""" Copyright 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of GNU Radio GNU Radio Companion is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Radio Companion is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA """ from Element import Element from Constants import \ PORT_SEPARATION, CONNECTOR_EXTENSION_MINIMAL, \ CONNECTOR_EXTENSION_INCREMENT, \ PORT_LABEL_PADDING, PORT_MIN_WIDTH import Utils import Colors import pygtk pygtk.require('2.0') import gtk PORT_HIDDEN_MARKUP_TMPL="""\ <span foreground="black" font_desc="Sans 7.5"> </span>""" PORT_MARKUP_TMPL="""\ <span foreground="black" font_desc="Sans 7.5">$encode($port.get_name())</span>""" class Port(Element): """The graphical port.""" def __init__(self): """ Port contructor. Create list of connector coordinates. """ Element.__init__(self) self.W = self.H = self.w = self.h = 0 self._connector_coordinate = (0,0) self._connector_length = 0 self._label_hidden = True def create_shapes(self): """Create new areas and labels for the port.""" Element.create_shapes(self) #get current rotation rotation = self.get_rotation() #get all sibling ports if self.is_source(): ports = self.get_parent().get_sources_gui() elif self.is_sink(): ports = self.get_parent().get_sinks_gui() #get the max width self.W = max([port.W for port in ports] + [PORT_MIN_WIDTH]) W = self.W if not self._label_hidden else 10 #get a numeric index for this port relative to its sibling ports try: index = ports.index(self) except: if hasattr(self, '_connector_length'): del self._connector_length return length = len(ports) #reverse the order of ports for these rotations if rotation in (180, 270): index = length-index-1 offset = (self.get_parent().H - length*self.H - (length-1)*PORT_SEPARATION)/2 #create areas and connector coordinates if (self.is_sink() and rotation == 0) or (self.is_source() and rotation == 180): x = -1*W y = (PORT_SEPARATION+self.H)*index+offset self.add_area((x, y), (W, self.H)) self._connector_coordinate = (x-1, y+self.H/2) elif (self.is_source() and rotation == 0) or (self.is_sink() and rotation == 180): x = self.get_parent().W y = (PORT_SEPARATION+self.H)*index+offset self.add_area((x, y), (W, self.H)) self._connector_coordinate = (x+1+W, y+self.H/2) elif (self.is_source() and rotation == 90) or (self.is_sink() and rotation == 270): y = -1*W x = (PORT_SEPARATION+self.H)*index+offset self.add_area((x, y), (self.H, W)) self._connector_coordinate = (x+self.H/2, y-1) elif (self.is_sink() and rotation == 90) or (self.is_source() and rotation == 270): y = self.get_parent().W x = (PORT_SEPARATION+self.H)*index+offset self.add_area((x, y), (self.H, W)) self._connector_coordinate = (x+self.H/2, y+1+W) #the connector length self._connector_length = CONNECTOR_EXTENSION_MINIMAL + CONNECTOR_EXTENSION_INCREMENT*index def modify_height(self, start_height): type_dict = {'bus':(lambda a: a * 3)}; if self.get_type() in type_dict: return type_dict[self.get_type()](start_height); else: return start_height; def create_labels(self): """Create the labels for the socket.""" Element.create_labels(self) self._bg_color = Colors.get_color(self.get_color()) #create the layout layout = gtk.DrawingArea().create_pango_layout('') layout.set_markup(Utils.parse_template(PORT_MARKUP_TMPL, port=self)) self.w, self.h = layout.get_pixel_size() self.W, self.H = 2*PORT_LABEL_PADDING + self.w, 2*PORT_LABEL_PADDING+self.h self.H = self.modify_height(self.H) #create the pixmap pixmap = self.get_parent().get_parent().new_pixmap(self.w, self.h) gc = pixmap.new_gc() gc.set_foreground(self._bg_color) pixmap.draw_rectangle(gc, True, 0, 0, self.w, self.h) pixmap.draw_layout(gc, 0, 0, layout) #create vertical and horizontal pixmaps self.horizontal_label = pixmap if self.is_vertical(): self.vertical_label = self.get_parent().get_parent().new_pixmap(self.h, self.w) Utils.rotate_pixmap(gc, self.horizontal_label, self.vertical_label) def draw(self, gc, window): """ Draw the socket with a label. Args: gc: the graphics context window: the gtk window to draw on """ Element.draw( self, gc, window, bg_color=self._bg_color, border_color=self.is_highlighted() and Colors.HIGHLIGHT_COLOR or self.get_parent().is_dummy_block() and Colors.MISSING_BLOCK_BORDER_COLOR or Colors.BORDER_COLOR, ) if self._label_hidden: return X,Y = self.get_coordinate() (x,y),(w,h) = self._areas_list[0] #use the first area's sizes to place the labels if self.is_horizontal(): window.draw_drawable(gc, self.horizontal_label, 0, 0, x+X+(self.W-self.w)/2, y+Y+(self.H-self.h)/2, -1, -1) elif self.is_vertical(): window.draw_drawable(gc, self.vertical_label, 0, 0, x+X+(self.H-self.h)/2, y+Y+(self.W-self.w)/2, -1, -1) def get_connector_coordinate(self): """ Get the coordinate where connections may attach to. Returns: the connector coordinate (x, y) tuple """ x, y = self._connector_coordinate X, Y = self.get_coordinate() return (x + X, y + Y) def get_connector_direction(self): """ Get the direction that the socket points: 0,90,180,270. This is the rotation degree if the socket is an output or the rotation degree + 180 if the socket is an input. Returns: the direction in degrees """ if self.is_source(): return self.get_rotation() elif self.is_sink(): return (self.get_rotation() + 180)%360 def get_connector_length(self): """ Get the length of the connector. The connector length increases as the port index changes. Returns: the length in pixels """ return self._connector_length def get_rotation(self): """ Get the parent's rotation rather than self. Returns: the parent's rotation """ return self.get_parent().get_rotation() def move(self, delta_coor): """ Move the parent rather than self. Args: delta_corr: the (delta_x, delta_y) tuple """ self.get_parent().move(delta_coor) def rotate(self, direction): """ Rotate the parent rather than self. Args: direction: degrees to rotate """ self.get_parent().rotate(direction) def get_coordinate(self): """ Get the parent's coordinate rather than self. Returns: the parents coordinate """ return self.get_parent().get_coordinate() def set_highlighted(self, highlight): """ Set the parent highlight rather than self. Args: highlight: true to enable highlighting """ self.get_parent().set_highlighted(highlight) def is_highlighted(self): """ Get the parent's is highlight rather than self. Returns: the parent's highlighting status """ return self.get_parent().is_highlighted() def mouse_over(self): self._label_hidden = False return True def mouse_out(self): self._label_hidden = True return True