GNU Radio 3.7.2 C++ API
Filter Signal Processing Blocks


This is the gr-filter package. It contains signal processing blocks to perform filtering operations.

The Python namespace is in gnuradio.filter, which would be normally imported as:

from gnuradio import filter

See the Doxygen documentation for details about the blocks available in this package. A quick listing of the details can be found in Python after importing by using:



The filter blocks depend on FFT Signal Processing Blocks.


There are many filter blocks and kernels in GNU Radio. Filter blocks are standard GNU Radio blocks that fit into a flowgraph. Filter kernels are the guts of the filtering operations that are C++ classes which are designed to be useful within other blocks. The filtering module also comes with a number of filter design tools.


  • FIR filters (see fir_filter.h): filters that compute finite impulse response (FIR) filtering in the time domain.
  • FFT filters (see fft_filter.h): filters that compute FIR filtering in the frequency domain (i.e., fast convolution).
  • FIR filters with internal buffers (see fir_filter_with_buffer.h): filters that perform time-domain FIR filtering but keep an internal buffer so the input vectors are not affected or used. This is not as efficient as the normal FIR filters but can be necessary under certain conditions.
  • IIR filters (see iir_filter.h): filters that compute infinite impulse response (IIR) filtering.
  • Single-pole IIR filters (see single_pole_iir.h): a special case of an IIR filter with a single pole (also known as a moving average filter).


Design Tools

To help build filters, GNU Radio includes a number of design tools. These tools build standard filters like low pass, high pass, band pass, etc. There are two main flavors of the filter design tools:

  • Windowed filters (see firdes.h): filters defined as sinc functions and a window function.
  • Equiripple filters (see filters defined by using the Parks-McClellen algorithm given a set of conditions.

The GNU Radio filter library also exports the Parks-McClellen algorithm in both C++ and Python as gr::filter::pm_remez.

The firdes.h filter contains functions to design the following types of filters (see gr::filter::firdes):

  • gr::filter::firdes::complex_band_pass: defines a complex band pass filter based on the pass band start and stop frequencies and transition bandwidth. Returns complex taps for one-sided spectrum.
  • gr::filter::firdes::guassian: creates a Gaussian pulse shaping filter.

The contains a set of Python-only functions that define equiripple filters using the Parks-McClellen algorithm:

  • low_pass: defines a low pass filter based off the end of the pass band, the start of the stop band, the pass band ripple, and the stop band attenuation.
  • band_pass: defines a band pass filter based the end of the first stop band, the start of the pass band, the end of the pass band, the start of the second stop band, the pass band ripple, and the stop band attenuation.
  • complex_band_pass: defines a band pass filter based the end of the first stop band, the start of the pass band, the end of the pass band, the start of the second stop band, the pass band ripple, and the stop band attenuation. Returns complex taps for one-sided spectrum.
  • band_reject: defines a band reject filter based the end of the first pass band, the start of the stop band, the end of the stop band, the start of the second pass band, the pass band ripple, and the stop band attenuation. Unlike the firdes.h band_reject filter, this filter does not have to be symmetrical.
  • high_pass defines a high pass filter based off the end of the stop band, the start of the pass band, the pass band ripple, and the stop band attenuation.

Filter Design GUI Tool

GNU Radio has a filter design GUI tool called gr_filter_design. This tool allows us to build filters using the filter design methods above and look at the results immediately. The frequency and time domain along with other aspects of the filter like the phase profile, group delay, the filter taps as a list, impulse response, and step response. Also displayed is a pole-zero plot.

The filter design tool is useful to provide immediate feedback on the shape, behavior, and complexity of the filter from the design parameters. The tool also includes a save capability to save the taps and parameters in a simple comma-separated value (CSV) format.

Furthermore, the filter design program can be called and used for interaction within a Python program. There are a few ways in which we can interact with the tool programmatically.

The tool can be simply launched from Python, and when closed, it returns an object filled with the filter parameters and taps. An example of this can be found in examples/filter/

filtobj = filter_design.launch(sys.argv)
print "Filter Count:", filtobj.get_filtercount()
print "Filter type:", filtobj.get_restype()
print "Filter params", filtobj.get_params()
print "Filter Coefficients", filtobj.get_taps()

Another way of using the filter design tool is to give it a callback function that is called whenever the "Design" button is pressed in the GUI. The following code comes from the examples/filter/ example. Whenever "Design" is pressed, the "print_params" function is called with the filter parameters and taps inside of the "filtobj" object.

def print_params(filtobj):
print "Filter Count:", filtobj.get_filtercount()
print "Filter type:", filtobj.get_restype()
print "Filter params", filtobj.get_params()
print "Filter Coefficients", filtobj.get_taps()
app = Qt.QApplication(sys.argv)
main_win = filter_design.launch(sys.argv, print_params)

Changing one line in the above code allows us to set restrictions on what type of filter the design tool can build. This concept is shown in examples/filter/ Here, the filter type is restricted to using IIR filters.

main_win = filter_design.launch(sys.argv, callback = print_params, restype = "iir")

An application running a full GNU Radio flowgraph can actually launch the filter design tool and have it update a filter while the system is running. This concept is an extension of the callback function and is shown in the example examples/filter/ The code is not shown here as the full code is quite long.