/* -*- c++ -*- */
 * Copyright 2007,2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 * This file is part of GNU Radio
 * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
 * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
 * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
 * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#include <gnuradio/vocoder/api.h>
#include <gnuradio/sync_decimator.h>

namespace gr {
  namespace vocoder {

     * \brief This block performs CVSD audio encoding.  Its design and
     * implementation is modeled after the CVSD encoder/decoder
     * specifications defined in the Bluetooth standard.
     * \ingroup audio_blk
     * \details
     * CVSD is a method for encoding speech that seeks to reduce the
     * bandwidth required for digital voice transmission. CVSD takes
     * advantage of strong correlation between samples, quantizing the
     * difference in amplitude between two consecutive samples. This
     * difference requires fewer quantization levels as compared to
     * other methods that quantize the actual amplitude level,
     * reducing the bandwidth. CVSD employs a two level quantizer
     * (one bit) and an adaptive algorithm that allows for continuous
     * step size adjustment.
     * The coder can represent low amplitude signals with accuracy
     * without sacrificing performance on large amplitude signals, a
     * trade off that occurs in some non-adaptive modulations.
     * The CVSD encoder effectively provides 8-to-1 compression. More
     * specifically, each incoming audio sample is compared to an
     * internal reference value. If the input is greater or equal to
     * the reference, the encoder outputs a "1" bit. If the input is
     * less than the reference, the encoder outputs a "0" bit.  The
     * reference value is then updated accordingly based on the
     * frequency of outputted "1" or "0" bits. By grouping 8 outputs
     * bits together, the encoder essentially produce one output byte
     * for every 8 input audio samples.
     * This encoder requires that input audio samples are 2-byte short
     * signed integers. The result bandwidth conversion, therefore,
     * is 16 input bytes of raw audio data to 1 output byte of encoded
     * audio data.
     * The CVSD encoder module must be prefixed by an up-converter to
     * over-sample the audio data prior to encoding. The Bluetooth
     * standard specifically calls for a 1-to-8 interpolating
     * up-converter.  While this reduces the overall compression of
     * the codec, this is required so that the encoder can accurately
     * compute the slope between adjacent audio samples and correctly
     * update its internal reference value.
     * References:
     * 1.  Continuously Variable Slope Delta Modulation (CVSD) A Tutorial,
     *     Available: http://www.eetkorea.com/ARTICLES/2003AUG/A/2003AUG29_NTEK_RFD_AN02.PDF.
     * 2.  Specification of The Bluetooth System
     *     Available: http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/802/15/Bluetooth/core_10_b.pdf.
     * 3.  McGarrity, S., Bluetooth Full Duplex Voice and Data Transmission. 2002.
     *     Bluetooth Voice Simulink� Model, Available:
     *     http://www.mathworks.com/company/newsletters/digest/nov01/bluetooth.html
    class VOCODER_API cvsd_encode_sb : virtual public sync_decimator
      // gr::vocoder::cvsd_encode_sb::sptr
      typedef boost::shared_ptr<cvsd_encode_sb> sptr;
       * \brief Constructor parameters to initialize the CVSD encoder.
       * The default values are modeled after the Bluetooth standard and
       * should not be changed except by an advanced user
       * \param min_step      Minimum step size used to update the internal reference.  Default: "10"
       * \param max_step      Maximum step size used to update the internal reference.  Default: "1280"
       * \param step_decay    Decay factor applied to step size when there is not a run of J output 1s or 0s.
       *                      Default: "0.9990234375"  (i.e. 1-1/1024)
       * \param accum_decay   Decay factor applied to the internal reference during every interation of the codec.
       *                      Default: "0.96875"  (i.e. 1-1/32)
       * \param K;            Size of shift register; the number of output bits remembered by codec (must be <= to 32).
       *                      Default: "32"
       * \param J;            Number of bits in the shift register that are equal; i.e. the size of a run of 1s, 0s.
       *                      Default: "4"
       * \param pos_accum_max Maximum integer value allowed for the internal reference.
       *                      Default: "32767" (2^15 - 1 or MAXSHORT)
       * \param neg_accum_max Minimum integer value allowed for the internal reference.
       *                      Default: "-32767" (-2^15 + 1 or MINSHORT+1)
      static sptr make(short min_step=10, short max_step=1280,
		       double step_decay=0.9990234375, double accum_decay= 0.96875,
		       int K=32, int J=4,
		       short pos_accum_max=32767, short neg_accum_max=-32767);

      virtual short min_step() = 0;
      virtual short max_step() = 0; 
      virtual double step_decay() = 0;
      virtual double accum_decay() = 0;
      virtual int K() = 0;
      virtual int J() = 0;
      virtual short pos_accum_max() = 0;
      virtual short neg_accum_max() = 0;

  } /* namespace vocoder */
} /* namespace gr */