/* * Copyright 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This file is part of GNU Radio * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later * */ /***********************************************************************************/ /* This file is automatically generated using bindtool and can be manually edited */ /* The following lines can be configured to regenerate this file during cmake */ /* If manual edits are made, the following tags should be modified accordingly. */ /* BINDTOOL_GEN_AUTOMATIC(0) */ /* BINDTOOL_USE_PYGCCXML(0) */ /* BINDTOOL_HEADER_FILE(scrambler_bb.h) */ /* BINDTOOL_HEADER_FILE_HASH(857ba8ebaf0d0a1080493edc410b3aea) */ /***********************************************************************************/ #include <pybind11/complex.h> #include <pybind11/pybind11.h> #include <pybind11/stl.h> namespace py = pybind11; #include <gnuradio/digital/scrambler_bb.h> // pydoc.h is automatically generated in the build directory #include <scrambler_bb_pydoc.h> void bind_scrambler_bb(py::module& m) { using scrambler_bb = ::gr::digital::scrambler_bb; py::class_<scrambler_bb, gr::sync_block, gr::block, gr::basic_block, std::shared_ptr<scrambler_bb>>(m, "scrambler_bb", D(scrambler_bb)) .def(py::init(&scrambler_bb::make), py::arg("mask"), py::arg("seed"), py::arg("len"), D(scrambler_bb, make)) ; }