# CPM modulation and demodulation.
# Copyright 2005-2007,2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GNU Radio
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

# See gnuradio-examples/python/digital for examples

from math import pi
import numpy

from gnuradio import gr, filter
from gnuradio import analog
from gnuradio import blocks
from . import digital_python
from . import modulation_utils

# default values (used in __init__ and add_options)
_def_samples_per_symbol = 2
_def_bits_per_symbol = 1
_def_h_numerator = 1
_def_h_denominator = 2
_def_cpm_type = 0  # 0=CPFSK, 1=GMSK, 2=RC, 3=GENERAL
_def_bt = 0.35
_def_symbols_per_pulse = 1
_def_generic_taps = numpy.empty(1)
_def_verbose = False
_def_log = False

# /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#                              CPM modulator
# /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

class cpm_mod(gr.hier_block2):
    Hierarchical block for Continuous Phase modulation.

    The input is a byte stream (unsigned char) representing packed
    bits and the output is the complex modulated signal at baseband.

    See Proakis for definition of generic CPM signals:
    s(t)=exp(j phi(t))
    phi(t)= 2 pi h int_0^t f(t') dt'
    f(t)=sum_k a_k g(t-kT)
    (normalizing assumption: int_0^infty g(t) dt = 1/2)

        samples_per_symbol: samples per baud >= 2 (integer)
        bits_per_symbol: bits per symbol (integer)
        h_numerator: numerator of modulation index (integer)
        h_denominator: denominator of modulation index (numerator and denominator must be relative primes) (integer)
        cpm_type: supported types are: 0=CPFSK, 1=GMSK, 2=RC, 3=GENERAL (integer)
        bt: bandwidth symbol time product for GMSK (float)
        symbols_per_pulse: shaping pulse duration in symbols (integer)
        generic_taps: define a generic CPM pulse shape (sum = samples_per_symbol/2) (list/array of floats)
        verbose: Print information about modulator? (boolean)
        debug: Print modulation data to files? (boolean)

    def __init__(self,

        gr.hier_block2.__init__(self, "cpm_mod",
                                # Input signature
                                gr.io_signature(1, 1, gr.sizeof_char),
                                gr.io_signature(1, 1, gr.sizeof_gr_complex))  # Output signature

        self._samples_per_symbol = samples_per_symbol
        self._bits_per_symbol = bits_per_symbol
        self._h_numerator = h_numerator
        self._h_denominator = h_denominator
        self._cpm_type = cpm_type
        self._bt = bt
        if cpm_type == 0 or cpm_type == 2 or cpm_type == 3:  # CPFSK, RC, Generic
            self._symbols_per_pulse = symbols_per_pulse
        elif cpm_type == 1:  # GMSK
            self._symbols_per_pulse = 4
            raise TypeError(
                "cpm_type must be an integer in {0,1,2,3}, is %r" % (cpm_type,))

        self._generic_taps = numpy.array(generic_taps)

        if samples_per_symbol < 2:
            raise TypeError("samples_per_symbol must be >= 2, is %r" %

        self.nsymbols = 2**bits_per_symbol
        self.sym_alphabet = numpy.arange(-(self.nsymbols - 1),
                                         self.nsymbols, 2).tolist()

        self.ntaps = int(self._symbols_per_pulse * samples_per_symbol)
        sensitivity = 2 * pi * h_numerator / h_denominator / samples_per_symbol

        # Unpack Bytes into bits_per_symbol groups
        self.B2s = blocks.packed_to_unpacked_bb(
            bits_per_symbol, gr.GR_MSB_FIRST)

        # Turn it into symmetric PAM data.
        self.pam = digital_python.chunks_to_symbols_bf(self.sym_alphabet, 1)

        # Generate pulse (sum of taps = samples_per_symbol/2)
        if cpm_type == 0:  # CPFSK
            self.taps = (1.0 / self._symbols_per_pulse / 2,) * self.ntaps
        elif cpm_type == 1:  # GMSK
            gaussian_taps = filter.firdes.gaussian(
                1.0 / 2,                     # gain
                samples_per_symbol,    # symbol_rate
                bt,                    # bandwidth * symbol time
                self.ntaps                  # number of taps
            sqwave = (1,) * samples_per_symbol       # rectangular window
            self.taps = numpy.convolve(numpy.array(
                gaussian_taps), numpy.array(sqwave))
        elif cpm_type == 2:  # Raised Cosine
            # generalize it for arbitrary roll-off factor
            self.taps = (1 - numpy.cos(2 * pi * numpy.arange(0 / self.ntaps /
                         samples_per_symbol / self._symbols_per_pulse)), (2 * self._symbols_per_pulse))
        elif cpm_type == 3:  # Generic CPM
            self.taps = generic_taps
            raise TypeError(
                "cpm_type must be an integer in {0,1,2,3}, is %r" % (cpm_type,))

        self.filter = filter.pfb.arb_resampler_fff(
            samples_per_symbol, self.taps)

        # FM modulation
        self.fmmod = analog.frequency_modulator_fc(sensitivity)

        if verbose:

        if log:

        # Connect
        self.connect(self, self.B2s, self.pam, self.filter, self.fmmod, self)

    def samples_per_symbol(self):
        return self._samples_per_symbol

    def bits_per_symbol(self):
        return self._bits_per_symbol

    def h_numerator(self):
        return self._h_numerator

    def h_denominator(self):
        return self._h_denominator

    def cpm_type(self):
        return self._cpm_type

    def bt(self):
        return self._bt

    def symbols_per_pulse(self):
        return self._symbols_per_pulse

    def _print_verbage(self):
        print("Samples per symbol = %d" % self._samples_per_symbol)
        print("Bits per symbol = %d" % self._bits_per_symbol)
        print("h = ", self._h_numerator, " / ", self._h_denominator)
        print("Symbol alphabet = ", self.sym_alphabet)
        print("Symbols per pulse = %d" % self._symbols_per_pulse)
        print("taps = ", self.taps)

        print("CPM type = %d" % self._cpm_type)
        if self._cpm_type == 1:
            print("Gaussian filter BT = %.2f" % self._bt)

    def _setup_logging(self):
        print("Modulation logging turned on.")
                     blocks.file_sink(gr.sizeof_float, "symbols.dat"))
                     blocks.file_sink(gr.sizeof_float, "pam.dat"))
                     blocks.file_sink(gr.sizeof_float, "filter.dat"))
                     blocks.file_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, "fmmod.dat"))

    def add_options(parser):
        Adds CPM modulation-specific options to the standard parser
        parser.add_option("", "--bt", type="float", default=_def_bt,
                          help="set bandwidth-time product [default=%default] (GMSK)")

    def extract_kwargs_from_options(options):
        Given command line options, create dictionary suitable for passing to __init__
        return modulation_utils.extract_kwargs_from_options(cpm_mod.__init__,
                                                            ('self',), options)

# /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#                            CPM demodulator
# /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
# Not yet implemented
# Add these to the mod/demod registry
modulation_utils.add_type_1_mod('cpm', cpm_mod)
#modulation_utils.add_type_1_demod('cpm', cpm_demod)