diff options
authorJosh Blum <>2011-03-05 20:37:40 -0800
committerJosh Blum <>2011-03-05 20:37:40 -0800
commit19c0865b4b6c94f86679151e9f52c99331b1f0b9 (patch)
parent028f105b345c937f69aa5701e0de7761a2c6fcf3 (diff)
qtgui-grc: moved slider to range, added knob and gui tweaks
3 files changed, 186 insertions, 127 deletions
diff --git a/gr-qtgui/grc/ b/gr-qtgui/grc/
index 3045a8779c..b3114268c5 100644
--- a/gr-qtgui/grc/
+++ b/gr-qtgui/grc/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ dist_grcblocks_DATA = \
qtgui_check_box.xml \
qtgui_entry.xml \
qtgui_label.xml \
+ qtgui_range.xml \
qtgui_sink_x.xml \
qtgui_tab_widget.xml \
- qtgui_chooser.xml \
- qtgui_slider.xml
+ qtgui_chooser.xml
diff --git a/gr-qtgui/grc/qtgui_range.xml b/gr-qtgui/grc/qtgui_range.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..12807ec84e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-qtgui/grc/qtgui_range.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+##Variable Range:
+## ranged widgets like a slider or a knob
+ -->
+ <name>QT GUI Range</name>
+ <key>variable_qtgui_range</key>
+ <category>QT GUI Widgets</category>
+ <import>from PyQt4 import Qt</import>
+ <import>import PyQt4.Qwt5 as Qwt</import>
+ <import>from gnuradio import eng_notation</import>
+ <var_make>self.$(id) = $(id) = $value</var_make>
+ <make>#set $win = 'self._%s_layout'%$id
+#if not $label()
+ #set $label = '"%s"'%$id
+#end if
+#if $widget() == "knob"
+$win = Qt.QVBoxLayout()
+self._$(id)_knob = Qwt.QwtKnob(None)
+self._$(id)_knob.setRange($start, $stop, $step)
+self._$(id)_label = Qt.QLabel($label, None)
+self._$(id)_label.setAlignment(Qt.Qt.AlignTop | Qt.Qt.AlignHCenter)
+#end if
+#if $widget() == "counter"
+$win = Qt.QHBoxLayout()
+$(win).addWidget(Qt.QLabel($label+": ", None))
+self._$(id)_counter = Qwt.QwtCounter(None)
+self._$(id)_counter.setRange($start, $stop, $step)
+#end if
+#if $widget() == "slider"
+$win = $(orient.layout)()
+self._$(id)_slider = Qwt.QwtSlider(None, Qt.$orient, $orient.scalepos, Qwt.QwtSlider.BgSlot)
+self._$(id)_slider.setRange($start, $stop, $step)
+self._$(id)_num = Qt.QLabel(eng_notation.num_to_str($id), None)
+#end if
+#if $widget() == "counter_slider"
+$win = Qt.QVBoxLayout()
+self._$(id)_tool_bar = Qt.QToolBar(self)
+self._$(id)_tool_bar.addWidget(Qt.QLabel($label+": ", None))
+self._$(id)_counter = Qwt.QwtCounter(None)
+self._$(id)_counter.setRange($start, $stop, $step)
+self._$(id)_slider = Qwt.QwtSlider(None, Qt.Qt.Horizontal, Qwt.QwtSlider.BottomScale, Qwt.QwtSlider.BgSlot)
+self._$(id)_slider.setRange($start, $stop, $step)
+#end if
+ <callback>self.set_$(id)($value)</callback>
+ <callback>#if $widget() == "knob"
+#end if
+#if $widget() == "counter"
+#end if
+#if $widget() == "slider"
+#end if
+#if $widget() == "counter_slider"
+#end if</callback>
+ <param>
+ <name>Label</name>
+ <key>label</key>
+ <value></value>
+ <type>string</type>
+ <hide>#if $label() then 'none' else 'part'#</hide>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Default Value</name>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <value>50</value>
+ <type>real</type>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Start</name>
+ <key>start</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ <type>real</type>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Stop</name>
+ <key>stop</key>
+ <value>100</value>
+ <type>real</type>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Step</name>
+ <key>step</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ <type>real</type>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Widget</name>
+ <key>widget</key>
+ <value>counter_slider</value>
+ <type>enum</type>
+ <hide>part</hide>
+ <option><name>Counter + Slider</name><key>counter_slider</key></option>
+ <option><name>Counter</name><key>counter</key></option>
+ <option><name>Slider</name><key>slider</key></option>
+ <option><name>Knob</name><key>knob</key></option>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Orientation</name>
+ <key>orient</key>
+ <value>Qt.Horizontal</value>
+ <type>enum</type>
+ <hide>#if $widget() == "slider" then 'part' else 'all'#</hide>
+ <option>
+ <name>Horizontal</name>
+ <key>Qt.Horizontal</key>
+ <opt>scalepos:Qwt.QwtSlider.BottomScale</opt>
+ <opt>minfcn:setMinimumWidth</opt>
+ <opt>layout:Qt.QHBoxLayout</opt>
+ </option>
+ <option>
+ <name>Vertical</name>
+ <key>Qt.Vertical</key>
+ <opt>scalepos:Qwt.QwtSlider.RightScale</opt>
+ <opt>minfcn:setMinimumHeight</opt>
+ <opt>layout:Qt.QVBoxLayout</opt>
+ </option>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Minimum Length</name>
+ <key>min_len</key>
+ <value>200</value>
+ <type>int</type>
+ <hide>#if $widget().split('_')[0] in ("slider", "counter") then 'part' else 'all'#</hide>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>GUI Hint</name>
+ <key>gui_hint</key>
+ <value></value>
+ <type>gui_hint</type>
+ <hide>part</hide>
+ </param>
+ <check>$start &lt;= $value &lt;= $stop</check>
+ <check>$start &lt; $stop</check>
+ <doc>
+This block creates a variable with a slider. \
+Leave the label blank to use the variable id as the label. \
+The value must be a real number. \
+The value must be between the start and the stop.
+The GUI hint can be used to position the widget within the application. \
+The hint is of the form [tab_id@tab_index]: [row, col, row_span, col_span]. \
+Both the tab specification and the grid position are optional.
+ </doc>
diff --git a/gr-qtgui/grc/qtgui_slider.xml b/gr-qtgui/grc/qtgui_slider.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 078e0df76c..0000000000
--- a/gr-qtgui/grc/qtgui_slider.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-##Variable Slider:
-## a combined slider and text box form
- -->
- <name>QT GUI Slider</name>
- <key>variable_qtgui_slider</key>
- <category>QT GUI Widgets</category>
- <import>from PyQt4 import Qt</import>
- <import>import PyQt4.Qwt5 as Qwt</import>
- <var_make>self.$(id) = $(id) = $value</var_make>
- <make>#set $win = '_%s_layout'%$id
-$win = Qt.QBoxLayout(Qt.QBoxLayout.TopToBottom)
-self._$(id)_tool_bar = Qt.QToolBar(self)
-#if not $label()
- #set $label = '"%s"'%$id
-#end if
-self._$(id)_tool_bar.addWidget(Qt.QLabel($label+": ", None))
-#if int($widget.counter)
-self._$(id)_counter = Qwt.QwtCounter(None)
-self._$(id)_counter.setRange($start, $stop, $step)
-#end if
-#if int($widget.slider)
-self._$(id)_slider = Qwt.QwtSlider(None)
-self._$(id)_slider.setRange($start, $stop, $step)
-#end if
- <callback>self.set_$(id)($value)</callback>
- <callback>#if int($widget.counter)
-#end if
-#if int($widget.slider)
-#end if</callback>
- <param>
- <name>Label</name>
- <key>label</key>
- <value></value>
- <type>string</type>
- <hide>#if $label() then 'none' else 'part'#</hide>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Default Value</name>
- <key>value</key>
- <value>50</value>
- <type>real</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Start</name>
- <key>start</key>
- <value>0</value>
- <type>real</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Stop</name>
- <key>stop</key>
- <value>100</value>
- <type>real</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Step</name>
- <key>step</key>
- <value>1</value>
- <type>real</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Widget</name>
- <key>widget</key>
- <value>all</value>
- <type>enum</type>
- <hide>part</hide>
- <option><name>Counter + Slider</name> <key>both</key> <opt>counter:1</opt><opt>slider:1</opt></option>
- <option><name>Counter only</name> <key>counter</key> <opt>counter:1</opt><opt>slider:0</opt></option>
- <option><name>Slider only</name> <key>slider</key> <opt>counter:0</opt><opt>slider:1</opt></option>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Orientation</name>
- <key>orient</key>
- <value>Qt.Horizontal</value>
- <type>enum</type>
- <hide>part</hide>
- <option>
- <name>Horizontal</name>
- <key>Qt.Horizontal</key>
- <opt>scalepos:Qwt.QwtSlider.BottomScale</opt>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Vertical</name>
- <key>Qt.Vertical</key>
- <opt>scalepos:Qwt.QwtSlider.RightScale</opt>
- </option>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>GUI Hint</name>
- <key>gui_hint</key>
- <value></value>
- <type>gui_hint</type>
- <hide>part</hide>
- </param>
- <check>$start &lt;= $value &lt;= $stop</check>
- <check>$start &lt; $stop</check>
- <doc>
-This block creates a variable with a slider. \
-Leave the label blank to use the variable id as the label. \
-The value must be a real number. \
-The value must be between the start and the stop.
-The GUI hint can be used to position the widget within the application. \
-The hint is of the form [tab_id@tab_index]: [row, col, row_span, col_span]. \
-Both the tab specification and the grid position are optional.
- </doc>