# Copyright 2005,2006,2011,2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GNU Radio
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

QAM modulation and demodulation.

from math import pi, sqrt, log

from gnuradio import gr
from .generic_mod_demod import generic_mod, generic_demod
from .generic_mod_demod import shared_mod_args, shared_demod_args
from .utils.gray_code import gray_code
from .utils import mod_codes
from . import modulation_utils
from . import digital_python as digital

# Default number of points in constellation.
_def_constellation_points = 16
# Whether the quadrant bits are coded differentially.
_def_differential = True
# Whether gray coding is used.  If differential is True then gray
# coding is used within but not between each quadrant.
_def_mod_code = mod_codes.NO_CODE

def is_power_of_four(x):
    v = log(x) / log(4)
    return int(v) == v

def get_bit(x, n):
    """ Get the n'th bit of integer x (from little end)."""
    return (x & (0x01 << n)) >> n

def get_bits(x, n, k):
    """ Get the k bits of integer x starting at bit n(from little end)."""
    # Remove the n smallest bits
    v = x >> n
    # Remove all bits bigger than n+k-1
    return v % pow(2, k)

def make_differential_constellation(m, gray_coded):
    Create a constellation with m possible symbols where m must be
    a power of 4.

    Points are laid out in a square grid.

    Bits referring to the quadrant are differentilly encoded,
    remaining bits are gray coded.

    sqrtm = pow(m, 0.5)
    if (not isinstance(m, int) or m < 4 or not is_power_of_four(m)):
        raise ValueError("m must be a power of 4 integer.")
    # Each symbol holds k bits.
    k = int(log(m) / log(2.0))
    # First create a constellation for one quadrant containing m/4 points.
    # The quadrant has 'side' points along each side of a quadrant.
    side = int(sqrtm / 2)
    if gray_coded:
        # Number rows and columns using gray codes.
        gcs = gray_code(side)
        # Get inverse gray codes.
        i_gcs = dict([(v, key) for key, v in enumerate(gcs)])
        i_gcs = dict([(i, i) for i in range(0, side)])
    # The distance between points is found.
    step = 1 / (side - 0.5)

    gc_to_x = [(i_gcs[gc] + 0.5) * step for gc in range(0, side)]

    # Takes the (x, y) location of the point with the quadrant along
    # with the quadrant number. (x, y) are integers referring to which
    # point within the quadrant it is.
    # A complex number representing this location of this point is returned.
    def get_c(gc_x, gc_y, quad):
        if quad == 0:
            return complex(gc_to_x[gc_x], gc_to_x[gc_y])
        if quad == 1:
            return complex(-gc_to_x[gc_y], gc_to_x[gc_x])
        if quad == 2:
            return complex(-gc_to_x[gc_x], -gc_to_x[gc_y])
        if quad == 3:
            return complex(gc_to_x[gc_y], -gc_to_x[gc_x])
        raise Exception("Impossible!")

    # First two bits determine quadrant.
    # Next (k-2)/2 bits determine x position.
    # Following (k-2)/2 bits determine y position.
    # How x and y relate to real and imag depends on quadrant (see get_c
    # function).
    const_map = []
    for i in range(m):
        y = get_bits(i, 0, (k - 2) // 2)
        x = get_bits(i, (k - 2) // 2, (k - 2) // 2)
        quad = get_bits(i, k - 2, 2)
        const_map.append(get_c(x, y, quad))

    return const_map

def make_non_differential_constellation(m, gray_coded):
    side = int(pow(m, 0.5))
    if (not isinstance(m, int) or m < 4 or not is_power_of_four(m)):
        raise ValueError("m must be a power of 4 integer.")
    # Each symbol holds k bits.
    k = int(log(m) / log(2.0))
    if gray_coded:
        # Number rows and columns using gray codes.
        gcs = gray_code(side)
        # Get inverse gray codes.
        i_gcs = mod_codes.invert_code(gcs)
        i_gcs = list(range(0, side))
    # The distance between points is found.
    step = 2.0 / (side - 1)

    gc_to_x = [-1 + i_gcs[gc] * step for gc in range(0, side)]
    # First k/2 bits determine x position.
    # Following k/2 bits determine y position.
    const_map = []
    for i in range(m):
        y = gc_to_x[get_bits(i, 0, k // 2)]
        x = gc_to_x[get_bits(i, k // 2, k // 2)]
        const_map.append(complex(x, y))
    return const_map

# /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#                           QAM constellation
# /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

def qam_constellation(constellation_points=_def_constellation_points,
    Creates a QAM constellation object.

    If large_ampls_to_corners=True then sectors that are probably
    occupied due to a phase offset, are not mapped to the closest
    constellation point.  Rather we take into account the fact that a
    phase offset is probably the problem and map them to the closest
    corner point.  It's a bit hackish but it seems to improve
    frequency locking.
    if mod_code == mod_codes.GRAY_CODE:
        gray_coded = True
    elif mod_code == mod_codes.NO_CODE:
        gray_coded = False
        raise ValueError("Mod code is not implemented for QAM")
    if differential:
        points = make_differential_constellation(
            constellation_points, gray_coded=False)
        points = make_non_differential_constellation(
            constellation_points, gray_coded)
    side = int(sqrt(constellation_points))
    width = 2.0 / (side - 1)

    # No pre-diff code
    # Should add one so that we can gray-code the quadrant bits too.
    pre_diff_code = []
    if not large_ampls_to_corners:
        constellation = digital.constellation_rect(points, pre_diff_code, 4,
                                                   side, side, width, width)
        sector_values = large_ampls_to_corners_mapping(side, points, width)
        constellation = digital.constellation_expl_rect(
            points, pre_diff_code, 4, side, side, width, width, sector_values)

    return constellation

def find_closest_point(p, qs):
    Return in index of the closest point in 'qs' to 'p'.
    min_dist = None
    min_i = None
    for i, q in enumerate(qs):
        dist = abs(q - p)
        if min_dist is None or dist < min_dist:
            min_dist = dist
            min_i = i
    return min_i

def large_ampls_to_corners_mapping(side, points, width):
    We have a grid that we use for decision making.  One additional row/column
    is placed on each side of the grid.  Points in these additional rows/columns
    are mapped to the corners rather than the closest constellation points.

        side: The number of rows/columns in the grid that we use to do
              decision making.
        points: The list of constellation points.
        width: The width of the rows/columns.

        sector_values maps the sector index to the constellation
        point index.
    # First find the indices of the corner points.
    # Assume the corner points are the 4 points with the largest magnitudes.
    corner_indices = []
    corner_points = []
    max_mag = 0
    for i, p in enumerate(points):
        if abs(p) > max_mag:
            corner_indices = [i]
            corner_points = [p]
            max_mag = abs(p)
        elif abs(p) == max_mag:
    if len(corner_indices) != 4:
        raise ValueError("Found {0} corner indices.  Expected 4."
    # We want an additional layer around the constellation
    # Value in this extra layer will be mapped to the closest corner rather
    # than the closest constellation point.
    extra_layers = 1
    side = side + extra_layers * 2
    # Calculate sector values
    sector_values = []
    for real_x in range(side):
        for imag_x in range(side):
            sector = real_x * side + imag_x
            # If this sector is a normal constellation sector then
            # use the center point.
            c = ((real_x - side / 2.0 + 0.5) * width +
                 (imag_x - side / 2.0 + 0.5) * width * 1j)
            if (real_x >= extra_layers and real_x < side - extra_layers
                    and imag_x >= extra_layers and imag_x < side - extra_layers):
                # This is not an edge row/column.  Find closest point.
                index = find_closest_point(c, points)
                # This is an edge. Find closest corner point.
                index = corner_indices[find_closest_point(c, corner_points)]
    return sector_values

modulation_utils.add_type_1_constellation('qam', qam_constellation)