GNU Radio accepted for GSoC 2019

By Felix Wunsch | February 28, 2019

GNU Radio once again accepted for GSoC

Great news! For the seventh time, GNU Radio has been accepted for Google Summer of Code. With this project, Google offers a great opportunity for students, but also for projects like GNU Radio to pass on the love for F/OSS and bring fresh talent into the community.

You are a student, you want to participate in GSoC, and you would love hacking on a great SDR framework? Then head over to our ideas list [0] and see if there’s a project that you’re interested in. You are proficient in C++ and love DSP? What about working on radar algorithms or filter design? Or are you more into GUIs? GNU Radio Companion is awaiting your contribution! These are only a few examples, there’s a lot more things to work on during the summer.

Once you have found something or even have your own project idea, introduce yourself to the mailing list (discuss-gnuradio), let us know who you are, what you want to do and how you think you are going to achieve that!

Make sure you also read [1,2] to get an idea how the application process works, what we want to see in a proposal and how to become a successful GSoC student. The general GSoC timeline including the (very important!) deadlines can be found here [3]. The student application period officially begins in 4 weeks (March 25), but do not hesitate to introduce yourself before that date, especially if you have a project idea of your own for which you need to find a mentor!

GSoC is an awesome opportunity for you to improve your coding skills, network with experts, learn how open source projects work, make a real impact for a large user base, and (last but not least) earn some money during the summer months: Don’t miss out on that! We’re looking forward to hearing from you!

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