diff options
authorTerry May <>2019-09-03 10:28:26 -0400
committerMartin Braun <>2020-01-02 14:36:16 -0800
commit0a009dced1f442cc8b0e06846396ff206f3eb2b4 (patch)
parent479fb2596032a0f1482ed184bd4fe93186332b9e (diff)
uhd: Fix C++ GRC code generation
- Duplicated existing logic for Python generation to create updated *.yml to produce C++ code for USRP source and sink. - Updated to handle either string literals or string parameters - Concatenate dev_addr and dev_args as std::string
1 files changed, 89 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/gr-uhd/grc/ b/gr-uhd/grc/
index a24cec9a15..ab7a86f2d8 100644
--- a/gr-uhd/grc/
+++ b/gr-uhd/grc/
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import sys
MAIN_TMPL = """\
id: uhd_usrp_${sourk}
label: 'UHD: USRP ${sourk.title()}'
-flags: throttle
+flags: [python, cpp, throttle]
- id: type
@@ -59,7 +59,6 @@ parameters:
- id: dev_args
label: Device Arguments
dtype: string
- default: '""'
hide: ${'$'}{ 'none' if dev_args else 'part'}
- id: sync
label: Sync
@@ -233,6 +232,90 @@ templates:
- set_bandwidth(${'$'}{${'bw' + str(n)}}, ${n})
% endfor
+ includes: [ '#include <gnuradio/uhd/usrp_${sourk}.h>' ]
+ declarations: 'gr::uhd::usrp_${sourk}::sptr ${'$'}{id};'
+ make: |
+ this->${'$'}{id} = gr::uhd::usrp_${sourk}::make(
+ ::uhd::device_addr_t("${'$'}{",".join((str(dev_addr).strip('"\\''), str(dev_args).strip('"\\''))) if len(str(dev_args).strip('"\\'')) > 0 else dev_addr.strip('"\\'')}"),
+ ::uhd::stream_args_t("${'$'}{type}", "${'$'}{otw}"));
+ % for m in range(max_mboards):
+ ${'%'} if context.get('num_mboards')() > ${m}:
+ ${'%'} if context.get('sd_spec${m}')():
+ this->${'$'}{id}->set_subdev_spec(${'$'}{${'sd_spec' + str(m)}}, ${m});
+ ${'%'} endif
+ ${'%'} if context.get('time_source${m}')():
+ this->${'$'}{id}->set_time_source(${'$'}{${'time_source' + str(m)}}, ${m});
+ ${'%'} endif
+ ${'%'} if context.get('clock_source${m}')():
+ this->${'$'}{id}->set_clock_source("${'$'}{${'clock_source' + str(m)}.strip('\\'')}", ${m});
+ ${'%'} endif
+ ${'%'} endif
+ % endfor
+ % for n in range(max_nchan):
+ ${'%'} if context.get('nchan')() > ${n}:
+ this->${'$'}{id}->set_center_freq(${'$'}{${'center_freq' + str(n)}}, ${n});
+ % if sourk == 'source':
+ ${'%'} if context.get('rx_agc${n}')() == 'Enabled':
+ this->${'$'}{id}->set_rx_agc(True, ${n});
+ ${'%'} elif context.get('rx_agc${n}')() == 'Disabled':
+ this->${'$'}{id}->set_rx_agc(False, ${n});
+ ${'%'} endif
+ ${'%'} if context.get('rx_agc${n}')() != 'Enabled':
+ ${'%'} if bool(eval(context.get('norm_gain' + '${n}')())):
+ this->${'$'}{id}->set_normalized_gain(${'$'}{${'gain' + str(n)}}, ${n});
+ ${'%'} else:
+ this->${'$'}{id}->set_gain(${'$'}{${'gain' + str(n)}}, ${n});
+ ${'%'} endif
+ ${'%'} endif
+ % else:
+ ${'%'} if bool(eval(context.get('norm_gain' + '${n}')())):
+ this->${'$'}{id}->set_normalized_gain(${'$'}{${'gain' + str(n)}}, ${n});
+ ${'%'} else:
+ this->${'$'}{id}->set_gain(${'$'}{${'gain' + str(n)}}, ${n});
+ ${'%'} endif
+ % endif
+ ${'%'} if context.get('ant${n}')():
+ this->${'$'}{id}->set_antenna(${'$'}{${'ant' + str(n)}}, ${n});
+ ${'%'} endif
+ ${'%'} if context.get('bw${n}')():
+ this->${'$'}{id}->set_bandwidth(${'$'}{${'bw' + str(n)}}, ${n});
+ ${'%'} endif
+ ${'%'} if context.get('show_lo_controls')():
+ this->${'$'}{id}->set_lo_source(${'$'}{${'lo_source' + str(n)}}, ::uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::ALL_LOS, ${n});
+ this->${'$'}{id}->set_lo_export_enabled(${'$'}{${'lo_export' + str(n)}}, ::uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::ALL_LOS, ${n});
+ ${'%'} endif
+ ${'%'} endif
+ % endfor
+ ${'%'} if clock_rate():
+ this->${'$'}{id}->set_clock_rate(${'$'}{clock_rate}, ::uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::ALL_MBOARDS);
+ ${'%'} endif
+ this->${'$'}{id}->set_samp_rate(${'$'}{samp_rate});
+ ${'%'} if sync == 'sync':
+ this->${'$'}{id}->set_time_unknown_pps(::uhd::time_spec_t());
+ ${'%'} elif sync == 'pc_clock':
+ this->${'$'}{id}->set_time_now(::uhd::time_spec_t(time(NULL)), ::uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::ALL_MBOARDS);
+ ${'%'} else:
+ // No synchronization enforced.
+ ${'%'} endif
+ link: ['gnuradio-uhd uhd']
+ callbacks:
+ - set_samp_rate(${'$'}{samp_rate})
+ % for n in range(max_nchan):
+ - set_center_freq(${'$'}{${'center_freq' + str(n)}}, ${n})
+ % if sourk == 'source':
+ - ${'$'}{'set_rx_agc(True, ${n})' if context.get('rx_agc${n}')() == 'Enabled' else ''}
+ - ${'$'}{'set_rx_agc(False, ${n})' if context.get('rx_agc${n}')() == 'Disabled' else ''}
+ - ${'$'}{'set_gain(${'$'}{${'gain' + str(n)}}, ${n})' if not bool(eval(context.get('norm_gain${n}')())) and context.get('rx_agc${n}')() != 'Enabled' else ''}
+ - ${'$'}{'set_normalized_gain(${'$'}{${'gain' + str(n)}}, ${n})' if bool(eval(context.get('norm_gain${n}')())) and context.get('rx_agc${n}')() != 'Enabled' else ''}
+ % else:
+ - this->${'$'}{id}->set_${'$'}{'normalized_' if bool(eval(context.get('norm_gain${n}')())) else ''}gain(${'$'}{${'gain' + str(n)}}, ${n});
+ % endif
+ - ${'$'}{'set_lo_source(' + lo_source${n} + ', ::uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::ALL_LOS, ${n})' if show_lo_controls else ''}
+ - ${'$'}{'set_lo_export_enabled(' + lo_export${n} + ', ::uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::ALL_LOS, ${n})' if show_lo_controls else ''}
+ - set_antenna(${'$'}{${'ant' + str(n)}}, ${n})
+ - set_bandwidth(${'$'}{${'bw' + str(n)}}, ${n})
+ % endfor
documentation: |-
The UHD USRP ${sourk.title()} Block:
@@ -357,11 +440,11 @@ PARAMS_TMPL = """
category: RF Options
dtype: string
% if sourk == 'source':
- options: [TX/RX, RX2, RX1]
+ options: ['"TX/RX"', '"RX2"', '"RX1"']
option_labels: [TX/RX, RX2, RX1]
- default: RX2
+ default: '"RX2"'
% else:
- options: [TX/RX]
+ options: ['"TX/RX"']
option_labels: [TX/RX]
% endif
hide: ${'$'}{ 'all' if not nchan > ${n} else ('none' if eval('ant' + str(${n})) else 'part')}
@@ -414,6 +497,7 @@ TSBTAG_PARAM = """
- id: len_tag_name
label: TSB tag name
dtype: string
+ default: '""'
hide: ${ 'none' if len(str(len_tag_name)) else 'part'}