
GSoC 2018 MIMO - Week 10 - Designing the MIMO-OFDM Receiver

After finishing the MIMO-OFDM transmitter last week, I approached the receiver this week and thought a lot about its structure. Before I want to propose a structure for the MIMO-OFDM receiver, let us first have a look at the current SISO-OFDM receiver

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GNU Radio v3.7.13.4 Release

Dear Community, we’ve released a new version of our 3.7 maintenance line – Whilst this maintains binary compatibility with its predecessor, it fixes build breakage on systems with boost 1.67, it fixes a bunch of out-of-bound vector accesses (which on some systems triggered bug safeguards which aborted the applications doing them), and it also fixed a bug in how the “Skip Head” block deals with tags.

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GSoC 2018 gr-modtool - Week 9 - XML to YAML Converter

As planned for Week 9, an XML to YAML generator has been added to the modtool. A new CLI command, update, has been added to the existing modtool commands that serves the purpose of conversion of XML scripts to YAML scripts. The functionality can also be achieved through the API class, ModToolUpdate. I would like to thank my mentors and HÃ¥kon VÃ¥gsether for helping me throughout.

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GSoC 2018 MIMO - Week 09 - Hierarchical MIMO Encoder Block

I successfully finished the MIMO channel estimator this week. The corresponding qa test is also finished and running. I therefore completed all elements which are required to build up the hierarchical python blocks of the MIMO encoder and decoder.

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GSoC 2018 gr-modtool - Week 8 - Add YAML Generator

As planned for Week 8, YAML Generator has been added to the ModTool and the basic grc_xml template has been replaced with the grc_yaml template.

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GSoC 2018 gr-modtool - Week 7 - Logger Colors and Pylint Tests

As planned for week 7, the logger has been updated with ANSI colors, the modtool tests have been updated with Pylint tests (currently errors only) and the issue with the rename module has been solved (PR has been submitted).

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GSoC 2018 MIMO - Week 07 - MIMO-OFDM

This week, I started with the last big milestone for this summer: The integration of the MIMO algorithms into an OFDM transceiver system.

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GSoC 2018 gr-modtool - Week 6 - Modify API, Add logger

As planned for Week 6, the modtool tests have been added in-tree and all the print statements have been replaced by the logger.

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GSoC 2018 MIMO - Week 06 - Expanding the V-BLAST scheme to MxM

I expanded the 2×2 V-BLAST zero-forcing scheme to a general MxM scheme. For a general MxM matrix, the inverse cannot be precalculated by hand as I did for the 1×1 and 2×2 scheme. The inversion of a possibly large channel matrix can quickly get a very complex problem which needs a lot of computation power, especially if it is recalculated frequently, for example each micro second when assuming a coherence time of 1μs and therefore a CSI update rate of 1MHz.

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