_standard_*_sptr's
- return;
- mb_runtime_sptr rt = mb_make_runtime();
- pmt_t result = PMT_T;
- // std::cout << "\n\n-----------------\n";
- // std::cout << " RUNNING RID TESTS \n";
- rt->run("top", "qa_rid_top", PMT_F, &result);
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pmt_equal(PMT_T, result));
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/inband/qa_inband_usrp_server.h b/usrp/limbo/inband/qa_inband_usrp_server.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 52a4a0b067..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/inband/qa_inband_usrp_server.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h>
-#include <cppunit/TestCase.h>
-class qa_inband_usrp_server : public CppUnit::TestCase {
- CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE(qa_inband_usrp_server);
- CPPUNIT_TEST(test_open_close);
- CPPUNIT_TEST(test_chan_allocation);
- CPPUNIT_TEST(test_chan_deallocation);
- CPPUNIT_TEST(test_tx);
- CPPUNIT_TEST(test_rx);
- CPPUNIT_TEST(test_cs);
- CPPUNIT_TEST(test_rid);
- private:
- void test_chan_allocation();
- void test_chan_deallocation();
- void test_open_close();
- void test_tx();
- void test_rx();
- void test_cs();
- void test_rid();
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/inband/symbols_usrp_channel.h b/usrp/limbo/inband/symbols_usrp_channel.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a0114cf3c7..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/inband/symbols_usrp_channel.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <pmt.h>
-// Outgoing
-static pmt_t s_cmd_allocate_channel = pmt_intern("cmd-allocate-channel");
-static pmt_t s_cmd_deallocate_channel = pmt_intern("cmd-deallocate-channel");
-// Incoming
-static pmt_t s_response_allocate_channel = pmt_intern("response-allocate-channel");
-static pmt_t s_response_deallocate_channel = pmt_intern("response-deallocate-channel");
-// Errors
-static pmt_t s_err_requested_capacity_unavailable = pmt_intern("err-requested-capacity-unavailable");
-static pmt_t s_err_channel_unavailable = pmt_intern("err-channel-unavailable");
-static pmt_t s_err_channel_invalid = pmt_intern("err-channel-invalid");
-static pmt_t s_err_channel_permission_denied = pmt_intern("err-channel-permission-denied");
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/inband/symbols_usrp_interface_cs.h b/usrp/limbo/inband/symbols_usrp_interface_cs.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 72c8fcc91d..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/inband/symbols_usrp_interface_cs.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <pmt.h>
-// Outgoing
-static pmt_t s_cmd_usrp_open = pmt_intern("cmd-usrp-open");
-static pmt_t s_cmd_usrp_close = pmt_intern("cmd-usrp-close");
-static pmt_t s_cmd_usrp_ntx_chan = pmt_intern("cmd-usrp-ntx-chan");
-static pmt_t s_cmd_usrp_nrx_chan = pmt_intern("cmd-usrp-nrx-chan");
-static pmt_t s_cmd_usrp_write = pmt_intern("cmd-usrp-write");
-static pmt_t s_cmd_usrp_start_reading = pmt_intern("cmd-usrp-start-reading");
-static pmt_t s_cmd_usrp_stop_reading = pmt_intern("cmd-usrp-stop-reading");
-// Incoming
-static pmt_t s_response_usrp_open = pmt_intern("response-usrp-open");
-static pmt_t s_response_usrp_close = pmt_intern("response-usrp-close");
-static pmt_t s_response_usrp_ntx_chan = pmt_intern("response-usrp-ntx-chan");
-static pmt_t s_response_usrp_nrx_chan = pmt_intern("response-usrp-nrx-chan");
-static pmt_t s_response_usrp_write = pmt_intern("response-usrp-write");
-static pmt_t s_response_usrp_read = pmt_intern("response-usrp-read");
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/inband/symbols_usrp_low_level_cs.h b/usrp/limbo/inband/symbols_usrp_low_level_cs.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a7260603a6..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/inband/symbols_usrp_low_level_cs.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <pmt.h>
-// Outgoing
-static pmt_t s_cmd_to_control_channel = pmt_intern("cmd-to-control-channel");
-// Incoming
-static pmt_t s_response_from_control_channel = pmt_intern("response-from-control-channel");
-// Subpackets
-static pmt_t s_op_ping_fixed = pmt_intern("op-ping-fixed");
-static pmt_t s_op_ping_fixed_reply = pmt_intern("op-ping-fixed-reply");
-static pmt_t s_op_write_reg = pmt_intern("op-write-reg");
-static pmt_t s_op_write_reg_masked = pmt_intern("op-write-reg-masked");
-static pmt_t s_op_read_reg = pmt_intern("op-read-reg");
-static pmt_t s_op_read_reg_reply = pmt_intern("op-read-reg-reply");
-static pmt_t s_op_i2c_write = pmt_intern("op-i2c-write");
-static pmt_t s_op_i2c_read = pmt_intern("op-i2c-read");
-static pmt_t s_op_i2c_read_reply = pmt_intern("op-i2c-read-reply");
-static pmt_t s_op_spi_write = pmt_intern("op-spi-write");
-static pmt_t s_op_spi_read = pmt_intern("op-spi-read");
-static pmt_t s_op_spi_read_reply = pmt_intern("op-spi-read-reply");
-static pmt_t s_op_delay = pmt_intern("op-delay");
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/inband/symbols_usrp_rx.h b/usrp/limbo/inband/symbols_usrp_rx.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 07d58a3f56..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/inband/symbols_usrp_rx.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <pmt.h>
-// Outgoing
-static pmt_t s_cmd_start_recv_raw_samples = pmt_intern("cmd-start-recv-raw-samples");
-static pmt_t s_cmd_stop_recv_raw_samples = pmt_intern("cmd-stop-recv-raw-samples");
-// Incoming
-static pmt_t s_response_recv_raw_samples = pmt_intern("response-recv-raw-samples");
-// Errors
-static pmt_t s_err_already_receiving = pmt_intern("err-already-receiving");
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/inband/symbols_usrp_rx_cs.h b/usrp/limbo/inband/symbols_usrp_rx_cs.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bf4f0338b6..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/inband/symbols_usrp_rx_cs.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <pmt.h>
-// Outgoing
-static pmt_t s_cmd_usrp_rx_start_reading = pmt_intern("cmd-usrp-rx-start-reading");
-// Incoming
-static pmt_t s_response_usrp_rx_read = pmt_intern("response-usrp-rx-read");
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/inband/symbols_usrp_server_cs.h b/usrp/limbo/inband/symbols_usrp_server_cs.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e612e24ea7..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/inband/symbols_usrp_server_cs.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <pmt.h>
-// Outgoing
-static pmt_t s_cmd_open = pmt_intern("cmd-open");
-static pmt_t s_cmd_close = pmt_intern("cmd-close");
-static pmt_t s_cmd_max_capacity = pmt_intern("cmd-max-capacity");
-static pmt_t s_cmd_ntx_chan = pmt_intern("cmd-ntx-chan");
-static pmt_t s_cmd_nrx_chan = pmt_intern("cmd-nrx-chan");
-static pmt_t s_cmd_current_capacity_allocation = pmt_intern("cmd-current-capacity-allocation");
-// Incoming
-static pmt_t s_response_open = pmt_intern("response-open");
-static pmt_t s_response_close = pmt_intern("response-close");
-static pmt_t s_response_max_capacity = pmt_intern("response-max-capacity");
-static pmt_t s_response_ntx_chan = pmt_intern("response-ntx-chan");
-static pmt_t s_response_nrx_chan = pmt_intern("response-nrx-chan");
-static pmt_t s_response_current_capacity_allocation = pmt_intern("response-current-capacity-allocation");
-// Errors
-static pmt_t s_err_usrp_not_opened = pmt_intern("err-usrp-not-opened");
-static pmt_t s_err_usrp_already_opened = pmt_intern("err-usrp-already-opened");
-static pmt_t s_err_usrp_already_closed = pmt_intern("err-usrp-already-closed");
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/inband/symbols_usrp_tx.h b/usrp/limbo/inband/symbols_usrp_tx.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e58e2cf95..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/inband/symbols_usrp_tx.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <pmt.h>
-// Outgoing
-static pmt_t s_cmd_xmit_raw_frame = pmt_intern("cmd-xmit-raw-frame");
-// Incoming
-static pmt_t s_response_xmit_raw_frame = pmt_intern("response-xmit-raw-frame");
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/inband/symbols_usrp_tx_cs.h b/usrp/limbo/inband/symbols_usrp_tx_cs.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d02ef1d269..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/inband/symbols_usrp_tx_cs.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <pmt.h>
-// Outgoing
-static pmt_t s_cmd_usrp_tx_write = pmt_intern("cmd-usrp-tx-write");
-// Incoming
-static pmt_t s_response_usrp_tx_write = pmt_intern("response-usrp-tx-write");
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/inband/ b/usrp/limbo/inband/
deleted file mode 100644
index 77cdca556f..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/inband/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <cppunit/TextTestRunner.h>
-#include <qa_inband.h>
-main(int argc, char **argv)
- CppUnit::TextTestRunner runner;
- runner.addTest(qa_inband::suite ());
- bool was_successful ="", false);
- return was_successful ? 0 : 1;
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/inband/ b/usrp/limbo/inband/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6dfcf8638c..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/inband/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is part of GNU Radio
-# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-import struct
-FL_OVERRUN = 0x80000000
-FL_UNDERRUN = 0x40000000
-FL_DROPPED = 0x20000000
-FL_END_OF_BURST = 0x10000000
-FL_START_OF_BURST = 0x08000000
-FL_ALL_FLAGS = 0xf8000000
-RSSI_MASK = 0x3f
-CHAN_MASK = 0x1f
-TAG_MASK = 0xf
-def make_header(flags, chan, payload_len, timestamp, rssi=0, tag=0):
- word0 = ((flags & FL_ALL_FLAGS)
- | ((rssi & RSSI_MASK) << RSSI_SHIFT)
- | ((chan & CHAN_MASK) << CHAN_SHIFT)
- | ((tag & TAG_MASK) << TAG_SHIFT)
- | ((payload_len & PAYLOAD_LEN_MASK) << PAYLOAD_LEN_SHIFT))
- word1 = timestamp
- return struct.pack('<2I', word0, word1)
-def _decode(pred, indicator):
- if pred:
- return indicator
- else:
- return '-'
-class usb_packet(object):
- def __init__(self, raw_pkt):
- assert isinstance(raw_pkt, str) and len(raw_pkt) == 512
- self._raw_pkt = raw_pkt;
- (self._word0, self._word1) = struct.unpack('<2I', self._raw_pkt[0:8])
- def timestamp(self):
- return self._word1
- def rssi(self):
- return (self._word0 >> RSSI_SHIFT) & RSSI_MASK
- def chan(self):
- return (self._word0 >> CHAN_SHIFT) & CHAN_MASK
- def tag(self):
- return (self._word0 >> TAG_SHIFT) & TAG_MASK
- def payload_len(self):
- return (self._word0 >> PAYLOAD_LEN_SHIFT) & PAYLOAD_LEN_MASK
- def flags(self):
- return self._word0 & FL_ALL_FLAGS
- def overrun(self):
- return (self._word0 >> FL_OVERRUN_SHIFT) & 0x1
- def underrun(self):
- return (self._word0 >> FL_UNDERRUN_SHIFT) & 0x1
- def start_of_burst(self):
- return (self._word0 >> FL_START_OF_BURST_SHIFT) & 0x1
- def end_of_burst(self):
- return (self._word0 >> FL_END_OF_BURST_SHIFT) & 0x1
- def dropped(self):
- return (self._word0 >> FL_DROPPED_SHIFT) & 0x1
- def payload(self):
- return self._raw_pkt[8:8+self.payload_len()]
- def decoded_flags(self):
- s = (_decode(self.overrun(), 'O')
- + _decode(self.underrun(), 'U')
- + _decode(self.dropped(), 'D')
- + _decode(self.end_of_burst(), 'E')
- + _decode(self.start_of_burst(), 'S'))
- return s
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/inband/ b/usrp/limbo/inband/
deleted file mode 100644
index 72bc45ccbf..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/inband/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,793 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <usrp_inband_usb_packet.h>
-#include <usrp_bytesex.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
- * \brief Aligns the packet payload on a 32 bit boundary. This is essential to
- * all control/status packets so that the inband FPGA code can parse them
- * easily.
- *
- * \returns true if successful or if the packet was already aligned; false if it
- * cannot be aligned.
- */
-bool usrp_inband_usb_packet::align32()
- int p_len = payload_len();
- int bytes_needed = 4 - (p_len % 4);
- if(bytes_needed == 4)
- return true;
- // If the room left in the packet is less than the number of bytes
- // needed, return false to indicate no room to align
- if((MAX_PAYLOAD - p_len) < bytes_needed)
- return false;
- incr_header_len(bytes_needed);
- return true;
- * \brief Adds a ping command to the current control packet.
- *
- * The \p rid is the rid to be associated with the ping response and \p ping_val
- * is currently unused.
- *
- * \returns true if adding the ping command was successful, false otherwise
- * (i.e. no space in the current packet).
- */
-bool usrp_inband_usb_packet::cs_ping(long rid, long ping_val)
- if(!align32())
- return false;
- int p_len = payload_len();
- if((MAX_PAYLOAD - p_len) < (CS_PING_LEN + CS_FIXED_LEN))
- return false;
- uint32_t ping = (
- | ((rid & CS_RID_MASK) << CS_RID_SHIFT)
- | (ping_val & CS_PINGVAL_MASK)
- );
- uint32_t *payload = (uint32_t *) (d_payload + p_len);
- *payload = host_to_usrp_u32(ping);
- // Update payload length
- incr_header_len(CS_FIXED_LEN + CS_PING_LEN);
- return true;
- * \brief Adds a ping response to the packet. This is used by the fake USRP
- * code to generate fake responses for pings.
- *
- * The \p rid is the RID to be associated with the response and \p ping_val is
- * currently unused.
- *
- * \returns true if the ping reply was added successfully, false otherwise.
- */
-bool usrp_inband_usb_packet::cs_ping_reply(long rid, long ping_val)
- if(!align32())
- return false;
- int p_len = payload_len();
- if((MAX_PAYLOAD - p_len) < (CS_PING_LEN + CS_FIXED_LEN))
- return false;
- uint32_t ping = (
- | ((rid & CS_RID_MASK) << CS_RID_SHIFT)
- | ((ping_val & CS_PINGVAL_MASK) << CS_PINGVAL_SHIFT)
- );
- uint32_t *payload = (uint32_t *) (d_payload + p_len);
- *payload = host_to_usrp_u32(ping);
- // Update payload length
- incr_header_len(CS_FIXED_LEN + CS_PING_LEN);
- return true;
- * \brief Adds a write register command to the packet.
- *
- * The \p reg_num is the register number for which the value \p val will be
- * written to.
- *
- * \returns true if the command was added to the packet successfully, false
- * otherwise.
- */
-bool usrp_inband_usb_packet::cs_write_reg(long reg_num, long val)
- if(!align32())
- return false;
- int p_len = payload_len();
- return false;
- uint32_t word0 = 0;
- // Build the first word which includes the register number
- word0 = (
- | ((reg_num & CS_REGNUM_MASK) << CS_REGNUM_SHIFT)
- );
- uint32_t *payload = (uint32_t *) (d_payload + p_len);
- *payload = host_to_usrp_u32(word0);
- // The second word is solely the register value to be written
- // FIXME: should this be unsigned?
- payload += 1;
- *payload = host_to_usrp_u32((uint32_t) val);
- // Rebuild the header to update the payload length
- incr_header_len(CS_FIXED_LEN + CS_WRITEREG_LEN);
- return true;
- * \brief Adds a write register masked command to the packet.
- *
- * The \p reg_num is the register number for which the value \p val will be
- * written, masked by \p mask
- *
- * \returns true if the command was added to the packet, false otherwise.
- */
-bool usrp_inband_usb_packet::cs_write_reg_masked(long reg_num, long val, long mask)
- if(!align32())
- return false;
- int p_len = payload_len();
- return false;
- uint32_t word0 = 0;
- // Build the first word which includes the register number
- word0 = (
- | ((reg_num & CS_REGNUM_MASK) << CS_REGNUM_SHIFT)
- );
- uint32_t *payload = (uint32_t *) (d_payload + p_len);
- *payload = host_to_usrp_u32(word0);
- // Skip over the first word and write the register value
- payload += 1;
- *payload = host_to_usrp_u32((uint32_t) val);
- // Skip over the register value and write the mask
- payload += 1;
- *payload = host_to_usrp_u32((uint32_t) mask);
- // Rebuild the header to update the payload length
- return true;
- * \brief Adds a read register message to the packet.
- *
- * The \p rid will be the associated RID returned with the response, and \p
- * reg_num is the register to be read.
- *
- * \returns true if the command was added to the packet, false otherwise.
- */
-bool usrp_inband_usb_packet::cs_read_reg(long rid, long reg_num)
- if(!align32())
- return false;
- int p_len = payload_len();
- return false;
- uint32_t read_reg = (
- | ((rid & CS_RID_MASK) << CS_RID_SHIFT)
- | ((reg_num & CS_REGNUM_MASK) << CS_REGNUM_SHIFT)
- );
- uint32_t *payload = (uint32_t *) (d_payload + p_len);
- *payload = host_to_usrp_u32(read_reg);
- // Update payload length
- incr_header_len(CS_FIXED_LEN + CS_READREG_LEN);
- return true;
- * \brief Adds a read register reply response to the current packet. This is
- * used by the fake USRP code to generate fake register read responses for
- * testing.
- *
- * The \p rid is the associated RID to be included in the response, \p reg_num
- * is the register the read is coming from, and \p reg_val is the value of the
- * read.
- *
- * \returns true if the command was added to the packet, false otherwise.
- */
-bool usrp_inband_usb_packet::cs_read_reg_reply(long rid, long reg_num, long reg_val)
- if(!align32())
- return false;
- int p_len = payload_len();
- return false;
- uint32_t word0 = (
- | ((rid & CS_RID_MASK) << CS_RID_SHIFT)
- | ((reg_num & CS_REGNUM_MASK) << CS_REGNUM_SHIFT)
- );
- uint32_t *payload = (uint32_t *) (d_payload + p_len);
- *payload = host_to_usrp_u32(word0);
- // Hop to the next word and write the reg value
- payload += 1;
- *payload = host_to_usrp_u32((uint32_t) reg_val);
- // Update payload length
- incr_header_len(CS_FIXED_LEN + CS_READREGREPLY_LEN);
- return true;
- * \brief Adds a delay command to the current packet.
- *
- * The \p ticks parameter is the number of clock ticks the FPGA should delay
- * parsing for, which is added to the packet.
- *
- * \returns true if the command was added to the packet, false otherwise.
- */
-bool usrp_inband_usb_packet::cs_delay(long ticks)
- if(!align32())
- return false;
- int p_len = payload_len();
- return false;
- uint32_t delay = (
- | ((ticks & CS_DELAY_MASK) << CS_DELAY_SHIFT)
- );
- uint32_t *payload = (uint32_t *) (d_payload + p_len);
- *payload = host_to_usrp_u32(delay);
- // Update payload length
- incr_header_len(CS_FIXED_LEN + CS_DELAY_LEN);
- return true;
- * \brief
- *
- * \returns true if the command was added to the packet, false otherwise.
- */
-bool usrp_inband_usb_packet::cs_i2c_write(long i2c_addr, uint8_t *i2c_data, size_t data_len)
- if(!align32())
- return false;
- int p_len = payload_len();
- int i2c_len = data_len + 2; // 2 bytes between mbz and addr
- if((MAX_PAYLOAD - p_len) < (i2c_len + CS_FIXED_LEN))
- return false;
- uint32_t word0 = 0;
- word0 = (
- | ((i2c_len & CS_LEN_MASK) << CS_LEN_SHIFT)
- | ((i2c_addr & CS_I2CADDR_MASK) << CS_I2CADDR_SHIFT)
- );
- uint32_t *payload = (uint32_t *) (d_payload + p_len);
- *payload = host_to_usrp_u32(word0);
- // Jump over the first word and write the data
- // FIXME: Should the data be changed to usrp byte order?
- payload += 1;
- memcpy(payload, i2c_data, data_len);
- // Update payload length
- incr_header_len(CS_FIXED_LEN + i2c_len);
- return true;
- * \brief Adds an I2C read command to the current packet.
- *
- * The \p rid is the associated RID to return with the read response, \p
- * i2c_addr is the address to read from on the I2C bus, and \p n_bytes is the
- * number of bytes to be read from the bus.
- *
- * \returns true if the command was added to the packet, false otherwise.
- */
-bool usrp_inband_usb_packet::cs_i2c_read(long rid, long i2c_addr, long n_bytes)
- if(!align32())
- return false;
- int p_len = payload_len();
- return false;
- uint32_t word0 = 0;
- word0 = (
- | ((rid & CS_RID_MASK) << CS_RID_SHIFT)
- | ((i2c_addr & CS_I2CADDR_MASK) << CS_I2CADDR_SHIFT)
- );
- uint32_t *payload = (uint32_t *) (d_payload + p_len);
- *payload = host_to_usrp_u32(word0);
- // Jump a word and write the number of bytes to read
- payload += 1;
- uint32_t word1 =
- *payload = host_to_usrp_u32(word1);
- // Update payload length
- incr_header_len(CS_FIXED_LEN + CS_I2CREAD_LEN);
- return true;
- * \brief Adds an I2C read reply response to the current packet. This is used
- * by the fake USRP code to generate fake I2C responses.
- *
- * The \p rid is the RID to be associated with the response, \p i2c_addr is the
- * address on the I2C bus that the \p i2c_data of \p i2c_data_len was read from.
- *
- * \returns true if the command was added to the packet, false otherwise.
- */
-bool usrp_inband_usb_packet::cs_i2c_read_reply(long rid, long i2c_addr, uint8_t *i2c_data, long i2c_data_len)
- if(!align32())
- return false;
- int p_len = payload_len();
- int i2c_len = i2c_data_len + 2;
- if((MAX_PAYLOAD - p_len) < (i2c_len + CS_FIXED_LEN))
- return false;
- uint32_t word0 = 0;
- word0 = (
- | ((i2c_len & CS_LEN_MASK) << CS_LEN_SHIFT)
- | ((rid & CS_RID_MASK) << CS_RID_SHIFT)
- | ((i2c_addr & CS_I2CADDR_MASK) << CS_I2CADDR_SHIFT)
- );
- uint32_t *payload = (uint32_t *) (d_payload + p_len);
- *payload = host_to_usrp_u32(word0);
- // Jump a word and write the actual data
- payload += 1;
- memcpy(payload, i2c_data, i2c_data_len);
- // Update payload length
- incr_header_len(CS_FIXED_LEN + i2c_len);
- return true;
- * \brief Adds a SPI write command to the current packet.
- *
- * \returns true if the command was added to the packet, false otherwise.
- */
-bool usrp_inband_usb_packet::cs_spi_write(long enables, long format, long opt_header_bytes, uint8_t *spi_data, long spi_data_len)
- if(!align32())
- return false;
- int p_len = payload_len();
- int spi_len = spi_data_len + 6;
- if((MAX_PAYLOAD - p_len) < (spi_len + CS_FIXED_LEN))
- return false;
- uint32_t word = 0;
- // First word contains the opcode and length, then mbz
- word = (
- | ((spi_len & CS_LEN_MASK) << CS_LEN_SHIFT)
- );
- uint32_t *payload = (uint32_t *) (d_payload + p_len);
- *payload = host_to_usrp_u32(word);
- payload += 1;
- // Second word contains the enables, format, and optional tx bytes
- word = 0;
- word = (
- | ((opt_header_bytes & CS_SPIOPT_MASK) << CS_SPIOPT_SHIFT)
- );
- payload = (uint32_t *) (d_payload + p_len);
- *payload = host_to_usrp_u32(word);
- payload += 1;
- memcpy(payload, spi_data, spi_data_len);
- // Update payload length
- incr_header_len(CS_FIXED_LEN + spi_len);
- return true;
- * \brief Adds a SPI bus read command to the packet.
- *
- * \returns true if the command was added to the packet, false otherwise.
- */
-bool usrp_inband_usb_packet::cs_spi_read(long rid, long enables, long format, long opt_header_bytes, long n_bytes)
- if(!align32())
- return false;
- int p_len = payload_len();
- return false;
- uint32_t word = 0;
- // First word contains the opcode, length, and RID
- word = (
- | ((rid & CS_RID_MASK) << CS_RID_SHIFT)
- );
- uint32_t *payload = (uint32_t *) (d_payload + p_len);
- *payload = host_to_usrp_u32(word);
- payload += 1;
- // Second word contains the enables, format, and optional tx bytes
- word = 0;
- word = (
- | ((opt_header_bytes & CS_SPIOPT_MASK) << CS_SPIOPT_SHIFT)
- );
- payload = (uint32_t *) (d_payload + p_len);
- *payload = host_to_usrp_u32(word);
- payload += 1;
- // The third word contains the number of bytes
- word = 0;
- word = (
- );
- payload = (uint32_t *) (d_payload + p_len);
- *payload = host_to_usrp_u32(word);
- // Update payload length
- incr_header_len(CS_FIXED_LEN + CS_SPIREAD_LEN);
- return true;
- * \brief Adds an SPI read reply to the current packet. This is used by the
- * fake USRP code to generate fake responses for SPI reads.
- *
- * \returns true if the command was added to the packet, false otherwise.
- */
-bool usrp_inband_usb_packet::cs_spi_read_reply(long rid, uint8_t *spi_data, long spi_data_len)
- if(!align32())
- return false;
- int p_len = payload_len();
- int spi_len = spi_data_len + 2;
- if((MAX_PAYLOAD - p_len) < (spi_len + CS_FIXED_LEN))
- return false;
- uint32_t word = 0;
- // First word contains the opcode, length, and RID
- word = (
- | ((spi_len & CS_LEN_MASK) << CS_LEN_SHIFT)
- | ((rid & CS_RID_MASK) << CS_RID_SHIFT)
- );
- uint32_t *payload = (uint32_t *) (d_payload + p_len);
- *payload = host_to_usrp_u32(word);
- // Jump a word and write the actual data
- payload += 1;
- memcpy(payload, spi_data, spi_data_len);
- // Update payload length
- incr_header_len(CS_FIXED_LEN + spi_len);
- return true;
- * \brief Since all control packets contain subpackets which have the length of
- * the subpacket at a uniform location in the subpacket, this will return the
- * subpacket length given a byte offset of the start of the subpacket from the beginning of the packet.
- *
- * \returns the length of the subpacket
- */
-int usrp_inband_usb_packet::cs_len(int payload_offset) {
- uint32_t subpkt = usrp_to_host_u32(*((uint32_t *)(d_payload + payload_offset)));
- return (subpkt >> CS_LEN_SHIFT) & CS_LEN_MASK;
- * \brief The following method takes an offset within the packet payload to
- * extract a control/status subpacket and constructs a pmt response which
- * includes the proper signal and arguments specified by usrp-low-level-cs. The
- * USRP server could therefore use this to read subpackets and pass them
- * responses back up to the application. It's arguable that only reply packets
- * should be parsed here, however we parse others for use in debugging or
- * failure reporting on the transmit side of packets.
- */
-pmt_t usrp_inband_usb_packet::read_subpacket(int payload_offset) {
- uint32_t subpkt = usrp_to_host_u32(*((uint32_t *)(d_payload + payload_offset)));
- uint32_t opcode = (subpkt >> CS_OPCODE_SHIFT) & CS_OPCODE_MASK;
- uint32_t len = (subpkt >> CS_LEN_SHIFT) & CS_LEN_MASK;
- switch(opcode) {
- {
- pmt_t rid = pmt_from_long((subpkt >> CS_RID_SHIFT) & CS_RID_MASK);
- pmt_t pingval = pmt_from_long((subpkt >> CS_PINGVAL_SHIFT) & CS_PINGVAL_MASK);
- return pmt_list3(s_op_ping_fixed_reply, rid, pingval);
- }
- {
- pmt_t rid = pmt_from_long((subpkt >> CS_RID_SHIFT) & CS_RID_MASK);
- pmt_t reg_num = pmt_from_long((subpkt >> CS_REGNUM_SHIFT) & CS_REGNUM_MASK);
- // To get the register value we just read the next 32 bits
- uint32_t val = usrp_to_host_u32(*((uint32_t *)(d_payload + payload_offset + 4)));
- pmt_t reg_val = pmt_from_long(val);
- return pmt_list4(s_op_read_reg_reply, rid, reg_num, reg_val);
- }
- {
- pmt_t rid = pmt_from_long((subpkt >> CS_RID_SHIFT) & CS_RID_MASK);
- pmt_t i2c_addr = pmt_from_long((subpkt >> CS_I2CADDR_SHIFT) & CS_I2CADDR_MASK);
- // Make a u8 vector to dump the data from the packet into
- size_t i2c_data_len;
- pmt_t i2c_data = pmt_make_u8vector(len - 2, 0); // skip rid+mbz+addr = 2 bytes
- uint8_t *w_data =
- (uint8_t *) pmt_u8vector_writable_elements(i2c_data, i2c_data_len);
- memcpy(w_data, d_payload + payload_offset + 4, i2c_data_len); // skip first word
- return pmt_list4(s_op_i2c_read_reply, rid, i2c_addr, i2c_data);
- }
- {
- pmt_t rid = pmt_from_long((subpkt >> CS_RID_SHIFT) & CS_RID_MASK);
- // Make a u8 vector to dump the data from the packet into
- size_t spi_data_len;
- pmt_t spi_data = pmt_make_u8vector(len - 2, 0); // skip rid+mbz+addr = 2 bytes
- uint8_t *w_data =
- (uint8_t *) pmt_u8vector_writable_elements(spi_data, spi_data_len);
- memcpy(w_data, d_payload + payload_offset + 4, spi_data_len); // skip first word
- return pmt_list3(s_op_spi_read_reply, rid, spi_data);
- }
- {
- pmt_t rid = pmt_from_long((subpkt >> CS_RID_SHIFT) & CS_RID_MASK);
- pmt_t pingval = pmt_from_long((subpkt >> CS_PINGVAL_SHIFT) & CS_PINGVAL_MASK);
- return pmt_list3(s_op_ping_fixed, rid, pingval);
- }
- case OP_WRITE_REG:
- {
- pmt_t reg_num = pmt_from_long((subpkt >> CS_REGNUM_SHIFT) & CS_REGNUM_MASK);
- // To get the register value we just read the next 32 bits
- uint32_t val = usrp_to_host_u32(*((uint32_t *)(d_payload + payload_offset + 4)));
- pmt_t reg_val = pmt_from_long(val);
- return pmt_list3(s_op_write_reg, reg_num, reg_val);
- }
- {
- pmt_t reg_num = pmt_from_long((subpkt >> CS_REGNUM_SHIFT) & CS_REGNUM_MASK);
- // To get the register value we just read the next 32 bits
- uint32_t val = usrp_to_host_u32(*((uint32_t *)(d_payload + payload_offset + 4)));
- pmt_t reg_val = pmt_from_long(val);
- // The mask is the next 32 bits
- uint32_t mask = usrp_to_host_u32(*((uint32_t *)(d_payload + payload_offset + 8)));
- pmt_t reg_mask = pmt_from_long(mask);
- return pmt_list4(s_op_write_reg_masked, reg_num, reg_val, reg_mask);
- }
- case OP_READ_REG:
- {
- pmt_t rid = pmt_from_long((subpkt >> CS_RID_SHIFT) & CS_RID_MASK);
- pmt_t reg_num = pmt_from_long((subpkt >> CS_REGNUM_SHIFT) & CS_REGNUM_MASK);
- return pmt_list3(s_op_read_reg, rid, reg_num);
- }
- case OP_I2C_WRITE:
- {
- pmt_t i2c_addr = pmt_from_long((subpkt >> CS_I2CADDR_SHIFT) & CS_I2CADDR_MASK);
- // The length includes an extra 2 bytes for storing the mbz and addr
- pmt_t i2c_data = pmt_make_u8vector(len-2, 0);
- // Get a writable address to copy the data from the packet
- size_t ignore;
- uint8_t *w_data = (uint8_t *) pmt_u8vector_writable_elements(i2c_data, ignore);
- memcpy(w_data, d_payload + payload_offset + 4, len-2);
- return pmt_list3(s_op_i2c_write, i2c_addr, i2c_data);
- }
- case OP_I2C_READ:
- {
- pmt_t rid = pmt_from_long((subpkt >> CS_RID_SHIFT) & CS_RID_MASK);
- pmt_t i2c_addr = pmt_from_long((subpkt >> CS_I2CADDR_SHIFT) & CS_I2CADDR_MASK);
- // The number of bytes is in the next word
- uint32_t bytes = usrp_to_host_u32(*((uint32_t *)(d_payload + payload_offset + 4)));
- pmt_t i2c_bytes = pmt_from_long(bytes);
- return pmt_list4(s_op_i2c_read, rid, i2c_addr, i2c_bytes);
- }
- case OP_SPI_WRITE:
- {
- // Nothing interesting in the first word, skip to the next
- uint32_t word = usrp_to_host_u32(*((uint32_t *)(d_payload + payload_offset + 4)));
- pmt_t enables = pmt_from_long((word >> CS_SPIENABLES_SHIFT) & CS_SPIENABLES_MASK);
- pmt_t format = pmt_from_long((word >> CS_SPIFORMAT_SHIFT) & CS_SPIFORMAT_MASK);
- pmt_t opt = pmt_from_long((word >> CS_SPIOPT_SHIFT) & CS_SPIOPT_MASK);
- // From the next word and on is data
- size_t spi_data_len;
- pmt_t spi_data = pmt_make_u8vector(len - 6, 0); // skip rid+mbz+addr = 2 bytes
- uint8_t *w_data =
- (uint8_t *) pmt_u8vector_writable_elements(spi_data, spi_data_len);
- memcpy(w_data, d_payload + payload_offset + 8, spi_data_len); // skip first 2 words
- return pmt_list5(s_op_spi_write, enables, format, opt, spi_data);
- }
- case OP_SPI_READ:
- {
- // Read the RID from the first word, the rest is mbz
- pmt_t rid = pmt_from_long((subpkt >> CS_RID_SHIFT) & CS_RID_MASK);
- // Continue at the next word...
- uint32_t word = usrp_to_host_u32(*((uint32_t *)(d_payload + payload_offset + 4)));
- pmt_t enables = pmt_from_long((word >> CS_SPIENABLES_SHIFT) & CS_SPIENABLES_MASK);
- pmt_t format = pmt_from_long((word >> CS_SPIFORMAT_SHIFT) & CS_SPIFORMAT_MASK);
- pmt_t opt = pmt_from_long((word >> CS_SPIOPT_SHIFT) & CS_SPIOPT_MASK);
- // The number of bytes is the only thing to read in the next word
- word = usrp_to_host_u32(*((uint32_t *)(d_payload + payload_offset + 8)));
- pmt_t n_bytes = pmt_from_long((word >> CS_SPINBYTES_SHIFT) & CS_SPINBYTES_MASK);
- return pmt_list6(s_op_spi_read, rid, enables, format, opt, n_bytes);
- }
- case OP_DELAY:
- {
- pmt_t ticks = pmt_from_long((subpkt >> CS_DELAY_SHIFT) & CS_DELAY_MASK);
- return pmt_list2(s_op_delay, ticks);
- }
- default:
- return PMT_NIL;
- }
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/inband/usrp_inband_usb_packet.h b/usrp/limbo/inband/usrp_inband_usb_packet.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f1a3feb3e..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/inband/usrp_inband_usb_packet.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <usrp_bytesex.h>
-#include <mblock/mblock.h>
-#include <pmt.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <symbols_usrp_low_level_cs.h>
-static const int USB_PKT_SIZE = 512; // bytes
-static const int MAX_PAYLOAD = USB_PKT_SIZE-2*sizeof(uint32_t);
-static const int CONTROL_CHAN = 0x1f;
-class usrp_inband_usb_packet {
- //
- // keep raw packet in USRP-endian order
- //
- uint32_t d_word0;
- uint32_t d_timestamp;
- unsigned char d_payload[MAX_PAYLOAD];
- enum opcodes {
- OP_PING_FIXED = 0x00,
- OP_WRITE_REG = 0x02,
- OP_READ_REG = 0x04,
- OP_I2C_WRITE = 0x06,
- OP_I2C_READ = 0x07,
- OP_I2C_READ_REPLY = 0x08,
- OP_SPI_WRITE = 0x09,
- OP_SPI_READ = 0x0a,
- OP_DELAY = 0x0c
- };
- enum flags {
- FL_OVERRUN = 0x80000000,
- FL_UNDERRUN = 0x40000000,
- FL_DROPPED = 0x20000000,
- FL_START_OF_BURST = 0x10000000,
- FL_END_OF_BURST = 0x08000000,
- FL_CARRIER_SENSE = 0x04000000,
- FL_ALL_FLAGS = 0xfc000000
- };
- static const int FL_OVERRUN_SHIFT = 31;
- static const int FL_UNDERRUN_SHIFT = 30;
- static const int FL_DROPPED_SHIFT = 29;
- static const int FL_END_OF_BURST_SHIFT = 27;
- static const int FL_START_OF_BURST_SHIFT = 28;
- static const int RSSI_MASK = 0x3f;
- static const int RSSI_SHIFT = 21;
- static const int CHAN_MASK = 0x1f;
- static const int CHAN_SHIFT = 16;
- static const int TAG_MASK = 0xf;
- static const int TAG_SHIFT = 9;
- static const int PAYLOAD_LEN_MASK = 0x1ff;
- static const int PAYLOAD_LEN_SHIFT = 0;
- // Fixed size for opcode and length fields
- static const int CS_FIXED_LEN = 2;
- static const int CS_OPCODE_MASK = 0xff;
- static const int CS_OPCODE_SHIFT = 24;
- static const int CS_LEN_MASK = 0xff;
- static const int CS_LEN_SHIFT = 16;
- static const int CS_RID_MASK = 0x3f;
- static const int CS_RID_SHIFT = 10;
- static const int CS_PING_LEN = 2;
- static const int CS_PINGVAL_MASK = 0x3ff;
- static const int CS_PINGVAL_SHIFT = 0;
- static const int CS_WRITEREG_LEN = 6;
- static const int CS_WRITEREGMASKED_LEN = 10;
- static const int CS_READREG_LEN = 2;
- static const int CS_READREGREPLY_LEN = 6;
- static const int CS_REGNUM_MASK = 0x3ff;
- static const int CS_REGNUM_SHIFT = 0;
- static const int CS_DELAY_LEN = 2;
- static const int CS_DELAY_MASK = 0xffff;
- static const int CS_DELAY_SHIFT = 0;
- static const int CS_I2CADDR_MASK = 0x7f;
- static const int CS_I2CADDR_SHIFT = 0;
- static const int CS_I2CREAD_LEN = 3;
- static const int CS_I2CREADBYTES_MASK = 0x7f;
- static const int CS_I2CREADBYTES_SHIFT = 24;
- static const int CS_SPIOPT_MASK = 0xffff;
- static const int CS_SPIOPT_SHIFT = 0;
- static const int CS_SPIFORMAT_MASK = 0xff;
- static const int CS_SPIFORMAT_SHIFT = 16;
- static const int CS_SPIENABLES_MASK = 0xff;
- static const int CS_SPIENABLES_SHIFT = 24;
- static const int CS_SPIREAD_LEN = 7;
- static const int CS_SPINBYTES_MASK = 0xff;
- static const int CS_SPINBYTES_SHIFT = 24;
- void set_timestamp(uint32_t timestamp){
- d_timestamp = host_to_usrp_u32(timestamp);
- }
- void set_end_of_burst() {
- uint32_t word0 = usrp_to_host_u32(d_word0);
- word0 |= 1<<FL_END_OF_BURST_SHIFT;
- d_word0 = host_to_usrp_u32(word0);
- }
- void set_header(int flags, int chan, int tag, int payload_len){
- uint32_t word0 = ((flags & FL_ALL_FLAGS)
- | ((chan & CHAN_MASK) << CHAN_SHIFT)
- | ((tag & TAG_MASK) << TAG_SHIFT)
- | ((payload_len & PAYLOAD_LEN_MASK) << PAYLOAD_LEN_SHIFT));
- d_word0 = host_to_usrp_u32(word0);
- }
- void incr_header_len(int val) {
- set_header(flags(), chan(), tag(), payload_len() + val);
- }
- uint32_t timestamp() const {
- return usrp_to_host_u32(d_timestamp);
- }
- int rssi() const {
- uint32_t word0 = usrp_to_host_u32(d_word0);
- return (word0 >> RSSI_SHIFT) & RSSI_MASK;
- }
- int chan() const {
- uint32_t word0 = usrp_to_host_u32(d_word0);
- return (word0 >> CHAN_SHIFT) & CHAN_MASK;
- }
- int tag() const {
- uint32_t word0 = usrp_to_host_u32(d_word0);
- return (word0 >> TAG_SHIFT) & TAG_MASK;
- }
- int payload_len() const {
- uint32_t word0 = usrp_to_host_u32(d_word0);
- }
- int flags() const {
- return usrp_to_host_u32(d_word0) & FL_ALL_FLAGS;
- }
- int overrun() const {
- return (usrp_to_host_u32(d_word0) & FL_OVERRUN) >> FL_OVERRUN_SHIFT;
- }
- int underrun() const {
- return (usrp_to_host_u32(d_word0) & FL_UNDERRUN) >> FL_UNDERRUN_SHIFT;
- }
- int start_of_burst() const {
- return (usrp_to_host_u32(d_word0) & FL_START_OF_BURST) >> FL_START_OF_BURST_SHIFT;
- }
- int end_of_burst() const {
- return (usrp_to_host_u32(d_word0) & FL_END_OF_BURST) >> FL_END_OF_BURST_SHIFT;
- }
- int dropped() const {
- return (usrp_to_host_u32(d_word0) & FL_DROPPED) >> FL_DROPPED_SHIFT;
- }
- unsigned char *payload() {
- return d_payload;
- }
- static int max_payload() {
- return MAX_PAYLOAD;
- }
- static int max_pkt_size() {
- return USB_PKT_SIZE;
- }
- // C/S methods
- bool align32();
- bool cs_ping(long rid, long ping_val);
- bool cs_ping_reply(long rid, long ping_val);
- bool cs_write_reg(long reg_num, long val);
- bool cs_write_reg_masked(long reg_num, long val, long mask);
- bool cs_read_reg(long rid, long reg_num);
- bool cs_read_reg_reply(long rid, long reg_num, long reg_val);
- bool cs_delay(long ticks);
- bool cs_i2c_write(long i2c_addr, uint8_t *i2c_data, size_t data_len);
- bool cs_i2c_read(long rid, long i2c_addr, long n_bytes);
- bool cs_i2c_read_reply(long rid, long i2c_addr, uint8_t *i2c_data, long i2c_data_len);
- bool cs_spi_write(long enables, long format, long opt_header_bytes, uint8_t *spi_data, long spi_data_len);
- bool cs_spi_read(long rid, long enables, long format, long opt_header_bytes, long n_bytes);
- bool cs_spi_read_reply(long rid, uint8_t *spi_data, long spi_data_len);
- int cs_len(int payload_offset);
- pmt_t read_subpacket(int payload_offset);
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/inband/usrp_interface.mbh b/usrp/limbo/inband/usrp_interface.mbh
deleted file mode 100644
index ad0f78b4e1..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/inband/usrp_interface.mbh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-;; -*- scheme -*- ; not really, but tells emacs how to format this
-;; Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; This file is part of GNU Radio
-;; GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-;; any later version.
-;; GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-;; with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
-;; This is an mblock header file
-;; The format is very much a work-in-progress.
-;; It'll be compiled to C++.
-;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
-;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
-;; usrp-interface-cs
-;; Handles interaction between the usrp_sever and the USB interface
-(define-protocol-class usrp-interface-cs
- (:outgoing
- (cmd-usrp-open invocation-handle which-usrp)
- (cmd-usrp-close invocation-handle)
- (cmd-usrp-ntx-chan invocation-handle)
- (cmd-usrp-nrx-chan invocation-handle)
- (cmd-usrp-write invocation-handle channel data)
- (cmd-usrp-start-reading invocation-handle channel)
- )
- (:incoming
- (response-usrp-open invocation-handle status)
- (response-usrp-close invocation-handle status)
- (response-usrp-ntx-chan invocation-handle ntx-chan)
- (response-usrp-nrx-chan invocation-handle nrx-chan)
- (response-usrp-write invocation-handle status channel)
- (response-usrp-read invocation-handle status data)
- )
- )
-;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
-;; usrp-tx-cs
-;; Handles interaction between the USB interface and TX interface
-(define-protocol-class usrp-tx-cs
- (:outgoing
- (cmd-usrp-tx-write invocation-handle channel data tx-handle)
- )
- (:incoming
- (response-usrp-tx-write invocation-handle status channel)
- )
- )
-;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
-;; usrp-rx-cs
-;; Handles interaction between the USB interface and RX interface
-(define-protocol-class usrp-rx-cs
- (:outgoing
- (cmd-usrp-rx-start-reading invocation-handle rx-handle)
- (cmd-usrp-rx-stop-reading invocation-handle)
- )
- (:incoming
- (response-usrp-rx-read invocation-handle status data)
- ;; There is currently no response to a stop reading
- )
- )
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/inband/ b/usrp/limbo/inband/
deleted file mode 100644
index fe9486cf66..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/inband/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <usrp_rx.h>
-#include <usrp_standard.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <vector>
-#include <usb.h>
-#include <mblock/class_registry.h>
-#include <usrp_inband_usb_packet.h>
-#include <fpga_regs_common.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_rx_cs.h>
-typedef usrp_inband_usb_packet transport_pkt;
-static const bool verbose = false;
-bool usrp_rx_stop;
-usrp_rx::usrp_rx(mb_runtime *rt, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(rt, instance_name, user_arg),
- d_disk_write(false),
- d_disk_write_pkt(false) // if true, writes full packet, else just the payload
- d_cs = define_port("cs", "usrp-rx-cs", true, mb_port::EXTERNAL);
- if(d_disk_write) {
- }
- usrp_rx_stop = false;
- if(d_disk_write) {
- d_ofile0.close();
- d_ofile1.close();
- d_cs_ofile.close();
- }
- * \brief Handles incoming signals to to the m-block, wihch should only ever be
- * a single message: cmd-usrrp-rx-start-reading. There is no signal to stop
- * reading as the m-block goes in to a forever loop to read inband packets from
- * the bus.
- */
-usrp_rx::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
- pmt_t event = msg->signal();
- pmt_t port_id = msg->port_id();
- pmt_t data = msg->data();
- // Theoretically only have 1 message to ever expect, but
- // want to make sure its at least what we want
- if(pmt_eq(port_id, d_cs->port_symbol())) {
- if(pmt_eqv(event, s_cmd_usrp_rx_start_reading))
- read_and_respond(data);
- }
- * \brief Performs the actual reading of data from the USB bus, called by
- * handle_message() when a cmd-usrp-rx-start-reading signal is received.
- *
- * The method enters a forever loop where it continues to read data from the bus
- * and generate read responses to the higher layer. Currently, shared memory is
- * used to exit this loop.
- *
- * The \p data parameter is a PMT list which contains only a single element, an
- * invocation handle which will be returned with all read respones.
- */
-usrp_rx::read_and_respond(pmt_t data)
- size_t ignore;
- bool underrun;
- unsigned int n_read;
- unsigned int pkt_size = sizeof(transport_pkt);
- pmt_t invocation_handle = pmt_nth(0, data);
- // Need the handle to the RX port to send responses, this is passed
- // by the USRP interface m-block
- pmt_t handle = pmt_nth(1, data);
- d_urx =
- boost::any_cast<usrp_standard_rx_sptr>(pmt_any_ref(handle));
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[usrp_rx] Waiting for packets..\n";
- // Read by 512 which is packet size and send them back up
- while(!usrp_rx_stop) {
- pmt_t v_pkt = pmt_make_u8vector(pkt_size, 0);
- transport_pkt *pkt =
- (transport_pkt *) pmt_u8vector_writable_elements(v_pkt, ignore);
- n_read = d_urx->read(pkt, pkt_size, &underrun);
- if(n_read != pkt_size) {
- std::cerr << "[usrp_rx] Error reading packet, shutting down\n";
- d_cs->send(s_response_usrp_rx_read,
- pmt_list3(PMT_NIL, PMT_F, PMT_NIL));
- return;
- }
- if(underrun && verbose && 0)
- std::cout << "[usrp_rx] Underrun\n";
- d_cs->send(s_response_usrp_rx_read,
- pmt_list3(PMT_NIL, PMT_T, v_pkt));
- if(verbose && 0)
- std::cout << "[usrp_rx] Read 1 packet\n";
- if(d_disk_write) {
- if(pkt->chan() == CONTROL_CHAN)
- d_cs_ofile.write((const char *)pkt, transport_pkt::max_pkt_size());
- else {
- if(d_disk_write_pkt) {
- if(pkt->chan() == 0)
- d_ofile0.write((const char *)pkt, transport_pkt::max_pkt_size());
- else if(pkt->chan() == 1)
- d_ofile1.write((const char *)pkt, transport_pkt::max_pkt_size());
- } else {
- if(pkt->chan() == 0)
- d_ofile0.write((const char *)pkt->payload(), transport_pkt::max_payload());
- else if(pkt->chan() == 1)
- d_ofile1.write((const char *)pkt->payload(), transport_pkt::max_payload());
- }
- }
- d_cs_ofile.flush();
- d_ofile0.flush();
- d_ofile1.flush();
- }
- }
- usrp_rx_stop = false;
- if(verbose) {
- std::cout << "[USRP_RX] Stopping...\n";
- fflush(stdout);
- }
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/inband/usrp_rx.h b/usrp/limbo/inband/usrp_rx.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1006235bf2..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/inband/usrp_rx.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <mblock/mblock.h>
-#include <fstream>
-#include "usrp_standard.h"
-extern bool usrp_rx_stop; // used to communicate a 'stop' to the RX stub
- * \brief Implements the low level usb interface to the USRP
- */
-class usrp_rx : public mb_mblock
- mb_port_sptr d_cs;
- usrp_standard_rx_sptr d_urx;
- bool d_disk_write;
- bool d_disk_write_pkt;
- std::ofstream d_ofile0;
- std::ofstream d_ofile1;
- std::ofstream d_cs_ofile;
- public:
- usrp_rx(mb_runtime *rt, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- ~usrp_rx();
- void initial_transition();
- void handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
- private:
- void read_and_respond(pmt_t data);
- void read_data();
-#endif /* INCLUDED_USRP_RX_H */
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deleted file mode 100644
index e5c454d24b..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/inband/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <usrp_rx_stub.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <vector>
-#include <usb.h>
-#include <mblock/class_registry.h>
-#include <usrp_inband_usb_packet.h>
-#include <fpga_regs_common.h>
-#include "usrp_standard.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <ui_nco.h>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <symbols_usrp_rx_cs.h>
-typedef usrp_inband_usb_packet transport_pkt;
-static const bool verbose = false;
-bool usrp_rx_stop_stub;
-// Used for the fake control packet response code to send the responses back up
-// the RX. The TX stub dumps responses in to this queue.
-std::queue<pmt_t> d_cs_queue;
-usrp_rx_stub::usrp_rx_stub(mb_runtime *rt, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(rt, instance_name, user_arg),
- d_samples_per_frame((long)(126)),
- d_decim_rx(128),
- d_amplitude(16384),
- d_disk_write(false)
- // Information about the rates are passed all the way from the app in the form
- // of a dictionary. We use this to read the RX decimation rate and compute
- // the approximate number of MS/s as a form of flow control for the stub.
- pmt_t usrp_dict = user_arg;
- if (pmt_is_dict(usrp_dict)) {
- // Read the RX decimation rate
- if(pmt_t decim_rx = pmt_dict_ref(usrp_dict,
- pmt_intern("decim-rx"),
- PMT_NIL)) {
- if(!pmt_eqv(decim_rx, PMT_NIL))
- d_decim_rx = pmt_to_long(decim_rx);
- }
- }
- d_cs = define_port("cs", "usrp-rx-cs", true, mb_port::EXTERNAL);
- // initialize NCO
- double freq = 100e3;
- int interp = 32; // 32 -> 4MS/s
- double sample_rate = 64e6 / interp;
- d_nco.set_freq(2*M_PI * freq/sample_rate);
- //d_disk_write = true;
- if(d_disk_write)
- usrp_rx_stop_stub = false;
- if(d_disk_write)
- d_ofile.close();
-usrp_rx_stub::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
- pmt_t event = msg->signal();
- pmt_t port_id = msg->port_id();
- pmt_t data = msg->data();
- if (pmt_eq(msg->signal(), s_timeout)
- && !pmt_eq(msg->data(), s_done)) {
- if(!usrp_rx_stop_stub)
- read_and_respond();
- else { // requested to stop
- cancel_timeout(msg->metadata());
- usrp_rx_stop_stub=false;
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_RX_STUB] Stopping RX stub\n";
- }
- }
- // Theoretically only have 1 message to ever expect, but
- // want to make sure its at least what we want
- if(pmt_eq(port_id, d_cs->port_symbol())
- && pmt_eqv(event, s_cmd_usrp_rx_start_reading)) {
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_RX_STUB] Starting with decim @ "
- << d_decim_rx << std::endl;
- start_packet_timer();
- }
-// Setup a periodic timer which will drive packet generation
- d_t0 = mb_time::time(); // current time
- // Calculate the inter-packet arrival time.
- double samples_per_sec = (64.0/(double)d_decim_rx)*1000000.0;
- double frames_per_sec = samples_per_sec / (double)d_samples_per_frame;
- double frame_rate = 1.0 / frames_per_sec;
- if(verbose) {
- std::cout << "[USRP_RX_STUB] Scheduling periodic packet generator\n";
- std::cout << "\tsamples_per_sec: " << samples_per_sec << std::endl;
- std::cout << "\tframes_per_sec: " << frames_per_sec << std::endl;
- std::cout << "\tframe_rate: " << frame_rate << std::endl;
- }
- schedule_periodic_timeout(d_t0 + frame_rate, mb_time(frame_rate), PMT_T);
- long nsamples_this_frame = d_samples_per_frame;
- size_t nshorts = 2 * nsamples_this_frame; // 16-bit I & Q
- long channel = 0;
- long n_bytes = nshorts*2;
- pmt_t uvec = pmt_make_s16vector(nshorts, 0);
- size_t ignore;
- int16_t *samples = pmt_s16vector_writable_elements(uvec, ignore);
- // fill in the complex sinusoid
- for (int i = 0; i < nsamples_this_frame; i++){
- if (1){
- gr_complex s;
- d_nco.sincos(&s, 1, d_amplitude);
- // write 16-bit i & q
- samples[2*i] = (int16_t) s.real();
- samples[2*i+1] = (int16_t) s.imag();
- }
- else {
- gr_complex s(d_amplitude, d_amplitude);
- // write 16-bit i & q
- samples[2*i] = (int16_t) s.real();
- samples[2*i+1] = (int16_t) s.imag();
- }
- }
- if(d_disk_write)
- d_ofile.write((const char *)samples, n_bytes);
- pmt_t v_pkt = pmt_make_u8vector(sizeof(transport_pkt), 0);
- transport_pkt *pkt =
- (transport_pkt *) pmt_u8vector_writable_elements(v_pkt, ignore);
- pkt->set_header(0, channel, 0, n_bytes);
- pkt->set_timestamp(0xffffffff);
- memcpy(pkt->payload(), samples, n_bytes);
- d_cs->send(s_response_usrp_rx_read, pmt_list3(PMT_NIL, PMT_T, v_pkt));
- // Now lets check the shared CS queue between the TX and RX stub. Each
- // element in a queue is a list where the first element is an invocation
- // handle and the second element is a PMT u8 vect representation of the
- // CS packet response which can just be passed transparently.
- while(!d_cs_queue.empty()) {
- pmt_t cs_pkt = d_cs_queue.front();
- d_cs_queue.pop();
- pmt_t invocation_handle = pmt_nth(0, cs_pkt);
- pmt_t v_pkt = pmt_nth(1, cs_pkt);
- d_cs->send(s_response_usrp_rx_read,
- pmt_list3(invocation_handle,
- PMT_T,
- v_pkt)); // Take the front CS pkt
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_RX_STUB] Received CS response from TX stub\n";
- }
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/inband/usrp_rx_stub.h b/usrp/limbo/inband/usrp_rx_stub.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 238b4568f6..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/inband/usrp_rx_stub.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <mblock/mblock.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include "usrp_standard.h"
-#include <ui_nco.h>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <queue>
-#include <usrp_inband_usb_packet.h>
-typedef usrp_inband_usb_packet transport_pkt;
-extern bool usrp_rx_stop_stub; // used to communicate a 'stop' to the RX stub
-extern std::queue<pmt_t> d_cs_queue;
-static pmt_t s_timeout = pmt_intern("%timeout");
-static pmt_t s_done = pmt_intern("done");
- * \brief Implements the low level usb interface to the USRP
- */
-class usrp_rx_stub : public mb_mblock
- public:
- mb_port_sptr d_cs;
- usrp_standard_rx* d_urx;
- long d_samples_per_frame;
- long d_decim_rx;
- mb_time d_t0;
- double d_delta_t;
- // for generating sine wave output
- ui_nco<float,float> d_nco;
- double d_amplitude;
- bool d_disk_write;
- std::ofstream d_ofile;
- public:
- usrp_rx_stub(mb_runtime *rt, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- ~usrp_rx_stub();
- void initial_transition();
- void handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
- private:
- void read_and_respond();
- void read_data();
- void start_packet_timer();
-#endif /* INCLUDED_USRP_RX_H */
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deleted file mode 100644
index 4f5f396b44..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/inband/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1861 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <usrp_server.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <usrp_inband_usb_packet.h>
-#include <mblock/class_registry.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <usrp_usb_interface.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <fpga_regs_common.h>
-#include <fpga_regs_standard.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_server_cs.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_channel.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_tx.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_rx.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_low_level_cs.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_interface_cs.h>
-static pmt_t s_shutdown = pmt_intern("%shutdown");
-typedef usrp_inband_usb_packet transport_pkt; // makes conversion to gigabit easy
-const static bool verbose = false;
-static std::string
-str(long x)
- std::ostringstream s;
- s << x;
- return s.str();
-usrp_server::usrp_server(mb_runtime *rt, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(rt, instance_name, user_arg),
- d_fpga_debug(false),
- d_interp_tx(128), // these should match the lower level defaults (rx also)
- d_decim_rx(128),
- d_fake_rx(false)
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_SERVER] Initializing...\n";
- // Dictionary for arguments to all of the components
- d_usrp_dict = user_arg;
- if (pmt_is_dict(d_usrp_dict)) {
- if(pmt_t fpga_debug = pmt_dict_ref(d_usrp_dict,
- pmt_intern("fpga-debug"),
- PMT_NIL)) {
- if(pmt_eqv(fpga_debug, PMT_T))
- d_fpga_debug=true;
- }
- // Read the TX interpolations
- if(pmt_t interp_tx = pmt_dict_ref(d_usrp_dict,
- pmt_intern("interp-tx"),
- PMT_NIL)) {
- if(!pmt_eqv(interp_tx, PMT_NIL))
- d_interp_tx = pmt_to_long(interp_tx);
- }
- // Read the RX decimation rate
- if(pmt_t decim_rx = pmt_dict_ref(d_usrp_dict,
- pmt_intern("decim-rx"),
- PMT_NIL)) {
- if(!pmt_eqv(decim_rx, PMT_NIL))
- d_decim_rx = pmt_to_long(decim_rx);
- }
- }
- // control & status port
- d_cs = define_port("cs", "usrp-server-cs", true, mb_port::EXTERNAL);
- d_cs_usrp = define_port("cs_usrp", "usrp-interface-cs", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- // ports
- //
- // (if/when we do replicated ports, these will be replaced by a
- // single replicated port)
- for(int port=0; port < N_PORTS; port++) {
- d_tx.push_back(define_port("tx"+str(port),
- "usrp-tx",
- true,
- mb_port::EXTERNAL));
- d_rx.push_back(define_port("rx"+str(port),
- "usrp-rx",
- true,
- mb_port::EXTERNAL));
- }
- define_component("usrp", "usrp_usb_interface", d_usrp_dict);
- connect("self", "cs_usrp", "usrp", "cs");
- d_defer=false;
- d_opened=false;
- // FIXME: needs to be returned from open, if we want to use this
- d_nrx_chan = 2;
- d_ntx_chan = 2;
- // Initialize capacity on each channel to 0 and to no owner
- // Also initialize the USRP standard tx/rx pointers to NULL
- for(int chan=0; chan < d_ntx_chan; chan++)
- d_chaninfo_tx.push_back(channel_info());
- for(int chan=0; chan < d_nrx_chan; chan++)
- d_chaninfo_rx.push_back(channel_info());
- d_rx_chan_mask = 0;
- for(int i=0; i < D_MAX_RID; i++)
- d_rids.push_back(rid_info());
- //d_fake_rx=true;
- * \brief resets the assigned capacity and owners of each RX and TX channel from
- * allocations.
- */
- for(int chan=0; chan < d_ntx_chan; chan++) {
- d_chaninfo_tx[chan].assigned_capacity = 0;
- d_chaninfo_tx[chan].owner = PMT_NIL;
- }
- for(int chan=0; chan < d_nrx_chan; chan++) {
- d_chaninfo_rx[chan].assigned_capacity = 0;
- d_chaninfo_rx[chan].owner = PMT_NIL;
- }
- d_rx_chan_mask = 0;
- // the initial transition
- * \brief Reads all incoming messages to USRP server from the TX, RX, and the CS
- * ports. This drives the state of USRP server and dispatches based on the
- * message.
- */
-usrp_server::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
- pmt_t event = msg->signal(); // the "name" of the message
- pmt_t port_id = msg->port_id(); // which port it came in on
- pmt_t data = msg->data();
- pmt_t invocation_handle;
- pmt_t metadata = msg->metadata();
- pmt_t status;
- long port;
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_shutdown)) // ignore (for now)
- return;
- invocation_handle = pmt_nth(0, data);
- if (0){
- std::cout << "[USRP_SERVER] event: " << event << std::endl;
- std::cout << "[USRP_SERVER] port_id: " << port_id << std::endl;
- }
- // It would be nice if this were all table driven, and we could compute our
- // state transition as f(current_state, port_id, signal)
- // A message from the USRP CS, which should *only* be responses
- //
- // It is important that this set come before checking messages of any other
- // components. This is since we always want to listen to the low level USRP
- // server, even if we aren't initialized we are waiting for responses to
- // become initialized. Likewise, after the usrp_server is "closed", we still
- // want to pass responses back from the low level.
- //---------------- USRP RESPONSE ---------------//
- if (pmt_eq(port_id, d_cs_usrp->port_symbol())) {
- //-------------- USRP OPEN ------------------//
- if(pmt_eq(event, s_response_usrp_open)) {
- // pass the response back over the regular CS port
- pmt_t status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- d_cs->send(s_response_open, pmt_list2(invocation_handle, status));
- //reset_all_registers();
- //initialize_registers();
- if(pmt_eqv(status,PMT_T)) {
- d_opened = true;
- d_defer = false;
- recall_defer_queue();
- }
- return;
- }
- //------------- USRP CLOSE -------------------//
- else if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_usrp_close)) {
- pmt_t status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- d_cs->send(s_response_close, pmt_list2(invocation_handle, status));
- if(pmt_eqv(status,PMT_T)) {
- d_opened = false;
- d_defer = false;
- reset_channels();
- recall_defer_queue();
- }
- return;
- }
- //--------------- USRP WRITE --------------//
- else if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_usrp_write)) {
- pmt_t status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- long channel = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(2, data));
- long port;
- // Do not report back responses if they were generated from a
- // command packet
- if(channel == CONTROL_CHAN)
- return;
- // Find the port through the owner of the channel
- if((port = tx_port_index(d_chaninfo_tx[channel].owner)) !=-1 ){
- d_tx[port]->send(s_response_xmit_raw_frame,
- pmt_list2(invocation_handle, status));
- return;
- }
- }
- //--------------- USRP READ ---------------//
- else if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_usrp_read)) {
- pmt_t status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- if(!pmt_eqv(status, PMT_T)) {
- std::cerr << "[USRP_SERVER] Error receiving packet\n";
- return;
- }
- else {
- handle_response_usrp_read(data);
- return;
- }
- }
- goto unhandled;
- }
- // Checking for defer on all other messages
- if(d_defer) {
- if (verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_SERVER] Received msg while deferring ("
- << msg->signal() << ")\n";
- d_defer_queue.push(msg);
- return;
- }
- //--------- CONTROL / STATUS ------------//
- if (pmt_eq(port_id, d_cs->port_symbol())){
- //----------- OPEN -----------//
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_cmd_open)){
- // Reject if already open
- if(d_opened) {
- d_cs->send(s_response_open, pmt_list2(invocation_handle, s_err_usrp_already_opened));
- return;
- }
- // the parameters are the same to the low level interface, so we just pass 'data' along
- d_cs_usrp->send(s_cmd_usrp_open, data);
- d_defer = true;
- return;
- }
- //---------- CLOSE -----------//
- else if (pmt_eq(event, s_cmd_close)){
- if(!d_opened) {
- d_cs->send(s_response_close, pmt_list2(invocation_handle, s_err_usrp_already_closed));
- return;
- }
- d_defer = true;
- d_cs_usrp->send(s_cmd_usrp_close, pmt_list1(invocation_handle));
- return;
- }
- //---------- MAX CAPACITY ----------//
- else if (pmt_eq(event, s_cmd_max_capacity)) {
- if(!d_opened) {
- d_cs->send(s_response_max_capacity,
- pmt_list3(invocation_handle, s_err_usrp_not_opened, pmt_from_long(0)));
- return;
- }
- d_cs->send(s_response_max_capacity,
- pmt_list3(invocation_handle,
- PMT_T,
- pmt_from_long(max_capacity())));
- return;
- }
- //---------- NTX CHAN --------------//
- else if (pmt_eq(event, s_cmd_ntx_chan)) {
- if(!d_opened) {
- d_cs->send(s_response_ntx_chan,
- pmt_list3(invocation_handle, s_err_usrp_not_opened, pmt_from_long(0)));
- return;
- }
- d_cs->send(s_response_ntx_chan,
- pmt_list3(invocation_handle,
- PMT_T,
- pmt_from_long(d_ntx_chan)));
- return;
- }
- //---------- NRX CHAN -----------//
- else if (pmt_eq(event, s_cmd_nrx_chan)) {
- if(!d_opened) {
- d_cs->send(s_response_nrx_chan,
- pmt_list3(invocation_handle, s_err_usrp_not_opened, pmt_from_long(0)));
- return;
- }
- d_cs->send(s_response_nrx_chan,
- pmt_list3(invocation_handle,
- PMT_T,
- pmt_from_long(d_nrx_chan)));
- return;
- }
- //--------- ALLOCATION? -----------//
- else if (pmt_eq(event, s_cmd_current_capacity_allocation)) {
- if(!d_opened) {
- d_cs->send(s_response_current_capacity_allocation,
- pmt_list3(invocation_handle,
- s_err_usrp_not_opened,
- pmt_from_long(0)));
- return;
- }
- d_cs->send(s_response_current_capacity_allocation,
- pmt_list3(invocation_handle,
- PMT_T,
- pmt_from_long(current_capacity_allocation())));
- return;
- }
- goto unhandled;
- }
- //-------------- TX ---------------//
- if ((port = tx_port_index(port_id)) != -1) {
- //------------ ALLOCATE (TX) ----------------//
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_cmd_allocate_channel)){
- if(!d_opened) {
- d_tx[port]->send(s_response_allocate_channel,
- pmt_list3(invocation_handle,
- s_err_usrp_not_opened,
- pmt_from_long(0)));
- return;
- }
- handle_cmd_allocate_channel(d_tx[port], d_chaninfo_tx, data);
- return;
- }
- //----------- DEALLOCATE (TX) ---------------//
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_cmd_deallocate_channel)) {
- if(!d_opened) {
- d_tx[port]->send(s_response_deallocate_channel,
- pmt_list3(invocation_handle,
- s_err_usrp_not_opened,
- pmt_from_long(0)));
- return;
- }
- handle_cmd_deallocate_channel(d_tx[port], d_chaninfo_tx, data);
- return;
- }
- //-------------- XMIT RAW FRAME -----------------/
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_cmd_xmit_raw_frame)){
- if(!d_opened) {
- d_tx[port]->send(s_response_xmit_raw_frame,
- pmt_list2(invocation_handle, s_err_usrp_not_opened));
- return;
- }
- handle_cmd_xmit_raw_frame(d_tx[port], d_chaninfo_tx, data);
- return;
- }
- //-------------- CONTROL PACKET -----------------/
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_cmd_to_control_channel)) {
- if(!d_opened) {
- d_tx[port]->send(s_response_xmit_raw_frame,
- pmt_list2(invocation_handle, s_err_usrp_not_opened));
- return;
- }
- handle_cmd_to_control_channel(d_tx[port], d_chaninfo_tx, data);
- return;
- }
- goto unhandled;
- }
- //-------------- RX ---------------//
- if ((port = rx_port_index(port_id)) != -1) {
- //------------ ALLOCATE (RX) ----------------//
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_cmd_allocate_channel)) {
- if(!d_opened) {
- d_rx[port]->send(s_response_allocate_channel,
- pmt_list3(invocation_handle,
- s_err_usrp_not_opened,
- pmt_from_long(0)));
- return;
- }
- handle_cmd_allocate_channel(d_rx[port], d_chaninfo_rx, data);
- return;
- }
- //----------- DEALLOCATE (RX) ---------------//
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_cmd_deallocate_channel)) {
- if(!d_opened) {
- d_rx[port]->send(s_response_deallocate_channel,
- pmt_list3(invocation_handle,
- s_err_usrp_not_opened,
- pmt_from_long(0)));
- return;
- }
- handle_cmd_deallocate_channel(d_rx[port], d_chaninfo_rx, data);
- return;
- }
- //-------------- START RECV ----------------//
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_cmd_start_recv_raw_samples)) {
- if(!d_opened) {
- d_rx[port]->send(s_response_recv_raw_samples,
- pmt_list2(invocation_handle, s_err_usrp_not_opened));
- return;
- }
- handle_cmd_start_recv_raw_samples(d_rx[port], d_chaninfo_rx, data);
- return;
- }
- //-------------- STOP RECV ----------------//
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_cmd_stop_recv_raw_samples)) {
- if(!d_opened)
- return;
- // FIX ME : no response for stopping? even if error? (permissions)
- handle_cmd_stop_recv_raw_samples(d_rx[port], d_chaninfo_rx, data);
- return;
- }
- goto unhandled;
- }
- unhandled:
- std::cout << "[USRP_SERVER] unhandled msg: " << msg << std::endl;
- * \brief Takes a port_symbol() as parameter \p port_id and is used to determine
- * if the port is a TX port, or to find an index in the d_tx vector which stores
- * the port.
- *
- * \returns -1 if \p port_id is not in the d_tx vector (i.e., it's not a TX
- * port), otherwise returns an index in the d_tx vector which stores the port.
- */
-int usrp_server::tx_port_index(pmt_t port_id) {
- for(int i=0; i < (int) d_tx.size(); i++)
- if(pmt_eq(d_tx[i]->port_symbol(), port_id))
- return i;
- return -1;
- * \brief Takes a port_symbol() as parameter \p port_id and is used to determine
- * if the port is an RX port, or to find an index in the d_rx vector which
- * stores the port.
- *
- * \returns -1 if \p port_id is not in the d_rx vector (i.e., it's not an RX
- * port), otherwise returns an index in the d_rx vector which stores the port.
- */
-int usrp_server::rx_port_index(pmt_t port_id) {
- for(int i=0; i < (int) d_rx.size(); i++)
- if(pmt_eq(d_rx[i]->port_symbol(), port_id))
- return i;
- return -1;
- * \brief Determines the current total capacity allocated by all RX and TX
- * channels.
- *
- * \returns the total allocated capacity
- */
-long usrp_server::current_capacity_allocation() {
- long capacity = 0;
- for(int chan=0; chan < d_ntx_chan; chan++)
- capacity += d_chaninfo_tx[chan].assigned_capacity;
- for(int chan=0; chan < d_nrx_chan; chan++)
- capacity += d_chaninfo_rx[chan].assigned_capacity;
- return capacity;
- * \brief Called by the handle_message() method if the incoming message to
- * usrp_server is to allocate a channel (cmd-allocate-channel). The method
- * checks if the requested capacity exists and if so it will reserve it for the
- * caller on the channel that is returned via a response-allocate-channel
- * signal.
- */
- mb_port_sptr port,
- std::vector<struct channel_info> &chan_info,
- pmt_t data)
- pmt_t invocation_handle = pmt_nth(0, data);
- long rqstd_capacity = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(1, data));
- long chan;
- // Check capacity exists
- if((D_USB_CAPACITY - current_capacity_allocation()) < rqstd_capacity) {
- // no capacity available
- port->send(s_response_allocate_channel,
- pmt_list3(invocation_handle,
- s_err_requested_capacity_unavailable,
- PMT_NIL));
- return;
- }
- // Find a free channel, assign the capacity and respond
- for(chan=0; chan < (long)chan_info.size(); chan++) {
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_SERVER] Checking chan: " << chan
- << " owner " << chan_info[chan].owner
- << " size " << chan_info.size()
- << std::endl;
- if(chan_info[chan].owner == PMT_NIL) {
- chan_info[chan].owner = port->port_symbol();
- chan_info[chan].assigned_capacity = rqstd_capacity;
- port->send(s_response_allocate_channel,
- pmt_list3(invocation_handle,
- PMT_T,
- pmt_from_long(chan)));
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_SERVER] Assigning channel: " << chan
- << " to " << chan_info[chan].owner
- << std::endl;
- return;
- }
- }
- if (verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_SERVER] Couldnt find a TX chan\n";
- // no free TX chan found
- port->send(s_response_allocate_channel,
- pmt_list3(invocation_handle,
- s_err_channel_unavailable,
- PMT_NIL));
- return;
- * \brief Called by the handle_message() method if the incoming message to
- * usrp_server is to deallocate a channel (cmd-deallocate-channel). The method
- * ensures that the sender of the signal owns the channel and that the channel
- * number is valid. A response-deallocate-channel signal is sent back with the
- * result of the deallocation.
- */
- mb_port_sptr port,
- std::vector<struct channel_info> &chan_info,
- pmt_t data)
- pmt_t invocation_handle = pmt_nth(0, data);
- long channel = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(1, data));
- // Ensure the channel is valid and the caller owns the port
- if(!check_valid(port, channel, chan_info,
- pmt_list2(s_response_deallocate_channel, invocation_handle)))
- return;
- chan_info[channel].assigned_capacity = 0;
- chan_info[channel].owner = PMT_NIL;
- port->send(s_response_deallocate_channel,
- pmt_list2(invocation_handle,
- PMT_T));
- return;
- * \brief Called by the handle_message() method if the incoming message to
- * usrp_server is to transmit a frame (cmd-xmit-raw-frame). The method
- * allocates enough memory to support a burst of packets which contain the frame
- * over the bus of the frame, sets the packet headers, and sends a signal to the
- * lower block for the data (packets) to be written to the bus.
- *
- * The \p port the command was sent on and the channel info (\p chan_info) of
- * the channel the frame is to be transmitted on are passed to ensure that the
- * caller owns the channel.
- *
- * The \p data parameter is in the format of a cmd-xmit-raw-frame signal.
- *
- * The properties
- */
-void usrp_server::handle_cmd_xmit_raw_frame(
- mb_port_sptr port,
- std::vector<struct channel_info> &chan_info,
- pmt_t data)
- size_t n_bytes, psize;
- long max_payload_len = transport_pkt::max_payload();
- pmt_t invocation_handle = pmt_nth(0, data);
- long channel = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(1, data));
- const void *samples = pmt_uniform_vector_elements(pmt_nth(2, data), n_bytes);
- long timestamp = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(3, data));
- pmt_t properties = pmt_nth(4, data);
- // Ensure the channel is valid and the caller owns the port
- if(!check_valid(port, channel, chan_info,
- pmt_list2(s_response_xmit_raw_frame, invocation_handle)))
- return;
- // Read information from the properties of the packet
- bool carrier_sense = false;
- if(pmt_is_dict(properties)) {
- // Check if carrier sense is enabled for the frame
- if(pmt_t p_carrier_sense = pmt_dict_ref(properties,
- pmt_intern("carrier-sense"),
- PMT_NIL)) {
- if(pmt_eqv(p_carrier_sense, PMT_T))
- carrier_sense = true;
- }
- }
- // Determine the number of packets to allocate contiguous memory for
- // bursting over the USB and get a pointer to the memory to be used in
- // building the packets
- long n_packets =
- static_cast<long>(std::ceil(n_bytes / (double)max_payload_len));
- pmt_t v_packets = pmt_make_u8vector(sizeof(transport_pkt) * n_packets, 0);
- transport_pkt *pkts =
- (transport_pkt *) pmt_u8vector_writable_elements(v_packets, psize);
- for(int n=0; n < n_packets; n++) {
- long payload_len =
- std::min((long)(n_bytes-(n*max_payload_len)), (long)max_payload_len);
- if(n == 0) { // first packet gets start of burst flag and timestamp
- if(carrier_sense)
- pkts[n].set_header(pkts[n].FL_START_OF_BURST
- | pkts[n].FL_CARRIER_SENSE,
- channel, 0, payload_len);
- else
- pkts[n].set_header(pkts[n].FL_START_OF_BURST, channel, 0, payload_len);
- pkts[n].set_timestamp(timestamp);
- } else {
- pkts[n].set_header(0, channel, 0, payload_len);
- pkts[n].set_timestamp(0xffffffff);
- }
- memcpy(pkts[n].payload(),
- (uint8_t *)samples+(max_payload_len * n),
- payload_len);
- }
- pkts[n_packets-1].set_end_of_burst(); // set the last packet's end of burst
- if (verbose && 0)
- std::cout << "[USRP_SERVER] Received raw frame invocation: "
- << invocation_handle << std::endl;
- // The actual response to the write will be generated by a
- // s_response_usrp_write since we cannot determine whether to transmit was
- // successful until we hear from the lower layers.
- d_cs_usrp->send(s_cmd_usrp_write,
- pmt_list3(invocation_handle,
- pmt_from_long(channel),
- v_packets));
- return;
- * \brief Called by the handle_message() method to parse incoming control/status
- * signals (cmd-to-control-channel).
- *
- * The \p port the command was sent on and the channel info (\p chan_info) of
- * the channel are passed to ensure that the caller owns the channel.
- *
- * The \p data parameter is in the format of a PMT list, where each element
- * follows the format of a control/status signal (i.e. op-ping-fixed).
- *
- * The method will parse all of the C/S commands included in \p data and place
- * the commands in to a lower level packet sent to the control channel. The
- * method will pack as many commands as possible in t oa single packet, and once
- * it is fill generate as many lower level packets as needed.
- *
- * Anything that needs to be returned to the sender of the signal (i.e. the
- * value of a register) will be generated by the parse_control_pkt() method as
- * the responses to the commands are read back from the USRP.
- */
-void usrp_server::handle_cmd_to_control_channel(
- mb_port_sptr port,
- std::vector<struct channel_info> &chan_info,
- pmt_t data)
- pmt_t invocation_handle = pmt_nth(0, data);
- pmt_t subpackets = pmt_nth(1, data);
- long n_subpkts = pmt_length(subpackets);
- long curr_subpkt = 0;
- size_t psize;
- long payload_len = 0;
- long channel = CONTROL_CHAN;
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_SERVER] Handling " << n_subpkts << " commands\n";
- // The design of the following code is optimized for simplicity, not
- // performance. To performance optimize this code, the total size in bytes
- // needed for all of the CS packets is needed to allocate contiguous memory
- // which contains the USB packets for bursting over the bus. However to do
- // this the packets subpackets would need to be parsed twice and their sizes
- // would need to be determined.
- //
- // The approach taken is to keep parsing the subpackets and putting them in to
- // USB packets. Once the USB packet is full, a write is sent for it and
- // another packet is created.
- //
- // The subpacket creation methods will return false if the subpacket will not
- // fit in to the current USB packet. In these cases a new USB packet is
- // created and the old is sent.
- new_packet:
- // This code needs to become "smart" and only make a new packet when full
- pmt_t v_packet = pmt_make_u8vector(sizeof(transport_pkt), 0);
- transport_pkt *pkt = (transport_pkt *) pmt_u8vector_writable_elements(v_packet, psize);
- payload_len = 0;
- pkt->set_header(0, channel, 0, payload_len);
- pkt->set_timestamp(0xffffffff);
- while(curr_subpkt < n_subpkts) {
- pmt_t subp = pmt_nth(curr_subpkt, subpackets);
- pmt_t subp_cmd = pmt_nth(0, subp);
- pmt_t subp_data = pmt_nth(1, subp);
- //--------- PING FIXED --------------//
- if(pmt_eq(subp_cmd, s_op_ping_fixed)) {
- long urid = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(0, subp_data));
- long pingval = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(1, subp_data));
- // USRP server sets request ID's to keep track of which application gets
- // what response back. To allow a full 6-bits for an RID to the user, we
- // keep a mapping and replace the RID's as the packets go in and out. If
- // there are no RID's available, the command is thrown away silently.
- long srid;
- if((srid = next_rid()) == -1)
- goto subpkt_bail;
- // We use a vector to store the owner of the ping request and will use it
- // to send the request on any RX port they own.
- d_rids[srid].owner = port->port_symbol();
- d_rids[srid].user_rid = urid;
- // Adds a ping after the previous command in the pkt
- if(!pkt->cs_ping(srid, pingval))
- {
- d_cs_usrp->send(s_cmd_usrp_write,
- pmt_list3(invocation_handle,
- pmt_from_long(channel),
- v_packet));
- // Return the RID
- d_rids[srid].owner = PMT_NIL;
- goto new_packet;
- }
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_SERVER] Received ping command request"
- << " assigning RID " << srid << std::endl;
- }
- //----------- WRITE REG ---------------//
- if(pmt_eq(subp_cmd, s_op_write_reg)) {
- long reg_num = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(0, subp_data));
- long val = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(1, subp_data));
- if(!pkt->cs_write_reg(reg_num, val))
- {
- d_cs_usrp->send(s_cmd_usrp_write,
- pmt_list3(invocation_handle,
- pmt_from_long(channel),
- v_packet));
- goto new_packet;
- }
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_SERVER] Received write register request "
- << "("
- << "Reg: " << reg_num << ", "
- << "Val: " << val
- << ")\n";
- }
- //------- WRITE REG MASKED ----------//
- if(pmt_eq(subp_cmd, s_op_write_reg_masked)) {
- long reg_num = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(0, subp_data));
- long val = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(1, subp_data));
- long mask = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(2, subp_data));
- if(!pkt->cs_write_reg_masked(reg_num, val, mask))
- {
- d_cs_usrp->send(s_cmd_usrp_write,
- pmt_list3(invocation_handle,
- pmt_from_long(channel),
- v_packet));
- goto new_packet;
- }
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_SERVER] Received write register masked request\n";
- }
- //------------ READ REG --------------//
- if(pmt_eq(subp_cmd, s_op_read_reg)) {
- long urid = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(0, subp_data));
- long reg_num = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(1, subp_data));
- long srid;
- if((srid = next_rid()) == -1)
- goto subpkt_bail;
- d_rids[srid].owner = port->port_symbol();
- d_rids[srid].user_rid = urid;
- if(!pkt->cs_read_reg(srid, reg_num))
- {
- d_cs_usrp->send(s_cmd_usrp_write,
- pmt_list3(invocation_handle,
- pmt_from_long(channel),
- v_packet));
- // Return the rid
- d_rids[srid].owner = PMT_NIL;
- goto new_packet;
- }
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_SERVER] Received read register request"
- << " assigning RID " << srid << std::endl;
- }
- //------------ DELAY --------------//
- if(pmt_eq(subp_cmd, s_op_delay)) {
- long ticks = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(0, subp_data));
- if(!pkt->cs_delay(ticks))
- {
- d_cs_usrp->send(s_cmd_usrp_write,
- pmt_list3(invocation_handle,
- pmt_from_long(channel),
- v_packet));
- goto new_packet;
- }
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_SERVER] Received delay request of "
- << ticks << " ticks\n";
- }
- //--------- I2C WRITE -----------//
- // FIXME: could check that byte count does not exceed 2^8 which
- // is the max length in the subpacket for # of bytes to read.
- if(pmt_eq(subp_cmd, s_op_i2c_write)) {
- long i2c_addr = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(0, subp_data));
- pmt_t data = pmt_nth(1, subp_data);
- // Get a readable address to the data which also gives us the length
- size_t data_len;
- uint8_t *i2c_data = (uint8_t *) pmt_u8vector_writable_elements(data, data_len);
- // Make the USB packet
- if(!pkt->cs_i2c_write(i2c_addr, i2c_data, data_len))
- {
- d_cs_usrp->send(s_cmd_usrp_write,
- pmt_list3(invocation_handle,
- pmt_from_long(channel),
- v_packet));
- goto new_packet;
- }
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_SERVER] Received I2C write\n";
- }
- //----------- I2C Read -------------//
- if(pmt_eq(subp_cmd, s_op_i2c_read)) {
- long urid = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(0, subp_data));
- long i2c_addr = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(1, subp_data));
- long i2c_bytes = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(2, subp_data));
- long srid;
- if((srid = next_rid()) == -1)
- goto subpkt_bail;
- d_rids[srid].owner = port->port_symbol();
- d_rids[srid].user_rid = urid;
- if(!pkt->cs_i2c_read(srid, i2c_addr, i2c_bytes))
- {
- d_cs_usrp->send(s_cmd_usrp_write,
- pmt_list3(invocation_handle,
- pmt_from_long(channel),
- v_packet));
- d_rids[srid].owner = PMT_NIL;
- goto new_packet;
- }
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_SERVER] Received I2C read\n";
- }
- //--------- SPI WRITE -----------//
- if(pmt_eq(subp_cmd, s_op_spi_write)) {
- long enables = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(0, subp_data));
- long format = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(1, subp_data));
- long opt = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(2, subp_data));
- pmt_t data = pmt_nth(3, subp_data);
- // Get a readable address to the data which also gives us the length
- size_t data_len;
- uint8_t *spi_data = (uint8_t *) pmt_u8vector_writable_elements(data, data_len);
- // Make the USB packet
- if(!pkt->cs_spi_write(enables, format, opt, spi_data, data_len))
- {
- d_cs_usrp->send(s_cmd_usrp_write,
- pmt_list3(invocation_handle,
- pmt_from_long(channel),
- v_packet));
- goto new_packet;
- }
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_SERVER] Received SPI write\n";
- }
- //--------- SPI READ -----------//
- if(pmt_eq(subp_cmd, s_op_spi_read)) {
- long urid = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(0, subp_data));
- long enables = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(1, subp_data));
- long format = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(2, subp_data));
- long opt = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(3, subp_data));
- long n_bytes = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(4, subp_data));
- long srid;
- if((srid = next_rid()) == -1)
- goto subpkt_bail;
- d_rids[srid].owner = port->port_symbol();
- d_rids[srid].user_rid = urid;
- // Make the USB packet
- if(!pkt->cs_spi_read(srid, enables, format, opt, n_bytes))
- {
- d_cs_usrp->send(s_cmd_usrp_write,
- pmt_list3(invocation_handle,
- pmt_from_long(channel),
- v_packet));
- // Return the rid
- d_rids[srid].owner = PMT_NIL;
- goto new_packet;
- }
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_SERVER] Received SPI read\n";
- }
- subpkt_bail:
- curr_subpkt++;
- }
- // If the current packets length is > 0, we know there are subpackets that
- // need to be sent out still.
- if(pkt->payload_len() > 0)
- d_cs_usrp->send(s_cmd_usrp_write,
- pmt_list3(invocation_handle,
- pmt_from_long(channel),
- v_packet));
- return;
- * \brief Called by the handle_message() method when the incoming signal is a
- * command to start reading samples from the USRP (cmd-start-recv-raw-samples).
- *
- * The \p port the command was sent on and the channel info (\p chan_info) of
- * the channel are passed to ensure that the caller owns the channel.
- *
- * The \p data parameter should be in the format of a cmd-start-recv-raw-samples
- * command where the first element in the list is an invocation handle, and the
- * second is the channel the signal generator wants to receive the samples on.
- */
- mb_port_sptr port,
- std::vector<struct channel_info> &chan_info,
- pmt_t data)
- pmt_t invocation_handle = pmt_nth(0, data);
- long channel = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(1, data));
- // Ensure the channel is valid and the caller owns the port
- if(!check_valid(port, channel, chan_info,
- pmt_list2(s_response_xmit_raw_frame, invocation_handle)))
- return;
- // Already started receiving samples? (another start before a stop)
- // Check the RX channel bitmask.
- if(d_rx_chan_mask & (1 << channel)) {
- port->send(s_response_recv_raw_samples,
- pmt_list5(invocation_handle,
- s_err_already_receiving,
- PMT_NIL));
- return;
- }
- // We only need to generate a 'start reading' command down to the
- // low level interface if no other channel is already reading
- //
- // We carry this over the CS interface because the lower level
- // interface does not care about the channel, we only demux it
- // at the usrp_server on responses.
- if(d_rx_chan_mask == 0) {
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_SERVER] Sending read request down to start recv\n";
- d_cs_usrp->send(s_cmd_usrp_start_reading, pmt_list1(invocation_handle));
- }
- d_rx_chan_mask |= 1<<channel;
- return;
- * \brief Called by the handle_message() method when the incoming signal is to
- * stop receiving samples from the USRP (cmd-stop-recv-raw-samples).
- *
- * The \p port the command was sent on and the channel info (\p chan_info) of
- * the channel are passed to ensure that the caller owns the channel.
- *
- * The \p data parameter should be in the format of a cmd-stop-recv-raw-samples
- * command where the first element in the list is an invocation handle, and the
- * second is the channel the signal generator wants to stop receiving the
- * samples from.
- */
- mb_port_sptr port,
- std::vector<struct channel_info> &chan_info,
- pmt_t data)
- pmt_t invocation_handle = pmt_nth(0, data);
- long channel = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(1, data));
- // FIX ME : we have no responses to send an error...
- // Ensure the channel is valid and the caller owns the port
- //if(!check_valid(port, channel, chan_info,
- // pmt_list2(s_response_xmit_raw_frame, invocation_handle)))
- // return;
- // Remove this hosts bit from the receiver mask
- d_rx_chan_mask &= ~(1<<channel);
- // We only need to generate a 'start reading' command down to the
- // low level interface if no other channel is already reading
- //
- // We carry this over the CS interface because the lower level
- // interface does not care about the channel, we only demux it
- // at the usrp_server on responses.
- if(d_rx_chan_mask == 0) {
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_SERVER] Sending stop reading request down\n";
- d_cs_usrp->send(s_cmd_usrp_stop_reading, pmt_list1(invocation_handle));
- }
- return;
- * \brief Called by the handle_message() method when an incoming signal is
- * generated to USRP server that contains raw samples from the USRP. This
- * method generates the response-recv-raw-samples signals that are the result of
- * a cmd-start-recv-raw-samples signal.
- *
- * The raw lower-level packet is extracted from \p data, where the format for \p
- * data is a PMT list. The PMT \p data list should contain an invocation handle
- * as the first element, the status of the lower-level read as the second
- * element, and a uniform vector representation of the packets as the third
- * element.
- *
- * The packet contains a channel field that the samples are destined to, and the
- * method determines where to send the samples based on this channel since each
- * channel has an associated port which allocated it.
- */
-usrp_server::handle_response_usrp_read(pmt_t data)
- pmt_t invocation_handle = pmt_nth(0, data);
- pmt_t status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- pmt_t v_pkt = pmt_nth(2, data);
- size_t n_bytes;
- size_t ignore;
- if (d_fake_rx) {
- pmt_t pkt = pmt_nth(2, data);
- d_rx[0]->send(s_response_recv_raw_samples,
- pmt_list5(PMT_F,
- PMT_T,
- pkt,
- pmt_from_long(0xffff),
- PMT_NIL));
- return;
- }
- // Extract the packet and return appropriately
- transport_pkt *pkt = (transport_pkt *) pmt_u8vector_writable_elements(v_pkt, n_bytes);
- // The channel is used to find the port to pass the samples on
- long channel = pkt->chan();
- long payload_len = pkt->payload_len();
- long port;
- // Ignore packets which seem to have incorrect size or size 0
- if(payload_len > pkt->max_payload() || payload_len == 0)
- return;
- // If the packet is a C/S packet, parse it separately
- if(channel == CONTROL_CHAN) {
- parse_control_pkt(invocation_handle, pkt);
- return;
- }
- if((port = rx_port_index(d_chaninfo_rx[channel].owner)) == -1)
- return; // Don't know where to send the sample... possibility on abrupt close
- pmt_t v_samples = pmt_make_u8vector(payload_len, 0);
- uint8_t *samples = pmt_u8vector_writable_elements(v_samples, ignore);
- memcpy(samples, pkt->payload(), payload_len);
- // Build a properties dictionary to store things such as the RSSI
- pmt_t properties = pmt_make_dict();
- pmt_dict_set(properties,
- pmt_intern("rssi"),
- pmt_from_long(pkt->rssi()));
- if(pkt->overrun())
- pmt_dict_set(properties,
- pmt_intern("overrun"),
- PMT_T);
- if(pkt->underrun())
- pmt_dict_set(properties,
- pmt_intern("underrun"),
- PMT_T);
- d_rx[port]->send(s_response_recv_raw_samples,
- pmt_list6(invocation_handle,
- status,
- v_samples,
- pmt_from_long(pkt->timestamp()),
- pmt_from_long(channel),
- properties));
- return;
- * \brief Called by handle_response_usrp_read() when the incoming packet has a
- * channel of CONTROL_CHAN. This means that the incoming packet contains a
- * response for a command sent to the control channel, which this method will
- * parse.
- *
- * The \p pkt parameter is a pointer to the full packet (transport_pkt) in
- * memory.
- *
- * Given that all commands sent to the control channel that require responses
- * will carry an RID (request ID), the method will use the RID passed back with
- * the response to determine which port the response should be sent on.
- */
-usrp_server::parse_control_pkt(pmt_t invocation_handle, transport_pkt *pkt)
- long payload_len = pkt->payload_len();
- long curr_payload = 0;
- long port;
- // We dispatch based on the control packet type, however we can extract the
- // opcode and the length immediately which is consistent in all responses.
- //
- // Since each control packet can have multiple responses, we keep reading the
- // lengths of each subpacket until we reach the payload length.
- while(curr_payload < payload_len) {
- pmt_t sub_packet = pkt->read_subpacket(curr_payload);
- pmt_t op_symbol = pmt_nth(0, sub_packet);
- int len = pkt->cs_len(curr_payload);
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_SERVER] Parsing subpacket "
- << op_symbol << " ... length " << len << std::endl;
- //----------------- PING RESPONSE ------------------//
- if(pmt_eq(op_symbol, s_op_ping_fixed_reply)) {
- long srid = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(1, sub_packet));
- pmt_t pingval = pmt_nth(2, sub_packet);
- long urid = d_rids[srid].user_rid;
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_SERVER] Found ping response "
- << "("
- << "URID: " << urid << ", "
- << "SRID: " << srid << ", "
- << "VAL: " << pingval
- << ")\n";
- // Do some bounds checking incase of bogus/corrupt responses
- if(srid > D_MAX_RID)
- return;
- pmt_t owner = d_rids[srid].owner;
- // Return the RID
- d_rids[srid].owner = PMT_NIL;
- // FIXME: should be 1 response for all subpackets here ?
- if((port = tx_port_index(owner)) != -1)
- d_tx[port]->send(s_response_from_control_channel,
- pmt_list4(invocation_handle,
- PMT_T,
- pmt_list2(s_op_ping_fixed_reply, // subp
- pmt_list2(pmt_from_long(urid),
- pingval)),
- pmt_from_long(pkt->timestamp())));
- }
- //----------------- READ REG RESPONSE ------------------//
- else if(pmt_eq(op_symbol, s_op_read_reg_reply)) {
- long srid = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(1, sub_packet));
- pmt_t reg_num = pmt_nth(2, sub_packet);
- pmt_t reg_val = pmt_nth(3, sub_packet);
- long urid = d_rids[srid].user_rid;
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_SERVER] Found read register response "
- << "("
- << "URID: " << urid << ", "
- << "SRID: " << srid << ", "
- << "REG: " << reg_num << ", "
- << "VAL: " << reg_val
- << ")\n";
- // Do some bounds checking to avoid seg faults
- if(srid > D_MAX_RID)
- return;
- pmt_t owner = d_rids[srid].owner;
- // Return the RID
- d_rids[srid].owner = PMT_NIL;
- // FIXME: should be 1 response for all subpackets here ?
- if((port = tx_port_index(owner)) != -1)
- d_tx[port]->send(s_response_from_control_channel,
- pmt_list4(invocation_handle,
- PMT_T,
- pmt_list2(s_op_read_reg_reply, // subp
- pmt_list3(pmt_from_long(urid),
- reg_num,
- reg_val)),
- pmt_from_long(pkt->timestamp())));
- }
- //------------------ I2C READ REPLY -------------------//
- else if(pmt_eq(op_symbol, s_op_i2c_read_reply)) {
- long srid = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(1, sub_packet));
- pmt_t i2c_addr = pmt_nth(2, sub_packet);
- pmt_t i2c_data = pmt_nth(3, sub_packet);
- long urid = d_rids[srid].user_rid;
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_SERVER] Found i2c read reply "
- << "("
- << "URID: " << urid << ", "
- << "SRID: " << srid << ", "
- << "Addr: " << i2c_addr << ", "
- << "Data: " << i2c_data
- << ")\n";
- // Do some bounds checking to avoid seg faults
- if(srid > D_MAX_RID)
- return;
- pmt_t owner = d_rids[srid].owner;
- // Return the RID
- d_rids[srid].owner = PMT_NIL;
- if((port = tx_port_index(owner)) != -1)
- d_tx[port]->send(s_response_from_control_channel,
- pmt_list4(invocation_handle,
- PMT_T,
- pmt_list2(s_op_i2c_read_reply,
- pmt_list3(pmt_from_long(urid),
- i2c_addr,
- i2c_data)),
- pmt_from_long(pkt->timestamp())));
- }
- //------------------ SPI READ REPLY -------------------//
- else if(pmt_eq(op_symbol, s_op_spi_read_reply)) {
- long srid = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(1, sub_packet));
- pmt_t spi_data = pmt_nth(2, sub_packet);
- long urid = d_rids[srid].user_rid;
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_SERVER] Found SPI read reply "
- << "("
- << "URID: " << urid << ", "
- << "SRID: " << srid << ", "
- << "Data: " << spi_data
- << ")\n";
- // Bounds check the RID
- if(srid > D_MAX_RID)
- return;
- pmt_t owner = d_rids[srid].owner;
- // Return the RID
- d_rids[srid].owner = PMT_NIL;
- if((port = tx_port_index(owner)) != -1)
- d_tx[port]->send(s_response_from_control_channel,
- pmt_list4(invocation_handle,
- PMT_T,
- pmt_list2(s_op_spi_read_reply,
- pmt_list2(pmt_from_long(urid),
- spi_data)),
- pmt_from_long(pkt->timestamp())));
- }
- // Each subpacket has an unaccounted for 2 bytes which is the opcode
- // and the length field
- curr_payload += len + 2;
- // All subpackets are 32-bit aligned
- int align_offset = 4 - (curr_payload % 4);
- if(align_offset != 4)
- curr_payload += align_offset;
- }
- * \brief Used to recall all incoming signals that were deferred when USRP
- * server was in the initialization state.
- */
- std::vector<mb_message_sptr> recall;
- while(!d_defer_queue.empty()) {
- recall.push_back(d_defer_queue.front());
- d_defer_queue.pop();
- }
- // Parse the messages that were queued while waiting for an open response
- for(int i=0; i < (int)recall.size(); i++)
- handle_message(recall[i]);
- return;
- * \brief Commonly called by any method which handles outgoing frames or control
- * packets to the USRP to check if the port on which the signal was sent owns
- * the channel the outgoing packet will be associated with. This helps ensure
- * that applications do not send data on other application's ports.
- *
- * The \p port parameter is the port symbol that the caller wishes to determine
- * owns the channel specified by \p chan_info.
- *
- * The \p signal_info parameter is a PMT list containing two elements: the
- * response signal to use if the permissions are invalid, and the invocation
- * handle that was passed. This allows the method to generate detailed failure
- * responses to signals without having to return some sort of structured
- * information which the caller must then parse and interpret to determine the
- * failure type.
- *
- * \returns true if \p port owns the channel specified by \p chan_info, false
- * otherwise.
- */
-usrp_server::check_valid(mb_port_sptr port,
- long channel,
- std::vector<struct channel_info> &chan_info,
- pmt_t signal_info)
- pmt_t response_signal = pmt_nth(0, signal_info);
- pmt_t invocation_handle = pmt_nth(1, signal_info);
- // not a valid channel number?
- if(channel >= (long)chan_info.size() && channel != CONTROL_CHAN) {
- port->send(response_signal,
- pmt_list2(invocation_handle,
- s_err_channel_invalid));
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_SERVER] Invalid channel number for event "
- << response_signal << std::endl;
- return false;
- }
- // not the owner of the port?
- if(chan_info[channel].owner != port->port_symbol()) {
- port->send(response_signal,
- pmt_list2(invocation_handle,
- s_err_channel_permission_denied));
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_SERVER] Invalid permissions"
- << " for " << response_signal
- << " from " << port->port_symbol()
- << " proper owner is " << chan_info[channel].owner
- << " on channel " << channel
- << " invocation " << invocation_handle
- << std::endl;
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- * \brief Finds the next available RID for internal USRP server use with control
- * and status packets.
- *
- * \returns the next valid RID or -1 if no more RIDs are available.
- */
- for(int i = 0; i < D_MAX_RID; i++)
- if(pmt_eqv(d_rids[i].owner, PMT_NIL))
- return i;
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_SERVER] No RIDs left\n";
- return -1;
- * \brief Called by handle_message() when USRP server gets a response that the
- * USRP was opened successfully to initialize the registers using the new
- * register read/write control packets.
- */
- // We use handle_cmd_to_control_channel() to create the register writes using
- // PMT_NIL as the response port to tell usrp_server not to pass the response
- // up to any application.
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_SERVER] Initializing registers...\n";
- // RX mode to normal (0)
- set_register(FR_MODE, 0);
- // FPGA debugging?
- if(d_fpga_debug) {
- set_register(FR_DEBUG_EN, 1);
- // FIXME: need to figure out exact register writes to control daughterboard
- // pins that need to be written to
- } else {
- set_register(FR_DEBUG_EN, 0);
- }
- // Set the transmit sample rate divisor, which is 4-1
- set_register(FR_TX_SAMPLE_RATE_DIV, 3);
- // Dboard IO buffer and register settings
- set_register(FR_OE_0, (0xffff << 16) | 0x0000);
- set_register(FR_IO_0, (0xffff << 16) | 0x0000);
- set_register(FR_OE_1, (0xffff << 16) | 0x0000);
- set_register(FR_IO_1, (0xffff << 16) | 0x0000);
- set_register(FR_OE_2, (0xffff << 16) | 0x0000);
- set_register(FR_IO_2, (0xffff << 16) | 0x0000);
- set_register(FR_OE_3, (0xffff << 16) | 0x0000);
- set_register(FR_IO_3, (0xffff << 16) | 0x0000);
- // zero Tx side Auto Transmit/Receive regs
- set_register(FR_ATR_MASK_0, 0);
- set_register(FR_ATR_TXVAL_0, 0);
- set_register(FR_ATR_RXVAL_0, 0);
- set_register(FR_ATR_MASK_1, 0);
- set_register(FR_ATR_TXVAL_1, 0);
- set_register(FR_ATR_RXVAL_1, 0);
- set_register(FR_ATR_MASK_2, 0);
- set_register(FR_ATR_TXVAL_2, 0);
- set_register(FR_ATR_RXVAL_2, 0);
- set_register(FR_ATR_MASK_3, 0);
- set_register(FR_ATR_TXVAL_3, 0);
- set_register(FR_ATR_RXVAL_3, 0);
- // Configure TX mux, this is a hacked value
- set_register(FR_TX_MUX, 0x00000081);
- // Set the interpolation rate, which is the rate divided by 4, minus 1
- set_register(FR_INTERP_RATE, (d_interp_tx/4)-1);
- // Apparently this register changes again
- set_register(FR_TX_MUX, 0x00000981);
- // Set the receive sample rate divisor, which is 2-1
- set_register(FR_RX_SAMPLE_RATE_DIV, 1);
- // DC offset
- set_register(FR_DC_OFFSET_CL_EN, 0x0000000f);
- // Reset the DC correction offsets
- set_register(FR_ADC_OFFSET_0, 0);
- set_register(FR_ADC_OFFSET_1, 0);
- // Some hard-coded RX configuration
- set_register(FR_RX_FORMAT, 0x00000300);
- set_register(FR_RX_MUX, 1);
- // RX decimation rate is divided by two, then subtract 1
- set_register(FR_DECIM_RATE, (d_decim_rx/2)-1);
- // More hard coding
- set_register(FR_RX_MUX, 0x000e4e41);
- // Resetting RX registers
- set_register(FR_RX_PHASE_0, 0);
- set_register(FR_RX_PHASE_1, 0);
- set_register(FR_RX_PHASE_2, 0);
- set_register(FR_RX_PHASE_3, 0);
- set_register(FR_RX_FREQ_0, 0x28000000);
- set_register(FR_RX_FREQ_1, 0);
- set_register(FR_RX_FREQ_2, 0);
- set_register(FR_RX_FREQ_3, 0);
- // Enable debug bus
- set_register(FR_DEBUG_EN, 0xf);
- set_register(FR_OE_0, -1);
- set_register(FR_OE_1, -1);
- set_register(FR_OE_2, -1);
- set_register(FR_OE_3, -1);
- //check_register_initialization();
-// FIXME: used for debugging to determine if all the registers are actually
-// being set correctly
- // RX mode to normal (0)
- read_register(FR_MODE);
- // FPGA debugging?
- if(d_fpga_debug) {
- read_register(FR_DEBUG_EN);
- // FIXME: need to figure out exact register writes to control daughterboard
- // pins that need to be written to
- } else {
- read_register(FR_DEBUG_EN);
- }
- // Set the transmit sample rate divisor, which is 4-1
- read_register(FR_TX_SAMPLE_RATE_DIV);
- // Dboard IO buffer and register settings
- read_register(FR_OE_0);
- read_register(FR_IO_0);
- read_register(FR_OE_1);
- read_register(FR_IO_1);
- read_register(FR_OE_2);
- read_register(FR_IO_2);
- read_register(FR_OE_3);
- read_register(FR_IO_3);
- // zero Tx side Auto Transmit/Receive regs
- read_register(FR_ATR_MASK_0);
- read_register(FR_ATR_TXVAL_0);
- read_register(FR_ATR_RXVAL_0);
- read_register(FR_ATR_MASK_1);
- read_register(FR_ATR_TXVAL_1);
- read_register(FR_ATR_RXVAL_1);
- read_register(FR_ATR_MASK_2);
- read_register(FR_ATR_TXVAL_2);
- read_register(FR_ATR_RXVAL_2);
- read_register(FR_ATR_MASK_3);
- read_register(FR_ATR_TXVAL_3);
- read_register(FR_ATR_RXVAL_3);
- // Configure TX mux, this is a hacked value
- read_register(FR_TX_MUX);
- // Set the interpolation rate, which is the rate divided by 4, minus 1
- read_register(FR_INTERP_RATE);
- // Apparently this register changes again
- read_register(FR_TX_MUX);
- // Set the receive sample rate divisor, which is 2-1
- read_register(FR_RX_SAMPLE_RATE_DIV);
- // DC offset
- read_register(FR_DC_OFFSET_CL_EN);
- // Reset the DC correction offsets
- read_register(FR_ADC_OFFSET_0);
- read_register(FR_ADC_OFFSET_1);
- // Some hard-coded RX configuration
- read_register(FR_RX_FORMAT);
- read_register(FR_RX_MUX);
- // RX decimation rate is divided by two, then subtract 1
- read_register(FR_DECIM_RATE);
- // More hard coding
- read_register(FR_RX_MUX);
- // Resetting RX registers
- read_register(FR_RX_PHASE_0);
- read_register(FR_RX_PHASE_1);
- read_register(FR_RX_PHASE_2);
- read_register(FR_RX_PHASE_3);
- read_register(FR_RX_FREQ_0);
- read_register(FR_RX_FREQ_1);
- read_register(FR_RX_FREQ_2);
- read_register(FR_RX_FREQ_3);
- * \brief Used to generate FPGA register write commands to reset all of the FPGA
- * registers to a value of 0.
- */
- for(int i=0; i<64; i++)
- set_register(i, 0);
- * \brief Used internally by USRP server to generate a control/status packet
- * which contains a register write.
- *
- * The \p reg parameter is the register number that the value \p val will be
- * written to.
- */
-usrp_server::set_register(long reg, long val)
- size_t psize;
- long payload_len = 0;
- pmt_t v_packet = pmt_make_u8vector(sizeof(transport_pkt), 0);
- transport_pkt *pkt = (transport_pkt *) pmt_u8vector_writable_elements(v_packet, psize);
- pkt->set_header(0, CONTROL_CHAN, 0, payload_len);
- pkt->set_timestamp(0xffffffff);
- pkt->cs_write_reg(reg, val);
- d_cs_usrp->send(s_cmd_usrp_write,
- pmt_list3(PMT_NIL,
- pmt_from_long(CONTROL_CHAN),
- v_packet));
- * \brief Used internally by USRP server to generate a control/status packet
- * which contains a register read. This is important to use internally so that
- * USRP server can bypass the use of RIDs with register reads, as they are not
- * needed and it would use up the finite number of RIDs available for use for
- * applications to receive responses.
- *
- * The \p reg parameter is the register number that the value should be read
- * from.
- */
-usrp_server::read_register(long reg)
- size_t psize;
- long payload_len = 0;
- pmt_t v_packet = pmt_make_u8vector(sizeof(transport_pkt), 0);
- transport_pkt *pkt = (transport_pkt *) pmt_u8vector_writable_elements(v_packet, psize);
- pkt->set_header(0, CONTROL_CHAN, 0, payload_len);
- pkt->set_timestamp(0xffffffff);
- pkt->cs_read_reg(0, reg);
- d_cs_usrp->send(s_cmd_usrp_write,
- pmt_list3(PMT_NIL,
- pmt_from_long(CONTROL_CHAN),
- v_packet));
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/inband/usrp_server.h b/usrp/limbo/inband/usrp_server.h
deleted file mode 100644
index dd1825d571..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/inband/usrp_server.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <mblock/mblock.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <queue>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <usrp_inband_usb_packet.h>
-typedef usrp_inband_usb_packet transport_pkt; // makes conversion to gigabit easy
- * \brief Implements the lowest-level mblock usb_interface to the USRP
- */
-class usrp_server : public mb_mblock
- // our ports
- enum port_types {
- RX_PORT = 0,
- TX_PORT = 1
- };
- static const int N_PORTS = 4;
- std::vector<mb_port_sptr> d_tx, d_rx;
- mb_port_sptr d_cs;
- mb_port_sptr d_cs_usrp;
- static const int D_USB_CAPACITY = 32 * 1024 * 1024;
- static const int D_MAX_CHANNELS = 16;
- long d_ntx_chan;
- long d_nrx_chan;
- pmt_t d_usrp_dict;
- bool d_fpga_debug;
- long d_interp_tx;
- long d_decim_rx;
- // Keep track of the request IDs
- struct rid_info {
- pmt_t owner;
- long user_rid;
- rid_info() {
- owner = PMT_NIL;
- user_rid = 0;
- }
- };
- static const long D_MAX_RID = 64;
- std::vector<rid_info> d_rids;
- struct channel_info {
- long assigned_capacity; // the capacity currently assignedby the channel
- pmt_t owner; // port ID of the owner of the channel
- channel_info() {
- assigned_capacity = 0;
- owner = PMT_NIL;
- }
- };
- long d_rx_chan_mask; // A bitmask representing the channels in the
- // receiving state
- std::vector<struct channel_info> d_chaninfo_tx;
- std::vector<struct channel_info> d_chaninfo_rx;
- std::queue<mb_message_sptr> d_defer_queue;
- bool d_defer;
- bool d_opened;
- bool d_fake_rx;
- usrp_server(mb_runtime *rt, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- ~usrp_server();
- void initial_transition();
- void handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
- static int max_capacity() { return D_USB_CAPACITY; }
- void handle_cmd_allocate_channel(mb_port_sptr port, std::vector<struct channel_info> &chan_info, pmt_t data);
- void handle_cmd_deallocate_channel(mb_port_sptr port, std::vector<struct channel_info> &chan_info, pmt_t data);
- void handle_cmd_xmit_raw_frame(mb_port_sptr port, std::vector<struct channel_info> &chan_info, pmt_t data);
- void handle_cmd_to_control_channel(mb_port_sptr port, std::vector<struct channel_info> &chan_info, pmt_t data);
- void handle_cmd_start_recv_raw_samples(mb_port_sptr port, std::vector<struct channel_info> &chan_info, pmt_t data);
- void handle_cmd_stop_recv_raw_samples(mb_port_sptr port, std::vector<struct channel_info> &chan_info, pmt_t data);
- int rx_port_index(pmt_t port_id);
- int tx_port_index(pmt_t port_id);
- long current_capacity_allocation();
- void recall_defer_queue();
- void reset_channels();
- void handle_response_usrp_read(pmt_t data);
- bool check_valid(mb_port_sptr port, long channel, std::vector<struct channel_info> &chan_info, pmt_t signal_info);
- void parse_control_pkt(pmt_t invocation_handle, transport_pkt *pkt);
- long next_rid();
- void initialize_registers();
- void set_register(long reg, long val);
- void read_register(long reg);
- void check_register_initialization();
- void reset_all_registers();
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/inband/usrp_server.mbh b/usrp/limbo/inband/usrp_server.mbh
deleted file mode 100644
index ed7943fc37..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/inband/usrp_server.mbh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
-;; -*- scheme -*- ; not really, but tells emacs how to format this
-;; Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; This file is part of GNU Radio
-;; GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-;; any later version.
-;; GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-;; with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
-;; This is an mblock header file
-;; The format is very much a work-in-progress.
-;; It'll be compiled to C++.
-;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
-;; In the outgoing messages described below, invocation-handle is an
-;; identifier provided by the client to tag the method invocation.
-;; The identifier will be returned with the response, to provide the
-;; client with a mechanism to match asynchronous responses with the
-;; commands that generate them. The value of the invocation-handle is
-;; opaque the the server, and is not required by the server to be
-;; unique.
-;; In the incoming messages described below, invocation-handle is the
-;; identifier provided by the client in the prompting invocation. The
-;; identifier is returned with the response, so that the client has a
-;; mechanism to match asynchronous responses with the commands that
-;; generated them.
-;; status is either #t, indicating success, or a symbol indicating an error.
-;; All symbol's names shall begin with %error-
-;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
-;; usrp-channel
-;; The protocol class is defined from the client's point-of-view.
-;; (The client port is unconjugated, the server port is conjugated.)
-(define-protocol-class usrp-channel
- (:outgoing
- (cmd-allocate-channel invocation-handle capacity-reservation)
- ;; The cmd-allocate-channel message requests that the server
- ;; allocates a logical channel in the FPGA for use.
- ;; capacity-reservation specifies the number of bytes/s of
- ;; interconnect capacity (USB or ethernet) to reserve for this
- ;; channel. (The reservation is just a sanity check, no OS
- ;; specific mechanism is used.)
- (cmd-deallocate-channel invocation-handle channel)
- ;; The integer channel specifies the channel to deallocate.
- )
- (:incoming
- (response-allocate-channel invocation-handle status channel)
- ;; If successful, a channel the specified capacity was allocated.
- ;; channel, an integer, indicates which channel was allocated.
- (response-deallocate-channel invocation-handle status)
- ;; If successful, the specified channel and associated interconnect
- ;; capacity were deallocated.
- )
- )
-;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
-;; usrp-low-level-cs
-;; The protocol class is defined from the client's point-of-view.
-;; (The client port is unconjugated, the server port is conjugated.)
-;; This defines a low level control and status interface to the usrp.
-;; This will probably be replaced (or at least augmented) with a
-;; higher level interface. For now, this will allow us to get on
-;; the air.
-;; The subpackets are lists containing the relevant parameters. The
-;; server will marshall them appropriately. Below is a list of
-;; subpackets. See inband-signaling-usb for details. The opcodes are
-;; symbols; unless otherwise indicated the remaining parameters are
-;; integers. rid values are limited to 3-bits.
-;; (op-ping-fixed rid ping-value)
-;; (op-ping-fixed-reply rid ping-value)
-;; (op-write-reg reg-number reg-value)
-;; (op-write-reg-masked reg-number reg-value mask-value)
-;; (op-read-reg rid reg-number)
-;; (op-read-reg-reply rid reg-number reg-value)
-;; (op-i2c-write i2c-addr u8-vec)
-;; (op-i2c-read rid i2c-addr nbytes)
-;; (op-i2c-read-reply rid i2c-addr u8-vec)
-;; (op-spi-write enables format opt-header-bytes u8-vec)
-;; (op-spi-read rid enables format opt-header-bytes nbytes)
-;; (op-spi-read-reply rid u8-vec)
-;; (op-delay ticks)
-(define-protocol-class usrp-low-level-cs
- (:outgoing
- (cmd-to-control-channel invocation-handle list-of-subpackets)
- )
- (:incoming
- (response-from-control-channel invocation-handle status list-of-subpackets timestamp)
- )
- )
-;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
-;; usrp-tx
-;; The protocol class is defined from the client's point-of-view.
-;; (The client port is unconjugated, the server port is conjugated.)
-(define-protocol-class usrp-tx
- (:include usrp-channel)
- (:include usrp-low-level-cs)
- (:outgoing
- (cmd-xmit-raw-frame invocation-handle channel samples timestamp properties)
- ;; The argument channel must be an integer. It specifies the
- ;; channel on which the frame of samples will be be sent.
- ;;
- ;; samples must be a uniform numeric vector. The contents of the
- ;; sample vector is treated as opaque and is passed on to the FPGA
- ;; unmodified. It is the responsibility of the sender to ensure
- ;; that the binary format is sensible for the current FPGA
- ;; configuration.
- ;;
- ;; timestamp is a 32-bit integer that specifies the time at which
- ;; the first sample in samples shall be sent to the D/A converter.
- ;; The format and interpration of time is specified in the file
- ;; inband-signaling-usb
- )
- (:incoming
- (response-xmit-raw-frame invocation-handle status)
- ;; If successful, the samples of the associated frame have been
- ;; transmitted to the USRP. This message may be used to implement
- ;; Tx flow control. The client could for example implement a
- ;; policy of never having more than 4 unacknowledged
- ;; cmd-xmit-raw-frame's outstanding.
- )
- )
-;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
-;; usrp-rx
-;; The protocol class is defined from the client's point-of-view.
-;; (The client port is unconjugated, the server port is conjugated.)
-(define-protocol-class usrp-rx
- (:include usrp-channel)
- (:include usrp-low-level-cs)
- (:outgoing
- (cmd-start-recv-raw-samples invocation-handle channel)
- ;; The argument channel must be an integer. It specifies the
- ;; channel from which frames of samples will be be received. The
- ;; server will return response-recv-raw-samples messages until a
- ;; cmd-stop-recv-raw-samples message is received.
- (cmd-stop-recv-raw-samples invocation-handle channel)
- ;; The argument channel must be an integer. There is no reply to
- ;; this message.
- )
- (:incoming
- (response-recv-raw-samples invocation-handle status samples timestamp channel properties)
- ;; samples is a uniform numeric vector. The contents of the sample
- ;; vector is treated as opaque and is passed from the FPGA
- ;; unmodified. It is the responsibility of the receiver to decode
- ;; the binary format as appropriate for the current FPGA
- ;; configuration.
- ;;
- ;; timestamp is a 32-bit integer that specifies the time at which
- ;; the first sample in samples was received from the A/D converter.
- ;; The format and interpretation of time is as specified in the
- ;; file inband-signaling-usb.
- ;;
- ;; properties is a dictionary containing additional (key, value)
- ;; pairs associated with the reception of these samples. In
- ;; particular, the map may contain the Received Signal Strength
- ;; Indication (RSSI) reported by the front end at the time the
- ;; first sample was received from the A/D.
- )
- )
-;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
-;; usrp-server-cs
-;; Control and status port for usrp-server
-;; The protocol class is defined from the client's point-of-view.
-;; (The client port is unconjugated, the server port is conjugated.)
-(define-protocol-class usrp-server-cs
- (:outgoing
- (cmd-open invocation-handle which-usrp)
- (cmd-close invocation-handle)
- (cmd-max-capacity invocation-handle)
- (cmd-ntx-chan invocation-handle)
- (cmd-nrx-chan invocation-handle)
- (cmd-current-capacity-allocation invocation-handle)
- )
- (:incoming
- (response-open invocation-handle status)
- (response-close invocation-handle status)
- (response-max-capacity invocation-handle status capacity)
- (response-ntx-chan invocation-handle status ntx-chan)
- (response-nrx-chan invocation-handle status nrx-chan)
- (response-current-capacity-allocation invocation-handle status capacity)
- )
- )
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/inband/ b/usrp/limbo/inband/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d4a846191..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/inband/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <usrp_tx.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <usb.h>
-#include <mblock/class_registry.h>
-#include <usrp_inband_usb_packet.h>
-#include <fpga_regs_common.h>
-#include <usrp_standard.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_tx_cs.h>
-typedef usrp_inband_usb_packet transport_pkt;
-static const bool verbose = false;
-usrp_tx::usrp_tx(mb_runtime *rt, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(rt, instance_name, user_arg),
- d_disk_write(false)
- d_cs = define_port("cs", "usrp-tx-cs", true, mb_port::EXTERNAL);
- //d_disk_write=true;
- if(d_disk_write) {
- }
- if(d_disk_write) {
- d_ofile.close();
- d_cs_ofile.close();
- }
- * \brief Handles incoming signals to to the m-block, wihch should only ever be
- * a single message: cmd-usrp-tx-write.
- */
-usrp_tx::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
- pmt_t event = msg->signal();
- pmt_t port_id = msg->port_id();
- pmt_t data = msg->data();
- // Theoretically only have 1 message to ever expect, but
- // want to make sure its at least what we want
- if(pmt_eq(port_id, d_cs->port_symbol())) {
- if(pmt_eqv(event, s_cmd_usrp_tx_write))
- write(data);
- }
- * \brief Performs the actual writing of data to the USB bus, called by
- * handle_message() when a cmd-usrp-tx-write signal is received.
- *
- * The \p data parameter is a PMT list which contains three mandatory elements,
- * in the following order: an invocation handle, a channel, and a uniform vector
- * of memory which contains the packets to be written to the bus.
- */
-usrp_tx::write(pmt_t data)
- pmt_t invocation_handle = pmt_nth(0, data);
- pmt_t channel = pmt_nth(1, data);
- pmt_t v_packets = pmt_nth(2, data);
- d_utx = boost::any_cast<usrp_standard_tx_sptr>(pmt_any_ref(pmt_nth(3, data)));
- size_t n_bytes;
- bool underrun; // this will need to go, as it is taken care of in the packet headers
- transport_pkt *pkts = (transport_pkt *) pmt_u8vector_writable_elements(v_packets, n_bytes);
- int ret = d_utx->write (pkts, n_bytes, &underrun);
- if (0 && underrun)
- fprintf(stderr, "uU");
- if (ret == (int) n_bytes) {
- if (verbose)
- std::cout << "[usrp_server] Write of " << n_bytes << " successful\n";
- // need to respond with the channel so the USRP server knows who to forward the result of
- // the write to by looking up the owner of the channel
- d_cs->send(s_response_usrp_tx_write,
- pmt_list3(invocation_handle, PMT_T, channel));
- }
- else {
- if (verbose)
- std::cout << "[usrp_server] Error writing " << n_bytes << " bytes to USB bus\n";
- d_cs->send(s_response_usrp_tx_write,
- pmt_list3(invocation_handle, PMT_F, channel));
- }
- long n_packets =
- static_cast<long>(std::ceil(n_bytes / (double)transport_pkt::max_pkt_size()));
- for(int i=0; i < n_packets; i++) {
- if(d_disk_write) {
- if(pkts[i].chan() == CONTROL_CHAN)
- d_cs_ofile.write((const char *)&pkts[i], transport_pkt::max_pkt_size());
- else
- d_ofile.write((const char *)&pkts[i], transport_pkt::max_pkt_size());
- d_cs_ofile.flush();
- d_ofile.flush();
- }
- }
- return;
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/inband/usrp_tx.h b/usrp/limbo/inband/usrp_tx.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d3a6f8b54e..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/inband/usrp_tx.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <mblock/mblock.h>
-#include <fstream>
-#include "usrp_standard.h"
- * \brief Implements the low level usb interface to the USRP
- */
-class usrp_tx : public mb_mblock
- mb_port_sptr d_cs;
- usrp_standard_tx_sptr d_utx;
- bool d_disk_write;
- std::ofstream d_ofile;
- std::ofstream d_cs_ofile;
- public:
- usrp_tx(mb_runtime *rt, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- ~usrp_tx();
- void initial_transition();
- void handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
- private:
- void write(pmt_t data);
-#endif /* INCLUDED_USRP_TX_H */
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deleted file mode 100644
index c78b1a7b89..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/inband/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,344 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <vector>
-#include <usb.h>
-#include <mblock/class_registry.h>
-#include <usrp_tx_stub.h>
-#include <usrp_inband_usb_packet.h>
-#include <fpga_regs_common.h>
-#include "usrp_standard.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <usrp_rx_stub.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_tx_cs.h>
-typedef usrp_inband_usb_packet transport_pkt;
-static const bool verbose = false;
-usrp_tx_stub::usrp_tx_stub(mb_runtime *rt, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(rt, instance_name, user_arg),
- d_disk_write(false)
- d_cs = define_port("cs", "usrp-tx-cs", true, mb_port::EXTERNAL);
- //d_disk_write=true;
- if(d_disk_write) {
- }
- if(d_disk_write) {
- d_ofile.close();
- d_cs_ofile.close();
- }
-usrp_tx_stub::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
- pmt_t event = msg->signal();
- pmt_t port_id = msg->port_id();
- pmt_t data = msg->data();
- // Theoretically only have 1 message to ever expect, but
- // want to make sure its at least what we want
- if(pmt_eq(port_id, d_cs->port_symbol())) {
- if(pmt_eqv(event, s_cmd_usrp_tx_write))
- write(data);
- }
-usrp_tx_stub::write(pmt_t data)
- pmt_t invocation_handle = pmt_nth(0, data);
- pmt_t channel = pmt_nth(1, data);
- pmt_t v_packets = pmt_nth(2, data);
- d_utx = boost::any_cast<usrp_standard_tx *>(pmt_any_ref(pmt_nth(3, data)));
- size_t n_bytes;
- transport_pkt *pkts = (transport_pkt *) pmt_u8vector_writable_elements(v_packets, n_bytes);
- long n_packets = static_cast<long>(std::ceil(n_bytes / (double)transport_pkt::max_pkt_size()));
- // Parse the packets looking for C/S packets and dump them to a disk if
- // necessary
- for(long i=0; i<n_packets; i++) {
- if(d_disk_write) {
- if(pkts[i].chan() == CONTROL_CHAN)
- d_cs_ofile.write((const char *)&pkts[i], transport_pkt::max_pkt_size());
- else
- d_ofile.write((const char *)&pkts[i], transport_pkt::max_pkt_size());
- d_cs_ofile.flush();
- d_ofile.flush();
- }
- if(pkts[i].chan() == CONTROL_CHAN)
- parse_cs(invocation_handle, pkts[i]);
- }
- d_cs->send(s_response_usrp_tx_write,
- pmt_list3(invocation_handle, PMT_T, channel));
- return;
-usrp_tx_stub::parse_cs(pmt_t invocation_handle, transport_pkt pkt)
- long payload_len = pkt.payload_len();
- long curr_payload = 0;
- size_t ignore;
- // There is the possibility that the responses for a single USB packet full of
- // CS packets will not fit back in a single USB packet, considering some
- // responses are greater than their commands (read registers).
- new_packet:
- pmt_t v_pkt = pmt_make_u8vector(sizeof(transport_pkt), 0);
- transport_pkt *q_pkt =
- (transport_pkt *) pmt_u8vector_writable_elements(v_pkt, ignore);
- q_pkt->set_header(0, CONTROL_CHAN, 0, 0);
- q_pkt->set_timestamp(0xffffffff);
- // We dispatch based on the control packet type, however we can extract the
- // opcode and the length immediately which is consistent in all responses.
- //
- // Since each control packet can have multiple responses, we keep reading the
- // lengths of each subpacket until we reach the payload length.
- while(curr_payload < payload_len) {
- pmt_t sub_packet = pkt.read_subpacket(curr_payload);
- pmt_t op_symbol = pmt_nth(0, sub_packet);
- int len = pkt.cs_len(curr_payload);
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_TX_STUB] Parsing subpacket "
- << op_symbol << " ... length " << len << std::endl;
- //----------------- PING FIXED ------------------//
- if(pmt_eq(op_symbol, s_op_ping_fixed)) {
- long rid = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(1, sub_packet));
- long pingval = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(2, sub_packet));
- // Generate a reply and put it in the queue for the RX stub to read
- if(!q_pkt->cs_ping_reply(rid, pingval))
- goto new_packet;
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_TX_STUB] Generated ping response "
- << "("
- << "RID: " << rid << ", "
- << "VAL: " << pingval
- << ")\n";
- }
- //----------------- READ REG ------------------//
- if(pmt_eq(op_symbol, s_op_read_reg)) {
- long rid = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(1, sub_packet));
- long reg_num = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(2, sub_packet));
- long reg_val = 0xdeef;
- // Generate a reply and put it in the queue for the RX stub to read
- if(!q_pkt->cs_read_reg_reply(rid, reg_num, reg_val))
- goto new_packet;
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_TX_STUB] Generated read register response "
- << "("
- << "RID: " << rid << ", "
- << "REG: " << reg_num << ", "
- << "VAL: " << reg_val
- << ")\n";
- }
- //----------------- DELAY ------------------//
- if(pmt_eq(op_symbol, s_op_delay)) {
- long ticks = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(1, sub_packet));
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_TX_STUB] Received delay command "
- << "("
- << "Ticks: " << ticks
- << ")\n";
- }
- //----------------- WRITE REG ------------------//
- if(pmt_eq(op_symbol, s_op_write_reg)) {
- pmt_t reg_num = pmt_nth(1, sub_packet);
- pmt_t reg_val = pmt_nth(2, sub_packet);
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_TX_STUB] Received write register command "
- << "("
- << "RegNum: " << reg_num << ", "
- << "Val: " << reg_val
- << ")\n";
- }
- //----------------- WRITE REG MASK ---------------//
- if(pmt_eq(op_symbol, s_op_write_reg_masked)) {
- pmt_t reg_num = pmt_nth(1, sub_packet);
- pmt_t reg_val = pmt_nth(2, sub_packet);
- pmt_t mask = pmt_nth(3, sub_packet);
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_TX_STUB] Received write register command "
- << "("
- << "RegNum: " << reg_num << ", "
- << "Val: " << reg_val << ", "
- << "Mask: " << mask
- << ")\n";
- }
- //---------------- I2C WRITE ------------------//
- if(pmt_eq(op_symbol, s_op_i2c_write)) {
- pmt_t i2c_addr = pmt_nth(1, sub_packet);
- pmt_t i2c_data = pmt_nth(2, sub_packet);
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_TX_STUB] Received i2c write command "
- << "("
- << "Addr: " << i2c_addr << ", "
- << "Data: " << i2c_data
- << ")\n";
- }
- //---------------- I2C READ ------------------//
- if(pmt_eq(op_symbol, s_op_i2c_read)) {
- long rid = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(1, sub_packet));
- long i2c_addr = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(2, sub_packet));
- long i2c_bytes = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(3, sub_packet));
- // Create data to place as a response, filled with 0xff
- size_t ignore;
- pmt_t i2c_data = pmt_make_u8vector(i2c_bytes, 0xff);
- uint8_t *w_data = (uint8_t *) pmt_u8vector_writable_elements(i2c_data, ignore);
- // Generate a reply and put it in the queue for the RX stub to read
- if(!q_pkt->cs_i2c_read_reply(rid, i2c_addr, w_data, i2c_bytes))
- goto new_packet;
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_TX_STUB] Received i2c read "
- << "("
- << "RID: " << rid << ", "
- << "Addr: " << i2c_addr << ", "
- << "Bytes: " << i2c_bytes
- << ")\n";
- }
- //---------------- SPI WRITE ------------------//
- if(pmt_eq(op_symbol, s_op_spi_write)) {
- long enables = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(1, sub_packet));
- long format = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(2, sub_packet));
- long opt = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(3, sub_packet));
- pmt_t data = pmt_nth(4, sub_packet);
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_TX_STUB] Received spi write command "
- << "("
- << "Enables: " << enables << ", "
- << "Format: " << format << ", "
- << "Options: " << opt << ", "
- << "Data: " << data
- << ")\n";
- }
- //---------------- SPI READ ------------------//
- if(pmt_eq(op_symbol, s_op_spi_read)) {
- long rid = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(1, sub_packet));
- long enables = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(2, sub_packet));
- long format = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(3, sub_packet));
- long opt = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(4, sub_packet));
- long n_bytes = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(5, sub_packet));
- // Create data to place as a fake response
- size_t ignore;
- pmt_t spi_data = pmt_make_u8vector(n_bytes, 0xff);
- uint8_t *w_data = (uint8_t *) pmt_u8vector_writable_elements(spi_data, ignore);
- // Generate a reply and put it in the queue for the RX stub to read
- if(!q_pkt->cs_spi_read_reply(rid, w_data, n_bytes))
- goto new_packet;
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_TX_STUB] Received spi read command "
- << "("
- << "RID: " << rid << ", "
- << "Enables: " << enables << ", "
- << "Format: " << format << ", "
- << "Options: " << opt << ", "
- << "Bytes: " << n_bytes
- << ")\n";
- }
- // Each subpacket has an unaccounted for 2 bytes which is the opcode
- // and the length field
- curr_payload += len + 2;
- // All subpackets are 32-bit aligned
- int align_offset = 4 - (curr_payload % 4);
- if(align_offset != 4)
- curr_payload += align_offset;
- }
- // If the packet has data in the payload, it needs queued
- if(q_pkt->payload_len() > 0)
- d_cs_queue.push(pmt_list2(invocation_handle, v_pkt));
- return;
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/inband/usrp_tx_stub.h b/usrp/limbo/inband/usrp_tx_stub.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b81037ad71..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/inband/usrp_tx_stub.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <mblock/mblock.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include "usrp_standard.h"
-#include <fstream>
-#include <usrp_inband_usb_packet.h>
-typedef usrp_inband_usb_packet transport_pkt;
- * \brief Implements the low level usb interface to the USRP
- */
-class usrp_tx_stub : public mb_mblock
- public:
- mb_port_sptr d_cs;
- usrp_standard_tx* d_utx;
- std::ofstream d_ofile;
- std::ofstream d_cs_ofile;
- bool d_disk_write;
- public:
- usrp_tx_stub(mb_runtime *rt, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- ~usrp_tx_stub();
- void initial_transition();
- void handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
- private:
- void write(pmt_t data);
- void parse_cs(pmt_t invocation_handle, transport_pkt pkt);
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/inband/ b/usrp/limbo/inband/
deleted file mode 100644
index fb7109a5a5..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/inband/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,601 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <usrp_usb_interface.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <vector>
-#include <usb.h>
-#include <mblock/class_registry.h>
-#include <usrp_inband_usb_packet.h>
-#include <fpga_regs_common.h>
-#include "usrp_rx.h"
-#include <usrp_rx_stub.h>
-#include "usrp_tx.h"
-#include "usrp_standard.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <usrp_dbid.h>
-typedef usrp_inband_usb_packet transport_pkt;
-#include <symbols_usrp_interface_cs.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_tx_cs.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_rx_cs.h>
-static pmt_t s_shutdown = pmt_intern("%shutdown");
-static const bool verbose = false;
- * \brief Initializes the USB interface m-block.
- *
- * The \p user_arg should be a PMT dictionary which can contain optional
- * arguments for the block, such as the decimatoin and interpolation rate.
- */
-usrp_usb_interface::usrp_usb_interface(mb_runtime *rt, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(rt, instance_name, user_arg),
- d_fake_usrp(false),
- d_rx_reading(false),
- d_interp_tx(128),
- d_decim_rx(128),
- d_rf_freq(-1),
- d_rbf("inband_tx_rx.rbf")
- // Dictionary for arguments to all of the components
- pmt_t usrp_dict = user_arg;
- // Default TX/RX interface
- std::string tx_interface = "usrp_tx";
- std::string rx_interface = "usrp_rx";
- if (pmt_is_dict(usrp_dict)) {
- // The 'fake-usrp' key enables the TX and RX stubs if PMT_T
- if(pmt_t fake_usrp = pmt_dict_ref(usrp_dict,
- pmt_intern("fake-usrp"),
- PMT_NIL)) {
- if(pmt_eqv(fake_usrp, PMT_T)) {
- tx_interface = "usrp_tx_stub";
- rx_interface = "usrp_rx_stub";
- d_fake_usrp=true;
- }
- }
- // Read the TX interpolations
- if(pmt_t interp_tx = pmt_dict_ref(usrp_dict,
- pmt_intern("interp-tx"),
- PMT_NIL)) {
- if(!pmt_eqv(interp_tx, PMT_NIL))
- d_interp_tx = pmt_to_long(interp_tx);
- }
- // Read the RX decimation rate
- if(pmt_t decim_rx = pmt_dict_ref(usrp_dict,
- pmt_intern("decim-rx"),
- PMT_NIL)) {
- if(!pmt_eqv(decim_rx, PMT_NIL))
- d_decim_rx = pmt_to_long(decim_rx);
- }
- // Read the RBF
- if(pmt_t rbf = pmt_dict_ref(usrp_dict,
- pmt_intern("rbf"),
- PMT_NIL)) {
- if(!pmt_eqv(rbf, PMT_NIL))
- d_rbf = pmt_symbol_to_string(rbf);
- }
- // The RF center frequency
- if(pmt_t rf_freq = pmt_dict_ref(usrp_dict,
- pmt_intern("rf-freq"),
- PMT_NIL)) {
- if(!pmt_eqv(rf_freq, PMT_NIL))
- d_rf_freq = pmt_to_double(rf_freq);
- }
- }
- if (verbose) {
- std::cout << "[USRP_USB_INTERFACE] Setting USRP RBF to "
- << d_rbf << std::endl;
- std::cout << "[USRP_USB_INTERFACE] Setting TX interpolation to "
- << d_interp_tx << std::endl;
- std::cout << "[USRP_USB_INTERFACE] Setting RX interpolation to "
- << d_decim_rx << std::endl;
- std::cout << "[USRP_USB_INTERFACE] Using TX interface: "
- << tx_interface << "\n";
- std::cout << "[USRP_USB_INTERFACE] Using RX interface: "
- << rx_interface << "\n";
- }
- d_cs = define_port("cs", "usrp-interface-cs", true, mb_port::EXTERNAL);
- d_rx_cs = define_port("rx_cs", "usrp-rx-cs", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- d_tx_cs = define_port("tx_cs", "usrp-tx-cs", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- // Connect to TX and RX
- define_component("tx", tx_interface, usrp_dict);
- define_component("rx", rx_interface, usrp_dict);
- connect("self", "rx_cs", "rx", "cs");
- connect("self", "tx_cs", "tx", "cs");
- // FIXME: the code should query the FPGA to retrieve the number of channels and such
- d_ntx_chan = 2;
- d_nrx_chan = 2;
- * \brief Handles all incoming signals to the block from the lowest m-blocks
- * which read/write to the bus, or the higher m-block which is the USRP server.
- */
-usrp_usb_interface::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
- pmt_t event = msg->signal(); // the "name" of the message
- pmt_t port_id = msg->port_id(); // which port it came in on
- pmt_t data = msg->data();
- pmt_t invocation_handle;
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_shutdown)) // ignore (for now)
- return;
- //------------- CONTROL / STATUS -------------//
- if (pmt_eq(port_id, d_cs->port_symbol())) {
- //------------ OPEN --------------//
- if (pmt_eq(event, s_cmd_usrp_open)){
- handle_cmd_open(data);
- return;
- }
- //----------- CLOSE -------------//
- else if (pmt_eq(event, s_cmd_usrp_close)) {
- handle_cmd_close(data);
- return;
- }
- //---------- NTX CHAN ----------//
- else if (pmt_eq(event, s_cmd_usrp_ntx_chan)) {
- invocation_handle = pmt_nth(0, data);
- d_cs->send(s_response_usrp_ntx_chan,
- pmt_list2(invocation_handle,
- pmt_from_long(d_ntx_chan)));
- return;
- }
- //---------- NRX CHAN ----------//
- else if (pmt_eq(event, s_cmd_usrp_nrx_chan)) {
- invocation_handle = pmt_nth(0, data);
- d_cs->send(s_response_usrp_nrx_chan,
- pmt_list2(invocation_handle,
- pmt_from_long(d_nrx_chan)));
- return;
- }
- //------------ WRITE -----------//
- else if(pmt_eq(event, s_cmd_usrp_write)) {
- handle_cmd_write(data);
- return;
- }
- //-------- START READING --------//
- else if(pmt_eq(event, s_cmd_usrp_start_reading)) {
- handle_cmd_start_reading(data);
- return;
- }
- //-------- STOP READING --------//
- else if(pmt_eq(event, s_cmd_usrp_stop_reading)) {
- handle_cmd_stop_reading(data);
- return;
- }
- goto unhandled;
- }
- //---------------- RX ------------------//
- if (pmt_eq(port_id, d_rx_cs->port_symbol())) {
- // Relay reads back up
- if(pmt_eq(event, s_response_usrp_rx_read)) {
- d_cs->send(s_response_usrp_read, data);
- return;
- }
- goto unhandled;
- }
- //---------------- TX ------------------//
- if (pmt_eq(port_id, d_tx_cs->port_symbol())) {
- if(pmt_eq(event, s_response_usrp_tx_write)) {
- pmt_t invocation_handle = pmt_nth(0, data);
- pmt_t status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- pmt_t channel = pmt_nth(2, data);
- d_cs->send(s_response_usrp_write,
- pmt_list3(invocation_handle,
- status,
- channel));
- return;
- }
- goto unhandled;
- }
- unhandled:
- std::cout << "[USRP_USB_INTERFACE] unhandled msg: " << msg << std::endl;
- * \brief Called by the handle_message() method when the incoming signal is to
- * open a USB connection to the USRP (cmd-usrp-open).
- *
- * The \p data parameter is a PMT list, where the elements are an invocation
- * handle and the USRP number.
- */
-usrp_usb_interface::handle_cmd_open(pmt_t data)
- pmt_t invocation_handle = pmt_nth(0, data);
- long which_usrp = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(1, data));
- pmt_t reply_data;
- if(d_fake_usrp) {
- d_cs->send(s_response_usrp_open, pmt_list2(invocation_handle, PMT_T));
- return;
- }
- if (verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_USB_INTERFACE] Handling open request for USRP " << which_usrp << "\n";
- // Open up a standard RX and TX for communication with the USRP
- d_utx = usrp_standard_tx::make(which_usrp,
- d_interp_tx,
- 1, // 1 channel
- -1, // mux
- 4096, // USB block size
- 16, // nblocks for async transfers
- d_rbf
- );
- if(d_utx==0) {
- if (verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_USB_INTERFACE] Failed to open TX\n";
- reply_data = pmt_list2(invocation_handle, PMT_F);
- d_cs->send(s_response_usrp_open, reply_data);
- return;
- }
- // Perform TX daughterboard tuning
- double target_freq;
- unsigned int mux;
- int tgain, rgain;
- float input_rate;
- bool ok;
- usrp_tune_result r;
- // Cast to usrp_basic and then detect daughterboards
- d_ub_tx = d_utx;
- usrp_subdev_spec tspec = pick_tx_subdevice();
- db_base_sptr tsubdev = d_ub_tx->selected_subdev(tspec);
- // Set the TX mux value
- mux = d_utx->determine_tx_mux_value(tspec);
- d_utx->set_mux(mux);
- // Set the TX gain and determine rate
- tgain = tsubdev->gain_max();
- tsubdev->set_gain(tgain);
- input_rate = d_ub_tx->converter_rate() / d_utx->interp_rate();
- // Perform the actual tuning, if no frequency specified then pick
- if(d_rf_freq==-1)
- target_freq = tsubdev->freq_min()+((tsubdev->freq_max()-tsubdev->freq_min())/2.0);
- else
- target_freq = d_rf_freq;
- ok = d_utx->tune(tsubdev->which(), tsubdev, target_freq, &r);
- tsubdev->set_enable(true);
- if(verbose) {
- printf("TX Subdevice name is %s\n", tsubdev->name().c_str());
- printf("TX Subdevice freq range: (%g, %g)\n",
- tsubdev->freq_min(), tsubdev->freq_max());
- printf("mux: %#08x\n", mux);
- printf("target_freq: %f\n", target_freq);
- printf("ok: %s\n", ok ? "true" : "false");
- printf("gain: %d\n", tgain);
- printf("r.baseband_freq: %f\n", r.baseband_freq);
- printf("r.dxc_freq: %f\n", r.dxc_freq);
- printf("r.residual_freq: %f\n", r.residual_freq);
- printf("r.inverted: %d\n", r.inverted);
- }
- if(!ok) {
- std::cerr << "[USRP_USB_INTERFACE] Failed to set center frequency on TX\n";
- reply_data = pmt_list2(invocation_handle, PMT_F);
- d_cs->send(s_response_usrp_open, reply_data);
- return;
- }
- d_utx->start();
- if (verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_USB_INTERFACE] Setup TX channel\n";
- d_urx =
- usrp_standard_rx::make (which_usrp,
- d_decim_rx,
- 1, // nchan
- -1, // mux
- 0, // set blank mode to start
- 4096, // USB block size
- 16, // number of blocks for async transfers
- d_rbf);
- if(!d_urx) {
- if (verbose)
- std::cout << "[usrp_server] Failed to open RX\n";
- reply_data = pmt_list2(invocation_handle, PMT_F);
- d_cs->send(s_response_usrp_open, reply_data);
- return;
- }
- // Cast to usrp_basic and then detect daughterboards
- d_ub_rx = d_urx;
- usrp_subdev_spec rspec = pick_rx_subdevice();
- db_base_sptr rsubdev = d_ub_rx->selected_subdev(rspec);
- // Set the RX mux value
- mux = d_urx->determine_rx_mux_value(rspec);
- d_urx->set_mux(mux);
- // Set the RX gain and determine rate
- rgain = rsubdev->gain_max()/2.0;
- rsubdev->set_gain(rgain);
- input_rate = d_ub_rx->converter_rate() / d_urx->decim_rate();
- ok = d_urx->tune(rsubdev->which(), rsubdev, target_freq, &r);
- rsubdev->set_enable(true);
- if(verbose) {
- printf("RX Subdevice name is %s\n", rsubdev->name().c_str());
- printf("RX Subdevice freq range: (%g, %g)\n",
- rsubdev->freq_min(), rsubdev->freq_max());
- printf("mux: %#08x\n", mux);
- printf("target_freq: %f\n", target_freq);
- printf("ok: %s\n", ok ? "true" : "false");
- printf("gain: %d\n", rgain);
- printf("r.baseband_freq: %f\n", r.baseband_freq);
- printf("r.dxc_freq: %f\n", r.dxc_freq);
- printf("r.residual_freq: %f\n", r.residual_freq);
- printf("r.inverted: %d\n", r.inverted);
- }
- if(!ok) {
- std::cerr << "[USRP_USB_INTERFACE] Failed to set center frequency on RX\n";
- reply_data = pmt_list2(invocation_handle, PMT_F);
- d_cs->send(s_response_usrp_open, reply_data);
- return;
- }
- if (verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_USB_INTERFACE] Setup RX channel\n";
-// d_utx->_write_fpga_reg(FR_DEBUG_EN,0xf);
-// d_utx->_write_oe(0, 0xffff, 0xffff);
-// d_urx->_write_oe(0, 0xffff, 0xffff);
-// d_utx->_write_oe(1, 0xffff, 0xffff);
-// d_urx->_write_oe(1, 0xffff, 0xffff);
- d_cs->send(s_response_usrp_open, pmt_list2(invocation_handle, PMT_T));
- * \brief Called by the handle_message() method when the incoming signal is to
- * write data to the USB bus (cmd-usrp-write).
- *
- * The \p data parameter is a PMT list containing 3 mandatory elements in the
- * following order: an invocation handle, channel, and a uniform vector
- * representation of the packets.
- */
-usrp_usb_interface::handle_cmd_write(pmt_t data)
- pmt_t invocation_handle = pmt_nth(0, data);
- pmt_t channel = pmt_nth(1, data);
- pmt_t pkts = pmt_nth(2, data);
- pmt_t tx_handle = pmt_make_any(d_utx);
- d_tx_cs->send(s_cmd_usrp_tx_write,
- pmt_list4(invocation_handle,
- channel,
- pkts,
- tx_handle));
- * \brief Called by the handle_message() method when the incoming signal is to
- * start reading data from the USB bus (cmd-usrp-start-reading).
- *
- * The \p data parameter is a PMT list with a single element: an invocation
- * handle which can be returned with the response.
- */
-usrp_usb_interface::handle_cmd_start_reading(pmt_t data)
- pmt_t invocation_handle = pmt_nth(0, data);
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_USB_INTERFACE] Starting RX...\n";
- if(!d_fake_usrp)
- d_urx->start();
- pmt_t rx_handle = pmt_make_any(d_urx);
- d_rx_cs->send(s_cmd_usrp_rx_start_reading, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, rx_handle));
- d_rx_reading = true;
- return;
- * \brief Called by the handle_message() method when the incoming signal is to
- * stop reading data from the USB bus (cmd-usrp-stop-reading).
- *
- * The \p data parameter is a PMT list with a single element: an invocation
- * handle which can be returned with the response.
- */
-usrp_usb_interface::handle_cmd_stop_reading(pmt_t data)
- pmt_t invocation_handle = pmt_nth(0, data);
- if(!d_fake_usrp) {
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_USB_INTERFACE] Stopping RX...\n";
- usrp_rx_stop = true;
- // Used to allow a read() being called by a lower layer to complete before
- // stopping, else there can be partial data left on the bus and can generate
- // errors.
- while(usrp_rx_stop) {usleep(1);}
- d_urx->stop();
- }
- else {
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_USB_INTERFACE] Stopping fake RX...\n";
- usrp_rx_stop_stub = true; // extern to communicate with stub to wait
- }
- d_rx_reading = false;
- return;
- * \brief Called by the handle_message() method when the incoming signal is to
- * close the USB connection to the USRP.
- *
- * The \p data parameter is a PMT list with a single element: an invocation
- * handle which can be returned with the response.
- */
-usrp_usb_interface::handle_cmd_close(pmt_t data)
- pmt_t invocation_handle = pmt_nth(0, data);
- if(d_rx_reading)
- handle_cmd_stop_reading(PMT_NIL);
- if(d_fake_usrp) {
- d_cs->send(s_response_usrp_close, pmt_list2(invocation_handle, PMT_T));
- return;
- }
- if (verbose)
- std::cout << "[USRP_USB_INTERFACE] Handling close request for USRP\n";
- d_utx.reset();
- d_urx.reset();
- d_cs->send(s_response_usrp_close, pmt_list2(invocation_handle, PMT_T));
- // FIXME This seems like a _very_ strange place to be calling shutdown_all.
- // That decision should be left to high-level code, not low-level code like this.
- shutdown_all(PMT_T);
- int dbids[] = {
- };
- std::vector<int> candidates(dbids, dbids+(sizeof(dbids)/sizeof(int)));
- return pick_subdev(d_ub_rx, candidates);
- int dbids[] = {
- };
- std::vector<int> candidates(dbids, dbids+(sizeof(dbids)/sizeof(int)));
- return pick_subdev(d_ub_tx, candidates);
-usrp_usb_interface::pick_subdev(boost::shared_ptr<usrp_basic> d_usrp_basic, std::vector<int> candidates)
- int dbid0 = d_usrp_basic->selected_subdev(usrp_subdev_spec(0, 0))->dbid();
- int dbid1 = d_usrp_basic->selected_subdev(usrp_subdev_spec(1, 0))->dbid();
- for (int i = 0; i < candidates.size(); i++) {
- int dbid = candidates[i];
- if (dbid0 == dbid)
- return usrp_subdev_spec(0, 0);
- if (dbid1 == dbid)
- return usrp_subdev_spec(1, 0);
- }
- if (dbid0 >= 0)
- return usrp_subdev_spec(0, 0);
- if (dbid1 >= 0)
- return usrp_subdev_spec(1, 0);
- throw std::runtime_error("No suitable daughterboard found!");
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/inband/usrp_usb_interface.h b/usrp/limbo/inband/usrp_usb_interface.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d7750a7d6..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/inband/usrp_usb_interface.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <mblock/mblock.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include "usrp_standard.h"
- * \brief Implements the low level usb interface to the USRP
- */
-class usrp_usb_interface : public mb_mblock
- public:
- usrp_standard_tx_sptr d_utx;
- usrp_standard_rx_sptr d_urx;
- boost::shared_ptr<usrp_basic> d_ub_tx;
- boost::shared_ptr<usrp_basic> d_ub_rx;
- mb_port_sptr d_cs;
- mb_port_sptr d_rx_cs;
- mb_port_sptr d_tx_cs;
- long d_ntx_chan;
- long d_nrx_chan;
- bool d_fake_usrp;
- bool d_rx_reading;
- long d_interp_tx;
- long d_decim_rx;
- double d_rf_freq;
- std::string d_rbf;
- public:
- usrp_usb_interface(mb_runtime *rt, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- ~usrp_usb_interface();
- void initial_transition();
- void handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
- usrp_subdev_spec pick_rx_subdevice();
- usrp_subdev_spec pick_tx_subdevice();
- usrp_subdev_spec pick_subdev(boost::shared_ptr<usrp_basic> d_usrp_basic, std::vector<int> candidates);
- private:
- void handle_cmd_open(pmt_t data);
- void handle_cmd_close(pmt_t data);
- void handle_cmd_write(pmt_t data);
- void handle_cmd_start_reading(pmt_t data);
- void handle_cmd_stop_reading(pmt_t data);
diff --git a/usrp/ b/usrp/
index 2a15a05fda..d4794aa6fe 100644
--- a/usrp/
+++ b/usrp/
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ includedir=@includedir@
Name: usrp
Description: USRP Client Side C++ interface
-Requires: @LIBUSB_PKG_CONFIG_NAME@ @usrp_darwin_omnithread_pc_requires@
Version: @VERSION@
Libs: -L${libdir} -lusrp
Cflags: -I${includedir}
diff --git a/usrp2/firmware/lib/adf4350.c b/usrp2/firmware/lib/adf4350.c
index 0725c93379..dbab654ea3 100644
--- a/usrp2/firmware/lib/adf4350.c
+++ b/usrp2/firmware/lib/adf4350.c
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
#define MIN_VCO_FREQ U2_DOUBLE_TO_FXPT_FREQ(2.2e9) /* minimum vco freq */
#define MAX_VCO_FREQ U2_DOUBLE_TO_FXPT_FREQ(4.4e9) /* minimum vco freq */
#define MAX_FREQ MAX_VCO_FREQ /* upper bound freq (rf div = 1) */
-#define MIN_FREQ DIV_ROUND(MIN_VCO_FREQ, MAX_RF_DIV) /* calculated lower bound freq */
+#define MIN_FREQ U2_DOUBLE_TO_FXPT_FREQ(68.75e6) /* lower bound freq (rf div = 16) */
u2_fxpt_freq_t adf4350_get_max_freq(void){
return MAX_FREQ;
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ bool adf4350_set_freq(u2_fxpt_freq_t freq, struct db_base *dbb){
adf4350_load_register(2, dbb);
adf4350_load_register(4, dbb);
adf4350_load_register(0, dbb); /* register 0 must be last */
- return true;
+ return adf4350_get_locked(dbb);
u2_fxpt_freq_t adf4350_get_freq(struct db_base *dbb){
diff --git a/usrp2/firmware/lib/db_wbxng.c b/usrp2/firmware/lib/db_wbxng.c
index 115ac8a246..954633da24 100644
--- a/usrp2/firmware/lib/db_wbxng.c
+++ b/usrp2/firmware/lib/db_wbxng.c
@@ -29,6 +29,9 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
+#define min(X,Y) ((X) < (Y) ? (X) : (Y))
+#define max(X,Y) ((X) > (Y) ? (X) : (Y))
bool wbxng_init_rx(struct db_base *dbb);
bool wbxng_init_tx(struct db_base *dbb);
bool wbxng_set_freq(struct db_base *dbb, u2_fxpt_freq_t freq, u2_fxpt_freq_t *dc);
@@ -45,7 +48,7 @@ struct db_wbxng_rx db_wbxng_rx = {
.base.is_tx = false,
.base.used_pins = 0xFFFF,
- .base.freq_min = U2_DOUBLE_TO_FXPT_FREQ(67.5e6),
+ .base.freq_min = U2_DOUBLE_TO_FXPT_FREQ(68.75e6),
.base.freq_max = U2_DOUBLE_TO_FXPT_FREQ(2200e6),
.base.gain_min = U2_DOUBLE_TO_FXPT_GAIN(0),
.base.gain_max = U2_DOUBLE_TO_FXPT_GAIN(31.5),
@@ -81,7 +84,7 @@ struct db_wbxng_tx db_wbxng_tx = {
.base.is_tx = true,
.base.output_enables = RX_TXN|TXMOD_EN|ENABLE_33|ENABLE_5|PLL_CE|PLL_PDBRF,
.base.used_pins = 0xFFFF,
- .base.freq_min = U2_DOUBLE_TO_FXPT_FREQ(67.5e6),
+ .base.freq_min = U2_DOUBLE_TO_FXPT_FREQ(68.75e6),
.base.freq_max = U2_DOUBLE_TO_FXPT_FREQ(2200e6),
.base.gain_min = U2_DOUBLE_TO_FXPT_GAIN(0),
.base.gain_max = U2_DOUBLE_TO_FXPT_GAIN(25),
@@ -149,8 +152,11 @@ wbxng_init_rx(struct db_base *dbb)
wbxng_set_freq(struct db_base *dbb, u2_fxpt_freq_t freq, u2_fxpt_freq_t *dc)
- bool ok = adf4350_set_freq(2*freq,dbb);
- *dc = adf4350_get_freq(dbb)/2;
+ // clamp freq
+ u2_fxpt_freq_t clamp_freq = max(dbb->freq_min, min(freq, dbb->freq_max));
+ //printf("Requested LO freq = %u", (uint32_t) ((clamp_freq >> U2_FPF_RP)/1000));
+ bool ok = adf4350_set_freq(clamp_freq<<1,dbb);
+ *dc = adf4350_get_freq(dbb)>>1;
return ok;
diff --git a/usrp2/host/apps/ b/usrp2/host/apps/
index db76601967..4a26898fa7 100644
--- a/usrp2/host/apps/
+++ b/usrp2/host/apps/
@@ -24,9 +24,8 @@ AM_CPPFLAGS = \
- $(USRP2_LA) \
- $(GRUEL_LA) \
+ $(USRP2_LA) \
bin_PROGRAMS = \
find_usrps \
diff --git a/usrp2/host/apps/ b/usrp2/host/apps/
index 5c3728fb15..3e41bbf8d0 100644
--- a/usrp2/host/apps/
+++ b/usrp2/host/apps/
@@ -150,6 +150,10 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
interp = strtol(optarg, 0, 0);
+ case 'g':
+ gain = strtod(optarg, 0);
+ break;
case 'S':
if (!strtod_si(optarg, &tmp)){
std::cerr << "invalid number: " << optarg << std::endl;
diff --git a/usrp2/host/lib/ b/usrp2/host/lib/
index 772cf1446d..cda051bb07 100644
--- a/usrp2/host/lib/
+++ b/usrp2/host/lib/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright 2007,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Copyright 2007,2008,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -45,11 +45,9 @@ libusrp2_la_SOURCES = \ \
strtod_si.c \ \
- \
libusrp2_la_LIBADD = \
@@ -63,5 +61,4 @@ noinst_HEADERS = \
pktfilter.h \
ring.h \
usrp2_bytesex.h \
- usrp2_impl.h \
- usrp2_thread.h
+ usrp2_impl.h \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/usrp2/host/lib/ b/usrp2/host/lib/
index bb71f79c27..33a95c0787 100644
--- a/usrp2/host/lib/
+++ b/usrp2/host/lib/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2008,2009,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GNU Radio
@@ -23,14 +23,14 @@
#include <config.h>
-#include <gnuradio/omni_time.h>
#include "control.h"
#include <iostream>
+#include <gruel/thread.h>
namespace usrp2 {
pending_reply::pending_reply(unsigned int rid, void *buffer, size_t len)
- : d_rid(rid), d_buffer(buffer), d_len(len), d_mutex(), d_cond(&d_mutex),
+ : d_rid(rid), d_buffer(buffer), d_len(len), d_mutex(), d_cond(),
@@ -43,22 +43,23 @@ namespace usrp2 {
pending_reply::wait_for_completion(double secs)
- omni_time abs_timeout = omni_time::time(omni_time(secs));
- omni_mutex_lock l(d_mutex);
- while (!d_complete){
- int r = d_cond.timedwait(abs_timeout.d_secs, abs_timeout.d_nsecs);
- if (r == 0) // timed out
- return 0;
+ gruel::scoped_lock l(d_mutex);
+ boost::system_time to(gruel::get_new_timeout(secs));
+ while (!d_complete) {
+ if (!d_cond.timed_wait(l, to))
+ return 0; // timed out
return 1;
- omni_mutex_lock l(d_mutex);
+ gruel::scoped_lock l(d_mutex);
d_complete = true;
- d_cond.signal();
+ d_cond.notify_one();
} // namespace usrp2
diff --git a/usrp2/host/lib/control.h b/usrp2/host/lib/control.h
index 46ce791ea3..3515ba10fe 100644
--- a/usrp2/host/lib/control.h
+++ b/usrp2/host/lib/control.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2008,2009,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
-#include <gnuradio/omnithread.h>
+#include <gruel/thread.h>
#include <usrp2_eth_packet.h>
namespace usrp2 {
@@ -130,8 +130,8 @@ namespace usrp2 {
size_t d_len;
// d_mutex is used with d_cond and also protects d_complete
- omni_mutex d_mutex;
- omni_condition d_cond;
+ gruel::mutex d_mutex;
+ gruel::condition_variable d_cond;
bool d_complete;
diff --git a/usrp2/host/lib/ b/usrp2/host/lib/
index 3c45821f84..d0048418cf 100644
--- a/usrp2/host/lib/
+++ b/usrp2/host/lib/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2008,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GNU Radio
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ namespace usrp2 {
ring::ring(unsigned int entries)
: d_max(entries), d_read_ind(0), d_write_ind(0), d_ring(entries),
- d_mutex(), d_not_empty(&d_mutex)
+ d_mutex(), d_not_empty()
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < entries; i++) {
d_ring[i].d_base = 0;
@@ -40,15 +40,15 @@ namespace usrp2 {
- omni_mutex_lock l(d_mutex);
+ gruel::scoped_lock l(d_mutex);
while (empty())
- d_not_empty.wait();
+ d_not_empty.wait(l);
ring::enqueue(void *p, size_t len)
- omni_mutex_lock l(d_mutex);
+ gruel::scoped_lock l(d_mutex);
if (full())
return false;
@@ -56,14 +56,14 @@ namespace usrp2 {
d_ring[d_write_ind].d_base = p;
- d_not_empty.signal();
+ d_not_empty.notify_one();
return true;
ring::dequeue(void **p, size_t *len)
- omni_mutex_lock l(d_mutex);
+ gruel::scoped_lock l(d_mutex);
if (empty())
return false;
diff --git a/usrp2/host/lib/ring.h b/usrp2/host/lib/ring.h
index 19ae9ae972..fd0ad0a9f3 100644
--- a/usrp2/host/lib/ring.h
+++ b/usrp2/host/lib/ring.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2008,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GNU Radio
@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@
-#include <gnuradio/omnithread.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
+#include <gruel/thread.h>
namespace usrp2 {
@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ namespace usrp2 {
std::vector<ring_desc> d_ring;
- omni_mutex d_mutex;
- omni_condition d_not_empty;
+ gruel::mutex d_mutex;
+ gruel::condition_variable d_not_empty;
void inc_read_ind()
diff --git a/usrp2/host/lib/ b/usrp2/host/lib/
index d4f29baf0e..333e2d1e78 100644
--- a/usrp2/host/lib/
+++ b/usrp2/host/lib/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2008,2009,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -24,9 +24,10 @@
#include <usrp2/tune_result.h>
#include <usrp2/copiers.h>
#include <gruel/inet.h>
+#include <gruel/realtime.h>
+#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <usrp2_types.h>
#include "usrp2_impl.h"
-#include "usrp2_thread.h"
#include "eth_buffer.h"
#include "pktfilter.h"
#include "control.h"
@@ -129,10 +130,10 @@ namespace usrp2 {
usrp2::impl::impl(const std::string &ifc, props *p, size_t rx_bufsize)
- : d_eth_buf(new eth_buffer(rx_bufsize)), d_interface_name(ifc), d_pf(0), d_bg_thread(0),
+ : d_eth_buf(new eth_buffer(rx_bufsize)), d_interface_name(ifc), d_pf(0),
d_bg_running(false), d_rx_seqno(-1), d_tx_seqno(0), d_next_rid(0),
d_num_rx_frames(0), d_num_rx_missing(0), d_num_rx_overruns(0), d_num_rx_bytes(0),
- d_num_enqueued(0), d_enqueued_mutex(), d_bg_pending_cond(&d_enqueued_mutex),
+ d_num_enqueued(0), d_enqueued_mutex(), d_bg_pending_cond(),
d_channel_rings(NCHANS), d_tx_interp(0), d_rx_decim(0), d_dont_enqueue(true)
if (!d_eth_buf->open(ifc, htons(U2_ETHERTYPE)))
@@ -152,8 +153,8 @@ namespace usrp2 {
memset(d_pending_replies, 0, sizeof(d_pending_replies));
- d_bg_thread = new usrp2_thread(this);
- d_bg_thread->start();
+ // Kick off receive thread
+ start_bg();
// In case the USRP2 was left streaming RX
// FIXME: only one channel right now
@@ -208,7 +209,6 @@ namespace usrp2 {
- d_bg_thread = 0; // thread class deletes itself
delete d_pf;
delete d_eth_buf;
@@ -336,18 +336,24 @@ namespace usrp2 {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ usrp2::impl::start_bg()
+ {
+ d_rx_tg.create_thread(boost::bind(&usrp2::impl::bg_loop, this));
+ }
+ void
d_bg_running = false;
- d_bg_pending_cond.signal();
- void *dummy_status;
- d_bg_thread->join(&dummy_status);
+ d_bg_pending_cond.notify_one(); // FIXME: check if needed
+ d_rx_tg.join_all();
+ gruel::enable_realtime_scheduling();
d_bg_running = true;
while(d_bg_running) {
@@ -362,9 +368,9 @@ namespace usrp2 {
// The channel ring thread that decrements d_num_enqueued to zero
// will signal this thread to continue.
- omni_mutex_lock l(d_enqueued_mutex);
+ gruel::scoped_lock l(d_enqueued_mutex);
while(d_num_enqueued > 0 && d_bg_running)
- d_bg_pending_cond.wait();
+ d_bg_pending_cond.wait(l);
d_bg_running = false;
@@ -463,7 +469,7 @@ namespace usrp2 {
unsigned int chan = u2p_chan(&pkt->hdrs.fixed);
- omni_mutex_lock l(d_channel_rings_mutex);
+ gruel::scoped_lock l(d_channel_rings_mutex);
if (!d_channel_rings[chan]) {
@@ -650,7 +656,7 @@ namespace usrp2 {
- omni_mutex_lock l(d_channel_rings_mutex);
+ gruel::scoped_lock l(d_channel_rings_mutex);
if (d_channel_rings[channel]) {
std::cerr << "usrp2: channel " << channel
<< " already streaming" << std::endl;
@@ -704,7 +710,7 @@ namespace usrp2 {
- omni_mutex_lock l(d_channel_rings_mutex);
+ gruel::scoped_lock guard(d_channel_rings_mutex);
if (d_channel_rings[channel]) {
std::cerr << "usrp2: channel " << channel
<< " already streaming" << std::endl;
@@ -758,7 +764,7 @@ namespace usrp2 {
- omni_mutex_lock l(d_channel_rings_mutex);
+ gruel::scoped_lock guard(d_channel_rings_mutex);
if (d_channel_rings[channel]) {
std::cerr << "usrp2: channel " << channel
<< " already streaming" << std::endl;
@@ -820,7 +826,7 @@ namespace usrp2 {
op_generic_t reply;
- omni_mutex_lock l(d_channel_rings_mutex);
+ gruel::scoped_lock l(d_channel_rings_mutex);
memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd));
init_etf_hdrs(&cmd.h, d_addr, 0, CONTROL_CHAN, -1);
@@ -835,6 +841,7 @@ namespace usrp2 {
success = transmit_cmd_and_wait(&cmd, sizeof(cmd), &p, DEF_CMD_TIMEOUT);
success = success && (ntohx(reply.ok) == 1);
+ d_rx_seqno = -1;
//fprintf(stderr, "usrp2::stop_rx_streaming: success = %d\n", success);
return success;
diff --git a/usrp2/host/lib/usrp2_impl.h b/usrp2/host/lib/usrp2_impl.h
index a75947922f..eee26358ea 100644
--- a/usrp2/host/lib/usrp2_impl.h
+++ b/usrp2/host/lib/usrp2_impl.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2008,2009,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
#include <usrp2/usrp2.h>
#include <usrp2/data_handler.h>
#include <usrp2_eth_packet.h>
+#include <gruel/thread.h>
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
#include "control.h"
#include "ring.h"
@@ -60,7 +61,8 @@ namespace usrp2 {
std::string d_interface_name;
pktfilter *d_pf;
std::string d_addr; // FIXME: use u2_mac_addr_t instead
- usrp2_thread *d_bg_thread;
+ boost::thread_group d_rx_tg;
volatile bool d_bg_running; // TODO: multistate if needed
int d_rx_seqno;
@@ -72,14 +74,14 @@ namespace usrp2 {
unsigned int d_num_rx_bytes;
unsigned int d_num_enqueued;
- omni_mutex d_enqueued_mutex;
- omni_condition d_bg_pending_cond;
+ gruel::mutex d_enqueued_mutex;
+ gruel::condition_variable d_bg_pending_cond;
// all pending_replies are stack allocated, thus no possibility of leaking these
pending_reply *d_pending_replies[NRIDS]; // indexed by 8-bit reply id
std::vector<ring_sptr> d_channel_rings; // indexed by 5-bit channel number
- omni_mutex d_channel_rings_mutex;
+ gruel::mutex d_channel_rings_mutex;
db_info d_tx_db_info;
db_info d_rx_db_info;
@@ -90,20 +92,21 @@ namespace usrp2 {
bool d_dont_enqueue;
void inc_enqueued() {
- omni_mutex_lock l(d_enqueued_mutex);
+ gruel::scoped_lock l(d_enqueued_mutex);
void dec_enqueued() {
- omni_mutex_lock l(d_enqueued_mutex);
+ gruel::scoped_lock l(d_enqueued_mutex);
if (--d_num_enqueued == 0)
- d_bg_pending_cond.signal();
+ d_bg_pending_cond.notify_one();
static bool parse_mac_addr(const std::string &s, u2_mac_addr_t *p);
void init_et_hdrs(u2_eth_packet_t *p, const std::string &dst);
void init_etf_hdrs(u2_eth_packet_t *p, const std::string &dst,
int word0_flags, int chan, uint32_t timestamp);
+ void start_bg();
void stop_bg();
void init_config_rx_v2_cmd(op_config_rx_v2_cmd *cmd);
void init_config_tx_v2_cmd(op_config_tx_v2_cmd *cmd);
@@ -119,8 +122,6 @@ namespace usrp2 {
impl(const std::string &ifc, props *p, size_t rx_bufsize);
- void bg_loop();
std::string mac_addr() const { return d_addr; } // FIXME: convert from u2_mac_addr_t
std::string interface_name() const { return d_interface_name; }
@@ -199,6 +200,9 @@ namespace usrp2 {
bool sync_every_pps(bool enable);
std::vector<uint32_t> peek32(uint32_t addr, uint32_t words);
bool poke32(uint32_t addr, const std::vector<uint32_t> &data);
+ // Receive thread, need to be public for boost::bind
+ void bg_loop();
} // namespace usrp2
diff --git a/usrp2/host/lib/ b/usrp2/host/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index d147703959..0000000000
--- a/usrp2/host/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include "usrp2_thread.h"
-#include "usrp2_impl.h"
-#include <gruel/realtime.h>
-#include <gruel/sys_pri.h>
-#include <iostream>
-namespace usrp2 {
- usrp2_thread::usrp2_thread(usrp2::impl *u2) :
- omni_thread(NULL, PRIORITY_HIGH),
- d_u2(u2)
- {
- }
- usrp2_thread::~usrp2_thread()
- {
- // we don't own this, just forget it
- d_u2 = 0;
- }
- void
- usrp2_thread::start()
- {
- start_undetached();
- }
- void *
- usrp2_thread::run_undetached(void *arg)
- {
- if (gruel::enable_realtime_scheduling(gruel::sys_pri::usrp2_backend()) != gruel::RT_OK)
- std::cerr << "usrp2: failed to enable realtime scheduling" << std::endl;
- // This is the first code to run in the new thread context.
- d_u2->bg_loop();
- return 0;
- }
-} // namespace usrp2
diff --git a/usrp2/host/lib/usrp2_thread.h b/usrp2/host/lib/usrp2_thread.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 12723e9471..0000000000
--- a/usrp2/host/lib/usrp2_thread.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
- * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-#include <gnuradio/omnithread.h>
-#include <usrp2_impl.h>
-namespace usrp2 {
- class usrp2_thread : public omni_thread
- {
- private:
- usrp2::impl *d_u2;
- public:
- usrp2_thread(usrp2::impl *u2);
- ~usrp2_thread();
- void start();
- virtual void *run_undetached(void *arg);
- };
-} // namespace usrp2
diff --git a/usrp2/host/ b/usrp2/host/
index eaef5f41d2..e0c2b1986d 100644
--- a/usrp2/host/
+++ b/usrp2/host/
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ includedir=@includedir@
Name: usrp2
Description: Universal Software Radio Peripheral 2
-Requires: gnuradio-omnithread gruel
+Requires: gruel
Version: @VERSION@
Libs: -L${libdir} -lusrp2
Cflags: -I${includedir} @DEFINES@