# # Copyright 2010-2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # from volk_regexp import * import string def _make_each_machine_struct(machine_name, archs, functions, fcountlist, taglist, alignment): #make the machine fcountlist and taglist a subset given the archs list machine_fcountlists = list() machine_taglists = list() for i in range(len(fcountlist)): machine_fcountlist = list() machine_taglist = list() for j in range(len(fcountlist[i])): if len(set(archs).intersection(map(str.lower, fcountlist[i][j]))) == len(fcountlist[i][j]): machine_fcountlist.append(fcountlist[i][j]) machine_taglist.append(taglist[i][j]) machine_fcountlists.append(machine_fcountlist) machine_taglists.append(machine_taglist) #create the volk machine struct for this machine file tempstring = "" tempstring += "struct volk_machine volk_machine_" + machine_name + " = {\n" tempstring += " " + ' | '.join(["(1 << LV_" + arch.swapcase() + ")" for arch in archs]) + ",\n" tempstring += " \"%s\",\n"%machine_name tempstring += " %s,\n"%alignment #fill in the description for each function for i in range(len(functions)): tempstring += " \"%s\",\n"%functions[i] tempstring += " {%s},\n"%(', '.join(['"%s"'%tag for tag in machine_taglists[i]])) tempstring += " {%s},\n"%(', '.join([' | '.join(['(1 << LV_%s)'%fc for fc in fcount]) for fcount in machine_fcountlists[i]])) tempstring += " {%s},\n"%(', '.join(['%s_%s'%(functions[i], tag) for tag in machine_taglists[i]])) tempstring += " %d,\n"%len(machine_taglists[i]) tempstring = strip_trailing(tempstring, ",") tempstring += "};\n" return tempstring def make_each_machine_c(machine_name, archs, functions, fcountlist, taglist, alignment): tempstring = r""" // This file is automatically generated by make_each_machine_c.py. // Do not edit this file. """ for arch in archs: tempstring += "#define LV_HAVE_" + arch.swapcase() + " 1\n" tempstring += """ #include <volk/volk_common.h> #include "volk_machines.h" #include <volk/volk_config_fixed.h> """ for func in functions: tempstring += "#include <volk/" + func + ".h>\n" tempstring += "\n\n" tempstring += """ #ifdef LV_HAVE_ORC %s #else %s #endif """%( _make_each_machine_struct(machine_name, archs+["orc"], functions, fcountlist, taglist, alignment), _make_each_machine_struct(machine_name, archs, functions, fcountlist, taglist, alignment) ) return tempstring