# # Copyright 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is part of GNU Radio # # GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) # any later version. # # GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to # the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # """ Automatically create YAML bindings for GRC from block code """ from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals import os import re import glob import logging from ..tools import ParserCCBlock, CMakeFileEditor, ask_yes_no, GRCYAMLGenerator from .base import ModTool, ModToolException logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ModToolMakeYAML(ModTool): """ Make YAML file for GRC block bindings """ name = 'makeyaml' description = 'Generate YAML files for GRC block bindings.' def __init__(self, blockname=None, **kwargs): ModTool.__init__(self, blockname, **kwargs) self.info['pattern'] = blockname def validate(self): """ Validates the arguments """ ModTool._validate(self) if not self.info['pattern'] or self.info['pattern'].isspace(): raise ModToolException("Incorrect blockname (Regex)!") def run(self): """ Go, go, go! """ # This portion will be covered by the CLI if not self.cli: self.validate() logger.warning("Warning: This is an experimental feature. Don't expect any magic.") # 1) Go through lib/ if not self.skip_subdirs['lib']: if self.info['version'] in ('37', '38'): files = self._search_files('lib', '*_impl.cc') else: files = self._search_files('lib', '*.cc') for f in files: if os.path.basename(f)[0:2] == 'qa': continue (params, iosig, blockname) = self._parse_cc_h(f) self._make_grc_yaml_from_block_data(params, iosig, blockname) # 2) Go through python/ # TODO def _search_files(self, path, path_glob): """ Search for files matching pattern in the given path. """ files = sorted(glob.glob("{}/{}".format(path, path_glob))) files_filt = [] logger.info("Searching for matching files in {}/:".format(path)) for f in files: if re.search(self.info['pattern'], os.path.basename(f)) is not None: files_filt.append(f) if len(files_filt) == 0: logger.info("None found.") return files_filt def _make_grc_yaml_from_block_data(self, params, iosig, blockname): """ Take the return values from the parser and call the YAML generator. Also, check the makefile if the .yml file is in there. If necessary, add. """ fname_yml = '{}_{}.block.yml'.format(self.info['modname'], blockname) path_to_yml = os.path.join('grc', fname_yml) # Some adaptions for the GRC for inout in ('in', 'out'): if iosig[inout]['max_ports'] == '-1': iosig[inout]['max_ports'] = '$num_{}puts'.format(inout) params.append({'key': 'num_{}puts'.format(inout), 'type': 'int', 'name': 'Num {}puts'.format(inout), 'default': '2', 'in_constructor': False}) file_exists = False if os.path.isfile(path_to_yml): if not self.info['yes']: if not ask_yes_no('Overwrite existing GRC file?', False): return else: file_exists = True logger.warning("Warning: Overwriting existing GRC file.") grc_generator = GRCYAMLGenerator( modname=self.info['modname'], blockname=blockname, params=params, iosig=iosig ) grc_generator.save(path_to_yml) if file_exists: self.scm.mark_files_updated((path_to_yml,)) else: self.scm.add_files((path_to_yml,)) if not self.skip_subdirs['grc']: ed = CMakeFileEditor(self._file['cmgrc']) if re.search(fname_yml, ed.cfile) is None and not ed.check_for_glob('*.yml'): logger.info("Adding GRC bindings to grc/CMakeLists.txt...") ed.append_value('install', fname_yml, to_ignore_end='DESTINATION[^()]+') ed.write() self.scm.mark_files_updated(self._file['cmgrc']) def _parse_cc_h(self, fname_cc): """ Go through a .cc and .h-file defining a block and return info """ def _type_translate(p_type, default_v=None): """ Translates a type from C++ to GRC """ translate_dict = {'float': 'float', 'double': 'real', 'int': 'int', 'gr_complex': 'complex', 'char': 'byte', 'unsigned char': 'byte', 'std::string': 'string', 'std::vector<int>': 'int_vector', 'std::vector<float>': 'real_vector', 'std::vector<gr_complex>': 'complex_vector', } if p_type in ('int',) and default_v is not None and len(default_v) > 1 and default_v[:2].lower() == '0x': return 'hex' try: return translate_dict[p_type] except KeyError: return 'raw' def _get_blockdata(fname_cc): """ Return the block name and the header file name from the .cc file name """ blockname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fname_cc.replace('_impl.', '.')))[0] fname_h = (blockname + '.h').replace('_impl.', '.') contains_modulename = blockname.startswith(self.info['modname']+'_') blockname = blockname.replace(self.info['modname']+'_', '', 1) return (blockname, fname_h, contains_modulename) # Go, go, go logger.info("Making GRC bindings for {}...".format(fname_cc)) (blockname, fname_h, contains_modulename) = _get_blockdata(fname_cc) try: parser = ParserCCBlock(fname_cc, os.path.join(self.info['includedir'], fname_h), blockname, self.info['version'], _type_translate ) except IOError: raise ModToolException("Can't open some of the files necessary to parse {}.".format(fname_cc)) if contains_modulename: return (parser.read_params(), parser.read_io_signature(), self.info['modname']+'_'+blockname) else: return (parser.read_params(), parser.read_io_signature(), blockname)