GNU Radio Manual and C++ API Reference
The Free & Open Software Radio Ecosystem
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1 /* -*- c++ -*- */
2 /*
3  * Copyright 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
4  *
5  * This file is part of GNU Radio
6  *
7  * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
8  */
13 #include <gnuradio/qtgui/api.h>
15 #include <gnuradio/sync_block.h>
16 #include <qapplication.h>
17 namespace gr {
18 namespace qtgui {
20 /*!
21  * \brief A graphical sink to display signals eye patterns.
22  * \ingroup qtgui
23  *
24  * \details
25  * This is a QT-based graphical sink which takes set of a float streams
26  * and plots them as eye patterns. For each signal, both
27  * the signal's I and Q eye patterns are plotted. Eye patterns are
28  * 2 symbol's time long. Symbol rate must be an integer multiple of
29  * the sample rate to obtain the eye pattern.
30  *
31  * Trigger occurs at the beginning of each stream used to plot the
32  * eye pattern; whilst a real eye diagram would be triggered with
33  * a (recovered) symbol clock. For these reasons, triggering of
34  * noisy and/or unsynchronized signals may lead to incorrect eye
35  * pattern.
36  *
37  * The sink supports plotting streaming float data or
38  * messages. The message port is named "in". The two modes cannot
39  * be used simultaneously, and \p nconnections should be set to 0
40  * when using the message mode. GRC handles this issue by
41  * providing the "Float Message" type that removes the streaming
42  * port(s).
43  *
44  * This sink can plot messages that contain either uniform vectors
45  * of float 32 values (pmt::is_f32vector) or PDUs where the data
46  * is a uniform vector of float 32 values.
47  */
49 class QTGUI_API eye_sink_f : virtual public gr::sync_block
50 {
51 public:
52  // gr::qtgui::eye_sink_f::sptr
53  typedef std::shared_ptr<eye_sink_f> sptr;
55  /*!
56  * \brief Build floating point eye sink
57  *
58  * \param size number of points to plot at once
59  * \param samp_rate sample rate (used to set x-axis labels)
60  * \param nconnections number of signals connected to sink
61  * \param parent a QWidget parent object, if any
62  */
63  static sptr make(int size,
64  double samp_rate,
65  unsigned int nconnections = 1,
66  QWidget* parent = NULL);
68  virtual void exec_() = 0;
69  virtual QWidget* qwidget() = 0;
71  virtual void set_y_axis(double min, double max) = 0;
72  virtual void set_y_label(const std::string& label, const std::string& unit = "") = 0;
73  virtual void set_update_time(double t) = 0;
74  virtual void set_samp_per_symbol(unsigned int sps) = 0;
75  virtual void set_line_label(unsigned int which, const std::string& line) = 0;
76  virtual void set_line_color(unsigned int which, const std::string& color) = 0;
77  virtual void set_line_width(unsigned int which, int width) = 0;
78  virtual void set_line_style(unsigned int which, int style) = 0;
79  virtual void set_line_marker(unsigned int which, int marker) = 0;
80  virtual void set_nsamps(const int newsize) = 0;
81  virtual void set_samp_rate(const double samp_rate) = 0;
82  virtual void set_line_alpha(unsigned int which, double alpha) = 0;
84  /*!
85  * Set up a trigger for the sink to know when to start
86  * plotting. Useful to isolate events and avoid noise.
87  *
88  * The trigger modes are Free, Auto, Normal, and Tag (see
89  * gr::qtgui::trigger_mode). The first three are like a normal
90  * oscope trigger function. Free means free running with no
91  * trigger, auto will trigger if the trigger event is seen, but
92  * will still plot otherwise, and normal will hold until the
93  * trigger event is observed. The Tag trigger mode allows us to
94  * trigger off a specific stream tag. The tag trigger is based
95  * only on the name of the tag, so when a tag of the given name
96  * is seen, the trigger is activated.
97  *
98  * In auto and normal mode, we look for the slope of the of the
99  * signal. Given a gr::qtgui::trigger_slope as either Positive
100  * or Negative, if the value between two samples moves in the
101  * given direction (x[1] > x[0] for Positive or x[1] < x[0] for
102  * Negative), then the trigger is activated.
103  *
104  * The \p delay value is specified in time based off the sample
105  * rate. If the sample rate of the block is set to 1, the delay
106  * is then also the sample number offset. This is the offset
107  * from the left-hand y-axis of the plot. It delays the signal
108  * to show the trigger event at the given delay along with some
109  * portion of the signal before the event. The delay must be
110  * within 0 - t_max where t_max is the maximum amount of time
111  * displayed on the eye pattern equal to 2 symbol time.
112  *
113  * \param mode The trigger_mode: free, auto, normal, or tag.
114  * \param slope The trigger_slope: positive or negative. Only
115  * used for auto and normal modes.
116  * \param level The magnitude of the trigger even for auto or normal modes.
117  * \param delay The delay (in units of time) for where the trigger happens.
118  * \param channel Which input channel to use for the trigger events.
119  * \param tag_key The name (as a string) of the tag to trigger off
120  * of if using the tag mode.
121  */
124  float level,
125  float delay,
126  int channel,
127  const std::string& tag_key = "") = 0;
129  virtual std::string title() = 0;
130  virtual std::string line_label(unsigned int which) = 0;
131  virtual std::string line_color(unsigned int which) = 0;
132  virtual int line_width(unsigned int which) = 0;
133  virtual int line_style(unsigned int which) = 0;
134  virtual int line_marker(unsigned int which) = 0;
135  virtual double line_alpha(unsigned int which) = 0;
137  virtual void set_size(int width, int height) = 0;
139  virtual void enable_menu(bool en = true) = 0;
140  virtual void enable_grid(bool en = true) = 0;
141  virtual void enable_autoscale(bool en = true) = 0;
142  virtual void
143  enable_stem_plot(bool en = true) = 0; // Used by parent class, do not remove
144  virtual void
145  enable_semilogx(bool en = true) = 0; // Used by parent class, do not remove
146  virtual void
147  enable_semilogy(bool en = true) = 0; // Used by parent class, do not remove
148  virtual void enable_control_panel(bool en = true) = 0;
149  virtual void enable_tags(unsigned int which, bool en) = 0;
150  virtual void enable_tags(bool en) = 0;
151  virtual void enable_axis_labels(bool en = true) = 0;
152  virtual void disable_legend() = 0;
154  virtual int nsamps() const = 0;
155  virtual void reset() = 0;
157  QApplication* d_qApplication;
158 };
159 } // namespace qtgui
160 } // namespace gr
162 #endif /* INCLUDED_QTGUI_EYE_SINK_F_H */
A graphical sink to display signals eye patterns.
Definition: eye_sink_f.h:50
virtual void set_line_width(unsigned int which, int width)=0
virtual void set_samp_rate(const double samp_rate)=0
virtual void enable_tags(unsigned int which, bool en)=0
virtual void set_line_label(unsigned int which, const std::string &line)=0
virtual void reset()=0
virtual void set_trigger_mode(gr::qtgui::trigger_mode mode, gr::qtgui::trigger_slope slope, float level, float delay, int channel, const std::string &tag_key="")=0
virtual void set_line_marker(unsigned int which, int marker)=0
virtual void exec_()=0
virtual QWidget * qwidget()=0
virtual void set_nsamps(const int newsize)=0
virtual void set_size(int width, int height)=0
virtual void set_line_color(unsigned int which, const std::string &color)=0
virtual int nsamps() const =0
virtual void set_samp_per_symbol(unsigned int sps)=0
virtual void enable_axis_labels(bool en=true)=0
virtual void enable_tags(bool en)=0
virtual std::string line_label(unsigned int which)=0
virtual void enable_semilogy(bool en=true)=0
virtual void disable_legend()=0
std::shared_ptr< eye_sink_f > sptr
Definition: eye_sink_f.h:53
virtual void set_update_time(double t)=0
virtual void enable_semilogx(bool en=true)=0
virtual void enable_menu(bool en=true)=0
virtual std::string title()=0
virtual void enable_control_panel(bool en=true)=0
virtual std::string line_color(unsigned int which)=0
virtual void enable_grid(bool en=true)=0
virtual double line_alpha(unsigned int which)=0
static sptr make(int size, double samp_rate, unsigned int nconnections=1, QWidget *parent=NULL)
Build floating point eye sink.
virtual int line_style(unsigned int which)=0
virtual int line_width(unsigned int which)=0
virtual void set_y_label(const std::string &label, const std::string &unit="")=0
QApplication * d_qApplication
Definition: eye_sink_f.h:157
virtual void set_y_axis(double min, double max)=0
virtual void enable_autoscale(bool en=true)=0
virtual int line_marker(unsigned int which)=0
virtual void enable_stem_plot(bool en=true)=0
virtual void set_line_alpha(unsigned int which, double alpha)=0
virtual void set_line_style(unsigned int which, int style)=0
synchronous 1:1 input to output with history
Definition: sync_block.h:26
#define QTGUI_API
Definition: gr-qtgui/include/gnuradio/qtgui/api.h:18
Definition: trigger_mode.h:17
Definition: trigger_mode.h:24
float min(float a, float b)
GNU Radio logging wrapper.
Definition: basic_block.h:29