/* -*- c++ -*- */ /* * Copyright 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This file is part of GNU Radio * * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) * any later version. * * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include <qtgui/displayform.h> #include <iostream> #include <QPixmap> #include <QFileDialog> DisplayForm::DisplayForm(int nplots, QWidget* parent) : QWidget(parent), _nplots(nplots), _systemSpecifiedFlag(false) { _isclosed = false; // Set the initial plot size resize(QSize(800, 600)); // Set up a grid that can be turned on/off _grid = new QwtPlotGrid(); _grid->setPen(QPen(QColor(Qt::gray))); // Create a set of actions for the menu _stop_act = new QAction("Stop", this); _stop_act->setStatusTip(tr("Start/Stop")); connect(_stop_act, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(setStop())); _stop_state = false; _grid_act = new QAction("Grid", this); _grid_act->setCheckable(true); _grid_act->setStatusTip(tr("Toggle Grid on/off")); connect(_grid_act, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(setGrid(bool))); _grid_state = false; // Create a pop-up menu for manipulating the figure _menu_on = true; _menu = new QMenu(this); _menu->addAction(_stop_act); _menu->addAction(_grid_act); for(int i = 0; i < _nplots; i++) { _line_title_act.push_back(new LineTitleAction(i, this)); _line_color_menu.push_back(new LineColorMenu(i, this)); _line_width_menu.push_back(new LineWidthMenu(i, this)); _line_style_menu.push_back(new LineStyleMenu(i, this)); _line_marker_menu.push_back(new LineMarkerMenu(i, this)); _marker_alpha_menu.push_back(new MarkerAlphaMenu(i, this)); connect(_line_title_act[i], SIGNAL(whichTrigger(int, const QString&)), this, SLOT(setLineLabel(int, const QString&))); for(int j = 0; j < _line_color_menu[i]->getNumActions(); j++) { connect(_line_color_menu[i], SIGNAL(whichTrigger(int, const QString&)), this, SLOT(setLineColor(int, const QString&))); } for(int j = 0; j < _line_width_menu[i]->getNumActions(); j++) { connect(_line_width_menu[i], SIGNAL(whichTrigger(int, int)), this, SLOT(setLineWidth(int, int))); } for(int j = 0; j < _line_style_menu[i]->getNumActions(); j++) { connect(_line_style_menu[i], SIGNAL(whichTrigger(int, Qt::PenStyle)), this, SLOT(setLineStyle(int, Qt::PenStyle))); } for(int j = 0; j < _line_marker_menu[i]->getNumActions(); j++) { connect(_line_marker_menu[i], SIGNAL(whichTrigger(int, QwtSymbol::Style)), this, SLOT(setLineMarker(int, QwtSymbol::Style))); } for(int j = 0; j < _marker_alpha_menu[i]->getNumActions(); j++) { connect(_marker_alpha_menu[i], SIGNAL(whichTrigger(int, int)), this, SLOT(setMarkerAlpha(int, int))); } _lines_menu.push_back(new QMenu(tr(""), this)); _lines_menu[i]->addAction(_line_title_act[i]); _lines_menu[i]->addMenu(_line_color_menu[i]); _lines_menu[i]->addMenu(_line_width_menu[i]); _lines_menu[i]->addMenu(_line_style_menu[i]); _lines_menu[i]->addMenu(_line_marker_menu[i]); _lines_menu[i]->addMenu(_marker_alpha_menu[i]); _menu->addMenu(_lines_menu[i]); } _samp_rate_act = new PopupMenu("Sample Rate", this); _samp_rate_act->setStatusTip(tr("Set Sample Rate")); connect(_samp_rate_act, SIGNAL(whichTrigger(QString)), this, SLOT(setSampleRate(QString))); _menu->addAction(_samp_rate_act); _autoscale_act = new QAction("Auto Scale", this); _autoscale_act->setStatusTip(tr("Autoscale Plot")); _autoscale_act->setCheckable(true); connect(_autoscale_act, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(autoScale(bool))); _autoscale_state = false; _menu->addAction(_autoscale_act); _save_act = new QAction("Save", this); _save_act->setStatusTip(tr("Save Figure")); connect(_save_act, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(saveFigure())); _menu->addAction(_save_act); Reset(); // Create a timer to update plots at the specified rate d_displayTimer = new QTimer(this); connect(d_displayTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateGuiTimer())); } DisplayForm::~DisplayForm() { _isclosed = true; // Qt deletes children when parent is deleted // Don't worry about deleting Display Plots - they are deleted when parents are deleted d_displayTimer->stop(); delete d_displayTimer; } void DisplayForm::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent *e ) { QSize s = size(); emit _displayPlot->resizeSlot(&s); } void DisplayForm::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent * e) { bool ctrloff = Qt::ControlModifier != QApplication::keyboardModifiers(); if((e->button() == Qt::MidButton) && ctrloff && (_menu_on)) { if(_stop_state == false) _stop_act->setText(tr("Stop")); else _stop_act->setText(tr("Start")); // Update the line titles if changed externally for(int i = 0; i < _nplots; i++) { _lines_menu[i]->setTitle(_displayPlot->getLineLabel(i)); } _menu->exec(e->globalPos()); } } void DisplayForm::updateGuiTimer() { _displayPlot->canvas()->update(); } void DisplayForm::onPlotPointSelected(const QPointF p) { emit plotPointSelected(p, 3); } void DisplayForm::Reset() { } bool DisplayForm::isClosed() const { return _isclosed; } void DisplayForm::enableMenu(bool en) { _menu_on = en; } void DisplayForm::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e) { _isclosed = true; qApp->processEvents(); QWidget::closeEvent(e); } void DisplayForm::setUpdateTime(double t) { d_update_time = t; d_displayTimer->start(d_update_time); } void DisplayForm::setTitle(const QString &title) { _displayPlot->setTitle(title); } void DisplayForm::setLineLabel(int which, const QString &label) { _displayPlot->setLineLabel(which, label); } void DisplayForm::setLineColor(int which, const QString &color) { QColor c = QColor(color); _displayPlot->setLineColor(which, c); _displayPlot->replot(); } void DisplayForm::setLineWidth(int which, int width) { _displayPlot->setLineWidth(which, width); _displayPlot->replot(); } void DisplayForm::setLineStyle(int which, Qt::PenStyle style) { _displayPlot->setLineStyle(which, style); _displayPlot->replot(); } void DisplayForm::setLineMarker(int which, QwtSymbol::Style marker) { _displayPlot->setLineMarker(which, marker); _displayPlot->replot(); } void DisplayForm::setMarkerAlpha(int which, int alpha) { _displayPlot->setMarkerAlpha(which, alpha); _displayPlot->replot(); } QString DisplayForm::title() { return _displayPlot->title().text(); } QString DisplayForm::lineLabel(int which) { return _displayPlot->getLineLabel(which); } QString DisplayForm::lineColor(int which) { return _displayPlot->getLineColor(which).name(); } int DisplayForm::lineWidth(int which) { return _displayPlot->getLineWidth(which); } Qt::PenStyle DisplayForm::lineStyle(int which) { return _displayPlot->getLineStyle(which); } QwtSymbol::Style DisplayForm::lineMarker(int which) { return _displayPlot->getLineMarker(which); } int DisplayForm::markerAlpha(int which) { return _displayPlot->getMarkerAlpha(which); } void DisplayForm::setStop(bool on) { if(!on) { // will auto-detach if already attached. _displayPlot->setStop(false); _stop_state = false; } else { _displayPlot->setStop(true); _stop_state = true; } _displayPlot->replot(); } void DisplayForm::setStop() { if(_stop_state == false) setStop(true); else setStop(false); } void DisplayForm::setGrid(bool on) { if(on) { // will auto-detach if already attached. _grid->attach(_displayPlot); _grid_state = true; } else { _grid->detach(); _grid_state = false; } _displayPlot->replot(); } void DisplayForm::saveFigure() { QPixmap qpix = QPixmap::grabWidget(this); QString types = QString(tr("JPEG file (*.jpg);;Portable Network Graphics file (*.png);;Bitmap file (*.bmp);;TIFF file (*.tiff)")); QString filename, filetype; QFileDialog *filebox = new QFileDialog(0, "Save Image", "./", types); filebox->setViewMode(QFileDialog::Detail); if(filebox->exec()) { filename = filebox->selectedFiles()[0]; filetype = filebox->selectedNameFilter(); } else { return; } if(filetype.contains(".jpg")) { qpix.save(filename, "JPEG"); } else if(filetype.contains(".png")) { qpix.save(filename, "PNG"); } else if(filetype.contains(".bmp")) { qpix.save(filename, "BMP"); } else if(filetype.contains(".tiff")) { qpix.save(filename, "TIFF"); } else { qpix.save(filename, "JPEG"); } delete filebox; }