GNU Radio Manual and C++ API Reference
The Free & Open Software Radio Ecosystem
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 Cgr::analog::kernel::agc2_ccHigh performance Automatic Gain Control class
 Cgr::analog::kernel::agc_ccHigh performance Automatic Gain Control class for complex signals
 Cgr::analog::kernel::agc_ffHigh performance Automatic Gain Control class for float signals
 Cgr::block_detailImplementation details to support the signal processing abstraction
 Cgr::buffer_readerHow we keep track of the readers of a gr::buffer
 Cgr::buffer_type_baseBase class for describing a buffer's type
 Cpmt::comparatorProvide a comparator function object to allow pmt use in stl types
 Cgr::blocks::control_loopA second-order control loop implementation class
 Cgr::analog::cpmReturn the taps for an interpolating FIR filter (gr::filter::interp_fir_filter_fff)
 Cgr::digital::crcCalculates a CRC
 Cgr::edgeClass representing a connection between to graph endpoints
 Cgr::endpointClass representing a specific input or output graph endpoint
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Cgr::fec::code::fec_mtrxBase class for FEC matrix objects
 Cgr::fft::fft< T, forward >
 Cgr::filter::kernel::fft_filter_cccFast FFT filter with gr_complex input, gr_complex output and gr_complex taps
 Cgr::filter::kernel::fft_filter_ccfFast FFT filter with gr_complex input, gr_complex output and float taps
 Cgr::filter::kernel::fft_filter_fffFast FFT filter with float input, float output and float taps
 Cgr::fft::fft_inbuf< T, forward >FFT: templated
 Cgr::fft::fft_inbuf< float, false >
 Cgr::fft::fft_outbuf< T, forward >
 Cgr::fft::fft_outbuf< float, true >
 Cgr::fft::fft_shift< T >Reorder FFT results which are ordered from 0 to 1 in normalized frequency to -0.5 to 0.5 by cyclic shift
 Cgr::blocks::file_sink_baseCommon base class for file sinks
 Cgr::filter::kernel::filterbankA filter bank with generic taps
 Cgr::filter::kernel::fir_filter< IN_T, OUT_T, TAP_T >
 Cgr::filter::kernel::fir_filter_with_buffer_cccFIR with internal buffer for gr_complex input, gr_complex output and gr_complex taps
 Cgr::filter::kernel::fir_filter_with_buffer_ccfFIR with internal buffer for gr_complex input, gr_complex output and gr_complex taps
 Cgr::filter::kernel::fir_filter_with_buffer_fffFIR with internal buffer for float input, float output and float taps
 Cgr::filter::firdesFinite Impulse Response (FIR) filter design functions
 Cgr::flowgraphClass representing a directed, acyclic graph of basic blocks
 Cformatter< gr::io_signature > formatter
 Cformatter< pmt::pmt_t > formatter
 Cgr::trellis::fsmFinite State Machine Specification class
 Cgr::fxptFixed point sine and cosine and friends
 Cgr::fxpt_ncoNumerically Controlled Oscillator (NCO)
 Cgr::fxpt_vcoVoltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO)
 Cgr::fec::generic_decoderParent class for FECAPI objects
 Cgr::digital::glfsrGalois Linear Feedback Shift Register using specified polynomial mask
 Cgr::fft::goertzelImplements Goertzel single-bin DFT calculation
 Cgr::digital::header_bufferHelper class for handling payload headers
 Cgr::filter::kernel::iir_filter< i_type, o_type, tap_type, acc_type >Base class template for Infinite Impulse Response filter (IIR)
 Cgr::trellis::interleaverINTERLEAVER class
 Cgr::io_signatureI/o signature for input and output ports
 Cgr::digital::lfsrFibonacci Linear Feedback Shift Register using specified polynomial mask
 Cgr::blocks::lfsr_15_1_0Linear Feedback Shift Register using primitive polynomial x^15 + x + 1
 Cgr::blocks::lfsr_32kGenerate pseudo-random sequence of length 32768 bits
 Cgr::loggerGR_LOG macros
 Cgr::messageMessage class
 Cgr::filter::mmse_fir_interpolator_ccCompute intermediate samples between signal samples x(k*Ts)
 Cgr::filter::mmse_fir_interpolator_ffCompute intermediate samples between signal samples x(k*Ts)
 Cgr::filter::mmse_interp_differentiator_ccCompute intermediate samples of the derivative of a signal between signal samples x(k*Ts)
 Cgr::filter::mmse_interp_differentiator_ffCompute intermediate samples of the derivative of a signal between signal samples x(k*Ts)
 Cgr::digital::mpsk_snr_estA parent class for SNR estimators, specifically for M-PSK signals in AWGN channels
 Cgr::messages::msg_accepterVirtual base class that accepts messages
 Cgr::messages::msg_accepter_msgqConcrete class that accepts messages and inserts them into a message queue
 Cgr::msg_edgeClass representing a msg connection between to graph msg endpoints
 Cgr::msg_handlerAbstract class of message handlers
 Cgr::messages::msg_producerVirtual base class that produces messages
 Cgr::messages::msg_queueThread-safe message queue
 Cgr::nco< o_type, i_type >Base class template for Numerically Controlled Oscillator (NCO)
 Cgr::blocks::kernel::pack_k_bitsConverts a vector of bytes with 1 bit in the LSB to a byte with k relevant bits
 Cgr::filter::kernel::pfb_arb_resampler_ccfPolyphase filterbank arbitrary resampler with gr_complex input, gr_complex output and float taps
 Cgr::filter::kernel::pfb_arb_resampler_fffPolyphase filterbank arbitrary resampler with float input, float output and float taps
 Cgr::fft::plannerExport reference to planner mutex for those apps that want to use FFTW w/o using the fft_impl_fftw* classes
 Cgr::dtv::plinfoPipeline info that flows with data
 Cpmt_assist< myType >
 Cpmt::pmt_baseBase class of all pmt types
 Cpmt::pmt_poolVery simple thread-safe fixed-size allocation pool
 Cgr::fec::code::polar_commonPOLAR code common operations and attributes
 Cgr::filter::kernel::polyphase_filterbankPolyphase filterbank parent class
 Cgr::prefsBase class for representing user preferences a la windows INI files
 Cpycallback_object< myType >
 Cgr::randomPseudo random number generator
 Crpc_register_base< T >Base class for registering a ControlPort function
 Crpcbufferedget< TdataType >
 Crpcmanager::rpcserver_booter_register_helper< T >
 Cgr::filter::single_pole_iir< o_type, i_type, tap_type >Class template for single pole IIR filter
 Cgr::filter::single_pole_iir< gr_complex, i_type, double >
 CSpectrumGUIClassQWidget class for controlling plotting
 Cgr::thread::thread_body_wrapper< F >
 Cthrift_application_base< TserverBase, TserverClass >Base class for a Thrift application with a singleton with instance function thrift_application_base::i(). Lazy initialization is used to start the Thrift runtime, therefore the Thrift runtime is not started unless thrift_application_base::i() is called at least once. This typically means that at least one rpc variable must be registered by a block before the runtime will start
 Cthrift_application_base< rpcserver_base, rpcserver_booter_thrift >
 Cthrift_application_base< TserverBase, TImplClass >
 Cthrift_application_base_implClass to be statically initialized by thrift_application_base. Used to store state for thrift_application_base's singleton functions
 Crpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_reg< TO_PMT_F >
 Cgr::tpb_detailUsed by thread-per-block scheduler
 Cgr::blocks::kernel::unpack_k_bitsConverts a byte with k relevant bits to k output bytes with 1 bit in the LSB
 Cgr::blocks::wav_header_infoWAV file header information
 Cgr::xoroshiro128p_prngWrapper for XOROSHIRO128+ PRNG for use in std::distributions Fulfills C++ named requirements for UniformRandomBitGenerator