diff options
authorMichael Dickens <>2014-04-24 09:57:49 -0400
committerTom Rondeau <>2014-04-24 14:51:34 -0400
commit668835cb58ddee5431b9062ea1b5d04efa69c087 (patch)
parent521e707297f9a5441cca559370a07b03a73b2abe (diff)
whitespace only
2 files changed, 380 insertions, 380 deletions
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/lib/thread/ b/gnuradio-runtime/lib/thread/
index 5e5874ec0f..8d1ef767a7 100644
--- a/gnuradio-runtime/lib/thread/
+++ b/gnuradio-runtime/lib/thread/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2012-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2012-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GNU Radio
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ namespace gr {
DWORD_PTR ret = SetThreadAffinityMask(thread, dword_mask);
if(ret == 0) {
std::stringstream s;
- s << "thread_bind_to_processor failed with error: "
+ s << "thread_bind_to_processor failed with error: "
<< GetLastError() << std::endl;
throw std::runtime_error(s.str());
@@ -97,14 +97,14 @@ namespace gr {
- int
+ int
thread_priority(gr_thread_t thread)
// Not implemented on Windows
return -1;
- int
+ int
set_thread_priority(gr_thread_t thread, int priority)
// Not implemented on Windows
@@ -164,14 +164,14 @@ namespace gr {
// Not implemented on OSX
- int
+ int
thread_priority(gr_thread_t thread)
// Not implemented on OSX
return -1;
- int
+ int
set_thread_priority(gr_thread_t thread, int priority)
// Not implemented on OSX
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ namespace gr {
- int
+ int
thread_priority(gr_thread_t thread)
sched_param param;
@@ -273,8 +273,8 @@ namespace gr {
priority = param.sched_priority;
return (ret==0)?priority:ret;
- int
+ int
set_thread_priority(gr_thread_t thread, int priority)
int policy;
diff --git a/gr-audio/lib/osx/ b/gr-audio/lib/osx/
index 2e1d32ee21..27329a26cb 100644
--- a/gr-audio/lib/osx/
+++ b/gr-audio/lib/osx/
@@ -57,18 +57,18 @@ namespace gr {
io_signature::make(0, 0, 0),
io_signature::make(0, 0, 0)),
d_input_sample_rate(0.0), d_n_user_channels(0),
- d_n_dev_channels(0), d_queue_sample_count(0),
- d_buffer_sample_count(0), d_ok_to_block(ok_to_block),
- d_do_reset(false), d_hardware_changed(false),
- d_using_default_device(false), d_waiting_for_data(false),
- d_desired_name(device_name.empty() ? default_device_name()
- : device_name),
- d_output_au(0), d_output_ad_id(0)
+ d_n_dev_channels(0), d_queue_sample_count(0),
+ d_buffer_sample_count(0), d_ok_to_block(ok_to_block),
+ d_do_reset(false), d_hardware_changed(false),
+ d_using_default_device(false), d_waiting_for_data(false),
+ d_desired_name(device_name.empty() ? default_device_name()
+ : device_name),
+ d_output_au(0), d_output_ad_id(0)
if(sample_rate <= 0) {
- GR_LOG_ERROR(d_logger, boost::format
- ("Invalid Sample Rate: %d")
- % sample_rate);
+ GR_LOG_ERROR(d_logger, boost::format
+ ("Invalid Sample Rate: %d")
+ % sample_rate);
throw std::invalid_argument("audio_osx_sink");
else {
@@ -94,51 +94,51 @@ namespace gr {
std::vector < std::string > all_names;
- (d_desired_name, false,
- &all_ad_ids, &all_names);
+ (d_desired_name, false,
+ &all_ad_ids, &all_names);
// check number of device(s) returned
if (d_desired_name.length() != 0) {
- if (all_ad_ids.size() == 1) {
+ if (all_ad_ids.size() == 1) {
- // exactly 1 match was found; see if it was partial
+ // exactly 1 match was found; see if it was partial
- if (all_names[0].compare(d_desired_name) != 0) {
+ if (all_names[0].compare(d_desired_name) != 0) {
- // yes: log the full device name
- GR_LOG_INFO(d_logger, boost::format
- ("Using output audio device '%s'.")
- % all_names[0]);
+ // yes: log the full device name
+ GR_LOG_INFO(d_logger, boost::format
+ ("Using output audio device '%s'.")
+ % all_names[0]);
- }
+ }
- // store info on this device
+ // store info on this device
- d_output_ad_id = all_ad_ids[0];
- d_selected_name = all_names[0];
+ d_output_ad_id = all_ad_ids[0];
+ d_selected_name = all_names[0];
- } else {
+ } else {
- // either 0 or more than 1 device was found; get all output
- // device names, print those, and error out.
+ // either 0 or more than 1 device was found; get all output
+ // device names, print those, and error out.
- osx::find_audio_devices("", false, NULL, &all_names);
+ osx::find_audio_devices("", false, NULL, &all_names);
- std::string err_str("\n\nA unique output audio device name "
- "matching the string '");
- err_str += d_desired_name;
- err_str += "' was not found.\n\n";
- err_str += "The current known output audio device name";
- err_str += ((all_names.size() > 1) ? "s are" : " is");
- err_str += ":\n";
- for (UInt32 nn = 0; nn < all_names.size(); ++nn) {
- err_str += " " + all_names[nn] + "\n";
- }
- GR_LOG_ERROR(d_logger, boost::format(err_str));
- throw std::runtime_error("audio_osx_sink::setup");
+ std::string err_str("\n\nA unique output audio device name "
+ "matching the string '");
+ err_str += d_desired_name;
+ err_str += "' was not found.\n\n";
+ err_str += "The current known output audio device name";
+ err_str += ((all_names.size() > 1) ? "s are" : " is");
+ err_str += ":\n";
+ for (UInt32 nn = 0; nn < all_names.size(); ++nn) {
+ err_str += " " + all_names[nn] + "\n";
+ }
+ GR_LOG_ERROR(d_logger, boost::format(err_str));
+ throw std::runtime_error("audio_osx_sink::setup");
- }
+ }
// if no output audio device id was found, use the default
@@ -148,55 +148,55 @@ namespace gr {
UInt32 size = sizeof(AudioDeviceID);
AudioObjectPropertyAddress ao_address = {
- kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultOutputDevice,
- kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal,
- kAudioObjectPropertyElementMaster
+ kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultOutputDevice,
+ kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal,
+ kAudioObjectPropertyElementMaster
err = AudioObjectGetPropertyData
- (kAudioObjectSystemObject, &ao_address,
- 0, NULL, &size, &d_output_ad_id);
- check_error_and_throw
- (err, "Getting the default output audio device ID failed",
- "audio_osx_sink::setup");
+ (kAudioObjectSystemObject, &ao_address,
+ 0, NULL, &size, &d_output_ad_id);
+ check_error_and_throw
+ (err, "Getting the default output audio device ID failed",
+ "audio_osx_sink::setup");
- {
- // retrieve the device name; max name length is 64 characters.
+ {
+ // retrieve the device name; max name length is 64 characters.
- UInt32 prop_size = 65;
- char c_name_buf[prop_size];
- bzero((void*)c_name_buf, prop_size);
- --prop_size;
+ UInt32 prop_size = 65;
+ char c_name_buf[prop_size];
+ bzero((void*)c_name_buf, prop_size);
+ --prop_size;
- AudioObjectPropertyAddress ao_address = {
- kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceName,
- kAudioDevicePropertyScopeOutput, 0
- };
+ AudioObjectPropertyAddress ao_address = {
+ kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceName,
+ kAudioDevicePropertyScopeOutput, 0
+ };
- if ((err = AudioObjectGetPropertyData
- (d_output_ad_id, &ao_address, 0, NULL,
- &prop_size, (void*)c_name_buf)) != noErr) {
+ if ((err = AudioObjectGetPropertyData
+ (d_output_ad_id, &ao_address, 0, NULL,
+ &prop_size, (void*)c_name_buf)) != noErr) {
- check_error(err, "Unable to retrieve output audio device name");
+ check_error(err, "Unable to retrieve output audio device name");
- } else {
+ } else {
- GR_LOG_INFO(d_logger, boost::format
- ("\n\nUsing output audio device '%s'.\n ... "
- "which is the current default output audio"
- " device.\n Changing the default output"
- " audio device in the System Preferences"
- " will \n result in changing it here, too "
- "(with an internal reconfiguration).\n") %
- std::string(c_name_buf));
+ GR_LOG_INFO(d_logger, boost::format
+ ("\n\nUsing output audio device '%s'.\n ... "
+ "which is the current default output audio"
+ " device.\n Changing the default output"
+ " audio device in the System Preferences"
+ " will \n result in changing it here, too "
+ "(with an internal reconfiguration).\n") %
+ std::string(c_name_buf));
- }
+ }
- d_selected_name = c_name_buf;
+ d_selected_name = c_name_buf;
- }
+ }
- d_using_default_device = true;
+ d_using_default_device = true;
@@ -204,15 +204,15 @@ namespace gr {
// output device
- (d_output_ad_id, NULL, &d_n_dev_channels);
+ (d_output_ad_id, NULL, &d_n_dev_channels);
// set the block input signature, if not already set
// (d_n_user_channels is set in check_topology, which is called
// before the flow-graph is running)
if (d_n_user_channels == 0) {
- set_input_signature(io_signature::make
- (1, d_n_dev_channels, sizeof(float)));
+ set_input_signature(io_signature::make
+ (1, d_n_dev_channels, sizeof(float)));
// set the interim buffer size; to work with the GR scheduler,
@@ -220,12 +220,12 @@ namespace gr {
// not very much.
d_buffer_sample_count = (d_input_sample_rate < 50000.0 ?
- 50000 : (UInt32)d_input_sample_rate);
+ 50000 : (UInt32)d_input_sample_rate);
std::cerr << ((void*)(pthread_self()))
- << " : audio_osx_sink: max # samples = "
- << d_buffer_sample_count << std::endl;
+ << " : audio_osx_sink: max # samples = "
+ << d_buffer_sample_count << std::endl;
// create the default AudioUnit for output:
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ namespace gr {
AudioComponent comp = AudioComponentFindNext(NULL, &desc);
if(!comp) {
GR_LOG_FATAL(d_logger, boost::format
- ("AudioComponentFindNext Failed"));
+ ("AudioComponentFindNext Failed"));
throw std::runtime_error("audio_osx_sink::setup");
err = AudioComponentInstanceNew(comp, &d_output_au);
@@ -261,42 +261,42 @@ namespace gr {
Component comp = FindNextComponent(NULL, &desc);
if(comp == NULL) {
GR_LOG_FATAL(d_logger, boost::format
- ("FindNextComponent Failed"));
+ ("FindNextComponent Failed"));
throw std::runtime_error("audio_osx_sink::setup");
err = OpenAComponent(comp, &d_output_au);
check_error_and_throw(err, "OpenAComponent Failed",
- "audio_osx_sink::setup");
+ "audio_osx_sink::setup");
// set the selected device ID as the current output device
err = AudioUnitSetProperty
- (d_output_au, kAudioOutputUnitProperty_CurrentDevice,
- kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0,
- &d_output_ad_id, sizeof(d_output_ad_id));
+ (d_output_au, kAudioOutputUnitProperty_CurrentDevice,
+ kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0,
+ &d_output_ad_id, sizeof(d_output_ad_id));
- (err, "Setting selected output device as current failed",
- "audio_osx_sink::setup");
+ (err, "Setting selected output device as current failed",
+ "audio_osx_sink::setup");
// Set up a callback function to generate output to the output unit
AURenderCallbackStruct au_callback = {
- reinterpret_cast<AURenderCallback>
- (&osx_sink::au_output_callback),
+ reinterpret_cast<AURenderCallback>
+ (&osx_sink::au_output_callback),
UInt32 prop_size = (UInt32)sizeof(au_callback);
err = AudioUnitSetProperty
- (d_output_au,
- kAudioUnitProperty_SetRenderCallback,
- kAudioUnitScope_Input, 0,
- &au_callback, prop_size);
+ (d_output_au,
+ kAudioUnitProperty_SetRenderCallback,
+ kAudioUnitScope_Input, 0,
+ &au_callback, prop_size);
- (err, "Set Render Callback",
- "audio_osx_sink::setup");
+ (err, "Set Render Callback",
+ "audio_osx_sink::setup");
// create the stream format for the output unit, so that it
// handles any format conversions. Set number of channels in
@@ -319,28 +319,28 @@ namespace gr {
UInt32 render_quality = kRenderQuality_Max;
prop_size = (UInt32)sizeof(render_quality);
err = AudioUnitSetProperty
- (d_output_au,
- kAudioUnitProperty_RenderQuality,
- kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0,
- &render_quality, prop_size);
+ (d_output_au,
+ kAudioUnitProperty_RenderQuality,
+ kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0,
+ &render_quality, prop_size);
check_error(err, "Setting render quality failed");
// clear the RunLoop (whatever that is); needed, for some
// reason, before a listener will work.
- CFRunLoopRef the_run_loop = NULL;
- AudioObjectPropertyAddress property = {
- kAudioHardwarePropertyRunLoop,
- kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal,
- kAudioObjectPropertyElementMaster
- };
- prop_size = (UInt32)sizeof(the_run_loop);
- err = AudioObjectSetPropertyData
- (kAudioObjectSystemObject, &property, 0, NULL,
- prop_size, &the_run_loop);
- check_error(err, "Clearing RunLoop failed; "
- "Audio Output Device Listener might not work.");
+ CFRunLoopRef the_run_loop = NULL;
+ AudioObjectPropertyAddress property = {
+ kAudioHardwarePropertyRunLoop,
+ kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal,
+ kAudioObjectPropertyElementMaster
+ };
+ prop_size = (UInt32)sizeof(the_run_loop);
+ err = AudioObjectSetPropertyData
+ (kAudioObjectSystemObject, &property, 0, NULL,
+ prop_size, &the_run_loop);
+ check_error(err, "Clearing RunLoop failed; "
+ "Audio Output Device Listener might not work.");
// set up listeners
@@ -351,41 +351,41 @@ namespace gr {
- // set up a listener if hardware changes (at all)
+ // set up a listener if hardware changes (at all)
- AudioObjectPropertyAddress property = {
- kAudioHardwarePropertyDevices,
- kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal,
- kAudioObjectPropertyElementMaster
- };
+ AudioObjectPropertyAddress property = {
+ kAudioHardwarePropertyDevices,
+ kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal,
+ kAudioObjectPropertyElementMaster
+ };
- err = AudioObjectAddPropertyListener
- (kAudioObjectSystemObject, &property,
- reinterpret_cast<AudioObjectPropertyListenerProc>
- (&osx_sink::hardware_listener),
- reinterpret_cast<void*>(this));
- check_error(err, "Adding Audio Hardware Listener failed");
+ err = AudioObjectAddPropertyListener
+ (kAudioObjectSystemObject, &property,
+ reinterpret_cast<AudioObjectPropertyListenerProc>
+ (&osx_sink::hardware_listener),
+ reinterpret_cast<void*>(this));
+ check_error(err, "Adding Audio Hardware Listener failed");
if (d_using_default_device) {
- // set up a listener for the default output device so that if
- // the device changes, this routine will be called and we can
- // internally handle this change (if/as necesary)
- {
- AudioObjectPropertyAddress property = {
- kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultOutputDevice,
- kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal,
- kAudioObjectPropertyElementMaster
- };
- err = AudioObjectAddPropertyListener
- (kAudioObjectSystemObject, &property,
- reinterpret_cast<AudioObjectPropertyListenerProc>
- (&osx_sink::hardware_listener),
- reinterpret_cast<void*>(this));
- check_error(err, "Adding Default Output Audio Listener failed");
- }
+ // set up a listener for the default output device so that if
+ // the device changes, this routine will be called and we can
+ // internally handle this change (if/as necesary)
+ {
+ AudioObjectPropertyAddress property = {
+ kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultOutputDevice,
+ kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal,
+ kAudioObjectPropertyElementMaster
+ };
+ err = AudioObjectAddPropertyListener
+ (kAudioObjectSystemObject, &property,
+ reinterpret_cast<AudioObjectPropertyListenerProc>
+ (&osx_sink::hardware_listener),
+ reinterpret_cast<void*>(this));
+ check_error(err, "Adding Default Output Audio Listener failed");
+ }
@@ -393,20 +393,20 @@ namespace gr {
// 10.5 and older
err = AudioHardwareAddPropertyListener
- (kAudioHardwarePropertyDevices,
- reinterpret_cast<AudioHardwarePropertyListenerProc>
- (&osx_sink::hardware_listener),
- reinterpret_cast<void*>(this));
+ (kAudioHardwarePropertyDevices,
+ reinterpret_cast<AudioHardwarePropertyListenerProc>
+ (&osx_sink::hardware_listener),
+ reinterpret_cast<void*>(this));
check_error(err, "Adding Audio Hardware Listener failed");
if (d_using_default_device) {
- err = AudioHardwareAddPropertyListener
- (kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultOutputDevice,
- reinterpret_cast<AudioHardwarePropertyListenerProc>
- (&osx_sink::default_listener),
- reinterpret_cast<void*>(this));
- check_error(err, "Adding Default Output Audio Listener failed");
+ err = AudioHardwareAddPropertyListener
+ (kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultOutputDevice,
+ reinterpret_cast<AudioHardwarePropertyListenerProc>
+ (&osx_sink::default_listener),
+ reinterpret_cast<void*>(this));
+ check_error(err, "Adding Default Output Audio Listener failed");
@@ -416,16 +416,16 @@ namespace gr {
err = AudioUnitInitialize(d_output_au);
- (err, "AudioUnit Initialize Failed",
- "audio_osx_sink::setup");
+ (err, "AudioUnit Initialize Failed",
+ "audio_osx_sink::setup");
std::cerr << ((void*)(pthread_self()))
- << " : audio_osx_sink Parameters:" << std::endl
- << " Sample Rate is " << d_input_sample_rate << std::endl
- << " Max # samples to store per channel is "
- << d_buffer_sample_count << std::endl;
+ << " : audio_osx_sink Parameters:" << std::endl
+ << " Sample Rate is " << d_input_sample_rate << std::endl
+ << " Max # samples to store per channel is "
+ << d_buffer_sample_count << std::endl;
@@ -433,8 +433,8 @@ namespace gr {
std::cerr << ((void*)(pthread_self()))
- << " : audio_osx_sink::teardown: starting"
- << std::endl;
+ << " : audio_osx_sink::teardown: starting"
+ << std::endl;
OSStatus err = noErr;
@@ -444,22 +444,22 @@ namespace gr {
if (d_using_default_device) {
- // remove the listener
- OSStatus err = noErr;
- AudioObjectPropertyAddress property = {
- kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultOutputDevice,
- kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal,
- kAudioObjectPropertyElementMaster
- };
- err = AudioObjectRemovePropertyListener
- (kAudioObjectSystemObject, &property,
- reinterpret_cast<AudioObjectPropertyListenerProc>
- (&osx_sink::hardware_listener),
- reinterpret_cast<void*>(this));
+ // remove the listener
+ OSStatus err = noErr;
+ AudioObjectPropertyAddress property = {
+ kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultOutputDevice,
+ kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal,
+ kAudioObjectPropertyElementMaster
+ };
+ err = AudioObjectRemovePropertyListener
+ (kAudioObjectSystemObject, &property,
+ reinterpret_cast<AudioObjectPropertyListenerProc>
+ (&osx_sink::hardware_listener),
+ reinterpret_cast<void*>(this));
- check_error(err, "teardown: AudioObjectRemovePropertyListener "
- "hardware failed");
+ check_error(err, "teardown: AudioObjectRemovePropertyListener "
+ "hardware failed");
@@ -495,15 +495,15 @@ namespace gr {
// clear important variables; not # user channels
d_n_dev_channels = d_n_buffer_channels =
- d_queue_sample_count = d_buffer_sample_count = 0;
+ d_queue_sample_count = d_buffer_sample_count = 0;
d_using_default_device = false;
d_output_au = 0;
d_output_ad_id = 0;
std::cerr << ((void*)(pthread_self()))
- << " : audio_osx_sink::teardown: finished"
- << std::endl;
+ << " : audio_osx_sink::teardown: finished"
+ << std::endl;
@@ -514,15 +514,15 @@ namespace gr {
if (d_output_au) {
- UInt32 prop_size = (UInt32)sizeof(UInt32);
- OSStatus err = AudioUnitGetProperty
- (d_output_au,
- kAudioOutputUnitProperty_IsRunning,
- kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0,
- &au_running, &prop_size);
- check_error_and_throw
- (err, "AudioUnitGetProperty IsRunning",
- "audio_osx_sink::is_running");
+ UInt32 prop_size = (UInt32)sizeof(UInt32);
+ OSStatus err = AudioUnitGetProperty
+ (d_output_au,
+ kAudioOutputUnitProperty_IsRunning,
+ kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0,
+ &au_running, &prop_size);
+ check_error_and_throw
+ (err, "AudioUnitGetProperty IsRunning",
+ "audio_osx_sink::is_running");
@@ -536,9 +536,9 @@ namespace gr {
if(noutputs != 0) {
GR_LOG_FATAL(d_logger, boost::format
- ("check_topology(): number of output "
- "streams provided (%d) should be 0.")
- % noutputs);
+ ("check_topology(): number of output "
+ "streams provided (%d) should be 0.")
+ % noutputs);
throw std::runtime_error
@@ -548,10 +548,10 @@ namespace gr {
if((ninputs < 1) | (ninputs > (int) d_n_dev_channels)) {
GR_LOG_FATAL(d_logger, boost::format
- ("check_topology(): number of input "
- "streams provided (%d) should be in [1,%d] "
- "for the selected output audio device.")
- % ninputs % d_n_dev_channels);
+ ("check_topology(): number of input "
+ "streams provided (%d) should be in [1,%d] "
+ "for the selected output audio device.")
+ % ninputs % d_n_dev_channels);
throw std::runtime_error("audio_osx_sink::check_topology");
@@ -562,8 +562,8 @@ namespace gr {
std::cerr << ((void*)(pthread_self()))
- << " : audio_osx_sink::check_topology: "
- << "Actual # user input channels = "
+ << " : audio_osx_sink::check_topology: "
+ << "Actual # user input channels = "
<< d_n_user_channels << std::endl;
@@ -575,58 +575,58 @@ namespace gr {
if (d_buffers.size() == 0) {
- // allocate the output circular buffer(s), one per user channel
+ // allocate the output circular buffer(s), one per user channel
- d_buffers.resize(d_n_user_channels);
- for(UInt32 nn = 0; nn < d_n_user_channels; ++nn) {
- d_buffers[nn] = new circular_buffer<float>
- (d_buffer_sample_count, false, false);
- }
+ d_buffers.resize(d_n_user_channels);
+ for(UInt32 nn = 0; nn < d_n_user_channels; ++nn) {
+ d_buffers[nn] = new circular_buffer<float>
+ (d_buffer_sample_count, false, false);
+ }
else {
- if(d_buffers.size() == d_n_user_channels) {
- if (force_reset) {
- for(UInt32 nn = 0; nn < d_buffers.size(); ++nn) {
- d_buffers[nn]->reset();
- }
- }
- return;
- }
+ if(d_buffers.size() == d_n_user_channels) {
+ if (force_reset) {
+ for(UInt32 nn = 0; nn < d_buffers.size(); ++nn) {
+ d_buffers[nn]->reset();
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
- // reallocate the output circular buffer(s)
+ // reallocate the output circular buffer(s)
- if (d_n_user_channels < d_buffers.size()) {
+ if (d_n_user_channels < d_buffers.size()) {
- // too many buffers; delete some
+ // too many buffers; delete some
- for (UInt32 nn = d_n_user_channels; nn < d_buffers.size(); ++nn) {
- delete d_buffers[nn];
- d_buffers[nn] = 0;
- }
- d_buffers.resize(d_n_user_channels);
+ for (UInt32 nn = d_n_user_channels; nn < d_buffers.size(); ++nn) {
+ delete d_buffers[nn];
+ d_buffers[nn] = 0;
+ }
+ d_buffers.resize(d_n_user_channels);
- // reset remaining buffers
+ // reset remaining buffers
- for(UInt32 nn = 0; nn < d_buffers.size(); ++nn) {
- d_buffers[nn]->reset();
- }
- }
- else {
+ for(UInt32 nn = 0; nn < d_buffers.size(); ++nn) {
+ d_buffers[nn]->reset();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
- // too few buffers; create some more
+ // too few buffers; create some more
- // reset old buffers first
+ // reset old buffers first
- for(UInt32 nn = 0; nn < d_buffers.size(); ++nn) {
- d_buffers[nn]->reset();
- }
+ for(UInt32 nn = 0; nn < d_buffers.size(); ++nn) {
+ d_buffers[nn]->reset();
+ }
- d_buffers.resize(d_n_user_channels);
- for (UInt32 nn = d_buffers.size(); nn < d_n_user_channels; ++nn) {
- d_buffers[nn] = new circular_buffer<float>
- (d_buffer_sample_count, false, false);
- }
- }
+ d_buffers.resize(d_n_user_channels);
+ for (UInt32 nn = d_buffers.size(); nn < d_n_user_channels; ++nn) {
+ d_buffers[nn] = new circular_buffer<float>
+ (d_buffer_sample_count, false, false);
+ }
+ }
// reset the output audio unit for the correct number of channels
@@ -638,20 +638,20 @@ namespace gr {
d_stream_format.mChannelsPerFrame = d_n_user_channels;
err = AudioUnitSetProperty
- (d_output_au,
- kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat,
- kAudioUnitScope_Input, 0,
- &d_stream_format, sizeof(d_stream_format));
+ (d_output_au,
+ kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat,
+ kAudioUnitScope_Input, 0,
+ &d_stream_format, sizeof(d_stream_format));
- (err, "AudioUnitSetProperty StreamFormat",
- "audio_osx_sink::check_channels");
+ (err, "AudioUnitSetProperty StreamFormat",
+ "audio_osx_sink::check_channels");
// initialize the AU for output, so that it is ready to be used
err = AudioUnitInitialize(d_output_au);
- (err, "AudioUnitInitialize",
- "audio_osx_sink::check_channels");
+ (err, "AudioUnitInitialize",
+ "audio_osx_sink::check_channels");
@@ -660,28 +660,28 @@ namespace gr {
if(!is_running() && d_output_au) {
- std::cerr << ((void*)(pthread_self()))
- << " : audio_osx_sink::start: starting Output AudioUnit."
- << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << ((void*)(pthread_self()))
+ << " : audio_osx_sink::start: starting Output AudioUnit."
+ << std::endl;
- // check channels, (re)allocate and reset buffers if/as necessary
+ // check channels, (re)allocate and reset buffers if/as necessary
- check_channels(true);
+ check_channels(true);
- // start the audio unit (should never fail)
+ // start the audio unit (should never fail)
OSStatus err = AudioOutputUnitStart(d_output_au);
- (err, "AudioOutputUnitStart",
- "audio_osx_sink::start");
+ (err, "AudioOutputUnitStart",
+ "audio_osx_sink::start");
else {
- std::cerr << ((void*)(pthread_self()))
- << " : audio_osx_sink::start: "
- << "already running." << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << ((void*)(pthread_self()))
+ << " : audio_osx_sink::start: "
+ << "already running." << std::endl;
@@ -694,46 +694,46 @@ namespace gr {
if(is_running()) {
- std::cerr << ((void*)(pthread_self()))
- << " : audio_osx_sink::stop: "
- << "stopping Output AudioUnit."
- << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << ((void*)(pthread_self()))
+ << " : audio_osx_sink::stop: "
+ << "stopping Output AudioUnit."
+ << std::endl;
- // if waiting in ::work, signal to wake up
- if (d_waiting_for_data) {
+ // if waiting in ::work, signal to wake up
+ if (d_waiting_for_data) {
- std::cerr << ((void*)(pthread_self()))
- << " : audio_osx_sink::stop: "
- << "signaling waiting condition" << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << ((void*)(pthread_self()))
+ << " : audio_osx_sink::stop: "
+ << "signaling waiting condition" << std::endl;
- d_cond_data.notify_one();
- }
+ d_cond_data.notify_one();
+ }
- // stop the audio unit (should never fail)
+ // stop the audio unit (should never fail)
OSStatus err = AudioOutputUnitStop(d_output_au);
- (err, "AudioOutputUnitStop",
- "audio_osx_sink::stop");
+ (err, "AudioOutputUnitStop",
+ "audio_osx_sink::stop");
- // abort and reset all buffers
+ // abort and reset all buffers
for(UInt32 nn = 0; nn < d_n_user_channels; ++nn) {
- // reset local knowledge of amount of data in queues
+ // reset local knowledge of amount of data in queues
- d_queue_sample_count = 0;
+ d_queue_sample_count = 0;
else {
- std::cerr << ((void*)(pthread_self()))
- << " : audio_osx_sink::stop: "
- << "already stopped." << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << ((void*)(pthread_self()))
+ << " : audio_osx_sink::stop: "
+ << "already stopped." << std::endl;
@@ -747,76 +747,76 @@ namespace gr {
- gr::thread::scoped_lock l(d_internal);
- std::cerr << ((void*)(pthread_self()))
- << " : audio_osx_sink::work: "
- << "Starting: #OI = "
- << noutput_items << ", reset = "
- << (d_do_reset ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
+ gr::thread::scoped_lock l(d_internal);
+ std::cerr << ((void*)(pthread_self()))
+ << " : audio_osx_sink::work: "
+ << "Starting: #OI = "
+ << noutput_items << ", reset = "
+ << (d_do_reset ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
if (d_do_reset) {
- if (d_hardware_changed) {
- // see if the current AudioDeviceID is still available
- std::vector < AudioDeviceID > all_ad_ids;
- osx::find_audio_devices
- (d_desired_name, false,
- &all_ad_ids, NULL);
- bool found = false;
- for (UInt32 nn = 0; (nn < all_ad_ids.size()) && (!found);
- ++nn) {
- found = (all_ad_ids[nn] == d_output_ad_id);
- }
- if (!found) {
+ if (d_hardware_changed) {
+ // see if the current AudioDeviceID is still available
+ std::vector < AudioDeviceID > all_ad_ids;
+ osx::find_audio_devices
+ (d_desired_name, false,
+ &all_ad_ids, NULL);
+ bool found = false;
+ for (UInt32 nn = 0; (nn < all_ad_ids.size()) && (!found);
+ ++nn) {
+ found = (all_ad_ids[nn] == d_output_ad_id);
+ }
+ if (!found) {
- GR_LOG_FATAL(d_logger, boost::format
- ("The selected output audio device ('%s') "
- "is no longer available.\n")
- % d_selected_name);
- return(gr::block::WORK_DONE);
+ GR_LOG_FATAL(d_logger, boost::format
+ ("The selected output audio device ('%s') "
+ "is no longer available.\n")
+ % d_selected_name);
+ return(gr::block::WORK_DONE);
- }
+ }
- d_do_reset = d_hardware_changed = false;
+ d_do_reset = d_hardware_changed = false;
- }
- else {
+ }
+ else {
- {
- gr::thread::scoped_lock l(d_internal);
- std::cerr << ((void*)(pthread_self()))
- << " : audio_osx_sink::work: "
- << "doing reset." << std::endl;
- }
+ {
+ gr::thread::scoped_lock l(d_internal);
+ std::cerr << ((void*)(pthread_self()))
+ << " : audio_osx_sink::work: "
+ << "doing reset." << std::endl;
+ }
- GR_LOG_WARN(d_logger, boost::format
- ("\n\nThe default output audio device has "
- "changed; resetting audio.\nThere may "
- "be a sound glitch while resetting.\n"));
+ GR_LOG_WARN(d_logger, boost::format
+ ("\n\nThe default output audio device has "
+ "changed; resetting audio.\nThere may "
+ "be a sound glitch while resetting.\n"));
- // for any changes, just tear down the current
- // configuration, then set it up again using the user's
- // parameters to try to make selections.
+ // for any changes, just tear down the current
+ // configuration, then set it up again using the user's
+ // parameters to try to make selections.
- teardown();
+ teardown();
- gr::thread::scoped_lock l(d_internal);
+ gr::thread::scoped_lock l(d_internal);
- setup();
- start();
+ setup();
+ start();
- std::cerr << ((void*)(pthread_self()))
- << " : audio_osx_sink: "
- << "returning 0 after reset."
- << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << ((void*)(pthread_self()))
+ << " : audio_osx_sink: "
+ << "returning 0 after reset."
+ << std::endl;
- return(0);
- }
+ return(0);
+ }
gr::thread::scoped_lock l(d_internal);
@@ -841,8 +841,8 @@ namespace gr {
std::cerr << ((void*)(pthread_self()))
- << " : audio_osx_sink::work: "
- << "qSC = " << d_queue_sample_count
+ << " : audio_osx_sink::work: "
+ << "qSC = " << d_queue_sample_count
<< ", lMC = "<< l_max_count
<< ", dBSC = " << d_buffer_sample_count
<< ", #OI = " << noutput_items << std::endl;
@@ -858,36 +858,36 @@ namespace gr {
if(d_ok_to_block == true) {
// block until there is data to return, or on reset
while(d_queue_sample_count > l_max_count) {
- // release control so-as to allow data to be retrieved;
- // block until there is data to return
+ // release control so-as to allow data to be retrieved;
+ // block until there is data to return
- std::cerr << ((void*)(pthread_self()))
- << " : audio_osx_sink::work: "
- << "waiting." << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << ((void*)(pthread_self()))
+ << " : audio_osx_sink::work: "
+ << "waiting." << std::endl;
- d_waiting_for_data = true;
- d_cond_data.wait(l);
- d_waiting_for_data = false;
+ d_waiting_for_data = true;
+ d_cond_data.wait(l);
+ d_waiting_for_data = false;
- std::cerr << ((void*)(pthread_self()))
- << " : audio_osx_sink::work: "
- << "done waiting." << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << ((void*)(pthread_self()))
+ << " : audio_osx_sink::work: "
+ << "done waiting." << std::endl;
- // the condition's 'notify' was called; acquire control to
- // keep thread safe
+ // the condition's 'notify' was called; acquire control to
+ // keep thread safe
- // if doing a reset, just return here; reset will pick
- // up the next time this method is called.
- if (d_do_reset) {
+ // if doing a reset, just return here; reset will pick
+ // up the next time this method is called.
+ if (d_do_reset) {
- std::cerr << ((void*)(pthread_self()))
- << " : audio_osx_sink::work: "
- << "returning 0 for reset." << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << ((void*)(pthread_self()))
+ << " : audio_osx_sink::work: "
+ << "returning 0 for reset." << std::endl;
- return(0);
- }
- }
- }
+ return(0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
// not blocking and overflow is handled by the circular buffer,
@@ -904,14 +904,14 @@ namespace gr {
int l_res = d_buffers[nn]->enqueue(inBuffer, noutput_items);
if(l_res == -1) {
res = -1;
- }
+ }
while(nn < d_n_user_channels) {
// for extra channels, copy the last input's data
int l_res = d_buffers[nn++]->enqueue(inBuffer, noutput_items);
if(l_res == -1) {
res = -1;
- }
+ }
// did overflow occur?
@@ -930,8 +930,8 @@ namespace gr {
std::cerr << ((void*)(pthread_self()))
- << " : audio_osx_sink::work: "
- << "returning: #OI = "
+ << " : audio_osx_sink::work: "
+ << "returning: #OI = "
<< noutput_items << ", qSC = "
<< d_queue_sample_count << ", bSS = "
<< d_buffer_sample_count << std::endl;
@@ -960,11 +960,11 @@ namespace gr {
std::cerr << ((void*)(pthread_self()))
- << " : audio_osx_sink::au_output_callback: "
- << "starting: qSC = "
- << This->d_queue_sample_count
+ << " : audio_osx_sink::au_output_callback: "
+ << "starting: qSC = "
+ << This->d_queue_sample_count
<< ", in#F = " << in_number_frames
- << ", in#C = " << This->d_n_user_channels << std::endl;
+ << ", in#C = " << This->d_n_user_channels << std::endl;
if(This->d_queue_sample_count < in_number_frames) {
@@ -994,7 +994,7 @@ namespace gr {
<< "unexpectedly (should never happen): was "
<< in_number_frames << " now "
<< t_n_output_items<< std::endl;
- err = kAudioUnitErr_TooManyFramesToProcess;
+ err = kAudioUnitErr_TooManyFramesToProcess;
@@ -1006,19 +1006,19 @@ namespace gr {
if (This->d_waiting_for_data) {
- std::cerr << ((void*)(pthread_self()))
- << " : audio_osx_sink::au_output_callback: "
- << "signaling waiting condition" << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << ((void*)(pthread_self()))
+ << " : audio_osx_sink::au_output_callback: "
+ << "signaling waiting condition" << std::endl;
- This->d_cond_data.notify_one();
+ This->d_cond_data.notify_one();
std::cerr << ((void*)(pthread_self()))
- << " : audio_osx_sink::au_output_callback: "
- << "returning: qSC = "
+ << " : audio_osx_sink::au_output_callback: "
+ << "returning: qSC = "
<< This->d_queue_sample_count
- << ", err = " << err << std::endl;
+ << ", err = " << err << std::endl;
return (err);
@@ -1043,7 +1043,7 @@ namespace gr {
osx_sink* This = static_cast
- <osx_sink*>(in_client_data);
+ <osx_sink*>(in_client_data);
@@ -1067,7 +1067,7 @@ namespace gr {
osx_sink* This = reinterpret_cast
- <osx_sink*>(in_client_data);
+ <osx_sink*>(in_client_data);