/* -*- c++ -*- */ /* * Copyright 2021 Cesar Martinez. * * This file is part of GNU Radio * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "crc16_async_bb_impl.h" #include <gnuradio/io_signature.h> #include <volk/volk.h> namespace gr { namespace digital { crc16_async_bb::sptr crc16_async_bb::make(bool check) { return gnuradio::make_block_sptr<crc16_async_bb_impl>(check); } crc16_async_bb_impl::crc16_async_bb_impl(bool check) : block("crc16_async_bb", io_signature::make(0, 0, 0), io_signature::make(0, 0, 0)), d_npass(0), d_nfail(0) { d_in_port = pmt::mp("in"); d_out_port = pmt::mp("out"); message_port_register_in(d_in_port); message_port_register_out(d_out_port); if (check) set_msg_handler(d_in_port, [this](pmt::pmt_t msg) { this->check(msg); }); else set_msg_handler(d_in_port, [this](pmt::pmt_t msg) { this->calc(msg); }); } crc16_async_bb_impl::~crc16_async_bb_impl() {} void crc16_async_bb_impl::calc(pmt::pmt_t msg) { // extract input pdu pmt::pmt_t meta(pmt::car(msg)); pmt::pmt_t bytes(pmt::cdr(msg)); unsigned int crc; size_t pkt_len(0); const uint8_t* bytes_in = pmt::u8vector_elements(bytes, pkt_len); std::vector<uint8_t> bytes_out(2 + pkt_len); crc = process_crc(bytes_in, pkt_len); memcpy((void*)bytes_out.data(), (const void*)bytes_in, pkt_len); memcpy((void*)(bytes_out.data() + pkt_len), &crc, 2); pmt::pmt_t output = pmt::init_u8vector( pkt_len + 2, bytes_out.data()); // this copies the values from bytes_out into the u8vector pmt::pmt_t msg_pair = pmt::cons(meta, output); message_port_pub(d_out_port, msg_pair); } unsigned int crc16_async_bb_impl::process_crc(const uint8_t* bytes_in, size_t n_bytes_prcss) { unsigned int result; d_crc_ccitt_impl.reset(); d_crc_ccitt_impl.process_bytes(bytes_in, n_bytes_prcss); result = d_crc_ccitt_impl(); return result; } void crc16_async_bb_impl::check(pmt::pmt_t msg) { // extract input pdu pmt::pmt_t meta(pmt::car(msg)); pmt::pmt_t bytes(pmt::cdr(msg)); unsigned int crc; size_t pkt_len(0); const uint8_t* bytes_in = pmt::u8vector_elements(bytes, pkt_len); crc = process_crc(bytes_in, pkt_len - 2); if (crc != *(unsigned int*)(bytes_in + pkt_len - 2)) { // Drop package d_nfail++; return; } d_npass++; pmt::pmt_t output = pmt::init_u8vector(pkt_len - 2, bytes_in); pmt::pmt_t msg_pair = pmt::cons(meta, output); message_port_pub(d_out_port, msg_pair); } int crc16_async_bb_impl::general_work(int noutput_items, gr_vector_int& ninput_items, gr_vector_const_void_star& input_items, gr_vector_void_star& output_items) { return noutput_items; } } /* namespace digital */ } /* namespace gr */