/* -*- c++ -*- */
 * Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 * This file is part of GNU Radio
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later


#include "clock_tracking_loop.h"
#include "interpolating_resampler.h"
#include "timing_error_detector.h"
#include <gnuradio/digital/symbol_sync_ff.h>

namespace gr {
namespace digital {

class symbol_sync_ff_impl : public symbol_sync_ff
    symbol_sync_ff_impl(enum ted_type detector_type,
                        float sps,
                        float loop_bw,
                        float damping_factor,
                        float ted_gain,
                        float max_deviation,
                        int osps,
                        constellation_sptr slicer,
                        ir_type interp_type,
                        int n_filters,
                        const std::vector<float>& taps);

    void forecast(int noutput_items, gr_vector_int& ninput_items_required);
    int general_work(int noutput_items,
                     gr_vector_int& ninput_items,
                     gr_vector_const_void_star& input_items,
                     gr_vector_void_star& output_items);

    // Symbol Clock Tracking and Estimation
    float loop_bandwidth() const { return d_clock.get_loop_bandwidth(); }
    float damping_factor() const { return d_clock.get_damping_factor(); }
    float ted_gain() const { return d_clock.get_ted_gain(); }
    float alpha() const { return d_clock.get_alpha(); }
    float beta() const { return d_clock.get_beta(); }

    void set_loop_bandwidth(float omega_n_norm)
    void set_damping_factor(float zeta) { d_clock.set_damping_factor(zeta); }
    void set_ted_gain(float ted_gain) { d_clock.set_ted_gain(ted_gain); }
    void set_alpha(float alpha) { d_clock.set_alpha(alpha); }
    void set_beta(float beta) { d_clock.set_beta(beta); }

    // Timing Error Detector
    std::unique_ptr<timing_error_detector> d_ted;

    // Symbol Clock Tracking and Estimation
    clock_tracking_loop d_clock;

    // Interpolator and Interpolator Positioning and Alignment
    std::unique_ptr<interpolating_resampler_fff> d_interp;

    // Block Internal Clocks
    // 4 clocks that run synchronously, aligned to the Symbol Clock:
    //     Interpolator Clock (always highest rate)
    //     Timing Error Detector Input Clock
    //     Output Sample Clock
    //     Symbol Clock (always lowest rate)
    int d_interp_clock;
    float d_inst_interp_period;

    float d_interps_per_ted_input;
    int d_interps_per_ted_input_n;
    bool d_ted_input_clock;

    int d_interps_per_output_sample_n;
    bool d_output_sample_clock;
    float d_inst_output_period;

    float d_interps_per_symbol;
    int d_interps_per_symbol_n;
    bool d_symbol_clock;
    float d_inst_clock_period;
    float d_avg_clock_period;

    // Block output
    const float d_osps;
    const int d_osps_n;

    // Tag Propagation and Symbol Clock Tracking Reset/Resync
    uint64_t d_filter_delay; // interpolator filter delay
    std::vector<tag_t> d_tags;
    std::vector<tag_t> d_new_tags;
    const pmt::pmt_t d_time_est_key;
    const pmt::pmt_t d_clock_est_key;

    // Optional Diagnostic Outputs
    int d_noutputs;
    float* d_out_error;
    float* d_out_instantaneous_clock_period;
    float* d_out_average_clock_period;

    // Block Internal Clocks
    void update_internal_clock_outputs();
    void advance_internal_clocks();
    void revert_internal_clocks();
    void sync_reset_internal_clocks();
    bool ted_input_clock() { return d_ted_input_clock; }
    bool output_sample_clock() { return d_output_sample_clock; }
    bool symbol_clock() { return d_symbol_clock; }

    // Tag Propagation and Clock Tracking Reset/Resync
    void collect_tags(uint64_t nitems_rd, int count);
    bool find_sync_tag(uint64_t nitems_rd,
                       int iidx,
                       int distance,
                       uint64_t& tag_offset,
                       float& timing_offset,
                       float& clock_period);
    void propagate_tags(uint64_t nitems_rd,
                        int iidx,
                        float iidx_fraction,
                        float inst_output_period,
                        uint64_t nitems_wr,
                        int oidx);
    void save_expiring_tags(uint64_t nitems_rd, int consumed);

    // Optional Diagnostic Outputs
    void setup_optional_outputs(gr_vector_void_star& output_items);
    void emit_optional_output(int oidx,
                              float error,
                              float inst_clock_period,
                              float avg_clock_period);

} /* namespace digital */
} /* namespace gr */