
GNU Radio

Release Witness me! Tonight, we release GNU Radio It’s the first minor release version since more than six years, not without pride this community stands to face the brightest future SDR on general purpose hardware ever had. Since we’ve not been documenting changes in the shape of a Changelog for the whole of the development that happened since GNU Radio 3.

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GNU Radio Release candidate

Dear GNU Radio Community, tonight, we’re releasing the first release candidate for the GNU Radio release. You can find it on and soon as a tarball on This is really a major step. In fact, it’s so big, that I really didn’t find the means to write a sensible CHANGELOG; I’ll conclude on the most user-relevant changes in the final release’s entry.

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GNU Radio accepted for GSoC 2019

GNU Radio once again accepted for GSoC Great news! For the seventh time, GNU Radio has been accepted for Google Summer of Code. With this project, Google offers a great opportunity for students, but also for projects like GNU Radio to pass on the love for F/OSS and bring fresh talent into the community.

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Tracking Orangutans With Drones and GNU Radio

Anyway, the TL;DR is that this is a summary of my trip to Borneo in May this year with v2.0 of my drone based orangutan tracking system, developed in partnership with International Animal Rescue (IAR).

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GNU Radio Developers & Users Meetup at 35c3

GNU Radio Users and Developers Meetup at 35c3 Meetup Logo Quick overview of 35c3 35c3 is the 2018 instance of the annual conference of the Chaos Communication Club. It’s happening in Leipzig, Germany from the 27th to the 30th of December, and it hosts around 16·10³ people, all into different topics of technology, security, and effects of technology on privacy, policy and society as a whole.

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Website Update: Goodbye Flask, Hello Hugo!

Once again, we’ve done an overhaul of our website. All web content (that is, excluding the wiki) is now statically generated by Hugo.

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Open-Source Software and SDRs: Alive and Well in 2018

Open-source software initiatives require an active ecosystem of contributors…

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GSoC 2018 MIMO - Week 11 - Final Receiver Structure

After discussing the proposed MIMO-OFDM receiver structure (see post of last week) with my mentors this week, we decided to do some major changes in the structure of the receiver to meet some general requirements.

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GSoC 2018 gr-modtool - Week 10 - Mock GUI

As planned for Week 10, I have created a mock GUI for the modtool. I have also added the commits from the branch yaml, which contained the cli and core modules for the XML to YAML conversion, into the branch swapnil_next​. I have also condensed all the remaining work of the other PRs into the main PR.

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