63 #define VOLK_OR_PTR(ptr0, ptr1) \
64 (const void *)(((intptr_t)(ptr0)) | ((intptr_t)(ptr1)))
329 extern VOLK_API void volk_16i_x5_add_quad_16i_x4_manual(
short* target0,
short* target1,
short* target2,
short* target3,
short* src0,
short* src1,
short* src2,
short* src3,
short* src4,
unsigned int num_points,
const char*
VOLK_API p_16ic_s32f_deinterleave_real_32f volk_16ic_s32f_deinterleave_real_32f
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_8ic_deinterleave_16i_x2_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_32f_s32f_stddev_32f volk_32f_s32f_stddev_32f_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
void(* p_8i_s32f_convert_32f)(float *, const int8_t *, const float, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:93
VOLK_API p_8ic_deinterleave_16i_x2 volk_8ic_deinterleave_16i_x2_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_32fc_s32f_x2_power_spectral_density_32f_manual(float *logPowerOutput, const lv_32fc_t *complexFFTInput, const float normalizationFactor, const float rbw, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API void volk_32fc_x2_dot_prod_32fc_manual(lv_32fc_t *result, const lv_32fc_t *input, const lv_32fc_t *taps, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_32f_binary_slicer_32i volk_32f_binary_slicer_32i_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
void(* p_32i_x2_and_32i)(int32_t *, const int32_t *, const int32_t *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:52
VOLK_API p_32f_binary_slicer_8i volk_32f_binary_slicer_8i_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_32fc_s32f_deinterleave_real_16i_manual(int16_t *iBuffer, const lv_32fc_t *complexVector, const float scalar, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
void(* p_32f_s32f_multiply_32f)(float *, const float *, const float, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:90
VOLK_API void volk_32f_x3_sum_of_poly_32f_manual(float *target, float *src0, float *center_point_array, float *cutoff, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
void(* p_32f_x2_interleave_32fc)(lv_32fc_t *, const float *, const float *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:45
VOLK_API p_16i_max_star_horizontal_16i volk_16i_max_star_horizontal_16i
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API p_32fc_32f_multiply_32fc volk_32fc_32f_multiply_32fc
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API p_16ic_s32f_magnitude_32f volk_16ic_s32f_magnitude_32f
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_8ic_s32f_deinterleave_real_32f_manual(float *iBuffer, const lv_8sc_t *complexVector, const float scalar, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32fc_deinterleave_real_64f_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32fc_x2_s32f_square_dist_scalar_mult_32f_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32fc_s32fc_multiply_32fc_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_16ic_s32f_magnitude_32f volk_16ic_s32f_magnitude_32f_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32fc_magnitude_32f volk_32fc_magnitude_32f
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_16i_max_star_horizontal_16i_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_64f_x2_max_64f volk_64f_x2_max_64f_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_8u_x4_conv_k7_r2_8u volk_8u_x4_conv_k7_r2_8u_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
void(* p_16i_max_star_horizontal_16i)(int16_t *, int16_t *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:65
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32f_s32f_stddev_32f_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_8ic_s32f_deinterleave_32f_x2 volk_8ic_s32f_deinterleave_32f_x2_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_32f_x2_min_32f_manual(float *cVector, const float *aVector, const float *bVector, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API void volk_16ic_deinterleave_real_16i_manual(int16_t *iBuffer, const lv_16sc_t *complexVector, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_32i_x2_or_32i volk_32i_x2_or_32i_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
void(* p_8ic_deinterleave_real_16i)(int16_t *, const lv_8sc_t *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:96
VOLK_API void volk_32u_popcnt_manual(uint32_t *ret, const uint32_t value, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_16i_s32f_convert_32f volk_16i_s32f_convert_32f_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_8ic_x2_multiply_conjugate_16ic_manual(lv_16sc_t *cVector, const lv_8sc_t *aVector, const lv_8sc_t *bVector, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API void volk_32fc_conjugate_32fc_manual(lv_32fc_t *cVector, const lv_32fc_t *aVector, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_64f_x2_min_64f volk_64f_x2_min_64f_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API const char * volk_get_machine(void)
Returns the name of the machine this instance will use.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_16ic_s32f_magnitude_32f_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_16ic_s32f_deinterleave_32f_x2 volk_16ic_s32f_deinterleave_32f_x2_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_64f_x2_min_64f_manual(double *cVector, const double *aVector, const double *bVector, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_32f_stddev_and_mean_32f_x2 volk_32f_stddev_and_mean_32f_x2_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32fc_s32fc_multiply_32fc volk_32fc_s32fc_multiply_32fc_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
void(* p_8ic_x2_multiply_conjugate_16ic)(lv_16sc_t *, const lv_8sc_t *, const lv_8sc_t *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:43
VOLK_API void volk_32fc_s32f_magnitude_16i_manual(int16_t *magnitudeVector, const lv_32fc_t *complexVector, const float scalar, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_16i_32fc_dot_prod_32fc_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
void(* p_32f_convert_64f)(double *, const float *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:58
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_8i_convert_16i_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32f_s32f_convert_32i_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_32fc_x2_square_dist_32f volk_32fc_x2_square_dist_32f_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_8ic_s32f_deinterleave_real_32f volk_8ic_s32f_deinterleave_real_32f
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
void(* p_32fc_conjugate_32fc)(lv_32fc_t *, const lv_32fc_t *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:120
VOLK_API p_32f_x2_s32f_interleave_16ic volk_32f_x2_s32f_interleave_16ic
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API p_32f_s32f_power_32f volk_32f_s32f_power_32f_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_16i_convert_8i volk_16i_convert_8i
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API p_32f_s32f_32f_fm_detect_32f volk_32f_s32f_32f_fm_detect_32f_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
void(* p_32f_x2_subtract_32f)(float *, const float *, const float *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:110
VOLK_API p_8ic_deinterleave_real_16i volk_8ic_deinterleave_real_16i_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32f_x2_multiply_32f volk_32f_x2_multiply_32f_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_8ic_deinterleave_16i_x2 volk_8ic_deinterleave_16i_x2_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
void(* p_32fc_deinterleave_32f_x2)(float *, float *, const lv_32fc_t *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:105
VOLK_API p_32u_popcnt volk_32u_popcnt_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_64f_x2_min_64f volk_64f_x2_min_64f_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32fc_x2_multiply_conjugate_32fc_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_32fc_s32f_power_spectrum_32f volk_32fc_s32f_power_spectrum_32f
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API p_32fc_deinterleave_32f_x2 volk_32fc_deinterleave_32f_x2_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32fc_32f_dot_prod_32fc volk_32fc_32f_dot_prod_32fc_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32fc_x2_dot_prod_32fc volk_32fc_x2_dot_prod_32fc
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API p_16ic_deinterleave_real_8i volk_16ic_deinterleave_real_8i_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_16i_x4_quad_max_star_16i_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_32fc_x2_s32f_square_dist_scalar_mult_32f volk_32fc_x2_s32f_square_dist_scalar_mult_32f
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API p_32f_x3_sum_of_poly_32f volk_32f_x3_sum_of_poly_32f_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32f_s32f_normalize volk_32f_s32f_normalize_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32fc_s32f_atan2_32f volk_32fc_s32f_atan2_32f_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32i_s32f_convert_32f volk_32i_s32f_convert_32f
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_32fc_deinterleave_32f_x2_manual(float *iBuffer, float *qBuffer, const lv_32fc_t *complexVector, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
void(* p_32fc_s32f_power_32fc)(lv_32fc_t *, const lv_32fc_t *, const float, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:44
VOLK_API p_32fc_s32f_power_32fc volk_32fc_s32f_power_32fc_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32fc_s32f_power_32fc volk_32fc_s32f_power_32fc_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_8ic_s32f_deinterleave_real_32f volk_8ic_s32f_deinterleave_real_32f_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32fc_deinterleave_imag_32f volk_32fc_deinterleave_imag_32f_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32fc_deinterleave_imag_32f_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32u_popcnt_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_32fc_s32f_power_spectrum_32f volk_32fc_s32f_power_spectrum_32f_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32fc_deinterleave_32f_x2 volk_32fc_deinterleave_32f_x2_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
void(* p_8ic_s32f_deinterleave_32f_x2)(float *, float *, const lv_8sc_t *, const float, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:36
VOLK_API void volk_16i_x4_quad_max_star_16i_manual(short *target, short *src0, short *src1, short *src2, short *src3, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_16i_convert_8i_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_32i_x2_and_32i volk_32i_x2_and_32i
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API p_16i_32fc_dot_prod_32fc volk_16i_32fc_dot_prod_32fc
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_32f_s32f_stddev_32f_manual(float *stddev, const float *inputBuffer, const float mean, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
const char ** impl_names
Definition: volk.tmpl.h:38
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32f_x3_sum_of_poly_32f_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_16i_s32f_convert_32f_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API void volk_32fc_s32fc_rotatorpuppet_32fc_manual(lv_32fc_t *outVector, const lv_32fc_t *inVector, const lv_32fc_t phase_inc, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_16i_max_star_16i volk_16i_max_star_16i_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32f_s32f_32f_fm_detect_32f volk_32f_s32f_32f_fm_detect_32f_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32fc_x2_s32f_square_dist_scalar_mult_32f volk_32fc_x2_s32f_square_dist_scalar_mult_32f_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_32f_s32f_convert_16i_manual(int16_t *outputVector, const float *inputVector, const float scalar, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_32fc_magnitude_squared_32f volk_32fc_magnitude_squared_32f_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32fc_s32fc_multiply_32fc volk_32fc_s32fc_multiply_32fc
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32fc_magnitude_32f_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_32f_x2_s32f_interleave_16ic volk_32f_x2_s32f_interleave_16ic_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_16ic_magnitude_16i volk_16ic_magnitude_16i_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32f_x2_add_32f_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
void(* p_16i_convert_8i)(int8_t *, const int16_t *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:40
VOLK_API p_32f_x2_add_32f volk_32f_x2_add_32f_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
void(* p_16ic_deinterleave_real_8i)(int8_t *, const lv_16sc_t *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:103
VOLK_API p_32fc_s32f_deinterleave_real_16i volk_32fc_s32f_deinterleave_real_16i_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_16i_branch_4_state_8_manual(short *target, short *src0, char **permuters, short *cntl2, short *cntl3, short *scalars, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32fc_conjugate_32fc_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32i_x2_and_32i_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_32fc_index_max_16u volk_32fc_index_max_16u
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
void(* p_8ic_x2_s32f_multiply_conjugate_32fc)(lv_32fc_t *, const lv_8sc_t *, const lv_8sc_t *, const float, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:92
VOLK_API p_32f_sqrt_32f volk_32f_sqrt_32f_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_8ic_s32f_deinterleave_real_32f volk_8ic_s32f_deinterleave_real_32f_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32f_s32f_normalize_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_32fc_s32fc_multiply_32fc volk_32fc_s32fc_multiply_32fc_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32f_x2_max_32f_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_32f_x2_interleave_32fc volk_32f_x2_interleave_32fc_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_16i_max_star_16i_manual(short *target, short *src0, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
void(* p_32f_x2_dot_prod_32f)(float *, const float *, const float *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:76
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32fc_x2_conjugate_dot_prod_32fc_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_8i_s32f_convert_32f volk_8i_s32f_convert_32f
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API p_32f_s32f_convert_8i volk_32f_s32f_convert_8i
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_32f_s32f_calc_spectral_noise_floor_32f_manual(float *noiseFloorAmplitude, const float *realDataPoints, const float spectralExclusionValue, const unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_8ic_x2_multiply_conjugate_16ic volk_8ic_x2_multiply_conjugate_16ic_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
void(* p_16i_s32f_convert_32f)(float *, const int16_t *, const float, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:87
VOLK_API p_32f_accumulator_s32f volk_32f_accumulator_s32f_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_64f_x2_max_64f volk_64f_x2_max_64f
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API p_16i_x5_add_quad_16i_x4 volk_16i_x5_add_quad_16i_x4_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
short complex lv_16sc_t
Definition: volk_complex.h:53
VOLK_API void volk_16i_s32f_convert_32f_manual(float *outputVector, const int16_t *inputVector, const float scalar, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API void volk_32f_binary_slicer_8i_manual(int8_t *cVector, const float *aVector, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_16ic_magnitude_16i volk_16ic_magnitude_16i
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
void(* p_32f_s32f_32f_fm_detect_32f)(float *, const float *, const float, float *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:117
void(* p_32fc_index_max_16u)(unsigned int *, lv_32fc_t *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:32
VOLK_API p_8ic_s32f_deinterleave_32f_x2 volk_8ic_s32f_deinterleave_32f_x2
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_32fc_deinterleave_64f_x2_manual(double *iBuffer, double *qBuffer, const lv_32fc_t *complexVector, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API void volk_8ic_deinterleave_real_8i_manual(int8_t *iBuffer, const lv_8sc_t *complexVector, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_32fc_deinterleave_64f_x2 volk_32fc_deinterleave_64f_x2
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32f_stddev_and_mean_32f_x2_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_8ic_x2_s32f_multiply_conjugate_32fc volk_8ic_x2_s32f_multiply_conjugate_32fc
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API p_32f_invsqrt_32f volk_32f_invsqrt_32f
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_16ic_magnitude_16i_manual(int16_t *magnitudeVector, const lv_16sc_t *complexVector, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_16ic_s32f_magnitude_32f volk_16ic_s32f_magnitude_32f_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_16ic_deinterleave_real_8i volk_16ic_deinterleave_real_8i_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32f_invsqrt_32f volk_32f_invsqrt_32f_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_8ic_deinterleave_16i_x2_manual(int16_t *iBuffer, int16_t *qBuffer, const lv_8sc_t *complexVector, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_32fc_deinterleave_imag_32f volk_32fc_deinterleave_imag_32f_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32f_s32f_calc_spectral_noise_floor_32f_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
void(* p_32fc_s32fc_x2_rotator_32fc)(lv_32fc_t *, const lv_32fc_t *, const lv_32fc_t, lv_32fc_t *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:49
VOLK_API p_32fc_conjugate_32fc volk_32fc_conjugate_32fc
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
void(* p_32fc_32f_dot_prod_32fc)(lv_32fc_t *, const lv_32fc_t *, const float *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:97
VOLK_API p_32f_s32f_multiply_32f volk_32f_s32f_multiply_32f_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_16i_permute_and_scalar_add volk_16i_permute_and_scalar_add_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32f_s32f_calc_spectral_noise_floor_32f volk_32f_s32f_calc_spectral_noise_floor_32f_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_8i_s32f_convert_32f_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32f_invsqrt_32f_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_32fc_deinterleave_real_64f volk_32fc_deinterleave_real_64f_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32f_s32f_32f_fm_detect_32f volk_32f_s32f_32f_fm_detect_32f
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_32f_binary_slicer_32i_manual(int *cVector, const float *aVector, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
unsigned short uint16_t
Definition: stdint.h:79
VOLK_API p_32f_s32f_multiply_32f volk_32f_s32f_multiply_32f_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_16i_x4_quad_max_star_16i volk_16i_x4_quad_max_star_16i
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_32u_byteswap_manual(uint32_t *intsToSwap, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_32f_x2_dot_prod_16i volk_32f_x2_dot_prod_16i
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_16u_byteswap_manual(uint16_t *intsToSwap, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
void(* p_32f_x3_sum_of_poly_32f)(float *, float *, float *, float *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:75
VOLK_API p_32f_binary_slicer_32i volk_32f_binary_slicer_32i
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32f_x2_dot_prod_32f_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_32fc_x2_conjugate_dot_prod_32fc volk_32fc_x2_conjugate_dot_prod_32fc_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32f_x2_multiply_32f volk_32f_x2_multiply_32f_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32fc_x2_square_dist_32f_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_32f_x3_sum_of_poly_32f volk_32f_x3_sum_of_poly_32f
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_16ic_deinterleave_real_16i_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
void(* p_32fc_32f_multiply_32fc)(lv_32fc_t *, const lv_32fc_t *, const float *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:38
VOLK_API void volk_32fc_deinterleave_real_64f_manual(double *iBuffer, const lv_32fc_t *complexVector, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_32fc_index_max_16u volk_32fc_index_max_16u_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_8ic_deinterleave_real_16i_manual(int16_t *iBuffer, const lv_8sc_t *complexVector, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API void volk_16ic_s32f_magnitude_32f_manual(float *magnitudeVector, const lv_16sc_t *complexVector, const float scalar, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
__VOLK_DECL_BEGIN struct volk_func_desc volk_func_desc_t
VOLK_API void volk_64u_popcnt_manual(uint64_t *ret, const uint64_t value, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_32f_index_max_16u volk_32f_index_max_16u
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_16ic_s32f_deinterleave_32f_x2_manual(float *iBuffer, float *qBuffer, const lv_16sc_t *complexVector, const float scalar, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_32fc_s32f_magnitude_16i volk_32fc_s32f_magnitude_16i_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_32f_x2_dot_prod_32f_manual(float *result, const float *input, const float *taps, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_32f_x2_min_32f volk_32f_x2_min_32f_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_64u_byteswap_manual(uint64_t *intsToSwap, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
void(* p_32f_x2_min_32f)(float *, const float *, const float *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:84
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32fc_s32fc_rotatorpuppet_32fc_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_8i_convert_16i volk_8i_convert_16i_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32f_s32f_calc_spectral_noise_floor_32f volk_32f_s32f_calc_spectral_noise_floor_32f_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32i_x2_and_32i volk_32i_x2_and_32i_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_8ic_x2_multiply_conjugate_16ic volk_8ic_x2_multiply_conjugate_16ic_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_16i_convert_8i_manual(int8_t *outputVector, const int16_t *inputVector, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32fc_x2_dot_prod_32fc_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
void(* p_32fc_s32fc_multiply_32fc)(lv_32fc_t *, const lv_32fc_t *, const lv_32fc_t, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:86
VOLK_API void volk_16i_x5_add_quad_16i_x4_manual(short *target0, short *target1, short *target2, short *target3, short *src0, short *src1, short *src2, short *src3, short *src4, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_32f_x2_min_32f volk_32f_x2_min_32f_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
Definition: volk_common.h:51
VOLK_API void volk_64f_convert_32f_manual(float *outputVector, const double *inputVector, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_16ic_deinterleave_real_16i volk_16ic_deinterleave_real_16i_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
void(* p_32fc_s32f_atan2_32f)(float *, const lv_32fc_t *, const float, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:88
void(* p_32fc_deinterleave_real_64f)(double *, const lv_32fc_t *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:54
VOLK_API p_32fc_32f_dot_prod_32fc volk_32fc_32f_dot_prod_32fc
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_32f_s32f_convert_32i_manual(int32_t *outputVector, const float *inputVector, const float scalar, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_16ic_s32f_deinterleave_32f_x2 volk_16ic_s32f_deinterleave_32f_x2_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_8ic_x2_multiply_conjugate_16ic_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32u_byteswap_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_16i_permute_and_scalar_add volk_16i_permute_and_scalar_add_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
void(* p_16i_permute_and_scalar_add)(short *, short *, short *, short *, short *, short *, short *, short *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:67
VOLK_API void volk_32i_x2_and_32i_manual(int32_t *cVector, const int32_t *aVector, const int32_t *bVector, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_8u_x4_conv_k7_r2_8u volk_8u_x4_conv_k7_r2_8u
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_16i_32fc_dot_prod_32fc_manual(lv_32fc_t *result, const short *input, const lv_32fc_t *taps, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_16i_s32f_convert_32f volk_16i_s32f_convert_32f
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
const int * impl_deps
Definition: volk.tmpl.h:39
VOLK_API p_32f_x2_subtract_32f volk_32f_x2_subtract_32f_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32fc_x2_dot_prod_32fc volk_32fc_x2_dot_prod_32fc_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32f_x2_s32f_interleave_16ic_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_16u_byteswap volk_16u_byteswap_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32f_x2_subtract_32f volk_32f_x2_subtract_32f
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_8ic_s32f_deinterleave_real_32f_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API void volk_32f_s32f_multiply_32f_manual(float *cVector, const float *aVector, const float scalar, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API void volk_32fc_s32fc_multiply_32fc_manual(lv_32fc_t *cVector, const lv_32fc_t *aVector, const lv_32fc_t scalar, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API void volk_32f_x2_s32f_interleave_16ic_manual(lv_16sc_t *complexVector, const float *iBuffer, const float *qBuffer, const float scalar, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_8i_s32f_convert_32f volk_8i_s32f_convert_32f_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
void(* p_16ic_deinterleave_real_16i)(int16_t *, const lv_16sc_t *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:47
VOLK_API void volk_32i_x2_or_32i_manual(int32_t *cVector, const int32_t *aVector, const int32_t *bVector, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
void(* p_16i_max_star_16i)(short *, short *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:46
VOLK_API void volk_32fc_magnitude_squared_32f_manual(float *magnitudeVector, const lv_32fc_t *complexVector, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_32f_s32f_stddev_32f volk_32f_s32f_stddev_32f
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_64u_byteswap_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32fc_deinterleave_real_32f_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_8ic_deinterleave_real_16i_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_16ic_s32f_deinterleave_real_32f_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API void volk_8u_x4_conv_k7_r2_8u_manual(unsigned char *Y, unsigned char *X, unsigned char *syms, unsigned char *dec, unsigned int framebits, unsigned int excess, unsigned char *Branchtab, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
void(* p_32f_s32f_power_32f)(float *, const float *, const float, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:71
VOLK_API p_32f_convert_64f volk_32f_convert_64f_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_list_machines(void)
Prints a list of machines available.
VOLK_API p_32fc_deinterleave_real_64f volk_32fc_deinterleave_real_64f
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
void(* p_32fc_x2_s32f_square_dist_scalar_mult_32f)(float *, lv_32fc_t *, lv_32fc_t *, float, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:109
void(* p_32f_s32f_convert_32i)(int32_t *, const float *, const float, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:78
VOLK_API p_32fc_x2_multiply_32fc volk_32fc_x2_multiply_32fc_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
void(* p_32f_s32f_convert_16i)(int16_t *, const float *, const float, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:62
void(* p_32f_sqrt_32f)(float *, const float *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:61
VOLK_API void volk_32fc_index_max_16u_manual(unsigned int *target, lv_32fc_t *src0, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_32f_sqrt_32f volk_32f_sqrt_32f_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32f_s32f_convert_32i volk_32f_s32f_convert_32i
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API p_64u_byteswap volk_64u_byteswap_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32u_popcnt volk_32u_popcnt
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
#define __VOLK_DECL_END
Definition: volk_common.h:52
VOLK_API size_t volk_get_alignment(void)
Get the machine alignment in bytes.
VOLK_API p_32f_x2_dot_prod_16i volk_32f_x2_dot_prod_16i_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
void(* p_64f_x2_min_64f)(double *, const double *, const double *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:100
#define VOLK_API
Definition: volk_common.h:62
VOLK_API p_32f_s32f_convert_8i volk_32f_s32f_convert_8i_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32f_x2_subtract_32f volk_32f_x2_subtract_32f_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
void(* p_32fc_x2_multiply_32fc)(lv_32fc_t *, const lv_32fc_t *, const lv_32fc_t *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:119
VOLK_API p_32f_s32f_convert_8i volk_32f_s32f_convert_8i_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_8ic_x2_s32f_multiply_conjugate_32fc_manual(lv_32fc_t *cVector, const lv_8sc_t *aVector, const lv_8sc_t *bVector, const float scalar, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API void volk_32f_stddev_and_mean_32f_x2_manual(float *stddev, float *mean, const float *inputBuffer, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_8ic_deinterleave_real_8i volk_8ic_deinterleave_real_8i_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32fc_x2_conjugate_dot_prod_32fc volk_32fc_x2_conjugate_dot_prod_32fc
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
void(* p_8u_conv_k7_r2puppet_8u)(unsigned char *, unsigned char *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:73
VOLK_API void volk_32f_x2_subtract_32f_manual(float *cVector, const float *aVector, const float *bVector, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32fc_32f_dot_prod_32fc_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API void volk_8ic_s32f_deinterleave_32f_x2_manual(float *iBuffer, float *qBuffer, const lv_8sc_t *complexVector, const float scalar, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_32f_s32f_power_32f volk_32f_s32f_power_32f
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API p_32f_s32f_convert_16i volk_32f_s32f_convert_16i_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32f_s32f_convert_16i volk_32f_s32f_convert_16i
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API p_32fc_x2_conjugate_dot_prod_32fc volk_32fc_x2_conjugate_dot_prod_32fc_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32i_x2_or_32i volk_32i_x2_or_32i
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API p_32u_byteswap volk_32u_byteswap_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_16i_max_star_16i volk_16i_max_star_16i
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API p_32u_byteswap volk_32u_byteswap_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32fc_x2_s32f_square_dist_scalar_mult_32f volk_32fc_x2_s32f_square_dist_scalar_mult_32f_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_32f_sqrt_32f_manual(float *cVector, const float *aVector, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_32fc_x2_square_dist_32f volk_32fc_x2_square_dist_32f
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32fc_s32f_magnitude_16i_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_16ic_s32f_deinterleave_32f_x2_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_8ic_s32f_deinterleave_32f_x2 volk_8ic_s32f_deinterleave_32f_x2_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32fc_s32f_atan2_32f volk_32fc_s32f_atan2_32f_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
void(* p_8ic_s32f_deinterleave_real_32f)(float *, const lv_8sc_t *, const float, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:113
VOLK_API p_32i_s32f_convert_32f volk_32i_s32f_convert_32f_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
unsigned int uint32_t
Definition: stdint.h:80
VOLK_API p_32fc_s32f_magnitude_16i volk_32fc_s32f_magnitude_16i
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_64f_x2_min_64f_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_32fc_deinterleave_real_64f volk_32fc_deinterleave_real_64f_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
void(* p_32fc_s32fc_rotatorpuppet_32fc)(lv_32fc_t *, const lv_32fc_t *, const lv_32fc_t, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:111
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32fc_32f_multiply_32fc_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
__VOLK_DECL_BEGIN struct volk_func_desc volk_func_desc_t
signed short int16_t
Definition: stdint.h:76
VOLK_API p_16i_convert_8i volk_16i_convert_8i_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
void(* p_16ic_magnitude_16i)(int16_t *, const lv_16sc_t *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:101
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_16u_byteswap_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_64f_x2_max_64f volk_64f_x2_max_64f_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_8u_x4_conv_k7_r2_8u volk_8u_x4_conv_k7_r2_8u_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32f_stddev_and_mean_32f_x2 volk_32f_stddev_and_mean_32f_x2
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32fc_s32f_deinterleave_real_16i_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32f_binary_slicer_8i_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_32fc_s32fc_x2_rotator_32fc volk_32fc_s32fc_x2_rotator_32fc
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32f_x2_divide_32f_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
void(* p_32fc_deinterleave_64f_x2)(double *, double *, const lv_32fc_t *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:74
VOLK_API p_64f_x2_min_64f volk_64f_x2_min_64f
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API p_32fc_s32fc_x2_rotator_32fc volk_32fc_s32fc_x2_rotator_32fc_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32fc_deinterleave_64f_x2 volk_32fc_deinterleave_64f_x2_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
void(* p_16i_32fc_dot_prod_32fc)(lv_32fc_t *, const short *, const lv_32fc_t *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:95
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32f_s32f_convert_8i_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_32f_x2_max_32f volk_32f_x2_max_32f_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_32i_s32f_convert_32f_manual(float *outputVector, const int32_t *inputVector, const float scalar, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API void volk_32fc_s32f_power_32fc_manual(lv_32fc_t *cVector, const lv_32fc_t *aVector, const float power, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_32f_s32f_multiply_32f volk_32f_s32f_multiply_32f
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API p_32f_x2_max_32f volk_32f_x2_max_32f_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_16i_max_star_16i_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_16ic_magnitude_16i_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_32fc_x2_multiply_32fc volk_32fc_x2_multiply_32fc
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32f_x2_multiply_32f_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_32fc_deinterleave_real_32f volk_32fc_deinterleave_real_32f_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
unsigned __int64 uint64_t
Definition: stdint.h:90
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32i_s32f_convert_32f_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API void volk_16i_permute_and_scalar_add_manual(short *target, short *src0, short *permute_indexes, short *cntl0, short *cntl1, short *cntl2, short *cntl3, short *scalars, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_32fc_s32fc_rotatorpuppet_32fc volk_32fc_s32fc_rotatorpuppet_32fc_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_64f_convert_32f volk_64f_convert_32f_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_8ic_deinterleave_real_8i_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_16i_s32f_convert_32f volk_16i_s32f_convert_32f_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
void(* p_32f_x2_divide_32f)(float *, const float *, const float *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:64
VOLK_API const char * impl_name
Definition: volk.tmpl.h:86
VOLK_API void volk_32f_s32f_power_32f_manual(float *cVector, const float *aVector, const float power, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_16i_branch_4_state_8 volk_16i_branch_4_state_8_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32fc_x2_square_dist_32f volk_32fc_x2_square_dist_32f_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_16i_permute_and_scalar_add volk_16i_permute_and_scalar_add
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
void(* p_32f_x2_max_32f)(float *, const float *, const float *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:91
signed char int8_t
Definition: stdint.h:75
void(* p_32f_s32f_normalize)(float *, const float, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:55
VOLK_API p_16ic_magnitude_16i volk_16ic_magnitude_16i_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32f_sqrt_32f volk_32f_sqrt_32f
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API p_32fc_32f_dot_prod_32fc volk_32fc_32f_dot_prod_32fc_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
void(* p_16ic_deinterleave_16i_x2)(int16_t *, int16_t *, const lv_16sc_t *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:94
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_8ic_x2_s32f_multiply_conjugate_32fc_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_32fc_x2_dot_prod_32fc volk_32fc_x2_dot_prod_32fc_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_16ic_s32f_deinterleave_real_32f_manual(float *iBuffer, const lv_16sc_t *complexVector, const float scalar, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
const size_t n_impls
Definition: volk.tmpl.h:41
VOLK_API p_32f_s32f_convert_16i volk_32f_s32f_convert_16i_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_16ic_deinterleave_real_8i_manual(int8_t *iBuffer, const lv_16sc_t *complexVector, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API void volk_16i_max_star_horizontal_16i_manual(int16_t *target, int16_t *src0, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_16i_x5_add_quad_16i_x4 volk_16i_x5_add_quad_16i_x4_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_8u_conv_k7_r2puppet_8u_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
void(* p_64f_convert_32f)(float *, const double *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:57
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32fc_x2_multiply_32fc_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
void(* p_32fc_magnitude_32f)(float *, const lv_32fc_t *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:69
VOLK_API p_32f_x2_dot_prod_32f volk_32f_x2_dot_prod_32f_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_8ic_x2_multiply_conjugate_16ic volk_8ic_x2_multiply_conjugate_16ic
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API p_16i_branch_4_state_8 volk_16i_branch_4_state_8
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_32f_x2_multiply_32f_manual(float *cVector, const float *aVector, const float *bVector, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API void volk_8i_convert_16i_manual(int16_t *outputVector, const int8_t *inputVector, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_64u_byteswap volk_64u_byteswap
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_32f_invsqrt_32f_manual(float *cVector, const float *aVector, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_32f_accumulator_s32f volk_32f_accumulator_s32f_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
void(* p_32f_x2_dot_prod_16i)(int16_t *, const float *, const float *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:122
VOLK_API p_32i_x2_and_32i volk_32i_x2_and_32i_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32f_s32f_convert_32i volk_32f_s32f_convert_32i_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32f_accumulator_s32f_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_32f_x2_interleave_32fc volk_32f_x2_interleave_32fc
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
void(* p_32i_x2_or_32i)(int32_t *, const int32_t *, const int32_t *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:116
void(* p_32f_x2_add_32f)(float *, const float *, const float *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:114
VOLK_API p_32f_accumulator_s32f volk_32f_accumulator_s32f
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API p_8ic_deinterleave_real_16i volk_8ic_deinterleave_real_16i
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API p_64u_popcnt volk_64u_popcnt_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32u_byteswap volk_32u_byteswap
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
void(* p_32f_s32f_convert_8i)(int8_t *, const float *, const float, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:70
VOLK_API p_32fc_s32f_deinterleave_real_16i volk_32fc_s32f_deinterleave_real_16i
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32f_x2_min_32f_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_16i_32fc_dot_prod_32fc volk_16i_32fc_dot_prod_32fc_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32f_x2_divide_32f volk_32f_x2_divide_32f
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API p_32fc_magnitude_squared_32f volk_32fc_magnitude_squared_32f_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32f_s32f_32f_fm_detect_32f_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_32f_s32f_power_32f volk_32f_s32f_power_32f_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32f_x2_add_32f volk_32f_x2_add_32f_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32fc_deinterleave_64f_x2 volk_32fc_deinterleave_64f_x2_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32f_x2_max_32f volk_32f_x2_max_32f
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API p_32u_popcnt volk_32u_popcnt_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32f_sqrt_32f_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API void volk_32fc_32f_dot_prod_32fc_manual(lv_32fc_t *result, const lv_32fc_t *input, const float *taps, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_16i_branch_4_state_8_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_16i_max_star_horizontal_16i volk_16i_max_star_horizontal_16i_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_32fc_deinterleave_real_32f_manual(float *iBuffer, const lv_32fc_t *complexVector, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_32fc_s32f_deinterleave_real_16i volk_32fc_s32f_deinterleave_real_16i_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32fc_s32f_x2_power_spectral_density_32f volk_32fc_s32f_x2_power_spectral_density_32f_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
void(* p_32f_x2_multiply_32f)(float *, const float *, const float *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:77
void(* p_32fc_deinterleave_real_32f)(float *, const lv_32fc_t *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:79
void(* p_32f_stddev_and_mean_32f_x2)(float *, float *, const float *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:107
static const float taps[NSTEPS+1][NTAPS]
Definition: interpolator_taps.h:9
void(* p_32f_s32f_stddev_32f)(float *, const float *, const float, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:66
float complex lv_32fc_t
Definition: volk_complex.h:56
VOLK_API bool volk_is_aligned(const void *ptr)
VOLK_API p_32fc_x2_multiply_conjugate_32fc volk_32fc_x2_multiply_conjugate_32fc_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32f_s32f_multiply_32f_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_16ic_deinterleave_16i_x2 volk_16ic_deinterleave_16i_x2
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API p_32f_x2_min_32f volk_32f_x2_min_32f
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_16i_x5_add_quad_16i_x4_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_32fc_x2_multiply_conjugate_32fc volk_32fc_x2_multiply_conjugate_32fc_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_16ic_deinterleave_16i_x2_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_32fc_deinterleave_real_32f volk_32fc_deinterleave_real_32f_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_16ic_deinterleave_real_16i volk_16ic_deinterleave_real_16i_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_16ic_s32f_deinterleave_real_32f volk_16ic_s32f_deinterleave_real_32f_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_32f_x2_add_32f_manual(float *cVector, const float *aVector, const float *bVector, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API void volk_32fc_s32f_atan2_32f_manual(float *outputVector, const lv_32fc_t *complexVector, const float normalizeFactor, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
void(* p_64u_popcnt)(uint64_t *, const uint64_t)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:115
VOLK_API p_8ic_deinterleave_real_8i volk_8ic_deinterleave_real_8i_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32fc_s32f_atan2_32f volk_32fc_s32f_atan2_32f
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
void(* p_32fc_x2_conjugate_dot_prod_32fc)(lv_32fc_t *, const lv_32fc_t *, const lv_32fc_t *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:121
VOLK_API p_16i_convert_8i volk_16i_convert_8i_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32fc_32f_multiply_32fc volk_32fc_32f_multiply_32fc_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_64u_popcnt volk_64u_popcnt_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_8u_conv_k7_r2puppet_8u volk_8u_conv_k7_r2puppet_8u_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32fc_s32fc_x2_rotator_32fc_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
void(* p_16ic_s32f_deinterleave_real_32f)(float *, const lv_16sc_t *, const float, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:68
void(* p_32fc_x2_dot_prod_32fc)(lv_32fc_t *, const lv_32fc_t *, const lv_32fc_t *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:72
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_64u_popcnt_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_16i_32fc_dot_prod_32fc volk_16i_32fc_dot_prod_32fc_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_8ic_deinterleave_real_8i volk_8ic_deinterleave_real_8i
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32f_x2_dot_prod_16i_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API void volk_32f_index_max_16u_manual(unsigned int *target, const float *src0, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
void(* p_8ic_deinterleave_16i_x2)(int16_t *, int16_t *, const lv_8sc_t *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:123
VOLK_API void volk_32fc_magnitude_32f_manual(float *magnitudeVector, const lv_32fc_t *complexVector, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_32fc_s32fc_rotatorpuppet_32fc volk_32fc_s32fc_rotatorpuppet_32fc_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32fc_magnitude_squared_32f volk_32fc_magnitude_squared_32f
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
void(* p_32f_x2_s32f_interleave_16ic)(lv_16sc_t *, const float *, const float *, const float, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:99
void(* p_16i_x4_quad_max_star_16i)(short *, short *, short *, short *, short *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:63
VOLK_API void volk_32f_x2_max_32f_manual(float *cVector, const float *aVector, const float *bVector, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_32fc_s32f_x2_power_spectral_density_32f volk_32fc_s32f_x2_power_spectral_density_32f_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32fc_s32f_atan2_32f_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
void(* p_32fc_s32f_power_spectrum_32f)(float *, const lv_32fc_t *, const float, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:80
VOLK_API p_16ic_s32f_deinterleave_real_32f volk_16ic_s32f_deinterleave_real_32f_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32f_x3_sum_of_poly_32f volk_32f_x3_sum_of_poly_32f_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_32fc_x2_s32f_square_dist_scalar_mult_32f_manual(float *target, lv_32fc_t *src0, lv_32fc_t *points, float scalar, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32f_x2_interleave_32fc_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
void(* p_32fc_x2_square_dist_32f)(float *, lv_32fc_t *, lv_32fc_t *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:98
VOLK_API p_32f_invsqrt_32f volk_32f_invsqrt_32f_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_32fc_x2_conjugate_dot_prod_32fc_manual(lv_32fc_t *result, const lv_32fc_t *input, const lv_32fc_t *taps, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
void(* p_32u_popcnt)(uint32_t *, const uint32_t)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:50
void(* p_16u_byteswap)(uint16_t *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:118
VOLK_API p_32f_convert_64f volk_32f_convert_64f_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_8u_conv_k7_r2puppet_8u volk_8u_conv_k7_r2puppet_8u
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API p_8ic_deinterleave_16i_x2 volk_8ic_deinterleave_16i_x2
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API p_32f_index_max_16u volk_32f_index_max_16u_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
void(* p_16i_x5_add_quad_16i_x4)(short *, short *, short *, short *, short *, short *, short *, short *, short *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:48
VOLK_API void volk_32fc_x2_square_dist_32f_manual(float *target, lv_32fc_t *src0, lv_32fc_t *points, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_8i_s32f_convert_32f volk_8i_s32f_convert_32f_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32fc_s32fc_rotatorpuppet_32fc volk_32fc_s32fc_rotatorpuppet_32fc
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API p_32f_x2_s32f_interleave_16ic volk_32f_x2_s32f_interleave_16ic_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_32f_accumulator_s32f_manual(float *result, const float *inputBuffer, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
void(* p_16ic_s32f_magnitude_32f)(float *, const lv_16sc_t *, const float, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:112
void(* p_32fc_deinterleave_imag_32f)(float *, const lv_32fc_t *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:102
VOLK_API void volk_32f_x2_dot_prod_16i_manual(int16_t *result, const float *input, const float *taps, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_8ic_deinterleave_real_16i volk_8ic_deinterleave_real_16i_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32f_index_max_16u volk_32f_index_max_16u_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32f_s32f_power_32f_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_32f_x2_dot_prod_32f volk_32f_x2_dot_prod_32f
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
void(* p_32fc_s32f_x2_power_spectral_density_32f)(float *, const lv_32fc_t *, const float, const float, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:106
VOLK_API void volk_16ic_deinterleave_16i_x2_manual(int16_t *iBuffer, int16_t *qBuffer, const lv_16sc_t *complexVector, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
void(* p_16ic_s32f_deinterleave_32f_x2)(float *, float *, const lv_16sc_t *, const float, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:37
VOLK_API p_8i_convert_16i volk_8i_convert_16i
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
void(* p_8ic_deinterleave_real_8i)(int8_t *, const lv_8sc_t *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:42
VOLK_API p_32fc_32f_multiply_32fc volk_32fc_32f_multiply_32fc_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_64u_byteswap volk_64u_byteswap_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32fc_s32f_power_spectrum_32f volk_32fc_s32f_power_spectrum_32f_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32f_binary_slicer_8i volk_32f_binary_slicer_8i
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_32fc_s32fc_x2_rotator_32fc_manual(lv_32fc_t *outVector, const lv_32fc_t *inVector, const lv_32fc_t phase_inc, lv_32fc_t *phase, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API void volk_32f_convert_64f_manual(double *outputVector, const float *inputVector, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_32f_s32f_calc_spectral_noise_floor_32f volk_32f_s32f_calc_spectral_noise_floor_32f
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
void(* p_8u_x4_conv_k7_r2_8u)(unsigned char *, unsigned char *, unsigned char *, unsigned char *, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned char *)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:60
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32f_convert_64f_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_32fc_s32f_power_32fc volk_32fc_s32f_power_32fc
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API p_16i_max_star_horizontal_16i volk_16i_max_star_horizontal_16i_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
void(* p_32f_binary_slicer_32i)(int *, const float *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:35
VOLK_API void volk_64f_x2_max_64f_manual(double *cVector, const double *aVector, const double *bVector, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_32fc_s32f_x2_power_spectral_density_32f volk_32fc_s32f_x2_power_spectral_density_32f
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
const bool * impl_alignment
Definition: volk.tmpl.h:40
VOLK_API p_16u_byteswap volk_16u_byteswap_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_32fc_32f_multiply_32fc_manual(lv_32fc_t *cVector, const lv_32fc_t *aVector, const float *bVector, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_32f_x2_dot_prod_32f volk_32f_x2_dot_prod_32f_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_16i_x5_add_quad_16i_x4 volk_16i_x5_add_quad_16i_x4
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API p_8ic_x2_s32f_multiply_conjugate_32fc volk_8ic_x2_s32f_multiply_conjugate_32fc_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_64f_convert_32f_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
void(* p_64f_x2_max_64f)(double *, const double *, const double *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:39
VOLK_API p_8i_convert_16i volk_8i_convert_16i_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32fc_conjugate_32fc volk_32fc_conjugate_32fc_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_8i_s32f_convert_32f_manual(float *outputVector, const int8_t *inputVector, const float scalar, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_8ic_s32f_deinterleave_32f_x2_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
void(* p_32f_accumulator_s32f)(float *, const float *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:85
void(* p_32f_binary_slicer_8i)(int8_t *, const float *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:83
VOLK_API void volk_32fc_x2_multiply_32fc_manual(lv_32fc_t *cVector, const lv_32fc_t *aVector, const lv_32fc_t *bVector, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_32f_x2_divide_32f volk_32f_x2_divide_32f_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_8ic_x2_s32f_multiply_conjugate_32fc volk_8ic_x2_s32f_multiply_conjugate_32fc_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_16i_max_star_16i volk_16i_max_star_16i_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_16i_x4_quad_max_star_16i volk_16i_x4_quad_max_star_16i_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_32fc_x2_multiply_conjugate_32fc_manual(lv_32fc_t *cVector, const lv_32fc_t *aVector, const lv_32fc_t *bVector, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
signed int int32_t
Definition: stdint.h:77
void(* p_8i_convert_16i)(int16_t *, const int8_t *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:59
VOLK_API p_32f_x2_divide_32f volk_32f_x2_divide_32f_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_32f_s32f_normalize_manual(float *vecBuffer, const float scalar, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_32f_x2_dot_prod_16i volk_32f_x2_dot_prod_16i_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_32f_s32f_32f_fm_detect_32f_manual(float *outputVector, const float *inputVector, const float bound, float *saveValue, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_32f_s32f_normalize volk_32f_s32f_normalize
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_32fc_deinterleave_imag_32f_manual(float *qBuffer, const lv_32fc_t *complexVector, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_32fc_deinterleave_real_32f volk_32fc_deinterleave_real_32f
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API p_32i_s32f_convert_32f volk_32i_s32f_convert_32f_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_8u_conv_k7_r2puppet_8u volk_8u_conv_k7_r2puppet_8u_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32f_s32f_normalize volk_32f_s32f_normalize_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_16ic_deinterleave_16i_x2 volk_16ic_deinterleave_16i_x2_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32fc_s32f_power_spectrum_32f_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_32fc_index_max_16u volk_32fc_index_max_16u_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32f_x2_multiply_32f volk_32f_x2_multiply_32f
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32f_index_max_16u_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32fc_index_max_16u_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_16ic_deinterleave_real_16i volk_16ic_deinterleave_real_16i
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API p_32f_convert_64f volk_32f_convert_64f
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32f_binary_slicer_32i_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API void volk_32f_x2_interleave_32fc_manual(lv_32fc_t *complexVector, const float *iBuffer, const float *qBuffer, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_32f_binary_slicer_32i volk_32f_binary_slicer_32i_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32fc_magnitude_32f volk_32fc_magnitude_32f_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32f_s32f_stddev_32f volk_32f_s32f_stddev_32f_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32fc_deinterleave_64f_x2_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
void(* p_32fc_x2_multiply_conjugate_32fc)(lv_32fc_t *, const lv_32fc_t *, const lv_32fc_t *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:41
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32f_s32f_convert_16i_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
void(* p_16i_branch_4_state_8)(short *, short *, char **, short *, short *, short *)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:51
VOLK_API p_64u_popcnt volk_64u_popcnt
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API p_32fc_x2_multiply_32fc volk_32fc_x2_multiply_32fc_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_16ic_deinterleave_16i_x2 volk_16ic_deinterleave_16i_x2_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
char complex lv_8sc_t
Provide typedefs and operators for all complex types in C and C++.
Definition: volk_complex.h:52
void(* p_32fc_magnitude_squared_32f)(float *, const lv_32fc_t *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:53
void(* p_32u_byteswap)(uint32_t *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:89
VOLK_API p_16ic_s32f_deinterleave_32f_x2 volk_16ic_s32f_deinterleave_32f_x2
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32fc_s32f_x2_power_spectral_density_32f_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_32fc_s32fc_x2_rotator_32fc volk_32fc_s32fc_x2_rotator_32fc_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32fc_s32f_magnitude_16i volk_32fc_s32f_magnitude_16i_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32f_stddev_and_mean_32f_x2 volk_32f_stddev_and_mean_32f_x2_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32fc_deinterleave_imag_32f volk_32fc_deinterleave_imag_32f
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32i_x2_or_32i_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_16i_x4_quad_max_star_16i volk_16i_x4_quad_max_star_16i_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_32f_x2_divide_32f_manual(float *cVector, const float *aVector, const float *bVector, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
VOLK_API p_32fc_x2_multiply_conjugate_32fc volk_32fc_x2_multiply_conjugate_32fc
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_32fc_s32f_power_spectrum_32f_manual(float *logPowerOutput, const lv_32fc_t *complexFFTInput, const float normalizationFactor, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
void(* p_32fc_s32f_deinterleave_real_16i)(int16_t *, const lv_32fc_t *, const float, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:82
void(* p_32f_s32f_calc_spectral_noise_floor_32f)(float *, const float *, const float, const unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:104
void(* p_32f_index_max_16u)(unsigned int *, const float *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:34
VOLK_API p_32i_x2_or_32i volk_32i_x2_or_32i_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_64f_convert_32f volk_64f_convert_32f_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_16ic_deinterleave_real_8i_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_8u_x4_conv_k7_r2_8u_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_64f_x2_max_64f_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_32f_binary_slicer_8i volk_32f_binary_slicer_8i_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32fc_magnitude_squared_32f_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_32fc_magnitude_32f volk_32fc_magnitude_32f_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_32fc_deinterleave_32f_x2 volk_32fc_deinterleave_32f_x2
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
void(* p_32i_s32f_convert_32f)(float *, const int32_t *, const float, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:108
void(* p_64u_byteswap)(uint64_t *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:56
VOLK_API p_32f_x2_add_32f volk_32f_x2_add_32f
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API p_64f_convert_32f volk_64f_convert_32f
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API p_16ic_deinterleave_real_8i volk_16ic_deinterleave_real_8i
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32f_x2_subtract_32f_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_32fc_conjugate_32fc volk_32fc_conjugate_32fc_u
A function pointer to the fastest unaligned implementation.
VOLK_API void volk_32f_s32f_convert_8i_manual(int8_t *outputVector, const float *inputVector, const float scalar, unsigned int num_points, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.
void(* p_32fc_s32f_magnitude_16i)(int16_t *, const lv_32fc_t *, const float, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:81
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_16i_permute_and_scalar_add_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
void(* p_32f_invsqrt_32f)(float *, const float *, unsigned int)
Definition: volk_typedefs.h:33
VOLK_API p_16u_byteswap volk_16u_byteswap
A function pointer to the dispatcher implementation.
Definition: volk.tmpl.h:36
VOLK_API p_32f_s32f_convert_32i volk_32f_s32f_convert_32i_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API p_16i_branch_4_state_8 volk_16i_branch_4_state_8_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32fc_deinterleave_32f_x2_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API p_32f_x2_interleave_32fc volk_32f_x2_interleave_32fc_a
A function pointer to the fastest aligned implementation.
VOLK_API volk_func_desc_t volk_32fc_s32f_power_32fc_get_func_desc(void)
Get description paramaters for this kernel.
VOLK_API void volk_8u_conv_k7_r2puppet_8u_manual(unsigned char *syms, unsigned char *dec, unsigned int framebits, const char *impl_name)
Call into a specific implementation given by name.