# -*- Makefile -*-
# Copyright 2004,2006,2009,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GNU Radio
# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

# Every Makefile starts with common vars so we can
# consistently use +=
MOSTLYCLEANFILES = $(BUILT_SOURCES) $(STAMPS) *.pyc *.pyo *~ *.tmp *.loT
CLEANFILES = guile.log

# The name of this "out-of-tree" module
modname = howto

# Make rebuilds less verbose with stuff we can safely ignore
# about GNU make only extensions.
AUTOMAKE += -Wno-portability -Wnone

# these flags are used when compiling non-SWIG-wrapper files
# when going in to non-SWIG libraries
AM_CXXFLAGS = @autoconf_default_CXXFLAGS@

# Sets ABI version in SONAME and appends -LIBVER to filename
LTVERSIONFLAGS = -version-info 0:0:0 -release $(LIBVER)

# these flags are used when compiling any CXX file

# these are used by both SWIG and CXX
	-I$(abs_top_srcdir)/lib \

# includes
modincludedir = $(includedir)/$(modname)

# swig includes 
swigincludedir = $(modincludedir)/swig

# Install this stuff in the appropriate subdirectory
# This usually ends up at:
#   ${prefix}/lib/python${python_version}/site-packages/$(modname)

modpythondir = $(pythondir)/$(modname)
modpyexecdir = $(pyexecdir)/$(modname)

# Data directory for grc block wrappers
grc_blocksdir = $(prefix)/share/gnuradio/grc/blocks

# Don't assume that make predefines $(RM), because BSD make does
# not. We define it now in configure.ac using AM_PATH_PROG, but now
# here have to add a -f to be like GNU make.
RM=$(RM_PROG) -f

## SWIG suffixes for automake to know about
SUFFIXES = .i .scm .py

# Compile a .i to what guile needs. We use -o to set the output file name,
# or even with -outdir guile in SWIG_GUILE_ARGS, swig keeps putting a 
# gnuradio_core_*_wrap.cxx in the source directory.
gnuradio/%.scm : %.i
	@echo "Compile .i to .scm"
	@test -d "guile" || $(mkinstalldirs) "guile"
	@test -d "gnuradio" || $(mkinstalldirs) "gnuradio"
	$(SWIG) $(STD_SWIG_GUILE_ARGS) $($*_swig_args) \
		-MD -MF guile/$*.Std \
		-module $* -o guile/$*.cc $<
	$(SED) -e 's|guile/\(.*\)\.cc:|gnuradio/\1.scm:|' guile/$*.Std > guile/$*.d
	$(SED) -i -e 's/<--dummy-[0-9]\+-->/<top>/g' gnuradio/$*.scm
	$(SED) -i -e 's/^(export /(export-safely /' gnuradio/$*.scm
	$(RM) guile/$*.Std

# Compile a .i file to what python needs
	@echo "Compile .i to .py"
	@test -d "python" || $(mkinstalldirs) "python"
	$(SWIG) $(STD_SWIG_PYTHON_ARGS) $($*_swig_args) \
		-MD -MF python/$*.Std \
		-module $* -o python/$*.cc -oh python/$*.h $<
	$(SED) -e 's|python/\(.*\)\.cc:|\1.py:|' python/$*.Std > python/$*.d
	$(RM) python/$*.Std

	@for file in $(no_dist_files); do \
		echo $(RM) $(distdir)/$$file; \
		$(RM) $(distdir)/$$file; \