/* -*- c++ -*- */
 * Copyright 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

#include "config.h"

#include "ldpc_bit_flip_decoder_impl.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <volk/volk.h>
#include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>

namespace gr {
namespace fec {
namespace code {

generic_decoder::sptr ldpc_bit_flip_decoder::make(const fec_mtrx_sptr mtrx_obj,
                                                  unsigned int max_iter)
    return generic_decoder::sptr(new ldpc_bit_flip_decoder_impl(mtrx_obj, max_iter));

ldpc_bit_flip_decoder_impl::ldpc_bit_flip_decoder_impl(const fec_mtrx_sptr mtrx_obj,
                                                       unsigned int max_iter)
    : generic_decoder("ldpc_bit_flip_decoder")
    // FEC matrix object to use for decoding
    d_mtrx = mtrx_obj;

    d_rate = static_cast<double>(d_mtrx->k()) / static_cast<double>(d_mtrx->n());

    // Set frame size to k, the # of bits in the information word
    // All buffers and settings will be based on this value.
    // Maximum number of iterations in the decoding algorithm
    d_max_iterations = max_iter;

ldpc_bit_flip_decoder_impl::~ldpc_bit_flip_decoder_impl() {}

int ldpc_bit_flip_decoder_impl::get_output_size() { return d_output_size; }

int ldpc_bit_flip_decoder_impl::get_input_size() { return d_input_size; }

bool ldpc_bit_flip_decoder_impl::set_frame_size(unsigned int frame_size)
    if (frame_size % d_mtrx->k() != 0) {
                     boost::format("Frame size (%1% bits) must be a "
                                   "multiple of the information word "
                                   "size of the LDPC matrix, %2%") %
                         frame_size % (d_mtrx->k()));
        throw std::runtime_error("ldpc_bit_flip_decoder: cannot use frame size.");

    d_output_size = frame_size;
    d_input_size = static_cast<int>(round(frame_size / d_rate));

    return true;

double ldpc_bit_flip_decoder_impl::rate() { return d_rate; }

void ldpc_bit_flip_decoder_impl::generic_work(void* inbuffer, void* outbuffer)
    // Populate the information word
    const float* in = (const float*)inbuffer;
    unsigned char* out = (unsigned char*)outbuffer;

    int j = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < d_input_size; i += d_mtrx->n()) {
        d_mtrx->decode(&out[j], &in[i], d_mtrx->k(), d_max_iterations);
        j += d_mtrx->k();

} /* ldpc_bit_flip_decoder_impl::generic_work() */

} /* namespace code */
} /* namespace fec */
} /* namespace gr */