/* -*- c++ -*- */ /* * Copyright 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This file is part of GNU Radio * * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) * any later version. * * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef WATERFALL_GLOBAL_DATA_CPP #define WATERFALL_GLOBAL_DATA_CPP #include <gnuradio/qtgui/waterfallGlobalData.h> #include <cstdio> WaterfallData::WaterfallData(const double minimumFrequency, const double maximumFrequency, const uint64_t fftPoints, const unsigned int historyExtent) #if QWT_VERSION < 0x060000 : QwtRasterData(QwtDoubleRect(minimumFrequency /* X START */, 0 /* Y START */, maximumFrequency - minimumFrequency /* WIDTH */, static_cast<double>(historyExtent)/* HEIGHT */)) #else : QwtRasterData() #endif { _intensityRange = QwtDoubleInterval(-200.0, 0.0); _fftPoints = fftPoints; _historyLength = historyExtent; _spectrumData = new double[_fftPoints * _historyLength]; #if QWT_VERSION >= 0x060000 setInterval(Qt::XAxis, QwtInterval(minimumFrequency, maximumFrequency)); setInterval(Qt::YAxis, QwtInterval(0, historyExtent)); setInterval(Qt::ZAxis, QwtInterval(-200, 0.0)); #endif reset(); } WaterfallData::~WaterfallData() { delete[] _spectrumData; } void WaterfallData::reset() { memset(_spectrumData, 0x0, _fftPoints*_historyLength*sizeof(double)); _numLinesToUpdate = -1; } void WaterfallData::copy(const WaterfallData* rhs) { #if QWT_VERSION < 0x060000 if((_fftPoints != rhs->getNumFFTPoints()) || (boundingRect() != rhs->boundingRect()) ){ _fftPoints = rhs->getNumFFTPoints(); setBoundingRect(rhs->boundingRect()); delete[] _spectrumData; _spectrumData = new double[_fftPoints * _historyLength]; } #else if(_fftPoints != rhs->getNumFFTPoints()) { _fftPoints = rhs->getNumFFTPoints(); delete[] _spectrumData; _spectrumData = new double[_fftPoints * _historyLength]; } #endif reset(); setSpectrumDataBuffer(rhs->getSpectrumDataBuffer()); setNumLinesToUpdate(rhs->getNumLinesToUpdate()); #if QWT_VERSION < 0x060000 setRange(rhs->range()); #else setInterval(Qt::XAxis, rhs->interval(Qt::XAxis)); setInterval(Qt::YAxis, rhs->interval(Qt::YAxis)); setInterval(Qt::ZAxis, rhs->interval(Qt::ZAxis)); #endif } void WaterfallData::resizeData(const double startFreq, const double stopFreq, const uint64_t fftPoints) { #if QWT_VERSION < 0x060000 if((fftPoints != getNumFFTPoints()) || (boundingRect().width() != (stopFreq - startFreq)) || (boundingRect().left() != startFreq)){ setBoundingRect(QwtDoubleRect(startFreq, 0, stopFreq-startFreq, boundingRect().height())); _fftPoints = fftPoints; delete[] _spectrumData; _spectrumData = new double[_fftPoints * _historyLength]; } #else if((fftPoints != getNumFFTPoints()) || (interval(Qt::XAxis).width() != (stopFreq - startFreq)) || (interval(Qt::XAxis).minValue() != startFreq)){ setInterval(Qt::XAxis, QwtInterval(startFreq, stopFreq)); _fftPoints = fftPoints; delete[] _spectrumData; _spectrumData = new double[_fftPoints * _historyLength]; } #endif reset(); } QwtRasterData *WaterfallData::copy() const { #if QWT_VERSION < 0x060000 WaterfallData* returnData = new WaterfallData(boundingRect().left(), boundingRect().right(), _fftPoints, _historyLength); #else WaterfallData* returnData = new WaterfallData(interval(Qt::XAxis).minValue(), interval(Qt::XAxis).maxValue(), _fftPoints, _historyLength); #endif returnData->copy(this); return returnData; } #if QWT_VERSION < 0x060000 QwtDoubleInterval WaterfallData::range() const { return _intensityRange; } void WaterfallData::setRange(const QwtDoubleInterval& newRange) { _intensityRange = newRange; } #endif double WaterfallData::value(double x, double y) const { double returnValue = 0.0; #if QWT_VERSION < 0x060000 const unsigned int intY = static_cast<unsigned int>((1.0 - (y/boundingRect().height())) * static_cast<double>(_historyLength-1)); const unsigned int intX = static_cast<unsigned int>((((x - boundingRect().left()) / boundingRect().width()) * static_cast<double>(_fftPoints-1)) + 0.5); #else double height = interval(Qt::YAxis).maxValue(); double left = interval(Qt::XAxis).minValue(); double right = interval(Qt::XAxis).maxValue(); double ylen = static_cast<double>(_historyLength-1); double xlen = static_cast<double>(_fftPoints-1); const unsigned int intY = static_cast<unsigned int>((1.0 - y/height) * ylen); const unsigned int intX = static_cast<unsigned int>((((x - left) / (right-left)) * xlen) + 0.5); #endif const int location = (intY * _fftPoints) + intX; if((location > -1) && (location < static_cast<int64_t>(_fftPoints * _historyLength))){ returnValue = _spectrumData[location]; } return returnValue; } uint64_t WaterfallData::getNumFFTPoints() const { return _fftPoints; } void WaterfallData::addFFTData(const double* fftData, const uint64_t fftDataSize, const int droppedFrames){ if(fftDataSize == _fftPoints){ int64_t heightOffset = _historyLength - 1 - droppedFrames; uint64_t drawingDroppedFrames = droppedFrames; // Any valid data rolled off the display so just fill in zeros and write new data if(heightOffset < 0){ heightOffset = 0; drawingDroppedFrames = static_cast<uint64_t>(_historyLength-1); } // Copy the old data over if any available if(heightOffset > 0){ memmove( _spectrumData, &_spectrumData[(drawingDroppedFrames+1) * _fftPoints], heightOffset * _fftPoints * sizeof(double)) ; } if(drawingDroppedFrames > 0){ // Fill in zeros data for dropped data memset(&_spectrumData[heightOffset * _fftPoints], 0x00, static_cast<int64_t>(drawingDroppedFrames) * _fftPoints * sizeof(double)); } // add the new buffer memcpy(&_spectrumData[(_historyLength - 1) * _fftPoints], fftData, _fftPoints*sizeof(double)); } } double* WaterfallData::getSpectrumDataBuffer() const { return _spectrumData; } void WaterfallData::setSpectrumDataBuffer(const double* newData) { memcpy(_spectrumData, newData, _fftPoints * _historyLength * sizeof(double)); } int WaterfallData::getNumLinesToUpdate() const { return _numLinesToUpdate; } void WaterfallData::setNumLinesToUpdate(const int newNum) { _numLinesToUpdate = newNum; } void WaterfallData::incrementNumLinesToUpdate() { _numLinesToUpdate++; } #endif /* WATERFALL_GLOBAL_DATA_CPP */