GNU Radio 3.7.1 C++ API
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* -*- c++ -*- */
00002 /* Copyright 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
00003  * 
00004  * This file is part of GNU Radio
00005  * 
00006  * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00007  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00008  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
00009  * any later version.
00010  * 
00011  * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00012  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00014  * GNU General Public License for more details.
00015  * 
00016  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00017  * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
00018  * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
00019  * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
00020  */
00025 #include <gnuradio/digital/api.h>
00026 #include <gnuradio/digital/constellation.h>
00027 #include <gnuradio/digital/ofdm_equalizer_base.h>
00029 namespace gr {
00030   namespace digital {
00032     /* \brief Simple decision feedback equalizer for OFDM.
00033      * \ingroup ofdm_blk
00034      * \ingroup equalizers_blk
00035      *
00036      * \details
00037      * Equalizes an OFDM signal symbol by symbol using knowledge of the
00038      * complex modulations symbols.
00039      * For every symbol, the following steps are performed:
00040      * - On every sub-carrier, decode the modulation symbol
00041      * - Use the difference between the decoded symbol and the received symbol
00042      *   to update the channel state on this carrier
00043      * - Whenever a pilot symbol is found, it uses the known pilot symbol to
00044      *   update the channel state.
00045      *
00046      * This equalizer makes a lot of assumptions:
00047      * - The initial channel state is good enough to decode the first
00048      *   symbol without error (unless the first symbol only consists of pilot
00049      *   tones)
00050      * - The channel changes only very slowly, such that the channel state
00051      *   from one symbol is enough to decode the next
00052      * - SNR low enough that equalization will always suffice to correctly
00053      *   decode a symbol
00054      * If these assumptions are not met, the most common error is that the
00055      * channel state is estimated incorrectly during equalization; after that,
00056      * all subsequent symbols will be completely wrong.
00057      *
00058      * Note that the equalized symbols are *exact points* on the constellation.
00059      * This means soft information of the modulation symbols is lost after the
00060      * equalization, which is suboptimal for channel codes that use soft decision.
00061      *
00062      */
00063     class DIGITAL_API ofdm_equalizer_simpledfe : public ofdm_equalizer_1d_pilots
00064     {
00065      public:
00066       typedef boost::shared_ptr<ofdm_equalizer_simpledfe> sptr;
00068       ofdm_equalizer_simpledfe(
00069           int fft_len,
00070           const gr::digital::constellation_sptr &constellation,
00071           const std::vector<std::vector<int> > &occupied_carriers = std::vector<std::vector<int> >(),
00072           const std::vector<std::vector<int> > &pilot_carriers = std::vector<std::vector<int> >(),
00073           const std::vector<std::vector<gr_complex> > &pilot_symbols = std::vector<std::vector<gr_complex> >(),
00074           int symbols_skipped = 0,
00075           float alpha = 0.1,
00076           bool input_is_shifted = true);
00078       ~ofdm_equalizer_simpledfe();
00080       void equalize(gr_complex *frame,
00081                       int n_sym,
00082                       const std::vector<gr_complex> &initial_taps = std::vector<gr_complex>(),
00083                       const std::vector<tag_t> &tags = std::vector<tag_t>());
00085       /*
00086        * \param fft_len FFT length
00087        * \param constellation The constellation object describing the modulation used
00088        *                      on the subcarriers (e.g. QPSK). This is used to decode
00089        *                      the individual symbols.
00090        * \param occupied_carriers List of occupied carriers, see ofdm_carrier_allocator
00091        *                          for a description.
00092        * \param pilot_carriers Position of pilot symbols, see ofdm_carrier_allocator
00093        *                          for a description.
00094        * \param pilot_symbols Value of pilot symbols, see ofdm_carrier_allocator
00095        *                          for a description.
00096        * \param alpha Averaging coefficient (in a nutshell, if \f$H_{i,k}\f$ is the channel
00097        *              state for carrier i and symbol k,
00098        *              \f$H_{i,k+1} =  \alpha H_{i,k} + (1 - \alpha) H_{i,k+1}\f$. Make this
00099        *              larger if there's more noise, but keep in mind that larger values
00100        *              of alpha mean slower response to channel changes).
00101        * \param symbols_skipped Starting position within occupied_carriers and pilot_carriers.
00102        *                        If the first symbol of the frame was removed (e.g. to decode the
00103        *                        header), set this make sure the pilot symbols are correctly
00104        *                        identified.
00105        * \param input_is_shifted Set this to false if the input signal is not shifted, i.e.
00106        *                         the first input items is on the DC carrier.
00107        *                         Note that a lot of the OFDM receiver blocks operate on shifted
00108        *                         signals!
00109        */
00110       static sptr make(
00111           int fft_len,
00112           const gr::digital::constellation_sptr &constellation,
00113           const std::vector<std::vector<int> > &occupied_carriers = std::vector<std::vector<int> >(),
00114           const std::vector<std::vector<int> > &pilot_carriers = std::vector<std::vector<int> >(),
00115           const std::vector<std::vector<gr_complex> > &pilot_symbols = std::vector<std::vector<gr_complex> >(),
00116           int symbols_skipped=0,
00117           float alpha=0.1,
00118           bool input_is_shifted=true
00119       );
00121      private:
00122       gr::digital::constellation_sptr d_constellation;
00123       //! Averaging coefficient
00124       float d_alpha;
00125     };
00127   } /* namespace digital */
00128 } /* namespace gr */