#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is part of GNU Radio # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # # import numpy from .constellation_map_generator import constellation_map_generator ''' Note on the naming scheme. Each constellation is named using a prefix for the type of constellation, the order of the constellation, and a distinguishing feature, which comes in three modes: - No extra feature: the basic Gray-coded constellation map; others will be derived from this type. - A single number: an indexed number to uniquely identify different constellation maps. - 0xN_x0_x1..._xM: A permutation of the base constellation, explained below. For rectangular constellations (BPSK, QPSK, QAM), we can define a hyperspace and look for all symmetries. This is also known as the automorphism group of the hypercube, aka the hyperoctahedral group. What this means is that we can easily define all possible rotations in terms of the first base mapping by creating the mapping: f(x) = k XOR pi(x) The x is the bit string for the symbol we are altering. Then k is a bit string of n bits where n is the number of bits per symbol in the constellation (e.g., 2 for QPSK or 6 for QAM64). The pi is a permutation function specified as pi_0, pi_1..., pi_n-1. This permutes the bits from the base constellation symbol to a new code, which is then xor'd by k. The value of k is from 0 to 2^n-1 and pi is a list of all bit positions. The total number of Gray coded modulations is (2^n)*(n!). We create aliases for all possible naming schemes for the constellations. So if a hyperoctahedral group is defined, we also set this function equal to a function name using a unique ID number, and we always select one rotation as our basic rotation that the other rotations are based off of. ''' # BPSK Constellation Mappings def psk_2_0x0(): ''' 0 | 1 ''' const_points = [-1, 1] symbols = [0, 1] return (const_points, symbols) psk_2 = psk_2_0x0 # Basic BPSK rotation psk_2_0 = psk_2 # First ID for BPSK rotations def psk_2_0x1(): ''' 1 | 0 ''' const_points = [-1, 1] symbols = [1, 0] return (const_points, symbols) psk_2_1 = psk_2_0x1 ############################################################ # BPSK Soft bit LUT generators ############################################################ def sd_psk_2_0x0(x, Es=1): ''' 0 | 1 ''' x_re = x.real dist = Es * numpy.sqrt(2) return [dist * x_re, ] sd_psk_2 = sd_psk_2_0x0 # Basic BPSK rotation sd_psk_2_0 = sd_psk_2 # First ID for BPSK rotations def sd_psk_2_0x1(x, Es=1): ''' 1 | 0 ''' x_re = [x.real, ] dist = Es * numpy.sqrt(2) return -dist * x_re sd_psk_2_1 = sd_psk_2_0x1 ############################################################ # QPSK Constellation Mappings ############################################################ def psk_4_0x0_0_1(): ''' | 10 | 11 | ------- | 00 | 01 ''' const_points = [-1 - 1j, 1 - 1j, -1 + 1j, 1 + 1j] symbols = [0, 1, 2, 3] return (const_points, symbols) psk_4 = psk_4_0x0_0_1 psk_4_0 = psk_4 def psk_4_0x1_0_1(): ''' | 11 | 10 | ------- | 01 | 00 ''' k = 0x1 pi = [0, 1] return constellation_map_generator(psk_4()[0], psk_4()[1], k, pi) psk_4_1 = psk_4_0x1_0_1 def psk_4_0x2_0_1(): ''' | 00 | 01 | ------- | 10 | 11 ''' k = 0x2 pi = [0, 1] return constellation_map_generator(psk_4()[0], psk_4()[1], k, pi) psk_4_2 = psk_4_0x2_0_1 def psk_4_0x3_0_1(): ''' | 01 | 00 | ------- | 11 | 10 ''' k = 0x3 pi = [0, 1] return constellation_map_generator(psk_4()[0], psk_4()[1], k, pi) psk_4_3 = psk_4_0x3_0_1 def psk_4_0x0_1_0(): ''' | 01 | 11 | ------- | 00 | 10 ''' k = 0x0 pi = [1, 0] return constellation_map_generator(psk_4()[0], psk_4()[1], k, pi) psk_4_4 = psk_4_0x0_1_0 def psk_4_0x1_1_0(): ''' | 00 | 10 | ------- | 01 | 11 ''' k = 0x1 pi = [1, 0] return constellation_map_generator(psk_4()[0], psk_4()[1], k, pi) psk_4_5 = psk_4_0x1_1_0 def psk_4_0x2_1_0(): ''' | 11 | 01 | ------- | 10 | 00 ''' k = 0x2 pi = [1, 0] return constellation_map_generator(psk_4()[0], psk_4()[1], k, pi) psk_4_6 = psk_4_0x2_1_0 def psk_4_0x3_1_0(): ''' | 10 | 00 | ------- | 11 | 01 ''' k = 0x3 pi = [1, 0] return constellation_map_generator(psk_4()[0], psk_4()[1], k, pi) psk_4_7 = psk_4_0x3_1_0 ############################################################ # QPSK Constellation Softbit LUT generators ############################################################ def sd_psk_4_0x0_0_1(x, Es=1): ''' | 10 | 11 | ------- | 00 | 01 ''' x_re = x.real x_im = x.imag dist = Es * numpy.sqrt(2) return [dist * x_im, dist * x_re] sd_psk_4 = sd_psk_4_0x0_0_1 sd_psk_4_0 = sd_psk_4 def sd_psk_4_0x1_0_1(x, Es=1): ''' | 11 | 10 | ------- | 01 | 00 ''' x_re = x.real x_im = x.imag dist = Es * numpy.sqrt(2) return [dist * x_im, -dist * x_re] sd_psk_4_1 = sd_psk_4_0x1_0_1 def sd_psk_4_0x2_0_1(x, Es=1): ''' | 00 | 01 | ------- | 10 | 11 ''' x_re = x.real x_im = x.imag dist = Es * numpy.sqrt(2) return [-dist * x_im, dist * x_re] sd_psk_4_2 = sd_psk_4_0x2_0_1 def sd_psk_4_0x3_0_1(x, Es=1): ''' | 01 | 00 | ------- | 11 | 10 ''' x_re = x.real x_im = x.imag dist = Es * numpy.sqrt(2) return [-dist * x_im, -dist * x_re] sd_psk_4_3 = sd_psk_4_0x3_0_1 def sd_psk_4_0x0_1_0(x, Es=1): ''' | 01 | 11 | ------- | 00 | 10 ''' x_re = x.real x_im = x.imag dist = Es * numpy.sqrt(2) return [dist * x_re, dist * x_im] sd_psk_4_4 = sd_psk_4_0x0_1_0 def sd_psk_4_0x1_1_0(x, Es=1): ''' | 00 | 10 | ------- | 01 | 11 ''' x_re = x.real x_im = x.imag dist = Es * numpy.sqrt(2) return [dist * x_re, -dist * x_im] sd_psk_4_5 = sd_psk_4_0x1_1_0 def sd_psk_4_0x2_1_0(x, Es=1): ''' | 11 | 01 | ------- | 10 | 00 ''' x_re = x.real x_im = x.imag dist = Es * numpy.sqrt(2) return [-dist * x_re, dist * x_im] sd_psk_4_6 = sd_psk_4_0x2_1_0 def sd_psk_4_0x3_1_0(x, Es=1): ''' | 10 | 00 | ------- | 11 | 01 ''' x_re = x.real x_im = x.imag dist = Es * numpy.sqrt(2) return [-dist * x_re, -dist * x_im] sd_psk_4_7 = sd_psk_4_0x3_1_0