options: parameters: author: Tom Rondeau catch_exceptions: 'True' category: Custom cmake_opt: '' comment: '' copyright: '' description: Explore Soft Decoding of constellations. Selec the constellation from the available objects. gen_cmake: 'On' gen_linking: dynamic generate_options: qt_gui hier_block_src_path: '.:' id: constellation_soft_decoder max_nouts: '0' output_language: python placement: (0,0) qt_qss_theme: '' realtime_scheduling: '' run: 'True' run_command: '{python} -u {filename}' run_options: prompt sizing_mode: fixed thread_safe_setters: '' title: Soft Decoder Example window_size: 2000, 2000 states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [8, 12.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled blocks: - name: arity id: variable parameters: comment: '' value: '4' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [173, 11] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: constel id: variable_constellation parameters: comment: '' const_points: digital.psk_4()[0] dims: '1' precision: '8' rot_sym: '4' soft_dec_lut: '''auto''' sym_map: digital.psk_4()[1] type: calcdist states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [208, 540.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: constel id: variable_constellation parameters: comment: '' const_points: digital.psk_2()[0] dims: '1' precision: '8' rot_sym: '4' soft_dec_lut: '''auto''' sym_map: digital.psk_2()[1] type: calcdist states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [384, 540.0] rotation: 0 state: disabled - name: constel id: variable_constellation parameters: comment: '' const_points: digital.psk_2()[0] dims: '1' precision: '8' rot_sym: '4' soft_dec_lut: digital.soft_dec_table_generator(digital.sd_psk_2, 8, 1) sym_map: digital.psk_2()[1] type: calcdist states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [1040, 540.0] rotation: 0 state: disabled - name: constel id: variable_constellation parameters: comment: '' const_points: digital.psk_4()[0] dims: '1' precision: '8' rot_sym: '4' soft_dec_lut: digital.soft_dec_table_generator(digital.sd_psk_4, 8, 1) sym_map: digital.psk_4()[1] type: calcdist states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [864, 540.0] rotation: 0 state: disabled - name: constel id: variable_constellation parameters: comment: '' const_points: digital.qam_16()[0] dims: '1' precision: '8' rot_sym: '4' soft_dec_lut: digital.soft_dec_table_generator(digital.sd_qam_16, 8, 1) sym_map: digital.qam_16()[1] type: calcdist states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [688, 540.0] rotation: 0 state: disabled - name: constel id: variable_constellation parameters: comment: '' const_points: digital.qam_16()[0] dims: '1' precision: '8' rot_sym: '4' soft_dec_lut: '''auto''' sym_map: digital.qam_16()[1] type: calcdist states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [32, 540.0] rotation: 0 state: disabled - name: delay id: variable_qtgui_chooser parameters: comment: '' gui_hint: 0,1,1,1 label: Delay label0: BPSK label1: QPSK label2: QAM16 label3: '' label4: '' labels: '[]' num_opts: '3' option0: '29' option1: '58' option2: '116' option3: '3' option4: '4' options: '[0, 1, 2]' orient: Qt.QVBoxLayout type: int value: '29' widget: combo_box states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [1464, 260.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: nfilts id: variable parameters: comment: '' value: '32' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [840, 268.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: noise_volt id: variable_qtgui_range parameters: comment: '' gui_hint: 0,0,1,1 label: 'Channel: Noise Voltage' min_len: '200' orient: Qt.Horizontal rangeType: float start: '0' step: '0.01' stop: '1' value: '0.0001' widget: slider states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [32, 348.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: rrc_taps id: variable parameters: comment: '' value: firdes.root_raised_cosine(nfilts, nfilts, 1.0/float(sps), 0.35, 11*sps*nfilts) states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [680, 268.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: samp_rate id: variable parameters: comment: '' value: '100000' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [312, 11] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: sps id: variable parameters: comment: '' value: '4' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [239, 11] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: analog_random_source_x_0 id: analog_random_source_x parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' max: '256' maxoutbuf: '0' min: '0' minoutbuf: '0' num_samps: '200' repeat: 'True' type: byte states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [80, 244.0] rotation: 180 state: enabled - name: blocks_char_to_float_0 id: blocks_char_to_float parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' scale: '1' vlen: '1' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [1272, 180.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: blocks_char_to_float_0_0 id: blocks_char_to_float parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' scale: '1' vlen: '1' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [1272, 124.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: blocks_char_to_float_0_0_0 id: blocks_char_to_float parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' scale: '1' vlen: '1' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [1280, 340.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: blocks_delay_0 id: blocks_delay parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' delay: int(delay) maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' num_ports: '1' type: byte vlen: '1' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [784, 340.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: blocks_throttle_0 id: blocks_throttle parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' ignoretag: 'True' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' samples_per_second: samp_rate type: byte vlen: '1' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [80, 172.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: blocks_unpack_k_bits_bb_0 id: blocks_unpack_k_bits_bb parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' k: constel.bits_per_symbol() maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [1136, 180.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: blocks_unpack_k_bits_bb_0_0 id: blocks_unpack_k_bits_bb parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' k: '8' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [312, 340.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: channels_channel_model_0 id: channels_channel_model parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' block_tags: 'False' comment: '' epsilon: '1.0' freq_offset: '0.0' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' noise_voltage: noise_volt seed: '0' taps: '1.0' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [472, 132.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: digital_binary_slicer_fb_0 id: digital_binary_slicer_fb parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [1144, 128.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: digital_constellation_decoder_cb_0 id: digital_constellation_decoder_cb parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' constellation: constel maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [1120, 284.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: digital_constellation_modulator_0 id: digital_constellation_modulator parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' constellation: constel differential: 'False' excess_bw: '0.35' log: 'False' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' samples_per_symbol: sps verbose: 'False' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [256, 148.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: digital_constellation_soft_decoder_cf_0 id: digital_constellation_soft_decoder_cf parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' constellation: constel maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [928, 124.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: digital_map_bb_0_0 id: digital_map_bb parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' map: constel.pre_diff_code() maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [1136, 236.0] rotation: 180 state: enabled - name: digital_pfb_clock_sync_xxx_0 id: digital_pfb_clock_sync_xxx parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' filter_size: nfilts init_phase: nfilts/2 loop_bw: 6.28/100.0 max_dev: '1.5' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' osps: '1' sps: sps taps: rrc_taps type: ccf states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [672, 124.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: import_cmath id: import parameters: alias: '' comment: '' imports: import cmath states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [488, 11] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: import_math id: import parameters: alias: '' comment: '' imports: import math states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [400, 11] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: note_auto id: note parameters: alias: '' comment: '' note: auto-build LUT states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [32, 492.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: note_py id: note parameters: alias: '' comment: '' note: Python-generated LUT states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [688, 492.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: qtgui_const_sink_x_1 id: qtgui_const_sink_x parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' alpha1: '1.0' alpha10: '1.0' alpha2: '1.0' alpha3: '1.0' alpha4: '1.0' alpha5: '1.0' alpha6: '1.0' alpha7: '1.0' alpha8: '1.0' alpha9: '1.0' autoscale: 'False' axislabels: 'True' color1: '"blue"' color10: '"red"' color2: '"red"' color3: '"red"' color4: '"red"' color5: '"red"' color6: '"red"' color7: '"red"' color8: '"red"' color9: '"red"' comment: '' grid: 'False' gui_hint: 1,0,1,1 label1: '' label10: '' label2: '' label3: '' label4: '' label5: '' label6: '' label7: '' label8: '' label9: '' legend: 'True' marker1: '0' marker10: '0' marker2: '0' marker3: '0' marker4: '0' marker5: '0' marker6: '0' marker7: '0' marker8: '0' marker9: '0' name: '' nconnections: '1' size: '1024' style1: '0' style10: '0' style2: '0' style3: '0' style4: '0' style5: '0' style6: '0' style7: '0' style8: '0' style9: '0' tr_chan: '0' tr_level: '0.0' tr_mode: qtgui.TRIG_MODE_FREE tr_slope: qtgui.TRIG_SLOPE_POS tr_tag: '""' type: complex update_time: '0.10' width1: '1' width10: '1' width2: '1' width3: '1' width4: '1' width5: '1' width6: '1' width7: '1' width8: '1' width9: '1' xmax: '2' xmin: '-2' ymax: '2' ymin: '-2' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [928, 52.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: qtgui_time_sink_x_0 id: qtgui_time_sink_x parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' alpha1: '1.0' alpha10: '1.0' alpha2: '1.0' alpha3: '1.0' alpha4: '1.0' alpha5: '1.0' alpha6: '1.0' alpha7: '1.0' alpha8: '1.0' alpha9: '1.0' autoscale: 'False' axislabels: 'True' color1: blue color10: dark blue color2: red color3: green color4: black color5: cyan color6: magenta color7: yellow color8: dark red color9: dark green comment: '' ctrlpanel: 'False' entags: 'True' grid: 'False' gui_hint: 1,1,1,1 label1: Soft label10: '' label2: Hard label3: Orig label4: '' label5: '' label6: '' label7: '' label8: '' label9: '' legend: 'True' marker1: '-1' marker10: '-1' marker2: '-1' marker3: '-1' marker4: '-1' marker5: '-1' marker6: '-1' marker7: '-1' marker8: '-1' marker9: '-1' name: '' nconnections: '3' size: '500' srate: samp_rate stemplot: 'False' style1: '1' style10: '1' style2: '1' style3: '1' style4: '1' style5: '1' style6: '1' style7: '1' style8: '1' style9: '1' tr_chan: '0' tr_delay: '0' tr_level: '0.0' tr_mode: qtgui.TRIG_MODE_FREE tr_slope: qtgui.TRIG_SLOPE_POS tr_tag: '""' type: float update_time: '0.05' width1: '1' width10: '1' width2: '1' width3: '1' width4: '1' width5: '1' width6: '1' width7: '1' width8: '1' width9: '1' ylabel: Amplitude ymax: '2' ymin: '-1' yunit: '""' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [1464, 128.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled connections: - [analog_random_source_x_0, '0', blocks_throttle_0, '0'] - [blocks_char_to_float_0, '0', qtgui_time_sink_x_0, '1'] - [blocks_char_to_float_0_0, '0', qtgui_time_sink_x_0, '0'] - [blocks_char_to_float_0_0_0, '0', qtgui_time_sink_x_0, '2'] - [blocks_delay_0, '0', blocks_char_to_float_0_0_0, '0'] - [blocks_throttle_0, '0', blocks_unpack_k_bits_bb_0_0, '0'] - [blocks_throttle_0, '0', digital_constellation_modulator_0, '0'] - [blocks_unpack_k_bits_bb_0, '0', blocks_char_to_float_0, '0'] - [blocks_unpack_k_bits_bb_0_0, '0', blocks_delay_0, '0'] - [channels_channel_model_0, '0', digital_pfb_clock_sync_xxx_0, '0'] - [digital_binary_slicer_fb_0, '0', blocks_char_to_float_0_0, '0'] - [digital_constellation_decoder_cb_0, '0', digital_map_bb_0_0, '0'] - [digital_constellation_modulator_0, '0', channels_channel_model_0, '0'] - [digital_constellation_soft_decoder_cf_0, '0', digital_binary_slicer_fb_0, '0'] - [digital_map_bb_0_0, '0', blocks_unpack_k_bits_bb_0, '0'] - [digital_pfb_clock_sync_xxx_0, '0', digital_constellation_decoder_cb_0, '0'] - [digital_pfb_clock_sync_xxx_0, '0', digital_constellation_soft_decoder_cf_0, '0'] - [digital_pfb_clock_sync_xxx_0, '0', qtgui_const_sink_x_1, '0'] metadata: file_format: 1