# # Copyright 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is part of GNU Radio # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # # """ Module to generate AST for the headers and parse it """ import os import re import codecs import logging from ..core.base import BlockToolException, BlockTool from ..core.iosignature import io_signature, message_port from ..core.comments import read_comments, add_comments, exist_comments from ..core import Constants LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) PYGCCXML_AVAILABLE = False # ugly hack to make pygccxml work with Python >= 3.8 import time try: time.clock except: time.clock = time.perf_counter try: from pygccxml import parser, declarations, utils PYGCCXML_AVAILABLE = True except: from ...modtool.tools import ParserCCBlock from ...modtool.cli import ModToolException class GenericHeaderParser(BlockTool): """ : Single argument required: file_path file_path: enter path for the header block in any of GNU Radio module : returns the parsed header data in python dict : return dict keys: namespace, class, io_signature, make, properties, methods : Can be used as an CLI command or an extenal API """ name = 'Block Parse Header' description = 'Create a parsed output from a block header file' def __init__(self, file_path=None, blocktool_comments=False, include_paths=None, **kwargs): """ __init__ """ BlockTool.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.parsed_data = {} self.addcomments = blocktool_comments self.include_paths = None if (include_paths): self.include_paths = [p.strip() for p in include_paths.split(',')] if not os.path.isfile(file_path): raise BlockToolException('file does not exist') file_path = os.path.abspath(file_path) self.target_file = file_path self.initialize() self.validate() def initialize(self): """ initialize all the required API variables """ if type(self.target_file) == list: self.module = self.target_file for dirs in self.target_file: if not os.path.basename(self.module).startswith(Constants.GR): self.module = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(self.module, os.pardir)) else: self.module = self.target_file if not os.path.basename(self.module).startswith(Constants.GR): self.module = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(self.module, os.pardir)) self.modname = os.path.basename(self.module) self.filename = os.path.basename(self.target_file) self.targetdir = os.path.dirname(self.target_file) def validate(self): """ Override the Blocktool validate function """ BlockTool._validate(self) if not self.filename.endswith('.h'): raise BlockToolException( 'Cannot parse a non-header file') def _parse_cc_h(self, fname_h): """ Go through a .cc and .h-file defining a block and return info """ def _get_blockdata(fname_h): """ Return the block name and the header file name from the .cc file name """ blockname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename( fname_h))[0] fname_cc = blockname + '_impl' + '.cc' contains_modulename = blockname.startswith( self.modname+'_') blockname = blockname.replace(self.modname+'_', '', 1) fname_cc = os.path.join(fname_h.split('include')[0],'lib',fname_cc) return (blockname, fname_cc, contains_modulename) # Go, go, go LOGGER.info("Making GRC bindings for {}...".format(fname_h)) (blockname, fname_cc, contains_modulename) = _get_blockdata(fname_h) try: parser = ParserCCBlock(fname_cc, os.path.join( self.targetdir, fname_h), blockname, '39' ) except IOError: raise ModToolException( "Can't open some of the files necessary to parse {}.".format(fname_cc)) if contains_modulename: return (parser.read_params(), parser.read_io_signature(), self.modname+'_'+blockname) else: return (parser.read_params(), parser.read_io_signature(), blockname) def parse_function(self, func_decl): fcn_dict = { "name": str(func_decl.name), "return_type": str(func_decl.return_type), "has_static": func_decl.has_static if hasattr(func_decl, 'has_static') else '0', "arguments": [] } for argument in func_decl.arguments: args = { "name": str(argument.name), "dtype": str(argument.decl_type), "default": argument.default_value } fcn_dict['arguments'].append(args) return fcn_dict def parse_class(self, class_decl): class_dict = {'name': class_decl.name, 'member_functions': []} if class_decl.bases: class_dict['bases'] = class_decl.bases[0].declaration_path constructors = [] # constructors constructors = [] query_methods = declarations.access_type_matcher_t('public') if hasattr(class_decl, 'constructors'): cotrs = class_decl.constructors(function=query_methods, allow_empty=True, recursive=False, header_file=self.target_file, name=class_decl.name) for cotr in cotrs: constructors.append(self.parse_function(cotr)) class_dict['constructors'] = constructors # class member functions member_functions = [] query_methods = declarations.access_type_matcher_t('public') if hasattr(class_decl, 'member_functions'): functions = class_decl.member_functions(function=query_methods, allow_empty=True, recursive=False, header_file=self.target_file) for fcn in functions: if str(fcn.name) not in [class_decl.name, '~'+class_decl.name]: member_functions.append(self.parse_function(fcn)) class_dict['member_functions'] = member_functions # enums class_enums = [] if hasattr(class_decl, 'variables'): enums = class_decl.enumerations( allow_empty=True, recursive=False, header_file=self.target_file) if enums: for _enum in enums: current_enum = {'name': _enum.name, 'values': _enum.values} class_enums.append(current_enum) class_dict['enums'] = class_enums # variables class_vars = [] query_methods = declarations.access_type_matcher_t('public') if hasattr(class_decl, 'variables'): variables = class_decl.variables(allow_empty=True, recursive=False, function=query_methods, header_file=self.target_file) if variables: for _var in variables: current_var = { 'name': _var.name, 'value': _var.value, "has_static": _var.has_static if hasattr(_var, 'has_static') else '0'} class_vars.append(current_var) class_dict['vars'] = class_vars return class_dict def parse_namespace(self, namespace_decl): namespace_dict = {} # enums namespace_dict['name'] = namespace_decl.decl_string namespace_dict['enums'] = [] if hasattr(namespace_decl, 'enumerations'): enums = namespace_decl.enumerations( allow_empty=True, recursive=False, header_file=self.target_file) if enums: for _enum in enums: current_enum = {'name': _enum.name, 'values': _enum.values} namespace_dict['enums'].append(current_enum) # variables namespace_dict['variables'] = [] if hasattr(namespace_decl, 'variables'): variables = namespace_decl.variables( allow_empty=True, recursive=False, header_file=self.target_file) if variables: for _var in variables: current_var = { 'name': _var.name, 'values': _var.value, 'has_static': _var.has_static if hasattr(_var, 'has_static') else '0'} namespace_dict['variables'].append(current_var) # classes namespace_dict['classes'] = [] if hasattr(namespace_decl, 'classes'): classes = namespace_decl.classes( allow_empty=True, recursive=False, header_file=self.target_file) if classes: for _class in classes: namespace_dict['classes'].append(self.parse_class(_class)) # free functions namespace_dict['free_functions'] = [] free_functions = [] if hasattr(namespace_decl, 'free_functions'): functions = namespace_decl.free_functions(allow_empty=True, recursive=False, header_file=self.target_file) for fcn in functions: if str(fcn.name) not in ['make']: free_functions.append(self.parse_function(fcn)) namespace_dict['free_functions'] = free_functions # sub namespaces namespace_dict['namespaces'] = [] if hasattr(namespace_decl, 'namespaces'): sub_namespaces = [] sub_namespaces_decl = namespace_decl.namespaces(allow_empty=True) for ns in sub_namespaces_decl: sub_namespaces.append(self.parse_namespace(ns)) namespace_dict['namespaces'] = sub_namespaces return namespace_dict def get_header_info(self, namespace_to_parse): """ PyGCCXML header code parser magic happens here! : returns the parsed header data in python dict : return dict keys: namespace, class, io_signature, make, properties, methods : Can be used as an CLI command or an extenal API """ module = self.modname.split('-')[-1] self.parsed_data['module_name'] = module self.parsed_data['filename'] = self.filename import hashlib hasher = hashlib.md5() with open(self.target_file, 'rb') as file_in: buf = file_in.read() hasher.update(buf) self.parsed_data['md5hash'] = hasher.hexdigest() # Right now if pygccxml is not installed, it will only handle the make function # TODO: extend this to other publicly declared functions in the h file if not PYGCCXML_AVAILABLE: self.parsed_data['parser'] = 'simple' (params, iosig, blockname) = self._parse_cc_h(self.target_file) self.parsed_data['target_namespace'] = namespace_to_parse namespace_dict = {} namespace_dict['name'] = "::".join(namespace_to_parse) class_dict = {} class_dict['name'] = blockname mf_dict = { "name": "make", "return_type": "::".join(namespace_to_parse + [blockname,"sptr"]), "has_static": "1" } args = [] for p in params: arg_dict = { "name":p['key'], "dtype":p['type'], "default":p['default'] } args.append(arg_dict) mf_dict["arguments"] = args class_dict["member_functions"] = [mf_dict] namespace_dict["classes"] = [class_dict] self.parsed_data["namespace"] = namespace_dict return self.parsed_data else: self.parsed_data['parser'] = 'pygccxml' generator_path, generator_name = utils.find_xml_generator() xml_generator_config = parser.xml_generator_configuration_t( xml_generator_path=generator_path, xml_generator=generator_name, include_paths=self.include_paths, compiler='gcc', undefine_symbols=['__PIE__'], #define_symbols=['BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_EXTRA_BACKEND_GENERIC', '__PIC__'], define_symbols=['BOOST_ATOMIC_DETAIL_EXTRA_BACKEND_GENERIC'], cflags='-std=c++11 -fPIC') decls = parser.parse( [self.target_file], xml_generator_config) global_namespace = declarations.get_global_namespace(decls) # namespace # try: main_namespace = global_namespace for ns in namespace_to_parse: main_namespace = main_namespace.namespace(ns) if main_namespace is None: raise BlockToolException('namespace cannot be none') self.parsed_data['target_namespace'] = namespace_to_parse self.parsed_data['namespace'] = self.parse_namespace(main_namespace) # except RuntimeError: # raise BlockToolException( # 'Invalid namespace format in the block header file') # namespace return self.parsed_data def run_blocktool(self): """ Run, run, run. """ pass # self.get_header_info()