// -*- verilog -*-
//  USRP - Universal Software Radio Peripheral
//  Copyright (C) 2003,2004 Matt Ettus
//  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
//  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
//  (at your option) any later version.
//  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//  GNU General Public License for more details.
//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
//  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

// Top level module for a full setup with DUCs and DDCs

// Define DEBUG_OWNS_IO_PINS if we're using the daughterboard i/o pins
// for debugging info.  NB, This can kill the m'board and/or d'board if you
// have anything except basic d'boards installed.

// Uncomment the following to include optional circuitry

`include "config.vh"
`include "../../../firmware/include/fpga_regs_common.v"
`include "../../../firmware/include/fpga_regs_standard.v"

module usrp_std
 input master_clk,
 input SCLK,
 input SDI,
 inout SDO,
 input SEN_FPGA,

 input FX2_1,
 output FX2_2,
 output FX2_3,
 input wire [11:0] rx_a_a,
 input wire [11:0] rx_b_a,
 input wire [11:0] rx_a_b,
 input wire [11:0] rx_b_b,

 output wire [13:0] tx_a,
 output wire [13:0] tx_b,

 output wire TXSYNC_A,
 output wire TXSYNC_B,
  // USB interface
 input usbclk,
 input wire [2:0] usbctl,
 output wire [1:0] usbrdy,
 inout [15:0] usbdata,  // NB Careful, inout

 // These are the general purpose i/o's that go to the daughterboard slots
 inout wire [15:0] io_tx_a,
 inout wire [15:0] io_tx_b,
 inout wire [15:0] io_rx_a,
 inout wire [15:0] io_rx_b
   wire [15:0] debugdata,debugctrl;
   assign MYSTERY_SIGNAL = 1'b0;
   wire clk64,clk128;
   wire WR = usbctl[0];
   wire RD = usbctl[1];
   wire OE = usbctl[2];

   wire have_space, have_pkt_rdy;
   assign usbrdy[0] = have_space;
   assign usbrdy[1] = have_pkt_rdy;

   wire   tx_underrun, rx_overrun;    
   wire   clear_status = FX2_1;
   assign FX2_2 = rx_overrun;
   assign FX2_3 = tx_underrun;
   wire [15:0] usbdata_out;
   wire [3:0]  dac0mux,dac1mux,dac2mux,dac3mux;
   wire        tx_realsignals;
   wire [3:0]  rx_numchan;
   wire [2:0]  tx_numchan;
   wire [7:0]  interp_rate, decim_rate;
   wire [15:0] rx_debugbus;
   wire [31:0] tx_debugbus;
   wire        enable_tx, enable_rx;
   wire        tx_dsp_reset, rx_dsp_reset, tx_bus_reset, rx_bus_reset;
   wire [7:0]  settings;
   // Tri-state bus macro
   bustri bustri( .data(usbdata_out),.enabledt(OE),.tridata(usbdata) );

   assign      clk64 = master_clk;

   wire [15:0] ch0tx,ch1tx,ch2tx,ch3tx; //,ch4tx,ch5tx,ch6tx,ch7tx;
   wire [15:0] ch0rx,ch1rx,ch2rx,ch3rx,ch4rx,ch5rx,ch6rx,ch7rx;
   // TX
   wire [15:0] i_out_0,i_out_1,q_out_0,q_out_1;
   wire [15:0] bb_tx_i0,bb_tx_q0,bb_tx_i1,bb_tx_q1;  // bb_tx_i2,bb_tx_q2,bb_tx_i3,bb_tx_q3;
   wire        strobe_interp, tx_sample_strobe;
   wire        tx_empty;
   wire        serial_strobe;
   wire [6:0]  serial_addr;
   wire [31:0] serial_data;

   reg [15:0] debug_counter;
   reg [15:0] loopback_i_0,loopback_q_0;
   // Transmit Side
`ifdef TX_ON
   assign      bb_tx_i0 = ch0tx;
   assign      bb_tx_q0 = ch1tx;
   assign      bb_tx_i1 = ch2tx;
   assign      bb_tx_q1 = ch3tx;
   tx_buffer tx_buffer
     ( .usbclk(usbclk), .bus_reset(tx_bus_reset),
       .usbdata(usbdata),.WR(WR), .have_space(have_space),
       .tx_underrun(tx_underrun), .clear_status(clear_status),
       .txclk(clk64), .reset(tx_dsp_reset),
       .debugbus(tx_debugbus) );
 `ifdef TX_EN_0
   tx_chain tx_chain_0
     ( .clock(clk64),.reset(tx_dsp_reset),.enable(enable_tx),
       .i_in(bb_tx_i0),.q_in(bb_tx_q0),.i_out(i_out_0),.q_out(q_out_0) );
   assign      i_out_0=16'd0;
   assign      q_out_0=16'd0;

 `ifdef TX_EN_1
   tx_chain tx_chain_1
     ( .clock(clk64),.reset(tx_dsp_reset),.enable(enable_tx),
       .i_in(bb_tx_i1),.q_in(bb_tx_q1),.i_out(i_out_1),.q_out(q_out_1) );
   assign      i_out_1=16'd0;
   assign      q_out_1=16'd0;

   setting_reg #(`FR_TX_MUX) 
   wire [15:0] tx_a_a = dac0mux[3] ? (dac0mux[1] ? (dac0mux[0] ? q_out_1 : i_out_1) : (dac0mux[0] ? q_out_0 : i_out_0)) : 16'b0;
   wire [15:0] tx_b_a = dac1mux[3] ? (dac1mux[1] ? (dac1mux[0] ? q_out_1 : i_out_1) : (dac1mux[0] ? q_out_0 : i_out_0)) : 16'b0;
   wire [15:0] tx_a_b = dac2mux[3] ? (dac2mux[1] ? (dac2mux[0] ? q_out_1 : i_out_1) : (dac2mux[0] ? q_out_0 : i_out_0)) : 16'b0;
   wire [15:0] tx_b_b = dac3mux[3] ? (dac3mux[1] ? (dac3mux[0] ? q_out_1 : i_out_1) : (dac3mux[0] ? q_out_0 : i_out_0)) : 16'b0;

   wire txsync = tx_sample_strobe;
   assign TXSYNC_A = txsync;
   assign TXSYNC_B = txsync;

   assign tx_a = txsync ? tx_b_a[15:2] : tx_a_a[15:2];
   assign tx_b = txsync ? tx_b_b[15:2] : tx_a_b[15:2];
`endif //  `ifdef TX_ON
   // Receive Side
`ifdef RX_ON
   wire        rx_sample_strobe,strobe_decim,hb_strobe;
   wire [15:0] bb_rx_i0,bb_rx_q0,bb_rx_i1,bb_rx_q1,

   wire loopback = settings[0];
   wire counter = settings[1];

   always @(posedge clk64)
       debug_counter <= #1 16'd0;
     else if(~enable_rx)
       debug_counter <= #1 16'd0;
     else if(hb_strobe)
       debug_counter <=#1 debug_counter + 16'd2;
   always @(posedge clk64)
	  loopback_i_0 <= #1 ch0tx;
	  loopback_q_0 <= #1 ch1tx;
   assign ch0rx = counter ? debug_counter : loopback ? loopback_i_0 : bb_rx_i0;
   assign ch1rx = counter ? debug_counter + 16'd1 : loopback ? loopback_q_0 : bb_rx_q0;
   assign ch2rx = bb_rx_i1;
   assign ch3rx = bb_rx_q1;
   assign ch4rx = bb_rx_i2;
   assign ch5rx = bb_rx_q2;
   assign ch6rx = bb_rx_i3;
   assign ch7rx = bb_rx_q3;

   wire [15:0] ddc0_in_i,ddc0_in_q,ddc1_in_i,ddc1_in_q,ddc2_in_i,ddc2_in_q,ddc3_in_i,ddc3_in_q;
   wire [31:0] rssi_0,rssi_1,rssi_2,rssi_3;
   adc_interface adc_interface(.clock(clk64),.reset(rx_dsp_reset),.enable(1'b1),
			       .ddc3_in_i(ddc3_in_i),.ddc3_in_q(ddc3_in_q),.rx_numchan(rx_numchan) );
   rx_buffer rx_buffer
     ( .usbclk(usbclk),.bus_reset(rx_bus_reset),.reset(rx_dsp_reset),
       .debugbus(rx_debugbus) );
 `ifdef RX_EN_0
   rx_chain #(`FR_RX_FREQ_0,`FR_RX_PHASE_0) rx_chain_0
     ( .clock(clk64),.reset(1'b0),.enable(enable_rx),
   assign      bb_rx_i0=16'd0;
   assign      bb_rx_q0=16'd0;
 `ifdef RX_EN_1
   rx_chain #(`FR_RX_FREQ_1,`FR_RX_PHASE_1) rx_chain_1
     ( .clock(clk64),.reset(1'b0),.enable(enable_rx),
   assign      bb_rx_i1=16'd0;
   assign      bb_rx_q1=16'd0;
 `ifdef RX_EN_2
   rx_chain #(`FR_RX_FREQ_2,`FR_RX_PHASE_2) rx_chain_2
     ( .clock(clk64),.reset(1'b0),.enable(enable_rx),
   assign      bb_rx_i2=16'd0;
   assign      bb_rx_q2=16'd0;

 `ifdef RX_EN_3
   rx_chain #(`FR_RX_FREQ_3,`FR_RX_PHASE_3) rx_chain_3
     ( .clock(clk64),.reset(1'b0),.enable(enable_rx),
   assign      bb_rx_i3=16'd0;
   assign      bb_rx_q3=16'd0;

`endif //  `ifdef RX_ON
   // Control Functions

   wire [31:0] capabilities;
   assign      capabilities[7] =   `TX_CAP_HB;
   assign      capabilities[6:4] = `TX_CAP_NCHAN;
   assign      capabilities[3] =   `RX_CAP_HB;
   assign      capabilities[2:0] = `RX_CAP_NCHAN;

   serial_io serial_io
     ( .master_clk(clk64),.serial_clock(SCLK),.serial_data_in(SDI),

   wire [15:0] reg_0,reg_1,reg_2,reg_3;
   master_control master_control
     ( .master_clk(clk64),.usbclk(usbclk),
       .reg_0(reg_0),.reg_1(reg_1),.reg_2(reg_2),.reg_3(reg_3) );
   io_pins io_pins
   // Misc Settings
   setting_reg #(`FR_MODE) sr_misc(.clock(clk64),.reset(rx_dsp_reset),.strobe(serial_strobe),.addr(serial_addr),.in(serial_data),.out(settings));

endmodule // usrp_std