Copyright 2008-2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of GNU Radio

GNU Radio Companion is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

GNU Radio Companion is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA

import expr_utils
from .. base.FlowGraph import FlowGraph as _FlowGraph
from .. gui.FlowGraph import FlowGraph as _GUIFlowGraph
from .. base.odict import odict
import re

_variable_matcher = re.compile('^(variable\w*)$')
_parameter_matcher = re.compile('^(parameter)$')
_monitors_searcher = re.compile('(ctrlport_monitor)')
_bussink_searcher = re.compile('^(bus_sink)$')
_bussrc_searcher = re.compile('^(bus_source)$')
_bus_struct_sink_searcher = re.compile('^(bus_structure_sink)$')
_bus_struct_src_searcher = re.compile('^(bus_structure_source)$')

class FlowGraph(_FlowGraph, _GUIFlowGraph):

	def __init__(self, **kwargs):
		_FlowGraph.__init__(self, **kwargs)
		self._eval_cache = dict()

	def _eval(self, code, namespace, namespace_hash):
		Evaluate the code with the given namespace.
		    code: a string with python code
		    namespace: a dict representing the namespace
		    namespace_hash: a unique hash for the namespace
		    the resultant object
		if not code: raise Exception, 'Cannot evaluate empty statement.'
		my_hash = hash(code) ^ namespace_hash
		#cache if does not exist
		if not self._eval_cache.has_key(my_hash):
			self._eval_cache[my_hash] = eval(code, namespace, namespace)
		#return from cache
		return self._eval_cache[my_hash]

	def get_io_signaturev(self, direction):
		Get a list of io signatures for this flow graph.
		    direction: a string of 'in' or 'out'
		    a list of dicts with: type, label, vlen, size
		sorted_pads = {
			'in': self.get_pad_sources(),
			'out': self.get_pad_sinks(),
        # we only want stream ports
		sorted_pads = filter(lambda b: b.get_param('type').get_evaluated() != 'message', sorted_pads);
		expanded_pads = [];
		for i in sorted_pads:
			for j in range(i.get_param('num_streams').get_evaluated()):
		#load io signature
		return [{
			'label': str(pad.get_param('label').get_evaluated()),
			'type': str(pad.get_param('type').get_evaluated()),
			'vlen': str(pad.get_param('vlen').get_evaluated()),
			'size': pad.get_param('type').get_opt('size'),
			'optional': bool(pad.get_param('optional').get_evaluated()),
		} for pad in expanded_pads]

	def get_pad_sources(self):
		Get a list of pad source blocks sorted by id order.
		    a list of pad source blocks in this flow graph
		pads = filter(lambda b: b.get_key() == 'pad_source', self.get_enabled_blocks())
		return sorted(pads, lambda x, y: cmp(x.get_id(), y.get_id()))

	def get_pad_sinks(self):
		Get a list of pad sink blocks sorted by id order.
		    a list of pad sink blocks in this flow graph
		pads = filter(lambda b: b.get_key() == 'pad_sink', self.get_enabled_blocks())
		return sorted(pads, lambda x, y: cmp(x.get_id(), y.get_id()))

	def get_msg_pad_sources(self):
		ps = self.get_pad_sources();
		return filter(lambda b: b.get_param('type').get_evaluated() == 'message', ps);

	def get_msg_pad_sinks(self):
		ps = self.get_pad_sinks();
		return filter(lambda b: b.get_param('type').get_evaluated() == 'message', ps);

	def get_imports(self):
		Get a set of all import statments in this flow graph namespace.
		    a set of import statements
		imports = sum([block.get_imports() for block in self.get_enabled_blocks()], [])
		imports = sorted(set(imports))
		return imports

	def get_variables(self):
		Get a list of all variables in this flow graph namespace.
		Exclude paramterized variables.
		    a sorted list of variable blocks in order of dependency (indep -> dep)
		variables = filter(lambda b: _variable_matcher.match(b.get_key()), self.get_enabled_blocks())
		return expr_utils.sort_objects(variables, lambda v: v.get_id(), lambda v: v.get_var_make())

	def get_parameters(self):
		Get a list of all paramterized variables in this flow graph namespace.
		    a list of paramterized variables
		parameters = filter(lambda b: _parameter_matcher.match(b.get_key()), self.get_enabled_blocks())
		return parameters

	def get_monitors(self):
		Get a list of all ControlPort monitors
		monitors = filter(lambda b: _monitors_searcher.search(b.get_key()), self.get_enabled_blocks())
                return monitors

	def get_bussink(self):
		bussink = filter(lambda b: _bussink_searcher.search(b.get_key()), self.get_enabled_blocks())
		for i in bussink:
			for j in i.get_params():
				if j.get_name() == 'On/Off' and j.get_value() == 'on':
					return True;
		return False

	def get_bussrc(self):
		bussrc = filter(lambda b: _bussrc_searcher.search(b.get_key()), self.get_enabled_blocks())

		for i in bussrc:
			for j in i.get_params():
				if j.get_name() == 'On/Off' and j.get_value() == 'on':
					return True;
		return False

	def get_bus_structure_sink(self):
		bussink = filter(lambda b: _bus_struct_sink_searcher.search(b.get_key()), self.get_enabled_blocks())
		return bussink

	def get_bus_structure_src(self):
		bussrc = filter(lambda b: _bus_struct_src_searcher.search(b.get_key()), self.get_enabled_blocks())
		return bussrc

	def rewrite(self):
		Flag the namespace to be renewed.
		def reconnect_bus_blocks():
			for block in self.get_blocks():
				if 'bus' in map(lambda a: a.get_type(), block.get_sources_gui()):
					for i in range(len(block.get_sources_gui())):
						if len(block.get_sources_gui()[i].get_connections()) > 0:
							source = block.get_sources_gui()[i]
							sink = []
							for j in range(len(source.get_connections())):
							for elt in source.get_connections():
							for j in sink:
								self.connect(source, j);
		self._renew_eval_ns = True

	def evaluate(self, expr):
		Evaluate the expression.
		    expr: the string expression
		@throw Exception bad expression
		    the evaluated data
		if self._renew_eval_ns:
			self._renew_eval_ns = False
			#reload namespace
			n = dict()
			#load imports
			for imp in self.get_imports():
				try: exec imp in n
				except: pass
			#load parameters
			np = dict()
			for parameter in self.get_parameters():
					e = eval(parameter.get_param('value').to_code(), n, n)
					np[parameter.get_id()] = e
				except: pass
			n.update(np) #merge param namespace
			#load variables
			for variable in self.get_variables():
					e = eval(variable.get_param('value').to_code(), n, n)
					n[variable.get_id()] = e
				except: pass
			#make namespace public
			self.n = n
			self.n_hash = hash(str(n))
		e = self._eval(expr, self.n, self.n_hash)
		return e