GNU Radio 3.6.5 C++ API

QT Graphical User Interface


This is the gr-qtgui package. It contains various QT-based graphical user interface blocks that add graphical sinks to a GNU Radio flowgraph. The Python namespaces is in gnuradio.qtgui, which would be normally imported as:

    from gnuradio import qtgui

See the Doxygen documentation for details about the blocks available in this package. The relevant blocks are listed in the QT Graphical Interfaces group.

A quick listing of the details can be found in Python after importing by using:



The QT GUI blocks require the following dependencies.

  • QtCore (version >= 4.4)
  • QtGui (version >= 4.4)
  • QtOpenGL (version >= 4.4)
  • PyQt4 for Qt4 (version >= 4.4)
  • Qwt (version >= 5.2)
  • PyQwt5 for Qt4 (version >= 5.2)


To use the qtgui interface, a bit of boiler-plate lines must be included. First, the sink is defined, then it must be exposed from C++ into Python using the "sip.wrapinstance" command, and finally, the "show" method is run on the new Python object. This sets up the QT environment to show the widget, but the qApplication must also be launched.

In the "main" function of the code, the qApp is retrieved. Then, after the GNU Radio top block is started (remember that start() is a non-blocking call to launch the main thread of the flowgraph), the qapp's "exec_()" function is called. This function is a blocking call while the GUI is alive.

from PyQt4 import Qt
from gnuradio.qtgui import qtgui
import sys, sip

class grclass(gr.top_block):

    self.snk = qtgui.sink_c(1024,           #fftsize
                            samp_rate,      #bw
                            "QT GUI Plot")  #name

    self.snk_win = sip.wrapinstance(self.snk.pyqwidget(), Qt.QWidget)

def main():
    qapp = Qt.QApplication(sys.argv)
    tb = grclass()