GNU Radio Manual and C++ API Reference
The Free & Open Software Radio Ecosystem
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1 /* -*- c++ -*- */
2 /*
3  * Copyright 2005,2012-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
4  * Copyright 2022,2023 Marcus Müller
5  *
6  * This file is part of GNU Radio
7  *
8  * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
9  *
10  */
15 #include <gnuradio/block.h>
16 #include <gnuradio/blocks/api.h>
17 #include <spdlog/common.h>
19 namespace gr {
20 namespace blocks {
22 /*!
23  * \brief Debug block for the message passing system.
24  * \ingroup message_tools_blk
25  * \ingroup measurement_tools_blk
26  * \ingroup debug_tools_blk
27  *
28  * \details
29  * The message debug block is used to capture and print or store
30  * messages as they are received. Any block that generates a
31  * message may connect that message port to one or more of the
32  * two message input ports of this debug block. The message
33  * ports are:
34  *
35  * \li print: prints the message directly to standard out.
36  * \li store: stores the message in an internal vector. May be
37  * access using the get_message function.
38  * \li print_pdu: DEPRECATED! use print() for all printing
39  */
40 class BLOCKS_API message_debug : virtual public block
41 {
42 public:
43  // gr::blocks::message_debug::sptr
44  typedef std::shared_ptr<message_debug> sptr;
46  /*!
47  * \brief Build the message debug block. It takes a single parameter that can be used
48  * to disable PDU vector printing and has two message ports: print and store.
49  *
50  * \param en_uvec Enable PDU Vector Printing.
51  * \param log_level The log level of the `log` port. Defaults to "info".
52  */
53  static sptr make(bool en_uvec = true,
54  spdlog::level::level_enum log_level = spdlog::level::info);
56  /*!
57  * \brief Reports the number of messages received by this block.
58  */
59  virtual size_t num_messages() = 0;
61  /*!
62  * \brief Get a message (as a PMT) from the message vector at index \p i.
63  *
64  * Messages passed to the 'store' port will be stored in a
65  * vector. This function retrieves those messages by index. They
66  * are index in order of when they were received (all messages
67  * are just pushed onto the back of a vector). This is mostly
68  * useful in debugging message passing graphs and in QA code.
69  *
70  * \param i The index in the vector for the message to retrieve.
71  *
72  * \return a message at index \p i as a pmt_t.
73  */
74  virtual pmt::pmt_t get_message(size_t i) = 0;
76  /*!
77  * \brief Enables or disables printing of PDU uniform vector data.
78  */
79  virtual void set_vector_print(bool en) = 0;
81  /*!
82  * \brief get the log level
83  */
84  virtual spdlog::level::level_enum level() const = 0;
85  /*!
86  * \brief set the log level
87  */
88  virtual void set_level(spdlog::level::level_enum log_level) = 0;
89 };
91 } /* namespace blocks */
92 } /* namespace gr */
The abstract base class for all 'terminal' processing blocks.
Definition: gnuradio-runtime/include/gnuradio/block.h:63
Debug block for the message passing system.
Definition: message_debug.h:41
virtual spdlog::level::level_enum level() const =0
get the log level
std::shared_ptr< message_debug > sptr
Definition: message_debug.h:44
static sptr make(bool en_uvec=true, spdlog::level::level_enum log_level=spdlog::level::info)
Build the message debug block. It takes a single parameter that can be used to disable PDU vector pri...
virtual void set_level(spdlog::level::level_enum log_level)=0
set the log level
virtual pmt::pmt_t get_message(size_t i)=0
Get a message (as a PMT) from the message vector at index i.
virtual size_t num_messages()=0
Reports the number of messages received by this block.
virtual void set_vector_print(bool en)=0
Enables or disables printing of PDU uniform vector data.
#define BLOCKS_API
Definition: gr-blocks/include/gnuradio/blocks/api.h:18
GNU Radio logging wrapper.
Definition: basic_block.h:29
spdlog::level::level_enum log_level
Definition: logger.h:50
std::shared_ptr< pmt_base > pmt_t
typedef for shared pointer (transparent reference counting).
Definition: pmt.h:83