""" Copyright 2008-2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of GNU Radio GNU Radio Companion is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Radio Companion is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA """ import time from . import odict from Element import Element from .. gui import Messages from . Constants import FLOW_GRAPH_FILE_FORMAT_VERSION class FlowGraph(Element): def __init__(self, platform): """ Make a flow graph from the arguments. Args: platform: a platforms with blocks and contrcutors Returns: the flow graph object """ #initialize Element.__init__(self, platform) self._elements = [] self._timestamp = time.ctime() #inital blank import self.import_data() def _get_unique_id(self, base_id=''): """ Get a unique id starting with the base id. Args: base_id: the id starts with this and appends a count Returns: a unique id """ index = 0 while True: id = '%s_%d' % (base_id, index) index += 1 #make sure that the id is not used by another block if not filter(lambda b: b.get_id() == id, self.get_blocks()): return id def __str__(self): return 'FlowGraph - %s(%s)' % (self.get_option('title'), self.get_option('id')) def rewrite(self): def refactor_bus_structure(): for block in self.get_blocks(): for direc in ['source', 'sink']: if direc == 'source': get_p = block.get_sources; get_p_gui = block.get_sources_gui; bus_structure = block.form_bus_structure('source'); else: get_p = block.get_sinks; get_p_gui = block.get_sinks_gui bus_structure = block.form_bus_structure('sink'); if 'bus' in map(lambda a: a.get_type(), get_p_gui()): if len(get_p_gui()) > len(bus_structure): times = range(len(bus_structure), len(get_p_gui())); for i in times: for connect in get_p_gui()[-1].get_connections(): block.get_parent().remove_element(connect); get_p().remove(get_p_gui()[-1]); elif len(get_p_gui()) < len(bus_structure): n = {'name':'bus','type':'bus'}; if True in map(lambda a: isinstance(a.get_nports(), int), get_p()): n['nports'] = str(1); times = range(len(get_p_gui()), len(bus_structure)); for i in times: n['key'] = str(len(get_p())); n = odict(n); port = block.get_parent().get_parent().Port(block=block, n=n, dir=direc); get_p().append(port); for child in self.get_children(): child.rewrite() refactor_bus_structure(); def get_option(self, key): """ Get the option for a given key. The option comes from the special options block. Args: key: the param key for the options block Returns: the value held by that param """ return self._options_block.get_param(key).get_evaluated() def is_flow_graph(self): return True ############################################## ## Access Elements ############################################## def get_block(self, id): return filter(lambda b: b.get_id() == id, self.get_blocks())[0] def get_blocks_unordered(self): return filter(lambda e: e.is_block(), self.get_elements()) def get_blocks(self): # refactored the slow, ugly version # don't know why we need this here, using it for sorted export_data() return sorted(self.get_blocks_unordered(), key=lambda b: ( b.get_key() != 'options', # options to the front not b.get_key().startswith('variable'), # then vars str(b) )) def get_connections(self): return filter(lambda e: e.is_connection(), self.get_elements()) def get_children(self): return self.get_elements() def get_elements(self): """ Get a list of all the elements. Always ensure that the options block is in the list (only once). Returns: the element list """ options_block_count = self._elements.count(self._options_block) if not options_block_count: self._elements.append(self._options_block) for i in range(options_block_count-1): self._elements.remove(self._options_block) return self._elements def get_enabled_blocks(self): """ Get a list of all blocks that are enabled. Returns: a list of blocks """ return filter(lambda b: b.get_enabled(), self.get_blocks()) def get_enabled_connections(self): """ Get a list of all connections that are enabled. Returns: a list of connections """ return filter(lambda c: c.get_enabled(), self.get_connections()) def get_new_block(self, key): """ Get a new block of the specified key. Add the block to the list of elements. Args: key: the block key Returns: the new block or None if not found """ if key not in self.get_parent().get_block_keys(): return None block = self.get_parent().get_new_block(self, key) self.get_elements().append(block); if block._bussify_sink: block.bussify({'name':'bus','type':'bus'}, 'sink') if block._bussify_source: block.bussify({'name':'bus','type':'bus'}, 'source') return block; def connect(self, porta, portb): """ Create a connection between porta and portb. Args: porta: a port portb: another port @throw Exception bad connection Returns: the new connection """ connection = self.get_parent().Connection(flow_graph=self, porta=porta, portb=portb) self.get_elements().append(connection) return connection def remove_element(self, element): """ Remove the element from the list of elements. If the element is a port, remove the whole block. If the element is a block, remove its connections. If the element is a connection, just remove the connection. """ if element not in self.get_elements(): return #found a port, set to parent signal block if element.is_port(): element = element.get_parent() #remove block, remove all involved connections if element.is_block(): for port in element.get_ports(): map(self.remove_element, port.get_connections()) if element.is_connection(): if element.is_bus(): cons_list = [] for i in map(lambda a: a.get_connections(), element.get_source().get_associated_ports()): cons_list.extend(i); map(self.remove_element, cons_list); self.get_elements().remove(element) def evaluate(self, expr): """ Evaluate the expression. Args: expr: the string expression @throw NotImplementedError """ raise NotImplementedError ############################################## ## Import/Export Methods ############################################## def export_data(self): """ Export this flow graph to nested data. Export all block and connection data. Returns: a nested data odict """ n = odict() n['timestamp'] = self._timestamp n['block'] = [b.export_data() for b in self.get_blocks()] # already sorted n['connection'] = [c.export_data() for c in sorted(self.get_connections(), key=str)] instructions = odict({ 'created': self.get_parent().get_version_short(), 'format': FLOW_GRAPH_FILE_FORMAT_VERSION, }) return odict({'flow_graph': n, '_instructions': instructions}) def import_data(self, n=None): """ Import blocks and connections into this flow graph. Clear this flowgraph of all previous blocks and connections. Any blocks or connections in error will be ignored. Args: n: the nested data odict """ errors = False #remove previous elements self._elements = list() # set file format try: instructions = n.find('_instructions') or {} file_format = int(instructions.get('format', '0')) or self._guess_file_format_1(n) except: file_format = 0 #use blank data if none provided fg_n = n and n.find('flow_graph') or odict() self._timestamp = fg_n.find('timestamp') or time.ctime() blocks_n = fg_n.findall('block') connections_n = fg_n.findall('connection') #create option block self._options_block = self.get_parent().get_new_block(self, 'options') #build the blocks for block_n in blocks_n: key = block_n.find('key') block = self._options_block if key == 'options' else self.get_new_block(key) if not block: # looks like this block key cannot be found # create a dummy block instead block = self.get_new_block('dummy_block') # Ugly ugly ugly _initialize_dummy_block(block, block_n) Messages.send_error_load('Block key "%s" not found in %s' % (key, self.get_parent())) block.import_data(block_n) #build the connections block_ids = map(lambda b: b.get_id(), self.get_blocks()) for connection_n in connections_n: try: # to make the connection #get the block ids source_block_id = connection_n.find('source_block_id') sink_block_id = connection_n.find('sink_block_id') #get the port keys source_key = connection_n.find('source_key') sink_key = connection_n.find('sink_key') #verify the blocks if source_block_id not in block_ids: raise LookupError('source block id "%s" not in block ids'%source_block_id) if sink_block_id not in block_ids: raise LookupError('sink block id "%s" not in block ids'%sink_block_id) #get the blocks source_block = self.get_block(source_block_id) sink_block = self.get_block(sink_block_id) # fix old, numeric message ports keys if file_format < 1: source_key, sink_key = self._update_old_message_port_keys( source_key, sink_key, source_block, sink_block ) #verify the ports if source_key not in source_block.get_source_keys(): # dummy blocks learn their ports here if source_block.is_dummy_block(): _dummy_block_add_port(source_block, source_key, dir='source') else: raise LookupError('source key "%s" not in source block keys' % source_key) if sink_key not in sink_block.get_sink_keys(): # dummy blocks learn their ports here if sink_block.is_dummy_block(): _dummy_block_add_port(sink_block, sink_key, dir='sink') else: raise LookupError('sink key "%s" not in sink block keys' % sink_key) #get the ports source = source_block.get_source(source_key) sink = sink_block.get_sink(sink_key) #build the connection self.connect(source, sink) except LookupError, e: Messages.send_error_load( 'Connection between %s(%s) and %s(%s) could not be made.\n\t%s'%( source_block_id, source_key, sink_block_id, sink_key, e)) errors = True self.rewrite() #global rewrite return errors @staticmethod def _update_old_message_port_keys(source_key, sink_key, source_block, sink_block): """Backward compatibility for message port keys Message ports use their names as key (like in the 'connect' method). Flowgraph files from former versions still have numeric keys stored for message connections. These have to be replaced by the name of the respective port. The correct message port is deduced from the integer value of the key (assuming the order has not changed). The connection ends are updated only if both ends translate into a message port. """ try: # get ports using the "old way" (assuming liner indexed keys) source_port = source_block.get_sources()[int(source_key)] sink_port = sink_block.get_sinks()[int(sink_key)] if source_port.get_type() == "message" and sink_port.get_type() == "message": source_key, sink_key = source_port.get_key(), sink_port.get_key() except (ValueError, IndexError): pass return source_key, sink_key # do nothing @staticmethod def _guess_file_format_1(n): """Try to guess the file format for flow-graph files without version tag""" try: has_non_numeric_message_keys = any(not ( connection_n.find('source_key').isdigit() and connection_n.find('sink_key').isdigit() ) for connection_n in n.find('flow_graph').findall('connection')) if has_non_numeric_message_keys: return 1 except: pass return 0 def _initialize_dummy_block(block, block_n): """This is so ugly... dummy-fy a block Modify block object to get the behaviour for a missing block """ block._key = block_n.find('key') block.is_dummy_block = lambda: True block.is_valid = lambda: False block.get_enabled = lambda: False for param_n in block_n.findall('param'): if param_n['key'] not in block.get_param_keys(): new_param_n = odict({'key': param_n['key'], 'name': param_n['key'], 'type': 'string'}) block.get_params().append(block.get_parent().get_parent().Param(block=block, n=new_param_n)) def _dummy_block_add_port(block, key, dir): """This is so ugly... Add a port to a dummy-field block""" port_n = odict({'name': '?', 'key': key, 'type': ''}) port = block.get_parent().get_parent().Port(block=block, n=port_n, dir=dir) if port.is_source(): block.get_sources().append(port) else: block.get_sinks().append(port)