/* -*- c++ -*- */ /* * Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This file is part of GNU Radio * * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) * any later version. * * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include <usrp_usb_interface.h> #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <usb.h> #include <mb_class_registry.h> #include <usrp_inband_usb_packet.h> #include <fpga_regs_common.h> #include "usrp_rx.h" #include <usrp_rx_stub.h> #include "usrp_tx.h" #include "usrp_standard.h" #include <stdio.h> typedef usrp_inband_usb_packet transport_pkt; #include <symbols_usrp_interface_cs.h> #include <symbols_usrp_tx_cs.h> #include <symbols_usrp_rx_cs.h> static pmt_t s_shutdown = pmt_intern("%shutdown"); static const bool verbose = false; // need to take number of TX and RX channels as parameter usrp_usb_interface::usrp_usb_interface(mb_runtime *rt, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg) : mb_mblock(rt, instance_name, user_arg), d_fpga_debug(false), d_fake_usrp(false), d_interp_tx(128), d_decim_rx(128), d_rf_freq(10e6), d_rbf("inband_tx_rx.rbf") { // Dictionary for arguments to all of the components pmt_t usrp_dict = user_arg; // Default TX/RX interface std::string tx_interface = "usrp_tx"; std::string rx_interface = "usrp_rx"; if (pmt_is_dict(usrp_dict)) { // The 'fake-usrp' key enables the TX and RX stubs if PMT_T if(pmt_t fake_usrp = pmt_dict_ref(usrp_dict, pmt_intern("fake-usrp"), PMT_NIL)) { if(pmt_eqv(fake_usrp, PMT_T)) { tx_interface = "usrp_tx_stub"; rx_interface = "usrp_rx_stub"; d_fake_usrp=true; } } // Read the TX interpolations if(pmt_t interp_tx = pmt_dict_ref(usrp_dict, pmt_intern("interp-tx"), PMT_NIL)) { if(!pmt_eqv(interp_tx, PMT_NIL)) d_interp_tx = pmt_to_long(interp_tx); } // Read the RX interpolations if(pmt_t decim_rx = pmt_dict_ref(usrp_dict, pmt_intern("decim-rx"), PMT_NIL)) { if(!pmt_eqv(decim_rx, PMT_NIL)) d_decim_rx = pmt_to_long(decim_rx); } // Read the RBF if(pmt_t rbf = pmt_dict_ref(usrp_dict, pmt_intern("rbf"), PMT_NIL)) { if(!pmt_eqv(rbf, PMT_NIL)) d_rbf = pmt_symbol_to_string(rbf); } // The RF center frequency if(pmt_t rf_freq = pmt_dict_ref(usrp_dict, pmt_intern("rf-freq"), PMT_NIL)) { if(!pmt_eqv(rf_freq, PMT_NIL)) d_rf_freq = pmt_to_long(rf_freq); } } if (verbose) { std::cout << "[USRP_USB_INTERFACE] Setting USRP RBF to " << d_rbf << std::endl; std::cout << "[USRP_USB_INTERFACE] Setting TX interpolation to " << d_interp_tx << std::endl; std::cout << "[USRP_USB_INTERFACE] Setting RX interpolation to " << d_decim_rx << std::endl; std::cout << "[USRP_USB_INTERFACE] Using TX interface: " << tx_interface << "\n"; std::cout << "[USRP_USB_INTERFACE] Using RX interface: " << rx_interface << "\n"; } d_cs = define_port("cs", "usrp-interface-cs", true, mb_port::EXTERNAL); d_rx_cs = define_port("rx_cs", "usrp-rx-cs", false, mb_port::INTERNAL); d_tx_cs = define_port("tx_cs", "usrp-tx-cs", false, mb_port::INTERNAL); // Connect to TX and RX define_component("tx", tx_interface, PMT_F); define_component("rx", rx_interface, PMT_F); connect("self", "rx_cs", "rx", "cs"); connect("self", "tx_cs", "tx", "cs"); // FIX ME: the code should query the FPGA to retrieve the number of channels and such d_ntx_chan = 2; d_nrx_chan = 2; d_utx = NULL; d_urx = NULL; d_fpga_debug=true; // WARNING: DO NOT ENABLE WITH D'BOARDS OTHER THAN BASIC TX/RX } usrp_usb_interface::~usrp_usb_interface() { } void usrp_usb_interface::initial_transition() { } void usrp_usb_interface::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg) { pmt_t event = msg->signal(); // the "name" of the message pmt_t port_id = msg->port_id(); // which port it came in on pmt_t data = msg->data(); pmt_t invocation_handle; if (pmt_eq(event, s_shutdown)) // ignore (for now) return; //------------- CONTROL / STATUS -------------// if (pmt_eq(port_id, d_cs->port_symbol())) { //------------ OPEN --------------// if (pmt_eq(event, s_cmd_usrp_open)){ handle_cmd_open(data); return; } //----------- CLOSE -------------// else if (pmt_eq(event, s_cmd_usrp_close)) { handle_cmd_close(data); return; } //---------- NTX CHAN ----------// else if (pmt_eq(event, s_cmd_usrp_ntx_chan)) { invocation_handle = pmt_nth(0, data); d_cs->send(s_response_usrp_ntx_chan, pmt_list2(invocation_handle, pmt_from_long(d_ntx_chan))); return; } //---------- NRX CHAN ----------// else if (pmt_eq(event, s_cmd_usrp_nrx_chan)) { invocation_handle = pmt_nth(0, data); d_cs->send(s_response_usrp_nrx_chan, pmt_list2(invocation_handle, pmt_from_long(d_nrx_chan))); return; } //------------ WRITE -----------// else if(pmt_eq(event, s_cmd_usrp_write)) { handle_cmd_write(data); return; } //-------- START READING --------// else if(pmt_eq(event, s_cmd_usrp_start_reading)) { handle_cmd_start_reading(data); return; } //-------- STOP READING --------// else if(pmt_eq(event, s_cmd_usrp_stop_reading)) { handle_cmd_stop_reading(data); return; } goto unhandled; } //---------------- RX ------------------// if (pmt_eq(port_id, d_rx_cs->port_symbol())) { // Relay reads back up if(pmt_eq(event, s_response_usrp_rx_read)) { d_cs->send(s_response_usrp_read, data); return; } goto unhandled; } //---------------- TX ------------------// if (pmt_eq(port_id, d_tx_cs->port_symbol())) { if(pmt_eq(event, s_response_usrp_tx_write)) { pmt_t invocation_handle = pmt_nth(0, data); pmt_t status = pmt_nth(1, data); pmt_t channel = pmt_nth(2, data); d_cs->send(s_response_usrp_write, pmt_list3(invocation_handle, status, channel)); return; } goto unhandled; } unhandled: std::cout << "[USRP_USB_INTERFACE] unhandled msg: " << msg << std::endl; } void usrp_usb_interface::handle_cmd_open(pmt_t data) { pmt_t invocation_handle = pmt_nth(0, data); long which_usrp = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(1, data)); pmt_t reply_data; if(d_fake_usrp) { d_cs->send(s_response_usrp_open, pmt_list2(invocation_handle, PMT_T)); return; } if (verbose) std::cout << "[USRP_USB_INTERFACE] Handling open request for USRP " << which_usrp << "\n"; // Open up a standard RX and TX for communication with the USRP d_utx = usrp_standard_tx::make(which_usrp, d_interp_tx, 1, // 1 channel -1, // mux 4096, // USB block size 16, // nblocks for async transfers d_rbf ); if(d_utx==0) { if (verbose) std::cout << "[USRP_USB_INTERFACE] Failed to open TX\n"; reply_data = pmt_list2(invocation_handle, PMT_F); d_cs->send(s_response_usrp_open, reply_data); return; } if(!d_utx->set_tx_freq (0,d_rf_freq)) { // try setting center freq to 0 if (verbose) std::cout << "[USRP_USB_INTERFACE] Failed to set center frequency on TX\n"; reply_data = pmt_list2(invocation_handle, PMT_F); d_cs->send(s_response_usrp_open, reply_data); return; } d_utx->start(); if (verbose) std::cout << "[USRP_USB_INTERFACE] Setup TX channel\n"; d_urx = usrp_standard_rx::make (which_usrp, d_decim_rx, 1, // nchan -1, // mux 0, // set blank mode to start 4096, // USB block size 16, // number of blocks for async transfers d_rbf); if(!d_urx) { if (verbose) std::cout << "[usrp_server] Failed to open RX\n"; reply_data = pmt_list2(invocation_handle, PMT_F); d_cs->send(s_response_usrp_open, reply_data); return; } if(!d_urx->set_rx_freq (0, d_rf_freq)) { if (verbose) std::cout << "[usrp_server] Failed to set center frequency on RX\n"; reply_data = pmt_list2(invocation_handle, PMT_F); d_cs->send(s_response_usrp_open, reply_data); return; } if(d_fpga_debug) { d_utx->_write_fpga_reg(FR_DEBUG_EN,0xf); d_utx->_write_oe(0, 0xffff, 0xffff); d_urx->_write_oe(0, 0xffff, 0xffff); d_utx->_write_oe(1, 0xffff, 0xffff); d_urx->_write_oe(1, 0xffff, 0xffff); // while(1){ // for(int i=0; i<0xffff; i++) // d_urx->write_io(0, i, 0xffff); // } } if (verbose) std::cout << "[USRP_USB_INTERFACE] Setup RX channel\n"; d_cs->send(s_response_usrp_open, pmt_list2(invocation_handle, PMT_T)); } void usrp_usb_interface::handle_cmd_write(pmt_t data) { pmt_t invocation_handle = pmt_nth(0, data); pmt_t channel = pmt_nth(1, data); pmt_t pkts = pmt_nth(2, data); pmt_t tx_handle = pmt_make_any(d_utx); d_tx_cs->send(s_cmd_usrp_tx_write, pmt_list4(invocation_handle, channel, pkts, tx_handle)); return; } void usrp_usb_interface::handle_cmd_start_reading(pmt_t data) { pmt_t invocation_handle = pmt_nth(0, data); if(verbose) std::cout << "[USRP_USB_INTERFACE] Starting RX...\n"; if(!d_fake_usrp) d_urx->start(); pmt_t rx_handle = pmt_make_any(d_urx); d_rx_cs->send(s_cmd_usrp_rx_start_reading, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, rx_handle)); return; } void usrp_usb_interface::handle_cmd_stop_reading(pmt_t data) { pmt_t invocation_handle = pmt_nth(0, data); if(!d_fake_usrp) { if(verbose) std::cout << "[USRP_USB_INTERFACE] Stopping RX...\n"; d_urx->stop(); } else { if(verbose) std::cout << "[USRP_USB_INTERFACE] Stopping fake RX...\n"; usrp_rx_stop = true; // extern to communicate with stub to wait } return; } void usrp_usb_interface::handle_cmd_close(pmt_t data) { pmt_t invocation_handle = pmt_nth(0, data); if(d_fake_usrp) { d_cs->send(s_response_usrp_close, pmt_list2(invocation_handle, PMT_T)); return; } if (verbose) std::cout << "[USRP_USB_INTERFACE] Handling close request for USRP\n"; delete d_utx; d_utx = 0; delete d_urx; d_urx = 0; d_cs->send(s_response_usrp_close, pmt_list2(invocation_handle, PMT_T)); shutdown_all(PMT_T); } REGISTER_MBLOCK_CLASS(usrp_usb_interface);