/* -*- c++ -*- */
 * Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 * This file is part of GNU Radio
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later


#include <gnuradio/digital/interpolating_resampler_type.h>
#include <gnuradio/filter/mmse_fir_interpolator_cc.h>
#include <gnuradio/filter/mmse_fir_interpolator_ff.h>
#include <gnuradio/filter/mmse_interp_differentiator_cc.h>
#include <gnuradio/filter/mmse_interp_differentiator_ff.h>
#include <gnuradio/gr_complex.h>
#include <vector>

namespace gr {
namespace digital {

 * \brief Base class for the composite interpolating resampler objects
 * used by the symbol_synchronizer_xx blocks.
 * \ingroup internal
 * \details
 * This is the base class for the composite interpolating resampler
 * objects used by the symbol_synchronizer_xx blocks to provide a
 * user selectable interpolating resampler type.
 * This base class provides the enumeration type for the available
 * types of interpolating resamplers.
 * This base class also provides methods to to update, manage, and
 * store the sample phase state of the interpolating resampler.
 * The sample phase increments and phase state are assumed to be in
 * units of samples, and a complete sample phase cycle is one sample.
class interpolating_resampler
    virtual ~interpolating_resampler() {}

     * \brief Return the number of taps used in any single FIR filtering
     * operation
    virtual unsigned int ntaps() const = 0;

     * \brief Return the current unwrapped interpolator samples phase in
     * units of samples
    virtual float phase() { return d_phase; }

     * \brief Return the integral part of the current unwrapped
     * interpolator sample phase in units of (whole) samples
    virtual int phase_n() { return d_phase_n; }

     * \brief Returns the fractional part of the current wrapped
     * interpolator sample phase in units of samples from [0.0, 1.0).
    virtual float phase_wrapped() { return d_phase_wrapped; }

     * \brief Return the fractional part of the previous wrapped
     * interpolator sample phase in units of samples from [0.0, 1.0).
    virtual float prev_phase_wrapped() { return d_prev_phase_wrapped; }

     * \brief Compute the next interpolator sample phase.
     * \param increment The sample phase increment to the next interpolation
     *                  point, in units of samples.
     * \param phase     The new interpolator sample phase, in units of
     *                  samples.
     * \param phase_n   The integral part of the new interpolator sample
     *                  phase, in units of samples.
     * \param phase_wrapped The new wrapped interpolator sample phase,
     *                      in units of samples.
    virtual void
    next_phase(float increment, float& phase, int& phase_n, float& phase_wrapped);

     * \brief Advance the phase state to the next interpolator sample phase.
     * \param increment The sample phase increment to the next interpolation
     *                  point, in units of samples.
    virtual void advance_phase(float increment);

     * \brief Revert the phase state to the previous interpolator sample
     * phase.
    virtual void revert_phase();

     * \brief Reset the phase state to the specified interpolator sample
     * phase.
     * \param phase The interpolator sample phase to which to reset,
     *              in units of samples.
    virtual void sync_reset(float phase);

    enum ir_type d_type;

    interpolating_resampler(enum ir_type type, bool derivative = false);

    bool d_derivative;

    float d_phase;
    float d_phase_wrapped;
    int d_phase_n;
    float d_prev_phase;
    float d_prev_phase_wrapped;
    int d_prev_phase_n;


 * \brief A complex input, complex output, composite interpolating resampler
 * object used by the symbol_synchronizer_cc block.
 * \ingroup internal
 * \details
 * This is the complex input, complex output composite interpolating
 * resampler object used by the symbol_synchronizer_cc block to provide a
 * user selectable interpolating resampler type.
 * This class abstracts away the underlying interpolating resampler
 * type implementation, so the the symbol_synchronizer_cc block need not
 * be bothered with the underlying implementation after the object is
 * instantiated.
class interpolating_resampler_ccf : public interpolating_resampler
     * \brief Create a complex input, complex output interpolating
     * resampler object.
     * \param type The underlying type implementation of the interpolating
     *             resampler.
     * \param derivative True if an interpolating differentitator is
     *                   requested to be initialized to obtain interpolated
     *                   derivative samples as well.
     * \param nfilts The number of polyphase filter bank arms.  Only needed
     *               for some types.
     * \param taps   Prototype filter for the polyphase filter bank. Only
     *               needed for some types.
    static interpolating_resampler_ccf*
    make(enum ir_type type,
         bool derivative = false,
         int nfilts = 32,
         const std::vector<float>& taps = std::vector<float>());

    virtual ~interpolating_resampler_ccf(){};

     * \brief Return an interpolated sample.
     * \param input Array of input samples of length ntaps().
     * \param mu Intersample phase in the range [0.0, 1.0] samples.
    virtual gr_complex interpolate(const gr_complex input[], float mu) const = 0;

     * \brief Return an interpolated derivative sample.
     * \param input Array of input samples of length ntaps().
     * \param mu Intersample phase in the range [0.0, 1.0] samples.
    virtual gr_complex differentiate(const gr_complex input[], float mu) const = 0;

    interpolating_resampler_ccf(enum ir_type type, bool derivative = false)
        : interpolating_resampler(type, derivative)


 * \brief A float input, float output, composite interpolating resampler
 * object used by the symbol_synchronizer_ff block.
 * \ingroup internal
 * \details
 * This is the float input, float output composite interpolating
 * resampler object used by the symbol_synchronizer_ff block to provide a
 * user selectable interpolating resampler type.
 * This class abstracts away the underlying interpolating resampler
 * type implementation, so the the symbol_synchronizer_ff block need not
 * be bothered with the underlying implementation after the object is
 * instantiated.
class interpolating_resampler_fff : public interpolating_resampler
     * \brief Create a float input, float output interpolating
     * resampler object.
     * \param type The underlying type implementation of the interpolating
     *             resampler.
     * \param derivative True if an interpolating differentitator is
     *                   requested to be initialized to obtain interpolated
     *                   derivative samples as well.
     * \param nfilts The number of polyphase filter bank arms.  Only needed
     *               for some types.
     * \param taps   Prototype filter for the polyphase filter bank. Only
     *               needed for some types.
    static interpolating_resampler_fff*
    make(enum ir_type type,
         bool derivative = false,
         int nfilts = 32,
         const std::vector<float>& taps = std::vector<float>());

    virtual ~interpolating_resampler_fff(){};

     * \brief Return an interpolated sample.
     * \param input Array of input samples of length ntaps().
     * \param mu Intersample phase in the range [0.0, 1.0] samples.
    virtual float interpolate(const float input[], float mu) const = 0;

     * \brief Return an interpolated derivative sample.
     * \param input Array of input samples of length ntaps().
     * \param mu Intersample phase in the range [0.0, 1.0] samples.
    virtual float differentiate(const float input[], float mu) const = 0;

    interpolating_resampler_fff(enum ir_type type, bool derivative = false)
        : interpolating_resampler(type, derivative)


 * \brief A complex input, complex output, interpolating resampler
 * object using the MMSE interpolator filter bank.
 * \ingroup internal
 * \details
 * This is the complex input, complex output, interpolating resampler
 * object using the MMSE interpolator filter bank as its underlying
 * polyphase filterbank interpolator.
class interp_resampler_mmse_8tap_cc : public interpolating_resampler_ccf
     * \brief Create a complex input, complex output, polyphase filter bank
     * using the MMSE filter bank, interpolating resampler object.
     * \param derivative True if an interpolating differentitator is
     *                   requested to be initialized to obtain interpolated
     *                   derivative samples as well.
    interp_resampler_mmse_8tap_cc(bool derivative = false);

     * \brief Return the number of taps used in any single FIR filtering
     * operation
    unsigned int ntaps() const;

     * \brief Return an interpolated sample.
     * \param input Array of input samples of length ntaps().
     * \param mu Intersample phase in the range [0.0, 1.0] samples.
    gr_complex interpolate(const gr_complex input[], float mu) const;

     * \brief Return an interpolated derivative sample.
     * \param input Array of input samples of length ntaps().
     * \param mu Intersample phase in the range [0.0, 1.0] samples.
    gr_complex differentiate(const gr_complex input[], float mu) const;

    filter::mmse_fir_interpolator_cc* d_interp;
    filter::mmse_interp_differentiator_cc* d_interp_diff;

 * \brief A float input, float output, interpolating resampler
 * object using the MMSE interpolator filter bank.
 * \ingroup internal
 * \details
 * This is the float input, float output, interpolating resampler
 * object using the MMSE interpolator filter bank as its underlying
 * polyphase filterbank interpolator.
class interp_resampler_mmse_8tap_ff : public interpolating_resampler_fff
     * \brief Create a float input, float output, polyphase filter bank
     * using the MMSE filter bank, interpolating resampler object.
     * \param derivative True if an interpolating differentitator is
     *                   requested to be initialized to obtain interpolated
     *                   derivative samples as well.
    interp_resampler_mmse_8tap_ff(bool derivative = false);

     * \brief Return the number of taps used in any single FIR filtering
     * operation
    unsigned int ntaps() const;

     * \brief Return an interpolated sample.
     * \param input Array of input samples of length ntaps().
     * \param mu Intersample phase in the range [0.0, 1.0] samples.
    float interpolate(const float input[], float mu) const;

     * \brief Return an interpolated derivative sample.
     * \param input Array of input samples of length ntaps().
     * \param mu Intersample phase in the range [0.0, 1.0] samples.
    float differentiate(const float input[], float mu) const;

    filter::mmse_fir_interpolator_ff* d_interp;
    filter::mmse_interp_differentiator_ff* d_interp_diff;


 * \brief A complex input, complex output, interpolating resampler
 * object with a polyphase filter bank which uses the MMSE interpolator
 * filter arms.
 * \ingroup internal
 * \details
 * This is the complex input, complex output, interpolating resampler
 * object with a polyphase filter bank which uses the MMSE interpolator
 * filter arms.  This class has the "advantage" that the number of arms
 * used can be reduced from 128 (default) to 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, or 2.
class interp_resampler_pfb_no_mf_cc : public interpolating_resampler_ccf
     * \brief Create a complex input, complex output, polyphase filter bank
     * using the MMSE filter bank, interpolating resampler object.
     * \param nfilts The number of polyphase filter bank arms.  Must be in
     *               {2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 (default)}
     * \param derivative True if an interpolating differentitator is
     *                   requested to be initialized to obtain interpolated
     *                   derivative samples as well.
    interp_resampler_pfb_no_mf_cc(bool derivative = false, int nfilts = 128);

     * \brief Return the number of taps used in any single FIR filtering
     * operation
    unsigned int ntaps() const;

     * \brief Return an interpolated sample.
     * \param input Array of input samples of length ntaps().
     * \param mu Intersample phase in the range [0.0, 1.0] samples.
    gr_complex interpolate(const gr_complex input[], float mu) const;

     * \brief Return an interpolated derivative sample.
     * \param input Array of input samples of length ntaps().
     * \param mu Intersample phase in the range [0.0, 1.0] samples.
    gr_complex differentiate(const gr_complex input[], float mu) const;

    int d_nfilters;
    std::vector<filter::kernel::fir_filter_ccf*> d_filters;
    std::vector<filter::kernel::fir_filter_ccf*> d_diff_filters;

 * \brief A float input, float output, interpolating resampler
 * object with a polyphase filter bank which uses the MMSE interpolator
 * filter arms.
 * \ingroup internal
 * \details
 * This is the float input, float output, interpolating resampler
 * object with a polyphase filter bank which uses the MMSE interpolator
 * filter arms.  This class has the "advantage" that the number of arms
 * used can be reduced from 128 (default) to 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, or 2.
class interp_resampler_pfb_no_mf_ff : public interpolating_resampler_fff
     * \brief Create a float input, float output, polyphase filter bank
     * using the MMSE filter bank, interpolating resampler object.
     * \param nfilts The number of polyphase filter bank arms.  Must be in
     *               {2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 (default)}
     * \param derivative True if an interpolating differentitator is
     *                   requested to be initialized to obtain interpolated
     *                   derivative samples as well.
    interp_resampler_pfb_no_mf_ff(bool derivative = false, int nfilts = 128);

     * \brief Return the number of taps used in any single FIR filtering
     * operation
    unsigned int ntaps() const;

     * \brief Return an interpolated sample.
     * \param input Array of input samples of length ntaps().
     * \param mu Intersample phase in the range [0.0, 1.0] samples.
    float interpolate(const float input[], float mu) const;

     * \brief Return an interpolated derivative sample.
     * \param input Array of input samples of length ntaps().
     * \param mu Intersample phase in the range [0.0, 1.0] samples.
    float differentiate(const float input[], float mu) const;

    int d_nfilters;
    std::vector<filter::kernel::fir_filter_fff*> d_filters;
    std::vector<filter::kernel::fir_filter_fff*> d_diff_filters;


 * \brief A complex input, complex output, interpolating resampler
 * object with a polyphase filter bank with a user provided prototype
 * matched filter.
 * \ingroup internal
 * \details
 * This is the complex input, complex output, interpolating resampler
 * object with a polyphase filter bank with a user provided prototype
 * matched filter.  The prototype matched filter must be designed at a
 * rate of nfilts times the output rate.
class interp_resampler_pfb_mf_ccf : public interpolating_resampler_ccf
     * \brief Create a complex input, complex output, polyphase filter bank,
     * with matched filter, interpolating resampler object.
     * \param taps   Prototype filter for the polyphase filter bank.
     * \param nfilts The number of polyphase filter bank arms.
     * \param derivative True if an interpolating differentitator is
     *                   requested to be initialized to obtain interpolated
     *                   derivative samples as well.
    interp_resampler_pfb_mf_ccf(const std::vector<float>& taps,
                                int nfilts = 32,
                                bool derivative = false);

     * \brief Return the number of taps used in any single FIR filtering
     * operation
    unsigned int ntaps() const;

     * \brief Return an interpolated sample.
     * \param input Array of input samples of length ntaps().
     * \param mu Intersample phase in the range [0.0, 1.0] samples.
    gr_complex interpolate(const gr_complex input[], float mu) const;

     * \brief Return an interpolated derivative sample.
     * \param input Array of input samples of length ntaps().
     * \param mu Intersample phase in the range [0.0, 1.0] samples.
    gr_complex differentiate(const gr_complex input[], float mu) const;

    int d_nfilters;
    const unsigned int d_taps_per_filter;
    std::vector<filter::kernel::fir_filter_ccf*> d_filters;
    std::vector<filter::kernel::fir_filter_ccf*> d_diff_filters;

    std::vector<std::vector<float>> d_taps;
    std::vector<std::vector<float>> d_diff_taps;

 * \brief A float input, float output, interpolating resampler
 * object with a polyphase filter bank with a user provided prototype
 * matched filter.
 * \ingroup internal
 * \details
 * This is the float input, float output, interpolating resampler
 * object with a polyphase filter bank with a user provided prototype
 * matched filter.  The prototype matched filter must be designed at a
 * rate of nfilts times the output rate.
class interp_resampler_pfb_mf_fff : public interpolating_resampler_fff
     * \brief Create a float input, float output, polyphase filter bank,
     * with matched filter, interpolating resampler object.
     * \param taps   Prototype filter for the polyphase filter bank.
     * \param nfilts The number of polyphase filter bank arms.
     * \param derivative True if an interpolating differentitator is
     *                   requested to be initialized to obtain interpolated
     *                   derivative samples as well.
    interp_resampler_pfb_mf_fff(const std::vector<float>& taps,
                                int nfilts = 32,
                                bool derivative = false);

     * \brief Return the number of taps used in any single FIR filtering
     * operation
    unsigned int ntaps() const;

     * \brief Return an interpolated sample.
     * \param input Array of input samples of length ntaps().
     * \param mu Intersample phase in the range [0.0, 1.0] samples.
    float interpolate(const float input[], float mu) const;

     * \brief Return an interpolated derivative sample.
     * \param input Array of input samples of length ntaps().
     * \param mu Intersample phase in the range [0.0, 1.0] samples.
    float differentiate(const float input[], float mu) const;

    int d_nfilters;
    const unsigned int d_taps_per_filter;
    std::vector<filter::kernel::fir_filter_fff*> d_filters;
    std::vector<filter::kernel::fir_filter_fff*> d_diff_filters;

    std::vector<std::vector<float>> d_taps;
    std::vector<std::vector<float>> d_diff_taps;

} /* namespace digital */
} /* namespace gr */