/* -*- c++ -*- */ /* * Copyright 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This file is part of GNU Radio. * * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) * any later version. * * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef _CIRCULAR_LINKED_LIST_H_ #define _CIRCULAR_LINKED_LIST_H_ #include <mld_threads.h> #include <stdexcept> #define __INLINE__ inline template <class T> class s_both; template <class T> class s_node { typedef s_node<T>* s_node_ptr; private: T d_object; bool d_available; s_node_ptr d_prev, d_next; s_both<T>* d_both; public: s_node (T l_object, s_node_ptr l_prev = NULL, s_node_ptr l_next = NULL) : d_object (l_object), d_available (TRUE), d_prev (l_prev), d_next (l_next), d_both (0) {}; __INLINE__ s_node (s_node_ptr l_prev, s_node_ptr l_next = NULL) { s_node ((T) NULL, l_prev, l_next); }; __INLINE__ s_node () { s_node (NULL, NULL, NULL); }; __INLINE__ ~s_node () {}; void remove () { d_prev->next (d_next); d_next->prev (d_prev); d_prev = d_next = this; }; void insert_before (s_node_ptr l_next) { if (l_next) { s_node_ptr l_prev = l_next->prev (); d_next = l_next; d_prev = l_prev; l_prev->next (this); l_next->prev (this); } else d_next = d_prev = this; }; void insert_after (s_node_ptr l_prev) { if (l_prev) { s_node_ptr l_next = l_prev->next (); d_prev = l_prev; d_next = l_next; l_next->prev (this); l_prev->next (this); } else d_prev = d_next = this; }; __INLINE__ T object () { return (d_object); }; __INLINE__ void object (T l_object) { d_object = l_object; }; __INLINE__ bool available () { return (d_available); }; __INLINE__ void set_available () { d_available = TRUE; }; __INLINE__ void set_available (bool l_avail) { d_available = l_avail; }; __INLINE__ void set_not_available () { d_available = FALSE; }; __INLINE__ s_node_ptr next () { return (d_next); }; __INLINE__ s_node_ptr prev () { return (d_prev); }; __INLINE__ s_both<T>* both () { return (d_both); }; __INLINE__ void next (s_node_ptr l_next) { d_next = l_next; }; __INLINE__ void prev (s_node_ptr l_prev) { d_prev = l_prev; }; __INLINE__ void both (s_both<T>* l_both) { d_both = l_both; }; }; template <class T> class circular_linked_list { typedef s_node<T>* s_node_ptr; private: s_node_ptr d_current, d_iterate, d_available, d_inUse; UInt32 d_n_nodes, d_n_used; mld_mutex_ptr d_internal; mld_condition_ptr d_ioBlock; public: circular_linked_list (UInt32 n_nodes) { if (n_nodes == 0) throw std::runtime_error ("circular_linked_list(): n_nodes == 0"); d_iterate = NULL; d_n_nodes = n_nodes; d_n_used = 0; s_node_ptr l_prev, l_next; d_inUse = d_current = l_next = l_prev = NULL; l_prev = new s_node<T> (); l_prev->set_available (); l_prev->next (l_prev); l_prev->prev (l_prev); if (n_nodes > 1) { l_next = new s_node<T> (l_prev, l_prev); l_next->set_available (); l_next->next (l_prev); l_next->prev (l_prev); l_prev->next (l_next); l_prev->prev (l_next); if (n_nodes > 2) { UInt32 n = n_nodes - 2; while (n-- > 0) { d_current = new s_node<T> (l_prev, l_next); d_current->set_available (); d_current->prev (l_prev); d_current->next (l_next); l_prev->next (d_current); l_next->prev (d_current); l_next = d_current; d_current = NULL; } } } d_available = d_current = l_prev; d_internal = new mld_mutex (); d_ioBlock = new mld_condition (); }; ~circular_linked_list () { iterate_start (); s_node_ptr l_node = iterate_next (); while (l_node) { delete l_node; l_node = iterate_next (); } delete d_internal; d_internal = NULL; delete d_ioBlock; d_ioBlock = NULL; d_available = d_inUse = d_iterate = d_current = NULL; d_n_used = d_n_nodes = 0; }; s_node_ptr find_next_available_node () { d_internal->lock (); // find an available node s_node_ptr l_node = d_available; while (! l_node) { d_internal->unlock (); d_ioBlock->wait (); d_internal->lock (); l_node = d_available; } // fprintf (stderr, "::f_n_a_n: #u = %ld, node = %p\n", num_used(), l_node); // remove this one from the current available list if (num_available () == 1) { // last one, just set available to NULL d_available = NULL; } else d_available = l_node->next (); l_node->remove (); // add is to the inUse list if (! d_inUse) d_inUse = l_node; else l_node->insert_before (d_inUse); d_n_used++; l_node->set_not_available (); d_internal->unlock (); return (l_node); }; void make_node_available (s_node_ptr l_node) { if (!l_node) return; d_internal->lock (); // fprintf (stderr, "::m_n_a: #u = %ld, node = %p\n", num_used(), l_node); // remove this node from the inUse list if (num_used () == 1) { // last one, just set inUse to NULL d_inUse = NULL; } else d_inUse = l_node->next (); l_node->remove (); // add this node to the available list if (! d_available) d_available = l_node; else l_node->insert_before (d_available); d_n_used--; // signal the condition when new data arrives d_ioBlock->signal (); // unlock the mutex for thread safety d_internal->unlock (); }; __INLINE__ void iterate_start () { d_iterate = d_current; }; s_node_ptr iterate_next () { #if 0 // lock the mutex for thread safety d_internal->lock (); #endif s_node_ptr l_this = NULL; if (d_iterate) { l_this = d_iterate; d_iterate = d_iterate->next (); if (d_iterate == d_current) d_iterate = NULL; } #if 0 // unlock the mutex for thread safety d_internal->unlock (); #endif return (l_this); }; __INLINE__ T object () { return (d_current->d_object); }; __INLINE__ void object (T l_object) { d_current->d_object = l_object; }; __INLINE__ UInt32 num_nodes () { return (d_n_nodes); }; __INLINE__ UInt32 num_used () { return (d_n_used); }; __INLINE__ void num_used (UInt32 l_n_used) { d_n_used = l_n_used; }; __INLINE__ UInt32 num_available () { return (d_n_nodes - d_n_used); }; __INLINE__ void num_used_inc (void) { if (d_n_used < d_n_nodes) ++d_n_used; }; __INLINE__ void num_used_dec (void) { if (d_n_used != 0) --d_n_used; // signal the condition that new data has arrived d_ioBlock->signal (); }; __INLINE__ bool in_use () { return (d_n_used != 0); }; }; template <class T> class s_both { private: s_node<T>* d_node; void* d_this; public: __INLINE__ s_both (s_node<T>* l_node, void* l_this) : d_node (l_node), d_this (l_this) {}; __INLINE__ ~s_both () {}; __INLINE__ s_node<T>* node () { return (d_node); }; __INLINE__ void* This () { return (d_this); }; __INLINE__ void set (s_node<T>* l_node, void* l_this) { d_node = l_node; d_this = l_this;}; }; #endif /* _CIRCULAR_LINKED_LIST_H_ */