/* -*- c++ -*- */
 * Copyright 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
#include "config.h"

#include "ldpc_H_matrix_impl.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <vector>

namespace gr {
namespace fec {
namespace code {

ldpc_H_matrix::sptr ldpc_H_matrix::make(const std::string filename, unsigned int gap)
    return ldpc_H_matrix::sptr(new ldpc_H_matrix_impl(filename, gap));

ldpc_H_matrix_impl::ldpc_H_matrix_impl(const std::string filename, unsigned int gap)
    : fec_mtrx_impl()
    matrix_sptr x = read_matrix_from_file(filename);
    d_num_cols = x->size2;
    d_num_rows = x->size1;
    d_gap = gap;

    // Make an actual copy so we guarantee that we're not sharing
    // memory with another class that reads the same alist file.
    gsl_matrix* temp_mtrx = gsl_matrix_alloc(d_num_rows, d_num_cols);
    gsl_matrix_memcpy(temp_mtrx, (gsl_matrix*)(x.get()));
    d_H_sptr = matrix_sptr((matrix*)temp_mtrx, matrix_free);

    // Length of codeword = # of columns
    d_n = d_num_cols;

    // Length of information word = (# of columns) - (# of rows)
    d_k = d_num_cols - d_num_rows;


    // The parity bits come first in this particular matrix
    // format (specifically required for the Richardson Urbanke
    // encoder)
    d_par_bits_last = false;

} // Constructor

const gsl_matrix* ldpc_H_matrix_impl::A() const
    const gsl_matrix* A_ptr = &d_A_view.matrix;
    return A_ptr;

const gsl_matrix* ldpc_H_matrix_impl::B() const
    const gsl_matrix* B_ptr = &d_B_view.matrix;
    return B_ptr;

const gsl_matrix* ldpc_H_matrix_impl::D() const
    const gsl_matrix* D_ptr = &d_D_view.matrix;
    return D_ptr;

const gsl_matrix* ldpc_H_matrix_impl::E() const
    const gsl_matrix* E_ptr = &d_E_view.matrix;
    return E_ptr;

const gsl_matrix* ldpc_H_matrix_impl::T() const
    const gsl_matrix* T_ptr = &d_T_view.matrix;
    return T_ptr;

const gsl_matrix* ldpc_H_matrix_impl::phi_inverse() const
    const gsl_matrix* phi_inverse_ptr = d_phi_inverse_ptr;
    return phi_inverse_ptr;

void ldpc_H_matrix_impl::set_parameters_for_encoding()

    // This function defines all of the submatrices that will be
    // needed during encoding.

    unsigned int t = d_num_rows - d_gap;

    // T submatrix
    d_T_view = gsl_matrix_submatrix((gsl_matrix*)(d_H_sptr.get()), 0, 0, t, t);

    gsl_matrix* d_T_inverse_ptr;
    try {
        d_T_inverse_ptr = calc_inverse_mod2(&d_T_view.matrix);
    } catch (char const* exceptionString) {
        std::cout << "Error in set_parameters_for_encoding while "
                  << "looking for inverse T matrix: " << exceptionString
                  << "Tip: verify that the correct gap is being "
                  << "specified for this alist file.\n";

        throw std::runtime_error("set_parameters_for_encoding");

    // E submatrix
    d_E_view = gsl_matrix_submatrix(
        (gsl_matrix*)(d_H_sptr.get()), t, 0, d_gap, d_n - d_k - d_gap);

    // A submatrix
    d_A_view = gsl_matrix_submatrix((gsl_matrix*)(d_H_sptr.get()), 0, t, t, d_gap);

    // C submatrix (used to find phi but not during encoding)
    gsl_matrix_view C_view =
        gsl_matrix_submatrix((gsl_matrix*)(d_H_sptr.get()), t, t, d_gap, d_gap);

    // These are just temporary matrices used to find phi.
    gsl_matrix* temp1 = gsl_matrix_alloc(d_E_view.matrix.size1, d_T_inverse_ptr->size2);
    mult_matrices_mod2(temp1, &d_E_view.matrix, d_T_inverse_ptr);

    gsl_matrix* temp2 = gsl_matrix_alloc(temp1->size1, d_A_view.matrix.size2);
    mult_matrices_mod2(temp2, temp1, &d_A_view.matrix);

    // Solve for phi.
    gsl_matrix* phi = gsl_matrix_alloc(C_view.matrix.size1, temp2->size2);
    add_matrices_mod2(phi, &C_view.matrix, temp2);

    // If phi has at least one nonzero entry, try for inverse.
    if (gsl_matrix_max(phi)) {
        try {
            gsl_matrix* inverse_phi = calc_inverse_mod2(phi);

            // At this point, an inverse was found.
            d_phi_inverse_ptr = inverse_phi;

        } catch (char const* exceptionString) {

            std::cout << "Error in set_parameters_for_encoding while"
                      << " finding inverse_phi: " << exceptionString
                      << "Tip: verify that the correct gap is being "
                      << "specified for this alist file.\n";
            throw std::runtime_error("set_parameters_for_encoding");

    // B submatrix
    d_B_view = gsl_matrix_submatrix(
        (gsl_matrix*)(d_H_sptr.get()), 0, t + d_gap, t, d_n - d_gap - t);

    // D submatrix
    d_D_view = gsl_matrix_submatrix(
        (gsl_matrix*)(d_H_sptr.get()), t, t + d_gap, d_gap, d_n - d_gap - t);

    // Free memory

void ldpc_H_matrix_impl::back_solve_mod2(gsl_matrix* x,
                                         const gsl_matrix* U,
                                         const gsl_matrix* y) const
    // Exploit the fact that the matrix T is upper triangular and
    // sparse. In the steps to find p1 and p2, back solve rather
    // than do matrix multiplication to reduce number of
    // operations required.

    // Form is Ux = y where U is upper triangular and y is column
    // vector. Solve for x.

    // Allocate memory for the result
    int num_rows = (*U).size1;
    int num_cols_U = (*U).size2;

    // Back solve
    for (int i = num_rows - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        // x[i] = y[i]
        gsl_matrix_set(x, i, 0, gsl_matrix_get(y, i, 0));

        int j;
        for (j = i + 1; j < num_cols_U; j++) {
            int U_i_j = gsl_matrix_get(U, i, j);
            int x_i = gsl_matrix_get(x, i, 0);
            int x_j = gsl_matrix_get(x, j, 0);
            int temp1 = (U_i_j * x_j) % 2;
            int temp2 = (x_i + temp1) % 2;
            gsl_matrix_set(x, i, 0, temp2);
        // Perform x[i] /= U[i,i], GF(2) operations
        int U_i_i = gsl_matrix_get(U, i, i);
        int x_i = gsl_matrix_get(x, i, 0);
        if (x_i == 0 && U_i_i == 1)
            gsl_matrix_set(x, i, 0, 0);
        else if (x_i == 0 && U_i_i == 0)
            gsl_matrix_set(x, i, 0, 0);
        else if (x_i == 1 && U_i_i == 1)
            gsl_matrix_set(x, i, 0, 1);
        else if (x_i == 1 && U_i_i == 0)
            std::cout << "Error in "
                      << " ldpc_H_matrix_impl::back_solve_mod2,"
                      << " division not defined.\n";
            std::cout << "Error in ldpc_H_matrix::back_solve_mod2\n";

void ldpc_H_matrix_impl::encode(unsigned char* outbuffer,
                                const unsigned char* inbuffer) const

    // Temporary matrix for storing stages of encoding.
    gsl_matrix *s, *p1, *p2;
    gsl_matrix *temp1, *temp2, *temp3, *temp4, *temp5, *temp6, *temp7;

    unsigned int index, k = d_k;
    s = gsl_matrix_alloc(k, 1);
    for (index = 0; index < k; index++) {
        double value = static_cast<double>(inbuffer[index]);
        gsl_matrix_set(s, index, 0, value);

    // Solve for p2 (parity part). By using back substitution,
    // the overall complexity of determining p2 is O(n + g^2).
    temp1 = gsl_matrix_alloc(B()->size1, s->size2);
    mult_matrices_mod2(temp1, B(), s);

    temp2 = gsl_matrix_alloc(T()->size1, 1);
    back_solve_mod2(temp2, T(), temp1);

    temp3 = gsl_matrix_alloc(E()->size1, temp2->size2);
    mult_matrices_mod2(temp3, E(), temp2);

    temp4 = gsl_matrix_alloc(D()->size1, s->size2);
    mult_matrices_mod2(temp4, D(), s);

    temp5 = gsl_matrix_alloc(temp4->size1, temp3->size2);
    add_matrices_mod2(temp5, temp4, temp3);

    p2 = gsl_matrix_alloc(phi_inverse()->size1, temp5->size2);
    mult_matrices_mod2(p2, phi_inverse(), temp5);

    // Solve for p1 (parity part). By using back substitution,
    // the overall complexity of determining p1 is O(n).
    temp6 = gsl_matrix_alloc(A()->size1, p2->size2);
    mult_matrices_mod2(temp6, A(), p2);

    temp7 = gsl_matrix_alloc(temp6->size1, temp1->size2);
    add_matrices_mod2(temp7, temp6, temp1);

    p1 = gsl_matrix_alloc(T()->size1, 1);
    back_solve_mod2(p1, T(), temp7);

    // Populate the codeword to be output
    unsigned int p1_length = (*p1).size1;
    unsigned int p2_length = (*p2).size1;
    for (index = 0; index < p1_length; index++) {
        int value = gsl_matrix_get(p1, index, 0);
        outbuffer[index] = value;
    for (index = 0; index < p2_length; index++) {
        int value = gsl_matrix_get(p2, index, 0);
        outbuffer[p1_length + index] = value;
    for (index = 0; index < k; index++) {
        int value = gsl_matrix_get(s, index, 0);
        outbuffer[p1_length + p2_length + index] = value;

    // Free temporary matrices

void ldpc_H_matrix_impl::decode(unsigned char* outbuffer,
                                const float* inbuffer,
                                unsigned int frame_size,
                                unsigned int max_iterations) const
    unsigned int index, n = d_n;
    gsl_matrix* x = gsl_matrix_alloc(n, 1);
    for (index = 0; index < n; index++) {
        double value = inbuffer[index] > 0 ? 1.0 : 0.0;
        gsl_matrix_set(x, index, 0, value);

    // Initialize counter
    unsigned int count = 0;

    // Calculate syndrome
    gsl_matrix* syndrome = gsl_matrix_alloc(H()->size1, x->size2);
    mult_matrices_mod2(syndrome, H(), x);

    // Flag for finding a valid codeword
    bool found_word = false;

    // If the syndrome is all 0s, then codeword is valid and we
    // don't need to loop; we're done.
    if (gsl_matrix_isnull(syndrome)) {
        found_word = true;

    // Loop until valid codeword is found, or max number of
    // iterations is reached, whichever comes first
    while ((count < max_iterations) && !found_word) {
        // For each of the n bits in the codeword, determine how
        // many of the unsatisfied parity checks involve that bit.
        // To do this, first find the nonzero entries in the
        // syndrome. The entry numbers correspond to the rows of
        // interest in H.
        std::vector<int> rows_of_interest_in_H;
        for (index = 0; index < (*syndrome).size1; index++) {
            if (gsl_matrix_get(syndrome, index, 0)) {

        // Second, for each bit, determine how many of the
        // unsatisfied parity checks involve this bit and store
        // the count.
        unsigned int i, col_num, n = d_n;
        std::vector<int> counts(n, 0);
        for (i = 0; i < rows_of_interest_in_H.size(); i++) {
            unsigned int row_num = rows_of_interest_in_H[i];
            for (col_num = 0; col_num < n; col_num++) {
                double value = gsl_matrix_get(H(), row_num, col_num);
                if (value > 0) {
                    counts[col_num] = counts[col_num] + 1;

        // Next, determine which bit(s) is associated with the most
        // unsatisfied parity checks, and flip it/them.
        int max = 0;
        for (index = 0; index < n; index++) {
            if (counts[index] > max) {
                max = counts[index];

        for (index = 0; index < n; index++) {
            if (counts[index] == max) {
                unsigned int value = gsl_matrix_get(x, index, 0);
                unsigned int new_value = value ^ 1;
                gsl_matrix_set(x, index, 0, new_value);

        // Check the syndrome; see if valid codeword has been found
        mult_matrices_mod2(syndrome, H(), x);
        if (gsl_matrix_isnull(syndrome)) {
            found_word = true;

    // Extract the info word and assign to output. This will
    // happen regardless of if a valid codeword was found.
    if (parity_bits_come_last()) {
        for (index = 0; index < frame_size; index++) {
            outbuffer[index] = gsl_matrix_get(x, index, 0);
    } else {
        for (index = 0; index < frame_size; index++) {
            unsigned int i = index + n - frame_size;
            int value = gsl_matrix_get(x, i, 0);
            outbuffer[index] = value;

    // Free memory

gr::fec::code::fec_mtrx_sptr ldpc_H_matrix_impl::get_base_sptr()
    return shared_from_this();


    // Call the gsl_matrix_free function to free memory.
} /* namespace code */
} /* namespace fec */
} /* namespace gr */