#include "qa_utils.h" #include <cstring> #include <boost/foreach.hpp> #include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp> #include <boost/tokenizer.hpp> #include <boost/xpressive/xpressive.hpp> #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <list> #include <ctime> #include <cmath> #include <limits> #include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp> #include <volk/volk.h> #include <volk/volk_cpu.h> #include <volk/volk_common.h> #include <volk/volk_malloc.h> #include <boost/typeof/typeof.hpp> #include <boost/type_traits.hpp> #include <stdio.h> float uniform() { return 2.0 * ((float) rand() / RAND_MAX - 0.5); // uniformly (-1, 1) } template <class t> void random_floats (t *buf, unsigned n) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) buf[i] = uniform (); } void load_random_data(void *data, volk_type_t type, unsigned int n) { if(type.is_complex) n *= 2; if(type.is_float) { if(type.size == 8) random_floats<double>((double *)data, n); else random_floats<float>((float *)data, n); } else { float int_max = float(uint64_t(2) << (type.size*8)); if(type.is_signed) int_max /= 2.0; for(unsigned int i=0; i<n; i++) { float scaled_rand = (((float) (rand() - (RAND_MAX/2))) / static_cast<float>((RAND_MAX/2))) * int_max; //man i really don't know how to do this in a more clever way, you have to cast down at some point switch(type.size) { case 8: if(type.is_signed) ((int64_t *)data)[i] = (int64_t) scaled_rand; else ((uint64_t *)data)[i] = (uint64_t) scaled_rand; break; case 4: if(type.is_signed) ((int32_t *)data)[i] = (int32_t) scaled_rand; else ((uint32_t *)data)[i] = (uint32_t) scaled_rand; break; case 2: if(type.is_signed) ((int16_t *)data)[i] = (int16_t) scaled_rand; else ((uint16_t *)data)[i] = (uint16_t) scaled_rand; break; case 1: if(type.is_signed) ((int8_t *)data)[i] = (int8_t) scaled_rand; else ((uint8_t *)data)[i] = (uint8_t) scaled_rand; break; default: throw "load_random_data: no support for data size > 8 or < 1"; //no shenanigans here } } } } static std::vector<std::string> get_arch_list(volk_func_desc_t desc) { std::vector<std::string> archlist; for(size_t i = 0; i < desc.n_impls; i++) { //if(!(archs[i+1] & volk_get_lvarch())) continue; //this arch isn't available on this pc archlist.push_back(std::string(desc.impl_names[i])); } return archlist; } volk_type_t volk_type_from_string(std::string name) { volk_type_t type; type.is_float = false; type.is_scalar = false; type.is_complex = false; type.is_signed = false; type.size = 0; type.str = name; if(name.size() < 2) throw std::string("name too short to be a datatype"); //is it a scalar? if(name[0] == 's') { type.is_scalar = true; name = name.substr(1, name.size()-1); } //get the data size size_t last_size_pos = name.find_last_of("0123456789"); if(last_size_pos == std::string::npos) throw std::string("no size spec in type ").append(name); //will throw if malformed int size = boost::lexical_cast<int>(name.substr(0, last_size_pos+1)); assert(((size % 8) == 0) && (size <= 64) && (size != 0)); type.size = size/8; //in bytes for(size_t i=last_size_pos+1; i < name.size(); i++) { switch (name[i]) { case 'f': type.is_float = true; break; case 'i': type.is_signed = true; break; case 'c': type.is_complex = true; break; case 'u': type.is_signed = false; break; default: throw; } } return type; } static void get_signatures_from_name(std::vector<volk_type_t> &inputsig, std::vector<volk_type_t> &outputsig, std::string name) { boost::char_separator<char> sep("_"); boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char> > tok(name, sep); std::vector<std::string> toked; tok.assign(name); toked.assign(tok.begin(), tok.end()); assert(toked[0] == "volk"); toked.erase(toked.begin()); //ok. we're assuming a string in the form //(sig)_(multiplier-opt)_..._(name)_(sig)_(multiplier-opt)_..._(alignment) enum { SIDE_INPUT, SIDE_NAME, SIDE_OUTPUT } side = SIDE_INPUT; std::string fn_name; volk_type_t type; BOOST_FOREACH(std::string token, toked) { try { type = volk_type_from_string(token); if(side == SIDE_NAME) side = SIDE_OUTPUT; //if this is the first one after the name... if(side == SIDE_INPUT) inputsig.push_back(type); else outputsig.push_back(type); } catch (...){ if(token[0] == 'x') { //it's a multiplier if(side == SIDE_INPUT) assert(inputsig.size() > 0); else assert(outputsig.size() > 0); int multiplier = boost::lexical_cast<int>(token.substr(1, token.size()-1)); //will throw if invalid for(int i=1; i<multiplier; i++) { if(side == SIDE_INPUT) inputsig.push_back(inputsig.back()); else outputsig.push_back(outputsig.back()); } } else if(side == SIDE_INPUT) { //it's the function name, at least it better be side = SIDE_NAME; fn_name.append("_"); fn_name.append(token); } else if(side == SIDE_OUTPUT) { if(token != toked.back()) throw; //the last token in the name is the alignment } } } //we don't need an output signature (some fn's operate on the input data, "in place"), but we do need at least one input! assert(inputsig.size() != 0); } inline void run_cast_test1(volk_fn_1arg func, std::vector<void *> &buffs, unsigned int vlen, unsigned int iter, std::string arch) { while(iter--) func(buffs[0], vlen, arch.c_str()); } inline void run_cast_test2(volk_fn_2arg func, std::vector<void *> &buffs, unsigned int vlen, unsigned int iter, std::string arch) { while(iter--) func(buffs[0], buffs[1], vlen, arch.c_str()); } inline void run_cast_test3(volk_fn_3arg func, std::vector<void *> &buffs, unsigned int vlen, unsigned int iter, std::string arch) { while(iter--) func(buffs[0], buffs[1], buffs[2], vlen, arch.c_str()); } inline void run_cast_test4(volk_fn_4arg func, std::vector<void *> &buffs, unsigned int vlen, unsigned int iter, std::string arch) { while(iter--) func(buffs[0], buffs[1], buffs[2], buffs[3], vlen, arch.c_str()); } inline void run_cast_test1_s32f(volk_fn_1arg_s32f func, std::vector<void *> &buffs, float scalar, unsigned int vlen, unsigned int iter, std::string arch) { while(iter--) func(buffs[0], scalar, vlen, arch.c_str()); } inline void run_cast_test2_s32f(volk_fn_2arg_s32f func, std::vector<void *> &buffs, float scalar, unsigned int vlen, unsigned int iter, std::string arch) { while(iter--) func(buffs[0], buffs[1], scalar, vlen, arch.c_str()); } inline void run_cast_test3_s32f(volk_fn_3arg_s32f func, std::vector<void *> &buffs, float scalar, unsigned int vlen, unsigned int iter, std::string arch) { while(iter--) func(buffs[0], buffs[1], buffs[2], scalar, vlen, arch.c_str()); } inline void run_cast_test1_s32fc(volk_fn_1arg_s32fc func, std::vector<void *> &buffs, lv_32fc_t scalar, unsigned int vlen, unsigned int iter, std::string arch) { while(iter--) func(buffs[0], scalar, vlen, arch.c_str()); } inline void run_cast_test2_s32fc(volk_fn_2arg_s32fc func, std::vector<void *> &buffs, lv_32fc_t scalar, unsigned int vlen, unsigned int iter, std::string arch) { while(iter--) func(buffs[0], buffs[1], scalar, vlen, arch.c_str()); } inline void run_cast_test3_s32fc(volk_fn_3arg_s32fc func, std::vector<void *> &buffs, lv_32fc_t scalar, unsigned int vlen, unsigned int iter, std::string arch) { while(iter--) func(buffs[0], buffs[1], buffs[2], scalar, vlen, arch.c_str()); } // This function is a nop that helps resolve GNU Radio bugs 582 and 583. // Without this the cast in run_volk_tests for tol_i = static_cast<int>(float tol) // won't happen on armhf (reported on cortex A9 and A15). void lv_force_cast_hf( int tol_i, float tol_f) { int diff_i = 1; float diff_f = 1; if( diff_i > tol_i ) std::cout << "" ; if( diff_f > tol_f ) std::cout << "" ; } template <class t> bool fcompare(t *in1, t *in2, unsigned int vlen, float tol) { bool fail = false; int print_max_errs = 10; for(unsigned int i=0; i<vlen; i++) { // for very small numbers we'll see round off errors due to limited // precision. So a special test case... if(fabs(((t *)(in1))[i]) < 1e-30) { if( fabs( ((t *)(in2))[i] ) > tol ) { fail=true; if(print_max_errs-- > 0) { std::cout << "offset " << i << " in1: " << t(((t *)(in1))[i]) << " in2: " << t(((t *)(in2))[i]) << std::endl; } } } // the primary test is the percent different greater than given tol else if(fabs(((t *)(in1))[i] - ((t *)(in2))[i])/(((t *)in1)[i]) > tol) { fail=true; if(print_max_errs-- > 0) { std::cout << "offset " << i << " in1: " << t(((t *)(in1))[i]) << " in2: " << t(((t *)(in2))[i]) << std::endl; } } } return fail; } template <class t> bool ccompare(t *in1, t *in2, unsigned int vlen, float tol) { bool fail = false; int print_max_errs = 10; for(unsigned int i=0; i<2*vlen; i+=2) { t diff[2] = { in1[i] - in2[i], in1[i+1] - in2[i+1] }; t err = std::sqrt(diff[0] * diff[0] + diff[1] * diff[1]); t norm = std::sqrt(in1[i] * in1[i] + in1[i+1] * in1[i+1]); // for very small numbers we'll see round off errors due to limited // precision. So a special test case... if (norm < 1e-30) { if (err > tol) { fail=true; if(print_max_errs-- > 0) { std::cout << "offset " << i/2 << " in1: " << in1[i] << " + " << in1[i+1] << "j in2: " << in2[i] << " + " << in2[i+1] << "j" << std::endl; } } } // the primary test is the percent different greater than given tol else if((err / norm) > tol) { fail=true; if(print_max_errs-- > 0) { std::cout << "offset " << i/2 << " in1: " << in1[i] << " + " << in1[i+1] << "j in2: " << in2[i] << " + " << in2[i+1] << "j" << std::endl; } } } return fail; } template <class t> bool icompare(t *in1, t *in2, unsigned int vlen, unsigned int tol) { bool fail = false; int print_max_errs = 10; for(unsigned int i=0; i<vlen; i++) { if(abs(int(((t *)(in1))[i]) - int(((t *)(in2))[i])) > tol) { fail=true; if(print_max_errs-- > 0) { std::cout << "offset " << i << " in1: " << static_cast<int>(t(((t *)(in1))[i])) << " in2: " << static_cast<int>(t(((t *)(in2))[i])) << std::endl; } } } return fail; } class volk_qa_aligned_mem_pool{ public: void *get_new(size_t size){ size_t alignment = volk_get_alignment(); void* ptr = volk_malloc(size, alignment); memset(ptr, 0x00, size); _mems.push_back(ptr); return ptr; } ~volk_qa_aligned_mem_pool() { for(unsigned int ii = 0; ii < _mems.size(); ++ii) { volk_free(_mems[ii]); } } private: std::vector<void * > _mems; }; bool run_volk_tests(volk_func_desc_t desc, void (*manual_func)(), std::string name, float tol, lv_32fc_t scalar, int vlen, int iter, std::vector<std::string> *best_arch_vector = 0, std::string puppet_master_name = "NULL", bool benchmark_mode, std::string kernel_regex ) { boost::xpressive::sregex kernel_expression = boost::xpressive::sregex::compile(kernel_regex); if( !boost::xpressive::regex_search(name, kernel_expression) ) { // in this case we have a regex and are only looking to test one kernel return false; } std::cout << "RUN_VOLK_TESTS: " << name << "(" << vlen << "," << iter << ")" << std::endl; // The multiply and lv_force_cast_hf are work arounds for GNU Radio bugs 582 and 583 // The bug is the casting/assignment below do not happen, which results in false // positives when testing for errors in fcompare and icompare. // Since this only happens on armhf (reported for Cortex A9 and A15) combined with // the following fixes it is suspected to be a compiler bug. // Bug 1272024 on launchpad has been filed with Linaro GCC. const float tol_f = tol*1.0000001; const unsigned int tol_i = static_cast<const unsigned int>(tol); lv_force_cast_hf( tol_i, tol_f ); //first let's get a list of available architectures for the test std::vector<std::string> arch_list = get_arch_list(desc); if((!benchmark_mode) && (arch_list.size() < 2)) { std::cout << "no architectures to test" << std::endl; return false; } //something that can hang onto memory and cleanup when this function exits volk_qa_aligned_mem_pool mem_pool; //now we have to get a function signature by parsing the name std::vector<volk_type_t> inputsig, outputsig; get_signatures_from_name(inputsig, outputsig, name); //pull the input scalars into their own vector std::vector<volk_type_t> inputsc; for(size_t i=0; i<inputsig.size(); i++) { if(inputsig[i].is_scalar) { inputsc.push_back(inputsig[i]); inputsig.erase(inputsig.begin() + i); i -= 1; } } //for(int i=0; i<inputsig.size(); i++) std::cout << "Input: " << inputsig[i].str << std::endl; //for(int i=0; i<outputsig.size(); i++) std::cout << "Output: " << outputsig[i].str << std::endl; std::vector<void *> inbuffs; BOOST_FOREACH(volk_type_t sig, inputsig) { if(!sig.is_scalar) //we don't make buffers for scalars inbuffs.push_back(mem_pool.get_new(vlen*sig.size*(sig.is_complex ? 2 : 1))); } for(size_t i=0; i<inbuffs.size(); i++) { load_random_data(inbuffs[i], inputsig[i], vlen); } //ok let's make a vector of vector of void buffers, which holds the input/output vectors for each arch std::vector<std::vector<void *> > test_data; for(size_t i=0; i<arch_list.size(); i++) { std::vector<void *> arch_buffs; for(size_t j=0; j<outputsig.size(); j++) { arch_buffs.push_back(mem_pool.get_new(vlen*outputsig[j].size*(outputsig[j].is_complex ? 2 : 1))); } for(size_t j=0; j<inputsig.size(); j++) { arch_buffs.push_back(inbuffs[j]); } test_data.push_back(arch_buffs); } std::vector<volk_type_t> both_sigs; both_sigs.insert(both_sigs.end(), outputsig.begin(), outputsig.end()); both_sigs.insert(both_sigs.end(), inputsig.begin(), inputsig.end()); //now run the test clock_t start, end; std::vector<double> profile_times; for(size_t i = 0; i < arch_list.size(); i++) { start = clock(); switch(both_sigs.size()) { case 1: if(inputsc.size() == 0) { run_cast_test1((volk_fn_1arg)(manual_func), test_data[i], vlen, iter, arch_list[i]); } else if(inputsc.size() == 1 && inputsc[0].is_float) { if(inputsc[0].is_complex) { run_cast_test1_s32fc((volk_fn_1arg_s32fc)(manual_func), test_data[i], scalar, vlen, iter, arch_list[i]); } else { run_cast_test1_s32f((volk_fn_1arg_s32f)(manual_func), test_data[i], scalar.real(), vlen, iter, arch_list[i]); } } else throw "unsupported 1 arg function >1 scalars"; break; case 2: if(inputsc.size() == 0) { run_cast_test2((volk_fn_2arg)(manual_func), test_data[i], vlen, iter, arch_list[i]); } else if(inputsc.size() == 1 && inputsc[0].is_float) { if(inputsc[0].is_complex) { run_cast_test2_s32fc((volk_fn_2arg_s32fc)(manual_func), test_data[i], scalar, vlen, iter, arch_list[i]); } else { run_cast_test2_s32f((volk_fn_2arg_s32f)(manual_func), test_data[i], scalar.real(), vlen, iter, arch_list[i]); } } else throw "unsupported 2 arg function >1 scalars"; break; case 3: if(inputsc.size() == 0) { run_cast_test3((volk_fn_3arg)(manual_func), test_data[i], vlen, iter, arch_list[i]); } else if(inputsc.size() == 1 && inputsc[0].is_float) { if(inputsc[0].is_complex) { run_cast_test3_s32fc((volk_fn_3arg_s32fc)(manual_func), test_data[i], scalar, vlen, iter, arch_list[i]); } else { run_cast_test3_s32f((volk_fn_3arg_s32f)(manual_func), test_data[i], scalar.real(), vlen, iter, arch_list[i]); } } else throw "unsupported 3 arg function >1 scalars"; break; case 4: run_cast_test4((volk_fn_4arg)(manual_func), test_data[i], vlen, iter, arch_list[i]); break; default: throw "no function handler for this signature"; break; } end = clock(); double arch_time = 1000.0 * (double)(end-start)/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC; std::cout << arch_list[i] << " completed in " << arch_time << "ms" << std::endl; profile_times.push_back(arch_time); } //and now compare each output to the generic output //first we have to know which output is the generic one, they aren't in order... size_t generic_offset=0; for(size_t i=0; i<arch_list.size(); i++) if(arch_list[i] == "generic") generic_offset=i; //now compare //if(outputsig.size() == 0) outputsig = inputsig; //a hack, i know bool fail = false; bool fail_global = false; std::vector<bool> arch_results; for(size_t i=0; i<arch_list.size(); i++) { fail = false; if(i != generic_offset) { for(size_t j=0; j<both_sigs.size(); j++) { if(both_sigs[j].is_float) { if(both_sigs[j].size == 8) { if (both_sigs[j].is_complex) { fail = ccompare((double *) test_data[generic_offset][j], (double *) test_data[i][j], vlen, tol_f); } else { fail = fcompare((double *) test_data[generic_offset][j], (double *) test_data[i][j], vlen, tol_f); } } else { if (both_sigs[j].is_complex) { fail = ccompare((float *) test_data[generic_offset][j], (float *) test_data[i][j], vlen, tol_f); } else { fail = fcompare((float *) test_data[generic_offset][j], (float *) test_data[i][j], vlen, tol_f); } } } else { //i could replace this whole switch statement with a memcmp if i wasn't interested in printing the outputs where they differ switch(both_sigs[j].size) { case 8: if(both_sigs[j].is_signed) { fail = icompare((int64_t *) test_data[generic_offset][j], (int64_t *) test_data[i][j], vlen*(both_sigs[j].is_complex ? 2 : 1), tol_i); } else { fail = icompare((uint64_t *) test_data[generic_offset][j], (uint64_t *) test_data[i][j], vlen*(both_sigs[j].is_complex ? 2 : 1), tol_i); } break; case 4: if(both_sigs[j].is_signed) { fail = icompare((int32_t *) test_data[generic_offset][j], (int32_t *) test_data[i][j], vlen*(both_sigs[j].is_complex ? 2 : 1), tol_i); } else { fail = icompare((uint32_t *) test_data[generic_offset][j], (uint32_t *) test_data[i][j], vlen*(both_sigs[j].is_complex ? 2 : 1), tol_i); } break; case 2: if(both_sigs[j].is_signed) { fail = icompare((int16_t *) test_data[generic_offset][j], (int16_t *) test_data[i][j], vlen*(both_sigs[j].is_complex ? 2 : 1), tol_i); } else { fail = icompare((uint16_t *) test_data[generic_offset][j], (uint16_t *) test_data[i][j], vlen*(both_sigs[j].is_complex ? 2 : 1), tol_i); } break; case 1: if(both_sigs[j].is_signed) { fail = icompare((int8_t *) test_data[generic_offset][j], (int8_t *) test_data[i][j], vlen*(both_sigs[j].is_complex ? 2 : 1), tol_i); } else { fail = icompare((uint8_t *) test_data[generic_offset][j], (uint8_t *) test_data[i][j], vlen*(both_sigs[j].is_complex ? 2 : 1), tol_i); } break; default: fail=1; } } if(fail) { fail_global = true; std::cout << name << ": fail on arch " << arch_list[i] << std::endl; } //fail = memcmp(outbuffs[generic_offset], outbuffs[i], outputsig[0].size * vlen * (outputsig[0].is_complex ? 2:1)); } } arch_results.push_back(!fail); } double best_time_a = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(); double best_time_u = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(); std::string best_arch_a = "generic"; std::string best_arch_u = "generic"; for(size_t i=0; i < arch_list.size(); i++) { if((profile_times[i] < best_time_u) && arch_results[i] && desc.impl_alignment[i] == 0) { best_time_u = profile_times[i]; best_arch_u = arch_list[i]; } if((profile_times[i] < best_time_a) && arch_results[i]) { best_time_a = profile_times[i]; best_arch_a = arch_list[i]; } } std::cout << "Best aligned arch: " << best_arch_a << std::endl; std::cout << "Best unaligned arch: " << best_arch_u << std::endl; if(best_arch_vector) { if(puppet_master_name == "NULL") { best_arch_vector->push_back(name + " " + best_arch_a + " " + best_arch_u); } else { best_arch_vector->push_back(puppet_master_name + " " + best_arch_a + " " + best_arch_u); } } return fail_global; }