/* -*- c++ -*- */
 * Copyright 2014,2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 * This file is part of GNU Radio
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

#include "config.h"

#include "atsc_sync_impl.h"
#include "atsc_types.h"
#include <gnuradio/io_signature.h>

namespace gr {
namespace dtv {

static const double LOOP_FILTER_TAP = 0.0005; // 0.0005 works
static const double ADJUSTMENT_GAIN = 1.0e-5 / (10 * ATSC_DATA_SEGMENT_LENGTH);
static const int SYMBOL_INDEX_OFFSET = 3;
static const int MIN_SEG_LOCK_CORRELATION_VALUE = 5;
static const signed char SSI_MIN = -16;
static const signed char SSI_MAX = 15;

atsc_sync::sptr atsc_sync::make(float rate)
    return gnuradio::make_block_sptr<atsc_sync_impl>(rate);

atsc_sync_impl::atsc_sync_impl(float rate)
    : gr::block("dtv_atsc_sync",
                io_signature::make(1, 1, sizeof(float)),
                io_signature::make(1, 1, ATSC_DATA_SEGMENT_LENGTH * sizeof(float))),
      d_rx_clock_to_symbol_freq(rate / ATSC_SYMBOL_RATE),

void atsc_sync_impl::reset()
    d_w = d_rx_clock_to_symbol_freq;
    d_mu = 0.5;

    d_timing_adjust = 0;
    d_counter = 0;
    d_symbol_index = 0;
    d_seg_locked = false;

    d_sr = 0;

           ATSC_DATA_SEGMENT_LENGTH * sizeof(*d_sample_mem)); // (float)0 = 0x00000000
           ATSC_DATA_SEGMENT_LENGTH * sizeof(*d_data_mem)); // (float)0 = 0x00000000
           ATSC_DATA_SEGMENT_LENGTH * sizeof(*d_integrator)); // signed char

atsc_sync_impl::~atsc_sync_impl() {}

void atsc_sync_impl::forecast(int noutput_items, gr_vector_int& ninput_items_required)
    unsigned ninputs = ninput_items_required.size();
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < ninputs; i++)
        ninput_items_required[i] =
            static_cast<int>(noutput_items * d_rx_clock_to_symbol_freq *
                             ATSC_DATA_SEGMENT_LENGTH) +
            1500 - 1;

int atsc_sync_impl::general_work(int noutput_items,
                                 gr_vector_int& ninput_items,
                                 gr_vector_const_void_star& input_items,
                                 gr_vector_void_star& output_items)
    const float* in = static_cast<const float*>(input_items[0]);
    float* out = static_cast<float*>(output_items[0]);

    float interp_sample;

    // amount actually consumed
    d_si = 0;

    for (d_output_produced = 0; d_output_produced < noutput_items &&
                                (d_si + (int)d_interp.ntaps()) < ninput_items[0];) {
        // First we interpolate a sample from input to work with
        interp_sample = d_interp.interpolate(&in[d_si], d_mu);

        // Apply our timing adjustment slowly over several samples
        d_mu += ADJUSTMENT_GAIN * 1e3 * d_timing_adjust;

        double s = d_mu + d_w;
        double float_incr = floor(s);
        d_mu = s - float_incr;
        d_incr = (int)float_incr;

        assert(d_incr >= 1 && d_incr <= 3);
        d_si += d_incr;

        // Remember the sample at this count position
        d_sample_mem[d_counter] = interp_sample;

        // Is the sample positive or negative?
        int bit = (interp_sample < 0 ? 0 : 1);

        // Put the sign bit into our shift register
        d_sr = ((bit & 1) << 3) | (d_sr >> 1);

        // When +,-,-,+ (0x9, 1001) samples show up we have likely found a segment
        // sync, it is more likely the segment sync will show up at about the same
        // spot every ATSC_DATA_SEGMENT_LENGTH samples so we add some weight
        // to this spot every pass to prevent random +,-,-,+ symbols from
        // confusing our synchronizer
        d_integrator[d_counter] += ((d_sr == 0x9) ? +2 : -1);
        if (d_integrator[d_counter] < SSI_MIN)
            d_integrator[d_counter] = SSI_MIN;
        if (d_integrator[d_counter] > SSI_MAX)
            d_integrator[d_counter] = SSI_MAX;

        if (d_symbol_index >= ATSC_DATA_SEGMENT_LENGTH)
            d_symbol_index = 0;

        if (d_counter >= ATSC_DATA_SEGMENT_LENGTH) { // counter just wrapped...
            int best_correlation_value = d_integrator[0];
            int best_correlation_index = 0;

            for (int i = 1; i < ATSC_DATA_SEGMENT_LENGTH; i++)
                if (d_integrator[i] > best_correlation_value) {
                    best_correlation_value = d_integrator[i];
                    best_correlation_index = i;

            d_seg_locked = best_correlation_value >= MIN_SEG_LOCK_CORRELATION_VALUE;

            // the coefficients are -1,-1,+1,+1
            // d_timing_adjust = d_sample_mem[best_correlation_index - 3] +
            //                   d_sample_mem[best_correlation_index - 2] -
            //                   d_sample_mem[best_correlation_index - 1] -
            //                   d_sample_mem[best_correlation_index];

            int corr_count = best_correlation_index;

            d_timing_adjust = -d_sample_mem[corr_count--];
            if (corr_count < 0)
                corr_count = ATSC_DATA_SEGMENT_LENGTH - 1;
            d_timing_adjust -= d_sample_mem[corr_count--];
            if (corr_count < 0)
                corr_count = ATSC_DATA_SEGMENT_LENGTH - 1;
            d_timing_adjust += d_sample_mem[corr_count--];
            if (corr_count < 0)
                corr_count = ATSC_DATA_SEGMENT_LENGTH - 1;
            d_timing_adjust += d_sample_mem[corr_count--];

            d_symbol_index = SYMBOL_INDEX_OFFSET - 1 - best_correlation_index;
            if (d_symbol_index < 0)
                d_symbol_index += ATSC_DATA_SEGMENT_LENGTH;

            d_counter = 0;

        // If we are locked we can start filling and producing data packets
        // Due to the way we lock the first data packet will almost always be
        // half full, this is OK because the fs_checker will not let packets though
        // until a non-corrupted field packet is found
        if (d_seg_locked) {
            d_data_mem[d_symbol_index] = interp_sample;

            if (d_symbol_index >= (ATSC_DATA_SEGMENT_LENGTH - 1)) {
                memcpy(&out[d_output_produced * ATSC_DATA_SEGMENT_LENGTH],
                       ATSC_DATA_SEGMENT_LENGTH * sizeof(float));

    return d_output_produced;

} /* namespace dtv */
} /* namespace gr */