# Copyright 2008-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # This file is part of GNU Radio # # GNU Radio Companion is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # GNU Radio Companion is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function from codecs import open from collections import namedtuple import os import logging from itertools import chain import re import six from six.moves import range from . import ( Messages, Constants, blocks, params, ports, errors, utils, schema_checker ) from .Config import Config from .cache import Cache from .base import Element from .io import yaml from .generator import Generator from .FlowGraph import FlowGraph from .Connection import Connection logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) class Platform(Element): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Make a platform for GNU Radio """ Element.__init__(self, parent=None) self.config = self.Config(*args, **kwargs) self.block_docstrings = {} self.block_docstrings_loaded_callback = lambda: None # dummy to be replaced by BlockTreeWindow self._docstring_extractor = utils.extract_docs.SubprocessLoader( callback_query_result=self._save_docstring_extraction_result, callback_finished=lambda: self.block_docstrings_loaded_callback() ) self.blocks = self.block_classes self.domains = {} self.connection_templates = {} self.cpp_connection_templates = {} self._block_categories = {} self._auto_hier_block_generate_chain = set() if not yaml.__with_libyaml__: logger.warning("Slow YAML loading (libyaml not available)") def __str__(self): return 'Platform - {}'.format(self.config.name) @staticmethod def find_file_in_paths(filename, paths, cwd): """Checks the provided paths relative to cwd for a certain filename""" if not os.path.isdir(cwd): cwd = os.path.dirname(cwd) if isinstance(paths, str): paths = (p for p in paths.split(':') if p) for path in paths: path = os.path.expanduser(path) if not os.path.isabs(path): path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(cwd, path)) file_path = os.path.join(path, filename) if os.path.exists(os.path.normpath(file_path)): return file_path def load_and_generate_flow_graph(self, file_path, out_path=None, hier_only=False): """Loads a flow graph from file and generates it""" Messages.set_indent(len(self._auto_hier_block_generate_chain)) Messages.send('>>> Loading: {}\n'.format(file_path)) if file_path in self._auto_hier_block_generate_chain: Messages.send(' >>> Warning: cyclic hier_block dependency\n') return None, None self._auto_hier_block_generate_chain.add(file_path) try: flow_graph = self.make_flow_graph() flow_graph.grc_file_path = file_path # Other, nested hier_blocks might be auto-loaded here flow_graph.import_data(self.parse_flow_graph(file_path)) flow_graph.rewrite() flow_graph.validate() if not flow_graph.is_valid(): raise Exception('Flowgraph invalid') if hier_only and not flow_graph.get_option('generate_options').startswith('hb'): raise Exception('Not a hier block') except Exception as e: Messages.send('>>> Load Error: {}: {}\n'.format(file_path, str(e))) return None, None finally: self._auto_hier_block_generate_chain.discard(file_path) Messages.set_indent(len(self._auto_hier_block_generate_chain)) try: generator = self.Generator(flow_graph, out_path or file_path) Messages.send('>>> Generating: {}\n'.format(generator.file_path)) generator.write() except Exception as e: Messages.send('>>> Generate Error: {}: {}\n'.format(file_path, str(e))) return None, None if flow_graph.get_option('generate_options').startswith('hb'): # self.load_block_xml(generator.file_path_xml) # TODO: implement yml output for hier blocks pass return flow_graph, generator.file_path def build_library(self, path=None): """load the blocks and block tree from the search paths path: a list of paths/files to search in or load (defaults to config) """ self._docstring_extractor.start() # Reset self.blocks.clear() self.domains.clear() self.connection_templates.clear() self.cpp_connection_templates.clear() self._block_categories.clear() # # FIXME: remove this as soon as converter is stable # from ..converter import Converter # converter = Converter(self.config.block_paths, self.config.yml_block_cache) # converter.run() # logging.info('XML converter done.') with Cache(Constants.CACHE_FILE) as cache: for file_path in self._iter_files_in_block_path(path): data = cache.get_or_load(file_path) if file_path.endswith('.block.yml'): loader = self.load_block_description scheme = schema_checker.BLOCK_SCHEME elif file_path.endswith('.domain.yml'): loader = self.load_domain_description scheme = schema_checker.DOMAIN_SCHEME elif file_path.endswith('.tree.yml'): loader = self.load_category_tree_description scheme = None else: continue try: checker = schema_checker.Validator(scheme) passed = checker.run(data) for msg in checker.messages: logger.warning('{:<40s} {}'.format(os.path.basename(file_path), msg)) if not passed: logger.info('YAML schema check failed for: ' + file_path) loader(data, file_path) except Exception as error: logger.exception('Error while loading %s', file_path) logger.exception(error) Messages.flowgraph_error = error Messages.flowgraph_error_file = file_path continue for key, block in six.iteritems(self.blocks): category = self._block_categories.get(key, block.category) if not category: continue root = category[0] if root.startswith('[') and root.endswith(']'): category[0] = root[1:-1] else: category.insert(0, Constants.DEFAULT_BLOCK_MODULE_NAME) block.category = category self._docstring_extractor.finish() # self._docstring_extractor.wait() utils.hide_bokeh_gui_options_if_not_installed(self.blocks['options']) def _iter_files_in_block_path(self, path=None, ext='yml'): """Iterator for block descriptions and category trees""" for entry in (path or self.config.block_paths): if os.path.isfile(entry): yield entry elif os.path.isdir(entry): for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(entry): for filename in sorted(filter(lambda f: f.endswith('.' + ext), filenames)): yield os.path.join(dirpath, filename) else: logger.debug('Ignoring invalid path entry %r', entry) def _save_docstring_extraction_result(self, block_id, docstrings): docs = {} for match, docstring in six.iteritems(docstrings): if not docstring or match.endswith('_sptr'): continue docs[match] = docstring.replace('\n\n', '\n').strip() try: self.blocks[block_id].documentation.update(docs) except KeyError: pass # in tests platform might be gone... ############################################## # Description File Loaders ############################################## # region loaders def load_block_description(self, data, file_path): log = logger.getChild('block_loader') # don't load future block format versions file_format = data['file_format'] if file_format < 1 or file_format > Constants.BLOCK_DESCRIPTION_FILE_FORMAT_VERSION: log.error('Unknown format version %d in %s', file_format, file_path) return block_id = data['id'] = data['id'].rstrip('_') if block_id in self.block_classes_build_in: log.warning('Not overwriting build-in block %s with %s', block_id, file_path) return if block_id in self.blocks: log.warning('Block with id "%s" loaded from\n %s\noverwritten by\n %s', block_id, self.blocks[block_id].loaded_from, file_path) try: block_cls = self.blocks[block_id] = self.new_block_class(**data) block_cls.loaded_from = file_path except errors.BlockLoadError as error: log.error('Unable to load block %s', block_id) log.exception(error) return self._docstring_extractor.query( block_id, block_cls.templates['imports'], block_cls.templates['make'], ) def load_domain_description(self, data, file_path): log = logger.getChild('domain_loader') domain_id = data['id'] if domain_id in self.domains: # test against repeated keys log.debug('Domain "{}" already exists. Ignoring: %s', file_path) return color = data.get('color', '') if color.startswith('#'): try: tuple(int(color[o:o + 2], 16) / 255.0 for o in range(1, 6, 2)) except ValueError: log.warning('Cannot parse color code "%s" in %s', color, file_path) return self.domains[domain_id] = self.Domain( name=data.get('label', domain_id), multi_in=data.get('multiple_connections_per_input', True), multi_out=data.get('multiple_connections_per_output', False), color=color ) for connection in data.get('templates', []): try: source_id, sink_id = connection.get('type', []) except ValueError: log.warn('Invalid connection template.') continue connection_id = str(source_id), str(sink_id) self.connection_templates[connection_id] = connection.get('connect', '') self.cpp_connection_templates[connection_id] = connection.get('cpp_connect', '') def load_category_tree_description(self, data, file_path): """Parse category tree file and add it to list""" log = logger.getChild('tree_loader') log.debug('Loading %s', file_path) path = [] def load_category(name, elements): if not isinstance(name, six.string_types): log.debug('Invalid name %r', name) return path.append(name) for element in utils.to_list(elements): if isinstance(element, six.string_types): block_id = element self._block_categories[block_id] = list(path) elif isinstance(element, dict): load_category(*next(six.iteritems(element))) else: log.debug('Ignoring some elements of %s', name) path.pop() try: module_name, categories = next(six.iteritems(data)) except (AttributeError, StopIteration): log.warning('no valid data found') else: load_category(module_name, categories) ############################################## # Access ############################################## def parse_flow_graph(self, filename): """ Parse a saved flow graph file. Ensure that the file exists, and passes the dtd check. Args: filename: the flow graph file Returns: nested data @throws exception if the validation fails """ filename = filename or self.config.default_flow_graph with open(filename, encoding='utf-8') as fp: is_xml = '<flow_graph>' in fp.read(100) fp.seek(0) # todo: try if not is_xml: data = yaml.safe_load(fp) validator = schema_checker.Validator(schema_checker.FLOW_GRAPH_SCHEME) validator.run(data) else: Messages.send('>>> Converting from XML\n') from ..converter.flow_graph import from_xml data = from_xml(fp) return data def save_flow_graph(self, filename, flow_graph): data = flow_graph.export_data() try: data['connections'] = [yaml.ListFlowing(i) for i in data['connections']] except KeyError: pass try: for d in chain([data['options']], data['blocks']): d['states']['coordinate'] = yaml.ListFlowing(d['states']['coordinate']) except KeyError: pass out = yaml.dump(data, indent=2) replace = [ ('blocks:\n', '\nblocks:\n'), ('connections:\n', '\nconnections:\n'), ('metadata:\n', '\nmetadata:\n'), ] for r in replace: out = out.replace(*r) with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fp: fp.write(out) def get_generate_options(self): for param in self.block_classes['options'].parameters_data: if param.get('id') == 'generate_options': break else: return [] generate_mode_default = param.get('default') return [(value, name, value == generate_mode_default) for value, name in zip(param['options'], param['option_labels'])] def get_output_language(self): for param in self.block_classes['options'].parameters_data: if param.get('id') == 'output_language': break else: return [] output_language_default = param.get('default') return [(value, name, value == output_language_default) for value, name in zip(param['options'], param['option_labels'])] ############################################## # Factories ############################################## Config = Config Domain = namedtuple('Domain', 'name multi_in multi_out color') Generator = Generator FlowGraph = FlowGraph Connection = Connection block_classes_build_in = blocks.build_ins block_classes = utils.backports.ChainMap({}, block_classes_build_in) # separates build-in from loaded blocks) port_classes = { None: ports.Port, # default 'clone': ports.PortClone, # clone of ports with multiplicity > 1 } param_classes = { None: params.Param, # default } def make_flow_graph(self, from_filename=None): fg = self.FlowGraph(parent=self) if from_filename: data = self.parse_flow_graph(from_filename) fg.grc_file_path = from_filename fg.import_data(data) return fg def new_block_class(self, **data): return blocks.build(**data) def make_block(self, parent, block_id, **kwargs): cls = self.block_classes[block_id] return cls(parent, **kwargs) def make_param(self, parent, **kwargs): cls = self.param_classes[kwargs.pop('cls_key', None)] return cls(parent, **kwargs) def make_port(self, parent, **kwargs): cls = self.port_classes[kwargs.pop('cls_key', None)] return cls(parent, **kwargs)