GNU Radio Manual and C++ API Reference
The Free & Open Software Radio Ecosystem
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1 /* -*- c++ -*- */
2 /*
3  * Copyright 2012,2014-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
4  *
5  * This file is part of GNU Radio
6  *
7  * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
8  *
9  */
14 #include <gnuradio/fft/window.h>
15 #include <gnuradio/qtgui/api.h>
17 #include <gnuradio/sync_block.h>
18 #include <qapplication.h>
20 namespace gr {
21 namespace qtgui {
23 /*!
24  * \brief A graphical sink to display multiple signals in frequency.
25  * \ingroup instrumentation_blk
26  * \ingroup qtgui_blk
27  *
28  * \details
29  * This is a QT-based graphical sink the takes set of a floating
30  * point streams and plots the PSD. Each signal is plotted with a
31  * different color, and the \a set_title and \a set_color
32  * functions can be used to change the label and color for a given
33  * input number.
34  *
35  * The sink supports plotting streaming float data or
36  * messages. The message port is named "in". The two modes cannot
37  * be used simultaneously, and \p nconnections should be set to 0
38  * when using the message mode. GRC handles this issue by
39  * providing the "Float Message" type that removes the streaming
40  * port(s).
41  *
42  * This sink can plot messages that contain either uniform vectors
43  * of float 32 values (pmt::is_f32vector) or PDUs where the data
44  * is a uniform vector of float 32 values.
45  *
46  * Message Ports:
47  *
48  * - freq (input):
49  * Receives a PMT pair: (intern("freq"), double(frequency)).
50  * This is used to retune the center frequency of the
51  * display's x-axis.
52  *
53  * - bw (input):
54  * Receives a PMT pair: (intern("bw"), double(bandwidth)).
55  * This is used to programmatically change the bandwidth of
56  * of the display's x-axis.
57  *
58  * - freq (output):
59  * Produces a PMT pair with (intern("freq"), double(frequency)).
60  * When a user double-clicks on the display, the block
61  * produces and emits a message containing the frequency of
62  * where on the x-axis the user clicked. This value can be
63  * used by other blocks to update their frequency setting.
64  *
65  * To perform click-to-tune behavior, this output 'freq'
66  * port can be redirected to this block's input 'freq' port
67  * to catch the message and update the center frequency of
68  * the display.
69  */
70 class QTGUI_API freq_sink_f : virtual public sync_block
71 {
72 public:
73  // gr::qtgui::freq_sink_f::sptr
74  typedef std::shared_ptr<freq_sink_f> sptr;
76  /*!
77  * \brief Build a floating point PSD sink.
78  *
79  * \param fftsize size of the FFT to compute and display. If using
80  * the PDU message port to plot samples, the length of
81  * each PDU must be a multiple of the FFT size.
82  * \param wintype type of window to apply (see gr::fft::window::win_type).
83  * By setting bit 16 to one, this block will normalize the window
84  * before applying it. This allows switching between windows without
85  * sacrificing signal power due to tapering, but it will also
86  * amplify some samples. See also set_fft_window_normalized().
87  * \param fc center frequency of signal (use for x-axis labels)
88  * \param bw bandwidth of signal (used to set x-axis labels)
89  * \param name title for the plot
90  * \param nconnections number of signals to be connected to the
91  * sink. The PDU message port is always available for a
92  * connection, and this value must be set to 0 if only
93  * the PDU message port is being used.
94  * \param parent a QWidget parent object, if any
95  */
96  static sptr make(int fftsize,
97  int wintype,
98  double fc,
99  double bw,
100  const std::string& name,
101  int nconnections = 1,
102  QWidget* parent = NULL);
104  virtual void exec_() = 0;
105  virtual QWidget* qwidget() = 0;
107  virtual void set_fft_size(const int fftsize) = 0;
108  virtual int fft_size() const = 0;
109  virtual void set_fft_average(const float fftavg) = 0;
110  virtual float fft_average() const = 0;
111  virtual void set_fft_window(const gr::fft::window::win_type win) = 0;
113  //! If true, normalize window to unit power
114  virtual void set_fft_window_normalized(const bool enable) = 0;
116  virtual void set_frequency_range(const double centerfreq, const double bandwidth) = 0;
117  virtual void set_y_axis(double min, double max) = 0;
119  virtual void set_update_time(double t) = 0;
121  virtual void set_title(const std::string& title) = 0;
122  virtual void set_y_label(const std::string& label, const std::string& unit) = 0;
123  virtual void set_line_label(unsigned int which, const std::string& label) = 0;
124  virtual void set_line_color(unsigned int which, const std::string& color) = 0;
125  virtual void set_line_width(unsigned int which, int width) = 0;
126  virtual void set_line_style(unsigned int which, int style) = 0;
127  virtual void set_line_marker(unsigned int which, int marker) = 0;
128  virtual void set_line_alpha(unsigned int which, double alpha) = 0;
130  /*!
131  * Pass "true" to this function to only show the positive half
132  * of the spectrum. By default, this plotter shows the full
133  * spectrum (positive and negative halves).
134  */
135  virtual void set_plot_pos_half(bool half) = 0;
137  /*!
138  * Set up a trigger for the sink to know when to start
139  * plotting. Useful to isolate events and avoid noise.
140  *
141  * The trigger modes are Free, Auto, Normal, and Tag (see
142  * gr::qtgui::trigger_mode). The first three are like a normal
143  * trigger function. Free means free running with no trigger,
144  * auto will trigger if the trigger event is seen, but will
145  * still plot otherwise, and normal will hold until the trigger
146  * event is observed. The Tag trigger mode allows us to trigger
147  * off a specific stream tag. The tag trigger is based only on
148  * the name of the tag, so when a tag of the given name is seen,
149  * the trigger is activated.
150  *
151  * In auto and normal mode, we look to see if the magnitude of
152  * the any FFT point is over the set level.
153  *
154  * \param mode The trigger_mode: free, auto, normal, or tag.
155  * \param level The magnitude of the trigger even for auto or normal modes.
156  * \param channel Which input channel to use for the trigger events.
157  * \param tag_key The name (as a string) of the tag to trigger off
158  * of if using the tag mode.
159  */
160  virtual void set_trigger_mode(trigger_mode mode,
161  float level,
162  int channel,
163  const std::string& tag_key = "") = 0;
165  virtual std::string title() = 0;
166  virtual std::string line_label(unsigned int which) = 0;
167  virtual std::string line_color(unsigned int which) = 0;
168  virtual int line_width(unsigned int which) = 0;
169  virtual int line_style(unsigned int which) = 0;
170  virtual int line_marker(unsigned int which) = 0;
171  virtual double line_alpha(unsigned int which) = 0;
173  virtual void set_size(int width, int height) = 0;
175  virtual void enable_menu(bool en = true) = 0;
176  virtual void enable_grid(bool en = true) = 0;
177  virtual void enable_autoscale(bool en = true) = 0;
178  virtual void enable_control_panel(bool en = true) = 0;
179  virtual void enable_max_hold(bool en) = 0;
180  virtual void enable_min_hold(bool en) = 0;
181  virtual void clear_max_hold() = 0;
182  virtual void clear_min_hold() = 0;
183  virtual void disable_legend() = 0;
184  virtual void reset() = 0;
185  virtual void enable_axis_labels(bool en = true) = 0;
187  QApplication* d_qApplication;
188 };
190 } /* namespace qtgui */
191 } /* namespace gr */
Definition: window.h:28
A graphical sink to display multiple signals in frequency.
Definition: freq_sink_f.h:71
virtual int line_style(unsigned int which)=0
virtual void disable_legend()=0
virtual void set_plot_pos_half(bool half)=0
virtual void set_fft_size(const int fftsize)=0
virtual double line_alpha(unsigned int which)=0
virtual void enable_min_hold(bool en)=0
virtual void set_update_time(double t)=0
virtual void enable_menu(bool en=true)=0
virtual gr::fft::window::win_type fft_window()=0
virtual void reset()=0
virtual void clear_min_hold()=0
virtual void exec_()=0
virtual int fft_size() const =0
virtual void enable_autoscale(bool en=true)=0
virtual std::string title()=0
virtual void set_fft_average(const float fftavg)=0
virtual void set_size(int width, int height)=0
virtual void clear_max_hold()=0
virtual void set_fft_window(const gr::fft::window::win_type win)=0
virtual void set_frequency_range(const double centerfreq, const double bandwidth)=0
virtual void set_title(const std::string &title)=0
virtual void set_trigger_mode(trigger_mode mode, float level, int channel, const std::string &tag_key="")=0
virtual void enable_axis_labels(bool en=true)=0
virtual void set_line_alpha(unsigned int which, double alpha)=0
virtual float fft_average() const =0
virtual void set_line_width(unsigned int which, int width)=0
virtual void set_line_label(unsigned int which, const std::string &label)=0
virtual void set_y_axis(double min, double max)=0
virtual void set_line_style(unsigned int which, int style)=0
virtual void set_y_label(const std::string &label, const std::string &unit)=0
std::shared_ptr< freq_sink_f > sptr
Definition: freq_sink_f.h:74
static sptr make(int fftsize, int wintype, double fc, double bw, const std::string &name, int nconnections=1, QWidget *parent=NULL)
Build a floating point PSD sink.
virtual void enable_control_panel(bool en=true)=0
virtual std::string line_label(unsigned int which)=0
virtual void set_line_color(unsigned int which, const std::string &color)=0
virtual int line_marker(unsigned int which)=0
virtual void set_line_marker(unsigned int which, int marker)=0
virtual void enable_grid(bool en=true)=0
virtual void set_fft_window_normalized(const bool enable)=0
If true, normalize window to unit power.
virtual std::string line_color(unsigned int which)=0
virtual QWidget * qwidget()=0
virtual int line_width(unsigned int which)=0
virtual void enable_max_hold(bool en)=0
QApplication * d_qApplication
Definition: freq_sink_f.h:187
synchronous 1:1 input to output with history
Definition: sync_block.h:26
#define QTGUI_API
Definition: gr-qtgui/include/gnuradio/qtgui/api.h:18
Definition: trigger_mode.h:17
float min(float a, float b)
GNU Radio logging wrapper.
Definition: basic_block.h:29