# Copyright 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GNU Radio
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
""" Module to rename blocks """

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import re

import click

from ..core import get_block_candidates, ModToolRename
from ..tools import SequenceCompleter
from .base import common_params, block_name, run, cli_input, ModToolException

@click.command('rename', short_help=ModToolRename.description)
@click.argument('new-name', metavar="NEW-BLOCK-NAME", nargs=1, required=False)
def cli(**kwargs):
    Rename a block inside a module.

    The argument NEW-BLOCK-NAME is the new name of the block.
    kwargs['cli'] = True
    self = ModToolRename(**kwargs)
    click.secho("GNU Radio module name identified: " + self.info['modname'], fg='green')
    # first make sure the old block name is provided
    click.secho("Block/code to rename identifier: " + self.info['oldname'], fg='green')
    self.info['fulloldname'] = self.info['modname'] + '_' + self.info['oldname']
    # now get the new block name
    click.secho("Block/code identifier: " + self.info['newname'], fg='green')
    self.info['fullnewname'] = self.info['modname'] + '_' + self.info['newname']

def get_oldname(self):
    """ Get the old block name to be replaced """
    block_candidates = get_block_candidates()
    if self.info['oldname'] is None:
        with SequenceCompleter(block_candidates):
            while not self.info['oldname'] or self.info['oldname'].isspace():
                self.info['oldname'] = cli_input("Enter name of block/code to rename "+
                                                 "(without module name prefix): ")
    if self.info['oldname'] not in block_candidates:
        choices = [x for x in block_candidates if self.info['oldname'] in x]
        if len(choices) > 0:
            click.secho("Suggested alternatives: "+str(choices), fg='yellow')
        raise ModToolException("Blockname for renaming does not exists!")
    if not re.match('[a-zA-Z0-9_]+', self.info['oldname']):
        raise ModToolException('Invalid block name.')

def get_newname(self):
    """ Get the new block name """
    if self.info['newname'] is None:
        while not self.info['newname'] or self.info['newname'].isspace():
            self.info['newname'] = cli_input("Enter name of block/code "+
                                             "(without module name prefix): ")
    if not re.match('[a-zA-Z0-9_]+', self.info['newname']):
        raise ModToolException('Invalid block name.')