/* -*- c++ -*- */ /* * Copyright 2007,2010,2011,2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This file is part of GNU Radio * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "cvsd_decode_bs_impl.h" #include <gnuradio/io_signature.h> #include <limits.h> namespace gr { namespace vocoder { cvsd_decode_bs::sptr cvsd_decode_bs::make(short min_step, short max_step, double step_decay, double accum_decay, int K, int J, short pos_accum_max, short neg_accum_max) { return gnuradio::get_initial_sptr(new cvsd_decode_bs_impl( min_step, max_step, step_decay, accum_decay, K, J, pos_accum_max, neg_accum_max)); } cvsd_decode_bs_impl::cvsd_decode_bs_impl(short min_step, short max_step, double step_decay, double accum_decay, int K, int J, short pos_accum_max, short neg_accum_max) : sync_interpolator("vocoder_cvsd_decode_bs", io_signature::make(1, 1, sizeof(unsigned char)), io_signature::make(1, 1, sizeof(short)), 8), d_min_step(min_step), d_max_step(max_step), d_step_decay(step_decay), d_accum_decay(accum_decay), d_K(K), d_J(J), d_pos_accum_max(pos_accum_max), d_neg_accum_max(neg_accum_max), d_accum(0), d_loop_counter(1), d_runner(0), d_runner_mask(0), d_stepsize(min_step) { if (d_K > 32) throw std::runtime_error("cvsd_decode_bs_impl: K must be <= 32"); if (d_J > d_K) throw std::runtime_error("cvsd_decode_bs_impl: J must be <= K"); } cvsd_decode_bs_impl::~cvsd_decode_bs_impl() { // nothing else required in this example } unsigned char cvsd_decode_bs_impl::cvsd_bitwise_sum(unsigned int input) { unsigned int temp = input; unsigned char bits = 0; while (temp) { temp = temp & (temp - 1); bits++; } return bits; } int cvsd_decode_bs_impl::cvsd_round(double input) { double temp; temp = input + 0.5; temp = floor(temp); return (int)temp; } unsigned int cvsd_decode_bs_impl::cvsd_pow(short radix, short power) { double d_radix = (double)radix; int i_power = (int)power; double output; output = pow(d_radix, i_power); return ((unsigned int)cvsd_round(output)); } int cvsd_decode_bs_impl::work(int noutput_items, gr_vector_const_void_star& input_items, gr_vector_void_star& output_items) { const unsigned char* in = (const unsigned char*)input_items[0]; short* out = (short*)output_items[0]; int i = 0; short output_short = 0; // 2 bytes 0 .. 65,535 unsigned char bit_count = 0; // 1 byte, 0 .. 255 unsigned int mask = 0; // 4 bytes, 0 .. 4,294,967,295 unsigned char input_byte = 0; // 1 bytes unsigned char input_bit = 0; // 1 byte, 0 .. 255 // Loop through each input data point for (i = 0; i < noutput_items / 8.0; i++) { input_byte = in[i]; // Initialize bit counter bit_count = 0; while (bit_count < 8) { // Compute the Appropriate Mask mask = cvsd_pow(2, 7 - bit_count); // Pull off the corresponding bit input_bit = input_byte & mask; // Update the bit counter bit_count++; // Update runner with the next input bit // Runner is a shift-register; shift left, add on newest output bit d_runner = (d_runner << 1) | ((unsigned int)input_bit); // Run this only if you have >= J bits in your shift register if (d_loop_counter >= d_J) { // Update Step Size d_runner_mask = (cvsd_pow(2, d_J) - 1); if ((cvsd_bitwise_sum(d_runner & d_runner_mask) >= d_J) || (cvsd_bitwise_sum((~d_runner) & d_runner_mask) >= d_J)) { // Runs of 1s and 0s d_stepsize = std::min((short)(d_stepsize + d_min_step), d_max_step); } else { // No runs of 1s and 0s d_stepsize = std::max((short)cvsd_round(d_stepsize * d_step_decay), d_min_step); } } // Update Accum (i.e. the reference value) if (input_bit) { d_accum = d_accum + d_stepsize; } else { d_accum = d_accum - d_stepsize; } // Multiply by Accum_Decay d_accum = (cvsd_round(d_accum * d_accum_decay)); // Check for overflow if (d_accum >= ((int)d_pos_accum_max)) { d_accum = (int)d_pos_accum_max; } else if (d_accum <= ((int)d_neg_accum_max)) { d_accum = (int)d_neg_accum_max; } // Find the output short to write to the file output_short = ((short)d_accum); if (d_loop_counter <= d_K) { d_loop_counter++; } *(out++) = output_short; } // while () } // for() return noutput_items; } } /* namespace vocoder */ } /* namespace gr */