""" Copyright 2008-2011,2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of GNU Radio SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later """ from sys import platform import os import numbers from gi.repository import GLib import cairo from .canvas.colors import FLOWGRAPH_BACKGROUND_COLOR from . import Constants def get_rotated_coordinate(coor, rotation): """ Rotate the coordinate by the given rotation. Args: coor: the coordinate x, y tuple rotation: the angle in degrees Returns: the rotated coordinates """ # handles negative angles rotation = (rotation + 360) % 360 if rotation not in Constants.POSSIBLE_ROTATIONS: raise ValueError('unusable rotation angle "%s"'%str(rotation)) # determine the number of degrees to rotate cos_r, sin_r = { 0: (1, 0), 90: (0, 1), 180: (-1, 0), 270: (0, -1), }[rotation] x, y = coor return x * cos_r + y * sin_r, -x * sin_r + y * cos_r def get_angle_from_coordinates(p1, p2): """ Given two points, calculate the vector direction from point1 to point2, directions are multiples of 90 degrees. Args: (x1,y1): the coordinate of point 1 (x2,y2): the coordinate of point 2 Returns: the direction in degrees """ (x1, y1) = p1 (x2, y2) = p2 if y1 == y2: # 0 or 180 return 0 if x2 > x1 else 180 else: # 90 or 270 return 270 if y2 > y1 else 90 def align_to_grid(coor, mode=round): def align(value): return int(mode(value / (1.0 * Constants.CANVAS_GRID_SIZE)) * Constants.CANVAS_GRID_SIZE) try: return [align(c) for c in coor] except TypeError: x = coor return align(coor) def num_to_str(num): """ Display logic for numbers """ def eng_notation(value, fmt='g'): """Convert a number to a string in engineering notation. E.g., 5e-9 -> 5n""" template = '{:' + fmt + '}{}' magnitude = abs(value) for exp, symbol in zip(range(9, -15-1, -3), 'GMk munpf'): factor = 10 ** exp if magnitude >= factor: return template.format(value / factor, symbol.strip()) return template.format(value, '') if isinstance(num, numbers.Complex): num = complex(num) # Cast to python complex if num == 0: return '0' output = eng_notation(num.real) if num.real else '' output += eng_notation(num.imag, '+g' if output else 'g') + 'j' if num.imag else '' return output else: return str(num) def encode(value): return GLib.markup_escape_text(value) def make_screenshot(flow_graph, file_path, transparent_bg=False): if not file_path: return x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = flow_graph.get_extents() padding = Constants.CANVAS_GRID_SIZE width = x_max - x_min + 2 * padding height = y_max - y_min + 2 * padding if file_path.endswith('.png'): psurf = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, width, height) elif file_path.endswith('.pdf'): psurf = cairo.PDFSurface(file_path, width, height) elif file_path.endswith('.svg'): psurf = cairo.SVGSurface(file_path, width, height) else: raise ValueError('Unknown file format') cr = cairo.Context(psurf) if not transparent_bg: cr.set_source_rgba(*FLOWGRAPH_BACKGROUND_COLOR) cr.rectangle(0, 0, width, height) cr.fill() cr.translate(padding - x_min, padding - y_min) flow_graph.create_labels(cr) flow_graph.create_shapes() flow_graph.draw(cr) if file_path.endswith('.png'): psurf.write_to_png(file_path) if file_path.endswith('.pdf') or file_path.endswith('.svg'): cr.show_page() psurf.finish() def scale(coor, reverse=False): factor = Constants.DPI_SCALING if not reverse else 1 / Constants.DPI_SCALING return tuple(int(x * factor) for x in coor) def scale_scalar(coor, reverse=False): factor = Constants.DPI_SCALING if not reverse else 1 / Constants.DPI_SCALING return int(coor * factor) def get_modifier_key(angle_brackets=False): """ Get the modifier key based on platform. Args: angle_brackets: if return the modifier key with <> or not Returns: return the string with the modifier key """ if platform == "darwin": if angle_brackets: return "<Meta>" else: return "Meta" else: if angle_brackets: return "<Ctrl>" else: return "Ctrl" _nproc = None def get_cmake_nproc(): """ Get number of cmake processes for C++ flowgraphs """ global _nproc # Cached result if _nproc: return _nproc try: # See https://docs.python.org/3.8/library/os.html#os.cpu_count _nproc = len(os.sched_getaffinity(0)) except: _nproc = os.cpu_count() if not _nproc: _nproc = 1 _nproc = max(_nproc//2 - 1, 1) return _nproc