""" Copyright 2008, 2009, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of GNU Radio GNU Radio Companion is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Radio Companion is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA """ import os import gtk from . import Bars, Actions, Preferences, Utils from .BlockTreeWindow import BlockTreeWindow from .Constants import \ NEW_FLOGRAPH_TITLE, DEFAULT_REPORTS_WINDOW_WIDTH from .Dialogs import TextDisplay, MessageDialogHelper from .NotebookPage import NotebookPage from ..core import Messages MAIN_WINDOW_TITLE_TMPL = """\ #if not $saved *#slurp #end if #if $basename $basename#slurp #else $new_flowgraph_title#slurp #end if #if $read_only (read only)#slurp #end if #if $dirname - $dirname#slurp #end if - $platform_name#slurp """ PAGE_TITLE_MARKUP_TMPL = """\ #set $foreground = $saved and 'black' or 'red' <span foreground="$foreground">$encode($title or $new_flowgraph_title)</span>#slurp #if $read_only (ro)#slurp #end if """ ############################################################ # Main window ############################################################ class MainWindow(gtk.Window): """The topmost window with menus, the tool bar, and other major windows.""" def __init__(self, platform, action_handler_callback): """ MainWindow contructor Setup the menu, toolbar, flowgraph editor notebook, block selection window... """ self._platform = platform gen_opts = platform.blocks['options'].get_param('generate_options') generate_mode_default = gen_opts.get_value() generate_modes = [ (o.get_key(), o.get_name(), o.get_key() == generate_mode_default) for o in gen_opts.get_options()] # load preferences Preferences.load(platform) #setup window gtk.Window.__init__(self, gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) vbox = gtk.VBox() self.hpaned = gtk.HPaned() self.add(vbox) #create the menu bar and toolbar self.add_accel_group(Actions.get_accel_group()) self.menu_bar = Bars.MenuBar(generate_modes, action_handler_callback) vbox.pack_start(self.menu_bar, False) self.tool_bar = Bars.Toolbar(generate_modes, action_handler_callback ) vbox.pack_start(self.tool_bar, False) vbox.pack_start(self.hpaned) #create the notebook self.notebook = gtk.Notebook() self.page_to_be_closed = None self.current_page = None self.notebook.set_show_border(False) self.notebook.set_scrollable(True) #scroll arrows for page tabs self.notebook.connect('switch-page', self._handle_page_change) #setup containers self.flow_graph_vpaned = gtk.VPaned() #flow_graph_box.pack_start(self.scrolled_window) self.flow_graph_vpaned.pack1(self.notebook) self.hpaned.pack1(self.flow_graph_vpaned) self.btwin = BlockTreeWindow(platform, self.get_flow_graph); self.hpaned.pack2(self.btwin, False) #dont allow resize #create the reports window self.text_display = TextDisplay() #house the reports in a scrolled window self.reports_scrolled_window = gtk.ScrolledWindow() self.reports_scrolled_window.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) self.reports_scrolled_window.add(self.text_display) self.reports_scrolled_window.set_size_request(-1, DEFAULT_REPORTS_WINDOW_WIDTH) self.flow_graph_vpaned.pack2(self.reports_scrolled_window, False) #dont allow resize #load preferences and show the main window self.resize(*Preferences.main_window_size()) self.flow_graph_vpaned.set_position(Preferences.reports_window_position()) self.hpaned.set_position(Preferences.blocks_window_position()) self.show_all() self.reports_scrolled_window.hide() self.btwin.hide() ############################################################ # Event Handlers ############################################################ def _quit(self, window, event): """ Handle the delete event from the main window. Generated by pressing X to close, alt+f4, or right click+close. This method in turns calls the state handler to quit. Returns: true """ Actions.APPLICATION_QUIT() return True def _handle_page_change(self, notebook, page, page_num): """ Handle a page change. When the user clicks on a new tab, reload the flow graph to update the vars window and call handle states (select nothing) to update the buttons. Args: notebook: the notebook page: new page page_num: new page number """ self.current_page = self.notebook.get_nth_page(page_num) Actions.PAGE_CHANGE() ############################################################ # Report Window ############################################################ def add_report_line(self, line): """ Place line at the end of the text buffer, then scroll its window all the way down. Args: line: the new text """ self.text_display.insert(line) ############################################################ # Pages: create and close ############################################################ def new_page(self, file_path='', show=False): """ Create a new notebook page. Set the tab to be selected. Args: file_path: optional file to load into the flow graph show: true if the page should be shown after loading """ #if the file is already open, show the open page and return if file_path and file_path in self._get_files(): #already open page = self.notebook.get_nth_page(self._get_files().index(file_path)) self._set_page(page) return try: #try to load from file if file_path: Messages.send_start_load(file_path) flow_graph = self._platform.get_new_flow_graph() flow_graph.grc_file_path = file_path #print flow_graph page = NotebookPage( self, flow_graph=flow_graph, file_path=file_path, ) if file_path: Messages.send_end_load() except Exception, e: #return on failure Messages.send_fail_load(e) if isinstance(e, KeyError) and str(e) == "'options'": # This error is unrecoverable, so crash gracefully exit(-1) return #add this page to the notebook self.notebook.append_page(page, page.get_tab()) try: self.notebook.set_tab_reorderable(page, True) except: pass #gtk too old self.notebook.set_tab_label_packing(page, False, False, gtk.PACK_START) #only show if blank or manual if not file_path or show: self._set_page(page) def close_pages(self): """ Close all the pages in this notebook. Returns: true if all closed """ open_files = filter(lambda file: file, self._get_files()) #filter blank files open_file = self.get_page().get_file_path() #close each page for page in sorted(self.get_pages(), key=lambda p: p.get_saved()): self.page_to_be_closed = page closed = self.close_page(False) if not closed: break if self.notebook.get_n_pages(): return False #save state before closing Preferences.set_open_files(open_files) Preferences.file_open(open_file) Preferences.main_window_size(self.get_size()) Preferences.reports_window_position(self.flow_graph_vpaned.get_position()) Preferences.blocks_window_position(self.hpaned.get_position()) Preferences.save() return True def close_page(self, ensure=True): """ Close the current page. If the notebook becomes empty, and ensure is true, call new page upon exit to ensure that at least one page exists. Args: ensure: boolean """ if not self.page_to_be_closed: self.page_to_be_closed = self.get_page() #show the page if it has an executing flow graph or is unsaved if self.page_to_be_closed.get_proc() or not self.page_to_be_closed.get_saved(): self._set_page(self.page_to_be_closed) #unsaved? ask the user if not self.page_to_be_closed.get_saved(): response = self._save_changes() # return value is either OK, CLOSE, or CANCEL if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: Actions.FLOW_GRAPH_SAVE() #try to save if not self.page_to_be_closed.get_saved(): #still unsaved? self.page_to_be_closed = None #set the page to be closed back to None return False elif response == gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL: self.page_to_be_closed = None return False #stop the flow graph if executing if self.page_to_be_closed.get_proc(): Actions.FLOW_GRAPH_KILL() #remove the page self.notebook.remove_page(self.notebook.page_num(self.page_to_be_closed)) if ensure and self.notebook.get_n_pages() == 0: self.new_page() #no pages, make a new one self.page_to_be_closed = None #set the page to be closed back to None return True ############################################################ # Misc ############################################################ def update(self): """ Set the title of the main window. Set the titles on the page tabs. Show/hide the reports window. Args: title: the window title """ gtk.Window.set_title(self, Utils.parse_template(MAIN_WINDOW_TITLE_TMPL, basename=os.path.basename(self.get_page().get_file_path()), dirname=os.path.dirname(self.get_page().get_file_path()), new_flowgraph_title=NEW_FLOGRAPH_TITLE, read_only=self.get_page().get_read_only(), saved=self.get_page().get_saved(), platform_name=self._platform.config.name, ) ) #set tab titles for page in self.get_pages(): page.set_markup( Utils.parse_template(PAGE_TITLE_MARKUP_TMPL, #get filename and strip out file extension title=os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(page.get_file_path()))[0], read_only=page.get_read_only(), saved=page.get_saved(), new_flowgraph_title=NEW_FLOGRAPH_TITLE, ) ) #show/hide notebook tabs self.notebook.set_show_tabs(len(self.get_pages()) > 1) def update_pages(self): """ Forces a reload of all the pages in this notebook. """ for page in self.get_pages(): success = page.get_flow_graph().reload() if success: # Only set saved if errors occurred during import page.set_saved(False) def get_page(self): """ Get the selected page. Returns: the selected page """ return self.current_page def get_flow_graph(self): """ Get the selected flow graph. Returns: the selected flow graph """ return self.get_page().get_flow_graph() def get_focus_flag(self): """ Get the focus flag from the current page. Returns: the focus flag """ return self.get_page().get_drawing_area().get_focus_flag() ############################################################ # Helpers ############################################################ def _set_page(self, page): """ Set the current page. Args: page: the page widget """ self.current_page = page self.notebook.set_current_page(self.notebook.page_num(self.current_page)) def _save_changes(self): """ Save changes to flow graph? Returns: the response_id (see buttons variable below) """ buttons = ( 'Close without saving', gtk.RESPONSE_CLOSE, gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, gtk.STOCK_SAVE, gtk.RESPONSE_OK ) return MessageDialogHelper( gtk.MESSAGE_QUESTION, gtk.BUTTONS_NONE, 'Unsaved Changes!', 'Would you like to save changes before closing?', gtk.RESPONSE_OK, buttons ) def _get_files(self): """ Get the file names for all the pages, in order. Returns: list of file paths """ return map(lambda page: page.get_file_path(), self.get_pages()) def get_pages(self): """ Get a list of all pages in the notebook. Returns: list of pages """ return [self.notebook.get_nth_page(page_num) for page_num in range(self.notebook.get_n_pages())]