diff options
authorTom Rondeau <>2013-02-16 14:39:28 -0500
committerTom Rondeau <>2013-02-16 14:46:51 -0500
commit8827ecc87eca9a1e970dd2ba5da0731cd9db0e98 (patch)
parent6e2f2e4716bedb1317b44d5b03bde4468b2502fd (diff)
core: Making an all C++ version of the preferences/config file readers.
This replaces the Python config parser stuff; should have same functionality that we need.
4 files changed, 133 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/gnuradio-core/src/lib/general/ b/gnuradio-core/src/lib/general/
index 20aead8e3e..40601f7c4c 100644
--- a/gnuradio-core/src/lib/general/
+++ b/gnuradio-core/src/lib/general/
@@ -25,6 +25,13 @@
#include <gr_prefs.h>
+#include <gr_constants.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <boost/filesystem/operations.hpp>
+#include <boost/filesystem/path.hpp>
+#include <boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp>
+namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
* Stub implementations
@@ -45,44 +52,153 @@ gr_prefs::set_singleton(gr_prefs *p)
s_singleton = p;
+ _read_files();
// nop
+ fs::path dir = gr_prefsdir();
+ if(!fs::is_directory(dir))
+ std::runtime_error("gr_prefs: preference path does not exist.\n");
+ std::vector<std::string> fnames;
+ fs::directory_iterator diritr(dir);
+ while(diritr != fs::directory_iterator()) {
+ fs::path p = *diritr++;
+ fnames.push_back(p.string());
+ }
+ std::sort(fnames.begin(), fnames.end());
+ return fnames;
+ std::vector<std::string> filenames = _sys_prefs_filenames();
+ std::vector<std::string>::iterator sitr;
+ char tmp[1024];
+ for(sitr = filenames.begin(); sitr != filenames.end(); sitr++) {
+ fs::ifstream fin(*sitr);
+ while(!fin.eof()) {
+ fin.getline(tmp, 1024);
+ std::string t(tmp);
+ // ignore empty lines or lines of just comments
+ if((t.size() > 0) && (t[0] != '#')) {
+ // remove any comments in the line
+ size_t hash = t.find("#");
+ // Use hash marks at the end of each segment as a delimiter
+ d_configs += t.substr(0, hash) + '#';
+ }
+ }
+ fin.close();
+ }
+ // Remove all whitespace
+ d_configs.erase(std::remove_if(d_configs.begin(), d_configs.end(), ::isspace), d_configs.end());
gr_prefs::has_section(const std::string section)
- return false;
+ size_t t = d_configs.find("[" + section + "]#");
+ return t != std::string::npos;
gr_prefs::has_option(const std::string section, const std::string option)
- return false;
+ if(has_section(section)) {
+ size_t sec = d_configs.find("[" + section + "]#");
+ size_t opt = d_configs.find("#" + option + "=", sec);
+ return opt != std::string::npos;
+ }
+ else {
+ return false;
+ }
const std::string
gr_prefs::get_string(const std::string section, const std::string option, const std::string default_val)
- return default_val;
+ if(has_option(section, option)) {
+ std::string optname = "#" + option + "=";
+ size_t sec = d_configs.find("[" + section + "]#");
+ size_t opt = d_configs.find(optname, sec);
+ size_t start = opt + optname.size();
+ size_t end = d_configs.find("#", start);
+ size_t len = end - start;
+ return d_configs.substr(start, len);
+ }
+ else {
+ return default_val;
+ }
gr_prefs::get_bool(const std::string section, const std::string option, bool default_val)
- return default_val;
+ if(has_option(section, option)) {
+ std::string str = get_string(section, option, "");
+ if(str == "") {
+ return default_val;
+ }
+ std::transform(str.begin(), str.end(), str.begin(), ::tolower);
+ if(str == "true")
+ return true;
+ else if(str == "false")
+ return false;
+ else
+ return default_val;
+ }
+ else {
+ return default_val;
+ }
gr_prefs::get_long(const std::string section, const std::string option, long default_val)
- return default_val;
+ if(has_option(section, option)) {
+ std::string str = get_string(section, option, "");
+ if(str == "") {
+ return default_val;
+ }
+ std::stringstream sstr(str);
+ long n;
+ sstr >> n;
+ return n;
+ }
+ else {
+ return default_val;
+ }
gr_prefs::get_double(const std::string section, const std::string option, double default_val)
- return default_val;
+ if(has_option(section, option)) {
+ std::string str = get_string(section, option, "");
+ if(str == "") {
+ return default_val;
+ }
+ std::stringstream sstr(str);
+ double n;
+ sstr >> n;
+ return n;
+ }
+ else {
+ return default_val;
+ }
diff --git a/gnuradio-core/src/lib/general/gr_prefs.h b/gnuradio-core/src/lib/general/gr_prefs.h
index b1c354bd35..90d6027411 100644
--- a/gnuradio-core/src/lib/general/gr_prefs.h
+++ b/gnuradio-core/src/lib/general/gr_prefs.h
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
#include <gr_core_api.h>
#include <string>
+#include <gruel/thread.h>
* \brief Base class for representing user preferences a la windows INI files.
@@ -39,6 +40,7 @@ public:
static gr_prefs *singleton();
static void set_singleton(gr_prefs *p);
+ gr_prefs();
virtual ~gr_prefs();
@@ -78,6 +80,14 @@ public:
virtual double get_double(const std::string section,
const std::string option,
double default_val);
+ protected:
+ virtual std::vector<std::string> _sys_prefs_filenames();
+ virtual void _read_files();
+ private:
+ gruel::mutex d_mutex;
+ std::string d_configs;
diff --git a/gnuradio-core/src/lib/general/gr_prefs.i b/gnuradio-core/src/lib/general/gr_prefs.i
index f44dcc944c..cfb4cdb4e3 100644
--- a/gnuradio-core/src/lib/general/gr_prefs.i
+++ b/gnuradio-core/src/lib/general/gr_prefs.i
@@ -20,9 +20,6 @@
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-// Generate SWIG directors for gr_prefs.
-%feature("director") gr_prefs;
class gr_prefs
diff --git a/gnuradio-core/src/python/gnuradio/gr/ b/gnuradio-core/src/python/gnuradio/gr/
index f1b971e62d..1c2c4c8371 100644
--- a/gnuradio-core/src/python/gnuradio/gr/
+++ b/gnuradio-core/src/python/gnuradio/gr/
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ serial_to_parallel = stream_to_vector
parallel_to_serial = vector_to_stream
# Force the preference database to be initialized
-from prefs import prefs
+prefs = gr_prefs.singleton
#alias old gr_add_vXX and gr_multiply_vXX
add_vcc = add_cc